Babe 20ruth

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By: Devon Pittman

• George Herman Ruth Jr. (Babe Ruth) was born February 6, 1895 in Baltimore,
Maryland. His parents are George and Kate and he is 1 or 8 children. He
had a lack of parental guidance with led him be a mischievous kid. George
was later sent to a catholic school for stricter guidance it was called St.
• George became very close with one of the monks at his new school his
name was Brother Matthias. Brother Matthias became a father like figure to
ruth and brought him the interest of baseball. He taught him everything he
needed to know but in came naturally to Ruth. Eventually the owner of the
Baltimore Orioles gave him a contract on the team.

• Shortly after George playing for the Orioles he was signed onto the Boston
red sox. Babe was known for his power as a slugger, but he began to start his
career as a pitcher. He had very successful seasons on that team. He won
the major league debut and led the team to the International League
Pennant. He ended his first season with a 23-12 campaign in 1916, and a
lead the league in a 1.75 ERA.

• Babe Ruth became a New York Yankee and was now a full-time outfielder.
He changed baseball history. He rewrote records from a hitting standpoint,
batting average, and the power he had. He had a total of 59 home runs ,
177 runs, and batted a .376 in his 1921 season. This was unheard of, no other
player had that record. That was just the start of his records every season the
numbers went up.

•2x All-Star
•7x World Series Champion
•AL Batting Champion
•12x AL Home run leader
•6x AL RBI Leader

He is also in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Baseball fans named Ruth to the Major Leag
• George was married twice in his life. His first wife was Helen Woodford and
he has adopted her daughter Dorothy. Shortly after Helen died he then
married Claire Hudgson and adopted her daughter Julia.
• Babe Ruth had become a very wealthy man and after baseball was over for
him he didn’t really have anymore goals. The only thing he really wanted to
do was become a Major League coach but no teams wanted him. They
offered him Minor League coaching positions but he declined. He waited
and waited for the call but it never came. He then spent the rest of his life
with his family. He would spend his time fishing with his daughter and going
on fishing trips. He would stop at the local market before coming home
because he never caught much.

• George Herman Ruth Jr. was an astounding person. Through his life he
accomplished many things some people only dream of. He will forever be
remember for the way he played the game of baseball and mostly his
batting abilities. He brought so much to the game. He lived a great life.
• “Babe Ruth.” Babe Ruth | Society for American Baseball Research,
• “Biography.” Biography | Babe Ruth,

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