Unigor Manual

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KELVIN ELECTRONICS COMPANY is © port of S. Smith & Sons (England) Ld, Kelvin Hovse, Wembley Park Drive, Wembley Middlesex. Tel. No, WEM, 8888 Mode for KELVIN ELECTRONICS COMPANY by: ZEN C.P, GOERZ ELECTRO AKTIENGESELLSGHAFT aye Instruction manual - Unigee 15 - Model 22 62 11 Contents see Ranges . 2 ‘Accurecy 3 Influence of iemparcture, frequency, extarnal Geld ond wave form... 3 ia Overlcad protection z Measuring operations: general remarks » 9 DC current measurements... Ee DC voltage measurements - AC current measurement. ‘AC current and voltage measurements with frequencies upto 10,000 cps. . Measurement of superimposed DC end AC Resistance and capacity meciurement ‘Temperature mecsu Maintenance .. Circuit diogram « The new — Unigor 1s — continues the tradi- tion of the moltirange instrumerts manufactured by ©. P- GOERZ ‘ard i noted for © number of remarkable innevations contemporary syle and practical construction of aperational Semen sill greater reliability by use of Germanium diodes, ena Increased overload protection by use of an additional {use The solid construction and advantages due to special circu features ensore thal the new Unigor ts will meet the highes! demands Unigor 1s 9 measuring irsrement pecially suited for power engineering but also for the oiher fields of eectrical engineering, The vriversal applicebily of the instrument due {othe low power consumption end high accuracy, Internal resistance ‘9393 ohms volt on DC and AC ‘Accuracy 1, fer DC measurements 13s cfor AC measurements Moving Coll System with shock resistant taut suspension movement (no. pivot {tietion) Mirrored Seale 18 mm length with linear graduations for ell current and voltage ranges Overload protection res oy = nie wisn ok 4 Nofieps sporiaor ir the German sleds cal Circuit Foutores es ‘A built-in current transformer enables a measurement of the See! cescen ctr emer: Sipernpored ire corre Re pers sure tor veins simetein Wel planned conduction wit pried cea ples 4 3 Technical data OROCAT | 12 mV | Feconst.2 included in| 4 libration; direct scale O.900°C AT PAV OMY Fe-cont, 0.1200(1600)'C AT 12 mV-a. 6OmV,_NiCr-Ni and PIRh-PT ee af 100... 10K ae | 1.5 V-botery QO Woo. 100k 3000.0 ko— 100. ..190V= tas [oka...10ma| stk Hoy ROY Extension of rang. Toi 7 apa aaa 25 fae) FAR | BOA Wom ort20A~ 12my SES217H eS Bink ve a yo ~ | grretrenderner too: easier O sBSA~ | BOSAtasvaccaeo2 | Ge gcor rma | a sora aaa | BABA ee SYA cents isle pia: USB: | 600/0.3A~ Clip on current transformer 400 ka =| 03a 040 120)0.6 A~ a) Peas Pel GEARS 100 ka 0.06 A 152 meet An . ‘ wun | sean} soa | | | SONG |Matepeewomrdsiy | eatss [Sma 7. Fe-const ‘Thermocouple | GE4891»)| aos mort | Een meemeceeiag | | Guest = a 03 mA Se Accuracy Lins of error a sane sree eile ea Oa share To" sng BEA er ro mere Sesrigs SER Sas a ac 2a 2h 088 1688 Hos mtuens of emperor Gola 2 48 cimaatmom of 1.3, ofl sete Tange emmeernge 8 dg eae tig lsd 4 ac: 15) 6 sr gee frarsbnda! nc -6 Influence of frequency E ‘The frequency errorfor voltage ranges upto 300 voltsand current anges up fo 0.9 amperes & for 2 eps... 5,000 ps: 1.5% max. of fll scale, 5,000 c1p.s.... 10,000 c.ps.: 3% max. of full scale The approximate magnitude of the additional frequency error sithin'a frequency range of 25 cps. to 10,000 cps is shown By the following graph. ies Oat was ‘The moximum frequency error of 3% lt alo valid for voltage anges above 300 volts in the ‘requency range up fo 1-500 cps {1 well es for current ranges above 03 ampers tp to 5.000 ©. ‘The input eapacty of Unigor ts f approximately 60 forall Ae ranges External field influence The influence of an external DC or AC field (S0..p.s) of, 5 Gouss is negligible, Influence of wave form ‘When calibrating Unigor in effective values the form factor (effective value divided by mean valus) of 4.11 fer sr usoldal Waves was raken Info account. & devialion fram the snu~ soidel form may couse an error. In general a peaked wave will cause'c negative, a flal-lopped wave @ positive error. Test voltage 3,000 volts according te IEC and VDE standards. The voltage test ct 5,000 volts assures safe operation of the Instrument at voltoges up to 1,500 vets. During messurements of higher voltages with a separate voltage moliplier the instrument must not be touched Overload protection “The Unigor 1s is protected by several independent means agains! damage due fo faulty use and overloads, Protective cut-out switch A sensitive relay connected in series with the measuring move ‘ment opens a contac! and breaks the measuring circuit when the Instrument is Subjected to an overlocd “The everall breaking period from the moment of overload tothe Inferroption of the measuring cieuil is 0.005 fo, G01 sec. The {lay peraics Goth on BC end AC excllaion, The cetualing Currents about 10 40.20 limes os high os the current of the ‘movement for fll scale defecton. Thos, @ rule, he protection (effective ef @ mecsured value equalling 10 fo 20 times the ‘amount of fhe range selected. ‘The protective cut-out switch prevents furthermore © short inthe 4X postion shoule the. range, seleclor be erroneously turned fromthe 1200, range tothe 6A range during a voltoge mec Siremen': In the portion between the two ranges, merked by ‘an atersik () inthe cireuit diagram, the relay Is directly comec- 22 fo the input In-seres wittr = reabtor fo acWwate Ne cu-ovt Switch before the 6A postion Is reothed, H.RLC. fuse: To proter the hgh curren! ranges, expecially the Citrangers hich tne cut outswich would only become operex tive between 60 and 120/A, o fuse raled of 6A is inserted ino Ihe circut, which also protects the ‘nstroment against a eireet Shor in any curren! range 8 Rectifier protection: A neon lamp with an especially low igni- tion voltage connected in parallel fo tne vecondary of the instru: ment trensformar. limis the damaging voliage peaks to per mmssible values, hus protecting the Germanium diodes. Although the cut-out switch provides the instrument with an ‘cimost perfect overload protection the possiilty of damage to the components has still fo be considered should the instrument be subjetied to very heavy overloads In worst cases of mBuse, ‘The following rules should therefore be observes ‘After the current range hes been selected, the instrument must never be connected to valtage. A prolanged overlocd below the ‘operating valve of the cut-out switch or the H.R.C. fuse rating Should Under all circumstances be avoided because ofthe thermel Sirain on the electrical componens. Furthermore, even momen- {ary connections fo voltages exceeding 1200 V¥ shavld be avelded since the Insirument is not designed for higher voltages (see also page 10), In cases of sudden overload of at leas! 40 times the normal value ‘on DC (the AC-DC switch being erroneously in the "=" postion) the relay is aclvated by the current Impulve cecurring in the Secondary winding of the transtormer. However, the cut-out Switeh is not effective against a direct current building vp slow! Heavy mechanical shocks or the effects of strong external felas fon the relay mey trip the cut-out switch into ily “OFF” position, ‘Sch external fields have, however, no Influence on the reading. During current measurements on the secondery side of powertvi Instrument transformers Il Ie advisable to. keep the protection switch button depressed in its “ON” position to avoid an acel- ental interruption of the transformer secondary circuit. ‘Aller the instrument has been subjected 1o an overload the cul- ‘ut switch should not be reset before the cause for its ecluation has been rectited, ‘The fuse and spare cartridges are accesible after the removel af the bate plate. Rated currant 6A, 5 mm dia., 25 mm long ‘The ranges 30.4 and 12mV-— are not protected, ° Meosuring operations: general remarks To avoid errors place Unigor in approximately horizontel pesi- tion and ot in tho proximity of iron messes, external fields (busbers) oF ether moving coll Instruments Fas —O OD WhalMnecl he Fonment fhe Q°O© Pointer. Afr leaning the seal ‘window the elec: frostaic. “charge Should be neutral- ized. by breathing fon the gles or fouching if or wipe ing it with @ amy doin " D aie, EE switch fo. the de- Sited ‘postion: DC CAC ror or measuring resister ex and capeciton: ces 0 the ‘central position (). Chang 19 from — to. =~ through the Re" position "during Imeotvrement per tmasible, Tre do not inerrupt “the ireut @® eine range seledor to the reavined ronae, Wher mea. suring current or voltage always begin wilh the highest fend switch dostn to the rod! ufable smaller range. Thie oes nol intorrupt the circuit ors @ _ Before connecting Unigor press push button ito the “ON poaition should bs in the "OFF" position ® _Cenraston ete instrument ond operation af the enc ‘according Yo the selalled insirudiors inthe following @© _perrevbe There are abridged insructons onthe bow plate. Please observe range limit. For measuring higher values always Grevseperate voltage mulfplier end shunt oF istrument Iran former or clip-on transformer Earthing conditions end maximum veltages to earth will be ds. Cissed th detail in the Tnsirvctions forthe measuremens. of Soteent and voltage. When measuring DC voltages with non-repetitous or petlodt. superimpoted voltage peaks exceeding 1,200 V porete tere resisior mut be wed, Otherwise feshovers jgit occur which would tmpair the insuleting ually of the {Marna ciclt and" cause Burnouh of enon component Such’ peaks may occur e.g. in an Iron core winding throug wnhieh"a erect Gurvent is Rowing, when the circuit suddenly errupted. Excessively high voltoge peaks may also occur dur- ing mesturements of transducers or Welevision ss, Ar one the range selector i clays fo be at 10 Me highest voltage range. Do not use the range seleclor to Soltek off the clscullas he ponlion Between 1,200 ¥ and BA is not an “OFF postion, but a protective postion (ese page 7) ties DC current measurements direct connection for currents up to 6A Rangeselector: 6 A to 0.3 mA AC-DC switch: — Reeding on: V, Ascole I Attention! 304 range without overload protection! with seperate shunt for currents exceeding 30 For a better utilisation of he shunt 600 4/60 mV model GE 5217 Gee: page 4) the T2mV- and 60 m\V-range can be used. By Switching ta 12 mV in cae of 120A cd taller « new corrant Fange of 120 A is created wnich hes the same accUracy as the rated current range af 600 A. bd eae = es [fO" © Ot |e eee Technical Dota for the separate shunt 600A (120.A)/60 mV (12 mV) see page 4 wi 2 DC voltage measurements = lirect connection for voltages up to 12 mV (114.0) AC-DC switeh easing on. + VA scale OO*O [Attention 142 mV range without overlood protection! direct connection for voltages from 60mV to 1200V (3333 2V) Range selector: 1200 ¥ 10.60 mV AC-DC switeh Reading on V,A scale with separate voltage multiplier up te 6000 V— (20M 1) voltage multiplier 4.8kV (16 Mii), model GE 41 55 Range selector: 1200 V DC switch" Reading on: V, A scale [o"o°e ‘The following safety precautions should be taken when measur~ Ing’ voltages exceeding 1300 ¥' Connect one of the two voltage terminals directly to earth. Where this is impossible other safely precautions must be taken. First conned the instrument and select range, then switer on the voltage. Bo'not toven the invtrument under veltage, ae AC current measurements direet connection for currents up to 6A. ya TOO direct connection up to 30. Range selector: 6A to 0.3 ma ACDC switch: ~ Reeding on: V, Ascale 1] Rangeselcor: 30 A say ACC smc ooo] Receding on: V, A scale | Attention! 304 range without overload protection! | Whenever posible connect Unigor to that conductor which h the lower vollage fs earih. For safety reasons this voltage must never exceed 1,500 volt. ith seperate current transformer up to 600 A Re hednbeks exceeding WA tobe measured with « separate insirument transformer model GE 44 07 (ee. page 4) ‘The secondary winding is to. be connected fo. the iwo Ietmincie: The primary eondetor for the current to be measured should be threaded through the ransformer hole once or several fimes inthe same direction secording to the required range ‘The current transformer ls texted for 0 maximum service voltege {F650 volts When tit volfage is exceeded do nol touch he instru tment or the connection leads to the frandormer. Range selector: According to table AC-DC switeh : '~" Reeding on: V, Ascale The accurecy of the current transformer corresponds to closs 02 ‘or secondary output up te SVA and a nominel current fatlo of 500:5'A. The additional error due to the insertion of this transformer dees not exceed 0.2%, of the full range valve at a frequency of 45 ... 65.9. This applies to all rarges listed in the ‘shorts with clip-on transformer up to 600A. For AC current meassrement without interrupting the circu, the clip-on transformer model GE 44 53 (see page 4) should be Used (Horns ratlo 2,000'1). Connert the two sockets In the handles ‘of the clip-on transformer fo the “=” lerminals of Unigor. CCipron trans former range : 600 A, 120 A, 26 A Range selector: 0.3 A, 0,08 A. 12 mA AC-DC switeh : "~" Reading on: V, Ascale ‘The posible additional error due tothe clip-on transformer will not exceed 3%, of full range, provided the surfaces of the plier core are in contact with each offer practically without an Sirgap, Iti therefore essenticl to keep the surfaces clean, Use the clipon transformer only for service voltages u | easoscite Y cae —16— AC voltage measurements direct connection for voltages up 10 1200¥ Infernal resstance ot 0.6: 50 0; $V: eo: ~ 42V: 1oKa: 20... 1200: 3899 45 - Rangestlecor: {260'V 1006V TO] | sebetwien: Reading on: V.A stale with separate voltage multiplier up to 6 kV (20M0) voltage multiplier 4BkV (16M), model GE At 55 ~F7 _ hange selector: f AC-DC switch, For reasons of safety the follewing should be noted when mea- suring voltages above 1500 volts Connect ens of the two arming wed directly to earth potential. Where this is impossble other safely precautions Rrave to be token. re bie Connect instrument and select the éesited range belore Swiching on the voltage AC current and voltage measurements with frequencies up to 10000 c.p.s. In order to gucrantee an equally high accuracy for frequencies Upto 10000 tsps ihe terminal @ should be earthed or connected {2 that meesuring point which has the leoe! petenial to. earth Ai higher frequencies the init eapacycaute @ reduction of ‘The input capacity is approx. 60 uF. — 16 Measurement of superimposed DC and AC. without blocking off the DC component By mecns of «bulls instrument transformer it is possible to Gherming the AC an DC component by a current or vollage meesurement, The measurement is fo be corried out in exacily he same manner as bes been described in the preceding para- yraphs for curren! and yeltege measurements (poge 11 to 13). $olavold ‘overloading Uniger the selected range. must not be tmaller then the DC or AC component to be measured. Wi {herefore Important to measure Boh, KC and DC component Detore selecting the nex! smaller range. with the DC component blocked off in many measurements in the auelo frequency range of AC voilagewih apermposea OCA desiree f Bick the De component. This fs cchieved by connecting a suiiable con- Seser'n series tothe Insrument.) To avoid destruction of the Condemer, lg working voltage has to excead the superimposed DC voltage. Proceed now wih the AC vellage measurements as previously described. ‘Owing, to the condenser connected series to the infernal resistance of the ifuroment the resding will be infeenced iy the frequency inthe lower frequency renges any Rn uta n s Adana mga err 21 te 5 Resistance measurement with built-in battery Resistance and capacity measurements Before use a standard dry cell of 1.5 volt (approx. 20 dia. x with external! ¥eHOoUigan 37 mn) is te be Inserted to the balfery Camperinent the See baler comportment i oate on the urderigeol he indriment = Adlusiment of Unigor efor igg, and W easily eccesible by unfattening Ine Knurled screw on anges: tit— Oy femoving the base plate, The batery. shouldbe theckes feors ERY, ves 100,40, SHY lime toi and be replaces if # saris fo decompose, belore ht tolls the Behery compartment coun Adjustment of Unigor before measuring Ranges: @, 91, 210 Conc soive devin "a | © erate sete ycipe onsen we be Fae nt quied carrying out the measurement WBecBes RaNeOER OM MGS roy re e + Ranger 2 (0) to 100 0) | a | TOS Seta 100... 240 v~ Rang Sateen come, TARRY, secon ee SOUS are et he Qx1 (10.0 to 10 ka) 10 (100 2 to 100 ka) : chaied oy mipng the eds -9 Temperature measurements with surface temperature probe model GE 48 31 with immersion Temperature probe model GE 48 32 ‘Thess probes pormit « direct measurement in the 12 mY range ef a temperature cifference AT up to 220° C between the iron- conslantan thermocouple on the tip ofthe probe end the termincls '9n Unigor for the connection leads. The probe is calibrated for ohms resistance, ‘The temperature T of the tip of the probe is the sum of the am bien! temperature and the recorded temperature diference T.amtient temperature + aT Peta cent a A formato Ow? aT reed Pet to +42 mV Range selector: 60 mV @=@® | Ac be switchs ——" Reading on: AT scale in degree Centi- grade the temperature to be measured is lower than the temperature cf the connecting points on the instrument ambient temperature). the connections to the instrument are to be reversed (red. 10 &, blue to 12 mV socket). In this case the indicaled temperature ference AT will be negative, led instruction manual is supplied with each probe, — 10 Temperature measurements with thermocouples Iron-consiantan (Fe-Const) «+... upto 900°C Nickelchromium-nickel (NICF-NI) .... upto 1200 C Platinym-rhodium-piatinum (PIRh-Pt) ‘upto 160°C er the 12 mV or 60 mV range to be used according to the fhermercee veloge”expeded: Within the 12m range thermecstctic lege Un iV inched by muting by 04 the reading on the V, A-scale with numbering up to 1 thin the 60 mV range U can be read direclly in mV onthe ate tate From the followin formulae the thermorelectc emt. E cap be hired, faking ita account the retgres R}) n chm ofthe ees oe eae eee tv range a eee oy coun: ly wav EUG: OS. nav Te emperors fore from the a ee ed Foon. 154 | 60s | cos 0057 | On8e Pann [one [acm | em Po 2) Titers cane acanced with satel tere nae of Urn he a Maintenance “The instrument does no! require any special maintenance. I is, however, recommended to replace the battery as soon as Its ‘Yoltage is s0 low that the peinter connet be adjusted to full scale ddellecion by means of the R-kaob, or the indication does not remain constent after the adjusiment. A discharged or decom- poting balery should be removed from the battery compartment ‘The condition of the battery shoulé therefore be checked from time feline. The baerr weeny eecesibie afer removing the base plate. ‘When the instrument is soiled by dust, liquids, et. it should be Cleaned with s dry, soft cloth, if necessary with alcohol or spirit Special care has to be taken to keep the surface between the terminals clean, since s heavy layer of dirt in this ‘area will impair the insulation and may reduce the input Fesistance, especially in the high voltage ranges. The range marked * is inserted between the 1200V and 6 A ranges as protection range. 4s stateé in the chapter on over- food protection, I prevents @ short circuit Io the inslrument when the selector js rotated beyond the 120) V range to the current Fanges, while the instrument i» under voltage. ‘Tha resistors marked K are builtin for the resistance adjustment fof the measuring mevernent and the cut-out switch to 240 ohms 2 well as for the seraitinity adjustment of the AC ranges. Circuit diagram

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