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Outline of Unit

Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

05.03 -what is sexuality? AS90974 -relationships -healthy vs unhealthy

-what is positive sexuality? -what is it about
1. Intro week -promotion of sexuality -may work on this during

12.03 -rights & responsibilities -consent -effective communication -assertiveness -what is this task about
-active listening
2. Strategies that enhance
interpersonal (sexual)

19.03 -condoms, pill, injection, -what is this task about

3. Strategies for the -conception, unplanned
prevention of unplanned pregnancy
pregnancy and sexually -protection, STI’s
transmissible infections.

26.03 School Community -what is this task about

-having nurses & -local gp, family planning,
4. Strategies that consider counsellors on site, PSSP rainbow youth
ways school and team
community can support
young people in relation to
sexual health.

02.04 -LBGQT -inclusive practice -what is this task about

-history -school
5. Strategies that consider -terminology -community
ways schools, local
communities, and/or the
whole of society can
support the promotion of
positive sexuality for all

09.04 -where are you at? -work in holidays (will

-planning organise a date for
6. Further teaching & -any further teaching workshop)
learning time / Computers required
to complete assessment

30.04 -computers all week

7. Computers to complete

07.05 Due: 1.5 on Monday 3.30pm

8. Extra time if needed

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