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This guide was prepared for use in the Philippines




CASE ID in Header: leave blank - to be used for data entry purposes.

1. Case Number(s): Write the case number (if a single case in the file, e.g. 1764-00) or spread of
case numbers (if more than one case in the file, e.g. 6246-00 - 6250-00).

2. Court: Mark ONE box for the relevant court.

3. Station: For trial courts, write the name of the station or circuit.
• For the Court of Appeals, Court of Tax Appeals or Sandiganbayan, leave blank and go to
question 5.

4. Branch: For trial courts, write the branch number, then go to question 6.

5. Court of Origin (appeal cases only): Mark ONE box for the court from which the appeal has
been brought.
• Appeals in the RTC come from the MTC.
• Appeals in the Court of Tax Appeals come from the BIR (Bureau of Internal Revenue) or the
BOC (Bureau of Customs).
• Appeals in the Court of Appeals may come from the RTC, the Court of Tax Appeals, the SEC
(Securities and Exchange Commission), the NLRC (National Labour Relations Commission),
or another quasi-judicial agency (mark Other and specify the agency).


6. Number of cases in file: Write the number of criminal offences charged or the number of
causes of action included in the file (you will get this from the number of case numbers in
question 1.)

7. Type of Case: Either enter a code in ONE of the boxes, or write a description of the type of
case in item 6, if no code is available.
• The codes to be used for this question are listed at the end of this coding guide.
• If there is more than one type of criminal offence charged in a criminal case, give the code for
the most serious offence (that is, the one carrying the heaviest penalty).
• If there are a number of different causes of action in a civil case, give the code for the
primary cause of action.
• If you enter 1190 (other civil action) or 290 (other criminal offence) case in one of the boxes,
also specify the type of case in the space provided at item 6.

8. Amount claimed/value of property: Write the amount of money claimed or the value of
property involved in the case, in Philippine pesos.
• Include money claimed by all plaintiffs in a civil case, all private complainants in a criminal
case, or any party in an appeal.
• In specifying the amount of money claimed, do not include any sums claims for interest,
attorney's fees, litigation expenses and costs, or damages that are merely incidental to or a
consequence of the main cause of action.

9. Was case a preliminary investigation conducted by an MTC judge? This refers to the
situation where an MTC or MCTC judge (rather than the public prosecutor) conducts a
preliminary investigation in a criminal case that is within the jurisdiction of the RTC. Mark the
relevant box.

10. Was appeal brought by way of (appeal cases only): Mark the box for the relevant form of
• If not an appeal case, leave blank.

11. Did the appeal raise (appeal cases only): Mark ONE box for the kinds of questions raised in
the appeal.
• If not an appeal case, leave blank.


12. Number of Parties: Write the number of parties in the case.

13. Number of Private Complainants (criminal cases only): Write the number of private
complainants in the case.
• If not a criminal case, leave blank.



EXAMPLE: If a criminal case has two defendants, fill out the details for the first defendant on the
coding form, and fill out the details for the second defendant on an extra copy of p.1 of the coding
form. Attach the extra page to the back of the coding form.

EXAMPLE: If a civil case has two plaintiffs and two defendants, fill out the details for the first
plaintiff and the first defendant on the coding form, and fill out the details for the second plaintiff
and the second defendant on an extra copy of p.2 of the coding form. Attach the extra page to the
back of the coding form.

EXAMPLE: If an appeal case has one appellant and three appellees, fill out the details for the
appellant and the first appellee on the coding form, fill out the details for the second appellee on
an extra copy of p.2 of the coding form, and fill out the details for the third appellee on a further
copy of p.2 of the coding form. Attach the extra pages to the back of the coding form.

DEFENDANT (criminal cases only: if not a criminal case, leave these questions blank)

14. Sex: Mark the box for the defendant's sex.

15. Age: Mark the box to indicate whether the defendant was an adult (18 years of age or older)
or juvenile (under 18 years of age) at the start of the case.

16. Member of a Cultural Minority: Mark the box to indicate whether or not the defendant is a
member of a cultural minority.
• If yes, specify which minority.

17. Represented By: Mark ONE box for the nature of the defendant's representation.
• If you mark the box labelled 'other', specify what kind of representation the defendant had.
• If the defendant's representation changed during the case, use the box for the major form of
representation (i.e. that which lasted the longest period of time in the case).

18. Status: Mark the box to indicate whether the defendant was in detention or granted bail.
• If the defendant's detention status changed during the case, use the box for the major status
(i.e. that which lasted the longest period of time in the case).

PROSECUTION (criminal cases only: if not a criminal case, leave this question blank)

19. Conducted By: Mark the box to indicate whether the prosecution was conducted by a public
prosecutor or by the police.

PRIVATE COMPLAINANT (criminal cases only: if not a criminal case, or if no private

complainant, leave these questions blank)

20. Sex: Mark the box for the private complainant's sex.

21. Age: Mark the box to indicate whether the private complainant was an adult (18 years of age
or older) or juvenile (under 18 years of age) at the start of the case.

22. Member of a Cultural Minority: Mark the box to indicate whether or not the private
complainant is a member of a cultural minority.
• If yes, specify which minority.

23. Assisted by a CASA guardian: Mark the box to indicate whether or not the private
complainant was assisted by a CASA guardian. (This will only occur if the complainant was a

PLAINTIFF (civil cases only: if not a civil case, leave these questions blank)

24. Type: Mark ONE box for the type of plaintiff.

25. Sex (individual plaintiffs only): Mark the box to indicate the plaintiff's sex.
• If plaintiff is a corporation or government agency, leave blank.

26. Age (individual plaintiffs only): Mark the box to indicate if the plaintiff was an adult (18
years of age or older) or a juvenile (under 18 years of age) at the start of the case.
• If plaintiff is a corporation or government agency, leave blank.

27. Member of a Cultural Minority(individual plaintiffs only): Mark the box to indicate
whether or not the plaintiff is a member of a cultural minority.
• If yes, specify which minority.
• If plaintiff is a corporation or government entity, leave blank.

28. Represented By (all types of plaintiff): Mark ONE box for the nature of the plaintiff's
• If you mark the box labelled 'other', specify what kind of representation the plaintiff had.
• If the plaintiff's representation changed during the case, use the box for the major form of
representation (i.e. that which lasted the longest period of time in the case).

DEFENDANT (civil cases only: if not a civil case, leave these questions blank)

29. Type: Mark ONE box for the type of defendant.

30. Sex (individual defendants only): Mark the box to indicate the defendant's sex.
• If defendant is a corporation or government agency, leave blank.

31. Age (individual defendants only): Mark the box to indicate if the defendant was an adult (18
years of age or older) or a juvenile (under 18 years of age) at the start of the case.
• If defendant is a corporation or government agency, leave blank.

32. Member of a Cultural Minority(individual defendants only): Mark the box to indicate
whether or not the defendant is a member of a cultural minority.
• If yes, specify which minority.
• If defendant is a corporation or government entity, leave blank.

33. Represented By (all types of defendant): Mark ONE box for the nature of the defendant's
• If you mark the box labelled 'other', specify what kind of representation the defendant had.
• If the defendant's representation changed during the case, use the box for the major form of
representation (i.e. that which lasted the longest period of time in the case).

APPELLANT (appeal cases only: if not an appeal, leave these questions blank)

34. Type: Mark ONE box for the type of appellant.

35. Sex (individual appellants only): Mark the box to indicate the appellant's sex.
• If appellant is a corporation or government agency, leave blank.

36. Age (individual appellants only): Mark the box to indicate if the appellant was an adult (18
years of age or older) or a juvenile (under 18 years of age) at the start of the case.
• If appellant is a corporation or government agency, leave blank.

37. Member of a Cultural Minority(individual appellants only): Mark the box to indicate
whether or not the appellant is a member of a cultural minority.
• If so, specify which minority.
• If appellant is a corporation or government entity, leave blank.

38. Represented By (all types of appellant): Mark ONE box for the nature of the appellant's
• If you mark the box labelled 'other', specify what kind of representation the appellant had.
• If the appellant's representation changed during the case, use the box for the major form of
representation (i.e. that which lasted the longest period of time in the case).

APPELLEE (appeal cases only: if not an appeal, leave these questions blank)

39. Type: Mark ONE box for the type of plaintiff.

40. Sex (individual appellees only): Mark the box to indicate the appellee's sex.
• If appellee is a corporation or government agency, leave blank.

41. Age (individual appellees only): Mark the box to indicate if the appellee was an adult (18
years of age or older) or a juvenile (under 18 years of age) at the start of the case.
• If appellee is a corporation or government agency, leave blank.

42. Member of a Cultural Minority(individual appellees only): Mark the box to indicate
whether or not the appellee is a member of a cultural minority.
• If so, specify which minority.
• If appellee is a corporation or government entity, leave blank.

43. Represented By (all types of appellee): Mark ONE box for the nature of the appellee's
• If you mark the box labelled 'other', specify what kind of representation the appellee had.
• If the appellee's representation changed during the case, use the box for the major form of
representation (i.e. that which lasted the longest period of time in the case).


44. Date of filing: Enter the date the initiating document in the case was filed, in the format
month, day, year.
• Write the year in full, e.g. 1998, 2000.


PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION (MTC or MCTC preliminary investigation cases only; if a

trial or appeal case, leave these questions blank)

45. Date of resolution of preliminary investigation: Enter the date the preliminary investigation
was resolved.

46. Date of transmittal to the office of the provincial or city prosecutor: Enter the date the
resolution of complaint and the record of the case was transmitted to the provincial or city

CRIMINAL CASES (criminal cases only: if not a criminal case, leave these questions blank)

47. Date first warrant of arrest issued: Enter the date the arrest warrant was issued.
• If more than one arrest warrant was issued in the case, enter the date of the first arrest

48. Number of arrest warrants issued: Enter the number of arrest warrants issued in the case.

49. Date accused arrested or voluntarily surrendered: Enter the date the accused was arrested
or voluntarily surrendered.
• If this occurred more than once during the case, enter the date the accused was first arrested
or voluntarily surrendered.

50. Date of arraignment: Enter the date the accused was arraigned.

CIVIL CASES (civil cases only: if not a civil case, leave these questions blank)

51. Date summons issued: Enter the date the summons to the defendant was issued.
• If more than one summons was issued on different dates (to different defendants), enter the
date the first summons was issued.

52. Date defendant filed answer: Enter the date the defendant filed their answer to the
• If more than one answer was filed on different dates (by different defendants), enter the date
the first answer was filed.

53. Date plaintiff filed motion for pre-trial conference: Enter the date the plaintiff filed the
motion for pre-trial conference.

ALL TRIAL CASES (civil or criminal trial cases only; if case was a preliminary investigation
or an appeal, leave these questions blank)

54. Was case resolved by summary procedure: Mark the box to indicate whether or not the
matter was resolved by summary procedure.

55. Date of pre-trial conference: Enter the date of the pre-trial conference.
• If there was more than one pre-trial conference, enter the date of the first conference.
• If there was no pre-trial conference, write NONE next to the question.

56. Date case study assigned (Family Court cases only): If a court social worker was assigned to
prepare a case study for the case, enter the date the case study was assigned.
• If the case was not a Family Court case or did not involve a case study, leave the question
blank and go to question 58.

57. Date case study submitted: Enter the date the court social worker submitted the case study.
• If the case did not involve a case study, leave the question blank.

58. Date report on ex parte proceedings submitted (civil cases only): If a report on ex parte
proceedings was prepared in the case, enter the date the report was submitted. This will occur
where the defendant failed to appear during the hearing.
• If not a civil case or there was no report on ex parte proceedings, leave the question blank.

59. Date report of prosecutor on collusion submitted (Family Court cases only): If the
prosecutor was required to prepare a report on collusion in a Family Court matter, enter the date
the report was submitted. This will occur in applications for annulment of marriage or judicial
• If not an annulment or judicial separation case, leave this question blank.

APPEAL CASES (appeal cases only; if not an appeal case, leave these questions blank)

60. Date trial court records forwarded: Enter the date the trial court records were forwarded to
the appeal court.

61. Date TSN transmitted: Enter the date the Transcript of Stenographic Notes was transmitted
from the trial court to the appeal court.

62. Date of appellant’s brief: Enter the date the appellant's brief was filed.
• If more than one appellant's brief was filed on different dates (by different appellants), enter
the date the first appellant's brief was filed.

63. Date of appellee’s brief: Enter the date the appellee's brief was filed.
• If more than one appellee's brief was filed on different dates (by different appellees), enter the
date the first appellee's brief was filed.

HEARING (all cases)

64. Did case involve a trial or hearing? Mark the box to indicate whether or not the case
involved a trial or hearing.
• Include hearings in appeal cases.
• If no trial or hearing, leave the rest of this section blank and go to question 70 if a trial case,
or question 72 if an appeal case.

65. Date of first hearing: Enter the first hearing date in the case.

66. Date of last hearing: Enter the last hearing date in the case.

67. Total number of hearing dates: Enter the total number of dates that were fixed for hearing
in the case (whether or not the case proceeded on any of those dates).

68. Total number of postponements: Enter the total number of postponements, that is, dates that
were fixed for hearing, but no evidence was heard or the expected progress was not made.

69. Number of postponements due to: Enter the number of postponements attributable to any of
the reasons listed in parts a) to o) of the question.
• If a postponement was granted for a reason that is not listed, enter it in part q), and specify the
reason in the space provided.
• If a postponement was granted for two or more of the reasons listed, enter it under all of the
relevant reasons, and enter it in part p).
EXAMPLE: a criminal case is postponed because neither the defendant nor the private
complainant appeared on a particular hearing date. Count one for part f), one for part g) and
one for part p).
• Consequently, the total of parts a) to q) may be greater than the total in question 68, in order
to capture both how frequently individual reasons occur, and how often combinations of
reasons occur.

a) Unavailability of judge: For example, if the judge was ill, or was directed to attend a
conference on a scheduled hearing date.

b) Non-appearance of prosecution: If the public prosecutor did not appear at court on a

scheduled hearing date.

c) Non-appearance of public attorney: If the public attorney did not appear at court on a
scheduled hearing date.

d) Non-appearance of counsel: If any private counsel did not appear at court on a scheduled
hearing date
• count as one instance even if, for example, both counsel failed to appear in a civil case on a
particular date.

e) Inability of counsel to proceed: If any legal representative appeared at court on a scheduled

hearing date, but requested a postponement due to being unable to proceed on that date.

f) Non-appearance of a party: If a party (including the defendant in a criminal case) received

notice of a scheduled hearing date but did not appear at court on that date.
• count as one instance even if more than one party failed to appear on a particular date.

g) Non-appearance of a private complainant: If a private complainant in a criminal case

received notice of a scheduled hearing date but did not appear at court on that date.
• count as one instance even if more than one private complainant failed to appear on a
particular date.

h) Unavailability of police witness: If a police witness received notice of a scheduled hearing

date but did not appear at court or otherwise indicated their unavailability on that date.

i) Unavailability of forensic expert: If a forensic expert (e.g. a medical or drugs expert)

received notices of a scheduled hearing date but did not appear at court or otherwise indicated
their unavailability on that date.

j) Non-appearance of any other witness: If any witness who was not a party, a private
complainant, a police witness or a forensic expert received notices of a scheduled hearing date but
did not appear at court on that date.

k) A party or witness not receiving notice of hearing date: If a party or witness did not
appear at court because they did not receive notice of a scheduled hearing date.
• count as one instance even if this applied to more than one party or witness on a particular

l) No return of subpoena: If a witness was subpoenaed to come to court but the subpoena did
not appear to have been served.

m) Non-service of a warrant of arrest: If an arrest warrant had been issued for the accused but
had not yet been served.

n) Filing of a motion: If a party filed a motion that had the effect of postponing a scheduled
hearing date.

o) Attempts to settle: If a postponement was requested in order to continue attempts to settle

the matter out of court.

p) A combination of reasons: If more than one reason in parts a) to o) or q) caused the

postponement of a scheduled hearing date.

q) Other reason(s): If a reason not listed in parts a) to o) caused the postponement of a

scheduled hearing date.
• specify the reason in the space provided.

ADR (civil or criminal trial cases only; if case was a preliminary investigation or an appeal,
leave these questions blank)

70. Did case begin in Barangay Justice System? Mark the box to indicate whether or not there
was an initial attempt to settle the dispute between the parties in the Barangay Justice System. (If
so, there will be a certificate from the Barangay Chairman on the file.)

71. Did case go to mediation? Mark the box to indicate whether or not the case went to
mediation at any stage during the proceedings (that is, mediation was actually held).
• Mark the 'No' box if mediation was offered to but declined by the parties.

MOVEMENTS (all cases)

72. Was case archived? Mark the box to indicate whether or not the case was archived at any
• If no, go to question 74.

73. Date archived: Enter the date when the file was archived.
• If the file was archived more than once, enter the date when it was first archived.

74. Was case suspended? Mark the box to indicate whether or not the case was suspended at any
• If no, go to question 77 if the case was archived and revived.
• Otherwise, go to question 78.

75. Date suspended: Enter the date when the case was suspended.
• If the case was suspended more than once, enter the date when it was first suspended.

76. Reason for suspension: Mark ONE box to indicate the reason for suspension.
• If the case was suspended more than once, indicate the reason for the first suspension
• If you mark the box labeled 'other', specify the reason for suspension.

77. Date revived: If the case was either archived or suspended, enter the date when it was
• If the case was not revived, leave the question blank
• If the case was revived more than once, enter the date when it was last revived.

78. Was case transferred from another court or branch? Mark the box to indicate whether or
not the case was transferred from another court or branch at any stage.
• If the case was never transferred, go to question 81.

79. Date transferred: Enter the date the case was transferred to the court or branch in which it
was finally disposed.

80. Reason for transfer: Mark ONE box to indicate the reason the case was transferred to the
court or branch in which it was finally disposed
• if you mark the box labeled 'other', specify the reason for the transfer.

DECISION (all cases submitted for decision; if case was a preliminary investigation, archived,
or withdrawn, settled or resolved by a guilty plea before submission for decision, leave these
questions blank)

81. Date of submission for decision: Enter the date the case was submitted for decision.

82. Date of decision: Enter the date the court issued its judgment.
• If the court did not issue a judgment, leave the question blank and go to question 84.

83. Date decision promulgated: Enter the date the court's judgment was promulgated.
• If the decision was not promulgated, leave the question blank.


84. Number of restraining orders issued: Enter the number of restraining orders issued during
the proceedings.
• Enter 0 if no restraining orders issued.


85. Total number of motions filed: Enter the total number of motions of any sort (including
motions for reconsideration) filed during the case.

86. Number of motions filed: Enter the number of motions of any sort filed during the periods
• the numbers in a) + b) + c) should = the number in question 85.

a) Pre-trial: Before the first hearing date in the case.

b) During trial: From the first hearing date to the date the case was submitted for decision.

c) After decision: After the judgment was issued.

87. Number of motions filed by: Enter the number of motions of any sort filed by the respective

(Criminal cases)
a) Accused: motions filed by the accused
b) Prosecution: motions filed by the prosecution
• the numbers in a) + b) should = the number in question 85

(Civil cases)
c) Plaintiff(s): motions filed by all plaintiffs in the case
d) Defendant(s): motions filed by all defendants in the case
• the numbers in c) + d) should = the number in question 85

(Appeal cases)
e) Appellant(s): motions filed by all appellants in the case
f) Appellee(s): motions filed by all appellees in the case
• the numbers in e) + f) should = the number in question 85


88. How was case resolved? Mark ONE box to indicate how the case was resolved
• if the case was a preliminary investigation by an MTC in a criminal case, mark box 2
(decision or finding by court).
• box 4 (guilty plea by accused) applies only in criminal cases
• follow the direction after the relevant box.

89. Stage of settlement or guilty plea: Mark ONE box to indicate the stage at which the case
settled or the accused pleaded guilty.
• If settlement in a civil case occurred before the first hearing date, mark box 2 (pre-trial).
• If the accused in a criminal case pleaded guilty after the arraignment but before the first
hearing date, mark box 2 (pre-trial).
• If settlement in an appeal case occurred without a hearing and before the case was submitted
for decision, mark box 2 (pre-trial).
• If settlement occurred in a civil or appeal case, or the accused pleaded guilty in a criminal
case, during the hearing but before the case was submitted for decision, mark box 3 (during

90. Nature of decision: Mark ONE box for the nature of the decision.
• If a civil case, mark box 1, 2 or 3.
• If a criminal case, mark box 11 or 12 if the case was decided; mark box 13 or 14 if the case
was dismissed; mark box 15 or 16 if the case was a preliminary investigation conducted by an
• If an appeal case, mark box 21, 22 or 23.

91. Date file closed: Enter the date the file was closed.
• If there is no obvious closure date, enter the date of the last document on the file.

92. Additional notes on causes of delay in the case (not already covered): If there was a
particular problem or cause of delay in the case that was not adequately captured in the previous
questions, make a note of it here.

Number of pages with additional parties attached: Enter the number of extra pages attached to
the coding form on which information about additional parties has been provided.

Coder: Enter your name in the box.



1. CIVIL CASES Interpleader 1307

Mandamus 1308
11. Ordinary Civil Cases
Partition 1309
Prohibition 1310
Annulment of marriage 1101
Quo warranto 1311
Collection of sum of money 1102
Declaration of judgment void 1103
Ejectment 1104 14. Land Registration Cases
Judicial separation 1105
Preliminary attachment 1106 Land registration 140
Preliminary injunction 1107
Quieting of title 1108 2. Criminal Cases
Receivership 1109
Reconstitution of title 1110 NOTE: count offences regardless of whether
they are attempted, frustrated,
Reconveyance 1111
consummated, or aided and abetted
Recovery of damages 1112 EXAMPLE: arson or attempted arson = 206.
Recovery of investment in 1113
commodity futures market (a) alphabetical list of offences
Reformation of contract 1114
Replevin 1115 Abduction 201
Rescission of contract 1116 - whether forcible or consented
Revival of judgment 1117 (record abduction with rape as rape)
Other civil action 1190 Abortion 202
- any abortion offence
12. Special Proceedings Animals, birds and fish 203
- violation of any law concerning
Anti-Dummy law: violation of 204
Adoption (including rescission and 1201 Arson 205
revocation of adoption) - all forms of arson
Cancellation or correction of entries 1202 Assaults 206
in civil registry - any kind of assault
Change of name 1203 Assisting suicide 207
Constitution of family home 1204 Bomb threats (malicious 208
Declaration of absence and death 1205 dissemination of false information
concerning bombs and explosives)
Escheat 1206
Bouncing checks 209
Guardianship and custody of 1207 Bribery 210
children - all forms of bribery
Habeas corpus 1208 Carnapping 211
Hospitalization of insane person 1209 Child protection offences 212
Judicial approval of voluntary 1210 - any child protection offence,
recognition of minor natural children including:
Settlement of estate of deceased 1211 - child abuse, exploitation
person - abandonment of a minor
- violations of child and youth
Trustees 1212
welfare code
Voluntary dissolution of corporation 1213 - corruption of minors
- exploitation of child labor
13. Special Civil Actions - kidnapping and failure to return
a minor
Certiorari 1301 - violations of Inter-Country
Adoption Act
Contempt 1302 - neglect of parents to educate a
Declaratory relief 1303 minor
Eminent domain 1304 Civil aviation offences 213
Forcible entry and detainer 1305 Coercion 214
Foreclosure of mortgage 1306 - all forms of coercion

Coins 215 Firearms and weapons: 228

- making, importing or uttering - possession of deadly arrow
counterfeit coins; - illegal discharge of firearms
- selling false or mutilated coins; - illegal possession of a deadly
- possession and exportation of weapon
silver or nickel coins - illegal possession of firearms
- mutilation, defacement of coins and ammunition
and notes Frauds 229
Counterfeiting (other than coins) 216 - all forms of fraud
- counterfeiting seal of - fraudulent insolvency
government, signature of the - unfair competition
president - removal, sale or pledge or
- counterfeiting treasury, bank mortgaged property
notes or other documents Foreign, Diplomatic and Consular 230
payable to bearer Agents
- counterfeiting instruments - impairment of immunities, rights
payable to order and privileges
- possession and use of same - violation of Act regulating
Damage to property 217 activities of
Delinquency: habitual 218 Gambling 231
Dereliction of duty 219 - all gambling offences
- all forms of dereliction of duty Garbage: improper disposal of 232
Desecration of shrines 220 Graft and corruption 233
Detention related offences 221 - all graft and corruption offences,
- all forms of illegal detention including plunder
(other than kidnapping) Hazing Act violations 234
- arbitrary detention Homicide 235
- violation of rights of persons - all forms of homicide (other than
under custodial investigation infanticide)
- maltreatment of prisoners - murder
- delay in delivery of detained - parricide
persons - death caused in a tumultuous
- delaying release affray
Disobedience 222 - death under exceptional
- all forms of disobedience circumstances
Drug offences 223 - homicide with rape or robbery
- all drug offences, including RA Imprudence 236
6425 - simple imprudence
- Toxic Substances Act violations - reckless imprudence alone
Duelling 224 (record reckless imprudence
- with or without physical injuries resulting in physical injury or
Election related offences 225 homicide as physical injury or
- violations of election code homicide)
- violations of Voters Registration Indigenous people: violations of 237
Act rights
Estafa (swindling) 226 Infanticide 238
- all forms of estafa Infidelity 239
- swindling under PD 1689 - all forms of infidelity
Falsification offences 227 Intellectual Property Code violations 240
- all forms of falsification Intriguing against honor 241
- manufacturing and possession of Kidnapping 242
instruments for falsification (record kidnapping a minor as child
- use of false armed forces grades, protection)
titles, insignia, uniforms Labor offences 243
- use of false or fictitious name - unfair labor practices, coercion
- giving of false testimony - violation of Labor Code
- incriminating an innocent person - violation of minimum wage law
- illegal recruitment
Libel and slander 244
- all forms of libel and slander,
including threatened libel

Malicious mischief 245 Price Act violations 255

- all forms of malicious mischief Prohibited interest 256
Malversation 246 Prohibited transaction 257
- all forms of malversation Public office offences 258
Marriage-related offences 247 - unlawful appointments
- bigamy - disloyalty of public officers and
- concubinage employees
- mail order bride - anticipation, prolonging
- performance of illegal ceremony performance, or abandonment of
- premature marriage duties and powers of office
- unlawful marriage - orders or requests to judicial
Mendicancy 248 authority
Obstruction 249 - refusal to discharge elective
- of witness protection program office
- of apprehension and prosecution Public works contracts: violations of 259
of criminal offenders material provisions
Offences against morality and 250 Rape 260
religion - including abduction or robbery
- adultery with rape
- abuses against chastity (record rape with homicide as
- acts of lasciviousness homicide)
- seduction Refusal of assistance 261
- grave scandal Revelation of secrets 262
- simulation of births - all forms
- immoral doctrines, obscene Robbery 263
publications, etc. - all forms of robbery, including
- offending religious feelings robbery with physical injuries or
- interruption of religious worship arson
Offences against public order 251 - highway robbery
- alarms and scandals - brigandage
- tumultuous disturbances - piracy
- delivery of prisoners from jail (record robbery with homicide as
- illegal assemblies homicide; and robbery with rape as
- illegal associations rape)
- prevention or disturbance of Searches and intrusions: illegal 264
meetings of National Assembly - searching domicile without a
- disobedience to summons of witness
National Assembly - maliciously obtaining search
- violation of parliamentary warrant
immunity - violation of domicile
- unlawful use of means of - expulsion from residence
publication and utterances Sentences 265
- disobedience to person in - evasion of service of sentence
authority - violation of conditional pardon
Offences against the State 252 Servitude and slavery 266
- coup d'etat - services rendered under
- espionage compulsion in payment of debt
- rebellion, insurrection - slavery
- all forms of sedition - white slave trade
- all forms of treason Sexual harassment 267
- correspondence with a hostile Social Security law violations 268
country Solicitation Permit law violations 269
- flight to enemy country Squatting 270
- violation of neutrality Tax Reform Act violations 271
- inciting to war Telecommunications offences 272
Passport Act violations 253 - unauthorized telephone
Physical injuries 254 installations
- all physical injury offences - interference with telegraphic
- mutilation messages
- maltreatment
(count robbery with physical injuries
as robbery)

Theft 273 RA 6713 (code of conduct and 233

- all forms of theft ethical standards)
- cattle rustling RA 6727 (minimum wage law) 243
- pilferage of electricity RA 6955 (mail order bride) 247
Threats 274 RA 6969 (toxic substances) 223
- all kinds of threats RA 6981 (obstruct witness 249
Trees 275 protection program)
- illegal logging RA 7080 (plunder) 233
- cutting of trees along public RA 7279 (squatting) 270
roads, plazas, etc. RA 7438 (rights of persons under 221
- cutting of particular trees custodial investigation)
Trespassing 276 RA 7581 (Price Act) 255
- all forms of trespassing RA 7610 (child abuse) 212
Trust Receipt law violations 277 RA 7832 (pilferage of electricity) 273
Usurpation 278 RA 7877 (sexual harassment) 267
- of Authority RA 8042 (illegal recruitment) 243
- of Executive Functions RA 8043 (inter-country adoptions) 212
- of Judicial Functions RA 8049 (hazing) 234
- of Legislative Powers RA 8189 (Voters Registration Act) 225
Usurpation 278
RA 8203 (counterfeit drugs) 223
- altering boundaries and
RA 8239 (Passport Act) 253
RA 8293 (Intellectual Property 240
- occupation of real property
- of civil status
RA 8353 (anti-rape law) 260
Unlawful arrest 279
RA 8371 (indigenous peoples) 237
Vagrancy 280
RA 8424 (Tax Reform Act) 271
Wire tapping 281
Other criminal offence 290
3. Labour Relations Cases
Breach of Municipal, Provincial or 295
City Ordinances
Labour relations 300
(b) numerical list of laws and decrees
4. Securities and Exchange Commission
BP 22 (bouncing checks) 209
PD 533 (cattle rustling) 273
Securities and Exchange 400
RA 1161 (social security law) 268
PD 1379 (graft) 233
5. Other Quasi-Judicial Matters
PD 1602 (illegal gambling) 231
PD 1613 amended by s.10 RA 7659 205 Agrarian Reform 501
Agricultural Inventions 502
PD 1619 (volatile substances) 223 Assessment Appeals 503
PD 1689 (swindling) 226 Atomic Energy 504
PD 1727 (bomb threats) 208
Audit 505
PD 1730 (falsification of bureau of 227
Civil Aeronautics 506
transportation forms etc.)
Civil Service 507
PD 1759 (public works contracts) 259
Construction Industry Arbitration 508
PD 1829 (obstruct apprehension and 249
Electrification Administration 509
prosecution of criminal offenders)
Elections 510
PD 1857 (protection of telegraphic 272
Employees Compensation 511
Energy Regulation 512
PD 1866 (firearms and ammunition) 228
Government Service Insurance 513
PD 1949 (acetic acid) 223
RA 3019 (graft and corrupt 233
Insurance 514
Investments 515
AO 3720 (food, drugs, devices and 223
Patents, Trademarks and Technology 516
RA 4200 (wire tapping) 281
President 517
RA 6235 (civil aviation) 213
Social Security 518
RA 6425 (dangerous drugs) 223
Telecommunications 519
RA 6539 (carnapping) 211

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