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Norman Cousins's Laugh Therapy

Norman Cousinss writer and well-known editor. He was diagnosed with ankylosing
spondylitis, which is a degenerative disease that causes the breakdown of collagen, but also
causes constant pain. Even though his doctor told him he would die in a few months, he
disagreed and reasoned that if stress has somehow contributed to his illness, positive
emotions should help him feel better.
He decided to concentrate on positive emotions as a remedy to cure some of the symptoms
of his ailment. Although he continued with his conventional medical treatment, he
implemented several changes in his way of living through a program called "therapy of
laughter", which was part of his treatment through activities that provoked laughter and
positive emotions, such as watch movies of comedy, read humorous books.
Despite having many skeptical readers who question his medical diagnosis and doctors
claim that the recovery of Cousins is a mystery. We can think how interesting is the
interaction between the mind and the body as a good example of one of the many
alternative or unconventional medical treatments
Análisis de "Norman Cousins Laughter Therapy"

Análisis de "Norman Cousins Laughter Therapy"

It is helpful to know the purpose of a test ítem. There are four types of questions in the Reading

1. Basic Comprehension

• Main ideas:

• Details

Norman Cousins, his body ached and he felt constantly tired.

therapeutic value.

is convencional medical treatment, he tried to put himself in situations that would

elicit positive emotions. "Laugh Therapy"

• The meaning of specific sentences

more joints,
without the usual amount of cartilage, the bones rub together, causing pain, swelling).

treatments people look to today).

2. Organization

• The Way information is structured in the text:

• The way ideas are linked between sentences or between paragraphs:

3. Inference

• Ideas are not directly stated in the text

• Author is intention, purpose, or attitude not explicitly stated in the text

or difficulties making these always look like moving on with your life, to find a cure for your problem
or dismunición.

4. Vocabylary and Reference

• The meaning of words

Ached: Dolencia, dolía. Felt: sentía.

• The meaning of reference Word such as his, them, this, or none.

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