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Introduction to Entrepreneurship- udemy course

Section -1 Introduction to the course (10 Minutes)

1. Course overview (2.23 Minutes)
2. Join the party Network with other entrepreneurs and student
 How to join the student slack group pdf
 Join the community through this link
3. Get matched to other Entrepreneurs using our companion app (6.46 Minutes)

Section -2 What is an Entrepreneur (18 Minutes)

4. What is an entrepreneur (2.12 Minutes)
5. Myths about entrepreneurship (4.41 Minutes)
6. Common personality traits (6.30 Minutes)
7. The most important trait of all (2.30 Minutes)
8. Age & Entrepreneurship (2.28 Minutes)
9. ACTIVITY: Test your Entrepreneurial Aptitude
 Quiz 1: Test you understanding of entrepreneurs
10. Section 2 review material

Section -3 The Entrepreneur Mind-set (20 Minutes)

11. Intro to Section 3 (0.40 Minutes)
12. The entrepreneurial Mind-set (3.23 Minutes)
13. Understanding the business life cycle (5.31 Minutes)
14. The different types of income (4.55 Minutes)
15. The process of opportunity recognition (3.54 Minutes)
16. RESOURCES: Suggested reading for Entrepreneurship
17. Section 3 review material
 Quiz 2: Core concepts & Terms

Section -4 The different paths you can take (16 Minutes)

18. Intro to Section 4 (1.04 Minutes)
19. Lifestyle entrepreneurs (5.26 Minutes)
20. Side Business (2.30 Minutes)
21. Startup founders (2.33 Minutes)
22. Social entrepreneurs (4.16 Minutes)
23. Sect 4 review material
 Quiz 3: Do you understand the different types of entrepreneurs?

Section -5 Core concepts & Frameworks (24 Minutes)

24. Intro to Section 5 (1.04 Minutes)
25. Service vs Product business (3.29 Minutes)
26. What is a business model? (1.51 Minutes)
27. Old business model? (2.44 Minutes)
28. New disruptive business models (7.07 Minutes)
29. Scalability (4.41 Minutes)
30. Section 5 review material

Non-Business Use
 Quiz 4: Review of core business concepts

Section -6 Validating your idea (35 Minutes)

31. What is validation? (2.56 Minutes)
32. Surveys (6.13 Minutes)
33. Talking to experts (4.37 Minutes)
34. The lean startup framework (8.02 Minutes)
35. Pitch experiments (5.21 Minutes)
36. Creating an MVP (7.50 Minutes)
37. Section 6 review material
 Quiz 5: Validating your ideas

Section -7 Fundraising (50 Minutes)

38. Know your options (0.52 Minutes)
39. Bootstrapping (10.37 Minutes)
40. FFF & Angels (10.21 Minutes)
41. Equity & Debt (5.48 Minutes)
42. Loans (6.15 Minutes)
43. Venture capital (9.36 Minutes)
44. Incubators (6.19 Minutes)
 World map of incubators with links
 Map of US based incubators (more comprehensive)
 Rankings of incubators based on outcome and size)
45. Business plans & One pagers (10.49 Minutes)
 Business Plan for a startup.docx
 Business plan template.docx
 A creation tool for business plans. It picks what sections you need based of sector,
stage and other criteria
46. Section 7 review material
 Quiz 6: Fundraising

Section -8 Introduction to Idea Generation (6 Minutes)

47. Your most important tool – the scratchpad (2.08 Minutes)
48. ACTIVITY: Idea lister builder (3.35 Minutes)
49. WORKSHEET: Idea lister builder
50. Section 8 review material

Section -9 Laying the groundwork (44 Minutes)

51. The idea equation (10.12 Minutes)
52. Areas to isolate & target (10.11 Minutes)
53. 5 types of innovation (15.14 Minutes)
54. Recap of idea dynamics (8.04 Minutes)
55. Section 9 review material
 Quiz 7: Concepts from section 9

Section -10 making it fit (60 Minutes)

Non-Business Use
56. Intro to Section 10 (1.48 Minutes)
57. The Fit quadrant: Hobbles & Passions (9.28 Minutes)
58. The Fit quadrant: Skill & Experiences (6.32 Minutes)
59. ACTIVITY: Hobbies, Passions, Skills and Experience (2.30 Minutes)
60. WORKSHEET: Hobbies, passions, skills & experience
61. ACTIVITY: List out your goals (5.47 Minutes)
62. WORKSHEET: Fill out your goals
63. The 3 business types: Pick yours (13.32 Minutes)
64. How good does my idea have to be? (9.59 Minutes)
65. The Eureka Myth (9.48 Minutes)
66. Section 10 review material
 Quiz 8: Making it fit

Section -11 Ways of coming up with ideas (61 Minutes)

67. Problem based business ideas (14.56 Minutes)
68. Wouldn’t it be great if (6.52 Minutes)
69. Imagine the future (6.40 Minutes)
70. Reverse imagination (5.28 Minutes)
71. The Fit generator (6.41 Minutes)
72. Cater to power users (11.10 Minutes)
73. Reposition Good / Fast / Cheap (8.54 Minutes)
74. Section 11 review material
 Quiz 9: Ways of coming up with ideas

Section -12 Business Models (61 Minutes)

75. SAAS: Software as a service (12.56 Minutes)
76. Subscriptions & Memberships (7.40 Minutes)
77. PWYW: Pay What You Want (6.39 Minutes)
78. The sharing economy (7.52 Minutes)
79. Marketplaces (8.00 Minutes)
80. On Demand (4.08 Minutes)
81. Curated Boxes (4.45 Minutes)
82. DTC: Direct to Consumer (5.44 Minutes)
83. Crowdsourced catalogs & Inventory (3.15 Minutes)
84. Section 12: review material
 Quiz 10: Business models

Section -13 Evaluate &Test (33 Minutes)

85. Intro to Section 13 (1.45 Minutes)
86. Matching Fit (12.17 Minutes)
87. Sustainability (10.18 Minutes)
88. Path to validation (8.38 Minutes)
89. Section 13 review material
 Quiz 11: Evaluate & test

Section -14 Course Wrap up (16 Minutes)

90. Let me hear your feedback (+ free monthly giveaways)

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