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Experiment 7

Specific Charge of the Electron

I Apparatus
Narrow beam tube, Pair of Helmholtz coils, Power supply 0 − 600V (PHYWE), Power supply
0 − 12V (ELNOVA), DC moving coil voltmeter, connecting cords.

II Principle
Electrons are accelerated through an electric field and made to enter a region of uniform mag-
netic field in such a way that the velocity of electrons is perpendicular to the direction of the
magnetic field. Under the action of Lorentz force, the electron then moves uniformly in a cir-
cular path. The specific charge of the electron, i.e., the magnitude of electronic charge divided
by its mass, is determined by measuring the accelerating voltage V0 , the magnetic field B and
the electron orbit radius r.

III Theory
An electron of mass m and magnitude of charge e, when accelerated from rest through a potential
difference V0 attains a kinetic energy eV0 . Then, the corresponding velocity v of the electron is
1 2
m|~v | = eV0 =⇒ |~v | = 2V0 (1)
2 m
If this electron enters a region of uniform magnetic field B ~ such that its velocity ~v is perpen-
~ then the Lorentz force acting on the electron will make it move uniformly on a
dicular to B,
circular orbit of radius r, while maintaining the intial speed v (magnetic fields do no work on
charged particles). By Newton’s second law
|~v | e
m× = e|~v |B =⇒ |~v | = rB (2)
r m
Equating the right hand sides of eqs (1) and (2), we get
e 2V0
= 2 2 (3)
m r B
This means that we can determine specific charge of the electron provided we know the accel-
erating voltage V0 , the strength of the magnetic field B and the orbit radius r.
In this experiment, the magnetic field is produced by using a pair of Helmholtz coils. Each
coil has a radius R of 20cm and number of turns N equal to 154. The coils are placed coaxially
with their centres separated by a distance d. If each of two coils carry a current I flowing in
the same direction, then it follows from Biot-Savart’s law that the magnetic field along the axis
at a distance z from the centre of the arrangement is
 
2 !−3/2 2 !−3/2 
µ0 N IR2 
d d
B(z) = R2 + z − + R2 + z + (4)
2  2 2 


2 1

0−12V, 5A

1 2

Figure 1: Wiring of the Helmholtz coils

To increase the homogenity of the magnetic field in the centre of the arrangement, the axial
distance d between the centres of the two coils is made equal to the average radius of each coil.
In this the case, the magnetic field along the axis is given by (evaluate eq. (3) for the case
d = R)
8 µ0 N I
B= √ (5)
5 5 R

IV Set-up

A pair of Helmholtz coils is used for producing a homogenous magnetic field. Each coil,
mounted on a black plastic foot, is wound from copper wire in 14 layers, each of 11 turns, giving
a total turns of N = 154 per coil. The coils are positioned by four spacer rails so that the axial
spacing between the coils is equal to the average coil radius R = 20 cm. Two of the rails are
provided with white semicircular clips to hold the narrow beam tube in the centre of this coil
arrangement. The sockets of each coil are cast into the corresponding black rubber foot and
are labelled 1 and 2 to make it easy to wire the coils. Wiring the Helmholtz coils as shown in
figure (1) assures that an identical current flows through either coils in the same anti-clockwise
direction. This acheived by interconnecting the sockets marked “1” and supplying the current
through sockets marked “2”. The current to the Helmholtz coil arrangement is supplied by the
ELNOVA power supply (0-12V, 5A). The current passing through the coils can be read
off from the current meter provided on the supply.
The narrow beam tube is filled with argon at a pressure of 0.1Pa. This residual pressure
plays an important role in the focussing of the electron beam. Along their trajectory, the elec-
trons collide with gas molecules and ionise them. The beam is made visible by the luminescence
produced due to the subsequent recombination of argon. The tube has an axial scale shaped
like a ladder with four metal rungs at specific distances (4cm, 6cm, 8cm and 10cm) from the
the electron gun to enable an accurate measurement of the radius of the orbiting electron. The
luminous paint coated on the rungs allows one to acheive coincidence of the beam path with
the rungs in a dark room.
All electric supply voltages for the narrow beam tube are taken from the PHYWE regu-
lated power supply. The circuit for the narrow beam has been wired as shown in figure (2).
The filament is heated with a fixed ac voltage of 6.3V, whereas the grid voltage supplied to the
electron gun and the anode voltage can be adjusted with aid of potentiometers 0 − 50V and
0 − 250V respectively. The total accelerating voltage V0 between the cathode and the anode is
measured using a a dc moving coil voltmeter
Experiment 7. Specific Charge of the Electron 3





Figure 2: Suppply for electron gun

V Procedure
1. The Helmholtz coil arrangement and the narrow beam tube has been kept wired as shown
in the figures (1) and (2). The student should not to make any changes in the circuit.
The experiment should begin only under the supervision of the instructor.

2. Before begining the experiment, make sure that the mains are OFF and that the poten-
tiometer knobs on all power supplies are on zero. This makes sure that there is no voltage
at the grid or anode when the filament voltage is switched on, which in turn protects the
cathode layer from being damaged during heating.

3. After a heating time of about one minute, set the grid voltage to the maximum value of
50V. Now slowly increase the anode voltage, so that the presence of a narrow beam can
be observed in a darkned room. The accelerating voltage, which is the voltage difference
between the anode and the cathode, is equal to the sum of anode voltage and grid voltage.
It is measured using a dc moving coil voltmeter.

4. Switch on the current through the Helmholtz coils to approximately 1A to observe the
circular path of the electron beam. The narrow beam tube may have to be slightly turned
about its axis to ensure that the beam leaves the electron gun exactly normal to the
direction of the magnetic field and describes a full circle.

5. When the electron beam path is interupted by one of the four rungs of the axial ladder,
the orbit radius is either 2, 3, 4 or 5cm. The luminous paint on the rung aids in achieving
coincidence. When coincidence is achieved, only the upper half of the circular trajectory
is visible; the lower half being fuzzy.

6. Vary the accelerating voltage from 150V to 250V in steps of 25V. For each chosen value
of the accelerating voltage, tune the coil current to get orbit radius r of 5cm, 4cm and
3cm. Note down the accelerating voltage and the corresponding coil current for each orbit
raidus in tabular forma

7. Estimate the value of specific charge from the data as explained in the record file.

VI Viva questions
1. What is the typical range of velocities attained by the electron inside the narrow beam

2. What is the order of magnitude of the magnetic field produced in the centre of Helmholtz
coil arrangement? Is the neglect of earth’s magnetic field justified?

3. What is the effect of earth’s magnetic field on the electron path?

4. If you notice that the electron beam executes a helical path, what would you conclude?

5. Why is an ac voltage fed to the filament of the narrow beam tube?

6. What is the direction of the current in the Helmholtz coils? What would happen if the
direction were reversed?

7. In this Helmholtz coil arrangement, estimate the radial distance from the axis, at which
the magnetic field falls by 1% of the value at the axis. Is this greater than the radius of
the tube?

VII References
• PHYWE manual for specific charge of electron, narrow beam tube and Helmholtz coil.

• Griffiths, Indroduction to electrodynamics.

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