The Problem and Its Background

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The provision of good quality and high strength housing

is recognized as a great responsibility for civil engineers.

The strength of a structure depends on the formulation of the

cement paste used. Cement mixtures come with different

formulation based on what is needed on construction, like

class A, B or C. On massive construction, cement mixtures

were ordered commercially, waiting to be delivered to

construction sites or readymade concrete mix which undergone

several testing. On the other hand, small construction

requires individual ingredients to manually prepare the

cement paste and water is one of the major ingredients of

concrete paste. During each construction, large amount of

water was demanded, sometimes water for construction came

from companies which is extremely costly, and other just

normally use what is in the area such as muddy water and salt

water on coastal areas.

In remote areas, construction is done with limited

resources, hence the quality of water used was not

prioritized. This type of construction also does not consider


testing of materials and uses approximation techniques. Due

to this circumstances the use of muddy water, or water with

brownish color is accepted without knowing the effect of this

to the cement paste. This types of water might contain

sediments which may brought to the change of volumetric and

strength of the concrete mixture.

Whilst, on archipelagoes country such as the

Philippines, salt water is common on the construction near

coastal areas. These waters, that contains salt which may

cause reaction to the cement paste is accepted due to the

cost of commercial water in coastal areas.

Due to this circumstances, the researchers thought of

conducting a study in order to analyze the effect of muddy

water and salt water to concrete mixture.

Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to analyze the effect of muddy water

and salt water to concrete mixture, its changes and difference

in strength. Specifically, this study sought to answer the

following questions:

1. Is there any significant difference in strength and

durability between the two mixtures (ano bang mixture

tinutukoy mo dito? Paano mo ba mame-measure yung


strength at durability. Mas mainam siguro na maging

specific ka like kuhanin mo yung compressive strength,

water absorption, density, slump test, etc.). Gagamit

din ditto ng statistical tool like t-test to determine

the significant difference ng bawat result ng test.

2. How will the compositions of different waters affect

the volumetric and weight of the mixtures?

3. How can the hardened product be compared to the

specification required in the National Building Code

of the Philippines?

Significance of the Study

This study aims to help the following group or community.

Government. This study will help the government with the

problem on the durability and strength of the construction of

public and private projects. Also, to promote an alternative

solution for water shortage and related problems to some


The Public. The researchers aim to produce a result that

will help the public to construct structures with cheaper

water sources with sustainable strength.

Environment. The main focus of this study is to produce

result that will help to conserve water, with the use of

common water that can be found around the construction site.


Firms and Contractors. The result of this study will

help the firms to provide alternate solution to the costly

commercial water.

Future researchers. Explain

Researchers themselves. Explain

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study focused only on the analysis of the effect of

muddy water and salt water to concrete mixture, its effect to

the durability, strength and settlement to the mixture. The

analysis is limited only to the mixture of cement, sand and

muddy/salt water, and its properties during its paste form

and its hardened form with the use Universal Testing Machine.

Things that are not part of the paper is not questionable to

the researcher (ano ibig mong sabihin dito?)

Made mention the time frame of the study, the place, the

time period, or school year covered.

Conceptual Framework
Definition of Terms

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