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This class begins with the basics of hydraulics theory as it applies to waterdistribution modeling,
then takes students through more advanced topicssuch as: working with multiple scenarios and
alternatives; model creation;pump selection; Steady state analysis; extended-period simulation; fire
flowanalysis; identifying critical links or shortfalls within a water system;automating system
calibration, design, model analysis and Specific topicswill include: developing system demands from
geospatial data on land useor population, etc.; importing elevation data from digital elevation
models;Students will become familiar with WaterCAD and use the software toreinforce concepts
with case studies. As WaterCAD and WaterGEMScapabilities are the same throughout this course,
users will gain anunderstanding of both software applications. Live training courses are
veryinteractive. Students will continually engage with the instructor to ensure asuccessful learning
outcome that includes a course assessment.

Skills Taught

After completing this course, the user will be able to:

Apply the basic principles of water distributionmodeling;
Gain essential knowledge for water system design,operation, and troubleshooting;
Apply WaterCAD/WaterGEMS models to solve commonwater distribution system problems;
Develop a deeper understanding of model creation andanalysis using WaterCAD/WaterGEMS;
Increase productivity by using automated approachesto complete common modeling tasks

Course ontents

Basics of Hydraulics
Overview of Water Distribution Design & Modeling
Using Water Distribution Models
Automated Building a Network using Model Builder
Building a Network with Pumps, Tanks, and PRVs
Assigning Values via Using Flex Tables
Extracting elevation data using Trex
Load Builder
Darwin Designer
Pipe inventory and cost
Extended Period Simulation
Alternatives and Scenarios
Building a Water Model
Pump Selection
Reviewing Results

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