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5S Checklist - _________ Area

Audited By:
Previous Score: N/A

5S No Check Item Guidance
4 3 2 1 0
1 Signage & Standards Are there items such as obsolete or unused signage & documentation on walls, floors, ceilings within the area?
Sort / Seiri: "Keep what
is needed, throw the rest out!"

Is there any unused or surplus equipment in the area? Is there obsolete or duplicated storage media in the area? Are
2 General Work Area individuals' desktops, drawers, cabinets cluttered up with unneeded papers, samples etc ?
Information Areas & Are notice boards or similar current with regard to content ? Is there duplication of information in individuals work area? Are
3 there items in the area which require archiving or have exceeded there lifetime?
Is it obvious which items are marked as unnecessary. Has a "Red Tag" exercise or similar been conducted or recently
4 Visual Controls concluded?
Is uncontrolled personal equipment or belongings in the direct work areas? (eg coats on chairs) Is there discarded Personal
5 Habitual Behavior Protective Equipment within the area?
Sub Total
everything & everything in its place!"

Is there a 5S map or layout for the work area that clearly identifies the workplace geography including: walkways, processes,
Store /Seiton: "A place for

6 Signage & Standards


storage, personnel, contact details, desks, equipment, recycling, information areas etc. (consider floor marks, barriers)

Are any items stored in a manner that obstructs or hinders the use of fire equipment & escapes? Is the workplace arranged
7 General Work Area ergonomically & efficiently so as to minimise fatigue, distraction, & non value added activities.

Information Areas & Are files & other media arranged in a manner that ensures repetition of storage with no duplication? Is it clear which items
8 are in use? Is there a process to ensure that archived documentation or similar is readily retrievable? (inc electronic media)
Are storage areas (e.g. racks, cabinets, floors) clearly identified as to their content. Is it indicated what goes where? Do
9 Visual Controls locations for storage have owners? Are walkways clearly identified? Do flat surfaces have items that do not belong?
Are appropriate facilities provided to store personal equipment away from the workspace that is both safe & where
10 Habitual Behavior necessary accessible? Are facilities provided for the control & display of items in an individuals work area?
Sub Total
Are the schedules & responsibilities defined for the cleaning & checking of the area to promote workplace organisation &
Signage & Standards
Standardize /Seiketsu: Shine/ Seiso: "Clean &

Check to reveal problems &

improvement? Is there a policy to promote sharing of tasks & individual involvement in the process?
improve the environment!"

Is the workplace & equipment kept clean & free from uncontrolled waste? Are the insides of cabinets & drawers kept free
12 General Work Area from clutter? Are internal or external service contracts in place & known for maintenance of equipment & the environment?
Information Areas & Are information areas & notice boards kept up to date, orderly & regularly reviewed? Are document expiry times shown? Are
13 owners of information displays known & obvious? Is there a system to ensure that these items are maintained?
Are Floor areas clean, undamaged (e.g. shiny) without slip, trip, or quality hazard? Include underneath desks, equipment &
14 Visual Controls archive areas. Consider the effects of water, oil, waste, holes, cables etc.
15 Habitual Behaviour Do persons habitually clean there area without being told? Are personal waste bins allowed to overflow?
Sub Total
Is the workplace visual in its control methods, are these methods easy to understand & follow, are they standard in
"Apply common standards & visual

Signage & Standards


16 appearance ? Are Information Centres or Team Boards used as a focal point for information. Do these promote a Team
management to the area!"

Is the climate set to provide suitable work conditions such as temperature, humidity & lighting. Is the area ventilated well
17 General Work Area enough to be clear of heavy dust & odors, (clean to breath). Is the angle & intensity of light adequate for the work being
Information Areas & Is there a clear & visual improvement plan that drives performance improvement. Are associated measures visual. Is the
18 story of the area told?
19 Visual Controls Are the first 3S being maintained. Are we operating within the rules that we set & agreed?
Do people wear clothing which is clean & undamaged? Does work ware promote belonging and a Team methodology? Is
20 Habitual Behaviour Personal Protective Equipment worn as prescribed?
Sub Total
Are people within the area trained in key procedures & practices? This includes 5S principles. Are procedures up to date &
21 Signage & Standards
Stick To

regularly reviewed?
Sustain /Shitsuke:
"Make the 5S system part of

22 General Work Area Are tools, equipment, materials and information being stored correctly?

Information Areas &

everyday life!"

23 Are Team Activity Boards & Information Centres up to date & regularly reviewed?
Is the standard for visual control common across all 5S areas? Are fonts, styles, identifications, reports, naming conventions,
24 Visual Controls maps, colour schemes, corporate identity, lighting etc, appropriately styled?

Is the team proactive in the management of the workplace & its environment. Is the entire team compliant in the agreed rules
25 Habitual Behaviour ? Are targets agreed & achieved by the team as planned. Does the Team assemble for activities at the agreed time & place.

Sub Total
Condition Observed Total 0
4 = Very Bad - (Above 7 problems) 1 = Good - (1-2 problems)
3 = Bad - (5-6 problems) 0 = Very Good - ( - Perfect Conditions)
2 = OK - (3-4 problems) Also consider the severity of the issue in the area when scoring.
5S Checklist - _________ Area
Audited By:
Previous Score: N/A

5S No Check Item Guidance Rating

4 3 2 1 0
Sort / Seiri: "Keep what is needed, throw the

1 Signage & Standards Are there items such as obsolete or unused signage & documentation on walls, floors, ceilings within the area? X

Is there any unused or surplus equipment in the area? Is there obsolete or duplicated storage media in the area? Are
2 General Work Area individuals' desktops, drawers, cabinets cluttered up with unneeded papers, samples etc ? X
rest out!"

Information Areas & Are notice boards or similar current with regard to content ? Is there duplication of information in individuals work area? Are
3 X
Documentation there items in the area which require archiving or have exceeded there lifetime?

Is it obvious which items are marked as unnecessary. Has a "Red Tag" exercise or similar been conducted or recently
4 Visual Controls concluded? X

Is uncontrolled personal equipment or belongings in the direct work areas? (eg coats on chairs) Is there discarded Personal
5 Habitual Behaviour Protective Equipment within the area? X

Sub Total 10
4 3 2 1 0
Store /Seiton: "A place for everything & everything in its

Is there a 5S map or layout for the work area that clearly identifies the workplace geography including: walkways, processes,
6 Signage & Standards X

storage, personnel, contact details, desks, equipment, recycling, information areas etc. (consider floor marks, barriers)

Are any items stored in a manner that obstructs or hinders the use of fire equipment & escapes? Is the workplace arranged
7 General Work Area ergonomically & efficiently so as to minimise fatigue, distraction, & non value added activities. X

Information Areas & Are files & other media arranged in a manner that ensures repetition of storage with no duplication? Is it clear which items
8 X

Documentation are in use? Is there a process to ensure that archived documentation or similar is readily retrievable? (inc electronic media)

Are storage areas (e.g. racks, cabinets, floors) clearly identified as to their content. Is it indicated what goes where? Do
9 Visual Controls locations for storage have owners? Are walkways clearly identified? Do flat surfaces have items that do not belong? X

Are appropriate facilities provided to store personal equipment away from the workspace that is both safe & where
10 Habitual Behaviour necessary accessible? Are facilities provided for the control & display of items in an individuals work area? X

Sub Total 13
Shine/ Seiso: "Clean & Check to reveal problems &

Are the schedules & responsibilities defined for the cleaning & checking of the area to promote workplace organisation &
11 Signage & Standards X

improvement? Is there a policy to promote sharing of tasks & individual involvement in the process?

Is the workplace & equipment kept clean & free from uncontrolled waste? Are the insides of cabinets & drawers kept free
12 General Work Area from clutter? Are internal or external service contracts in place & known for maintenance of equipment & the environment? X
improve the environment!"

Information Areas & Are information areas & notice boards kept up to date, orderly & regularly reviewed? Are document expiry times shown? Are
13 owners of information displays known & obvious? Is there a system to ensure that these items are maintained? X

Are Floor areas clean, undamaged (e.g. shiny) without slip, trip, or quality hazard? Include underneath desks, equipment &
14 Visual Controls archive areas. Consider the effects of water, oil, waste, holes, cables etc. X

15 Habitual Behaviour Do persons habitually clean there area without being told? Are personal waste bins allowed to overflow? X

Sub Total 2
0 0 0 2 0
Standardize /Seiketsu: "Apply common standards &

Is the workplace visual in its control methods, are these methods easy to understand & follow, are they standard in
Signage & Standards

16 appearance ? Are Information Centres or Team Boards used as a focal point for information. Do these promote a Team X
visual management to the area!"

Is the climate set to provide suitable work conditions such as temperature, humidity & lighting. Is the area ventilated well
17 General Work Area enough to be clear of heavy dust & odours, (clean to breath). Is the angle & intensity of light adequate for the work being X

Information Areas & Is there a clear & visual improvement plan that drives performance improvement. Are associated measures visual. Is the
18 story of the area told? X

19 Visual Controls Are the first 3S being maintained. Are we operating within the rules that we set & agreed? X

Do people wear clothing which is clean & undamaged? Does work ware promote belonging and a Team methodology? Is
20 Habitual Behaviour Personal Protective Equipment worn as prescribed? X

Sub Total 18
12 6 0 0 0
Are people within the area trained in key procedures & practices? This includes 5S principles. Are procedures up to date &
21 Signage & Standards X
Stick to /Shitsuke: "Make the 5S system part of

Stick To

regularly reviewed?

22 General Work Area Are tools, equipment, materials and information being stored correctly? X

Information Areas &

23 Are Team Activity Boards & Information Centres up to date & regularly reviewed? X
everyday life!"

Is the standard for visual control common across all 5S areas? Are fonts, styles, identifications, reports, naming conventions,
24 Visual Controls maps, colour schemes, corporate identity, lighting etc, appropriately styled? X

Are the team proactive in the management of the workplace & its environment. Are all the Team compliant in the agreed
25 Habitual Behaviour rules ? Are targets agreed & achieved by the team as planned. Does the Team assemble for activities at the agreed time & X

Sub Total 8
4 0 2 2 0
Condition Observed Total 51
4 = Very Bad - (Above 7 problems) 1 = Good - (1-2 problems)
3 = Bad - (5-6 problems) 0 = Very Good - ( - Perfect Conditions)
2 = OK - (3-4 problems) Also consider the severity of the issue in the area when scoring.
Area: 0
5S Audit - Radar Chart



Stick To 13 Store
8 5


18 Audited By: 0

Date: 30-Dec-99
Standardise Shine
Total 51

Previous Score: N/A

5S Observations - Office
5S No Guidance Observations

Are there items such as obsolete or unused signage &

1 documentation on walls, floors, ceilings within the area?

Is there any unused or surplus equipment in the area?

Is there obsolete or duplicated storage media in the
2 area? Are individuals' desktops, drawers, cabinets
cluttered up with unneeded papers, samples etc ?

Are notice boards or similar current with regard to

content ? Is there duplication of information in

3 individuals work area? Are there items in the area

which require archiving or have exceeded there

Is it obvious which items are marked as unnecessary.

4 Has a "Red Tag" exercise or similar been conducted or
recently concluded?

Is uncontrolled personal equipment or belongings in the

direct work areas? (eg coats on chairs) Is there
5 discarded Personal Protective Equipment within the

Is there a 5S map or layout for the work area that

clearly identifies the workplace geography including:
6 walkways, processes, storage, personnel, contact
details, desks, equipment, recycling, information areas
etc. (consider floor marks, barriers)

Are any items stored in a manner that obstructs or

hinders the use of fire equipment & escapes? Is the
7 workplace arranged ergonomically & efficiently so as to
minimise fatigue, distraction, & non value added

Are files & other media arranged in a manner that

ensures repetition of storage with no duplication? Is it

8 clear which items are in use? Is there a process to

ensure that archived documentation or similar is readily
retrievable? (inc electronic media)

Are storage areas (e.g. racks, cabinets, floors) clearly

identified as to their content. Is it indicated what goes
9 where? Do locations for storage have owners? Are
walkways clearly identified? Do flat surfaces have items
that do not belong?

Are appropriate facilities provided to store personal

equipment away from the workspace that is both safe &
10 where necessary accessible? Are facilities provided for
the control & display of items in an individuals work

Are the schedules & responsibilities defined for the

cleaning & checking of the area to promote workplace
11 organisation & improvement? Is there a policy to
promote sharing of tasks & individual involvement in the

Is the workplace & equipment kept clean & free from

uncontrolled waste? Are the insides of cabinets &
12 drawers kept free from clutter? Are internal or external
service contracts in place & known for maintenance of
equipment & the environment?

Are information areas & notice boards kept up to date,

orderly & regularly reviewed? Are document expiry

13 times shown? Are owners of information displays

known & obvious? Is there a system to ensure that
these items are maintained?
S Are Floor areas clean, undamaged (e.g. shiny) without
slip, trip, or quality hazard? Include underneath desks,
14 equipment & archive areas. Consider the effects of
water, oil, waste, holes, cables etc.

Do persons habitually clean there area without being

15 told? Are personal waste bins allowed to overflow?

Is the workplace visual in its control methods, are these

methods easy to understand & follow, are they standard
16 in appearance ? Are Information Centres or Team
Boards used as a focal point for information. Do these
promote a Team ethos?

Is the climate set to provide suitable work conditions

such as temperature, humidity & lighting. Is the area
17 ventilated well enough to be clear of heavy dust &
odours, (clean to breath). Is the angle & intensity of
light adequate for the work being done?

Is there a clear & visual improvement plan that drives

18 performance improvement. Are associated measures
visual. Is the story of the area told?

Are the first 3S being maintained. Are we operating

19 within the rules that we set & agreed?

Do people wear clothing which is clean & undamaged?

Does work ware promote belonging and a Team
20 methodology? Is Personal Protective Equipment worn
as prescribed?

Are people within the area trained in key procedures &

21 practices? This includes 5S principles. Are procedures
up to date & regularly reviewed?

Are tools, equipment, materials and information being

22 stored correctly?
Stick to

Are Team Activity Boards & Information Centres up to

23 date & regularly reviewed?

Is the standard for visual control common across all 5S

areas? Are fonts, styles, identifications, reports, naming
24 conventions, maps, colour schemes, corporate identity,
lighting etc, appropriately styled?

Are the team proactive in the management of the

workplace & its environment. Are all the Team
25 compliant in the agreed rules ? Are targets agreed &
achieved by the team as planned. Does the Team
assemble for activities at the agreed time & place.

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