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September 2009 P.O.

Box 190 Grants Pass, OR 97528 541-476-0082 Volume 12 Number 5

Christ ■
Care ■

r Hall …
Wagne erway
Table of Contents
2. Wagner Hall Blessings & Needs A great cause …
3. Some Thoughts
3. Volunteers Needed
3. Facts & Figures A great builder …
4. Truck Raffle
4. CRC—What it is and Needs
5. Mission Needs
5. Tours & Wills
A great community …
A great need!
6. Commemorative Gifts
6. GRM Foundation News
Gospel Rescue Mission, P.O. Box 190, Grants Pass, OR 97528

ied h o u s in g for
vide safe and dignif
agner Hall will pro
up to 78 m
James, who would have believed
the changes through which He
has taken you!
A man can go from
this to this
, can finally take advan
A man, such as James GE D. This
to get his
tage of an opportunity and supportive, as
hin a caring
is all done wit
well as accountable, en

Thanks, Rod, for all of the hard work you put in to

making these changes possible!

This is all the

room available
to turn out
3,100 meals
each month—
32 sq. ft!

22 men live and sleep. A
The dorm area in which ng as well as allow
Wa gne r Hall will be such a blessi
pleted ORY!
n more needy men. GL
us to properly care for eve

What are we still lacking? Money. I wish that there was a differ-
ent way of saying this but we are still about $850,000 short of
seeing our quality builder, Ausland Builders, press on to comple-
tion to allow us to move in. What a day of rejoicing that will be!
I know that you will be there to celebrate with us … but just
not yet. Pray to that end, won’t you? So many men are depend-
ing upon you through us.
Gospel Rescue Mission, P.O. Box 190, Grants Pass, OR 97528
h for many hands do make light work.
u Do you have an interest in working at the 2nd Chance Thrift Store?
g Kathleen needs additional help with…
s Cashiers … Stock Clerks … Interior

Keith & Carol Heck

What a privilege it is to be your repre-

sentatives in this wonderful work of Res-
cue. Thank you for entrusting to us this
honor. How about at the Fikso Family Center where 2 men have done yeomen’s
 We were grieved but joyful over the work in repairs and remodeling— Thank you Robert & Mike. They would be
Home-going of a longtime resident, pleased with some assistance, we know.
Robert Grosser; Huntington’s Dis- Are you skilled in Landscaping and willing to teach some of the
ease is a great evil. His body and women residents how to care for the plants and other greenery?
soul are now free. How privileged
we were to be part of a warm-
hearted memorial at Robert’s caring
home church, Calvary Lutheran.
We would like to have someone to assist our cur-
 Another resident just found out that
rent instructor, Chris, to make the existing
he has liver cancer. He will soon be-
women’s exercise group as effective as possible.
gin chemo. Pray for Rod that his con-
fidence will remain strong in Christ.
 In Grants Pass, we are caught up in
the middle of a political hurricane.
May the Lord superintend the proc-
ess in order that the increasing ten-
sions will not negatively impact the
Mission’s financial stability and abil-
Facts & Figures
ity to extend care to the truly needy. June & July 2009
 We are pleased to have a young man,
Evan Daggett, now heading up our  Meals served ……………………………. 10,168
Public Relations efforts. Pray for him
 Beds Used [Daily Average].....…………… 90
and his dear wife, pregnant with
their first child, due the first of Janu-  Chapel Attendance [Daily Average]..…… 74
 May the Lord overwhelmingly bless
in the needed funding to finish Wag-
ner Hall. May we be bold in our ef- Your active participation through prayer and finances has ac-
forts to find additional funding but complished much for many needy and hurting people.
doing that with a humble and thank-
ful spirit. What a day of rejoicing it
On behalf of each resident, thank you so much!
will be when we gather together to
dedicate this building for His glory
and use. Yes, Lord Jesus.
p. 3
Gospel Rescue Mission, P.O. Box 190, Grants Pass, OR 97528



Todd & Tina Gotchall, owners of the Powderhorn Café in Grants Pass where you just
happen to find the best pies ever, donated their beautiful and powerful
pickup truck to the Mission. It was decided to raffle the truck with all
of the proceeds to go into the Wagner Hall Building Fund! WOW!


Scott Valle, owner of Valle's YES—the drawing will be on October 1st

Auto Body, saw the story of
NO—you don’t need to be present to win
the Gotchall’s donation, and
asked if he might assist in doing YES—you can order tickets on line
some body work and painting! NO—you don’t have to pay taxes
$4,000 donated dollars later, YES—this is a great way to assist in funding
the truck looks great and is a
our sorely needed Men’s Residence:
real Valle’s work of art!
Wagner Hall

Bring the following for recycling!

Cloth—Shoes—Newspaper—Corrugated Cardboard
Hard- and Soft-back books—Magazines—Junk
mail—Linens, i.e. sheets, blankets

comforters, draperies ,

Towels—Backpacks Bottle Bill Items

Purses Soft Drink Bottles and

Cans—Water Bottles—
Alcoholic Beverage bottles
and cans
Cans (without labels &
rinsed) - Brass

Plastics #1, #2 & #4

Black Plastic Sheeting

Plastic Strapping

Clear Plastic Sheeting p. 4

Gospel Rescue Mission, P.O. Box 190, Grants Pass, OR 97528


pens at
FOOD ITEMS What hap ?
DAIRY– Praise God as this the Missio
need has been met for this Our guided tours take you
month! Community Recycling Center
to our Community Re-
cycling Center, Men’s
MISC.-Salad Dressing; Resident Facility, Sec-
Lunchmeats; Coffee ond Chance Thrift
(Whole or Ground); Kool- Store, Pregnancy Care
Aid; Worcestershire Center and the Women
and Children’s Resi-
Sauce; Sliced Cheese; May-
dence. The GRM tours
onnaise; Mustard, Ketchup; are scheduled by ap-
White Sugar; Chicken pointment and take less
HOUSEHOLD ITEMS than 2 hours. Give us a
Shampoo & Conditioner, call to schedule your
tour or to get more in-
Deodorant; Comet; Furni-
formation. (541) 476-0082.
ture Polish; Windex; Bath- tour
Does taking a
room Cleaner; Bleach; “I was so impressed… I started volun- make all that m
uch dif-
Laundry Soap; Toilet Pa- teering at the Thrift Store and I love it!” ference? Yep it does

Oh, and did we mention

Straight Talk About Wills
Men’s Residence Ray Allen Center
If you die without a will or another such document, 244 NE E Street 243 NE D Street
the state will decide how to disburse your estate. Phone: 479-8869 Phone: 476-3399
And if you have minor children, the state will decide For Men needing a home For Men wanting drug
who will raise them. If you want to leave certain as- and help and alcohol recovery
sets to specific persons or make charitable gifts to
various causes, without a will, the state will follow its Fikso Family Center 2nd Chance Thrift Store
own agenda and disregard yours. 530 SW Foundry Street 6th & J Streets
Phone: 474-7774 Phone: 479-9748
You don’t need all the answers to get a will started. For Women & Children M-F 9:30 - 4:30
You can start with what you know and make Sat 9:30 - 4:00
changes and/or additions as you progress. Better to
have something workable in place than nothing at all.
Community Recycling Center
Whatever it is that you need to 1010 SW Foundry
do, please, do it now. Call your Phone: 955-1091
Financial Planner, your attorney M-F 9:30—4:00
or call us at 476-0082 and, to- Sat 9:30—3:00
gether, we might be able to help
you—but just do it!
p. 5
Gospel Rescue Mission, P.O. Box 190, Grants Pass, OR 97528

el Think about this:
Re If you make a gift of $10,000, to the Gospel Rescue Mission Foundation,
ue from your will or trust, at 5% interest, that’s $500 a year to support the work
of the Mission…
si The best part?
on The $10,000 is never touched!
Fo It’s the gift that keeps on giving.
da If this is something that you would like more information on please call

ti Your Financial Advisor

on Or
The Gospel Rescue Mission Office at 541-476-0082

Commemorative Gifts

 Frank Brown
From Johanna Brown

 Felix Emfinger  Carl Morgan

From: Angelica Batchelor From: Sharron Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. William Childs
Mr. & Mrs. Merle Ely  Nolan Potts
Sharon Emfinger From: Mr. & Mrs. Ken Cross
Patricia Haviland
Marcia Lembcke
 Vince Vidlak
 Robert Grosser From: Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lamkin
From: Gospel Rescue Mission Family

 Mary Loper
From: Sharron Morgan

p. 6
Thank you for remembering others and blessing us in this wonderful way

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