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MAPUA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY School of Civil, Environmental and Geological Engineering HYDRAULICS LABORATORY Name: GOMEZ, RAHEEMAH_A. | Student No.:_20/5/0054/ Experiment No. _/ _ FALLING SPHERE VISCOMETER TITLE Date Performed: JULY /4, 20/7 Date Submitted: _ JULY 2/, 20/7 Instructor HYDRAULICS DEPARTMENT Name: GOMEZ, RAHEEMAH A “Subjec. & Section:_CEI40-1F/C5 Date Performed:_wiry Instructor: ENGR | CRIS EDWARD EXPERIMENT NO. 1 FALLING SPHERE VISCOMETER. ‘ommercial Falling Sphere viscometers are non-available. One 's in the sketch. The one available is not of the commen visconiier makes use of the principles in case of flow around a small: Sor laminar flow vd/2 < 1 in which d is the diameter of th frictio.. or the deformation drag Fy of the sphere moving at a cons: througi. @ fluid of infinite extend is given by Stoke's Law with assum, ‘ions: : *. The particle must be a sphere. 2. The surface of the particle must be smooth. - The resistance to fall or drag force Fais due to the viscosity ‘The terminal velocity must be constant. Fa=3nphd — Viscometer—. 42011 _ MoMsaRNDate Submitted: _JuLy . 2),"2073 '¢ of which type. This are, shere, The velocity V » following re fluid. —@ A free body diagram of the sphere after it has acquired const velocity or termini velocity is shown in the sketch where W is the weight of th: here. Fp is the buyant force and Fy is the deformation drag. 1 Fa + Fo -W = 0 ur SmpVd + x d°5/6 - nd%/6 = e® solving for pz n= d? (65-6) ————. 1ev “quation (4) has to be corrected in actual practice because the +.ent of the fluid is not infinite and the influence of boundary proximity on the sphe.« is large. The csrvection is usually affected by multiplying the observed velocity c: IV by a certaiti constant “K” which is a function of d/D,, the diameter of the Spiiere and medium ratio, such that Vo= Vs Kk where K = 1 + 9d/4Dm + (9K/4 Da)? The equation for viscosity then becomes = (65-5) / 18V,K . for wh'ca the viscosity can be computed. ‘The purpose of this experiment is to determine the viscosity of a certain fuid, APPARATUS: Viscometer stopwatch caliper steel balls Hydreieter thermometer. TORY PR« IRE: « Determine the temperature and specific gravity of the liquid who-=. visagsity is | desired. Drop cautiously one of the spheres noting whether the spire i ‘guided Correctly or is off-center. Determine the time required for the spher. to travel a “certain distance. Repeat the procedure for each sphere. i * REPORT: | From the data obtained in the laboratory, compute for each run 4. (@) Ratio of sphere diameter to diameter of medium, Dm | (b) Correction constant, K (©) The observed velocity of fall, Vp i @) Dynamic Viscosity, p 2. Using the computed value of dynamic viscosity “1", comuute for the Kinematic Viscosity "v". ven/p 3, Plot Vs versus d/Dm. ——— Hole 7 em yconn oi Viscometer Dm, ia, of medium, 2 mark [poweoe Tone | exOoT Leo olaxmee, GROOT oT FT bf is ise] Zigo'O | EZLO°O |OIKVepe'y| 91910 a9 t £ . 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A 7260 kgm © A2LHBLIOF Mes «42x kg-m-g it kg Ws FBS INTRODUCTION? The first experiment 1s about Getermining the viscosity of la certain fluid! through me use of stec! pails Basically, viscos’ is the measurement of a tials resistance fo grodual olefor~ motion by sheor stress or tensile stress. It Olescribes the internal friction of a moving fluid. We con measure viscosity using Viscometens and this experiment, Doth anciyrical Jona practical metho! is usec! The formula for the viscosity of 0 fll ts clerived from the principles of Stokes Law. It istares that the force of viscosity on a small wphere. mowing through © viscous flvid is directly proportional . Gir, dynamic wiscasity , radius of the spherical object and flow velocity: Every flvid has its own viscosity and! in this experiment, Wwe haa to determine the viscosity of glycerine. For tne setup, tinst.we necd 10 measure the diameter of the sted balls (A), land Inc glass tubs inner Cliametcr (Dm) using the Coliper. Obrai~ ining these valves will let us Oetermine the constant (K) using the formula: (*) Atter which ,we nove To Orop the tcc! balls insiole the glass tbe filled with glycerine. The first line abore marks The starting point lor ¢ meter, ano also the starting pont cf time measurement. The JSccorta fine marks the eno! point of rameter height anc the end lof time recording Using ols tance (y) ano time @), we can sove for the terminal velocity (Vs) * ae @) Since tre extent of Fluid! is not infinite and influence of the boundor ry proximity is large, we hove fo cerreet the value utilizing K ViMK S) Using the terminal velocity. we can Solve for the dynamic viscosity (4t) using the formulas Ab» 0 (Korat ~ eee “a 1B VK in which Yous OP Yarsene is the gpecitic weight of coch, Lastly, kinematre yelecity Cv) is solved by adn 0) wierein 2, is the mass Clensity of glycerine. Thus, we hove to jobrain the volues Of G,Dm, Ve, V, K, au ond ¥ To anolyzc the viscosity of the glycerine. MATERIALS USED: The following Opparatus were uscd in “Fotting Ypnere viscometer? LITopworen this material Xs osco to ger thc Time 1 takes for the stec! balls to travel 1 meter insioe the tube filleo! with glycerine. 2. Stee bolts - airtcring sizes was uscd To Attermine its yelocity in the fro. 3 Caliper this is useo’ 10 Oererminc the diameter of the. stcc! all ano! the insicie diameter of the tube, 4 Long Tvot > also known fo be viscometer, & where the fluid 1o 0¢ onalyzec! was placca. It has two lines marking the start and cad of / meter Figure rs Topwatcn Figure 2. Caliper rigue 5: Glass Tube OBJECTIVE; OBJECTIVE; The purpose of %is experiment js To Otrermine the viscosity of @ ceriain fluc. USION: Using four Gitferring sizes of steel balls, we were able fo determine te viscosity of the glycerine. Comparing it to Water, glycerine is more viscous. A fluiol with large viscosity resists motion due to 1ks molecular mokeup thet gives IT Oo let of internal friction. As observed! from the experiment, the viscosity woul! somehow be equal tor aifferent sizes of the leer bouts. Thereforc, a larger usfec! ball would hove larger surface Area and! Thus have more surface contact with the Iglycerine onc have a loner ferminal velocity: Basing tom the cata gathered, the ofamcter of cach lstee/ Dal is directly proportional To the velocity Of fall, aS wet! os the Qmount of certain constant, oynamic viscosity land Kinemaric viscosity: Some mistakes that coulel be encountereo! jis when recor> Qing time, 7he recorder must haye hic eyes in level wath the two tines in the gloss tvoe to avoid’ erroneous Olata. Also, when using the caliper. we must be able 10 cilfercatiate which sie ke used for imside and oviside aiamctens. Lastly, roun~ laing of numbers can atfect rhe dora, APPLICATION TO ENGINEERING : The concept or knowing the viscosity of @ certaig fluid 5 beneticial 70 us, especially in ie field of engineering. Most lcommonty, this property of a fluid is used by Chemical” engi- NEErs as mey Constantly work with the Study and pre- \Puction of chemicals. On the other hand, Civil engineers use viscosity property for assessing processability. Knowing JG Muiots rheological behavior 1S useful when working with jana aesigning pumping ang Peng Systems. A righ wsco” ity tui requires more power to pump than a low viscosity Jone, in sewers, thc behavior of Pips flow iS mainty affected by he viscosity Gno grovity relative to the internal forces lof mc flow. AOditionalty, the. kind of pipes ond piping system that will De instolled can be tailored to improve irrigation process. Another application of knowing te viscosity of a thid is practiced’ in making concrere. Viscosity he/ps in Joctermining the settlement and pumping behavior of the rrix. Consequently, the metned of transportation and how fast it 1s mixeo’ inside a mixer is also Cletermined.

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