The Impact of Cellphones To The Study Habits of Ict

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An Research Paper Proposal

Presented to:
Capas High School ( Senior High )
Dolores, Capas, Tarlac

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the requirements for the
Research in Daily Life 1

RienerAshlie G. Lagleva
Jherome Pascual
Jomar Hipolito
Justine Roque
Roann Mae Hipolito



In the year where electronic gadgets are not yet invented like cellphones, students are not
yet engage in activities using technologies. Students rely on books and visit library facilities to
study, read their notes and review their school lessons. During those years, despite the lack of
cellphones and hi-tech gadgets students still achieve high and good grades and the students are
still focused on their studies. They strive hard just to attain higher and better grades in their
education. As years passed, industrial evolution occurred and great changes and improvements

One of these changes in the invention of the cellphones. Some people can’t afford to buy
one for themselves or for their children. But for people who have enough money to buy
themselves a cellphones, they are lucky because they can use the cellphones to do their home
works and projects. Students who can’t afford to buy a cellphones just go to the library to read
book, to do research work, and to make their school project. During the years when cellphones
were first invented, people make use of cellphones to help them accomplish their works and to
make their tasks lighter and faster.

Now in the present time, the age of modern technology, where almost everything is hi-
tech, smart phones has greatly improve and become better. These days, the cellphones
technology industry is rapidly growing and changing. Along with that growth and change of
cellphones are the people who almost instantly adapt to changes. The reason why cellphones
technologies are invented is to help make people’s life easier and to improve their way of life,
especially the students. Cellphones make studying easier and fun to the students.

Cellphones help students in their studies for students can start. Statement of the
problem.The study seeks to find the effect of cellphones into students, particularly in their
studying habits.
Specifically it seeks to:

1. Describe the effect of excessive usage of gadgets into student’s grades.

2. Indentify the reason why they use such gadget.
3. Indentify the factors affecting students to use gadgets.
4. Recognize the importance of balancing study habits and usage of electronic gadget

Significance of the study to students.The study will be significant to students that

excessively use their gadgets to the point that they are addicted to it. It can be a guide to them on
how to control the usage of their said gadgets.

To the parents.For them to control their children in making such decision in excessively using
their gadgets.To teacher. The study will help teachers to understand the students better. By this
study they will come up on how to manage such students. Scope and Limitation of the Problem
.The main scope of this study was to determine the effect of electronic gadgets to students
studying habits. It was limited to engineering students of University of Saint Anthony which is
composed of students from first year to fifth year students.

Research Methodology

This chapter presents a thorough discussion on the methodology and procedures used in this
study. Likewise, the details on research method, the sampling of the respondents, the data
gathering tools, its preparation, validation and administration as well as the statistical tools used
are discussed here. Research Method This research study made use of the descriptive method to
gather, record, analyze and interpret the prevailing findings of this research. Such method was
used in determining the effect of electronic gadgets to students studying habits.

Significance of the Study

The Students a complete, balance, and proper usage of the gadgets they have. Through these,
students can allocate their time more appropriately and they can prioritize the degree of
importance of their tasks. The Teachers a background on why the certain students are not able to
accomplish their work. The Parents ideas on how are they going to minimize the bad effects
brought about by these gadgets and through this, they can guide their sons and daughters on the
limitations they should build to avoid addiction to these gadgets. Furthermore, this study will
serve as a theoretical model for future studies of the same nature if ever the existing problem has
penetrated in this case will exist in the future. Future researchers will benefit from this study, and
it will provide them the facts needed to compare their study during their respective time and


1. How students improve their study habits using cellphones?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages using cellphone on study habits?
3. What are the effects of cell phone use during study on the study habits of ICT-1C.
4. What difficulties are faced by ICT-1C students in using cell phones as study tools?

Scope and Limitation

This research study gives emphasis to the possible effects modern technology to the studying
habits, as well as the performance, of the selected students of ICT-1C. The researchers conducted
a survey through a questionnaire to the 10 students, randomly selected, who often use
cellphones. This is to verify their standpoint regarding the effects caused by technology to their
performance in school and to obtain data that can be used in this study.
This study will no longer altercate the new innovation. Although this can be a source of
information which can be adapted to profound and maximize the use of e-gadgets. This study is
focused on how cellphone affects students' compliance to the requirements of their course
description and relevant actions to determine how to efficiently use the cellphones. The effects
that the researchers presented are either dreadful or valuable.


Attain: succeed in achieving (something that one desires and has worked for).

Altercate: dispute or argue noisily and publicly.

Excessively: to a greater degree or in greater amounts than is necessary, normal, or desirable;


Despite: not getting affected.

Heartfelt: deeply and strongly felt.

Strive: make great efforts to achieve or obtain something.


LesleiKahari( 10 October 2013 )

Title: The effects of Cell phone use on the study habits of University of Zimbabwe First Year
Faculty of Arts students.

Alyssa Kate Manansala

Title :Effects of Modern Technology to the Studying Habits of the Selected Students of Far
Eastern University

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