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Vo}arstvo, 43, 165 166 (2009) 5 16 UDK: 634.1;634.

Journal of Pomology, 43, 165 166 (2009) 5 16 Pregledni rad
Rewiew paper

Ciljevi, metode i dostignu}a u oplemenjivanju vo}aka i vinove loze

Dragan Nikoli}1, Vladislav Ognjanov2, Nada Kora}2, Vera Rakonjac1

Poljoprivredni fakultet, Zemun Beograd, Srbija
Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad, Srbija

Primljeno 16. marta, 2009; prihva}eno 1. aprila, 2009.

Rezime. U radu su prikazani najva`niji ciljevi, metode i dostignu}a u oplemenjivanju vo}aka i vinove loze. Me-
|u ciljevima oplemenjivanja posebno su istaknuti prinos, kvalitet i otpornost prema izaziva~ima bolesti i {teto-
~inama. Pored njih dat je i prikaz pojedinih specifi~nih ciljeva. Od metoda oplemenjivanja u prvom redu obra-
|ene su konvencionalne i nove metode biotehnologije. Odre|ena pa`nja usresre|ena je i na brojne pomo}ne me-
tode, koje u kombinaciji sa konvencionalnim, doprinose br`em ostvarivanju postavljenih ciljeva. Dostignu}a
mnogih oplemenjiva~kih programa pokazala su da su planskim radom na oplemenjivanju stvorene brojne pri-
vredno zna~ajne sorte i podloge kod svih vrsta vo}aka i vinove loze. Mnoge od njih potiskuju iz proizvodnje
standardne sorte i zauzimaju odgovaraju}a mesta u novim zasadima. Sve ovo ukazuje da oplemenjiva~ki rad ka-
ko u svetu tako i u na{oj zemlji treba dalje nastaviti, jer samo nove sorte i podloge velikog geneti~kog potenci-
jala mogu, uz odgovaraju}e druge uslove, obezbediti visok dohodak u vo}arskoj i vinogradarskoj proizvodnji.

Klju~ne re~i: vrste vo}aka, vinova loza, germplazma, oplemenjivanje, ciljevi, metode, rezultati.

Vo}arstvo, 43, 165 166 (2009) 17 20 UDK: 634.1:7.711
Journal of Pomology, 43, 165 166 (2009) 17 20 Kratko saop{tenje
Short Communication

Raspberry breeding intercultivar hybridization

Rayna Boycheva1, Stancho Hristov2, Teodora Stoyanova2, Ivan Minev2

Institute of Agriculture, Kyustendil, Bulgaria
Institute of Mountain Stockbreeding and Agriculture, Troyan, Bulgaria

Received 9 December, 2008; accepted 27 February, 2009

Abstract. Since 1950 till now in the Experimental Station of Small-fruit Crops in the town of Kostinbrod and
the Institute of Mountain Stockbreeding and Agriculture, town of Troyan a rich gene pool of raspberry has been
created. The obtained genetic diversity allowed selection of elites and candidate cultivars possessing valuable
economic qualities. Main methods applied in this work were: combining breeding including inbreeding and in-
traspecific hybridization. Many elites were chosen during the conducted selection.
Shopska Alena, Samodiva, Iskra, No.13303, No.143 (Stolichnaya), No.150 (Taganka), Kokinskaya, Solnishko,
Gradina, Podgorina, Norna, Nootka had the greatest combining ability.
Donors of large-fruited character were determined. Among them Mirage, Maroseyka, Aborigen, Stolichnaya, Ta-
ganka and Malling Delight had the highest breeding value.

Key words: raspberry, breeding, cultivars, elites, hybridization.

Vo}arstvo, 43, 165 166 (2009) 21 25 UDK: 634.1.22
Journal of Pomology, 43, 165 166 (2009) 21 25 Originalan nau~ni rad
Original scientific paper

Vegetative and reproductive characteristics of plum cultivar Tegera in the

conditions of Central Balkan Mountains

Boryana Stefanova, Hristina Dinkova, Kalin Dragoyski

Institute of Mountain Stockbreeding and Agriculture, Troyan, Bulgaria

Received 9 December, 2008; accepted 23 February, 2009

Abstract. The plum cultivar Tegera was imported to Bulgaria in 2001 under the programme for production of
certified planting material implemented by the Bulgarian German Project FAMAD. The interest for it was dic-
tated above all by its high-quality fruits, early time of ripening, satisfactory tolerance to Plume pox virus.
The study was conducted during the 2003 2007 period in IMSA Troyan. The trees of cv Tegera were grafted on
rootstocks SJ A, Fereley and Myrobalan. Growth and reproductive characteristics of cv Tegera grown in the con-
ditions of Central Balkan Mountains were observed.
It was found that cv Tegera grafted on the vegetative rootstocks SJ A and Fereley was suitable for establishment
of intensive plum orchards, with smaller planting spacings. When grafted on Myrobalan, it can be recommended
also for growing in mountain conditions with lower-fertility soils.

Key words: plum, cultivar, growth, fruit bearing.

Vo}arstvo, 43, 165 166 (2009) 27 30 UDK: 634.1:22
Journal of Pomology, 43, 165 166 (2009) 27 30 Originalan nau~ni rad
Original scientific paper

Plum cultivar Elena in the Troyan conditions

Hristina Dinkova, Boryana Stefanova, Kalin Dragoyski

Institute of Mountain Stockbreeding and Agriculture, Troyan, Bulgaria

Received 9 December, 2008; accepted 10 March, 2009

Abstract. Cultivar Elena was imported for study in Bulgaria in 2001 under the programme for production of cer-
tified planting material implemented by the Bulgarian German Project FAMAD with a view to filling the gap in
assortment having occurred after dropping out of Kyustendilska Sinya Sliva due to its Plum pox virus (PPV) su-
The study was conducted in the conditions of the Troyan region, which is a typical plum producing region. Cul-
tivar Elena grafted on rootstock Myrobalan had moderate growth vigour under nonirrigated conditions, was pre-
cocious and gave regular and high yields.
The fruits were medium large, 20 30 g and had high content of soluble solids, so they are suitable for drying.
For the conditions of the Troyan region the cultivar is of interest to the plum producers as an alternative to Kyus-
tendilska Sinya Sliva.

Key words: plum, Prunus domestica, cultivar testing, cv Elena.

Vo}arstvo, 43, 165 166 (2009) 31 35 UDK: 634.1:25
Journal of Pomology, 43, 165 166 (2009) 31 35 Originalan nau~ni rad
Original scientific paper

Pomolo{ke karakteristike nektarina poznog zrenja

Gordan Zec1, Slavica ^oli}2, Zoran Jankovi}1

Institut PKB Agroekonomik,Padinska Skela, Srbija
Institut za primenu nauke u poljoprivredi, Beograd, Srbija

Primljeno 13. januara, 2009; prihva}eno 2. marta, 2009.

Rezime. U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja 9 sorti nektarine pozne epohe sazrevanja (15 avgust 15 septem-
bar). Trogodi{nja ispitivanja su obavljena u proizvodno-oglednom zasadu Instituta PKB-Agroekonomik u Padin-
skoj Skeli (Beograd). Predmet rada je bila ocena pomolo{kih osobina ispitivanih sorti. Sorte su opisane po IB-
PGR deskriptoru.
Najve}u rodnost su imale Orion i klon Stark Red Golda. Najvi{e ocene za atraktivnost ploda su dobile sorte Mor-
siani 51 i Orion. Pucanje poko`ice ploda je u manjem procentu zabele`eno kod sorte Vega. Klon Stark Red Gol-
da je pokazao najmanju osetljivost prema poznim prole}nim mrazevima.

Klju~ne re~i: nektarina, pozno zrenje, pomolo{ke osobine.

Vo}arstvo, 43, 165 166 (2009) 37 43 UDK: 634.1:22;632.3
Journal of Pomology, 43, 165 166 (2009) 37 43 Originalan nau~ni rad
Original scientific paper

Evaluation of plum cultivars suitable for sustainable fruit production in the

mountain regions of Bulgaria

Kalin Dragoyski, Hristina Dinkova, Boriana Stefanova, Penka Mihailova

Institute of Mountain Stockbreeding and Agriculture, Troyan, Bulgaria

Received 9 January, 2008; accepted 23 February, 2009

Abstract. On the basis of continuous studies conducted in the 1994-2007 period an evaluation of 10 plum culti-
vars tested in IMSA Troyan was made in connection with their use in technologies and systems for ecologically
friendly and organic production.
Particular attention was paid to the behaviour of the cultivars to abiotic and biotic factors, such as unpretentiou-
sness to soil conditions, resistance to diseases and insect pests. A main criterion was their behaviour to the plum
pox virus.
The following cultivars were characterized as suitable for integrated plum production: Mirabelle de Nancy, Ele-
na, Valevka, Gabrovska, Jojo, Tuleu Timpuriu, Stanley, C. Lepotica, Tegera, Hanita, They can be cultivated with
decreased use of mineral fertilizers and reduced plant protection.

Key words: plum, cultivars, resistance, PPV, organic production.

Vo}arstvo, 43, 165 166 (2009) 45 51 UDK: 634.1:23
Journal of Pomology, 43, 165 166 (2009) 45 51 Originalan nau~ni rad
Original scientific paper

Vreme zrenja i biohemijski sastav ploda introdukovanih sorti tre{nje

(Prunus avium L.)

Sanja Radi~evi}, Radosav Cerovi}, Ivana Gli{i}, Olga Mitrovi}

Institut za vo}arstvo, ^a~ak, Srbija

Primljeno 15. januara, 2009; prihva}eno 4. marta, 2009.

Rezime. U radu su prikazani dvogodi{nji rezultati ispitivanja vremena zrenja i biohemijskog sastava ploda 16
sorti tre{nje (Bianca di Verona, Junska rana, Lapins, Early Compact Van, Merchant, ^arna, Vega, Compact
Stella, Kordia, Summit, Sunburst, Margit, Vista, Stark Hardy Giant, Durone Nero III i Inge), koji su upore|ivani
sa osobinama standardne sorte Bigarreau Hativ de Burlat. Najve}i broj ispitivanih sorti pripada grupi sorti ~etvrte
nedelje zrenja. Sadr`aj rastvorljivih suvih materija varirao je od 14,80% (sorta Margit) do 18,22% (Durone Nero
III). Najvi{i sadr`aj ukupnih {e}era su imale sorte Vista i Durone Nero III (12,48%), a najni`i Junska rana
(9,77%), dok je sadr`aj invertnih {e}era bio najvi{i kod sorte Merchant (11,91%), a najni`i kod sorte Junska rana
(8,91%). I pored ispoljene tendencije pove}anja sadr`aja rastvorljivih suvih materija, ukupnih i invertnih {e}era
sa vremenom sazrevanja, u svakoj grupi zrenja se mogu izdvojiti sorte koje se odlikuju njihovim visokim
sadr`ajem, {to upu}uje na zaklju~ak da su sva uop{tavanja u pogledu kvaliteta sorte obzirom na vreme zrenja

Klju~ne re~i: tre{nja, sorta, zrenje, biohemijski sastav ploda.

Vo}arstvo, 43, 165 166 (2009) 53 56 UDK: 634.1;634.54
Journal of Pomology, 43, 165 166 (2009) 53 56 Originalan nau~ni rad
Original scientific paper

Pomolo{ko-tehnolo{ke osobine introdukovanih sorti leske

Milisav Mitrovi}, Rade Mileti}, Milan Luki}

Institut za vo}arstvo, ^a~ak, Srbija

Primljeno 15. januara, 2009; prihva}eno 2. marta, 2009.

Rezime. Ispitivane su tri francuske sorte leske (Corabel, Merveille de Bollwiller, Segorbe) u pore|enju sa
Barcelonom kao standardnom sortom na podru~ju ^a~ka. Rezultati trogodi{njih ispitivanja ukazuju da ove sorte
poseduju kvalitet koji opravdava njihovo masovnije uvo|enje u na{u propizvodnu praksu. Vrednost vegetativnog
i rodnog potencijala preporu~uje ih za dalje {irenje na svim terenima sli~nih agroklimatskih karakteristika.

Kju~ne re~i: leska, introdukovane sorte, fenologija, bujnost, rodnost, plod.

Vo}arstvo, 43, 165 166 (2009) 59 64 UDK: 634.1;634.7:711
Journal of Pomology, 43, 165 166 (2009) 59 64 Stru~ni rad
Technical paper

Raspberry production in Bulgaria

Teodora Stoyanova, Ivan Minev, Stancho Hristov

Institute of Mountain Stockbreeding and Agriculture, Troyan, Bulgaria

Received 9 December, 2008; accepted 27 February, 2009

Abstract. Development of raspberry production in Bulgaria was examined at its particular stages. The results of
Bulgarian raspberry production were analyzed and compared with those of major raspberry producers in the world.
In the last years the raspberry yields and planting areas have been drastically decreased. Having potentialities and
yields of 13,000 14,000 t and ranking third in the world in 1971, Bulgaria took 13th place in 1996 2000. Morpho-
logical characteristics of the raspberry cultivars Shopska Alena, Samodiva, Balgarski Rubin, Meeker, Willamette,
Newburg, Marlborough were studied. Cultivars Samodiva, Shopska Alena and Willamette were most promising
and adaptable to the contemporary global changes in the climate.

Key words: raspberry, production, stages of development, cultivars.

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