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Banri: Risa, do you want to accompany me out of the party?, I must tell you something
Risa: Sure, let's go
Banri: I like you! Would you please accept being my girlfriend?
Risa: -silence- Banri, you know that I appreciate you very much, he has been my best
friend during these years, but right now, I can not give you an answer
Banri: But, why? We have been friends for many years and you know how I feel about
Risa: I know, but right now I feel confused ... Give me one day!
Banri: One day?
Risa: Yes! We'll meet at the dry river bridge, wait for me there at 7 pm, I'll give you the
answer then
Banri: -she smiles- Okay, see you there, it seems that the party is ending anyway, I'm
going home, take care
Risa: Yes, you're right, you'll also go home, see you, take care


Banri: -review her watch- it's too late, it's 9 pm and she does not reach any ... I think,
this is her answer -he gets depressed-
Banri: I guess I should have guessed it, it would be better to go
- Voltea to walk and leave, but a linear motorcycle lights up his face and pushes the
bridge, falls hitting the head-
-Somewhere else-
Risa: Shit! I was late for supporting my boss at work, and on top of that my phone went
bad, I could not tell Banri that I would be late.
-from his work to the bridge-
Risa: Please Banri, do not go, wait for me, I'm getting there
-come to the bridge and look down to find the police and ambulance-
Risa: Banri...? -He covers his mouth and cries-
Risa: Banri! Let me pass - remove the cops - is my friend, what happened?
-the policeman explains that he fell and hit his head-
-The police and ambulance are leaving-
Risa: -lora- Banri ... Banri ... Banri, forgive me, I just would have arrived on time

-In the hospital doctors attend Banri, but remains amnesia-

Banri: wake up and see your parents - who are you? What happened to me?
-his parents calm Banri and explain what happened-
Banri: The doctors told me that my memory could return later or never return, for now I
have forgotten everything about my life before the accident, I hate to be here locked up
- In the evening at 2:00 am-
-Look a light far from the mountains through your window-
Banri: There's that light again, it must be some kind of message for someone,
Who will it be?
-He escapes from the hospital to that light-
Banri: I think it's around here, -you come and meet whoever used that flashlight to light-
Banri: Hi, I saw your light many times, I thought it was a message, for who is it?

-The owner of the messages was surprised ... it was her friend Risa-
Laughter: -sorpressed- eh ... it's for a friend who is hospitalized in that hospital
Banri: Really? It must be very comforting to know that someone is waiting for you, I
am also in that hospital, who is your friend? Maybe I know him
Laughter: Ah ... no, I do not think you know him, anyway, who are you?
Banri: I am Banri, I had an accident and I can not remember anything, but I have the
feeling that I have forgotten something very important for me
Laughter: -llora-
Banri: eh! Miss, excuse me if I bother you, I'm sure you remembered your friend, do not
worry, I'm sure he'll be fine, I'll look for him and let him know that you miss him
raisa: neglect, I'm fine - Banri the calm-
Risa: By the way, this is the last time I come, tomorrow I'll travel to the city, apply to a
university, so I do not think I'll see him again
Banri: Really? Then I will also go to the city! I will apply for a law degree at the
university of the city
Laughter: -she smiles- then we'll see each other there, recover soon
-They say goodbye and everyone leaves-


-Banri managed to enter the city's university, in law school-
-Banri on the way to the university meets Yanas-
Banri: Hello! Do you know if this is the way to the university?
Yanas: I do not know, I also got late escaping from a crazy woman and I could not
follow anyone who was out of u
Banri: -I'm- it looks like we've fucked up already
Yanas: It seems like that -he says-
Banri: My name is Banri
Yanas: Nice to meet you, my name is Yanas, what do you study at the university?
Banri: Right, and you?
Yanas: Go now! I also, it seems, we'll see each other often
-Walking they came to the university-
Banri: that's it, let's go
Yanas: Yes, although we can not get to the entrance ceremony
-A car is parked in front of it and a girl with long, thin hair with a bouquet of roses
comes down-
Koko: Hello my love Yanas, how dare you run away from me like that?
Yanas: Damn is the crazy girl
-Koko hits with the bouquet of roses to Yanas-
-Banri is impressed with the beauty of Koko-
Koko: Do not forget that you are the love of my life - he gives a kiss to Yanas and goes
Banri: what was that?
Yanas: That crazy one, will never change, she is my childhood friend, for some reason
she has been harassing me for years, she has gotten me into many problems, I enter this
university secretly and secretly so that she does not Whole
Banri: Well, it seems that he found you

-In the classroom Yanas and Banri shared the same class-

Banri: -drawing a heart in his notebook while remembering Koko- I wonder if it's a girl
-Koko appears at his side-
Koko: If that girl what? -smile-
Banri: Ho ... Hi, did you come following Yanas?
Koko: Follow? I also study here
Yanas: Damn understand that I do not want to be anything with you, get away from me
Koko: You're just confused my love
-A free time, presentation of clubs-
-All of them bother Banri to join a club, they let him fall to the ground, a girl dressed in
a dance costume,
It was Laughter
Risa: Hi, it seems you have problems, I'm sorry, that's how all the clubs are on these
Banri: -Sworn at how beautiful he looked with that lipstick and that suit- N ... do not
worry, I'm fine
Laughter: I'm glad, when you're better, maybe consider joining our club, the dance club
Banri: If I'll consider it
Laughter: Then take care of yourself -he gives her a kiss that is blown- see you.
Banri: - She blushes- How beautiful she looked

-Time after-
-Banri joins the dance club which Koko had also entered
-Banri and Koko had become very friendly, but Banri had fallen in love with Koko-
Banri: Koko, because you keep insisting with Yanas, he does not seem to be in love
with you
Koko: Banri, when you give up without a fight, you will never find something worth
Banri: But I like you, I want us to be something else
Koko: Do not be silly Banri, we are very well like that
Banri: But ...
Koko: I know! From now on we will be better friends, is that good for you?
Banri: -strict inside- Yes, it seems good to me -she smiles despite being in pain-


-Yanas and Risa know each other, Yanas is in love with her at first sight-
Yanas: Hello, you are beautiful
Laughter: Thanks
Yanas: I'm from the movie club, and I'm recording about different things to exhibit at
the festival
Laughter: I see, I hope everything goes well
Yanas: I would like to record your club dancing, I think it would be good material,
could it?
Laughter: Sure, you can come to our club whenever you want


-Banri begins to recover the memory in small parts and in small moments, but they go
back after a while-
Banri: -remember that he knew Risa and that she was declared but she did not arrive-
Banri: What was that? She ... we already knew each other?

-Yanas was very much in love with Risa and Koko was still behind Yanas-
-Banri did not want to be next to Koko because they only saw him as a friend-
-In the cafeteria of Banri University, Koko and Yanas-

Koko: Yanas, I'm tired of seeing you all the time with Risa
Yanas: Do not mess with her, she's the only girl I'm in love with, you're just problems
and let me be quiet
Koko: But she ... I love you -he begins to cry-
Yanas: I do not you
- Appears Risa-
Koko: Your damn bitch, stop bothering Yanas he's mine - slaps her
Yanas: Are you crazy? Understand that I do not feel anything for you, go away, you
annoy me, I only love Risa
Koko: Idiot! - He is crying
Laughter: What happened? Why did I hit myself?
Yanas: She's just crazy, Laughter, I ... I want you to be my girlfriend, during all this
time I've been in love with you
Laughter: head down- I'm sorry Yanas, I do not know what I have to answer, but I think
we can not be more than friends -he runs away-
Yanas: -deprimido- I think I'm going - he's going-
Banri: now they left me alone ...

-Koko comes out drunk from the party and Banri the company-
Koko: Come on Banri, -he laughs drunk- we go to your apartment, and we'll spend the
whole night talking about Yanas' pests, after all we're friends
Banri: -depressed and tired- can I stop being one? I want to stop being your friend, after
all, you just think about Yanas, have you ever considered my feelings? It is already hard
for me to be by your side
Koko: -she shook her head-
Banri: Do not you want us to stop being friends?
Koko: -she shook her head-
Banri: Is it because despite how clumsy you are, I understand you and I can love you?
Koko: - Affirms with the head-
Banri: Do not be childish, you lost that right since you rejected me, it was a mistake to
think that we could be friends, I can not get involved with you anymore, I do not want
to do it anymore
-Banri plants a taxi-
Koko: No, you're wrong, it's just that ...
-Banri tells the taxi driver-
Banri: It's for her
Koko: Banri, wait
Banri: I will not, I will not wait for anyone
Banri: Goodbye
-Koko stares at Banri and leaves sad, Risa sees that-
Laughter: Banri, did something happen with your girlfriend? You should not make her
angry like that
Banri: Laughter, do you think that she and I are a couple?
Laughter: yes, they look a lot and get along very well
Banri: We are not boyfriends
Laughter: So they are something like ... "More than friends but less than boyfriends"?
Banri: And what do you say to me, Risa? Is not there someone you're in love with?
A boyfriend from your high school? - He gets upset - but even if he asks you, I'm sure
you'll say no, you forgot me! You erased me from your life!
Laughter: -loving- Banri ... Did you remember?
-Banri runs crying and hides in the men's bathroom-
-Risa pursues him crying and upset-
-Risa finds it- and speaks from outside-
Laughter: If I know, I knew it, but I did not tell you anything, because I was the one
who did that to you, because of me you had that accident, what right did I have to return
to your life? You do not know how guilty I feel, it hurts to look at your face every day
knowing that it hurts you so much, it was my fault truth - he yells - if he had arrived on
time none of that would have happened - he calms down and then leaves -
Banri: -llora until she calms down and leaves after Risa-
-Outside of the university Koko was waiting for Banri-
-Koko sees Risa leave but she does not pay attention to him, after a while Banri
Banri: -Anchor silently ignoring Koko-
Koko: Banri, recently Risa came out crying, did something happen with her?
Banri: Yes - runs without clear direction-
Koko: -he chases him, but he gets out of sight and takes a bicycle to reach him-
Banri: I want to forget everything - run to a bridge -
Koko: There he is, what do you intend to do? - Accelerates and pushes him with the

Banri: What the fuck? - Go to Koko-

Koko: What did you plan to do? Do not think nonsense, if you go, I could not live, I
need you
Banri: What are you talking about? Do you still love Yanas?
Koko: No, it has been difficult for me to accept it, but every time it has become more
difficult for me to be without you, I think of you all the time, I am never sure of many
things, but I am sure that I could not live a life without you
Banri: From ... What do you say?
Koko: Banri ... I love you - Kiss Banji


Banri: Laughter, I understand what happened, but that is something of a long time ago, I
do not want you to be truncated by something like that, you were late to give me an
answer, but you are still in time to give an answer to someone
Laughter: I never wanted to hurt you, the truth is that I was in love with you, and I was
going to tell you, although later, when you lost your memory, you created a new
personality, I appreciate you very much, but I do not love you as I love the ancient
Banri: I know, even when I recovered my memories, I did not lose my new personality,
I can not say I love you either, but we lost a lot of time, I will start dating Koko, and
someone waiting for your answer, I think we both know what will be , go away, do not
make him wait for him too
Laughter: Yes, you're right, thank you Banri, you were always a good friend -sale
running to look for that person-
Laughter: -ready to run- Yanas! I was late once and everything went wrong, this time I
will not make the same mistake, I'm not sure if ours will work well but, I want ...
Yanas: -interrupted- Risa, my feelings for you have not changed, do you want to be my
girlfriend? I do not know how well our relationship can go, but I will not give up, I want
to be with you, I love you
Laughter: -she smiles cheerfully- Yes, I accept to be your girlfriend -he kisses-
Yanas: At the end of it all, we are very rare couples - he laughs-
Laughter: -I'm- yes, and they know it too - points to Koko and Banri who came near-
Koko and Banri: lovebirds - they laugh, referring to them-

-A FEW MONTHS LATER- -In a double appointment-

Koko: Banri, I never thought it would end all that
Banri: Not me, but they have been the best friends I've had
Yanas: I think the same, now there are only the problems of finishing this race that does
not keep dead
Laughter: -I'm- It's a very annoying race, but at least we met thanks to her
Koko: we're together, it's just finishing the race
Yanas: you finally stopped harassing me Koko
Koko: It's obvious because I only have eyes for my sweetheart Banri
All: -rink-
Laughter: This is our time
Banri: This is ...

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