January PRomo

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Public Relations Student Society of America l Rowan University l Glassboro, NJ l January 2018

Editor’s Note...
Hello Everyone,

Welcome back! I hope everyone

had a great winter break. It was

President’s Piece
definitely a relaxing month to
spend time with family and
By Colleen Scott, AJF- PRSSA President friends. With the year of 2018
comes a new year, and even
Welcome back, and Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a more opportunities. This year I
lovely and relaxing winter break. The theme of this issue is: will be focusing on getting a job
new year, new opportunities. In light of it being a brand new after graduation. What are you
year, we are challenging all of our members to set some new focused on for the year of 2018?
goals for themselves. Personally, when setting goals I try to What is your end goal? In this
think of new things to strive for and accomplish in different issue, we will focus that the new
areas of my life, such as personal goals and professional year of 2018 comes with new
goals. As we discussed at one of our meetings in the opportunities. We will hear from
beginning of the fall semester, goals are usually obtained our writers on what their hopes
through smaller steps and an overall plan. Whatever your and dreams are for this year,
goals are for the new semester, I encourage you to start and how they got ahead over
thinking about the path you need to take to accomplish them. winter break. Again, if you are
After all, someone once said, “All who have accomplished interested in writing for our
great things have had a great aim, have fixed their gaze on a PRomo issues, please reach out
goal which was high, one which sometimes seemed to me. You can contact me at
impossible.” I find goal setting to be so important, as it can be rugelm9@s.r.edu. I wish
a driver for other things. The more we keep our goals in mind, everyone the best of luck for the
the easier it is to find the motivation and inspiration you need
start of a new semester! k
throughout the semester.
That being said, do whatever you have to do to plan for an
awesome 2018! Whether your goals involve landing an
internship, doing well in your classes or picking up a new
hobby—this year, make sure you plan on doing something
you’ve always wanted to! If you are looking for a way to Marisa Rugel
become more involved here at Rowan, feel free to talk to Publications Editor
anyone on PRSSA e-board at one of our meetings. I would be
happy to talk about the opportunities for involvement within
our organization! k

January 2018- New Year, New Opportunities

Best Year Yet Join a pre-professional
By Ashley Carter, Junior PR & Advertising Major organization dedicated
to jump starting your
Happy New Year! Now is the The new year is an open PR career
time for people to start window full of new
making promises to beginnings. Public relations

themselves they can’t keep. students have access to a
The gym will be packed, and number of internship

new spring semester opportunities, right at their
students will fill up all of the fingertips. If they have any
empty parking spaces. questions about getting
Everyone has the same started, students should make
mindset--make the new year an appointment with their
their best year yet. The academic adviser Lori Block.
overwhelming reason why Students can grow their Opportunities to
the new beginnings phase professional network, by
starts to fade, and students nurturing relationships with

Your Education
choose watching Stranger professors and elevating their
Things on Netflix over Linkedin profile. For those who

making it to soul cycle, is are transitioning into the
because they look to the new working world, this is an
year as the answer to solve
their problems.
exciting time to network and
participate in mock Your Network
The new year is a great interviews, provided by
time to start fresh, but no one
can flick a switch to turn on
Rowan’s career center. Public
Relations students that have
new behaviors that weren’t not gotten involved, the Public LAUNCH
practiced in the year prior. Relations Students Society of
Students can make big America (PRSSA) chapter and
strides, taking the year by PRaction (Rowan’s onsite
storm, as long as they are student public relations firm)
willing to put forth a diligent are a good place to start.
effort. They should start by Students can come out to gain
writing down their ambitions experience and knowledge
or ways that will propel them for the jobs they would like to
into success. Keeping a gain upon graduation. With
detailed planner is a great support from chapter advisers
way of organizing. Time and peers, 2018 is bound to be
management is key. the best year yet. k

“The new year is an open window full of

new beginnings, pubic relations students
have access to a number of internship
opportunities right at their fingertips.”

January 2018- New Year, New Opportunities 2

About PRomo Getting Ahead Over Winter Break
By Lauren Bradley, Junior PR Major

That time of year again, classmates, professors, and

The Anthony J. Fulginiti
winter break. With the stress future job employers. Put a
Chapter of the Public of finals being over, winter professional and nice picture
Relations Student Society of break means a month of no of yourself on your profile so
America publishes PRomo as a schoolwork. Don’t get lazy, employees can recognize you,
monthly newsletter. get ahead in you PR career no selfies!
over winter break! This is the Along with preparing your
Editors: time to get ahead for next resumes and applying to
Marisa Rugel, Professor Lynn, semester! With spring internships, focus on your
semester coming just around goals for next semester. A new
Dr. FitzGerald the corner that means semester means a fresh new
summer’s not too far behind. start. Reflect and evaluate your
Contributing Writers: Internships, internships, fall semester performance
Colleen Scott, Ashley Carter, internships. Start looking up thinking of what you can
Lauren Bradley and applying now for improve on. Make sure you
summer internships. That know what books you will
Advisors: paid internship that you need for all of your classes.
always dreamed of will not Try and set some academic
Dr. Novak, Dr. FitzGerald,
be up for grabs that much goals like making Dean’s List
Professor Nia-Schoenstein, and longer. Applying now means or landing that dream job
Gloria Barone sending in your applications, internship. Make goals for
resumes, and cover letters yourself to get more involved
early. Early is on time in the with clubs and organizations
PR world, on time means late. on campus. The more involved
Update your LinkedIn you are, the more
Interested in account or if you do not interpersonal connections you

Writing for PRomo?

already have one create one make, which allows you to
to get your network started. enrich your education. The
Continue to build and spring semester is full of
expand your professional opportunities if you put in the
Build your portfolio by writing networks by linking with work and strive for success. k
articles for PRomo. Articles
published in PRomo showcase
your writing skills to potential

If you are interested or have

ideas for PRomo, please
contact Marisa Rugel at

January 2018- New Year, New Opportunities 3

Looking Ahead...
Upcoming meetings:

2/7- CSC 127

2/21- CSC 127
3/7- CSC 127
Interested in writing for our next
issue of PRomo?
Please email Marisa Rugel at
rugelm9@students.rowan.edu for more

Can’t get to High Street? Not able to make a meeting? Visit our website
rowan.prssa.com & click on PRomo for our digital newsletter!

Janury 2018- New Year, New Opportunities 4

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