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eRezeki Global High Income FastTrack - 12th November 2016

eRezeki Global High Income FastTrack - 12th November 2016

eRezeki Global High Income FastTrack - 12th November 2016

Membership plan o p tio ns


7 0 C o n n e c t s p e r Month*
6 0 C o n n e c t s p e r Month* Shared across the agency

Hourly Protection Rollover Connects

For eligible hourly jobs, you’re ensured Unused Connects automatically carry over to
payment for every hour worked the following month (up to 70)

Fixed-Price Protection Buy Additional Connects

For fixed-price jobs, payments are secured If you run out of Connects, you can buy more at
through pre-funded milestones any time ($1 per Connect)

View Competitor Bids

See the minimum, maximum, and average bid
for any job

Hourly Protection
For eligible hourly jobs, you’re ensured
payment for every hour worked

* N O T E Connects are used to apply for jobs, Fixed-Price Protection

with each application requiring 1to 5 For fixed-price jobs, payments are secured
Connects ( 0 if you’re invited or rehired) through pre-funded milestones
eRezeki Global High Income FastTrack - 12th November 2016

Write an accurate,
focused profile

Write a crisp,
focused profile
Building a great profile
Successful profiles are complete, accurate, and paint a compelling
picture of your skills, services and accomplishments. Your profile is an
opportunity to advertise your freelance business to potential clients, and
you can complete it as needed.
Here are some thoughts on how you can make a great first impression.
eRezeki Global High Income FastTrack - 12th November 2016

B u i l d i n g a g re at profile
Successful profiles are complete, accurate, and paint a compelling picture of your skills, services and
accomplishments. Your profile is an opportunity to advertise your freelance business to potential
clients, and you can complete it as needed.
Here are some thoughts on how you can make a great first impression.

B u i l d i n g a g re at profile


formerly oDesk

Siti Aminah
Megan Malley $77.78/hr
V i s u a l D e s i g n e r
Toronto, C a n a d a

S ave

V i s u a l D e s i g n e r
4 : 0 0 p m local time - 3hr s ahead
Web design Brand consulting Graphic Design


Toronto, C a n a d a
Work History

T O P R AT E D ?

4:00pm local time - 3hrs ahead Overview Play video

1 0 0 % Job Success

Web design Brand consulting Graphic I am a multi-media designer experienced in interaction design, UI/UX, and visual design. I bring a strong knowledge of leading
5 5 8 hours worked

Design design teams, working with stakeholders and in shaping brand strategy. I have been working with Adobe Creative Suite
4 jobs
software for over a decade. I am also proficient using other social media, email marketing and Google marketing and analytics

mo re. . . Availability

A v a i la b l e F u l l t i m e
2 4 h r s response time

Work History and Feedback


A Freelancer’s Guide to Upwork

E n g l i s h Fluent
Newest First

P ro fe s s i o n a l P i c t u r e Ta r g e t e d S k i l l s A c c u r a t e T i t l e 4 j o bs in p ro gres s

• Headshot image of yourself • Pick 4 - 6 skills • Reflects personal experience We b D es i gn er for D e s k to p Ap p l i cati o n 5 .0 0

1 4 4 hours

• Friendly expression • Put your best skills at the top • Indicates preferred jobs "Beautiful work by Megan for one of our new projects. Absolutely no doubt that she's a
skilled designer, and I'd love to hire her again for new projects."
$ 7 7.70 /hr 11,188.80


• Plain background • Take Sk i lls Tests • Short and impactful Aug 2014 –Jan 2015

• Business casual attire

B ra n d g u i d e 5 .0 0

3 6 hours

$ 7 7 . 7 0 /hr
“Fast work, knows what she’s doing. Professional.”
2 , 7 9 7 . 2 0 earned
Aug 2014 –Jan 2015
eRezeki Global High Income FastTrack - 12th November 2016

Overview Play video

I am a multi-media designer experienced in interaction design, UI /UX , and visual

design. I bring a strong knowledge of leading design teams, working with
stakeholders and in shaping brand strategy. I have been working with Adobe
Creative Suite software for over a decade. I am also proficient using other social
media, email marketing and Google marketing and analytics tools...

C ompe l l i ng Ove rvi e w Int roduc t i on V i de o

• U se complete sentences • Add a one minute video about you and your sk i l l s
• No bullet points • Le t clients see your personality
• Describe your busi ness and the services you offer • Explain to clients the services you offer
• Highlight your preferred work
• Include past professional achievements
Dont promote brands or agencies
The Perfect Profile Picture
1) Find your best light
Shady areas outdoors, without direct sunlight, are a great lighting choice. Inside, avoid overhead light,
which creates harsh shadows, and instead look for natural light.

2) Simplify the background

Look for a background that is clear and uncluttered. A solid, not-too-bright wall or simple outdoor
background works well.

3) Focus on your face

Face the camera straight on or with your shoulders at a slight angle. Crop so that you only include your
head and the top of your shoulders.

4) Smile! (You’ll land more jobs)

Clients find smiling freelancers more warm, friendly, and trustworthy. Not used to smiling for the camera?
Try pretending that you are greeting your best friend.
The Perfect Profile Picture

Bad photo composition Good photo composition Good photo setting

Poor light / too dark. Good lighting. Framed into his face.
Not looking at camera. Facing the camera. Simple background.
The Perfect Profile Picture

Good photo cropping Friendly face

Cropped around face. Smiling.
Clean background. Relaxed pose.
eRezeki Global High Income FastTrack - 12th November 2016

The Perfect Profile Picture

eRezeki Global High Income FastTrack - 12th November 2016

The Perfect Profile Picture

How to appear likable, competent, and influenGal

Don’t block your eyes.

Sunglasses drop likeability score, and hair, glare, and shadows drop competence and

Define your jawline. A shadow line that outlines the jaw all the way around helps
with likability, competence, and influence.

Show your teeth when you smile. A closed mouth smile has a small
increase likability. A laughing smile increases likability even more, but you lose ground
in competence and influence. The best smile, according to PhotoFeeler, is a smile with
teeth. This leads to gains across the board in likability (nearly twice that of a closed-
mouth smile), competence, and influence.
eRezeki Global High Income FastTrack - 12th November 2016

The Perfect Profile Picture

How to appear likable, competent, and influenGal

Try formal dress. Dark-colored suits and light-colored buttondowns (with ties, for
men) had the greatest effect on competency and influence out of all other factors.

Head and shoulders (or head to waist). Close-ups on just headshots brought
scores down, as did full body shots.Try a squinch. A squinch is a slight squint. The
idea behind it is that wide eyes look fearful, vulnerable, and uncertain. Slightly
squinted eyes may come across as comfortable and confident. PhotoFeeler found that
squinching eyes has an increase across the board in competence, likability, and
The Perfect Profile Picture 

How to appear likable, competent, and influenGal
eRezeki Global High Income FastTrack - 12th November 2016

Spend Time on Defining

your Profile, Overview
and Skill Selection
eRezeki Global High Income FastTrack - 12th November 2016

Study your competitors

eRezeki Global High Income FastTrack - 12th November 2016

Find the right jobs

for you, based on
your skills
UpWork App



eRezeki Global High Income FastTrack - 12th November 2016

eRezeki Global High Income FastTrack - 12th November 2016

T h e o n e s h o t m a n
eRezeki Global High Income FastTrack - 12th November 2016

T h e c o p y - p a s t e m a n
eRezeki Global High Income FastTrack - 12th November 2016

Re l e va nt ex p e r i e n c e


Re l e va n t Q & A

E x p e c t e d results

H o n e s t rate
C o m m u n i cate the quality you'll deliver

Low High
eRezeki Global High Income FastTrack - 12th November 2016

Freelancer @ Upworks Evolution

R i s i n g Talent P r o g ra m

A Rising Talent badge

on your profile
Specialized customer
support team To p R a t e d P r o g ra m
Personalized profile The Top Rated program
tips to help you stand
recognizes freelancers
who consistently deliver
high-quality work to their

H o w d o y o u q u a l i f y ?
B y consistently delivering great experiences for
H o w d o y o u q u a l i f y ?
your clients on Upwork. Here are more details on
Always comply with the Upwork Terms of Service what it takes to become Top Rated:
and deliver great work!

• A Job Success score of at least 9 0 %

• A 100% complete Upwork profile • 12-month earnings of at least $1,000
• Up-to-date availability status through Upwork
• Regularly submit proposals to projects
• An account in good standing with no recent
relevant in your skill set
account holds
• Deliver great work to your clients and
receive great feedback • A 100% complete profile with photo
• Up to date availability (if unavailable now,
• Complete your projects on time and as set a date estimate)
• At least 3 0 days of work history on Upwork.
eRezeki Global High Income FastTrack - 12th November 2016

M a n a g i n g your reputation a n d profile

Tra c k yo u r stats:
You can carefully oversee all the factors that comprise
your Upwork reputation on your My Stats page.

T h i s page covers three sections:

eRezeki Global High Income FastTrack - 12th November 2016

C l i e n t S a t i s fa c t i o n Illustrates your overall

reputation on the platform.

C o m m u n i c a t i o n Shows
your client responsiveness.
eRezeki Global High Income FastTrack - 12th November 2016

Mar keting Ef fe c t i v e n e s s Tracks your

productiveness on bidding and winning
projects, while also showing profile page
eRezeki Global High Income FastTrack - 12th November 2016

1.Understand the job
2.Check your availability
3.Make it clear why you are the right fit
4.Screen your client
5.Manage your time


6.Have a kick-off meeting
7.Determine how you will work together
8.Set deadlines
9.Make sure you have what you need
10.Be realistic


11.Be proactive
12.Respect deadlines
13.Ask questions
14.Be responsive
15.Request feedback


16.Be sure the client is happy
17.Let the client end the contract
eRezeki Global High Income FastTrack - 12th November 2016

Ready to Fly…

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