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12C» SPORTS sunday, june 11, 2017 B denverpost.

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Two to tri with all their might

Man, 18, with cerebral palsy, scoliosis and 48-year-old are ready to roll – and run and get wet
By John Meyer The Denver Post who do triathlons always have a
Type 1 life preserver that’s not at-
boulder» Traveling here from tached to the boat, so if, God forbid,
his home in Baltimore last week in something did happen to the raft,
hopes of becoming the first per- they’re going to float upright.”
son with cerebral palsy and scoli- Slomkowski actually worries
osis to cross the finish line of an more about the bicycle leg be-
Ironman Triathlon, James Banks cause speeds sometimes top 30
flew on an airplane for the first mph. Banks rides in the front of a
time. He enjoyed the experience bicycle built for two, which Slom-
so much, he summarizes his feel- kowski steers from the rear. For
ings with the exclamation he uses the marathon, Slomkowski pushes
for just about everything that Banks in a racing wheelchair.
makes him happy. “There’s no guarantee nothing
“Booyah!” Banks said Friday bad ever happens,” Slomkowski
morning at the Boulder Reservoir, said. “We treat these individuals
where he will participate in Sun- like they’re our children, but we’re
day’s Ironman Boulder propelled racing. That’s what adds to the ex-
by David Slomkowski of Balti- citement.”
more’s Athletes Serving Athletes, There’s also time pressure.
which exists to give individuals Slomkowski has no doubt he has
with disabilities the thrill of ath- the endurance to pull and push
letic competition. By ASA’s vo- Banks the entire 140.6 miles of
cabulary, Banks is the “athlete” Sunday’s race, but there are time
and Slomkowski is the “Wing- cutoffs. They need to finish the
Man.” Sunday’s race includes a swim in two hours and 20 min-
2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike ride utes. They need to finish the bike
and a marathon run (26.2 miles). ride by the 10:30 mark and the
But about that airplane ride … marathon before 17 hours elapses.
“It was awesome,” said Banks, Slomkowski, 48, has “no clue”
18. “People said it was going to be James Banks, 18, accompanied by David Slomkowski, is hoping to become the first person with what his finish time would be if he
scary, but no, it wasn’t scary.” cerebral palsy and scoliosis to cross the finish line in an Ironman Triathlon. Joe Amon, The Denver Post did an Ironman alone.
Banks’ father, an Army man who “I couldn’t care less,” he said.
was a runner, died in an automobile “I didn’t like looking at the guy organization he founded have called. “I’ve had my time when it was all
accident. Banks’ then-pregnant in the mirror and decided to make made it possible for more than “We were rolling!” Banks added. about me in playing sports. But
mother, who survived the crash, some changes,” Slomkowski said. 200 children with disabilities to Since then, Banks has partici- when I saw the Hoyt story …”
gave birth to him that night. His ce- He decided to run a marathon. participate in running races and pated in more than 100 events — Then he had a new “purpose” in
rebral palsy is related to oxygen de- After that he saw a video about triathlons. including two Half Ironmans — life.
privation he suffered that night. Team Hoyt, the famous father-son “My personal journey led me to with Slomkowski or other ASA “I feel like I was put here to do
“James has heart, just a kind duo from Massachusetts that has this,” Slomkowski said. “Trea- wing persons. “Even girls!” Banks it. I love sports, a huge positive in-
soul,” Slomkowski said. “He has a done 72 marathons and seven sures beyond my wildest dreams: remarked with obvious delight. fluence in my life. I understand
really good mom and grandma Ironmans. Inspired by them, he Stop being stubborn and do what I “He’s like a hot commodity,” the benefits of a healthy, active
that taught him to be well-man- approached Baltimore’s William was put here to do.” Slomkowski said. “Everyone lifestyle. Being human, I can talk
nered. He’s always worried about S. Baer School, which was found- Banks was the first child Slom- wants to race with him.” myself out of a run or into eating a
other people. You spend time ed in 1939 for children with polio kowski pushed in a race. First they When swimming, Slomkowski half gallon of ice cream, but when
around James and you’re like, but now exists to help special- did a 5K. A month later they did pulls Banks in a raft. Banks likes to you know you have a friend like
‘What was I complaining about?’ ” needs children. Could he do for the Baltimore Marathon in a field sing while they’re in the water — James who loves to race and he’s
Their story goes back 11 years to those children what Dick Hoyt did of Olympic-caliber runners, get- mostly Al Green and Marvin Gaye counting on you to take care of
the founding of Athletes Serving for his son, Rick, who has cerebral ting a two-minute head start on tunes — which is quite entertaining yourself, it just makes it so much
Athletes. Slomkowski was a re- palsy? Slomkowski met with par- the field. to the safety observers watching better in every way.”
covering alcoholic coming to ents at the school, and Banks’ “My eyes are like this (huge), over the swimmers from kayaks.
grips with the consequences of mother was one who was interest- my heart’s coming out of my “It is risky,” Slomkowski conced- John Meyer:
bad decisions and going through a ed in the offer. chest, just to feel that electricity ed. “I feel confident about our safe-
divorce. Since then, Slomkowski and the and excitement,” Slomkowski re- ty procedures. Any of our athletes or @johnmeyer

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