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Unit 4

Introduction    page 45  4 C: Starting with a population of childless married couples
also works best on board a spaceship because it will
1 give the initial crew a few years to adjust to their new
POSSIBLE ANSWERS surroundings without the distraction and responsibility of
Top left to right: taking care of children.
Teacher and student: an unequal relationship based on 5 A: Designing morals for people on such a fantastic voyage
trust within an educational setting, in which the teacher is problematic because people on Earth would have little
has a duty of care to the student; the teacher has an influence once the crew was on its own.
element of authority over the student. 6 B: Experts predict that such a space mission will take place
Parent and child: an unequal relationship based on deep within the next hundred years.
love and care; the parent has responsibility to care for the
child. Collocations with have and take
Husband and wife / partners: an equal relationship with
joint responsibility as spouses / partners and maybe also 3
as parents. KEY
Bottom left to right: a  have children   ​b  take care of children   ​
Manager and employee / boss and worker: an unequal c  take the opportunity to   ​d  take place
relationship; the boss has some authority over the
employee. 4
Friends: an equal relationship.
Nurse and patient: an unequal relationship: the nurse has
a  have  ​b  take  ​c  have  ​d  take  ​e  having  ​f  have  ​
the knowledge the patient needs; the nurse has a duty of
g  have / take
care to the patient.
2 Students’ own answers. Over to you
Reading and Use of English
Part 5    page 46  a Suitable people: doctors, nurses, midwifes, teachers,
builders, farmers, scientists, etc.
Think ahead Personal qualities: determination, bravery, sense of
1 adventure, sense of humour, ability to work as part of a
team, etc.
b Students’ own answers.
b A single-sex crew might miss the company of the
opposite sex and the distractions they can provide,
and a single-sex environment would be very unnatural. Grammar    page 48 
A single-sex crew may squabble without the balance
provided by the other sex. There may be times when The future
the women would benefit from masculine thinking
patterns, physical strength and so on. It would be
boring being in a single-sex environment. Children KEY
need both sexes to influence their development. a  4  ​b  1  ​c  5  ​d  7  ​e  6  ​f  3  ​g  2
Exam practice: Multiple choice KEY
2 1 I start / I’m starting
KEY 2 ’re having / ’re going to have
1 C: The family has the kind of natural organization and 3 ’re going to start / ’re starting / start
motivation to deal with the tensions which are likely to 4 ’ll get up / ’re going to get up
characterize space trips … . 5 leaves
2 D: … spacecraft size is no longer the constraint it was, 6 ’ll stop
making it possible to take ordinary people such as 7 ’ll drive / ’re going to drive
midwives, electricians and cleaners. 8 ’ll take
3 A: Whenever colonization is done on Earth, it is always by 9 ’ll probably go
people looking for a better life. 10 ’re catching
11 ’ll send
12 Are you doing / Are you going to do

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3 3
a I’m going to check his / her mobile phone messages. All the photos are of parents and their children. I really like
b I’m sorry, but I’m staying with my aunt and uncle then. the first photo because everyone looks so relaxed. The first
c I’ll do the decorations if you like. and second photos are of fathers with their children, and
the other two are of mothers with their children. They all
Future continuous and future perfect show normal situations, rather conventional, although the
man carrying the baby in the second photo may be a little
4 untraditional for some people.
KEY 4 Students’ own answers.
a  2  ​b  3  ​c  1
Exam practice: Multiple matching
a This time next week I’ll be sitting on the beach.
1  E  ​2  H  ​3  A  ​4  F  ​5  C
b By this time next year I’ll have finished my exams.
B, D and G are not used.
c This time next year I’ll be living in Spain.
d In five years’ time I’ll have started up my own company. 6
bound to / likely to
a a bond between children and their dads – an emotional
6 connection
POSSIBLE ANSWERS This bond may be different from the bond between
a My brother’s likely to be working abroad / unlikely to be children and their mums because it is usually mums
rich. who stay at home with children.
b He’s bound to be looking for a better-paid job. b day-to-day care of children – looking after children in
every way, every day: feeding them, keeping them safe,
7 getting them up and ready for bed, nurturing them,
KEY changing their clothes, nappies, etc.
During the economic recession, many jobs disappeared c the main breadwinner – the person in the family who
from industries traditionally dominated by male workers. earns the most money
It may be that women, who traditionally work in health Yes, there can be other breadwinners.
care, education and other service industries, will take the d an emotional tie – a link between two people who have
lead in the labour market. feelings for each other
Other ties: family, professional, cultural, economic
Exam practice: Open cloze e he dedicated all his time to me and my sisters – he spent
all his time on / his main priority was the speaker and
her sisters
1  on  ​2  does  ​3  has  ​4  or  ​5  will  ​6  least  ​7  such  ​
8  who Vocabulary    page 51 
Over to you Phrasal verbs with bring
9 1
a Students’ own answers. a  Bringing up   ​b  bring her round   ​c  brought about   ​
b The traditional thinking is that women are better in the d  bring up   ​e  brought in   ​f  brought back   ​
caring professions – perhaps because they are used to g  bring down   ​h  brought forward   ​i  bringing out
acting in a motherly way.
Listening Part 3    page 50  a I find it very difficult to bring up …
b If I had the power, I would bring in …
Pronunciation c … always brings back …
d I think the hardest thing about bringing up children
1 is …
adventurous  ​conservative  ​
fashionable  ​
unconventional  ​extraordinary  ​
normal  ​
imaginative  ​ strange  ​surprising  ​
traditional  ​

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Words with several meanings Speaking Part 2    page 53 
3 3
a WORK a  almost certainly   ​b  probably  ​c  looks like   ​
1 have an ongoing, positive effect d  could be   ​e  the chances are   ​f  I’d say   ​g  I imagine   ​
2 function h  I guess
3 doing jobs
1 most important Writing Part 1    page 54 
2 button (on a keyboard)
3 set of answers Think ahead
1 which are attractive 1
2 rates at which money increases KEY
3 rights / concerns a Role models are most often people famous in their
d EXPERIENCE own field, like singers, actors and actresses, sport stars
1 occasion / event / happening or even scientists or politicians. They can also be older
2 knowledge / skill gained through doing something for a public figures (like Nelson Mandela) or people who
period of time in the past have achieved great things or made great sacrifices.
3 practice / doing things b Role models have status, personality traits, etc. that
e MAKE UP others aspire to. They act as examples to show others
1 reconcile / make peace / forgive and forget what is possible. They can inspire people, particularly if
2 invent / think up / fabricate they are ordinary people rather than people who were
3 comprise / form born into a privileged position.
4 Students’ own answers.
Exam skills
Reading and Use of English 2
Part 4    page 52  KEY
a A topic sentence: has a clear topic; interests the reader;
Exam skills expresses the main idea(s) of the paragraph; is a full
1 b Sentence 2 gives an explanation; sentence 3 adds
KEY information.
a  one  ​b  between two and five   ​c  yes, it does   ​
d  no, I can’t
2 a Not a clear topic – sensitive to or about what?
KEY An improved version might be: Parents need to be
1 I were you, I ‘d sensitive, especially in situations where they believe their
2 been ages since I saw children have chosen unsuitable role models.
3 have been reports of flooding b Not a full sentence.
4 she didn’t agree with my An improved version might be: It has been claimed
that the period from the early 1970s to 2000 is one which
Exam practice: Key word transformation witnessed the end of the traditional family.
3 4
1 get used to Many celebrities owe their position more to good luck
2 is believed to have caused than to recognizable talent.
3 more expensive to rent If we want our children to become responsible adults,
4 have given up we should make sure they have clear rights and
5 it was / were up to me responsibilities from an early age.
6 not bring it up Most people today would agree that parents have the
prime responsibility for the bringing up of children.
Teachers should have a good knowledge of their subject,
as well as having an understanding of the processes by
which children learn.

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5 3
1  h  ​2  e  ​3  a  ​4  b  ​5  g  ​6  i  ​7  d  ​8  c  ​9  f a brought up
b brings back
6 c bring round
KEY d bring about
for instance; however; the result of this; in the end; to e brought up
begin with; in addition

Linking words
For instance: for example
However: despite this; in spite of this
The result of this: as a result; because of this
In the end: ultimately
To begin with: firstly; for a start; to start with
In addition: also; as well as this; furthermore what is more,

a For example, if they see their role models behaving
badly, they may be tempted to imitate their behaviour.
What is more, they may persuade their friends to act in
the same way.
b To begin with, they are usually well-educated and take
their subject seriously. In addition, they are keen to help
other people. In the end, however, they can only be
successful if their students are willing to learn.
c For instance, a famous person who earns millions but
has no talent is not the best person to be a child’s
role model. However, there are undoubtedly some
celebrities who have talent, and they may make good
role models.

Unit 4 Review    page 56 

1 was suggested (that) I look / looked / should look
2 been reports of clashes between
3 couldn’t get used to
4 ’s bound to get
5 is believed to be responsible
6 ’m unlikely to be / arrive on

a will retire / will be retiring
b ’m going to cycle / ’ll be cycling
c ’ll lend you
d leaves
e will have worked / will have been working
f Are you doing
g ’ll have moved; ’ll be living

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