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G.R. No. 97753 August 10, 1992 22 Feb.

82 90101 to 90120 20 P80,000

26 Feb. 82 74602 to 74691 90 360,000
CALTEX (PHILIPPINES), INC., petitioner, 2 Mar. 82 74701 to 74740 40 160,000
vs. 4 Mar. 82 90127 to 90146 20 80,000
COURT OF APPEALS and SECURITY BANK AND TRUST 5 Mar. 82 74797 to 94800 4 16,000
COMPANY, respondents. 5 Mar. 82 89965 to 89986 22 88,000
5 Mar. 82 70147 to 90150 4 16,000
Bito, Lozada, Ortega & Castillo for petitioners. 8 Mar. 82 90001 to 90020 20 80,000
9 Mar. 82 90023 to 90050 28 112,000
Nepomuceno, Hofileña & Guingona for private. 9 Mar. 82 89991 to 90000 10 40,000
9 Mar. 82 90251 to 90272 22 88,000
——— ————
Total 280 P1,120,000
REGALADO, J.: ===== ========

This petition for review on certiorari impugns and seeks the 2. Angel dela Cruz delivered the said certificates
reversal of the decision promulgated by respondent court on of time (CTDs) to herein plaintiff in connection with
March 8, 1991 in CA-G.R. CV No. 23615 1 affirming with his purchased of fuel products from the latter
modifications, the earlier decision of the Regional Trial Court of (Original Record, p. 208).
Manila, Branch XLII, 2 which dismissed the complaint filed
therein by herein petitioner against respondent bank. 3. Sometime in March 1982, Angel dela Cruz
informed Mr. Timoteo Tiangco, the Sucat Branch
The undisputed background of this case, as found by the court a Manger, that he lost all the certificates of time
quo and adopted by respondent court, appears of record: deposit in dispute. Mr. Tiangco advised said
depositor to execute and submit a notarized
1. On various dates, defendant, a commercial Affidavit of Loss, as required by defendant bank's
banking institution, through its Sucat Branch procedure, if he desired replacement of said lost
issued 280 certificates of time deposit (CTDs) in CTDs (TSN, February 9, 1987, pp. 48-50).
favor of one Angel dela Cruz who deposited with
herein defendant the aggregate amount of 4. On March 18, 1982, Angel dela Cruz executed
P1,120,000.00, as follows: (Joint Partial and delivered to defendant bank the required
Stipulation of Facts and Statement of Issues, Affidavit of Loss (Defendant's Exhibit 281). On the
Original Records, p. 207; Defendant's Exhibits 1 to basis of said affidavit of loss, 280 replacement
280); CTDs were issued in favor of said depositor
(Defendant's Exhibits 282-561).
Dates Serial Nos. Quantity Amount 5. On March 25, 1982, Angel dela Cruz negotiated
and obtained a loan from defendant bank in the
amount of Eight Hundred Seventy Five Thousand
Pesos (P875,000.00). On the same date, said 10. Accordingly, defendant bank rejected the
depositor executed a notarized Deed of plaintiff's demand and claim for payment of the
Assignment of Time Deposit (Exhibit 562) which value of the CTDs in a letter dated February 7,
stated, among others, that he (de la Cruz) 1983 (Defendant's Exhibit 566).
surrenders to defendant bank "full control of the
indicated time deposits from and after date" of the 11. In April 1983, the loan of Angel dela Cruz with
assignment and further authorizes said bank to the defendant bank matured and fell due and on
pre-terminate, set-off and "apply the said time August 5, 1983, the latter set-off and applied the
deposits to the payment of whatever amount or time deposits in question to the payment of the
amounts may be due" on the loan upon its matured loan (TSN, February 9, 1987, pp. 130-
maturity (TSN, February 9, 1987, pp. 60-62). 131).

6. Sometime in November, 1982, Mr. Aranas, 12. In view of the foregoing, plaintiff filed the
Credit Manager of plaintiff Caltex (Phils.) Inc., instant complaint, praying that defendant bank be
went to the defendant bank's Sucat branch and ordered to pay it the aggregate value of the
presented for verification the CTDs declared lost certificates of time deposit of P1,120,000.00 plus
by Angel dela Cruz alleging that the same were accrued interest and compounded interest therein
delivered to herein plaintiff "as security for at 16% per annum, moral and exemplary damages
purchases made with Caltex Philippines, Inc." by as well as attorney's fees.
said depositor (TSN, February 9, 1987, pp. 54-68).
After trial, the court a quo rendered its decision
7. On November 26, 1982, defendant received a dismissing the instant complaint. 3
letter (Defendant's Exhibit 563) from herein plaintiff
formally informing it of its possession of the CTDs On appeal, as earlier stated, respondent court affirmed the
in question and of its decision to pre-terminate the lower court's dismissal of the complaint, hence this petition
same. wherein petitioner faults respondent court in ruling (1) that the
subject certificates of deposit are non-negotiable despite being
8. On December 8, 1982, plaintiff was requested clearly negotiable instruments; (2) that petitioner did not become
by herein defendant to furnish the former "a copy a holder in due course of the said certificates of deposit; and (3)
of the document evidencing the guarantee in disregarding the pertinent provisions of the Code of
agreement with Mr. Angel dela Cruz" as well as Commerce relating to lost instruments payable to bearer. 4
"the details of Mr. Angel dela Cruz" obligation
against which plaintiff proposed to apply the time The instant petition is bereft of merit.
deposits (Defendant's Exhibit 564).
A sample text of the certificates of time deposit is reproduced
9. No copy of the requested documents was below to provide a better understanding of the issues involved in
furnished herein defendant. this recourse.
SECURITY BANK indicated. Therefore, the text of the instrument(s)
AND TRUST COMPANY themselves manifest with clarity that they are
6778 Ayala Ave., Makati No. 90101 payable, not to whoever purports to be the
Metro Manila, Philippines "bearer" but only to the specified person indicated
SUCAT OFFICEP 4,000.00 therein, the depositor. In effect, the appellee bank
CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT acknowledges its depositor Angel dela Cruz as the
Rate 16% person who made the deposit and further engages
itself to pay said depositor the amount indicated
Date of Maturity FEB. 23, 1984 FEB 22, thereon at the stipulated date. 6
1982, 19____
We disagree with these findings and conclusions, and hereby
This is to Certify that B E A R E hold that the CTDs in question are negotiable instruments.
R has deposited in this Bank the Section 1 Act No. 2031, otherwise known as the Negotiable
sum of PESOS: FOUR THOUSAND Instruments Law, enumerates the requisites for an instrument to
ONLY, SECURITY BANK SUCAT become negotiable, viz:
OFFICE P4,000 & 00 CTS Pesos,
Philippine Currency, repayable to (a) It must be in writing and signed by the maker
said depositor 731 days. after date, or drawer;
upon presentation and surrender of
this certificate, with interest at the (b) Must contain an unconditional promise or order
rate of 16% per cent per annum. to pay a sum certain in money;

(Sgd. Illegible) (Sgd. Illegible) (c) Must be payable on demand, or at a fixed or

determinable future time;
—————————— ———————————
(d) Must be payable to order or to bearer; and
(e) Where the instrument is addressed to a
Respondent court ruled that the CTDs in question are non- drawee, he must be named or otherwise indicated
negotiable instruments, nationalizing as follows: therein with reasonable certainty.

. . . While it may be true that the word "bearer" The CTDs in question undoubtedly meet the requirements of the
appears rather boldly in the CTDs issued, it is law for negotiability. The parties' bone of contention is with
important to note that after the word "BEARER" regard to requisite (d) set forth above. It is noted that Mr.
stamped on the space provided supposedly for the Timoteo P. Tiangco, Security Bank's Branch Manager way back
name of the depositor, the words "has deposited" in 1982, testified in open court that the depositor reffered to in
a certain amount follows. The document further the CTDs is no other than Mr. Angel de la Cruz.
provides that the amount deposited shall be
"repayable to said depositor" on the period xxx xxx xxx
Atty. Calida: On this score, the accepted rule is that the negotiability or non-
negotiability of an instrument is determined from the writing, that
q In other words Mr. Witness, you is, from the face of the instrument itself.9 In the construction of a
are saying that per books of the bill or note, the intention of the parties is to control, if it can be
bank, the depositor referred (sic) in legally ascertained. 10 While the writing may be read in the light
these certificates states that it was of surrounding circumstances in order to more perfectly
Angel dela Cruz? understand the intent and meaning of the parties, yet as they
have constituted the writing to be the only outward and visible
witness: expression of their meaning, no other words are to be added to
it or substituted in its stead. The duty of the court in such case is
a Yes, your Honor, and we have the to ascertain, not what the parties may have secretly intended as
record to show that Angel dela Cruz contradistinguished from what their words express, but what is
was the one who cause (sic) the the meaning of the words they have used. What the parties
amount. meant must be determined by what they said. 11

Atty. Calida: Contrary to what respondent court held, the CTDs are
negotiable instruments. The documents provide that the
q And no other person or entity or amounts deposited shall be repayable to the depositor. And
company, Mr. Witness? who, according to the document, is the depositor? It is the
"bearer." The documents do not say that the depositor is Angel
witness: de la Cruz and that the amounts deposited are repayable
specifically to him. Rather, the amounts are to be repayable to
a None, your Honor. 7 the bearer of the documents or, for that matter, whosoever may
be the bearer at the time of presentment.
xxx xxx xxx
If it was really the intention of respondent bank to pay the
Atty. Calida: amount to Angel de la Cruz only, it could have with facility so
expressed that fact in clear and categorical terms in the
q Mr. Witness, who is the depositor documents, instead of having the word "BEARER" stamped on
identified in all of these certificates of the space provided for the name of the depositor in each CTD.
time deposit insofar as the bank is On the wordings of the documents, therefore, the amounts
concerned? deposited are repayable to whoever may be the bearer thereof.
Thus, petitioner's aforesaid witness merely declared that Angel
witness: de la Cruz is the depositor "insofar as the bank is concerned,"
but obviously other parties not privy to the transaction between
a Angel dela Cruz is the depositor. 8 them would not be in a position to know that the depositor is not
the bearer stated in the CTDs. Hence, the situation would
xxx xxx xxx require any party dealing with the CTDs to go behind the plain
import of what is written thereon to unravel the agreement of the
parties thereto through facts aliunde. This need for resort to any litigation arising out of such declaration, act, or omission, be
extrinsic evidence is what is sought to be avoided by the permitted to falsify it. 16
Negotiable Instruments Law and calls for the application of the
elementary rule that the interpretation of obscure words or If it were true that the CTDs were delivered as payment and not
stipulations in a contract shall not favor the party who caused as security, petitioner's credit manager could have easily said
the obscurity. 12 so, instead of using the words "to guarantee" in the letter
aforequoted. Besides, when respondent bank, as defendant in
The next query is whether petitioner can rightfully recover on the the court below, moved for a bill of particularity
CTDs. This time, the answer is in the negative. The records therein 17 praying, among others, that petitioner, as plaintiff, be
reveal that Angel de la Cruz, whom petitioner chose not to required to aver with sufficient definiteness or particularity (a)
implead in this suit for reasons of its own, delivered the CTDs the due date or dates of payment of the alleged indebtedness of
amounting to P1,120,000.00 to petitioner without informing Angel de la Cruz to plaintiff and (b) whether or not it issued a
respondent bank thereof at any time. Unfortunately for receipt showing that the CTDs were delivered to it by De la Cruz
petitioner, although the CTDs are bearer instruments, a valid as payment of the latter's alleged indebtedness to it, plaintiff
negotiation thereof for the true purpose and agreement between corporation opposed the motion. 18 Had it produced the receipt
it and De la Cruz, as ultimately ascertained, requires both prayed for, it could have proved, if such truly was the fact, that
delivery and indorsement. For, although petitioner seeks to the CTDs were delivered as payment and not as security.
deflect this fact, the CTDs were in reality delivered to it as a Having opposed the motion, petitioner now labors under the
security for De la Cruz' purchases of its fuel products. Any doubt presumption that evidence willfully suppressed would be
as to whether the CTDs were delivered as payment for the fuel adverse if produced. 19
products or as a security has been dissipated and resolved in
favor of the latter by petitioner's own authorized and responsible Under the foregoing circumstances, this disquisition
representative himself. in Intergrated Realty Corporation, et al. vs. Philippine National
Bank, et al. 20 is apropos:
In a letter dated November 26, 1982 addressed to respondent
Security Bank, J.Q. Aranas, Jr., Caltex Credit Manager, wrote: ". . . . Adverting again to the Court's
. . These certificates of deposit were negotiated to us by Mr. pronouncements in Lopez, supra, we quote
Angel dela Cruz to guarantee his purchases of fuel products" therefrom:
(Emphasis ours.) 13 This admission is conclusive upon
petitioner, its protestations notwithstanding. Under the doctrine The character of the transaction
of estoppel, an admission or representation is rendered between the parties is to be
conclusive upon the person making it, and cannot be denied or determined by their intention,
disproved as against the person relying thereon. 14 A party may regardless of what language was
not go back on his own acts and representations to the used or what the form of the transfer
prejudice of the other party who relied upon them. 15 In the law was. If it was intended to secure the
of evidence, whenever a party has, by his own declaration, act, payment of money, it must be
or omission, intentionally and deliberately led another to believe construed as a pledge; but if there
a particular thing true, and to act upon such belief, he cannot, in was some other intention, it is not a
pledge. However, even though a
transfer, if regarded by itself, amount involved was not disclosed) could at the most constitute
appears to have been absolute, its petitioner only as a holder for value by reason of his lien.
object and character might still be Accordingly, a negotiation for such purpose cannot be effected
qualified and explained by by mere delivery of the instrument since, necessarily, the terms
contemporaneous writing declaring it thereof and the subsequent disposition of such security, in the
to have been a deposit of the event of non-payment of the principal obligation, must be
property as collateral security. It has contractually provided for.
been said that a transfer of property
by the debtor to a creditor, even if The pertinent law on this point is that where the holder has a
sufficient on its face to make an lien on the instrument arising from contract, he is deemed a
absolute conveyance, should be holder for value to the extent of his lien. 23 As such holder of
treated as a pledge if the debt collateral security, he would be a pledgee but the requirements
continues in inexistence and is not therefor and the effects thereof, not being provided for by the
discharged by the transfer, and that Negotiable Instruments Law, shall be governed by the Civil
accordingly the use of the terms Code provisions on pledge of incorporeal rights, 24 which
ordinarily importing conveyance of inceptively provide:
absolute ownership will not be given
that effect in such a transaction if Art. 2095. Incorporeal rights, evidenced by
they are also commonly used in negotiable instruments, . . . may also be pledged.
pledges and mortgages and The instrument proving the right pledged shall be
therefore do not unqualifiedly delivered to the creditor, and if negotiable, must be
indicate a transfer of absolute indorsed.
ownership, in the absence of clear
and unambiguous language or other Art. 2096. A pledge shall not take effect against
circumstances excluding an intent to third persons if a description of the thing pledged
pledge. and the date of the pledge do not appear in a
public instrument.
Petitioner's insistence that the CTDs were negotiated to it begs
the question. Under the Negotiable Instruments Law, an Aside from the fact that the CTDs were only delivered but not
instrument is negotiated when it is transferred from one person indorsed, the factual findings of respondent court quoted at the
to another in such a manner as to constitute the transferee the start of this opinion show that petitioner failed to produce any
holder thereof, 21 and a holder may be the payee or indorsee of document evidencing any contract of pledge or guarantee
a bill or note, who is in possession of it, or the bearer agreement between it and Angel de la Cruz. 25 Consequently,
thereof. 22 In the present case, however, there was no the mere delivery of the CTDs did not legally vest in petitioner
negotiation in the sense of a transfer of the legal title to the any right effective against and binding upon respondent bank.
CTDs in favor of petitioner in which situation, for obvious The requirement under Article 2096 aforementioned is not a
reasons, mere delivery of the bearer CTDs would have sufficed. mere rule of adjective law prescribing the mode whereby proof
Here, the delivery thereof only as security for the purchases of may be made of the date of a pledge contract, but a rule of
Angel de la Cruz (and we even disregard the fact that the substantive law prescribing a condition without which the
execution of a pledge contract cannot affect third persons 2. Whether or not defendant could legally apply
adversely. 26 the amount covered by the CTDs against the
depositor's loan by virtue of the assignment
On the other hand, the assignment of the CTDs made by Angel (Annex "C").
de la Cruz in favor of respondent bank was embodied in a public
instrument. 27 With regard to this other mode of transfer, the 3. Whether or not there was legal compensation or
Civil Code specifically declares: set off involving the amount covered by the CTDs
and the depositor's outstanding account with
Art. 1625. An assignment of credit, right or action defendant, if any.
shall produce no effect as against third persons,
unless it appears in a public instrument, or the 4. Whether or not plaintiff could compel defendant
instrument is recorded in the Registry of Property to preterminate the CTDs before the maturity date
in case the assignment involves real property. provided therein.

Respondent bank duly complied with this statutory requirement. 5. Whether or not plaintiff is entitled to the
Contrarily, petitioner, whether as purchaser, assignee or lien proceeds of the CTDs.
holder of the CTDs, neither proved the amount of its credit or
the extent of its lien nor the execution of any public instrument 6. Whether or not the parties can recover
which could affect or bind private respondent. Necessarily, damages, attorney's fees and litigation expenses
therefore, as between petitioner and respondent bank, the latter from each other.
has definitely the better right over the CTDs in question.
As respondent court correctly observed, with appropriate
Finally, petitioner faults respondent court for refusing to delve citation of some doctrinal authorities, the foregoing enumeration
into the question of whether or not private respondent observed does not include the issue of negligence on the part of
the requirements of the law in the case of lost negotiable respondent bank. An issue raised for the first time on appeal
instruments and the issuance of replacement certificates and not raised timely in the proceedings in the lower court is
therefor, on the ground that petitioner failed to raised that issue barred by estoppel. 30 Questions raised on appeal must be
in the lower court. 28 within the issues framed by the parties and, consequently,
issues not raised in the trial court cannot be raised for the first
On this matter, we uphold respondent court's finding that the time on appeal. 31
aspect of alleged negligence of private respondent was not
included in the stipulation of the parties and in the statement of Pre-trial is primarily intended to make certain that all issues
issues submitted by them to the trial court. 29 The issues agreed necessary to the disposition of a case are properly raised. Thus,
upon by them for resolution in this case are: to obviate the element of surprise, parties are expected to
disclose at a pre-trial conference all issues of law and fact which
1. Whether or not the CTDs as worded are they intend to raise at the trial, except such as may involve
negotiable instruments. privileged or impeaching matters. The determination of issues at
a pre-trial conference bars the consideration of other questions
on appeal. 32
To accept petitioner's suggestion that respondent bank's Moreover, as correctly analyzed by private
supposed negligence may be considered encompassed by the respondent, 37 Articles 548 to 558 of the Code of Commerce, on
issues on its right to preterminate and receive the proceeds of which petitioner seeks to anchor respondent bank's supposed
the CTDs would be tantamount to saying that petitioner could negligence, merely established, on the one hand, a right of
raise on appeal any issue. We agree with private respondent recourse in favor of a dispossessed owner or holder of a bearer
that the broad ultimate issue of petitioner's entitlement to the instrument so that he may obtain a duplicate of the same, and,
proceeds of the questioned certificates can be premised on a on the other, an option in favor of the party liable thereon who,
multitude of other legal reasons and causes of action, of which for some valid ground, may elect to refuse to issue a
respondent bank's supposed negligence is only one. Hence, replacement of the instrument. Significantly, none of the
petitioner's submission, if accepted, would render a pre-trial provisions cited by petitioner categorically restricts or prohibits
delimitation of issues a useless exercise. 33 the issuance a duplicate or replacement
instrument sans compliance with the procedure outlined therein,
Still, even assuming arguendo that said issue of negligence was and none establishes a mandatory precedent requirement
raised in the court below, petitioner still cannot have the odds in therefor.
its favor. A close scrutiny of the provisions of the Code of
Commerce laying down the rules to be followed in case of lost WHEREFORE, on the modified premises above set forth, the
instruments payable to bearer, which it invokes, will reveal that petition is DENIED and the appealed decision is hereby
said provisions, even assuming their applicability to the CTDs in AFFIRMED.
the case at bar, are merely permissive and not mandatory. The
very first article cited by petitioner speaks for itself. SO ORDERED.

Art 548. The dispossessed owner, no matter for Narvasa, C.J., Padilla and Nocon, JJ., concur.
what cause it may be, may apply to the judge or
court of competent jurisdiction, asking that the
principal, interest or dividends due or about to
become due, be not paid a third person, as well as G.R. No. 72593 April 30, 1987
in order to prevent the ownership of the instrument
that a duplicate be issued him. (Emphasis ours.) CONSOLIDATED PLYWOOD INDUSTRIES, INC., HENRY
WEE, and RODOLFO T. VERGARA, petitioners,
xxx xxx xxx vs.
The use of the word "may" in said provision shows that it is not CORPORATION, respondent.
mandatory but discretionary on the part of the "dispossessed
owner" to apply to the judge or court of competent jurisdiction Carpio, Villaraza & Cruz Law Offices for petitioners.
for the issuance of a duplicate of the lost instrument. Where the
provision reads "may," this word shows that it is not mandatory Europa, Dacanay & Tolentino for respondent.
but discretional. 34 The word "may" is usually permissive, not
mandatory. 35 It is an auxiliary verb indicating liberty,
opportunity, permission and possibility. 36
GUTIERREZ, JR., J.: petitioners Wee and Vergara, president and vice- president,
respectively, agreed to purchase on installment said two (2)
This is a petition for certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of units of "Used" Allis Crawler Tractors. It also paid the down
Court which assails on questions of law a decision of the payment of Two Hundred Ten Thousand Pesos (P210,000.00).
Intermediate Appellate Court in AC-G.R. CV No. 68609 dated
July 17, 1985, as well as its resolution dated October 17, 1985, On April 5, 1978, the seller-assignor issued the sales invoice for
denying the motion for reconsideration. the two 2) units of tractors (Exh. "3-A"). At the same time, the
deed of sale with chattel mortgage with promissory note was
The antecedent facts culled from the petition are as follows: executed (Exh. "2").

The petitioner is a corporation engaged in the logging business. Simultaneously with the execution of the deed of sale with
It had for its program of logging activities for the year 1978 the chattel mortgage with promissory note, the seller-assignor, by
opening of additional roads, and simultaneous logging means of a deed of assignment (E exh. " 1 "), assigned its rights
operations along the route of said roads, in its logging and interest in the chattel mortgage in favor of the respondent.
concession area at Baganga, Manay, and Caraga, Davao
Oriental. For this purpose, it needed two (2) additional units of Immediately thereafter, the seller-assignor delivered said two (2)
tractors. units of "Used" tractors to the petitioner-corporation's job site
and as agreed, the seller-assignor stationed its own mechanics
Cognizant of petitioner-corporation's need and purpose, Atlantic to supervise the operations of the machines.
Gulf & Pacific Company of Manila, through its sister company
and marketing arm, Industrial Products Marketing (the "seller- Barely fourteen (14) days had elapsed after their delivery when
assignor"), a corporation dealing in tractors and other heavy one of the tractors broke down and after another nine (9) days,
equipment business, offered to sell to petitioner-corporation two the other tractor likewise broke down (t.s.n., May 28, 1980, pp.
(2) "Used" Allis Crawler Tractors, one (1) an HDD-21-B and the 68-69).
other an HDD-16-B.
On April 25, 1978, petitioner Rodolfo T. Vergara formally
In order to ascertain the extent of work to which the tractors advised the seller-assignor of the fact that the tractors broke
were to be exposed, (t.s.n., May 28, 1980, p. 44) and to down and requested for the seller-assignor's usual prompt
determine the capability of the "Used" tractors being offered, attention under the warranty (E exh. " 5 ").
petitioner-corporation requested the seller-assignor to inspect
the job site. After conducting said inspection, the seller-assignor In response to the formal advice by petitioner Rodolfo T.
assured petitioner-corporation that the "Used" Allis Crawler Vergara, Exhibit "5," the seller-assignor sent to the job site its
Tractors which were being offered were fit for the job, and gave mechanics to conduct the necessary repairs (Exhs. "6," "6-A,"
the corresponding warranty of ninety (90) days performance of "6-B," 16 C," "16-C-1," "6-D," and "6-E"), but the tractors did not
the machines and availability of parts. (t.s.n., May 28, 1980, pp. come out to be what they should be after the repairs were
59-66). undertaken because the units were no longer serviceable (t. s.
n., May 28, 1980, p. 78).
With said assurance and warranty, and relying on the seller-
assignor's skill and judgment, petitioner-corporation through
Because of the breaking down of the tractors, the road building likewise prayed for such other and further relief as would be just
and simultaneous logging operations of petitioner-corporation under the premises.
were delayed and petitioner Vergara advised the seller-assignor
that the payments of the installments as listed in the promissory In a decision dated April 20, 1981, the trial court rendered the
note would likewise be delayed until the seller-assignor following judgment:
completely fulfills its obligation under its warranty (t.s.n, May 28,
1980, p. 79). WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered:

Since the tractors were no longer serviceable, on April 7, 1979, 1. ordering defendants to pay jointly and severally
petitioner Wee asked the seller-assignor to pull out the units and in their official and personal capacities the
have them reconditioned, and thereafter to offer them for sale. principal sum of ONE MILLION NINETY THREE
The proceeds were to be given to the respondent and the THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY EIGHT
excess, if any, to be divided between the seller-assignor and PESOS & 71/100 (P1,093,798.71) with accrued
petitioner-corporation which offered to bear one-half (1/2) of the interest of ONE HUNDRED FIFTY ONE
reconditioning cost (E exh. " 7 "). THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED EIGHTEEN PESOS
& 86/100 (P151,618.,86) as of August 15, 1979
No response to this letter, Exhibit "7," was received by the and accruing interest thereafter at the rate of 12%
petitioner-corporation and despite several follow-up calls, the per annum;
seller-assignor did nothing with regard to the request, until the
complaint in this case was filed by the respondent against the 2. ordering defendants to pay jointly and severally
petitioners, the corporation, Wee, and Vergara. attorney's fees equivalent to ten percent (10%) of
the principal and to pay the costs of the suit.
The complaint was filed by the respondent against the
petitioners for the recovery of the principal sum of One Million Defendants' counterclaim is disallowed. (pp. 45-
Ninety Three Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty Nine Pesos & 46, Rollo)
71/100 (P1,093,789.71), accrued interest of One Hundred Fifty
One Thousand Six Hundred Eighteen Pesos & 86/100 On June 8, 1981, the trial court issued an order denying the
(P151,618.86) as of August 15, 1979, accruing interest motion for reconsideration filed by the petitioners.
thereafter at the rate of twelve (12%) percent per annum,
attorney's fees of Two Hundred Forty Nine Thousand Eighty Thus, the petitioners appealed to the Intermediate Appellate
One Pesos & 71/100 (P249,081.7 1) and costs of suit. Court and assigned therein the following errors:

The petitioners filed their amended answer praying for the I

dismissal of the complaint and asking the trial court to order the
respondent to pay the petitioners damages in an amount at the THAT THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN FINDING THAT THE
sound discretion of the court, Twenty Thousand Pesos SELLER ATLANTIC GULF AND PACIFIC COMPANY OF
(P20,000.00) as and for attorney's fees, and Five Thousand MANILA DID NOT APPROVE DEFENDANTS-APPELLANTS
Pesos (P5,000.00) for expenses of litigation. The petitioners CLAIM OF WARRANTY.
II issue as to whether the plaintiff-appellee is a
holder in due course of the promissory note.
PLAINTIFF- APPELLEE IS A HOLDER IN DUE COURSE OF To begin with, it is beyond arguments that the
THE PROMISSORY NOTE AND SUED UNDER SAID NOTE plaintiff-appellee is a financing corporation
AS HOLDER THEREOF IN DUE COURSE. engaged in financing and receivable discounting
extending credit facilities to consumers and
On July 17, 1985, the Intermediate Appellate Court issued the industrial, commercial or agricultural enterprises
challenged decision affirming in toto the decision of the trial by discounting or factoring commercial papers or
court. The pertinent portions of the decision are as follows: accounts receivable duly authorized pursuant to
R.A. 5980 otherwise known as the Financing Act.
xxx xxx xxx
A study of the questioned promissory note reveals
From the evidence presented by the parties on the that it is a negotiable instrument which was
issue of warranty, We are of the considered discounted or sold to the IFC Leasing and
opinion that aside from the fact that no provision of Acceptance Corporation for P800,000.00 (Exh.
warranty appears or is provided in the Deed of "A") considering the following. it is in writing and
Sale of the tractors and even admitting that in a signed by the maker; it contains an unconditional
contract of sale unless a contrary intention promise to pay a certain sum of money payable at
appears, there is an implied warranty, the defense a fixed or determinable future time; it is payable to
of breach of warranty, if there is any, as in this order (Sec. 1, NIL); the promissory note was
case, does not lie in favor of the appellants and negotiated when it was transferred and delivered
against the plaintiff-appellee who is the assignee by IPM to the appellee and duly endorsed to the
of the promissory note and a holder of the same in latter (Sec. 30, NIL); it was taken in the conditions
due course. Warranty lies in this case only that the note was complete and regular upon its
between Industrial Products Marketing and face before the same was overdue and without
Consolidated Plywood Industries, Inc. The plaintiff- notice, that it had been previously dishonored and
appellant herein upon application by appellant that the note is in good faith and for value without
corporation granted financing for the purchase of notice of any infirmity or defect in the title of IPM
the questioned units of Fiat-Allis Crawler,Tractors. (Sec. 52, NIL); that IFC Leasing and Acceptance
Corporation held the instrument free from any
xxx xxx xxx defect of title of prior parties and free from
defenses available to prior parties among
Holding that breach of warranty if any, is not a themselves and may enforce payment of the
defense available to appellants either to withdraw instrument for the full amount thereof against all
from the contract and/or demand a proportionate parties liable thereon (Sec. 57, NIL); the
reduction of the price with damages in either case appellants engaged that they would pay the note
(Art. 1567, New Civil Code). We now come to the according to its tenor, and admit the existence of
the payee IPM and its capacity to endorse (Sec. THROUGH A MERE ASSIGNMENT, THE PETITIONERS MAY
In view of the essential elements found in the ASSIGNOR, INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS MARKETING.
questioned promissory note, We opine that the
same is legally and conclusively enforceable IV.
against the defendants-appellants.
WHEREFORE, finding the decision appealed from OF THE PROMISSORY NOTE BECAUSE:
according to law and evidence, We find the appeal
without merit and thus affirm the decision in toto. A) THE SELLER-ASSIGNOR IS GUILTY OF BREACH OF
With costs against the appellants. (pp. 50-55, WARRANTY UNDER THE LAW;
The petitioners' motion for reconsideration of the decision of FROM THE SELLER-ASSIGNOR OF THE PROMISSORY
July 17, 1985 was denied by the Intermediate Appellate Court in NOTE.
its resolution dated October 17, 1985, a copy of which was
received by the petitioners on October 21, 1985. V.

Hence, this petition was filed on the following grounds: THE ASSIGNMENT OF THE CHATTEL MORTGAGE BY THE
PROMISSORY NOTE. The petitioners prayed that judgment be rendered setting aside
the decision dated July 17, 1985, as well as the resolution dated
III. October 17, 1985 and dismissing the complaint but granting
petitioners' counterclaims before the court of origin.
On the other hand, the respondent corporation in its comment to vendee is an expert who, by reason of his trade or
the petition filed on February 20, 1986, contended that the profession, should have known them.
petition was filed out of time; that the promissory note is a
negotiable instrument and respondent a holder in due course; ART. 1562. In a sale of goods, there is an implied
that respondent is not liable for any breach of warranty; and warranty or condition as to the quality or fitness of
finally, that the promissory note is admissible in evidence. the goods, as follows:

The core issue herein is whether or not the promissory note in (1) Where the buyer, expressly or by implication
question is a negotiable instrument so as to bar completely all makes known to the seller the particular purpose
the available defenses of the petitioner against the respondent- for which the goods are acquired, and it appears
assignee. that the buyer relies on the sellers skill or judge
judgment (whether he be the grower or
Preliminarily, it must be established at the outset that we manufacturer or not), there is an implied warranty
consider the instant petition to have been filed on time because that the goods shall be reasonably fit for such
the petitioners' motion for reconsideration actually raised new purpose;
issues. It cannot, therefore, be considered pro- formal.
xxx xxx xxx
The petition is impressed with merit.
ART. 1564. An implied warranty or condition as to
First, there is no question that the seller-assignor breached its the quality or fitness for a particular purpose may
express 90-day warranty because the findings of the trial court, be annexed by the usage of trade.
adopted by the respondent appellate court, that "14 days after
delivery, the first tractor broke down and 9 days, thereafter, the xxx xxx xxx
second tractor became inoperable" are sustained by the
records. The petitioner was clearly a victim of a warranty not ART. 1566. The vendor is responsible to the
honored by the maker. vendee for any hidden faults or defects in the thing
sold even though he was not aware thereof.
The Civil Code provides that:
This provision shall not apply if the contrary has
ART. 1561. The vendor shall be responsible for been stipulated, and the vendor was not aware of
warranty against the hidden defects which the the hidden faults or defects in the thing sold.
thing sold may have, should they render it unfit for (Emphasis supplied).
the use for which it is intended, or should they
diminish its fitness for such use to such an extent It is patent then, that the seller-assignor is liable for its breach of
that, had the vendee been aware thereof, he warranty against the petitioner. This liability as a general rule,
would not have acquired it or would have given a extends to the corporation to whom it assigned its rights and
lower price for it; but said vendor shall not be interests unless the assignee is a holder in due course of the
answerable for patent defects or those which may promissory note in question, assuming the note is negotiable, in
be visible, or for those which are not visible if the which case the latter's rights are based on the negotiable
instrument and assuming further that the petitioner's defenses the seller-assignor except by way of counterclaim if the seller-
may not prevail against it. assignor sues it because of the rescission.

Secondly, it likewise cannot be denied that as soon as the In the case of the University of the Philippines v. De los
tractors broke down, the petitioner-corporation notified the Angeles (35 SCRA 102) we held:
seller-assignor's sister company, AG & P, about the breakdown
based on the seller-assignor's express 90-day warranty, with In other words, the party who deems the contract
which the latter complied by sending its mechanics. However, violated may consider it resolved or rescinded,
due to the seller-assignor's delay and its failure to comply with and act accordingly, without previous court action,
its warranty, the tractors became totally unserviceable and but it proceeds at its own risk. For it is only the
useless for the purpose for which they were purchased. final judgment of the corresponding court that will
conclusively and finally settle whether the action
Thirdly, the petitioner-corporation, thereafter, unilaterally taken was or was not correct in law. But the law
rescinded its contract with the seller-assignor. definitely does not require that the contracting
party who believes itself injured must first file suit
Articles 1191 and 1567 of the Civil Code provide that: and wait for adjudgement before taking
extrajudicial steps to protect its interest.
ART. 1191. The power to rescind obligations is Otherwise, the party injured by the other's breach
implied in reciprocal ones, in case one of the will have to passively sit and watch its damages
obligors should not comply with what is incumbent accumulate during the pendency of the suit until
upon him. the final judgment of rescission is rendered when
the law itself requires that he should exercise due
The injured party may choose between the diligence to minimize its own damages (Civil
fulfillment and the rescission of the obligation with Code, Article 2203). (Emphasis supplied)
the payment of damages in either case. He may
also seek rescission, even after he has chosen Going back to the core issue, we rule that the promissory note
fulfillment, if the latter should become impossible. in question is not a negotiable instrument.

xxx xxx xxx The pertinent portion of the note is as follows:

ART. 1567. In the cases of articles 1561, 1562, FOR VALUE RECEIVED, I/we jointly and severally
1564, 1565 and 1566, the vendee may elect promise to pay to the INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS
between withdrawing from the contract and MARKETING, the sum of ONE MILLION NINETY
demanding a proportionate reduction of the price, THREE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY
with damages in either case. (Emphasis supplied) NINE PESOS & 71/100 only (P 1,093,789.71),
Philippine Currency, the said principal sum, to be
Petitioner, having unilaterally and extrajudicially rescinded its payable in 24 monthly installments starting July
contract with the seller-assignor, necessarily can no longer sue 15, 1978 and every 15th of the month thereafter
until fully paid. ...
Considering that paragraph (d), Section 1 of the Negotiable available against the latter." (Campos and
Instruments Law requires that a promissory note "must be Campos, Notes and Selected Cases on
payable to order or bearer, " it cannot be denied that the Negotiable Instruments Law, Third Edition, page
promissory note in question is not a negotiable instrument. 38). (Emphasis supplied)

The instrument in order to be considered Therefore, considering that the subject promissory note is not a
negotiablility-i.e. must contain the so-called 'words negotiable instrument, it follows that the respondent can never
of negotiable, must be payable to 'order' or be a holder in due course but remains a mere assignee of the
'bearer'. These words serve as an expression of note in question. Thus, the petitioner may raise against the
consent that the instrument may be transferred. respondent all defenses available to it as against the seller-
This consent is indispensable since a maker assignor Industrial Products Marketing.
assumes greater risk under a negotiable
instrument than under a non-negotiable one. ... This being so, there was no need for the petitioner to implied the
seller-assignor when it was sued by the respondent-assignee
xxx xxx xxx because the petitioner's defenses apply to both or either of
either of them. Actually, the records show that even the
When instrument is payable to order. respondent itself admitted to being a mere assignee of the
promissory note in question, to wit:
instrument is payable to order where it is drawn ATTY. PALACA:
payable to the order of a specified person or to
him or his order. . . . Did we get it right from the counsel
that what is being assigned is the
xxx xxx xxx Deed of Sale with Chattel Mortgage
with the promissory note which is as
These are the only two ways by which an testified to by the witness was
instrument may be made payable to order. There indorsed? (Counsel for Plaintiff
must always be a specified person named in the nodding his head.) Then we have no
instrument. It means that the bill or note is to be further questions on cross,
paid to the person designated in the instrument or
to any person to whom he has indorsed and COURT:
delivered the same. Without the words "or order"
or"to the order of, "the instrument is payable only You confirm his manifestation? You
to the person designated therein and is therefore are nodding your head? Do you
non-negotiable. Any subsequent purchaser thereof confirm that?
will not enjoy the advantages of being a holder of
a negotiable instrument but will merely "step into ATTY. ILAGAN:
the shoes" of the person designated in the
instrument and will thus be open to all defenses
The Deed of Sale cannot be the right to collect the price from the buyer, herein petitioner
assigned. A deed of sale is a Consolidated Plywood Industries, Inc.
transaction between two persons;
what is assigned are rights, the A mere perusal of the Deed of Sale with Chattel Mortgage with
rights of the mortgagee were Promissory Note, the Deed of Assignment and the Disclosure of
assigned to the IFC Leasing & Loan/Credit Transaction shows that said documents evidencing
Acceptance Corporation. the sale on installment of the tractors were all executed on the
same day by and among the buyer, which is herein petitioner
COURT: Consolidated Plywood Industries, Inc.; the seller-assignor which
is the Industrial Products Marketing; and the assignee-financing
He puts it in a simple way as one- company, which is the respondent. Therefore, the respondent
deed of sale and chattel mortgage had actual knowledge of the fact that the seller-assignor's right
were assigned; . . . you want to to collect the purchase price was not unconditional, and that it
make a distinction, one is an was subject to the condition that the tractors -sold were not
assignment of mortgage right and defective. The respondent knew that when the tractors turned
the other one is indorsement of the out to be defective, it would be subject to the defense of failure
promissory note. What counsel for of consideration and cannot recover the purchase price from the
defendants wants is that you petitioners. Even assuming for the sake of argument that the
stipulate that it is contained in one promissory note is negotiable, the respondent, which took the
single transaction? same with actual knowledge of the foregoing facts so that its
action in taking the instrument amounted to bad faith, is not a
ATTY. ILAGAN: holder in due course. As such, the respondent is subject to all
defenses which the petitioners may raise against the seller-
We stipulate it is one single assignor. Any other interpretation would be most inequitous to
transaction. (pp. 27-29, TSN., the unfortunate buyer who is not only saddled with two useless
February 13, 1980). tractors but must also face a lawsuit from the assignee for the
entire purchase price and all its incidents without being able to
Secondly, even conceding for purposes of discussion that the raise valid defenses available as against the assignor.
promissory note in question is a negotiable instrument, the
respondent cannot be a holder in due course for a more Lastly, the respondent failed to present any evidence to prove
significant reason. that it had no knowledge of any fact, which would justify its act
of taking the promissory note as not amounting to bad faith.
The evidence presented in the instant case shows that prior to
the sale on installment of the tractors, there was an Sections 52 and 56 of the Negotiable Instruments Law provide
arrangement between the seller-assignor, Industrial Products that: negotiating it.
Marketing, and the respondent whereby the latter would pay the
seller-assignor the entire purchase price and the seller-assignor, xxx xxx xxx
in turn, would assign its rights to the respondent which acquired
SEC. 52. WHAT CONSTITUTES A HOLDER IN the United States to protect the buyer against the
DUE COURSE. — A holder in due course is a finance company will , the finance company will be
holder who has taken the instrument under the subject to the defense of failure of consideration
following conditions: and cannot recover the purchase price from the
buyer. As against the argument that such a rule
xxx xxx xxx would seriously affect "a certain mode of
transacting business adopted throughout the
xxx xxx xxx State," a court in one case stated:

(c) That he took it in good faith and for value It may be that our holding here will
require some changes in business
(d) That the time it was negotiated by him he had methods and will impose a greater
no notice of any infirmity in the instrument of burden on the finance companies.
deffect in the title of the person negotiating it We think the buyer-Mr. & Mrs.
General Public-should have some
xxx xxx xxx protection somewhere along the line.
We believe the finance company is
SEC. 56. WHAT CONSTITUTES NOTICE OF better able to bear the risk of the
DEFFECT. — To constitute notice of an infirmity in dealer's insolvency than the buyer
the instrument or defect in the title of the person and in a far better position to protect
negotiating the same, the person to whom it is his interests against unscrupulous
negotiated must have had actual knowledge of the and insolvent dealers. . . .
infirmity or defect, or knowledge of such facts that
his action in taking the instrument amounts to bad If this opinion imposes great burdens
faith. (Emphasis supplied) on finance companies it is a potent
argument in favor of a rule which win
We subscribe to the view of Campos and Campos that a afford public protection to the
financing company is not a holder in good faith as to the buyer, general buying public against
to wit: unscrupulous dealers in personal
property. . . . (Mutual Finance Co. v.
In installment sales, the buyer usually issues a Martin, 63 So. 2d 649, 44 ALR 2d 1
note payable to the seller to cover the purchase [1953]) (Campos and Campos,
price. Many times, in pursuance of a previous Notes and Selected Cases on
arrangement with the seller, a finance company Negotiable Instruments Law, Third
pays the full price and the note is indorsed to it, Edition, p. 128).
subrogating it to the right to collect the price from
the buyer, with interest. With the increasing In the case of Commercial Credit Corporation v. Orange
frequency of installment buying in this country, it is Country Machine Works (34 Cal. 2d 766) involving similar facts,
most probable that the tendency of the courts in it was held that in a very real sense, the finance company was a
moving force in the transaction from its very inception and acted Fernan, Paras, Padilla, Bidin and Cortes, JJ., concur.
as a party to it. When a finance company actively participates in
a transaction of this type from its inception, it cannot be
regarded as a holder in due course of the note given in the
transaction. G.R. No. 93397 March 3, 1997

In like manner, therefore, even assuming that the subject TRADERS ROYAL BANK, petitioner,
promissory note is negotiable, the respondent, a financing vs.
company which actively participated in the sale on installment of COURT OF APPEALS, FILRITERS GUARANTY
the subject two Allis Crawler tractors, cannot be regarded as a ASSURANCE CORPORATION and CENTRAL BANK of the
holder in due course of said note. It follows that the PHILIPPINES, respondents.
respondent's rights under the promissory note involved in this
case are subject to all defenses that the petitioners have against
the seller-assignor, Industrial Products Marketing. For Section
58 of the Negotiable Instruments Law provides that "in the TORRES, JR., J.:
hands of any holder other than a holder in due course, a
negotiable instrument is subject to the same defenses as if it Assailed in this Petition for Review on Certiorari is the Decision
were non-negotiable. ... " of the respondent Court of Appeals dated January 29,
1990,1 affirming the nullity of the transfer of Central Bank
Prescinding from the foregoing and setting aside other Certificate of Indebtedness (CBCI) No. D891,2 with a face value
peripheral issues, we find that both the trial and respondent of P500,000.00, from the Philippine Underwriters Finance
appellate court erred in holding the promissory note in question Corporation (Philfinance) to the petitioner Trader's Royal Bank
to be negotiable. Such a ruling does not only violate the law and (TRB), under a Repurchase Agreement3 dated February 4,
applicable jurisprudence, but would result in unjust enrichment 1981, and a Detached Assignment4dated April 27, 1981.
on the part of both the assigner- assignor and respondent
assignee at the expense of the petitioner-corporation which Docketed as Civil Case No. 83-17966 in the Regional Trial
rightfully rescinded an inequitable contract. We note, however, Court of Manila, Branch 32, the action was originally filed as a
that since the seller-assignor has not been impleaded herein, Petition for Mandamus5 under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, to
there is no obstacle for the respondent to file a civil Suit and compel the Central Bank of the Philippines to register the
litigate its claims against the seller- assignor in the rather transfer of the subject CBCI to petitioner Traders Royal Bank
unlikely possibility that it so desires, (TRB).

WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the decision of the In the said petition, TRB stated that:
respondent appellate court dated July 17, 1985, as well as its
resolution dated October 17, 1986, are hereby ANNULLED and 3. On November 27, 1979, Filriters Guaranty
SET ASIDE. The complaint against the petitioner before the trial Assurance Corporation (Filriters) executed a
court is DISMISSED. "Detached Assignment" . . ., whereby Filriters, as
registered owner, sold, transferred, assigned and
SO ORDERED. delivered unto Philippine Underwriters Finance
Corporation (Philfinance) all its rights and title to the checks it issued in favor of petitioner were
Central Bank Certificates of Indebtedness of dishonored for insufficient funds;
(P500,000) and having an aggregate value of 8. Owing to the default of PhilFinance, it executed
PESOS: THREE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED a Detached Assignment in favor of the Petitioner
THOUSAND (P3,500,000.00); to enable the latter to have its title completed and
registered in the books of the respondent. And by
4. The aforesaid Detached Assignment (Annex means of said Detachment, Philfinance transferred
"A") contains an express authorization executed and assigned all, its rights and title in the said
by the transferor intended to complete the CBCI (Annex "C") to petitioner and, furthermore, it
assignment through the registration of the transfer did thereby "irrevocably authorize the said issuer
in the name of PhilFinance, which authorization is (respondent herein) to transfer the said
specifically phrased as follows: '(Filriters) hereby bond/certificate on the books of its fiscal agent." . .
irrevocably authorized the said issuer (Central .
Bank) to transfer the said bond/certificates on the
books of its fiscal agent; 9. Petitioner presented the CBCI (Annex "C"),
together with the two (2) aforementioned
5. On February 4, 1981, petitioner entered into a Detached Assignments (Annexes "B" and "D"), to
Repurchase Agreement with PhilFinance . . ., the Securities Servicing Department of the
whereby, for and in consideration of the sum of respondent, and requested the latter to effect the
PESOS: FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND transfer of the CBCI on its books and to issue a
(P500,000.00), PhilFinance sold, transferred and new certificate in the name of petitioner as
delivered to petitioner CBCI 4-year, 8th series, absolute owner thereof;
Serial No. D891 with a face value of P500,000.00 .
. ., which CBCI was among those previously 10. Respondent failed and refused to register the
acquired by PhilFinance from Filriters as averred transfer as requested, and continues to do so
in paragraph 3 of the Petition; notwithstanding petitioner's valid and just title over
the same and despite repeated demands in
6. Pursuant to the aforesaid Repurchase writing, the latest of which is hereto attached as
Agreement (Annex "B"), Philfinance agreed to Annex "E" and made an integral part hereof;
repurchase CBCI Serial No. D891 (Annex "C"), at
the stipulated price of PESOS: FIVE HUNDRED 11. The express provisions governing the transfer
NINETEEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED of the CBCI were substantially complied with the
SIXTY-ONE & 11/100 (P519,361.11) on April 27, petitioner's request for registration, to wit:
"No transfer thereof shall be valid
7. PhilFinance failed to repurchase the CBCI on unless made at said office (where
the agreed date of maturity, April 27, 1981, when the Certificate has been registered)
by the registered owner hereof, in
person or by his attorney duly respondent as an insurance company under the
authorized in writing, and similarly Insurance Code;
noted hereon, and upon payment of
a nominal transfer fee which may be 13. Without any consideration or benefit
required, a new Certificate shall be whatsoever to Filriters, in violation of law and the
issued to the transferee of the trust fund doctrine and to the prejudice of
registered holder thereof." policyholders and to all who have present or future
claim against policies issued by Filriters, Alfredo
and, without a doubt, the Detached Assignments Banaria, then Senior Vice-President-Treasury of
presented to respondent were sufficient Filriters, without any board resolution, knowledge
authorizations in writing executed by the or consent of the board of directors of Filriters, and
registered owner, Filriters, and its transferee, without any clearance or authorization from the
PhilFinance, as required by the above-quoted Insurance Commissioner, executed a detached
provision; assignment purportedly assigning CBCI No. 891 to
12. Upon such compliance with the aforesaid
requirements, the ministerial duties of registering a xxx xxx xxx
transfer of ownership over the CBCI and issuing a
new certificate to the transferee devolves upon the 14. Subsequently, Alberto Fabella, Senior Vice-
respondent; President-Comptroller are Pilar Jacobe, Vice-
President-Treasury of Filriters (both of whom were
Upon these assertions, TRB prayed for the registration by the holding the same positions in Philfinance), without
Central Bank of the subject CBCI in its name. any consideration or benefit redounding to Filriters
and to the grave prejudice of Filriters, its policy
On December 4, 1984, the Regional Trial Court the case took holders and all who have present or future claims
cognizance of the defendant Central Bank of the Philippines' against its policies, executed similar detached
Motion for Admission of Amended Answer with Counter Claim assignment forms transferring the CBCI to plaintiff;
for Interpleader6 thereby calling to fore the respondent Filriters
Guaranty Assurance Corporation (Filriters), the registered xxx xxx xxx
owner of the subject CBCI as respondent.
15. The detached assignment is patently void and
For its part, Filriters interjected as Special Defenses the inoperative because the assignment is without the
following: knowledge and consent of directors of Filriters,
and not duly authorized in writing by the Board, as
11. Respondent is the registered owner of CBCI requiring by Article V, Section 3 of CB Circular No.
No. 891; 769;

12. The CBCI constitutes part of the reserve

investment against liabilities required of
16. The assignment of the CBCI to Philfinance is a not payable to bearer but is a registered in the
personal act of Alfredo Banaria and not the name of Filriters;
corporate act of Filriters and such null and void;
b) The provision on transfer of the CBCIs provides
a) The assignment was executed without that the Central Bank shall treat the registered
consideration and for that reason, the assignment owner as the absolute owner and that the value of
is void from the beginning (Article 1409, Civil the registered certificates shall be payable only to
Code); the registered owner; a sufficient notice to plaintiff
that the assignments do not give them the
b) The assignment was executed without any registered owner's right as absolute owner of the
knowledge and consent of the board of directors of CBCI's;
c) CB Circular 769, Series of 1980 (Rules and
c) The CBCI constitutes reserve investment of Regulations Governing CBCIs) provides that the
Filriters against liabilities, which is a requirement registered certificates are payable only to the
under the Insurance Code for its existence as an registered owner (Article II, Section 1).
insurance company and the pursuit of its business
operations. The assignment of the CBCI is illegal 18. Plaintiff knew full well that the assignment by
act in the sense of malum in se or malum Philfinance of CBCI No. 891 by Filriters is not a
prohibitum, for anyone to make, either as regular transaction made in the usual of ordinary
corporate or personal act; course of business;

d) The transfer of dimunition of reserve a) The CBCI constitutes part of the reserve
investments of Filriters is expressly prohibited by investments of Filriters against liabilities requires
law, is immoral and against public policy; by the Insurance Code and its assignment or
transfer is expressly prohibited by law. There was
e) The assignment of the CBCI has resulted in the no attempt to get any clearance or authorization
capital impairment and in the solvency deficiency from the Insurance Commissioner;
of Filriters (and has in fact helped in placing
Filriters under conservatorship), an inevitable b) The assignment by Filriters of the CBCI is
result known to the officer who executed clearly not a transaction in the usual or regular
assignment. course of its business;

17. Plaintiff had acted in bad faith and with c) The CBCI involved substantial amount and its
knowledge of the illegality and invalidity of the assignment clearly constitutes disposition of "all or
assignment. substantially all" of the assets of Filriters, which
requires the affirmative action of the stockholders
a) The CBCI No. 891 is not a negotiable (Section 40, Corporation [sic] Code.7
instrument and as a certificate of indebtedness is
In its Decision8 dated April 29, 1988, the Regional Trial Court of transferred CBCI No. D891 to Philippine
Manila, Branch XXXIII found the assignment of CBCI No. D891 Underwriters Finance Corporation (Philfinance).
in favor of Philfinance, and the subsequent assignment of the Subsequently, Philfinance transferred CBCI No.
same CBCI by Philfinance in favor of Traders Royal Bank null D891, which was still registered in the name of
and void and of no force and effect. The dispositive portion of Filriters, to appellant Traders Royal Bank (TRB).
the decision reads: The transfer was made under a repurchase
agreement dated February 4, 1981, granting
ACCORDINGLY, judgment is hereby rendered in Philfinance the right to repurchase the instrument
favor of the respondent Filriters Guaranty on or before April 27, 1981. When Philfinance
Assurance Corporation and against the plaintiff failed to buy back the note on maturity date, it
Traders Royal Bank: executed a deed of assignment, dated April 27,
1981, conveying to appellant TRB all its right and
(a) Declaring the assignment of CBCI No. 891 in the title to CBCI No. D891.
favor of PhilFinance, and the subsequent
assignment of CBCI by PhilFinance in favor of the Armed with the deed of assignment, TRB then
plaintiff Traders Royal Bank as null and void and sought the transfer and registration of CBCI No.
of no force and effect; D891 in its name before the Security and
Servicing Department of the Central Bank (CB).
(b) Ordering the respondent Central Bank of the Central Bank, however, refused to effect the
Philippines to disregard the said assignment and transfer and registration in view of an adverse
to pay the value of the proceeds of the CBCI No. claim filed by defendant Filriters.
D891 to the Filriters Guaranty Assurance
Corporation; Left with no other recourse, TRB filed a special
civil action for mandamus against the Central
(c) Ordering the plaintiff Traders Royal Bank to Bank in the Regional Trial Court of Manila. The
pay respondent Filriters Guaranty Assurance suit, however, was subsequently treated by the
Corp. The sum of P10,000 as attorney's fees; and lower court as a case of interpleader when CB
prayed in its amended answer that Filriters be
(d) to pay the costs. impleaded as a respondent and the court adjudge
which of them is entitled to the ownership of CBCI
SO ORDERED.9 No. D891. Failing to get a favorable judgment.
TRB now comes to this Court on appeal. 11
The petitioner assailed the decision of the trial court in the Court
of Appeals 10, but their appeals likewise failed. The findings of In the appellate court, petitioner argued that the subject CBCI
the fact of the said court are hereby reproduced: was a negotiable instrument, and having acquired the said
certificate from Philfinance as a holder in due course, its
The records reveal that defendant Filriters is the possession of the same is thus free fro any defect of title of prior
registered owner of CBCI No. D891. Under a deed parties and from any defense available to prior parties among
of assignment dated November 27, 1971, Filriters
themselves, and it may thus, enforce payment of the instrument In sum, Philfinance acquired no title or rights
for the full amount thereof against all parties liable thereon. 12 under CBCI No. D891 which it could assign or
transfer to Traders Royal Bank and which the
In ignoring said argument, the appellate court that the CBCI is latter can register with the Central Bank.
not a negotiable instrument, since the instrument clearly stated
that it was payable to Filriters, the registered owner, whose WHEREFORE, the judgment appealed from is
name was inscribed thereon, and that the certificate lacked the AFFIRMED, with costs against plaintiff-appellant.
words of negotiability which serve as an expression of consent
that the instrument may be transferred by negotiation. SO ORDERED. 13

Obviously, the assignment of the certificate from Filriters to Petitioner's present position rests solely on the argument that
Philfinance was fictitious, having made without consideration, Philfinance owns 90% of Filriters equity and the two
and did not conform to Central Bank Circular No. 769, series of corporations have identical corporate officers, thus demanding
1980, better known as the "Rules and Regulations Governing the application of the doctrine or piercing the veil of corporate
Central Bank Certificates of Indebtedness", which provided that fiction, as to give validity to the transfer of the CBCI from
any "assignment of registered certificates shall not be valid registered owner to petitioner TRB. 14 This renders the payment
unless made . . . by the registered owner thereof in person or by by TRB to Philfinance of CBCI, as actual payment to Filriters.
his representative duly authorized in writing." Thus, there is no merit to the lower court's ruling that the
transfer of the CBCI from Filriters to Philfinance was null and
Petitioner's claimed interest has no basis, since it was derived void for lack of consideration.
from Philfinance whose interest was inexistent, having acquired
the certificate through simulation. What happened was Admittedly, the subject CBCI is not a negotiable instrument in
Philfinance merely borrowed CBCI No. D891 from Filriters, a the absence of words of negotiability within the meaning of the
sister corporation, to guarantee its financing operations. negotiable instruments law (Act 2031).

Said the Court: The pertinent portions of the subject CBCI read:

In the case at bar, Alfredo O. Banaria, who signed xxx xxx xxx
the deed of assignment purportedly for and on
behalf of Filriters, did not have the necessary The Central Bank of the Philippines (the Bank) for
written authorization from the Board of Directors of value received, hereby promises to pay bearer, of
Filriters to act for the latter. For lack of such if this Certificate of indebtedness be registered, to
authority, the assignment did not therefore bind FILRITERS GUARANTY ASSURANCE
Filriters and violated as the same time Central CORPORATION, the registered owner hereof, the
Bank Circular No. 769 which has the force and principal sum of FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND
effect of a law, resulting in the nullity of the PESOS.
transfer (People v. Que Po Lay, 94 Phil. 640; 3M
Philippines, Inc. vs. Commissioner of Internal xxx xxx xxx
Revenue, 165 SCRA 778).
Properly understood, a certificate of indebtedness pertains to The accepted rule is that the negotiability or non-
certificates for the creation and maintenance of a permanent negotiability of an instrument is determined from
improvement revolving fund, is similar to a "bond," (82 Minn. the writing, that is, from the face of the instrument
202). Being equivalent to a bond, it is properly understood as itself. In the construction of a bill or note, the
acknowledgment of an obligation to pay a fixed sum of money. It intention of the parties is to control, if it can be
is usually used for the purpose of long term loans. legally ascertained. While the writing may be read
in the light of surrounding circumstance in order to
The appellate court ruled that the subject CBCI is not a more perfectly understand the intent and meaning
negotiable instrument, stating that: of the parties, yet as they have constituted the
writing to be the only outward and visible
As worded, the instrument provides a promise "to expression of their meaning, no other words are to
pay Filriters Guaranty Assurance Corporation, the be added to it or substituted in its stead. The duty
registered owner hereof." Very clearly, the of the court in such case is to ascertain, not what
instrument is payable only to Filriters, the the parties may have secretly intended as
registered owner, whose name is inscribed contradistinguished from what their words
thereon. It lacks the words of negotiability which express, but what is the meaning of the words
should have served as an expression of consent they have used. What the parties meant must be
that the instrument may be transferred by determined by what they said.
Thus, the transfer of the instrument from Philfinance to TRB was
A reading of the subject CBCI indicates that the same is merely an assignment, and is not governed by the negotiable
payable to FILRITERS GUARANTY ASSURANCE instruments law. The pertinent question then is, was the transfer
CORPORATION, and to no one else, thus, discounting the of the CBCI from Filriters to Philfinance and subsequently from
petitioner's submission that the same is a negotiable instrument, Philfinance to TRB, in accord with existing law, so as to entitle
and that it is a holder in due course of the certificate. TRB to have the CBCI registered in its name with the Central
The language of negotiability which characterize a negotiable
paper as a credit instrument is its freedom to circulate as a The following are the appellate court's pronouncements on the
substitute for money. Hence, freedom of negotiability is the matter:
touchtone relating to the protection of holders in due course,
and the freedom of negotiability is the foundation for the Clearly shown in the record is the fact that
protection which the law throws around a holder in due course Philfinance's title over CBCI No. D891 is defective
(11 Am. Jur. 2d, 32). This freedom in negotiability is totally since it acquired the instrument from Filriters
absent in a certificate indebtedness as it merely to pay a sum of fictitiously. Although the deed of assignment
money to a specified person or entity for a period of time. stated that the transfer was for "value received",
there was really no consideration involved. What
As held in Caltex (Philippines), Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 16: happened was Philfinance merely borrowed CBCI
No. D891 from Filriters, a sister corporation. Thus,
for lack of any consideration, the assignment Says the petitioner;
made is a complete nullity.
Since Philfinance own about 90% of Filriters and
What is more, We find that the transfer made by the two companies have the same corporate
Filriters to Philfinance did not conform to Central officers, if the principle of piercing the veil of
Bank Circular No. 769, series of 1980, otherwise corporate entity were to be applied in this case,
known as the "Rules and Regulations Governing then TRB's payment to Philfinance for the CBCI
Central Bank Certificates of Indebtedness", under purchased by it could just as well be considered a
which the note was issued. Published in the payment to Filriters, the registered owner of the
Official Gazette on November 19, 1980, Section 3 CBCI as to bar the latter from claiming, as it has,
thereof provides that any assignment of registered that it never received any payment for that CBCI
certificates shall not be valid unless made . . . by sold and that said CBCI was sold without its
the registered owner thereof in person or by his authority.
representative duly authorized in writing.
xxx xxx xxx
In the case at bar, Alfredo O. Banaria, who signed
the deed of assignment purportedly for and on We respectfully submit that, considering that the
behalf of Filriters, did not have the necessary Court of Appeals has held that the CBCI was
written authorization from the Board of Directors of merely borrowed by Philfinance from Filriters, a
Filriters to act for the latter. For lack of such sister corporation, to guarantee its (Philfinance's)
authority, the assignment did not therefore bind financing operations, if it were to be consistent
Filriters and violated at the same time Central therewith, on the issued raised by TRB that there
Bank Circular No. 769 which has the force and was a piercing a veil of corporate entity, the Court
effect of a law, resulting in the nullity of the of Appeals should have ruled that such veil of
transfer (People vs. Que Po Lay, 94 Phil. 640; 3M corporate entity was, in fact, pierced, and the
Philippines, Inc. vs. Commissioner of Internal payment by TRB to Philfinance should be
Revenue, 165 SCRA 778). construed as payment to Filriters. 17

In sum, Philfinance acquired no title or rights We disagree with Petitioner.

under CBCI No. D891 which it could assign or
transfer to Traders Royal Bank and which the Petitioner cannot put up the excuse of piercing the veil of
latter can register with the Central Bank corporate entity, as this merely an equitable remedy, and may
be awarded only in cases when the corporate fiction is used to
Petitioner now argues that the transfer of the subject CBCI to defeat public convenience, justify wrong, protect fraud or defend
TRB must upheld, as the respondent Filriters and Philfinance, crime or where a corporation is a mere alter ego or business
though separate corporate entities on paper, have used their conduit of a person. 18
corporate fiction to defraud TRB into purchasing the subject
CBCI, which purchase now is refused registration by the Central Peiercing the veil of corporate entity requires the court to see
Bank. through the protective shroud which exempts its stockholders
from liabilities that ordinarily, they could be subject to, or petitioner had any dealings whatsoever with Filriters, nor did it
distinguished one corporation from a seemingly separate one, make inquiries as to the ownership of the certificate.
were it not for the existing corporate fiction. But to do this, the
court must be sure that the corporate fiction was misused, to The terms of the CBCI No. D891 contain a provision on its
such an extent that injustice, fraud, or crime was committed TRANSFER. Thus:
upon another, disregarding, thus, his, her, or its rights. It is the
protection of the interests of innocent third persons dealing with TRANSFER. This Certificate shall pass by delivery
the corporate entity which the law aims to protect by this unless it is registered in the owner's name at any
doctrine. office of the Bank or any agency duly authorized
by the Bank, and such registration is noted
The corporate separateness between Filriters and Philfinance hereon. After such registration no transfer thereof
remains, despite the petitioners insistence on the contrary. For shall be valid unless made at said office (where
one, other than the allegation that Filriters is 90% owned by the Certificates has been registered) by the
Philfinance, and the identity of one shall be maintained as to the registered owner hereof, in person, or by his
other, there is nothing else which could lead the court under attorney, duly authorized in writing and similarly
circumstance to disregard their corporate personalities. noted hereon and upon payment of a nominal
transfer fee which may be required, a new
Though it is true that when valid reasons exist, the legal fiction Certificate shall be issued to the transferee of the
that a corporation is an entity with a juridical personality registered owner thereof. The bank or any agency
separate from its stockholders and from other corporations may duly authorized by the Bank may deem and treat
be disregarded, 19 in the absence of such grounds, the general the bearer of this Certificate, or if this Certificate is
rule must upheld. The fact that Filfinance owns majority shares registered as herein authorized, the person in
in Filriters is not by itself a ground to disregard the independent whose name the same is registered as the
corporate status of Filriters. In Liddel & Co., Inc. vs. Collector of absolute owner of this Certificate, for the purpose
Internal Revenue, 20 the mere ownership by a single stockholder of receiving payment hereof, or on account hereof,
or by another corporation of all or nearly all of the capital stock and for all other purpose whether or not this
of a corporation is not of itself a sufficient reason for Certificate shall be overdue.
disregarding the fiction of separate corporate personalities.
This is notice to petitioner to secure from Filriters a written
In the case at bar, there is sufficient showing that the petitioner authorization for the transfer or to require Philfinance to submit
was not defrauded at all when it acquired the subject certificate such an authorization from Filriters.
of indebtedness from Philfinance.
Petitioner knew that Philfinance is not registered owner of the
On its face the subject certificates states that it is registered in CBCI No. D891. The fact that a non-owner was disposing of the
the name of Filriters. This should have put the petitioner on registered CBCI owned by another entity was a good reason for
notice, and prompted it to inquire from Filriters as to petitioner to verify of inquire as to the title Philfinance to dispose
Philfinance's title over the same or its authority to assign the to the CBCI.
certificate. As it is, there is no showing to the effect that
Moreover, CBCI No. D891 is governed by CB Circular No. 769, Concededly, the subject CBCI was acquired by Filriters to form
series of 1990 21, known as the Rules and Regulations part of its legal and capital reserves, which are required by
Governing Central Bank Certificates of Indebtedness, Section 3, law 24 to be maintained at a mandated level. This was pointed
Article V of which provides that: out by Elias Garcia, Manager-in-Charge of respondent Filriters,
in his testimony given before the court on May 30, 1986.
Sec. 3. Assignment of Registered Certificates. —
Assignment of registered certificates shall not be Q Do you know this Central Bank
valid unless made at the office where the same Certificate of Indebtedness, in short,
have been issued and registered or at the CBCI No. D891 in the face value of
Securities Servicing Department, Central Bank of P5000,000.00 subject of this case?
the Philippines, and by the registered owner
thereof, in person or by his representative, duly A Yes, sir.
authorized in writing. For this purpose, the
transferee may be designated as the Q Why do you know this?
representative of the registered owner.
A Well, this was CBCI of the
Petitioner, being a commercial bank, cannot feign ignorance of company sought to be examined by
Central Bank Circular 769, and its requirements. An entity which the Insurance Commission sometime
deals with corporate agents within circumstances showing that in early 1981 and this CBCI No. 891
the agents are acting in excess of corporate authority, may not was among the CBCI's that were
hold the corporation liable. 22 This is only fair, as everyone must, found to be missing.
in the exercise of his rights and in the performance of his duties,
act with justice, give everyone his due, and observe honesty Q Let me take you back further
and good faith. 23 before 1981. Did you have the
knowledge of this CBCI No. 891
The transfer made by Filriters to Philfinance did not conform to before 1981?
the said. Central Bank Circular, which for all intents, is
considered part of the law. As found by the courts a quo, Alfredo A Yes, sir. This CBCI is an
O. Banaria, who had signed the deed of assignment from investment of Filriters required by the
Filriters to Philfinance, purportedly for and in favor of Filriters, Insurance Commission as legal
did not have the necessary written authorization from the Board reserve of the company.
of Directors of Filriters to act for the latter. As it is, the sale from
Filriters to Philfinance was fictitious, and therefore void and Q Legal reserve for the purpose of
inexistent, as there was no consideration for the same. This is what?
fatal to the petitioner's cause, for then, Philfinance had no title
over the subject certificate to convey the Traders Royal A Well, you see, the Insurance
Bank. Nemo potest nisi quod de jure potest — no man can do companies are required to put up
anything except what he can do lawfully. legal reserves under Section 213 of
the Insurance Code equivalent to 40
percent of the premiums receipt and TORRES, JR., J.:
further, the Insurance Commission
requires this reserve to be invested Assailed in this Petition for Review on Certiorari is the Decision
preferably in government securities of the respondent Court of Appeals dated January 29,
or government binds. This is how 1990,1 affirming the nullity of the transfer of Central Bank
this CBCI came to be purchased by Certificate of Indebtedness (CBCI) No. D891,2 with a face value
the company. of P500,000.00, from the Philippine Underwriters Finance
Corporation (Philfinance) to the petitioner Trader's Royal Bank
It cannot, therefore, be taken out of the said funds, without (TRB), under a Repurchase Agreement3 dated February 4,
violating the requirements of the law. Thus, the anauthorized 1981, and a Detached Assignment4dated April 27, 1981.
use or distribution of the same by a corporate officer of Filriters
cannot bind the said corporation, not without the approval of its Docketed as Civil Case No. 83-17966 in the Regional Trial
Board of Directors, and the maintenance of the required reserve Court of Manila, Branch 32, the action was originally filed as a
fund. Petition for Mandamus5 under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, to
compel the Central Bank of the Philippines to register the
Consequently, the title of Filriters over the subject certificate of transfer of the subject CBCI to petitioner Traders Royal Bank
indebtedness must be upheld over the claimed interest of (TRB).
Traders Royal Bank.
In the said petition, TRB stated that:
ACCORDINGLY, the petition is DISMISSED and the decision
appealed from dated January 29, 1990 is hereby AFFIRMED. 3. On November 27, 1979, Filriters Guaranty
Assurance Corporation (Filriters) executed a
SO ORDERED. "Detached Assignment" . . ., whereby Filriters, as
registered owner, sold, transferred, assigned and
delivered unto Philippine Underwriters Finance
Corporation (Philfinance) all its rights and title to
Central Bank Certificates of Indebtedness of
G.R. No. 93397 March 3, 1997 (P500,000) and having an aggregate value of
TRADERS ROYAL BANK, petitioner, THOUSAND (P3,500,000.00);
COURT OF APPEALS, FILRITERS GUARANTY 4. The aforesaid Detached Assignment (Annex
ASSURANCE CORPORATION and CENTRAL BANK of the "A") contains an express authorization executed
PHILIPPINES, respondents. by the transferor intended to complete the
assignment through the registration of the transfer
in the name of PhilFinance, which authorization is
specifically phrased as follows: '(Filriters) hereby
irrevocably authorized the said issuer (Central
Bank) to transfer the said bond/certificates on the 9. Petitioner presented the CBCI (Annex "C"),
books of its fiscal agent; together with the two (2) aforementioned
Detached Assignments (Annexes "B" and "D"), to
5. On February 4, 1981, petitioner entered into a the Securities Servicing Department of the
Repurchase Agreement with PhilFinance . . ., respondent, and requested the latter to effect the
whereby, for and in consideration of the sum of transfer of the CBCI on its books and to issue a
PESOS: FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND new certificate in the name of petitioner as
(P500,000.00), PhilFinance sold, transferred and absolute owner thereof;
delivered to petitioner CBCI 4-year, 8th series,
Serial No. D891 with a face value of P500,000.00 . 10. Respondent failed and refused to register the
. ., which CBCI was among those previously transfer as requested, and continues to do so
acquired by PhilFinance from Filriters as averred notwithstanding petitioner's valid and just title over
in paragraph 3 of the Petition; the same and despite repeated demands in
writing, the latest of which is hereto attached as
6. Pursuant to the aforesaid Repurchase Annex "E" and made an integral part hereof;
Agreement (Annex "B"), Philfinance agreed to
repurchase CBCI Serial No. D891 (Annex "C"), at 11. The express provisions governing the transfer
the stipulated price of PESOS: FIVE HUNDRED of the CBCI were substantially complied with the
NINETEEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED petitioner's request for registration, to wit:
SIXTY-ONE & 11/100 (P519,361.11) on April 27,
1981; "No transfer thereof shall be valid
unless made at said office (where
7. PhilFinance failed to repurchase the CBCI on the Certificate has been registered)
the agreed date of maturity, April 27, 1981, when by the registered owner hereof, in
the checks it issued in favor of petitioner were person or by his attorney duly
dishonored for insufficient funds; authorized in writing, and similarly
noted hereon, and upon payment of
8. Owing to the default of PhilFinance, it executed a nominal transfer fee which may be
a Detached Assignment in favor of the Petitioner required, a new Certificate shall be
to enable the latter to have its title completed and issued to the transferee of the
registered in the books of the respondent. And by registered holder thereof."
means of said Detachment, Philfinance transferred
and assigned all, its rights and title in the said and, without a doubt, the Detached Assignments
CBCI (Annex "C") to petitioner and, furthermore, it presented to respondent were sufficient
did thereby "irrevocably authorize the said issuer authorizations in writing executed by the
(respondent herein) to transfer the said registered owner, Filriters, and its transferee,
bond/certificate on the books of its fiscal agent." . . PhilFinance, as required by the above-quoted
. provision;
12. Upon such compliance with the aforesaid xxx xxx xxx
requirements, the ministerial duties of registering a
transfer of ownership over the CBCI and issuing a 14. Subsequently, Alberto Fabella, Senior Vice-
new certificate to the transferee devolves upon the President-Comptroller are Pilar Jacobe, Vice-
respondent; President-Treasury of Filriters (both of whom were
holding the same positions in Philfinance), without
Upon these assertions, TRB prayed for the registration by the any consideration or benefit redounding to Filriters
Central Bank of the subject CBCI in its name. and to the grave prejudice of Filriters, its policy
holders and all who have present or future claims
On December 4, 1984, the Regional Trial Court the case took against its policies, executed similar detached
cognizance of the defendant Central Bank of the Philippines' assignment forms transferring the CBCI to plaintiff;
Motion for Admission of Amended Answer with Counter Claim
for Interpleader6 thereby calling to fore the respondent Filriters xxx xxx xxx
Guaranty Assurance Corporation (Filriters), the registered
owner of the subject CBCI as respondent. 15. The detached assignment is patently void and
inoperative because the assignment is without the
For its part, Filriters interjected as Special Defenses the knowledge and consent of directors of Filriters,
following: and not duly authorized in writing by the Board, as
requiring by Article V, Section 3 of CB Circular No.
11. Respondent is the registered owner of CBCI 769;
No. 891;
16. The assignment of the CBCI to Philfinance is a
12. The CBCI constitutes part of the reserve personal act of Alfredo Banaria and not the
investment against liabilities required of corporate act of Filriters and such null and void;
respondent as an insurance company under the
Insurance Code; a) The assignment was executed without
consideration and for that reason, the assignment
13. Without any consideration or benefit is void from the beginning (Article 1409, Civil
whatsoever to Filriters, in violation of law and the Code);
trust fund doctrine and to the prejudice of
policyholders and to all who have present or future b) The assignment was executed without any
claim against policies issued by Filriters, Alfredo knowledge and consent of the board of directors of
Banaria, then Senior Vice-President-Treasury of Filriters;
Filriters, without any board resolution, knowledge
or consent of the board of directors of Filriters, and c) The CBCI constitutes reserve investment of
without any clearance or authorization from the Filriters against liabilities, which is a requirement
Insurance Commissioner, executed a detached under the Insurance Code for its existence as an
assignment purportedly assigning CBCI No. 891 to insurance company and the pursuit of its business
Philfinance; operations. The assignment of the CBCI is illegal
act in the sense of malum in se or malum 18. Plaintiff knew full well that the assignment by
prohibitum, for anyone to make, either as Philfinance of CBCI No. 891 by Filriters is not a
corporate or personal act; regular transaction made in the usual of ordinary
course of business;
d) The transfer of dimunition of reserve
investments of Filriters is expressly prohibited by a) The CBCI constitutes part of the reserve
law, is immoral and against public policy; investments of Filriters against liabilities requires
by the Insurance Code and its assignment or
e) The assignment of the CBCI has resulted in the transfer is expressly prohibited by law. There was
capital impairment and in the solvency deficiency no attempt to get any clearance or authorization
of Filriters (and has in fact helped in placing from the Insurance Commissioner;
Filriters under conservatorship), an inevitable
result known to the officer who executed b) The assignment by Filriters of the CBCI is
assignment. clearly not a transaction in the usual or regular
course of its business;
17. Plaintiff had acted in bad faith and with
knowledge of the illegality and invalidity of the c) The CBCI involved substantial amount and its
assignment. assignment clearly constitutes disposition of "all or
substantially all" of the assets of Filriters, which
a) The CBCI No. 891 is not a negotiable requires the affirmative action of the stockholders
instrument and as a certificate of indebtedness is (Section 40, Corporation [sic] Code.7
not payable to bearer but is a registered in the
name of Filriters; In its Decision8 dated April 29, 1988, the Regional Trial Court of
Manila, Branch XXXIII found the assignment of CBCI No. D891
b) The provision on transfer of the CBCIs provides in favor of Philfinance, and the subsequent assignment of the
that the Central Bank shall treat the registered same CBCI by Philfinance in favor of Traders Royal Bank null
owner as the absolute owner and that the value of and void and of no force and effect. The dispositive portion of
the registered certificates shall be payable only to the decision reads:
the registered owner; a sufficient notice to plaintiff
that the assignments do not give them the ACCORDINGLY, judgment is hereby rendered in
registered owner's right as absolute owner of the favor of the respondent Filriters Guaranty
CBCI's; Assurance Corporation and against the plaintiff
Traders Royal Bank:
c) CB Circular 769, Series of 1980 (Rules and
Regulations Governing CBCIs) provides that the (a) Declaring the assignment of CBCI No. 891 in
registered certificates are payable only to the favor of PhilFinance, and the subsequent
registered owner (Article II, Section 1). assignment of CBCI by PhilFinance in favor of the
plaintiff Traders Royal Bank as null and void and
of no force and effect;
(b) Ordering the respondent Central Bank of the Central Bank, however, refused to effect the
Philippines to disregard the said assignment and transfer and registration in view of an adverse
to pay the value of the proceeds of the CBCI No. claim filed by defendant Filriters.
D891 to the Filriters Guaranty Assurance
Corporation; Left with no other recourse, TRB filed a special
civil action for mandamus against the Central
(c) Ordering the plaintiff Traders Royal Bank to Bank in the Regional Trial Court of Manila. The
pay respondent Filriters Guaranty Assurance suit, however, was subsequently treated by the
Corp. The sum of P10,000 as attorney's fees; and lower court as a case of interpleader when CB
prayed in its amended answer that Filriters be
(d) to pay the costs. impleaded as a respondent and the court adjudge
which of them is entitled to the ownership of CBCI
SO ORDERED.9 No. D891. Failing to get a favorable judgment.
TRB now comes to this Court on appeal. 11
The petitioner assailed the decision of the trial court in the Court
of Appeals 10, but their appeals likewise failed. The findings of In the appellate court, petitioner argued that the subject CBCI
the fact of the said court are hereby reproduced: was a negotiable instrument, and having acquired the said
certificate from Philfinance as a holder in due course, its
The records reveal that defendant Filriters is the possession of the same is thus free fro any defect of title of prior
registered owner of CBCI No. D891. Under a deed parties and from any defense available to prior parties among
of assignment dated November 27, 1971, Filriters themselves, and it may thus, enforce payment of the instrument
transferred CBCI No. D891 to Philippine for the full amount thereof against all parties liable thereon. 12
Underwriters Finance Corporation (Philfinance).
Subsequently, Philfinance transferred CBCI No. In ignoring said argument, the appellate court that the CBCI is
D891, which was still registered in the name of not a negotiable instrument, since the instrument clearly stated
Filriters, to appellant Traders Royal Bank (TRB). that it was payable to Filriters, the registered owner, whose
The transfer was made under a repurchase name was inscribed thereon, and that the certificate lacked the
agreement dated February 4, 1981, granting words of negotiability which serve as an expression of consent
Philfinance the right to repurchase the instrument that the instrument may be transferred by negotiation.
on or before April 27, 1981. When Philfinance
failed to buy back the note on maturity date, it Obviously, the assignment of the certificate from Filriters to
executed a deed of assignment, dated April 27, Philfinance was fictitious, having made without consideration,
1981, conveying to appellant TRB all its right and and did not conform to Central Bank Circular No. 769, series of
the title to CBCI No. D891. 1980, better known as the "Rules and Regulations Governing
Central Bank Certificates of Indebtedness", which provided that
Armed with the deed of assignment, TRB then any "assignment of registered certificates shall not be valid
sought the transfer and registration of CBCI No. unless made . . . by the registered owner thereof in person or by
D891 in its name before the Security and his representative duly authorized in writing."
Servicing Department of the Central Bank (CB).
Petitioner's claimed interest has no basis, since it was derived transfer of the CBCI from Filriters to Philfinance was null and
from Philfinance whose interest was inexistent, having acquired void for lack of consideration.
the certificate through simulation. What happened was
Philfinance merely borrowed CBCI No. D891 from Filriters, a Admittedly, the subject CBCI is not a negotiable instrument in
sister corporation, to guarantee its financing operations. the absence of words of negotiability within the meaning of the
negotiable instruments law (Act 2031).
Said the Court:
The pertinent portions of the subject CBCI read:
In the case at bar, Alfredo O. Banaria, who signed
the deed of assignment purportedly for and on xxx xxx xxx
behalf of Filriters, did not have the necessary
written authorization from the Board of Directors of The Central Bank of the Philippines (the Bank) for
Filriters to act for the latter. For lack of such value received, hereby promises to pay bearer, of
authority, the assignment did not therefore bind if this Certificate of indebtedness be registered, to
Filriters and violated as the same time Central FILRITERS GUARANTY ASSURANCE
Bank Circular No. 769 which has the force and CORPORATION, the registered owner hereof, the
effect of a law, resulting in the nullity of the principal sum of FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND
transfer (People v. Que Po Lay, 94 Phil. 640; 3M PESOS.
Philippines, Inc. vs. Commissioner of Internal
Revenue, 165 SCRA 778). xxx xxx xxx

In sum, Philfinance acquired no title or rights Properly understood, a certificate of indebtedness pertains to
under CBCI No. D891 which it could assign or certificates for the creation and maintenance of a permanent
transfer to Traders Royal Bank and which the improvement revolving fund, is similar to a "bond," (82 Minn.
latter can register with the Central Bank. 202). Being equivalent to a bond, it is properly understood as
acknowledgment of an obligation to pay a fixed sum of money. It
WHEREFORE, the judgment appealed from is is usually used for the purpose of long term loans.
AFFIRMED, with costs against plaintiff-appellant.
The appellate court ruled that the subject CBCI is not a
negotiable instrument, stating that:

Petitioner's present position rests solely on the argument that As worded, the instrument provides a promise "to
Philfinance owns 90% of Filriters equity and the two pay Filriters Guaranty Assurance Corporation, the
corporations have identical corporate officers, thus demanding registered owner hereof." Very clearly, the
the application of the doctrine or piercing the veil of corporate instrument is payable only to Filriters, the
fiction, as to give validity to the transfer of the CBCI from registered owner, whose name is inscribed
registered owner to petitioner TRB. 14 This renders the payment thereon. It lacks the words of negotiability which
by TRB to Philfinance of CBCI, as actual payment to Filriters. should have served as an expression of consent
Thus, there is no merit to the lower court's ruling that the
that the instrument may be transferred by Thus, the transfer of the instrument from Philfinance to TRB was
negotiation.15 merely an assignment, and is not governed by the negotiable
instruments law. The pertinent question then is, was the transfer
A reading of the subject CBCI indicates that the same is of the CBCI from Filriters to Philfinance and subsequently from
payable to FILRITERS GUARANTY ASSURANCE Philfinance to TRB, in accord with existing law, so as to entitle
CORPORATION, and to no one else, thus, discounting the TRB to have the CBCI registered in its name with the Central
petitioner's submission that the same is a negotiable instrument, Bank?
and that it is a holder in due course of the certificate.
The following are the appellate court's pronouncements on the
The language of negotiability which characterize a negotiable matter:
paper as a credit instrument is its freedom to circulate as a
substitute for money. Hence, freedom of negotiability is the Clearly shown in the record is the fact that
touchtone relating to the protection of holders in due course, Philfinance's title over CBCI No. D891 is defective
and the freedom of negotiability is the foundation for the since it acquired the instrument from Filriters
protection which the law throws around a holder in due course fictitiously. Although the deed of assignment
(11 Am. Jur. 2d, 32). This freedom in negotiability is totally stated that the transfer was for "value received",
absent in a certificate indebtedness as it merely to pay a sum of there was really no consideration involved. What
money to a specified person or entity for a period of time. happened was Philfinance merely borrowed CBCI
No. D891 from Filriters, a sister corporation. Thus,
As held in Caltex (Philippines), Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 16: for lack of any consideration, the assignment
made is a complete nullity.
The accepted rule is that the negotiability or non-
negotiability of an instrument is determined from What is more, We find that the transfer made by
the writing, that is, from the face of the instrument Filriters to Philfinance did not conform to Central
itself. In the construction of a bill or note, the Bank Circular No. 769, series of 1980, otherwise
intention of the parties is to control, if it can be known as the "Rules and Regulations Governing
legally ascertained. While the writing may be read Central Bank Certificates of Indebtedness", under
in the light of surrounding circumstance in order to which the note was issued. Published in the
more perfectly understand the intent and meaning Official Gazette on November 19, 1980, Section 3
of the parties, yet as they have constituted the thereof provides that any assignment of registered
writing to be the only outward and visible certificates shall not be valid unless made . . . by
expression of their meaning, no other words are to the registered owner thereof in person or by his
be added to it or substituted in its stead. The duty representative duly authorized in writing.
of the court in such case is to ascertain, not what
the parties may have secretly intended as In the case at bar, Alfredo O. Banaria, who signed
contradistinguished from what their words the deed of assignment purportedly for and on
express, but what is the meaning of the words behalf of Filriters, did not have the necessary
they have used. What the parties meant must be written authorization from the Board of Directors of
determined by what they said. Filriters to act for the latter. For lack of such
authority, the assignment did not therefore bind sister corporation, to guarantee its (Philfinance's)
Filriters and violated at the same time Central financing operations, if it were to be consistent
Bank Circular No. 769 which has the force and therewith, on the issued raised by TRB that there
effect of a law, resulting in the nullity of the was a piercing a veil of corporate entity, the Court
transfer (People vs. Que Po Lay, 94 Phil. 640; 3M of Appeals should have ruled that such veil of
Philippines, Inc. vs. Commissioner of Internal corporate entity was, in fact, pierced, and the
Revenue, 165 SCRA 778). payment by TRB to Philfinance should be
construed as payment to Filriters. 17
In sum, Philfinance acquired no title or rights
under CBCI No. D891 which it could assign or We disagree with Petitioner.
transfer to Traders Royal Bank and which the
latter can register with the Central Bank Petitioner cannot put up the excuse of piercing the veil of
corporate entity, as this merely an equitable remedy, and may
Petitioner now argues that the transfer of the subject CBCI to be awarded only in cases when the corporate fiction is used to
TRB must upheld, as the respondent Filriters and Philfinance, defeat public convenience, justify wrong, protect fraud or defend
though separate corporate entities on paper, have used their crime or where a corporation is a mere alter ego or business
corporate fiction to defraud TRB into purchasing the subject conduit of a person. 18
CBCI, which purchase now is refused registration by the Central
Bank. Peiercing the veil of corporate entity requires the court to see
through the protective shroud which exempts its stockholders
Says the petitioner; from liabilities that ordinarily, they could be subject to, or
distinguished one corporation from a seemingly separate one,
Since Philfinance own about 90% of Filriters and were it not for the existing corporate fiction. But to do this, the
the two companies have the same corporate court must be sure that the corporate fiction was misused, to
officers, if the principle of piercing the veil of such an extent that injustice, fraud, or crime was committed
corporate entity were to be applied in this case, upon another, disregarding, thus, his, her, or its rights. It is the
then TRB's payment to Philfinance for the CBCI protection of the interests of innocent third persons dealing with
purchased by it could just as well be considered a the corporate entity which the law aims to protect by this
payment to Filriters, the registered owner of the doctrine.
CBCI as to bar the latter from claiming, as it has,
that it never received any payment for that CBCI The corporate separateness between Filriters and Philfinance
sold and that said CBCI was sold without its remains, despite the petitioners insistence on the contrary. For
authority. one, other than the allegation that Filriters is 90% owned by
Philfinance, and the identity of one shall be maintained as to the
xxx xxx xxx other, there is nothing else which could lead the court under
circumstance to disregard their corporate personalities.
We respectfully submit that, considering that the
Court of Appeals has held that the CBCI was Though it is true that when valid reasons exist, the legal fiction
merely borrowed by Philfinance from Filriters, a that a corporation is an entity with a juridical personality
separate from its stockholders and from other corporations may the bearer of this Certificate, or if this Certificate is
be disregarded, 19 in the absence of such grounds, the general registered as herein authorized, the person in
rule must upheld. The fact that Filfinance owns majority shares whose name the same is registered as the
in Filriters is not by itself a ground to disregard the independent absolute owner of this Certificate, for the purpose
corporate status of Filriters. In Liddel & Co., Inc. vs. Collector of of receiving payment hereof, or on account hereof,
Internal Revenue, 20 the mere ownership by a single stockholder and for all other purpose whether or not this
or by another corporation of all or nearly all of the capital stock Certificate shall be overdue.
of a corporation is not of itself a sufficient reason for
disregarding the fiction of separate corporate personalities. This is notice to petitioner to secure from Filriters a written
authorization for the transfer or to require Philfinance to submit
In the case at bar, there is sufficient showing that the petitioner such an authorization from Filriters.
was not defrauded at all when it acquired the subject certificate
of indebtedness from Philfinance. Petitioner knew that Philfinance is not registered owner of the
CBCI No. D891. The fact that a non-owner was disposing of the
On its face the subject certificates states that it is registered in registered CBCI owned by another entity was a good reason for
the name of Filriters. This should have put the petitioner on petitioner to verify of inquire as to the title Philfinance to dispose
notice, and prompted it to inquire from Filriters as to to the CBCI.
Philfinance's title over the same or its authority to assign the
certificate. As it is, there is no showing to the effect that Moreover, CBCI No. D891 is governed by CB Circular No. 769,
petitioner had any dealings whatsoever with Filriters, nor did it series of 1990 21, known as the Rules and Regulations
make inquiries as to the ownership of the certificate. Governing Central Bank Certificates of Indebtedness, Section 3,
Article V of which provides that:
The terms of the CBCI No. D891 contain a provision on its
TRANSFER. Thus: Sec. 3. Assignment of Registered Certificates. —
Assignment of registered certificates shall not be
TRANSFER. This Certificate shall pass by delivery valid unless made at the office where the same
unless it is registered in the owner's name at any have been issued and registered or at the
office of the Bank or any agency duly authorized Securities Servicing Department, Central Bank of
by the Bank, and such registration is noted the Philippines, and by the registered owner
hereon. After such registration no transfer thereof thereof, in person or by his representative, duly
shall be valid unless made at said office (where authorized in writing. For this purpose, the
the Certificates has been registered) by the transferee may be designated as the
registered owner hereof, in person, or by his representative of the registered owner.
attorney, duly authorized in writing and similarly
noted hereon and upon payment of a nominal Petitioner, being a commercial bank, cannot feign ignorance of
transfer fee which may be required, a new Central Bank Circular 769, and its requirements. An entity which
Certificate shall be issued to the transferee of the deals with corporate agents within circumstances showing that
registered owner thereof. The bank or any agency the agents are acting in excess of corporate authority, may not
duly authorized by the Bank may deem and treat hold the corporation liable. 22 This is only fair, as everyone must,
in the exercise of his rights and in the performance of his duties, Q Let me take you back further
act with justice, give everyone his due, and observe honesty before 1981. Did you have the
and good faith. 23 knowledge of this CBCI No. 891
before 1981?
The transfer made by Filriters to Philfinance did not conform to
the said. Central Bank Circular, which for all intents, is A Yes, sir. This CBCI is an
considered part of the law. As found by the courts a quo, Alfredo investment of Filriters required by the
O. Banaria, who had signed the deed of assignment from Insurance Commission as legal
Filriters to Philfinance, purportedly for and in favor of Filriters, reserve of the company.
did not have the necessary written authorization from the Board
of Directors of Filriters to act for the latter. As it is, the sale from Q Legal reserve for the purpose of
Filriters to Philfinance was fictitious, and therefore void and what?
inexistent, as there was no consideration for the same. This is
fatal to the petitioner's cause, for then, Philfinance had no title A Well, you see, the Insurance
over the subject certificate to convey the Traders Royal companies are required to put up
Bank. Nemo potest nisi quod de jure potest — no man can do legal reserves under Section 213 of
anything except what he can do lawfully. the Insurance Code equivalent to 40
percent of the premiums receipt and
Concededly, the subject CBCI was acquired by Filriters to form further, the Insurance Commission
part of its legal and capital reserves, which are required by requires this reserve to be invested
law 24 to be maintained at a mandated level. This was pointed preferably in government securities
out by Elias Garcia, Manager-in-Charge of respondent Filriters, or government binds. This is how
in his testimony given before the court on May 30, 1986. this CBCI came to be purchased by
the company.
Q Do you know this Central Bank
Certificate of Indebtedness, in short, It cannot, therefore, be taken out of the said funds, without
CBCI No. D891 in the face value of violating the requirements of the law. Thus, the anauthorized
P5000,000.00 subject of this case? use or distribution of the same by a corporate officer of Filriters
cannot bind the said corporation, not without the approval of its
A Yes, sir. Board of Directors, and the maintenance of the required reserve
Q Why do you know this?
Consequently, the title of Filriters over the subject certificate of
A Well, this was CBCI of the indebtedness must be upheld over the claimed interest of
company sought to be examined by Traders Royal Bank.
the Insurance Commission sometime
in early 1981 and this CBCI No. 891 ACCORDINGLY, the petition is DISMISSED and the decision
was among the CBCI's that were appealed from dated January 29, 1990 is hereby AFFIRMED.
found to be missing.
SO ORDERED. dates in 1988.4 As Pua narrated, her sister, Lilian Balboa
(Lilian), vouched for respondents’ ability to pay so that when
respondents approached her, she immediately acceded and lent
money to respondents without requiring any collateral except
G.R. No. 198660 October 23, 2013 post-dated checks bearing the borrowed amounts.5 In all,
respondents issued 176 checks for a total amount of one million
TING TING PUA, Petitioner, nine hundred seventy-five thousand pesos (PhP 1,975,000).
vs. These checks were dishonored upon presentment to the
CHING TENG, Respondents.
As a result of the dishonor, petitioner demanded payment.
RESOLUTION Respondents, however, pleaded for more time because of their
financial difficulties.8 Petitioner Pua obliged and simply
VELASCO, JR., J.: reminded the respondents of their indebtedness from time to
Under consideration is the Motion for Reconsideration
interposed by petitioner Ting Ting Pua Pua) of our Resolution Sometime in September 1996, when their financial situation
dated April 18, 2012 effectively affirming the Decision1 and turned better, respondents allegedly called and asked petitioner
Resolution2 dated March 31, 2011 and September 26, 2011, Pua for the computation of their loan obligations.10 Hence,
respectively, of the Court of Appeals CA) In CA- G.R. CV No. petitioner handed them a computation dated October 2,
93755, which, in turn, reversed the Decision of the Regional 199611 which showed that, at the agreed 2% compounded
Trial Court RTC) of the City of Manila, Branch 29 in Civil Case interest rate per month, the amount of the loan payable to
No. 97-83027. petitioner rose to thirteen million two hundred eighteen thousand
five hundred forty-four pesos and 20/100 (PhP
As culled from the adverted R TC Decision, as adopted for the 13,218,544.20).12 On receiving the computation, the
most part by the CA, the antecedent facts may be summarized respondents asked petitioner to reduce their indebtedness to
as follows: PhP 8,500,000.13 Wanting to get paid the soonest possible time,
petitioner Pua agreed to the lowered amount.14
The controversy arose from a Complaint for a Sum of
Money3 filed by petitioner Pua against respondent-spouses Respondents then delivered to petitioner Asiatrust Check No.
Benito Lo Bun Tiong Benito) and Caroline Siok Ching Teng BND057750 bearing the reduced amount of PhP 8,500,000
Caroline). In the complaint, Pua prayed that, among other dated March 30, 1997 with the assurance that the check was
things, respondents, or then defendants, pay Pua the amount good.15 In turn, respondents demanded the return of the 17
eight million five hundred thousand pesos (PhP 8,500,000), previously dishonored checks. Petitioner, however, refused to
covered by a check. (Exhibit "A," for plaintiff) return the bad checks and advised respondents that she will do
so only after the encashment of Asiatrust Check No.
During trial, petitioner Pua clarified that the PhP 8,500,000 BND057750.16
check was given by respondents to pay the loans they obtained
from her under a compounded interest agreement on various
Like the 17 checks, however, Check No. BND057750 was also sister completed the check after its delivery.24 Furthermore, she
dishonored when it was presented by petitioner to the drawee could not have gone to see petitioner Pua with her husband as
bank. Hence, as claimed by petitioner, she decided to file a they had been separated in fact for nearly 10 years.25 As for the
complaint to collect the money owed her by respondents. 17 checks issued by her in 1988, Caroline alleged that they
were not intended for Pua but were issued for the benefit of
For the defense, both respondents Caroline and Benito testified other persons.26 Caroline postulated that the complaint is
along with Rosa Dela Cruz Tuazon (Tuazon), who was the OIC- designed to allow Pua’s sister, Lilian, to recover her losses in
Manager of Asiatrust-Binondo Branch in 1997. Respondents the foreign exchange business she had with Caroline in the
categorically denied obtaining a loan from 1980s. Respondent Benito corroborated Caroline’s testimony
petitioner.17 Respondent Caroline, in particular, narrated that, in respecting their almost a decade separation.27 As such, he
August 1995, she and petitioner’s sister, Lilian, forged a could not have had accompanied his wife to see petitioner to
partnership that operated a mahjong business. Their agreement persuade the latter to lower down any alleged
was for Lilian to serve as the capitalist while respondent indebtedness.28 In fact, Benito declared, before the filing of the
Caroline was to act as the cashier. Caroline also agreed to use Complaint, he had never met petitioner Pua, let alone
her personal checks to pay for the operational expenses approached her with his wife to borrow money.29He claimed that
including the payment of the winners of the games.18 As the he was impleaded in the case to attach his property and force
partners anticipated that Caroline will not always be in town to him to enter into an amicable settlement with petitioner.30 Benito
prepare these checks, she left with Lilian five (5) pre-signed and pointed out that Check No. BND057750 was issued under
consecutively numbered checks19 on the condition that these Asiatrust Account No. 5513-0054-9, which is solely under the
checks will only be used to cover the costs of the business name of his wife.31
operations and in no circumstance will the amount of the checks
exceed PhP 5,000.20 The witness for the respondents, Ms. Tuazon, testified that
respondent Caroline opened Asiatrust Account No. 5513-0054-9
In March 1996, however, respondent Caroline and Lilian had a in September 1994.32 She claimed that the average maintaining
serious disagreement that resulted in the dissolution of their balance of respondent Caroline was PhP 2,000 and the highest
partnership and the cessation of their business. In the haste of amount issued by Caroline from her account was PhP
the dissolution and as a result of their bitter separation, 435,000.33 She maintained that respondent Caroline had always
respondent Caroline alleged that she forgot about the five (5) completed her checks with her own handwriting and not with a
pre-signed checks she left with Lilian.21 It was only when Lilian’s check writer. On October 15, 1996, Caroline’s checking account
husband, Vicente Balboa (Vicente), filed a complaint for sum of was closed at the instance of the bank due to 69 instances of
money in February 1997 against respondents to recover five check issuance against insufficient balance.34
million one hundred seventy-five thousand two hundred fifty
pesos (PhP 5,175,250), covering three of the five post-dated After trial, the RTC issued its Decision dated January 31, 2006
and pre-signed checks.22 in favor of petitioner. In holding thus, the RTC stated that the
possession by petitioner of the checks signed by Caroline,
Respondent Caroline categorically denied having completed under the Negotiable Instruments Law, raises the presumption
Check No. BND057750 by using a check writer or typewriter as that they were issued and delivered for a valuable
she had no check writer and she had always completed checks consideration. On the other hand, the court a quo discounted
in her own handwriting.23 She insisted that petitioner and her
the testimony for the defense completely denying respondents’ Hence, petitioner came to this Court via a Petition for Review on
loan obligation to Pua.35 Certiorari38 alleging grievous reversible error on the part of the
CA in reversing the findings of the court a quo.
The trial court, however, refused to order respondents to pay
petitioner the amount of PhP 8,500,000 considering that the As adverted to at the outset, the Court, in a Minute Resolution
agreement to pay interest on the loan was not expressly dated April 18, 2012, resolved to deny the petition.39
stipulated in writing by the parties. The RTC, instead, ordered
respondents to pay the principal amount of the loan as In this Motion for Reconsideration,40 petitioner pleads that this
represented by the 17 checks plus legal interest from the date of Court take a second hard look on the facts and issues of the
demand. As rectified,36 the dispositive portion of RTC’s Decision present case and affirm the RTC’s case disposition. Petitioner
reads: argues, in the main, that the finding of the appellate court that
petitioner has not established respondents’ indebtedness to her
Defendant-spouses Benito Lo Bun Tiong and Caroline Siok is not supported by the evidence on record and is based solely
Ching Teng, are hereby ordered jointly and solidarily: on respondents’ general denial of liability.

1. To pay plaintiff ₱1,975,000.00 plus 12% interest per Respondents, on the other hand, argued in their Comment on
annum from September 30, 1998, until fully paid; the Motion for Reconsideration dated October 6, 2012 that the
CA correctly ruled that Asiatrust Check No. BND057550 is an
2. To pay plaintiff attorney’s fees of ₱200,000.00; and incomplete instrument which found its way into petitioner’s
hands and that the petitioner failed to prove respondents’
3. To pay the costs of the suit. indebtedness to her. Petitioner, so respondents contend, failed
to show to whom the 17 1988 checks were delivered, for what
Aggrieved, respondents went to the CA arguing that the court a consideration or purpose, and under whose account said
quo erred in finding that they obtained and are liable for a loan checks were deposited or negotiated.
from petitioner. To respondents, petitioner has not sufficiently
proved the existence of the loan that they supposedly acquired Clearly, the issue in the present case is factual in nature as it
from her way back in the late 1980s by any written agreement or involves an inquiry into the very existence of the debt
memorandum. supposedly owed by respondents to petitioner.

By Decision of March 31, 2011, as reiterated in a Resolution The general rule is that this Court in petitions for review on
dated September 26, 2011, the appellate court set aside the certiorari only concerns itself with questions of law, not of
RTC Decision holding that Asiatrust Bank Check No. fact,41 the resolution of factual issues being the primary function
BND057550 was an incomplete delivered instrument and that of lower courts.42 However, several exceptions have been laid
petitioner has failed to prove the existence of respondents’ down by jurisprudence to allow the scrutiny of the factual
indebtedness to her. Hence, the CA added, petitioner does not arguments advanced by the contending parties, viz: (1) the
have a cause of action against respondents.37 conclusion is grounded on speculations, surmises or
conjectures; (2) the inference is manifestly mistaken, absurd or
impossible ; (3) there is grave abuse of discretion; (4) the
judgment is based on a misapprehension of facts; (5) the
findings of fact are conflicting ; (6) there is no citation of specific After another circumspect review of the records of the present
evidence on which the factual findings are based; (7) the case, however, this Court is inclined to depart from the findings
findings of absence of fact are contradicted by the presence of of the CA.
evidence on record ; (8) the findings of the CA are contrary to
those of the trial court ; (9) the CA manifestly overlooked certain Certainly, in a suit for a recovery of sum of money, as here, the
relevant and undisputed facts that, if properly considered, would plaintiff-creditor has the burden of proof to show that defendant
justify a different conclusion ; (10) the findings of the CA are had not paid her the amount of the contracted loan. However, it
beyond the issues of the case; and (11) such findings are has also been long established that where the plaintiff-creditor
contrary to the admissions of both parties.43 At the very least, possesses and submits in evidence an instrument showing the
therefore, the inconsonance of the findings of the RTC and the indebtedness, a presumption that the credit has not been
CA regarding the existence of the loan sanctions the satisfied arises in her favor. Thus, the defendant is, in
recalibration of the evidence presented by the parties before the appropriate instances, required to overcome the said
trial court. presumption and present evidence to prove the fact of payment
so that no judgment will be entered against him.44
In the main, petitioner asserts that respondents owed her a sum
of money way back in 1988 for which the latter gave her several In overruling the trial court, however, the CA opined that
checks. These checks, however, had all been dishonored and petitioner "failed to establish [the] alleged indebtedness in
petitioner has not been paid the amount of the loan plus the writing."45 Consequently, so the CA held, respondents were
agreed interest. In 1996, respondents approached her to get the under no obligation to prove their defense. Clearly, the CA had
computation of their liability including the 2% compounded discounted the value of the only hard pieces of evidence extant
interest. After bargaining to lower the amount of their liability, in the present case—the checks issued by respondent Caroline
respondents supposedly gave her a postdated check bearing in 1988 and 1996 that were in the possession of, and presented
the discounted amount of the money they owed to petitioner. in court by, petitioner.
Like the 1988 checks, the drawee bank likewise dishonored this
check. To prove her allegations, petitioner submitted the original In Pacheco v. Court of Appeals,46 this Court has expressly
copies of the 17 checks issued by respondent Caroline in 1988 recognized that a check "constitutes an evidence of
and the check issued in 1996, Asiatrust Check No. BND057750. indebtedness"47 and is a veritable "proof of an
In ruling in her favor, the RTC sustained the version of the facts obligation."48 Hence, it can be used "in lieu of and for the same
presented by petitioner. purpose as a promissory note."49 In fact, in the seminal case of
Lozano v. Martinez,50 We pointed out that a check functions
Respondents, on the other hand, completely deny the existence more than a promissory note since it not only contains an
of the debt asserting that they had never approached petitioner undertaking to pay an amount of money but is an "order
to borrow money in 1988 or in 1996. They hypothesize, instead, addressed to a bank and partakes of a representation that the
that petitioner Pua is simply acting at the instance of her sister, drawer has funds on deposit against which the check is drawn,
Lilian, to file a false charge against them using a check left to sufficient to ensure payment upon its presentation to the
fund a gambling business previously operated by Lilian and bank."51 This Court reiterated this rule in the relatively recent
respondent Caroline. While not saying so in express terms, the Lim v. Mindanao Wines and Liquour Galleria stating that "a
appellate court considered respondents’ denial as worthy of check, the entries of which are in writing, could prove a loan
transaction."52 This very same principle underpins Section 24 of As for the Asiatrust check issued by respondent Caroline in
the Negotiable Instruments Law (NIL): 1996 to substitute the compounded value of the 1988 checks,
the appellate court likewise sympathized with respondents’
Section 24. Presumption of consideration. – Every negotiable version of the story holding that it is buttressed by respondents’
instrument is deemed prima facie to have been issued for a allegations describing the same defense made in the two
valuable consideration; and every person whose signature related cases filed against them by petitioner’s brother-in-law,
appears thereon to have become a party for value. Vicente Balboa.1âwphi1 These related cases consisted of a
criminal case for violation of BP 2259and a civil case for
Consequently, the 17 original checks, completed and delivered collection of sum of money60 involving three (3) of the five (5)
to petitioner, are sufficient by themselves to prove the existence consecutively numbered checks she allegedly left with Lilian.61 It
of the loan obligation of the respondents to petitioner. Note that should be noted, however, that while respondents were
respondent Caroline had not denied the genuineness of these exculpated from their criminal liability,62 in Sps. Benito Lo Bun
checks.53 Instead, respondents argue that they were given to Tiong and Caroline Siok Ching Teng v. Vicente Balboa,63 this
various other persons and petitioner had simply collected all Court sustained the factual findings of the appellate court in the
these 17 checks from them in order to damage respondents’ civil case finding respondents civilly liable to pay the amount of
reputation.54 This account is not only incredible; it runs counter the checks.
to human experience, as enshrined in Sec. 16 of the NIL which
provides that when an instrument is no longer in the possession It bears to note that the Decision of the appellate court
of the person who signed it and it is complete in its terms "a categorically debunked the same defense advanced by
valid and intentional delivery by him is presumed until the respondents in the present case primarily because of Caroline’s
contrary is proved." admission to the contrary. The Decision of the appellate court
found without any reversible error by this Court reads, thus:
The appellate court’s justification in giving credit to respondents’
contention that the respondents had delivered the 17 checks to The claim of Caroline Siok Ching Teng that the three (3) checks
persons other than petitioner lies on the supposed failure of were part of the blank checks she issued and delivered to Lilian
petitioner "to establish for whose accounts [the checks] were Balboa, wife of plaintiff-appellee, and intended solely for the
deposited and subsequently dishonored."55 This is clearly operational expenses of their mahjong business is belied by her
contrary to the evidence on record. It seems that the appellate admission that she issued three (3) checks (Exhs. "A", "B" "C")
court overlooked the original copies of the bank return slips because Vicente showed the listing of their account totaling
offered by petitioner in evidence. These return slips show that ₱5,175,250.00 (TSN, November 17, 1997, p. 10).64 x x x
the 1988 checks issued by respondent Caroline were
dishonored by the drawee banks because they were "drawn Clearly, respondents’ defense that Caroline left blank checks
against insufficient funds."56 Further, a close scrutiny of these with petitioner’s sister who, it is said, is now determined to
return slips will reveal that the checks were deposited either in recoup her past losses and bring financial ruin to respondents
petitioner’s account57 or in the account of her brother, Ricardo by falsifying the same blank checks, had already been
Yulo—a fact she had previously testified to explaining that thoroughly passed upon and rejected by this Court. It cannot,
petitioner indorsed some checks to her brother to pay for a part therefore, be used to support respondents’ denial of their
of the capital she used in her financing business.58 liability.
Respondents’ other defenses are equally unconvincing. They express stipulation for the payment of interest; (2) the
assert that petitioner could not have accepted a check worth agreement for the payment of the interest was reduced in
PhP 8.5 million considering that she should have known that writing.69 Absent any of these two conditions, the money debtor
respondent Caroline had issued several checks for PhP 25,000 cannot be made liable for interest. Thus, petitioner is entitled
each in favor of Lilian and all of them had bounced.65 Needless only to the principal amount of the loan plus the allowable legal
to state, an act done contrary to law cannot be sustained to interest from the time of the demand,70 at the rate of 6% per
defeat a legal obligation; repeated failure to honor obligations annum.71
covered by several negotiable instruments cannot serve to
defeat yet another obligation covered by another instrument. Respondent Benito cannot escape the joint and solidary liability
to pay the loan on the ground that the obligation arose from
Indeed, it seems that respondent Caroline had displayed a checks solely issued by his wife. Without any evidence to the
cavalier attitude towards the value, and the obligation contrary, it is presumed that the proceeds of the loan redounded
concomitant with the issuance, of a check. As attested to by to the benefit of their family. Hence, the conjugal partnership is
respondents’ very own witness, respondent Caroline has a liable therefor.72 The unsupported allegation that respondents
documented history of issuing insufficiently funded checks for were separated in fact, standing alone, does not persuade this
69 times, at the very least.66 This fact alone bolsters petitioner’s Court to solely bind respondent Caroline and exempt Benito. As
allegation that the checks delivered to her by respondent the head of the family, there is more reason that respondent
Caroline were similarly not funded. Benito should answer for the liability incurred by his wife
presumably in support of their family.
In Magdiwang Realty Corp. v. Manila Banking Corp., We
stressed that the quantum of evidence required in civil cases— WHEREFORE, the Motion for Reconsideration is GRANTED.
preponderance of evidence—"is a phrase which, in the last The Resolution of this Court dated April 18, 2012 is set aside
analysis, means probability to truth. It is evidence which is more and a new one entered REVERSING and SETTING ASIDE the
convincing to the court as worthier of belief than that which is Decision dated March 31, 2011 and the Resolution dated
offered in opposition thereto."67 Based on the evidence September 26, 2011 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No.
submitted by the parties and the legal presumptions arising 93755. The Decision in Civil Case No. 97-83027 of the Regional
therefrom, petitioner’s evidence outweighs that of respondents. Trial Court (RTC) of the City of Manila, Branch 29 is
This preponderance of evidence in favor of Pua requires that a REINSTATED with MODIFICATION.
judgment ordering respondents to pay their obligation be
entered. Accordingly, respondents Benito Lo Bun Tiong and Caroline
Siok Ching Teng are ordered jointly and solidarily to pay
As aptly held by the court a quo, however, respondents cannot petitioner PhP 1,975,000 plus 6% interest per annum from April
be obliged to pay the interest of the loan on the ground that the 18, 1997, until fully paid, and ₱200,000.00 as attorney’s fees.
supposed agreement to pay such interest was not reduced to
writing. Article 1956 of the Civil Code, which refers to monetary SO ORDERED.
interest, specifically mandates that no interest shall be due
unless it has been expressly stipulated in writing.68 Thus, the
collection of interest in loans or forbearance of money is allowed
only when these two conditions concur: (1) there was an G.R. No. 107382/G.R. No. 107612 January 31, 1996
ASSOCIATED BANK, petitioner, Emergency Hospital, Concepcion, Tarlac" or "The Chief,
vs. Concepcion Emergency Hospital, Concepcion, Tarlac." The
HON. COURT OF APPEALS, PROVINCE OF TARLAC and checks are released by the Office of the Provincial Treasurer
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, respondents. and received for the hospital by its administrative officer and
In January 1981, the books of account of the Provincial
G.R. No. 107612 January 31, 1996 Treasurer were post-audited by the Provincial Auditor. It was
then discovered that the hospital did not receive several
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, petitioner, allotment checks drawn by the Province.
HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS, PROVINCE OF On February 19, 1981, the Provincial Treasurer requested the
TARLAC, and ASSOCIATED BANK, respondents. manager of the PNB to return all of its cleared checks which
were issued from 1977 to 1980 in order to verify the regularity of
DECISION their encashment. After the checks were examined, the
Provincial Treasurer learned that 30 checks amounting to
ROMERO, J.: P203,300.00 were encashed by one Fausto Pangilinan, with the
Associated Bank acting as collecting bank.
Where thirty checks bearing forged endorsements are paid, who
bears the loss, the drawer, the drawee bank or the collecting It turned out that Fausto Pangilinan, who was the administrative
bank? officer and cashier of payee hospital until his retirement on
February 28, 1978, collected the questioned checks from the
This is the main issue in these consolidated petitions for review office of the Provincial Treasurer. He claimed to be assisting or
assailing the decision of the Court of Appeals in "Province of helping the hospital follow up the release of the checks and had
Tarlac v. Philippine National Bank v. Associated Bank v. Fausto official receipts. 3Pangilinan sought to encash the first
Pangilinan, et. al." (CA-G.R. No. CV No. 17962). 1 check 4 with Associated Bank. However, the manager of
Associated Bank refused and suggested that Pangilinan deposit
The facts of the case are as follows: the check in his personal savings account with the same bank.
Pangilinan was able to withdraw the money when the check was
The Province of Tarlac maintains a current account with the cleared and paid by the drawee bank, PNB.
Philippine National Bank (PNB) Tarlac Branch where the
provincial funds are deposited. Checks issued by the Province After forging the signature of Dr. Adena Canlas who was chief of
are signed by the Provincial Treasurer and countersigned by the the payee hospital, Pangilinan followed the same procedure for
Provincial Auditor or the Secretary of the Sangguniang Bayan. the second check, in the amount of P5,000.00 and dated April
20, 1978, 5 as well as for twenty-eight other checks of various
A portion of the funds of the province is allocated to the amounts and on various dates. The last check negotiated by
Concepcion Emergency Hospital. 2 The allotment checks for Pangilinan was for f8,000.00 and dated February 10, 1981. 6 All
said government hospital are drawn to the order of "Concepcion the checks bore the stamp of Associated Bank which reads "All
prior endorsements guaranteed ASSOCIATED BANK."
Jesus David, the manager of Associated Bank testified that legal interests thereon from March 20, 1981 until fully
Pangilinan made it appear that the checks were paid to him for paid;.
certain projects with the hospital. 7 He did not find as irregular
the fact that the checks were not payable to Pangilinan but to 3. On the fourth-party complaint, the same is hereby
the Concepcion Emergency Hospital. While he admitted that his ordered dismissed for lack of cause of action as against
wife and Pangilinan's wife are first cousins, the manager denied fourth-party defendant Adena Canlas and lack of
having given Pangilinan preferential treatment on this account. 8 jurisdiction over the person of fourth-party defendant
Fausto Pangilinan as against the latter.
On February 26, 1981, the Provincial Treasurer wrote the
manager of the PNB seeking the restoration of the various 4. On the counterclaims on the complaint, third-party
amounts debited from the current account of the Province. 9
complaint and fourth-party complaint, the same are
hereby ordered dismissed for lack of merit.
In turn, the PNB manager demanded reimbursement from the
Associated Bank on May 15, 1981. 10 SO ORDERED. 12

As both banks resisted payment, the Province of Tarlac brought PNB and Associated Bank appealed to the Court of
suit against PNB which, in turn, impleaded Associated Bank as Appeals. 13 Respondent court affirmed the trial court's decision
third-party defendant. The latter then filed a fourth-party in toto on September 30, 1992.
complaint against Adena Canlas and Fausto Pangilinan. 11
Hence these consolidated petitions which seek a reversal of
After trial on the merits, the lower court rendered its decision on respondent appellate court's decision.
March 21, 1988, disposing as follows:
PNB assigned two errors. First, the bank contends that
WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, judgment is respondent court erred in exempting the Province of Tarlac from
hereby rendered: liability when, in fact, the latter was negligent because it
delivered and released the questioned checks to Fausto
1. On the basic complaint, in favor of plaintiff Province of Pangilinan who was then already retired as the hospital's
Tarlac and against defendant Philippine National Bank cashier and administrative officer. PNB also maintains its
(PNB), ordering the latter to pay to the former, the sum of innocence and alleges that as between two innocent persons,
Two Hundred Three Thousand Three Hundred the one whose act was the cause of the loss, in this case the
(P203,300.00) Pesos with legal interest thereon from Province of Tarlac, bears the loss.
March 20, 1981 until fully paid;
Next, PNB asserts that it was error for the court to order it to pay
2. On the third-party complaint, in favor of the province and then seek reimbursement from Associated
defendant/third-party plaintiff Philippine National Bank Bank. According to petitioner bank, respondent appellate Court
(PNB) and against third-party defendant/fourth-party should have directed Associated Bank to pay the adjudged
plaintiff Associated Bank ordering the latter to reimburse liability directly to the Province of Tarlac to avoid circuity. 14
to the former the amount of Two Hundred Three
Thousand Three Hundred (P203,300.00) Pesos with
Associated Bank, on the other hand, argues that the order of indorsements which are forgeries. At the time of their
liability should be totally reversed, with the drawee bank (PNB) indorsement, the checks were order instruments.
solely and ultimately bearing the loss.
Checks having forged indorsements should be differentiated
Respondent court allegedly erred in applying Section 23 of the from forged checks or checks bearing the forged signature of
Philippine Clearing House Rules instead of Central Bank the drawer.
Circular No. 580, which, being an administrative regulation
issued pursuant to law, has the force and effect of law. 15 The Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law (NIL) provides:
PCHC Rules are merely contractual stipulations among and
between member-banks. As such, they cannot prevail over the Sec. 23. FORGED SIGNATURE, EFFECT OF. — When
aforesaid CB Circular. a signature is forged or made without authority of the
person whose signature it purports to be, it is wholly
It likewise contends that PNB, the drawee bank, is estopped inoperative, and no right to retain the instrument, or to
from asserting the defense of guarantee of prior indorsements give a discharge therefor, or to enforce payment thereof
against Associated Bank, the collecting bank. In stamping the against any party thereto, can be acquired through or
guarantee (for all prior indorsements), it merely followed a under such signature unless the party against whom it is
mandatory requirement for clearing and had no choice but to sought to enforce such right is precluded from setting up
place the stamp of guarantee; otherwise, there would be no the forgery or want of authority.
clearing. The bank will be in a "no-win" situation and will always
bear the loss as against the drawee bank. 16 A forged signature, whether it be that of the drawer or the
payee, is wholly inoperative and no one can gain title to the
Associated Bank also claims that since PNB already cleared instrument through it. A person whose signature to an
and paid the value of the forged checks in question, it is now instrument was forged was never a party and never consented
estopped from asserting the defense that Associated Bank to the contract which allegedly gave rise to such
guaranteed prior indorsements. The drawee bank allegedly has instrument. 18 Section 23 does not avoid the instrument but only
the primary duty to verify the genuineness of payee's the forged signature. 19 Thus, a forged indorsement does not
indorsement before paying the check. 17 operate as the payee's indorsement.

While both banks are innocent of the forgery, Associated Bank The exception to the general rule in Section 23 is where "a party
claims that PNB was at fault and should solely bear the loss against whom it is sought to enforce a right is precluded from
because it cleared and paid the forged checks. setting up the forgery or want of authority." Parties who warrant
or admit the genuineness of the signature in question and those
xxx xxx xxx who, by their acts, silence or negligence are estopped from
setting up the defense of forgery, are precluded from using this
The case at bench concerns checks payable to the order of defense. Indorsers, persons negotiating by delivery and
Concepcion Emergency Hospital or its Chief. They were acceptors are warrantors of the genuineness of the signatures
properly issued and bear the genuine signatures of the drawer, on the instrument. 20
the Province of Tarlac. The infirmity in the questioned checks
lies in the payee's (Concepcion Emergency Hospital)
In bearer instruments, the signature of the payee or holder is drawee bank did not pay a holder or other person entitled to
unnecessary to pass title to the instrument. Hence, when the receive payment, it has no right to reimbursement from the
indorsement is a forgery, only the person whose signature is drawer. 24 The general rule then is that the drawee bank may not
forged can raise the defense of forgery against a holder in due debit the drawer's account and is not entitled to indemnification
course. 21 from the drawer. 25 The risk of loss must perforce fall on the
drawee bank.
The checks involved in this case are order instruments, hence,
the following discussion is made with reference to the effects of However, if the drawee bank can prove a failure by the
a forged indorsement on an instrument payable to order. customer/drawer to exercise ordinary care that substantially
contributed to the making of the forged signature, the drawer is
Where the instrument is payable to order at the time of the precluded from asserting the forgery.
forgery, such as the checks in this case, the signature of its
rightful holder (here, the payee hospital) is essential to transfer If at the same time the drawee bank was also negligent to the
title to the same instrument. When the holder's indorsement is point of substantially contributing to the loss, then such loss
forged, all parties prior to the forgery may raise the real defense from the forgery can be apportioned between the negligent
of forgery against all parties subsequent thereto. 22 drawer and the negligent bank. 26

An indorser of an order instrument warrants "that the instrument In cases involving a forged check, where the drawer's signature
is genuine and in all respects what it purports to be; that he has is forged, the drawer can recover from the drawee bank. No
a good title to it; that all prior parties had capacity to contract; drawee bank has a right to pay a forged check. If it does, it shall
and that the instrument is at the time of his indorsement valid have to recredit the amount of the check to the account of the
and subsisting." 23 He cannot interpose the defense that drawer. The liability chain ends with the drawee bank whose
signatures prior to him are forged. responsibility it is to know the drawer's signature since the latter
is its customer. 27
A collecting bank where a check is deposited and which
indorses the check upon presentment with the drawee bank, is In cases involving checks with forged indorsements, such as the
such an indorser. So even if the indorsement on the check present petition, the chain of liability does not end with the
deposited by the banks's client is forged, the collecting bank is drawee bank. The drawee bank may not debit the account of
bound by his warranties as an indorser and cannot set up the the drawer but may generally pass liability back through the
defense of forgery as against the drawee bank. collection chain to the party who took from the forger and, of
course, to the forger himself, if available. 28 In other words, the
The bank on which a check is drawn, known as the drawee drawee bank canseek reimbursement or a return of the amount
bank, is under strict liability to pay the check to the order of the it paid from the presentor bank or person. 29 Theoretically, the
payee. The drawer's instructions are reflected on the face and latter can demand reimbursement from the person who indorsed
by the terms of the check. Payment under a forged indorsement the check to it and so on. The loss falls on the party who took
is not to the drawer's order. When the drawee bank pays a the check from the forger, or on the forger himself.
person other than the payee, it does not comply with the terms
of the check and violates its duty to charge its customer's (the In this case, the checks were indorsed by the collecting bank
drawer) account only for properly payable items. Since the (Associated Bank) to the drawee bank (PNB). The former will
necessarily be liable to the latter for the checks bearing forged him, his address and history because he is a client. It has taken
indorsements. If the forgery is that of the payee's or holder's a risk on his deposit. The bank is also in a better position to
indorsement, the collecting bank is held liable, without prejudice detect forgery, fraud or irregularity in the indorsement.
to the latter proceeding against the forger.
Hence, the drawee bank can recover the amount paid on the
Since a forged indorsement is inoperative, the collecting bank check bearing a forged indorsement from the collecting bank.
had no right to be paid by the drawee bank. The former must However, a drawee bank has the duty to promptly inform the
necessarily return the money paid by the latter because it was presentor of the forgery upon discovery. If the drawee bank
paid wrongfully. 30 delays in informing the presentor of the forgery, thereby
depriving said presentor of the right to recover from the forger,
More importantly, by reason of the statutory warranty of a the former is deemed negligent and can no longer recover from
general indorser in section 66 of the Negotiable Instruments the presentor. 33
Law, a collecting bank which indorses a check bearing a forged
indorsement and presents it to the drawee bank guarantees all Applying these rules to the case at bench, PNB, the drawee
prior indorsements, including the forged indorsement. It bank, cannot debit the current account of the Province of Tarlac
warrants that the instrument is genuine, and that it is valid and because it paid checks which bore forged indorsements.
subsisting at the time of his indorsement. Because the However, if the Province of Tarlac as drawer was negligent to
indorsement is a forgery, the collecting bank commits a breach the point of substantially contributing to the loss, then the
of this warranty and will be accountable to the drawee bank. drawee bank PNB can charge its account. If both drawee bank-
This liability scheme operates without regard to fault on the part PNB and drawer-Province of Tarlac were negligent, the loss
of the collecting/presenting bank. Even if the latter bank was not should be properly apportioned between them.
negligent, it would still be liable to the drawee bank because of
its indorsement. The loss incurred by drawee bank-PNB can be passed on to the
collecting bank-Associated Bank which presented and indorsed
The Court has consistently ruled that "the collecting bank or last the checks to it. Associated Bank can, in turn, hold the forger,
endorser generally suffers the loss because it has the duty to Fausto Pangilinan, liable.
ascertain the genuineness of all prior endorsements considering
that the act of presenting the check for payment to the drawee is If PNB negligently delayed in informing Associated Bank of the
an assertion that the party making the presentment has done its forgery, thus depriving the latter of the opportunity to recover
duty to ascertain the genuineness of the endorsements." 31 from the forger, it forfeits its right to reimbursement and will be
made to bear the loss.
The drawee bank is not similarly situated as the collecting bank
because the former makes no warranty as to the genuineness. After careful examination of the records, the Court finds that the
of any indorsement. 32 The drawee bank's duty is but to verify Province of Tarlac was equally negligent and should, therefore,
the genuineness of the drawer's signature and not of the share the burden of loss from the checks bearing a forged
indorsement because the drawer is its client. indorsement.

Moreover, the collecting bank is made liable because it is privy The Province of Tarlac permitted Fausto Pangilinan to collect
to the depositor who negotiated the check. The bank knows the checks when the latter, having already retired from
government service, was no longer connected with the hospital. following the standard procedure of negotiating
With the exception of the first check (dated January 17, 1978), government checks, they released the checks to
all the checks were issued and released after Pangilinan's Pangilinan aside from Miss Juco.34
retirement on February 28, 1978. After nearly three years, the
Treasurer's office was still releasing the checks to the retired The failure of the Province of Tarlac to exercise due care
cashier. In addition, some of the aid allotment checks were contributed to a significant degree to the loss tantamount to
released to Pangilinan and the others to Elizabeth Juco, the negligence. Hence, the Province of Tarlac should be liable for
new cashier. The fact that there were now two persons part of the total amount paid on the questioned checks.
collecting the checks for the hospital is an unmistakable sign of
an irregularity which should have alerted employees in the The drawee bank PNB also breached its duty to pay only
Treasurer's office of the fraud being committed. There is also according to the terms of the check. Hence, it cannot escape
evidence indicating that the provincial employees were aware of liability and should also bear part of the loss.
Pangilinan's retirement and consequent dissociation from the
hospital. Jose Meru, the Provincial Treasurer, testified:. As earlier stated, PNB can recover from the collecting bank.

ATTY. MORGA: In the case of Associated Bank v. CA, 35 six crossed checks with
forged indorsements were deposited in the forger's account with
Q Now, is it true that for a given month there were two the collecting bank and were later paid by four different drawee
releases of checks, one went to Mr. Pangilinan and one banks. The Court found the collecting bank (Associated) to be
went to Miss Juco? negligent and held:

JOSE MERU: The Bank should have first verified his right to endorse
the crossed checks, of which he was not the payee, and
A Yes, sir. to deposit the proceeds of the checks to his own account.
The Bank was by reason of the nature of the checks put
Q Will you please tell us how at the time (sic) when the upon notice that they were issued for deposit only to the
authorized representative of Concepcion Emergency private respondent's account. . . .
Hospital is and was supposed to be Miss Juco?
The situation in the case at bench is analogous to the above
A Well, as far as my investigation show (sic) the assistant case, for it was not the payee who deposited the checks with
cashier told me that Pangilinan represented himself as the collecting bank. Here, the checks were all payable to
also authorized to help in the release of these checks Concepcion Emergency Hospital but it was Fausto Pangilinan
and we were apparently misled because they accepted who deposited the checks in his personal savings account.
the representation of Pangilinan that he was helping
them in the release of the checks and besides according Although Associated Bank claims that the guarantee stamped
to them they were, Pangilinan, like the rest, was able to on the checks (All prior and/or lack of endorsements
present an official receipt to acknowledge these receipts guaranteed) is merely a requirement forced upon it by clearing
and according to them since this is a government check house rules, it cannot but remain liable. The stamp
and believed that it will eventually go to the hospital guaranteeing prior indorsements is not an empty rubric which a
bank must fulfill for the sake of convenience. A bank is not the PCHC until it was changed in 1982. The contending banks
required to accept all the checks negotiated to it. It is within the herein, which are both branches in Tarlac province, are
bank's discretion to receive a check for no banking institution therefore not covered by PCHC Rules but by CB Circular No.
would consciously or deliberately accept a check bearing a 580. Clearly then, the CB circular was applicable when the
forged indorsement. When a check is deposited with the forgery of the checks was discovered in 1981.
collecting bank, it takes a risk on its depositor. It is only logical
that this bank be held accountable for checks deposited by its The rule mandates that the checks be returned within twenty-
customers. four hours after discovery of the forgery but in no event beyond
the period fixed by law for filing a legal action. The rationale of
A delay in informing the collecting bank (Associated Bank) of the rule is to give the collecting bank (which indorsed the check)
the forgery, which deprives it of the opportunity to go after the adequate opportunity to proceed against the forger. If prompt
forger, signifies negligence on the part of the drawee bank notice is not given, the collecting bank maybe prejudiced and
(PNB) and will preclude it from claiming reimbursement. lose the opportunity to go after its depositor.

It is here that Associated Bank's assignment of error concerning The Court finds that even if PNB did not return the questioned
C.B. Circular No. 580 and Section 23 of the Philippine Clearing checks to Associated Bank within twenty-four hours, as
House Corporation Rules comes to fore. Under Section 4(c) of mandated by the rule, PNB did not commit negligent delay.
CB Circular No. 580, items bearing a forged endorsement shall Under the circumstances, PNB gave prompt notice to
be returned within twenty-Sour (24) hours after discovery of the Associated Bank and the latter bank was not prejudiced in going
forgery but in no event beyond the period fixed or provided by after Fausto Pangilinan. After the Province of Tarlac informed
law for filing of a legal action by the returning bank. Section 23 PNB of the forgeries, PNB necessarily had to inspect the checks
of the PCHC Rules deleted the requirement that items bearing a and conduct its own investigation. Thereafter, it requested the
forged endorsement should be returned within twenty-four Provincial Treasurer's office on March 31, 1981 to return the
hours. Associated Bank now argues that the aforementioned checks for verification. The Province of Tarlac returned the
Central Bank Circular is applicable. Since PNB did not return checks only on April 22, 1981. Two days later, Associated Bank
the questioned checks within twenty-four hours, but several received the checks from PNB. 36
days later, Associated Bank alleges that PNB should be
considered negligent and not entitled to reimbursement of the Associated Bank was also furnished a copy of the Province's
amount it paid on the checks. letter of demand to PNB dated March 20, 1981, thus giving it
notice of the forgeries. At this time, however, Pangilinan's
The Court deems it unnecessary to discuss Associated Bank's account with Associated had only P24.63 in it. 37Had Associated
assertions that CB Circular No. 580 is an administrative Bank decided to debit Pangilinan's account, it could not have
regulation issued pursuant to law and as such, must prevail over recovered the amounts paid on the questioned checks. In
the PCHC rule. The Central Bank circular was in force for all addition, while Associated Bank filed a fourth-party complaint
banks until June 1980 when the Philippine Clearing House against Fausto Pangilinan, it did not present evidence against
Corporation (PCHC) was set up and commenced operations. Pangilinan and even presented him as its rebuttal
Banks in Metro Manila were covered by the PCHC while banks witness. 38 Hence, Associated Bank was not prejudiced by
located elsewhere still had to go through Central Bank Clearing. PNB's failure to comply with the twenty-four-hour return rule.
In any event, the twenty-four-hour return rule was adopted by
Next, Associated Bank contends that PNB is estopped from The Court finds as reasonable, the proportionate sharing of fifty
requiring reimbursement because the latter paid and cleared the percent - fifty percent (50%-50%). Due to the negligence of the
checks. The Court finds this contention unmeritorious. Even if Province of Tarlac in releasing the checks to an unauthorized
PNB cleared and paid the checks, it can still recover from person (Fausto Pangilinan), in allowing the retired hospital
Associated Bank. This is true even if the payee's Chief Officer cashier to receive the checks for the payee hospital for a period
who was supposed to have indorsed the checks is also a close to three years and in not properly ascertaining why the
customer of the drawee bank. 39 PNB's duty was to verify the retired hospital cashier was collecting checks for the payee
genuineness of the drawer's signature and not the genuineness hospital in addition to the hospital's real cashier, respondent
of payee's indorsement. Associated Bank, as the collecting Province contributed to the loss amounting to P203,300.00 and
bank, is the entity with the duty to verify the genuineness of the shall be liable to the PNB for fifty (50%) percent thereof. In
payee's indorsement. effect, the Province of Tarlac can only recover fifty percent
(50%) of P203,300.00 from PNB.
PNB also avers that respondent court erred in adjudging
circuitous liability by directing PNB to return to the Province of The collecting bank, Associated Bank, shall be liable to PNB for
Tarlac the amount of the checks and then directing Associated fifty (50%) percent of P203,300.00. It is liable on its warranties
Bank to reimburse PNB. The Court finds nothing wrong with the as indorser of the checks which were deposited by Fausto
mode of the award. The drawer, Province of Tarlac, is a clientor Pangilinan, having guaranteed the genuineness of all prior
customer of the PNB, not of Associated Bank. There is no privity indorsements, including that of the chief of the payee hospital,
of contract between the drawer and the collecting bank. Dr. Adena Canlas. Associated Bank was also remiss in its duty
to ascertain the genuineness of the payee's indorsement.
The trial court made PNB and Associated Bank liable with legal
interest from March 20, 1981, the date of extrajudicial demand IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the petition for review filed by
made by the Province of Tarlac on PNB. The payments to be the Philippine National Bank (G.R. No. 107612) is hereby
made in this case stem from the deposits of the Province of PARTIALLY GRANTED. The petition for review filed by the
Tarlac in its current account with the PNB. Bank deposits are Associated Bank (G.R. No. 107382) is hereby DENIED. The
considered under the law as loans. 40 Central Bank Circular No. decision of the trial court is MODIFIED. The Philippine National
416 prescribes a twelve percent (12%) interest per annum for Bank shall pay fifty percent (50%) of P203,300.00 to the
loans, forebearance of money, goods or credits in the absence Province of Tarlac, with legal interest from March 20, 1981 until
of express stipulation. Normally, current accounts are likewise the payment thereof. Associated Bank shall pay fifty percent
interest-bearing, by express contract, thus excluding them from (50%) of P203,300.00 to the Philippine National Bank, likewise,
the coverage of CB Circular No. 416. In this case, however, the with legal interest from March 20, 1981 until payment is made.
actual interest rate, if any, for the current account opened by the
Province of Tarlac with PNB was not given in evidence. Hence, SO ORDERED.
the Court deems it wise to affirm the trial court's use of the legal
interest rate, or six percent (6%) per annum. The interest rate Regalado, Puno and Mendoza, JJ., concur.
shall be computed from the date of default, or the date of judicial
or extrajudicial demand. 41 The trial court did not err in granting
legal interest from March 20, 1981, the date of extrajudicial
SAMSUNG CONSTRUCTION COMPANY PHILIPPINES, check. She then asked Gonzaga to submit proof of his identity,
INC., petitioner, vs. FAR EAST BANK AND TRUST and the latter presented three (3) identification cards.[6]
At the same time, Justiani forwarded the check to the branch
Senior Assistant Cashier Gemma Velez, as it was bank policy
that two bank branch officers approve checks exceeding One
TINGA, J.: Hundred Thousand Pesos, for payment or encashment. Velez
likewise counterchecked the signature on the check as against
Called to fore in the present petition is a classic textbook that on the signature card. He too concluded that the check was
question if a bank pays out on a forged check, is it liable to indeed signed by Jong. Velez then forwarded the check and
reimburse the drawer from whose account the funds were paid signature card to Shirley Syfu, another bank officer, for
out? The Court of Appeals, in reversing a trial court decision approval. Syfu then noticed that Jose Sempio III (Sempio), the
adverse to the bank, invoked tenuous reasoning to acquit the assistant accountant of Samsung Construction, was also in the
bank of liability. We reverse, applying time-honored principles of bank. Sempio was well-known to Syfu and the other bank officers,
law. he being the assistant accountant of Samsung Construction. Syfu
showed the check to Sempio, who vouched for the genuineness
The salient facts follow. of Jongs signature. Confirming the identity of Gonzaga, Sempio
Plaintiff Samsung Construction Company Philippines, Inc. said that the check was for the purchase of equipment for
(Samsung Construction), while based in Bian, Laguna, Samsung Construction. Satisfied with the genuineness of the
maintained a current account with defendant Far East Bank and signature of Jong, Syfu authorized the banks encashment of the
Trust Company[1] (FEBTC) at the latters Bel- check to Gonzaga.
Air, Makati branch. The sole signatory to Samsung The following day, the accountant of Samsung Construction,
Constructions account was Jong Kyu Lee (Jong), its Project Kyu, examined the balance of the bank account and discovered
Manager,[3]while the checks remained in the custody of the that a check in the amount of Nine Hundred Ninety Nine
companys accountant, Kyu Yong Lee (Kyu).[4] Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P999,500.00) had been
On 19 March 1992, a certain Roberto Gonzaga presented for encashed. Aware that he had not prepared such a check for
payment FEBTC Check No. 432100 to the banks branch in Bel- Jongs signature, Kyu perused the checkbook and found that the
Air, Makati. The check, payable to cash and drawn against last blank check was missing.[7] He reported the matter to Jong,
Samsung Constructions current account, was in the amount of who then proceeded to the bank. Jong learned of the encashment
Nine Hundred Ninety Nine Thousand Five Hundred Pesos of the check, and realized that his signature had been forged. The
(P999,500.00). The bank teller, Cleofe Justiani, first checked the Bank Manager reputedly told Jong that he would be reimbursed
balance of Samsung Constructions account. After ascertaining for the amount of the check.[8] Jong proceeded to the police
there were enough funds to cover the check,[5] she compared the station and consulted with his lawyers.[9] Subsequently, a criminal
signature appearing on the check with the specimen signature of case for qualified theft was filed against Sempio before the
Jong as contained in the specimen signature card with the Laguna court.[10]
bank. After comparing the two signatures, Justiani was satisfied In a letter dated 6 May 1992, Samsung Construction, through
as to the authenticity of the signature appearing on the counsel, demanded that FEBTC credit to it the amount of Nine
Hundred Ninety Nine Thousand Five Hundred Pesos
(P999,500.00), with interest.[11] In response, FEBTC said that it checks, which if observed would have prevented Sempio from
was still conducting an investigation on the matter. Unsatisfied, gaining access thereto.[18] The Court of Appeals invoked the
Samsung Construction filed a Complaint on 10 June 1992 for ruling in PNB v. National City Bank of New York[19] that, if a loss,
violation of Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law, and which must be borne by one or two innocent persons, can be
prayed for the payment of the amount debited as a result of the traced to the neglect or fault of either, such loss would be borne
questioned check plus interest, and attorneys fees.[12] The case by the negligent party, even if innocent of intentional fraud. [20]
was docketed as Civil Case No. 92-61506 before the Regional
Samsung Construction now argues that the Court of Appeals
Trial Court (RTC) of Manila, Branch 9.[13]
had seriously misapprehended the facts when it overturned the
During the trial, both sides presented their respective expert RTCs finding of forgery. It also contends that the appellate court
witnesses to testify on the claim that Jongs signature was erred in finding that it had been negligent in safekeeping the
forged. Samsung Corporation, which had referred the check for check, and in applying the equity principle enunciated in PNB v.
investigation to the NBI, presented Senior NBI Document National City Bank of New York.
Examiner Roda B. Flores. She testified that based on her
Since the trial court and the Court of Appeals arrived at
examination, she concluded that Jongs signature had been
contrary findings on questions of fact, the Court is obliged to
forged on the check. On the other hand, FEBTC, which had
examine the record to draw out the correct conclusions. Upon
sought the assistance of the Philippine National Police
examination of the record, and based on the applicable laws and
(PNP),[14] presented Rosario C. Perez, a document examiner
jurisprudence, we reverse the Court of Appeals.
from the PNP Crime Laboratory. She testified that her findings
showed that Jongs signature on the check was genuine.[15] Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law states:
Confronted with conflicting expert testimony, the RTC chose
When a signature is forged or made without the authority of the
to believe the findings of the NBI expert. In a Decision dated 25
person whose signature it purports to be, it is wholly
April 1994, the RTC held that Jongs signature on the check was
inoperative, and no right to retain the instrument, or to give a
forged and accordingly directed the bank to pay or credit back to
discharge therefor, or to enforce payment thereof against any
Samsung Constructions account the amount of Nine Hundred
party thereto, can be acquired through or under such
Ninety Nine Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P999,500.00),
signature, unless the party against whom it is sought to enforce
together with interest tolled from the time the complaint was filed,
such right is precluded from setting up the forgery or want of
and attorneys fees in the amount of Fifteen Thousand Pesos
authority. (Emphasis supplied)
FEBTC timely appealed to the Court of Appeals. On 28 The general rule is to the effect that a forged signature is
November 1996, the Special Fourteenth Division of the Court of wholly inoperative, and payment made through or under such
Appeals rendered a Decision,[16] reversing the RTC Decision and signature is ineffectual or does not discharge the instrument.[21] If
absolving FEBTC from any liability. The Court of Appeals held payment is made, the drawee cannot charge it to the drawers
that the contradictory findings of the NBI and the PNP created account. The traditional justification for the result is that the
doubt as to whether there was forgery.[17] Moreover, the appellate drawee is in a superior position to detect a forgery because he
court also held that assuming there was forgery, it occurred due has the makers signature and is expected to know and compare
to the negligence of Samsung Construction, imputing blame on it.[22] The rule has a healthy cautionary effect on banks by
the accountant Kyu for lack of care and prudence in keeping the encouraging care in the comparison of the signatures against
those on the signature cards they have on file. Moreover, the very which the bank had paid out on checks bearing forgeries of the
opportunity of the drawee to insure and to distribute the cost plaintiffs signature.
among its customers who use checks makes the drawee an ideal
party to spread the risk to insurance.[23] xxx
Brady, in his treatise The Law of Forged and Altered Checks,
It was held that the bank was liable. It was further held that the
fact that the plaintiff waited eight or nine months after
discovering the forgery, before notifying the bank, did not, as a
When a person deposits money in a general account in a bank,
matter of law, constitute a ratification of the payment, so as to
against which he has the privilege of drawing checks in the
preclude the plaintiff from holding the bank liable. xxx
ordinary course of business, the relationship between the bank
and the depositor is that of debtor and creditor. So far as the
This rule of liability can be stated briefly in these words: A bank
legal relationship between the two is concerned, the situation is
is bound to know its depositors signature. The rule is variously
the same as though the bank had borrowed money from the
expressed in the many decisions in which the question has
depositor, agreeing to repay it on demand, or had bought goods
been considered. But they all sum up to the proposition that a
from the depositor, agreeing to pay for them on demand. The
bank must know the signatures of those whose general deposits
bank owes the depositor money in the same sense that any
it carries.[24]
debtor owes money to his creditor. Added to this, in the case of
bank and depositor, there is, of course, the banks obligation to
By no means is the principle rendered obsolete with the
pay checks drawn by the depositor in proper form and
advent of modern commercial transactions. Contemporary texts
presented in due course. When the bank receives the deposit, it
still affirm this well-entrenched standard. Nickles, in his
impliedly agrees to pay only upon the depositors order. When
book Negotiable Instruments and Other Related Commercial
the bank pays a check, on which the depositors signature is a
Paper wrote, thus:
forgery, it has failed to comply with its contract in this
respect. Therefore, the bank is held liable.
The deposit contract between a payor bank and its customer
determines who can draw against the customers account by
The fact that the forgery is a clever one is immaterial. The
specifying whose signature is necessary on checks that are
forged signature may so closely resemble the genuine as to
chargeable against the customers account. Therefore, a check
defy detection by the depositor himself. And yet, if a bank pays
drawn against the account of an individual customer that is
the check, it is paying out its own money and not the depositors.
signed by someone other than the customer, and without
authority from her, is not properly payable and is not chargeable
The forgery may be committed by a trusted employee or
to the customers account, inasmuch as any unauthorized
confidential agent. The bank still must bear the loss. Even in a
signature on an instrument is ineffective as the signature of the
case where the forged check was drawn by the depositors
person whose name is signed.[25]
partner, the loss was placed upon the bank. The case referred
to is Robinson v. Security Bank, Ark., 216 S. W. Rep. 717. In
Under Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law, forgery
this case, the plaintiff brought suit against the defendant bank
is a real or absolute defense by the party whose signature is
for money which had been deposited to the plaintiffs credit and
forged.[26] On the premise that Jongs signature was indeed
forged, FEBTC is liable for the loss since it authorized the
discharge of the forged check. Such liability attaches even if the a conclusion, especially one which is extremely crucial. Doing so
bank exerts due diligence and care in preventing such faulty is tantamount to a jurisprudential cop-out.
discharge. Forgeries often deceive the eye of the most cautious
Much is expected from the Court of Appeals as it occupies
experts; and when a bank has been so deceived, it is a harsh rule
the penultimate tier in the judicial hierarchy. This Court has long
which compels it to suffer although no one has suffered by its
deferred to the appellate court as to its findings of fact in the
being deceived.[27] The forgery may be so near like the genuine
understanding that it has the appropriate skill and competence to
as to defy detection by the depositor himself, and yet the bank is
plough through the minutiae that scatters the factual field. In
liable to the depositor if it pays the check.[28]
failing to thoroughly evaluate the evidence before it, and relying
Thus, the first matter of inquiry is into whether the check was instead on presumptions haphazardly drawn, the Court of
indeed forged. A document formally presented is presumed to be Appeals was sadly remiss. Of course, courts, like humans, are
genuine until it is proved to be fraudulent. In a forgery trial, this fallible, and not every error deserves a stern rebuke. Yet, the
presumption must be overcome but this can only be done by appellate courts error in this case warrants special attention, as it
convincing testimony and effective illustrations.[29] is absurd and even dangerous as a precedent. If this rationale
were adopted as a governing standard by every court in the land,
In ruling that forgery was not duly proven, the Court of
barely any actionable claim would prosper, defeated as it would
Appeals held:
be by the mere invocation of the existence of a contrary expert
[There] is ground to doubt the findings of the trial court
sustaining the alleged forgery in view of the conflicting On the other hand, the RTC did adjudge the testimony of the
conclusions made by handwriting experts from the NBI and the NBI expert as more credible than that of the PNP, and explained
PNP, both agencies of the government. its reason behind the conclusion:

xxx After subjecting the evidence of both parties to a crucible of

analysis, the court arrived at the conclusion that the testimony of
These contradictory findings create doubt on whether there was the NBI document examiner
indeed a forgery. In the case of Tenio-Obsequio v. Court of is more credible because the testimony of the PNP Crime
Appeals, 230 SCRA 550, the Supreme Court held that forgery Laboratory Services document examiner reveals that there are
cannot be presumed; it must be proved by clear, positive and a lot of differences in the questioned signature as compared to
convincing evidence. the standard specimen signature. Furthermore, as testified to by
Ms. Rhoda Flores, NBI expert, the manner of execution of the
This reasoning is pure sophistry. Any litigator worth his or her standard signatures used reveals that it is a free rapid
salt would never allow an opponents expert witness to stand continuous execution or stroke as shown by the tampering
uncontradicted, thus the spectacle of competing expert witnesses terminal stroke of the signatures whereas the questioned
is not unusual. The trier of fact will have to decide which version signature is a hesitating slow drawn execution stroke. Clearly,
to believe, and explain why or why not such version is more the person who executed the questioned signature was hesitant
credible than the other. Reliance therefore cannot be placed when the signature was made.[30]
merely on the fact that there are colliding opinions of two experts,
both clothed with the presumption of official duty, in order to draw During the testimony of PNP expert Rosario Perez, the RTC
bluntly noted that apparently, there [are] differences on that
questioned signature and the standard signatures. [31]This Court, A: There is none in the standard signature, sir.[37]
in examining the signatures, makes a similar finding. The PNP
Again, the PNP examiner downplayed the uniqueness of the
expert excused the noted differences by asserting that they were
final stroke in the questioned signature as a mere variation,[38] the
mere variations, which are normal deviations found in
same excuse she proffered for the other marked differences
writing.[32] Yet the RTC, which had the opportunity to examine the
noted by the Court and the counsel for petitioner.[39]
relevant documents and to personally observe the expert
witness, clearly disbelieved the PNP expert. The Court similarly There is no reason to doubt why the RTC gave credence to
finds the testimony of the PNP expert as unconvincing. During the testimony of the NBI examiner, and not the PNP experts. The
the trial, she was confronted several times with apparent NBI expert, Rhoda Flores, clearly qualifies as an expert
differences between strokes in the questioned signature and the witness. A document examiner for fifteen years, she had been
genuine samples. Each time, she would just blandly assert that promoted to the rank of Senior Document Examiner with the NBI,
these differences were just variations,[33] as if the mere and had held that rank for twelve years prior to her testimony. She
conjuration of the word would sufficiently disquiet whatever had placed among the top five examinees in the Competitive
doubts about the deviations. Such conclusion, standing alone, Seminar in Question Document Examination, conducted by
would be of little or no value unless supported by sufficiently the NBI Academy, which qualified her as a document
cogent reasons which might amount almost to a examiner.[40] She had trained with the Royal Hongkong Police
demonstration.[34] Laboratory and is a member of the International Association for
Identification.[41]As of the time she testified, she had examined
The most telling difference between the questioned and
more than fifty to fifty-five thousand questioned documents, on an
genuine signatures examined by the PNP is in the final upward
average of fifteen to twenty documents a day.[42] In comparison,
stroke in the signature, or the point to the short stroke of the
PNP document examiner Perez admitted to having examined
terminal in the capital letter L, as referred to by the PNP examiner
only around five hundred documents as of her testimony.[43]
who had marked it in her comparison chart as point no. 6. To the
plain eye, such upward final stroke consists of a vertical line In analyzing the signatures, NBI Examiner Flores utilized the
which forms a ninety degree (90) angle with the previous stroke. scientific comparative examination method consisting of analysis,
Of the twenty one (21) other genuine samples examined by the recognition, comparison and evaluation of the writing habits with
PNP, at least nine (9) ended with an upward stroke.[35] However, the use of instruments such as a magnifying lense, a stereoscopic
unlike the questioned signature, the upward strokes of eight (8) microscope, and varied lighting substances. She also prepared
of these signatures are looped, while the upward stroke of the enlarged photographs of the signatures in order to facilitate the
seventh[36] forms a severe forty-five degree (45) with the previous necessary comparisons.[44] She compared the questioned
stroke. The difference is glaring, and indeed, the PNP examiner signature as against ten (10) other sample signatures of
was confronted with the inconsistency in point no. 6. Jong. Five of these signatures were executed on checks
previously issued by Jong, while the other five contained in
Q: Now, in this questioned document point no. 6, the s
business letters Jong had signed.[45] The NBI found that there
stroke is directly upwards.
were significant differences in the handwriting characteristics
A: Yes, sir. existing between the questioned and the sample signatures, as
to manner of execution, link/connecting strokes, proportion
Q: Now, can you look at all these standard signature (sic)
characteristics, and other identifying details.[46]
were (sic) point 6 is repeated or the last stroke s is
pointing directly upwards?
The RTC was sufficiently convinced by the NBI examiners Now for determination is whether Samsung Construction was
testimony, and explained her reasons in its Decisions. While the precluded from setting up the defense of forgery under Section
Court of Appeals disagreed and upheld the findings of the PNP, 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law. The Court of Appeals
it failed to convincingly demonstrate why such findings were more concluded that Samsung Construction was negligent, and
credible than those of the NBI expert. As a throwaway, the invoked the doctrines that where a loss must be borne by one of
assailed Decision noted that the PNP, not the NBI, had the two innocent person, can be traced to the neglect or fault of
opportunity to examine the specimen signature card signed by either, it is reasonable that it would be borne by him, even if
Jong, which was relied upon by the employees of FEBTC in innocent of any intentional fraud, through whose means it has
authenticating Jongs signature. The distinction is irrelevant in succeeded[49] or who put into the power of the third person to
establishing forgery. Forgery can be established comparing the perpetuate the wrong.[50] Applying these rules, the Court of
contested signatures as against those of any sample signature Appeals determined that it was the negligence of Samsung
duly established as that of the persons whose signature was Construction that allowed the encashment of the forged check.
In the case at bar, the forgery appears to have been made
FEBTC lays undue emphasis on the fact that the PNP
possible through the acts of one Jose Sempio III, an assistant
examiner did compare the questioned signature against the bank
accountant employed by the plaintiff Samsung [Construction]
signature cards. The crucial fact in question is whether or not
Co. Philippines, Inc. who supposedly stole the blank check and
the check was forged, not whether the bank could have
who presumably is responsible for its encashment through a
detected the forgery. The latter issue becomes relevant only
forged signature of Jong Kyu Lee. Sempio was assistant to the
if there is need to weigh the comparative negligence between
Korean accountant who was in possession of the blank checks
the bank and the party whose signature was forged.
and who through negligence, enabled Sempio to have access to
At the same time, the Court of Appeals failed to assess the the same. Had the Korean accountant been more careful and
effect of Jongs testimony that the signature on the check was not prudent in keeping the blank checks Sempio would not have
his.[47] The assertion may seem self-serving at first blush, yet it had the chance to steal a page thereof and to effect the forgery.
cannot be ignored that Jong was in the best position to know Besides, Sempio was an employee who appears to have had
whether or not the signature on the check was his. While his claim dealings with the defendant Bank in behalf of the plaintiff
should not be taken at face value, any averments he would have corporation and on the date the check was encashed, he was
on the matter, if adjudged as truthful, deserve primacy in there to certify that it was a genuine check issued to purchase
consideration. Jongs testimony is supported by the findings of the equipment for the company.[51]
NBI examiner.They are also backed by factual circumstances
that support the conclusion that the assailed check was indeed We recognize that Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments
forged. Judicial notice can be taken that is highly unusual in Law bars a party from setting up the defense of forgery if it is
practice for a business establishment to draw a check for close guilty of negligence.[52] Yet, we are unable to conclude that
to a million pesos and make it payable to cash or bearer, and not Samsung Construction was guilty of negligence in this case. The
to order. Jong immediately reported the forgery upon its appellate court failed to explain precisely how the Korean
discovery. He filed the appropriate criminal charges against accountant was negligent or how more care and prudence on his
Sempio, the putative forger.[48] part would have prevented the forgery. We cannot sustain this tar
and feathering resorted to without any basis.
The bare fact that the forgery was committed by an employee as to the standard procedures observed by the drawer, it well has
of the party whose signature was forged cannot necessarily imply the means of disputing the presumption of regularity. Proving a
that such partys negligence was the cause for the negative fact may be a difficult office,[59] but necessarily so, as it
forgery. Employers do not possess the preternatural gift of seeks to overcome a presumption in law. FEBTC was unable to
cognition as to the evil that may lurk within the hearts and minds dispute the presumption of ordinary care exercised by Samsung
of their employees. The Courts pronouncement in PCI Bank v. Construction, hence we cannot agree with the Court of Appeals
Court of Appeals[53] applies in this case, to wit: finding of negligence.
The assailed Decision replicated the extensive efforts which
[T]he mere fact that the forgery was committed by a drawer-
FEBTC devoted to establish that there was no negligence on the
payors confidential employee or agent, who by virtue of his
part of the bank in its acceptance and payment of the forged
position had unusual facilities for perpetrating the fraud and
check. However, the degree of diligence exercised by the bank
imposing the forged paper upon the bank, does not entitle the
would be irrelevant if the drawer is not precluded from setting up
bank to shift the loss to the drawer-payor, in the absence of
the defense of forgery under Section 23 by his own
some circumstance raising estoppel against the drawer.[54]
negligence. The rule of equity enunciated in PNB v. National City
Bank of New York, [60] as relied upon by the Court of Appeals,
Admittedly, the record does not clearly establish what
deserves careful examination.
measures Samsung Construction employed to safeguard its
blank checks. Jong did testify that his accountant, Kyu, kept the
The point in issue has sometimes been said to be that of
checks inside a safety box,[55] and no contrary version was
negligence. The drawee who has paid upon the forged
presented by FEBTC. However, such testimony cannot prove
signature is held to bear the loss, because he has been
that the checks were indeed kept in a safety box, as Jongs
negligent in failing to recognize that the handwriting is not
testimony on that point is hearsay, since Kyu, and not Jong,
that of his customer. But it follows obviously that if the payee,
would have the personal knowledge as to how the checks were
holder, or presenter of the forged paper has himself been in
default, if he has himself been guilty of a negligence prior to that
Still, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, we can of the banker, or if by any act of his own he has at all
conclude that there was no negligence on Samsung contributed to induce the banker's negligence, then he may lose
Constructions part. The presumption remains that every person his right to cast the loss upon the banker.[61] (Emphasis
takes ordinary care of his concerns,[56] and that the ordinary supplied)
course of business has been followed.[57] Negligence is not
presumed, but must be proven by him who alleges it.[58]While the Quite palpably, the general rule remains that the drawee who
complaint was lodged at the instance of Samsung Construction, has paid upon the forged signature bears the loss. The exception
the matter it had to prove was the claim it had alleged - whether to this rule arises only when negligence can be traced on the part
the check was forged. It cannot be required as well to prove that of the drawer whose signature was forged, and the need arises
it was not negligent, because the legal presumption remains that to weigh the comparative negligence between the drawer and the
ordinary care was employed. drawee to determine who should bear the burden of loss. The
Court finds no basis to conclude that Samsung Construction was
Thus, it was incumbent upon FEBTC, in defense, to prove the
negligent in the safekeeping of its checks. For one, the settled
negative fact that Samsung Construction was negligent. While
rule is that the mere fact that the depositor leaves his check book
the payee, as in this case, may not have the personal knowledge
lying around does not constitute such negligence as will free the The fact that the check was made out in the amount of nearly
bank from liability to him, where a clerk of the depositor or other one million pesos is unusual enough to require a higher degree
persons, taking advantage of the opportunity, abstract some of of caution on the part of the bank. Indeed, FEBTC confirms this
the check blanks, forges the depositors signature and collect on through its own internal procedures. Checks below twenty-five
the checks from the bank.[62] And for another, in point of fact thousand pesos require only the approval of the teller; those
Samsung Construction was not negligent at all since it reported between twenty-five thousand to one hundred thousand pesos
the forgery almost immediately upon discovery.[63] necessitate the approval of one bank officer; and should the
amount exceed one hundred thousand pesos, the concurrence
It is also worth noting that the forged signatures in PNB v.
of two bank officers is required.[67]
National City Bank of New York were not of the drawer, but of
indorsers. The same circumstance attends PNB v. Court of In this case, not only did the amount in the check nearly total
Appeals,[64] which was also cited by the Court of Appeals. It is one million pesos, it was also payable to cash. That latter
accepted that a forged signature of the drawer differs in treatment circumstance should have aroused the suspicion of the bank, as
than a forged signature of the indorser. it is not ordinary business practice for a check for such large
amount to be made payable to cash or to bearer, instead of to the
The justification for the distinction between forgery of the order of a specified person.[68]Moreover, the check was
signature of the drawer and forgery of an indorsement is that the presented for payment by one Roberto Gonzaga, who was not
drawee is in a position to verify the drawers signature by designated as the payee of the check, and who did not carry with
comparison with one in his hands, but has ordinarily no him any written proof that he was authorized by Samsung
opportunity to verify an indorsement.[65] Construction to encash the check. Gonzaga, a stranger to
FEBTC, was not even an employee of Samsung
Thus, a drawee bank is generally liable to its depositor in paying Construction.[69] These circumstances are already suspicious if
a check which bears either a forgery of the drawers signature or taken independently, much more so if they are evaluated in
a forged indorsement. But the bank may, as a general rule, concurrence. Given the shadiness attending Gonzagas
recover back the money which it has paid on a check bearing a presentment of the check, it was not sufficient for FEBTC to have
forged indorsement, whereas it has not this right to the same merely complied with its internal procedures, but mandatory that
extent with reference to a check bearing a forgery of the all earnest efforts be undertaken to ensure the validity of the
drawers signature.[66] check, and of the authority of Gonzaga to collect payment
The general rule imputing liability on the drawee who paid out
According to FEBTC Senior Assistant Cashier Gemma
on the forgery holds in this case.
Velez, the bank tried, but failed, to contact Jong over the phone
Since FEBTC puts into issue the degree of care it exercised to verify the check.[70] She added that calling the issuer or drawer
before paying out on the forged check, we might as well comment of the check to verify the same was not part of the standard
on the banks performance of its duty. It might be so that the bank procedure of the bank, but an extra effort.[71] Even assuming that
complied with its own internal rules prior to paying out on the such personal verification is tantamount to extraordinary
questionable check. Yet, there are several troubling diligence, it cannot be denied that FEBTC still paid out the check
circumstances that lead us to believe that the bank itself was despite the absence of any proof of verification from the drawer.
remiss in its duty. Instead, the bank seems to have relied heavily on the say-so of
Sempio, who was present at the bank at the time the check was Still, even if the bank performed with utmost diligence, the
presented. drawer whose signature was forged may still recover from the
bank as long as he or she is not precluded from setting up the
FEBTC alleges that Sempio was well-known to the bank
defense of forgery. After all, Section 23 of the Negotiable
officers, as he had regularly transacted with the bank in behalf of
Instruments Law plainly states that no right to enforce the
Samsung Construction. It was even claimed that everytime
payment of a check can arise out of a forged signature. Since the
FEBTC would contact Jong about problems with his account,
drawer, Samsung Construction, is not precluded by negligence
Jong would hand the phone over to Sempio.[72] However, the only
from setting up the forgery, the general rule should apply.
proof of such allegations is the testimony of Gemma Velez, who
Consequently, if a bank pays a forged check, it must be
also testified that she did not know Sempio personally,[73] and
considered as paying out of its funds and cannot charge the
had met Sempio for the first time only on the day the check was
amount so paid to the account of the depositor.[77] A bank is liable,
encashed.[74] In fact, Velez had to inquire with the other officers
irrespective of its good faith, in paying a forged check.[78]
of the bank as to whether Sempio was actually known to the
employees of the bank.[75] Obviously, Velez had no personal WHEREFORE, the Petition is GRANTED. The Decision of
knowledge as to the past relationship between FEBTC and the Court of Appeals dated 28 November 1996 is REVERSED,
Sempio, and any averments of her to that effect should be and the Decision of the Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch 9,
deemed hearsay evidence. Interestingly, FEBTC did not present dated 25 April 1994 is REINSTATED. Costs against respondent.
as a witness any other employee of their Bel-Air branch, including
those who supposedly had transacted with Sempio before.
Puno, (Chairman), Austria-Martinez, Callejo, Sr., and Chico-
Even assuming that FEBTC had a standing habit of dealing
Nazario, JJ., concur.
with Sempio, acting in behalf of Samsung Construction, the
irregular circumstances attending the presentment of the forged
check should have put the bank on the highest degree of
alert. The Court recently emphasized that the highest degree of
care and diligence is required of banks.

Banks are engaged in a business impressed with public interest,

and it is their duty to protect in return their many clients and
depositors who transact business with them. They have the
obligation to treat their clients account meticulously and with the
highest degree of care, considering the fiduciary nature of their
relationship. The diligence required of banks, therefore, is more
than that of a good father of a family.[76]

Given the circumstances, extraordinary diligence dictates

that FEBTC should have ascertained from Jong personally that
the signature in the questionable check was his.

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