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1. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in capital letters.

a. I don’t like watching horror films. They ____________ me! TERROR

b. I felt real ____________ when I heard that they couldn’t come to the party. DISAPPOINT
c. We were very ____________ when we heard the great news. EXCITE
d. People always ____________ me when I hear the great things they’ve done. AMAZEMENT
e. We felt great ____________ when we found out we had passed all our exams. RELIEVE

2. Complete the text with the words in the box. There are two extra words that you do not

arrogant bossy gobsmacked nervous relaxed self-confident sentimental temperamental

My two best friends are very different. Jack can be a bit arrogant because he sometimes thinks he’s
better than other people. He can also be a bit 1____________ and uptight. He rarely seems
2____________, but actually he’s like that because he’s shy and not very 3____________ in a big group
of people. Jill is creative and she can be a bit 4____________, her moods change quickly. I was
absolutely 5____________ when they said they were getting married – I’ve never been more surprised
in my life!

3. Complete the missing words. The first letter of each word is given.

a. The car driver had a lot of c____________ and b____________ from the accident, but luckily
he wasn’t seriously injured.
b. I’ve t____________ my ankle, I can’t walk properly.
c. Jim can’t play football because he’s got a b____________ l____________. He fell out of a
d. I can’t breathe very well because I’ve got a chest i____________.

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