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#​VPD​ ​#​UNIASSIST​ ​#​Vorprüfungsdokumentation

Hey peeps, hope u all r doing well n productive. Many of us r preparing fr admissions in Germany fr MS or some
other courses,many deadlines are around n some of us r preparing for winter intake 2018. I hv been through the
process of applying in universities Uni-assist , n I know process is somewhat confusing for many of us, even for me I
was lyk struggling a week to sort out this process in initial stages. So m gonna write everything what u'll b needing to
apply through uni assist and what all u will b encountering while in process. So let's get started n ofcourse further

queries r welcome. Happy to help ͺ

1) What is uni-assist?
- It's a firm/body which pre-checks all your documents and send it to ur selected universities. A VPD no will b
provided to you with the help of which you can apply to universities whose application is through uni assist.
2) Overview.
- Register on uni-assist.
- Fill initial information(there will b several pages regarding ur personal information).
- Apply for university/s by selecting Univ name n course, if u don't find course jst select "all subjects" n create an
application or applications if u wish to do for more than one universities.
3) Uploading documents.
- Now u need to upload all the documents in the uploading section only once(except SOP, u should write a separate
one for all Univ/courses u apply for) for all the universities. Diff slots r provided fr all the documents.
Upload all the documents u have got... - starting from highschool marksheet, passing certificates, college transcript,
degree certificate, exp. Letters, LOR (college n work place ), special achievement certificate, passport copy, CV,
language certificate, IELTS ,SOP (a separate one fr each course u are applying) ....spare me if I hv left any of the

certificate (a list has been provided in the help section so plz do refer it once before applying).Note- Make a

check list of documents, do name the documents in proper way, convert docs in pdf form (other formats are given
there too) just b known dat u r allowed to upload only 100 mb of files so jst resize docs accordingly.
- Uni-assist fee payment- u need to make a bank transfer to the uni assist's bank account( this takes almost 2
days... The bank will ask you to fill a 4 page form for this, account info, and all bank account codes are given on
website too, m attaching a screenshot too fr ur convenience) do not forget to carry your passport copy, printout of
mail u get after successful application to uni-assist n 1 mote ID proof. ******** Do not forget to provide your applicant
no. In Remark box, I repeat do not forget to mention your applicant no in Remark box. (Very very important- if u dnt
do this , process might take a week more).
-[IMPORTANT] The format to write in the form goes as follows- You have to mention " applicant no., Surname, first
name, dob, sose/wise18 (sose- summer semester, wise-winter semester) as per my name -Agnivesh Arya,
So your format goes as, "1234567, Arya,Agnivesh, DD.MM.YYY, SoSe18." In Remark section.}}
**Sadly Payment through debit card is not possible, so do plan accordingly.
-75 euro for first application and after that 15euro per application prior to first application.
4) Select documents to be uploaded in individual application​ of course (careful while selecting SOP among diff.
SOP's)- Forward application - download PDF of application-print it -sign it- put it in A4 envelope with all other
officially attested/certified documents. Do keep a list of content in packet fr their convenience. Take a printout of
address n addressee(also applicant no.) paste on packet, seal packet n send it to uni-assist through DHL/FedEx
atleast 2-3 months before deadline.
5) Documents attestation - college/school documents can be attested from school itself, other documents can b
easily attested by any of the authorised notary person(He'll take 200-300 INR at Max. fr all ur documents just

bargain if he asks for more ͵ ͵​.

6) Sealed documents​- please get your academic transcripts and LOR frm cllg and workplace in a sealed envelope
with signature n stamp of registrar on both opening sides of envelope and by professor/senior on LOR envelope.(Do
take an extra copy without envelope for scanning or jst scan it before sealing...also take several copies of transcripts
n LOR in case u need to apply some other universities which requires a direct application).
6) Address of uni assist-​ sometimes the courier services do not accept address which is given on website. So just
use " Uni-assist e.V ,Geneststraße 5, 10829 Berlin, Germany" this address (I got some minor problem bby sending it
on the address given on website, DHL was unable to locate that address to they asked me to provide any other

address, which delayed my process for further 2 more days ͵ ͵​).

-An express service from DHL of FedEx will get your documents to Germany within 2-3 days And will cost you
around 1200-1300 INR ( I get it done in 1200/- , so if u r near Delhi -go to Mahipalpur via airport express metro line n
get it done yourself they will at first give u a cost estimation of 2200-2500, just bargain lyk a pro n take em down to

1200 ͵ ͵ ) or if you r not in a hurry register with siksha and get a student package for courier or in normal

courier too it would cost u around 800-900 bucks (the difference is- it just takes 5-6 days to reach there) ( if some1

needs the contact person of FedEx/DHL jst pm me. Delhi only ͵​)
7) Check regularly your registered Mail address for your VPD​-vorprufungsdokumentation (I was lucky, I got

mine within 23 days ͷ ͷ​ ).

Now your process doesn't ends here. You need to go to the University website and apply there for your desired
course mentioning your VPD no. And other asked information/documents.
-VPD is valid for 1 year, so u cn use same VPD for 2 (in some cases 3) different intakes. U just need to send SOP
again for the universities u'll b applying again, there is no need to send all the documents again. Please do no send
any of your original certificates coz therz no reversal procedure to get your certificates back, jst send certified
copies. One last thing to notice is- if you are getting your school/college certificates from school/college itself jst
confirm that, the stamp is of circular or oval shaped with arms (boundary) on its circumference. Please note
rectangular stamps will not b accepted I repeat "rectangular" stamps will not work in any form.
All the best.

Written by:
Agnivesh Arya

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