Samarth Mehrotra, Chegg Tutor

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Student X has used a different approach towards the problem, which

involved solving it in terms of theta rather than the Cartesian system,
which would’ve been simpler. However, he/she has erred in the y-
component of the force that was supposed to be calculated. The term
isn’t clear, and I don’t think a complete understanding of the required
parameters to be considered exists within the student, which warrants
a penalty in the score. Moreover, a calculator is not required for the
integration involved in the question (though that isn’t necessarily to be
evaluating the solution).
The final values aren’t present either, which also warrants for a penalty.
This question requires the calculation of the x-component and the y-
component of force. In my opinion, considering Student Y received
3.2/4, student X should receive 3.0/4 for his answer. These points have
been given based on the correct method and calculation of the x and y

For F(x), Student X should receive 2 points for his correct methodology
and integration. Similarly, 1.0 point should be awarded for F(y), to make
a total of 3.0/4. For F(x), student X has correctly applied the formula for
calculating the force, and the integration performed is correct. The
answer obtained by the student is also correct. Hence, 1 point has been
awarded for the application of the formula, 0.5 points for the correct
integration and 0.5 points for the correct answer. The student has
answered better than student Y in terms of explaining and explicitly
mentioning the formula and then working. Student X may not have
shown exhaustive working of the force calculation, but considering the
grading of Student Y, it is only fair for him to receive the 2 points

For F(y), the student hasn’t stated the correct formula for calculating
the force. However, the formula has been rectified later, and the
integration has been performed correctly. The answer obtained is also
correct. 1 mark has been deducted for erring in terms of the formula
and not presenting the final answer in a discernable manner. 0.5 marks
for the correct integration, and 0.5 marks for the correct answer have
been awarded.

Final Verdict: Instead of 0/4, Student X should receive 3.0/4, especially

considering Student Y's paper which is marked as 3.2/4.

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