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chemical engineering research and design 8 7 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1328–1339

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Thermally integrated bio-syngas-production for


T. Bludowsky ∗ , D.W. Agar

Technical University Dortmund, Department of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering, Laboratory of Technical Chemistry B,
Emil-Figge-Str. 66, 44227 Dortmund, Germany

a b s t r a c t

Maximising the thermal efficiency of a biorefinery is a major challenge in the production of economically competitive
biomass-based chemicals. This paper compares different bio-syngas to methanol routes with respect to their energy
demands and proposes a novel heat integration concept.
Previous studies on biorefineries have tended to focus on the chemical transformations involved. The defunction-
alisation of biofeedstocks required to eliminate the excess oxygen they contain is also a very energy-consuming
process, which exerts a considerable influence on the overall yields which can be achieved. In this article we deal
with the less appreciated issue of thermal integration by analysing two principle routes for the generation of ‘bio’-
synthesis gas for methanol synthesis: a conventional high temperature biomass gasification process and a scheme
based on aqueous-phase reforming (APR). Low temperature gasification processes below 250 ◦ C, such as APR, permit
one to use the heat liberated in the methanol synthesis for the endothermic synthesis gas production step. The com-
position of the resultant synthesis gas must be modified slightly to meet the demands of the methanol synthesis
reaction using a low temperature retro-water-gas shift reaction in a special adsorptive reactor. The results indicate
that the low temperature arrangement has an edge in terms of the net energy consumption for a given methanol
production and the analysis reveals topics of interest for future research in this area.
© 2009 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Biorefinery; Thermal integration; Synthesis gas; Aqueous-phase reforming; Methanol synthesis

1. Introduction small fraction is employed for chemical production. Since the

amount of agricultural or other suitable land available for
The depletion of fossil fuel reserves makes it necessary to find biomass harvesting is limited and must also serve the needs
alternatives for both energy generation and the production of food production, it can be easily calculated that it is unfea-
of organic chemicals. The use of biomass has been proposed sible to meet even the present demands for energy production
as a promising, environmentally compatible and sustainable using biomass-based fuels, even using second generation lig-
solution to both problems. Whilst there are a variety of other nocellulosic biofuels. On the other hand the use of renewable
options available for energy generation, e.g. atomic, solar and biomass resources for the chemical industry is a much more
wind power, biomass alone can serve as a carbon source for viable proposition, offering little competition to other land use
the production of chemicals once fossil fuels are exhausted. needs. Of the 11,050 m2 of usable land available pro capita
It is thus necessary to develop new industrial manufacturing in 2050, woefully inadequate for energy requirements, it has
processes for chemicals based on renewable resources. been estimated that around 400 m2 would suffice to cover the
The amounts of biomass required provide a further argu- needs of chemical production (Pfennig, 2007).
ment for its use in chemical production rather than for energy The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL, 2008)
generation. Fig. 1 illustrates that the overwhelming propor- has designated the biorefinery concept, analogous to today’s
tion of fossil fuels is used for the generation of electrical and petrochemical refineries, as the most promising approach for
thermal energy or in the transport sector, whilst a relatively the production of biomass-based chemicals. Biorefineries use

Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 (0) 231 755 5332; fax: +49 (0) 231 755 2698.
E-mail address: (T. Bludowsky).
Received 13 October 2008; Received in revised form 24 February 2009; Accepted 5 March 2009
0263-8762/$ – see front matter © 2009 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
chemical engineering research and design 8 7 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1328–1339 1329

Fig. 1 – Consumption of fossil fuels in 2006 (IEA, 2008).

physical, chemical, biological and thermal treatments and

processes to fractionate and transform the biomass into plat-
form chemicals that can be used for biobased commodity
chemical production (Kamm et al., 2006). Due to the high func-
tional nature of the molecules present in the biomass, all these
processes have the elimination of unwanted functional groups Fig. 2 – Temperature levels of various syngas generation
as a common objective. processes.
There are two major strategies for defunctionalising
biomolecules. The first is to breakdown the biomass par- sis, gasification and steam reforming lie well above those of
tially into its underlying building blocks, a concept which the typical chemical processes for converting synthesis gas to
has the advantage of exploiting the natural synthesis poten- chemical. A direct thermal coupling between the exothermic
tial available. Werty and Petersen (2004) have identified 12 MS or FTS and the endothermic synthesis gas generation is
attractive building blocks for the further synthesis of high- thus not possible. The heat of reaction needed for pyrolysis
value biobased chemicals. Even so, the resulting molecules or gasification therefore has to be supplied externally by com-
still often have to be defunctionalised further prior to their bustion as in the conventional petrochemical plants described
use for commodity chemical production and their integration above. Ideally, providing the heat required for synthesis gas
into established chemical manufacturing network structures generation directly from the heat of reaction liberated by the
is a daunting challenge. MS or FTS could permit drastic improvements in the overall
The second strategy is to transform the biomass completely efficiency of biomass utilisation. From Fig. 2 it can be seen that
into the C1 feedstock synthesis gas. On one hand this con- the only gasification process enabling an expedient thermal
cept has the disadvantage that a lot of energy is needed to integration of this kind is that of aqueous-phase reforming
rupture carbon chains, which must then be reconstructed (APR).
with considerable effort in the subsequent synthesis and pro- Cortright et al. (2002) have demonstrated, that carbo-
cessing steps. On the other hand this technique represents hydrate monomers can be converted under relatively mild
a relatively straightforward front-end substitution yielding a conditions (225 ◦ C, 30 bar) in the presence of a catalysts into
feedstock that can be used for conventional thermochemi- carbon dioxide and hydrogen by means of APR. Supported
cal syntheses in existing plants to produce a wide variety of Pt/Al2 O3 or Raney NiSn, which suppress the chemically unde-
commodity chemicals. Moreover synthesis gas or syngas gen- sirable methanation reaction, can be used as catalysts (Davda
eration is perhaps more appropriate for decentralised biomass et al., 2005; Shabaker et al., 2004). Since the reaction takes
processing and can be easily transported over pipelines to place in the liquid phase, the energy-intensive evaporation of
larger plants for further conversion. As a consequence of any water present can be dispensed with in APR, making it
these advantages many biorefinery concepts incorporate syn- especially suitable for the gasification of moist biomass. A fur-
gas generation, either as a major pathway in its own right or ther advantage is that the gas is generated at higher pressure,
as an essential component of defunctionalisation strategies thus saving the compression energy that would otherwise be
(Kamm and Kamm, 2007). need for most downstream processing. The major disadvan-
Depending on the raw material, pyrolysis, gasification or tage of APR is that it is only able to convert the carbohydrate
steam reforming are commonly used to manufacture bio- monomers derived from cellulose and hemicellulose and, in
syngas. The problem with such endothermic processes is the contrast to high temperature gasification, it cannot process
high temperature level required for conversion using con- the substantial lignin fraction of the biomass. A pre-treatment,
ventional technologies. A low temperature process would hydrolysis and fractionation of the biomass would thus be
be more suitable for thermal integration with downstream necessary before APR could be applied (Huber and Dumesic,
exothermic processing steps, such as methanol synthesis (MS) 2006).
or Fischer–Tropsch-synthesis (FTS). Today’s petrochemical By way of an example, the APR of glucose, the constituent
plants face a similar predicament: the initial functionalisation monomer of cellulose, can be considered as a benchmark:
of alkanes to carbon monoxide or alkenes in steam reform-
ers or steam crackers necessitate temperatures of around C6 H12 O6 + 6H2 O → 6CO2 + 12H2 HR0 = +627 kJ/mol (1)
900–1000 ◦ C, which can only be provided through the combus-
tion of by-products or some of the fossil fuel feedstock itself. Methanation occurs as an unwanted consecutive side-
This represents a considerable sacrifice in terms of yields and reaction:
efficiencies and requires costly heat-integrated reactor sys-
tems. CO2 + 4H2  CH4 + 2H2 O HR0 = −165 kJ/mol (2)
Fig. 2 depicts the temperature levels required for vari-
ous processes generating synthesis gas from biomass. It can In order to be able to use the synthesis gas produced in
be recognised, that the operating temperatures for pyroly- the methanol or Fischer–Tropsch syntheses, it is necessary to
1330 chemical engineering research and design 8 7 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1328–1339

raise the concentration of carbon monoxide in the gas. This These specifications are best met by zeolites, the well-defined
can be done using the retro-water-gas shift reaction (RWGS), pore networks of which, for example in the NaX und 3A forms,
which takes place on a CuO/ZnO/Al2 O3 catalyst. provide selective water adsorption characteristics (Richrath,
2007). Apart from this, the non-linear adsorption isotherms of
the pertinent zeolites exhibit high adsorption capacities even
CO2 + H2  CO + H2 O HR0 = +41.2 kJ/mol (3)
at low water vapor partial pressures.
In the concept presented by Carvill et al. (1996) there are
The maximal conversion in the RWGS is dictated by the four further phases in addition to the reaction/adsorption
chemical equilibrium of reaction (3). Due to the endother- period, for the regeneration of the adsorbent (Fig. 3). The first
mic nature of the reaction, conversion of 50% or more can stage in desorption is the depressurisation of the reactor (Step
only be attained at temperatures in excess of 800 ◦ C in con- 2) and subsequent stripping of the fixed-bed with an inert gas
ventional reactors. Normal operation of an RWGS reactor is (Step 3). The reactor is then flushed with the product gas (Step
thus unsuitable for an energy-efficient, thermally integrated 4) and the pressure raised back up to the operating level for
carbon monoxide production, since the high reaction tem- the reaction phase (Step 5).
perature would render thermal coupling with the MS or FTS The main shortcoming of this process is naturally the cyclic
impossible, thus negating the advantage of the aqueous-phase operation, which means that at least two reactors must be
reforming in this respect. operated in parallel to ensure continuous operation of the
In order to permit a reaction temperature for the RWGS plant.
which is as low as possible whilst still permitting a rea- The modified synthesis gas obtained from RWGS can
sonable conversion, Carvill proposed a “Sorption-Enhanced then be fed to the methanol and Fischer–Tropsch synthe-
Reaction Process” (Carvill et al., 1996; Nararaj et al., 1996), ses. Methanol is one of the most important basic chemicals
an in situ adsorption of the water vapor formed takes place manufactured globally in terms of sheer volume (41 × 106 t/a
simultaneously with the catalytic reaction. The removal of in 2007) (PCI - Ockerbloom & Co, 2008). The first industrial
the water vapor from the reaction mixture shifts the position methanol synthesis was implemented by BASF in 1923 on a
of the chemical equilibrium toward the increased production Zn/Cr2 O3 -Katalysator at temperatures between 300 and 450 ◦ C
of carbon monoxide. In this manner, one can achieve almost and pressures of 250–350 bar. Today the process is mostly car-
complete carbon dioxide conversion at temperatures as low ried out on a Cu/ZnO-based catalyst at lower pressures (50–100
as 250 ◦ C, if desired. bar) and temperatures (230–300 ◦ C) (Fiedler et al., 2000). The
The adsorptive reactor for RWGS comprises a mixed primary reactions occurring in the methanol synthesis reac-
fixed-bed of catalyst and adsorbent pellets. A standard low tor are the parallel hydrogenation of carbon monoxide (4) and
temperature water-gas shift catalyst of CuO/ZnO/Al2 O3 can be carbon dioxide (5) to methanol and the reverse water-gas shift
used for this purpose, for example, as it provides an accept- reaction (3).
able reaction rate for the reverse reaction at the temperature
envisaged (Amadeo and Laborde, 1995). The adsorbent must
CO + 2H2  CH3 OH HR0 = −90 kJ/mol (4)
possess a high adsorption capacity at the reaction tempera-
ture of around 250 ◦ C, take up water vapor selectively and be
stable under cyclic operation under the prevailing conditions. CO2 + 3H2  CH3 OH + H2 O HR0 = −49 kJ/mol (5)

Fig. 3 – Cycle phases of sorption enhanced RWGS adapted from Carvill et al. (1996).
chemical engineering research and design 8 7 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1328–1339 1331

Fig. 4 – Two-platform concept of a conventional LCF biorefinery, adapted from Kamm and Kamm (2007).

The most widespread production processes for methanol olefin (MTO) process developed by Mobil (Stöcker, 1999) or the
are the quasi-isothermal Lurgi process and the adiabatic ICI methanol to propylene (MTP) process recently presented by
process (Cheng, 1994). For the thermal coupling sought here, Lurgi (2008) methanol can also serve as a basic chemical for
only the quasi-isothermal multitubular reactor need be con- polymer production. Hydrocarbon fuels may also be gener-
sidered further, since the staged adiabatic reactor does not ated from methanol with the help of the methanol to gasoline
permit such an effective removal of the heat of reaction. For (MTG) technology (Tabak and Yurchak, 1990). For this rea-
optimal conversion the synthesis gas ratio (H2 –CO2 )/(CO + CO2 ) son methanol represents a critical link in synthesis gas based
should be slightly above 2 in the methanol synthesis feed product network structures.
(Cheng, 1994). The direct synthesis for fuels from synthesis gas can be car-
Methanol is itself a feedstock for a whole series of further ried out directly using the Fischer–Tropsch process, which was
chemicals. The largest amounts are used in the manufac- discovered in the first half of the twentieth century and devel-
ture of formaldehyde (35%), MTBE (9%) and acetic acid (9%) oped for large-scale production during the Second World War.
(Spath and Dayton, 2003). By means of the methanol to Iron, cobalt or ruthenium can be used as catalysts (Huber et

Fig. 5 – Process concept for a heat-integrated biorefinery.

1332 chemical engineering research and design 8 7 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1328–1339

al., 2006) and FTS can be practised in one of two basic variants: will be developed as will a corresponding system comprising
the high temperature FTS (330–350 ◦ C) producing mostly short a conventional high temperature gasification with a down-
chain hydrocarbons (gasoline) and light olefins in a fluidised- stream methanol synthesis.
bed reactor usually based on the design of SASOL (Kaneko All the mass and energy balances were implemented in
et al., 2001) or the low temperature (220–250 ◦ C) slurry bub- ASPEN PLUSTM software. Glucose was used as a model com-
ble column reactor technology (Güttel et al., 2007), in which ponent for biomass, since it is the underlying building block
waxes and long chain hydrocarbons predominate. The FTS (6) of cellulose and its properties are well known. The ther-
is strongly exothermic and thus eminently suitable as a heat modynamic data required were calculated with the help of
source for the APR process. the Predictive Soave–Redlich–Kwong model (Holderbaum and
Gmehling, 1991). Both processes involving synthesis gas gen-
CO + 2H2  (1/n)Cn H2n + H2 O HR0 < 0 (6) eration and methanol synthesis are designed to produce one
tonne of methanol per hour as a benchmark. All thermal and
electrical inputs and outputs given thus refer to this pro-
A drawback of FTS is the inherent chain growth mechanism
duction rate. To simplify matters, the pressure losses in the
according to Anderson–Schulz–Flory-probability distribution
individual unit operations have been neglected.
(ASF) (Güttel et al., 2007), so that complex product mixtures
are always obtained, which must then be fractionated prior
2.1. Gasification processes
to subsequent processing for chemical production. Attempts
to overcome the intrinsic ASF-distribution have so far proved
For the high temperature gasification of biomass to gener-
fruitless (Huber et al., 2006).
ate synthesis gas, only processes yielding a very low level of
To help visualise the concept being proposed for thermal
inert gases need be considered (Bridgwater, 1984). Air-blown
integration the dual platform concept (sugar and syngas) for
gasification can thus be rejected because of the high nitro-
a lignocellulosic feedstock biorefinery) (LCF) as described by
gen concentrations in the resulting synthesis gases. Thus only
Kamm and Kamm (2007) will be considered (Fig. 4). In this
either indirectly heated or oxygen-blown gasifications remain
concept some of the biomass is broken down into the basic
as options. For the purposes of the balance equations an indi-
component fractions of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin,
rect gasification process was selected, since it provided the
from which further platform chemicals are then recovered
most appropriate comparison with the APR. In the indirect
as described earlier. The remaining biomass feedstock is con-
gasification, the synthesis gas generation and the combustion
verted to synthesis gas by gasification processes, which is then
take place in spatially segregated reactors, so that the synthe-
either used in chemical production or for the associated gen-
sis gas is uncontaminated by the flue gas from the air-blown
eration of energy to cover the biorefinery requirements. In this
combustion and thus contains no nitrogen.
process a portion of the biomass, usually the chemically less
In order to attain a high level of hydrogen in the product
accessible lignin, must be burnt to heat the gasification reac-
gas, a steam gasification was chosen. The operating conditions
tor, which is operated at around 800 ◦ C. The heat of reaction
were selected to reflect the measurements of Herguido et al.
from the MS or the FTS cannot be used for the purpose, since
(1992) in which the gasification product gas was reported to
the temperature level is too low. Of course it can nevertheless
exhibit a H2 /CO ratio of 2. This ratio can be manipulated easily
be used elsewhere within the biorefinery, e.g. for thermohy-
by varying the amount of steam fed, thus rendering further
adjustment through the water-gas shift reaction superfluous.
The modification of the standard LCF biorefinery concept
In accordance with the data provided by Herguido et al.
proposed here is illustrated in Fig. 5. The biomass is first
(1992) the gasification was considered to be carried out at
fractionated into lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose. The last
800 ◦ C and atmospheric pressure. The gasification (7), water-
two components are then broken down into their monomeric
gas shift (8) and the methanation (9) reactions were taken into
carbohydrate constituents using biological and/or chemical
processes. The sugars thus produced can either serve as sub-
strates for further chemical or biological transformations to
C6 H12 O6 → 6CO + 6H2 HR0 = +610 kJ/mol (7)
chemical intermediates or, alternatively, be converted into
synthesis gas with the help of the APR process. The synthesis
gas composition required is adjusted by means of the adsorp- CO + H2  CO2 + H2 O HR0 = −41.2 kJ/mol (8)
tive RWGS reactor. The methanol formed in the following
synthesis step can either be used directly or further converted CO + 2H2  CH4 + H2 O HR0 = −206 kJ/mol (9)
to whatever products are desired in the manner described ear-
lier. None of the processes involved are actually new, but their The product gas composition given by Herguido et al. (1992)
combination in this way permits one to utilise the heat of corresponds to typical results for the steam gasification of
reaction liberated in the methanol reactor at c. 250 ◦ C for the biomass and is given in Table 1. To fulfil the mass balance
gasification in the APR reactor at 225 ◦ C. The lignin arising in requirements with this composition the following overall reac-
this process can either be directly converted to chemicals or
used to meet other energy demands within the biorefinery.
Table 1 – Product composition for steam-gasification
(Herguido et al., 1992).
2. Balance equations Component Mol%

H2 51
In this section the process concept for synthesis gas produc-
CO 24
tion from biomass proposed in the previous section will be
CO2 19
compared with a conventional gasification scheme. For this CH4 6
purpose a flowsheet for the APR, RWGS and MS arrangement
chemical engineering research and design 8 7 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1328–1339 1333

Fig. 6 – Gasification process with methanol synthesis.

tion equation was derived (10). biogas plants (Kapdi et al., 2005). In the literature, the energy
demand for CO2 removal using mixtures of secondary and ter-
C6 H12 O6 + 1.7H2 O → 6.32H2 + 2.92CO + 2.39CO2 + 0.69CH4 tiary amines in a two stage absorber is estimated to be around
30 MJ/kmol CO2 .
HR0 = +446 kJ/mol (10) The compression of the synthesis gas up to the methanol
synthesis pressure of 50 bar was assumed to be carried out
For purposes of comparison with this gasification process, in two stages with intermediate cooling. The heat dissipation
the product gas composition from an operational technical- into the cooling system was assumed to be at a low temper-
scale process employing a fast internal circulating bed (FICFB) ature level and thus non-recoverable. The energy balance for
biomass gasification in a power station at Güssing, Austria the compression assumed an isentropic process with an esti-
(Hofbauer et al., 2002; Wiese, 2008) with a water-gas shift con- mated efficiency of 72%.
version was also used for one set of balance calculations. The methanol synthesis was carried out at 250 ◦ C and
Since only minimal deviations were observed from the gasifi- 50 bar. An overall conversion of 100% was assumed, which in
cation process selected, the results for the steam gasification practice in almost achieved with the help of a recycle stream
described by Herguido et al. (1992) can probably be considered (Fiedler et al., 2000). By-product formation and the resulting
representative for atmospheric pressure steam gasification purification of the raw methanol that would be necessary were
processes. not considered. For balancing purposes only the formation of
It was further assumed that the feedstock is entirely con- methanol via CO (4) was considered.
verted to synthesis gas in the gasification. The formation of
coke, tar and oil was neglected. This assumption is justified, 3. APR process
since the gasification process under consideration is oper-
ated with external heating and the amount of biomass to The flowsheet proposed for the APR process is based on the
be burnt to meet the heat demand is calculated retrospec- values provided in the literature by Cortright et al. (2002).
tively. In the actual indirectly heated gasification, the coke The reaction takes place at 225 ◦ C and 50 bar. The pressure
and tars formed would be burnt, thus reducing the amount selected was somewhat higher than that given in the litera-
of biomass needed for this purpose. As an indication of the ture cited to save on subsequent compression of the gas for
expected product distribution for atmospheric gasification at the methanol synthesis. The level of conversion of glucose to
800 ◦ C the results of Bridgewater (1994), showing a ratio of gaseous products was set at 50%. Other liquid phase reactions
Gas:Chars:Tars = 0.85:0.1:0.05, can be used. were neglected, since it was assumed that the soluble organic
The overall energy balance of the gasification process con- compounds thus formed would be converted to synthesis gas
siders the feedstock heating and evaporation, the gasification during subsequent passes of the recycle stream through the
process itself, the cooling of the gaseous products, the CO2 reactor, thus fulfilling the overall reaction equation. The aque-
removal process, the compression of the synthesis gas up ous reforming (1) and methanation (2) reactions were taken
to the methanol synthesis pressure, the methanol synthesis into consideration. The recycle flow could be ascertained using
and the cooling of the final product stream. For reasons of the specified inlet concentration of the APR reactor of 1% m/m
brevity, further details of the process and the heat exchange
networks will not be presented in detail. The process flowsheet
is depicted in Fig. 6. Table 2 – Product composition after aqueous-phase
The carbon dioxide separation is not explicitly modelled reforming.
in the energy balance. It is assumed that the energy require- Component Mol%
ments for this step are similar in both processes and thus
H2 57
cancel one another out. In practice one can use a simple non-
CO2 36
regenerative water scrubber for removing carbon dioxide from CH4 7
pressurised gas streams, as in the processing of methane from
1334 chemical engineering research and design 8 7 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1328–1339

Fig. 7 – APR + RWGS + MeOH-synthesis process.

glucose. The assumed composition of the synthesis gas gener- parallel, which require the same period for adsorption and
ated is given in Table 2, which is based on the measurements of desorption. These two reactors are treated as a single unit
Cortright et al. (2002). In order to obtain results consistent with operation and therefore in our model only the overall external
the reaction system given above, the values were modified heat input needed to cover the reaction enthalpy is supplied.
slightly. For the methanol synthesis and all other unit operations
One thus obtains the following overall reaction for the APR the same conditions and assumptions were employed as in the
(11): high temperature gasification process described previously.
The flowsheet is depicted in Fig. 7.
C6 H12 O6 + 4.08H2 O  8.16H2 + 5.04CO2 + 0.96CH4
4. Results
HR0 = +385 kJ/mol (11)

The solution of the mass balance equations for the processes

As a simplification, the adsorptive RWGS reactor was mod- presented in the previous sections yielded the results given in
elled as a normal stoichiometric reactor with subsequent Table 3. It can be seen that for the APR + RWGS-process more
water vapor removal. The reverse water-gas shift reaction (3) glucose must be provided for the same amount of methanol.
achieves a carbon dioxide conversion of nearly 100% during This is a consequence of the larger amount of methane formed
the reaction/adsorption phase (Carvill et al., 1996). For the as a by-product in the APR reaction. The amount of carbon
simulation, continuous operation of the RWGS was assumed, dioxide purged from both processes is similar, but neverthe-
which in practice would be realised by tandem operation of at less slightly higher in the APR process because the H2 /CO2
least two reactors in parallel. The heat of adsorption has been ratio in the synthesis gas formed is somewhat less than twice
neglected in the calculations, as it is anticipated that it would the H2 /CO ratio in the high temperature gasification process.
be consumed regeneratively during the subsequent adsorbent Furthermore the much greater water feed to the APR process
regeneration through decompression. The energy required for is apparent, that largely reappears as condensate product.
compression during the regenerative cycle of the RWGS reac- It would be desirable to cut the recycle flow rate in the
tor was not taken into account, since it is almost negligible by APR reactor by operating at higher glucose concentrations, to
virtue of the low volumetric flows involved. improve process economics by reducing equipment dimen-
The assumption of ignoring the adsorption/desorption sions. However, Davda and Dumesic (2004) and Davda et al.
enthalpies in the retro-water-gas shift (RWGS) reactor can (2005) report that the hydrogen selectivity diminishes dra-
be justified briefly as follows: in comparison to the adsorp- matically and hydrocarbon levels rise when 10% m/m glucose
tion enthalpy released (HR Ads = −75 kJ/mol, Carvill et al., feed concentration is used. They attribute this phenomenon
1996) the endothermic reaction enthalpy of RWGS is lower
(HR RWGS = +41 kJ/mol), and thus the overall adsorptive reac-
tion process is only mildly exothermic. For this modest Table 3 – Mass balances.
amount of heat, it is anticipated that the fixed-bed can serve Gasification process APR + RWGS-process
as a regenerative heat store over the reactive-desorptive cycle
(Nieken and Watzenberger, 1999). In the desorptive phase, the Stream Inlet [kg/h] Stream Inlet [kg/h]
regeneratively stored heat is then consumed by the desorption Water 328 Water 4504
process. The temperature excursions associated with such Glucose 1925 Glucose 2068
internal regenerative heat recovery can be minimised by incor-
porating additional thermal ballast in the fixed-bed or by using Gasification process APR + RWGS-process
phase change materials to enhance isothermal heat storage Stream Outlet [kg/h] Stream Outlet [kg/h]
capacities. Nevertheless, the heat for the RWGS reaction still of
course has to be provided regardless of this regenerative heat CO2 1124 Condensed water 3662
MeOH 1000 CO2 1171
exchange process. Assuming only minor temperature changes
Off-gas 129 RWGS-water 562
during cyclic operation, the driving force for desorption is the
MeOH 1000
depressurisation (e.g. from 50 bar to atmosphere pressure). In Off-gas 177
our model we have assumed two RWGS reactors operated in
chemical engineering research and design 8 7 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1328–1339 1335

Table 4 – Heat exchange and energy demands.

Gasification process APR + RWGS-process

Unit Cold streams [kW] Unit Cold streams [kW]

HeatEx3 1783 HeatEx1 1444

Gasification 1385 APR 2857
HeatEx2 279
RWGS reactor 337

Gasification process APR + RWGS-process

Unit Hot streams [kW] Unit Hot streams [kW]

HeatEx4. 994 Condenser (1) 3064

MeOH-reactor 884 MeOH-reactor 886
Product cooler (3) 438 Product cooler (2) 437

Gasification process APR + RWGS-process

Unit Electrical power [kW] Unit Electrical power [kW]

Compressor 1 263 Pump 27

Compressor 2 465

to undesirable liquid phase reactions and propose the hydro- consumes 1268 kW for the endothermic reaction and 1589 kW
genation of glucose to sorbitol in an additional upstream for water evaporation. It can be seen that, without this latent
reactor to counteract this difficulty, since sorbitol exhibits heat effect, the methanol reactor could supply roughly 70%
higher hydrogen selectivities at higher inlet concentrations in of the heat needed for the APR reaction. However, it must be
the APR. remembered that heat input is also required for the RWGS
When one considers the heat and energy consumptions of reactor, albeit much less than for the APR reactor.
the two processes given in Table 4 one is struck by the higher A pinch analysis was carried out for both processes, using
heat energy requirement of the APR reactor compared to the the ASPEN PinchTM software. Calculation of the composite
high temperature gasification, although the reaction enthalpy curves was done by the method presented from Lindhoff
for the APR is somewhat lower. This apparent contradiction (Linnhoff and Hindmarsh, 1983), assuming a minimal tem-
is due to the evaporation of water within the reactor. The perature difference of 10 ◦ C between hot and cold streams in
pressure of the APR process (50 bar) lies well above the boil- heat exchangers. The most important thermal properties and
ing pressure at the prevailing temperature of 225 ◦ C (25.5 bar), streams for both processes can be found in Table 5.
but the fraction of water vapor in the gas following phase In the composite curves for the gasification shown in Fig. 8,
separation in nevertheless about 56%, due to the high vapor it is apparent that the heat of reaction must be supplied exter-
pressure of water at this temperature. Overall the APR reactor nally. For the reaction temperature level of 800 ◦ C, combustion

Table 5 – Thermal properties.

APR + RWGS-process

Stream ṁ [kg/h] Vapor fraction Cp [kJ/kg K] H [MJ/kg] T [K]

Inlet water 4504 0 4.26 −15.88 25 ◦ C

Inlet glucose 2068 0 3.06 −8.20 25 ◦ C
APR reactor inlet 287110 0 4.84 −14.91 225 ◦ C
APR reactor outlet 287110 0.023 4.79 −14.87 225 ◦ C
RWGS reactor inlet 1740 1 2.75 −6.97 250 ◦ C
RWGS reactor outlet gas 1177 1 2.82 −3.01 250 ◦ C
RWGS reactor outlet H2 O 562 0 5.25 −14.89 250 ◦ C
MeOH-reactor outlet 1177 1 2.51 −5.72 250 ◦ C
Off-gas 177 1 2.61 −4.70 25 ◦ C
MeOH 1000 0 2.78 −7.48 25 ◦ C

Gasification process

Stream ṁ [kg/h] Vapor fraction Cp [kJ/kg K] H [MJ/kg] T [K]

Inlet water 328 0 4.26 −15.88 25 ◦ C

Inlet glucose 1925 0 3.06 −8.20 25 ◦ C
Gasification inlet 2253 1 2.39 −6.47 800 ◦ C
Gasification outlet 2253 1 2.25 −4.65 800 ◦ C
MeOH-reactor inlet 1129 1 2.92 −2.90 250 ◦ C
MeOH-reactor outlet 1129 1 2.56 −5.72 250 ◦ C
Off-gas 119 1 3.45 −4.31 25 ◦ C
MeOH 1000 0 2.788 −7.48 25 ◦ C
1336 chemical engineering research and design 8 7 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1328–1339

Fig. 10 – Composite curves—APR at 100 bar + RWGS-process.

Fig. 8 – Composite curves—gasification process.

is the only suitable process which can cover this requirement. synthesis gas from the high temperature gasification process
The waste heat from the methanol synthesis is only partially requires a much greater power input than feeding the glu-
utilised in the process considered. In practice the relatively cose solution into the pressurised APR system. Assuming a
high temperature level of 250 ◦ C would certainly make it an power station efficiency of 40% for electrical power genera-
attractive proposition for alternative thermal applications in tion means that the electrical energy must be weighted by a
the biorefinery, for example biomass solubilisation. From a factor of 2.5 higher than the thermal energy. Determining over-
general point of view only relatively little poorly utilisable ther- all energy requirement in this manner (i.e. thermal + electrical
mal energy arises in this process. The pinch temperature for power inputs) manifests a clear advantage for the APR process
this process has a value of 245 ◦ C. over the gasification (2442 kW vs. 3790 kW), even allowing for
For the composites curves of the APR process (Fig. 9) the increased cooling capacity for the former.
it should be noted, that the entire heat production in the In order to suppress the evaporation of water in the APR
methanol synthesis can be consumed in the APR reaction. one could employ higher operating pressures in the APR reac-
However, this amount of heat is entirely inadequate to meet tor. Increasing the liquid feed pumping power to realise this
all the thermal needs of the APR. The evaporation of water in would probably present little difficulty. However, Davda et al.
the APR reactor leads on one hand to a substantial increase in (2005) report an increase in hydrogenation activity at higher
the external heat requirement and on the other necessitates pressures, with the result that selectivities tend to shift from
an almost equally large increase in the cooling capacity, since hydrogen to alkanes. Ignoring this chemical effect and assum-
only a small fraction of the heat of condensation can be effec- ing the same gas composition as before leads to the composite
tively utilised within the process. Since the internal process curves for operation at 100 bar shown in Fig. 10. It is clear that
heat source has been exhausted, the RWGS reactor must be in this case only a relatively small part of the heat require-
externally heated, since no other heat source is available for ment of the APR reactor arises due to evaporative water losses
this purpose. The pinch temperature in this case is 220 ◦ C. with the product gases, and, as a consequence, about 50%
A comparison of the two processes reveals that under the of APR heat demand can now be covered by the heat from
prevailing conditions the APR process has a higher exter- the methanol synthesis. This cuts the external heat input
nal heat demand than the gasification process, despite the necessary by roughly 40% (816 kW) in comparison to the gasi-
thermal coupling with the methanol synthesis. The intended fication, whilst the pump power required increases from 27
effect of saving thermal inputs cannot be achieved, since too to 41 kW. This measure is still energetically attractive when
much water is being evaporated in the APR reactor. How- the electrical power is weighted 2.5 times more than thermal
ever, examining the electrical power requirements leads one power, reflecting the efficiency of electrical power generation.
to revise this evaluation somewhat. The compression of the In practice, the improvement in the thermal balance at higher
pressure must be set off against the increased alkane concen-
trations in the mass balance. Unfortunately we are unaware
of any literature providing reliable data on gas composition
for APR at 100 bar. An alternative solution might be to try and
recover the heat of condensation from the water vapor lost
with the gas by some form of vapor recompression. This would
most likely entail considerable equipment costs and detract
from the simple elegance of the APR process.
In the mass balance for the high temperature gasification it
was assumed that the process was externally heated. In actual
operation, the heat supply to the gasification is obtained from
combustion of part of the biomass feedstock or other fuel. For
the case in hand 354 kg/h of dry glucose must be burnt to cover
the heat demand of the gasification (neglecting heat transfer
losses). The true amount required will be considerably higher,
since the flue gases containing a large portion of the heat of
Fig. 9 – Composite curves—APR + RWGS-process at 50 bar. combustion will leave the combustion reactor and only some
chemical engineering research and design 8 7 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1328–1339 1337

of the heat of combustion will thus be imparted to the heat adsorptive RWGS reactors will increase the investment costs
transport medium, such as sand. The residual heat in the flue still further. On the other hand the immense costs needed
gases can, of course, be used elsewhere in the biorefinery, but for the large compressors in the gasification can be saved. As
is lost as far as the gasification is concerned. there is little, if any, industrial experience with APR or adsorp-
For a rough estimate of the variable operating costs (energy tive RWGS reactors and since the data available, on long-term
and raw materials) for the APR process at 50 bar and gasifi- catalyst performance with closed recycle loops for example,
cation with methanol synthesis under the conditions given, is incomplete it is difficult to provide a reliable assessment
reference prices for the energy and material inputs must be of this technology. In terms of the technical risk, the well
defined. The price for glucose from lignocellulose was set at known and industrially applied gasification processes have a
10 Eurocent/kg (Huber et al., 2006). Electric energy was priced clear lead when it comes to questions of scale-up and similar
at 10 Eurocent/kW h and thermal energy at 4 Eurocent/kW h. issues.
The costs for cooling were neglected, because it was assumed One possibility of overcoming the disadvantage of high
that most waste heat could be used elsewhere within the compression costs in the gasification process would be to
biorefinery (for example, in the hydrolysis of cellulose and operate the gasification under pressure in the range of the
hemicellulose). The cost of the water feed was taken as 1 D /t. pressure required for the downstream synthesis. For the indi-
For the gasification it was assumed that the enthalpy for the rectly heated steam gasification with circulating fluidised bed
reaction would be supplied by the combustion of 354 kg/h and an additional combustion chamber (e.g. the FICFB process)
glucose. In the APR process, the condensate was recycled the technical challenges for an operation at higher pressure
as water feed. With theses assumptions, the APR process have not yet been surmounted and an implementation in
appears to have a slight economic edge over the gasification the foreseeable future is unlikely (Ciferno and Marano, 2002).
option with costs of (305 D /(h tMeOH )) against (324 D /(h tMeOH )). An alternative would be an autothermal oxygen-blown gasi-
As expected, the largest contribution to the simplified oper- fication under pressure, as is being presently studied in the
ating costs comes from the biomass feedstock in both cases. CHRISGAS project (Albertazzi et al., 2005). The introduction of
The second most important contribution differs for the two the biomass feedstock into the pressurised reactor represents
processes, however: heating costs for the APR process and a difficult, but by no means impossible hurdle (Freihling et al.,
compression outlays for the gasification process. It is there- 2007). Even if the technical problems of an oxygen-blown pres-
fore not the thermal integration that leads to the advantage surised gasification can be overcome, it would still necessary
of the proposed APR scheme, but rather achieving the system to compare the energy requirements for generating pres-
pressure by pumping liquids in place of more energetically surised oxygen, by the liquefaction of air for example, with
extravagant gas compression. The benefit of thermal integra- that of the compression of the synthesis gas from an atmo-
tion only becomes apparent at higher operating pressure, at spheric gasification. Bisio et al. (2002) give the energy demand
which water evaporation is suppressed. In the case studied for cryogenic oxygen recovery (99% O2 ) as 1100 kW h/tO2 . If
here the operating costs would drop to 258 D /(h tMeOH ) for APR the energy demand of our gasification example were to be
operation at 100 bar. met by internal combustion with oxygen, the resultant energy
requirement for oxygen production would be 415 kW h/tMeOH )
5. Discussion as opposed to a compression energy of 728 kW h/tMeOH for
atmospheric operation, i.e. a saving of 43%.
The process proposed here for the generation of bio-syngas The carbon balance of both processes studied is poor. For
envisages the production of synthesis gas in a biorefinery at the APR process only 45% of the carbon in the biomass feed-
much lower temperature levels than conventional high tem- stock is to be found in the methanol product and for the
perature gasification processes and would permit thermal gasification only 41%. 39% of the carbon fed to the APR pro-
integration with exothermic downstream processes, such as cess is lost in the form of carbon dioxide, and this rises to 49%
the methanol synthesis. Up to 70% of the heat of reaction for the high temperature gasification. The balance of the car-
needed for the APR could be met with heat released from the bon is present in the form of the by-product methane. The
methanol synthesis. Nevertheless, it should be clearly recog- carbon ‘loss’ is mainly a consequence of the fact that one
nised, that the heat balance for this process is very adversely must add water in the reforming step to attain the syngas ratio
affected by the high energy demand imposed by water evap- of C:H:O = 1:4:1 needed for methanol. The oxygen thus intro-
oration in the APR reactor, a point which seems to have been duced must be eliminated as CO2 . The carbon balance could
overlooked in the past. Failure to resolve this issue means be improved dramatically if hydrogen could be introduced
that APR offers little advantage thermally over a conventional directly to adjust the synthesis gas composition. Carbon diox-
gasification. Only when water evaporation is suppressed at ide could then be completely converted to synthesis gas using
higher operating pressure do the advantages of thermal cou- RWGS and the costs for its separation could be avoided. Eco-
pling between the methanol synthesis and APR emerge. logically, of course, this would only make sense if the hydrogen
When one considers the entire energy demand, the APR was derived from non-fossil, renewable energy sources, such
process has the advantage that it is able to furnish the oper- as solar or wind energy, which seems a distant prospect at
ating pressure for the methanol synthesis more favourably present. Should such a hydrogen source be available, it would
through pumping liquids, which requires less electrical energy especially favour the oxygen-blown gasification, since the
than compressing gases. This leads to a slight edge over the oxygen from the electrolytic hydrogen generation could be
gasification with respect to the operating costs for the test case fed directly to the gasification, elegantly circumventing the
considered here. In order to assess to process economics more need for air separation processes (Dietenberger and Anderson,
objectively one needs to consider the investment costs for 2007). The advantage of the APR process in this instance would
the two processes as well. On one hand the APR reactors will be that the RWGS reactor is already present and just needs to
be much larger than those for gasification, due to the inher- be enlarged to accommodate a larger throughput, whereas for
ently slower reaction kinetics, and the need for at least two the gasification this step must be grafted on. Furthermore, the
1338 chemical engineering research and design 8 7 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 1328–1339

introduction of hydrogen in this manner would lead to the and the power trains of existing automobiles are taken into
liberation of more heat in the methanol reactor, which could consideration.
then make a larger contribution to heat integration. To summarise, the proposed APR process with RWGS and
When one considers the feasible feedstocks for the APR methanol synthesis can make a contribution to the improved
and gasification processes, it is obvious that APR is more energy efficiency of a biorefinery, by enabling synthesis gas
suitable for biomass with a higher moisture, since in the gasi- production at low temperatures, which open up new possibil-
fication this would entail a significant additional loading of ities for thermal integration. A prerequisite for the large-scale
the combustion process through the vaporisation enthalpy. implementation of such technology is further research to
For example, Schuster et al. (2001) have calculated that in clarify the considerable risks still posed by the long-term
the FICFB process the entire product gas must be burnt operation of the APR and the cyclic operation of a RWGS
to cover the heat demands of gasification when the mois- reactor. The investigation of APR processes under higher pres-
ture content of the biomass reaches 66%. The APR process, sure would seem to offer a particularly promising avenue for
on the other hand, can tolerate biomass of any moisture research.
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