Hillary Clinton Destroys America

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Hillary Clinton Destroys America’s Free Energy Hopes Forever

The machinations of both Hillary Clinton and President Obama, the hopes of unlimited energy for the United States has been
“forever destroyed” after the US government ordered the defunding of that nations most advanced fusion reactor on the same
day it set a new world record in free energy production.

According to this report, MoE and other global energy scientists “beamed/radiated” excitement on 30 September when the
Boston based Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) announced that its Plasma Science and Fusion Center’s (PSFC)
Alcator C-Mod (ARC) tokamak nuclear fusion reactor had achieved a world shattering 2.05 atmospheres of pressure—that
would enable this type of reactor to create 50 times the power it actually draws.
http://web.mit.edu/ https://www.psfc.mit.edu/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcator_C-Mod

The global “examination/search” for fusion created free energy, this report explains, began as an initiative between the United
States and former Soviet Union (Russia) in 1985, and that led to the 2007 formation of the International Thermonuclear
Experimental Reactor (ITER) tokamak megaproject located in Saint-Paul-lès-Durance, France.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint-Paul-l%C3%A8s-Durance https://www.iter.org/mach

With Russia, the United States, China, European Union, and other nations contributing to the ITER tokamak megaproject in
France, this report continues, all of these countries continued their own independent search for free energy using these unique
fusion reactors—such as in 2014 when Russia offered China a role in developing the Federations hybrid tokamak fusion reactor.

Far and away, however, this report notes, the most advanced of these free energy tokamak reactors was the one built by MIT—
and as proven by its astonishing record setting feat on 30 September.

Upon President Obama taking office in 2009, however, this report says, MoE free energy scientists, and other global energy
experts, began to express “quiet alarm” over Hillary Clinton “pushing/pressuring” the Obama regime to abandon MIT’s free
energy research in favor of what is called “Green Energy”—and that American experts have detailed was yet another part of a
Hillary Clinton scam costing the US hundreds-of-billions of dollars, and that of the billions of US taxpayer dollars given to these
charlatan “Green Energy” companies, 80% were to Obama regime donors, and at least 19 of them have already gone bankrupt.

The “quiet alarm” of MoE free energy scientists over Hillary Clinton and President Obama’s war against MIT’s tokamak fusion
reactor turned into “outright horror” in July (2016), this report grimly notes, after the Obama regime stunningly allowed Iran to join
the ITER megaproject—and then barely 7 weeks later passed a funding bill to strip MIT’s free energy research of receiving any
further US government monies.

As to Hillary Clinton and President Obama’s hatred of the American people to such a cruel extent as to deny their nation the lead
in free energy research, this report explains, lies in Hillary Clinton’s recently revealed “master plan” to dissolve the border of the
United States in 100 days should she become president, and President Obama long being known as the “first anti-American

With Hillary Clinton already having vowed to continue the destruction of America’s coal industry that President Obama began
decimating to such an extent, upon taking office, that tens-of-thousands of American miners have lost their jobs, and nearly all
US coal companies have gone bankrupt, this report continues, their “insane hatred” of allowing their nation to have energy
independence has now even extended to their oil industry—and as evidenced by their illegal sanctions against Russia that has
cost their largest oil producer, Exxon, over $1 billion this year alone.
Supporting Hillary Clinton in her and President Obama’s destruction of America’s energy future, this report notes, is the global
warming hoax industry that costs US taxpayers a staggering $4 billion a day and was exposed last year as a massive fraud
when NASA was discovered manipulating global temperature data—and that continues today with new reports this week
showing that the Obama regimes National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) actually lowered over 100 years of
temperature records for Texas so that they could “prove” this State was heating up.

Even more insanely, this report continues, with former US Vice President, and Hillary Clinton and President Obama supporter,
Al Gore’s predictions in 2006 that by 2016 the United States would be destroyed by global warming caused mega-hurricanes not
even having come close to being true, Hillary Clinton and President Obama’s global warming alarmists are now (Yes, this true,
you can’t make this up!) actually advocating that hurricane’s be redefined so America can have more of them.

To ordinary American people themselves being able to know that their free energy future has been forever destroyed by Hillary
Clinton and President Obama, this report concludes, is no longer possible due to their massive, and insidious, indoctrination by
their elites—and as recently revealed in a secret Hillary Clinton email where one of her top advisors, Bill Ivey, shocking revealed
that “the need to maintain political power by producing an unaware and compliant citizenry” was now accomplished.

Article Source: http://www.eutimes.net/2016/10/hillary-clinton-destroys-americas-free-energy-hopes-forever/

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