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Labels: wild assumptions

Not true associations

Our job is to make a connection between our brands and people
When creating communication, we need to believe that we have an umbilical cord that
truly connects us to the consumer
When working on a brief, find your bellybutton
Bring your target to life. What are their fears and desires, what can I learn about them.
Make them as real as possible

Convergent thinking: one answer to the problem

Divergent thinking: limitless number of right answers

Transactional analysis (Berne): couple of key strands – parent adult child and … and
strokes and rackets
Be aware of us

Strokes and rackets:

We’re always involved in a conversation in a way. I’m okay you’re okay, I’m not okay
you’re not okay, I’m okay you’re not okay, I’m not okay you’re okay
We all seek attention, we have a stroke account, we want to be acknowledged

Parent adult child:

2 types of parents: controlling - nurturing
Adult stage: When we receive information at the purest mode. Nothing is loaded,
everything is pure and as it is
2 types of children: adapted (rebel or act like your parents want you to be) -
natural/playful child (be comfortably and naturally you)

The only state when we find our ideas is natural/playful child.

Let the chimp run most of the time but be able to control it when you need it

TA for Trainers
Games people play

Brief 1: Name your Agency

Story: We aspire to control the narrative

TV Show – fourth nightly – you star in it and make it – 17 episodes – 1 for each brief – 10
min longs – at the end of show, winning case study will be shown

1- Write the brief

2- Write personas
3- Brainstorm for ideas
4- Present it like Don Draper
Make short video and upload it to Youtube (unlisted) before 29th September before town

Girl being raped – but she’s not actually

Brief 2: Design your studio

Behavior is affected by environment.

Create environment that produces the right behavior

2- £922 budget (+what you sell, make, steal)
3- No knocking down walls or doors
4- Can’t move Marc or Hannah’s office

1- Space for 20 teams

2- Space for mentors to move around
3- Make it easy for mentors to know students
4- Space for quiet work
5- Space to put work up on wall
6- Design that keeps studio tidy
7- Think about creating theatre

1) Write Brief
2) Write personas
3) Brainstorm for ideas
4) Spreadsheet showing all costs
5) Present like Don Draper

I want to feel at home, lie down (bed?)

Cult, church

Before 29th September before town hall

- Be funny
- Be crazy

Mark Palmer:


We’re brought up in a certain way: school teaches you what to think instead of how to
think. Which is different in the real world, for example asking questions.

- Thinkertoys
- Sticky Wisdom

When stuck, think about what’s the problem.

1: The 4 Rs
- Related worlds: look at other areas where similar issue or benefit can be seen
- Reexpression: find another way of describing/experiencing issue
- Random: make connections between the issue and random items found in the
- Revolution: write the rules and assumptions down and break them, or go
complete extreme

2: Sun Rain (how you listen, how you use the words)

- React Assume Insist (rain) – bad for creative

- Suspend Understand Nurture (sun)
o Stop. Question, understand, and solve problems
o Kill the negativity

Things that screw you up

“You can’t invent a better mouse trap” ->

Brainstorm p

Ask if you got what the person just told you. Make sure it’s really clear

Questioning techniques

If you want to be creative, get prepared to look stupid. BE BRAVE

What worked in the past doesn’t always work in the future

Remove yourself from your preconceptions
Don’t let assumptions in

Christmas tree process:

Challenge the challenge
Open up possible solutions
Join around & make real


5 reasons why asking questions is important:

- Problems cannot be solved by thinking within the framework in which they’re
o Before you can spot a trend and changes for the future you have to open
your eyes
- Start by asking questions in a different order (golden circles) –
o Ask WHY 4 times
o De Bono 6 thinking hats (white, red, black, yellow, green, blue)
- The thing that stops most people to juggle is to think that they can’t
o First step is to throw the ball in the air
- It’s always your fault
- There’s no such thing as bad weather. Only the wrong clothes
o If your answer is wrong, find another solution

Remind yourself past is past, and what is spent is spent!!!!!!

If in doubt: WHAT WOULD A KID DO?

What else could the question be?

Learn to prototype

Cognitive dissonance – it doesn’t make sense to you so you reject

Information – Insight – Idea – Output – Make real

The process of perturbation

Always write a challenge as a question. Then change the words and challenge the
- SCAMPER: Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put, Eliminate,

How to get Google to brainstorm for you:

- Pinterest
- Quora
- Google alerts


Handy grid: Old way <-> New way, New thing <-> Old thing

Brainwriting (write without stopping)

3 perspectives: Look at things from 3 different perspectives

Similies: if …. Were/is/were like, ….

Related worlds: other businesses, other people with related expertise, science, history,
Random: Let yourself be random. Say random words, and random words from them, and
random words from them

All these techniques are made to have stimulus and fresh perspective


Deploying facilitation (where/how to start these techniques):

- Spontaneous
- Planned
- Express
- Crowd-sourced
- Structural
- Procedural
- Organizational

Brainstorm for words, draw from that, make associations, and reconnect to the problem

Whiskas Simply eat app – delivery food for all, you and your cat – make the food come to
you – takeaways as well
Simple food for simple cats – cat boring just going to eat something walking
Vending machines
Delivery (collab w/ Dominos etc)
Sell at market
Purr Harbour
Print ads that seem like Sheba and Friskies but with fat cats
List of ingredients in most cat foods
Whiskas jacket for cats to come hug you/or something you can put on your laps for them
to eat
What do we want to do? Sell Whiskas Simply
Oversimple posters and ads – just a fish, just beef
Make it simple to get
Cat gym
Cat sport exercise
Cat Olympics
The insides of a cat
Simple answer
Simple keyboard
Cut the crap
Complex questions, simple answers – google button, chrome add-on, interactive poster,
Vegan cat squad
Dead cats hit by car in the street cause Whiskas simply fell off
Complex lives, simple needs – catlympics – share your cat’s craziest tricks (trying to get
Whiskas?) every week and vote for a winner
Simple answer to complex needs
Army -
(For small companies), have a “Crack today” brief website for creative to show what
they can do in a day so companies can chose them. Website gives briefs

All cats are not as funny as in the videos. Most of them are lazy and never really move:
they sleep 70% of the time.
Simple cats, simple needs.
Boringcats app: film your cat doing nothing and being boring /

Girls like men with pussies

- Catpool – loan a cat – Catbnb – Cat 4 a night

o Get laid simply
o Treat your cat well cause it’s gonna help you get laid
o Cat for a night
o The one who gets the cat can buy Simply food with the order
Simply get laid.
Order a cat for a night when on a date – buy Simply with it
Complex needs simple solution

Problem: Some cats have a harder life than others

Insight: Girls like men with pussies
Solution: Make men adopt cats by promoting their sex appeal and give cats a simpler life
Execution: Partner with cat adoption centers in an app to adopt cats

- App: Get profiles of cats from closest adoption centers, show interest and go
adopt one and get invite to private party
o Cat profiles
o Map to locate adoption centers
o Adopt a cat and get invite to private party
 Sheryl Cole to sponsor the party
o Get free Simply
- Streaker carrying cats chased by hot girls
o Show it will be online
- Hijack Google and porn sites
o Get laid with free pussies banners
o Get a pussy tonight
- Get popular Sheryl Cole to slip in an interview: I like men with pussies (before
app launch)

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