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Refrigeration & Air Conditioning (NME-604) Even

Tutorial Sheet- 06 Semester

Air Conditioning System 2017-18

1. Atmospheric air at dry bulb temperature of 16oC and 25% relative humidity passes through a
furnace and then through a humidifier, in such a way that the final dry bulb temperature is
30oC and 50% relative humidity. Find the heat and moisture added to the air. Also determine
the sensible heat factor of the process.
2. An air conditioning plant is required to supply 60 m3 of air per minute at a DBT of 21oC and
55% RH. The outside air is at DBT of 28oC and 60% RH. Determine the mass of water
drained and capacity of the cooling coil. Assume the air condition plant first to dehumidify
and then to cool the air.
3. 10 grams of moisture per kg of dry air is removed from atmospheric air when it is passed
through an air conditioning system and its temperature becomes 20°C. The atmospheric
conditions are 40°C DBT and 60% RH. Find the following for the conditioned air
a. Relative humidity c. Dew point temperature
b. Wet-bulb temperature d. Enthalpy change for the air
Assume standard atmospheric pressure.
4. 800 m3 /min of re-circulated air at 22°C (DBT) and 10°C dew point temperature is mixed
with 300 m3 I min of fresh air at 30°C (DBT) and 50% RH. Determine the enthalpy, specific
volume, humidity ratio and dew point temp of the resultant mixture.
5. Room Air having a Dry bulb temperature of 40°C and wet bulb temperature of 25°C is
cooled through sensible cooling process up to a temperature of 25°C. Show it on a
Psychometric chart and determine the amount of heat removed (in kJ/kg of d.a).
6. Air conditioning was to be provided for a public hall:
Outdoor condition 40° DBT, 20°C WBT, seating capacity = 1000, required comfort
condition (20°C DBT), 50% RH, Air supplied = 0.3 m3/min/person. Air undergoes
adiabatic humidifying process followed by simple cooling process. Bypass factor of coil is
a. Capacity of cooling coil c. Capacity of humidifier.
b. Surface temperature of cooling coil
7. Moist air enters an insulated duct at the rate of 10 kg/min at 20°C, 15% relative humidity
and standard atmospheric pressure. If it is heated by a heater of 1 kW capacity, find the
outlet state.
8. The following data refer to air conditioning of a public hall:
Outdoor conditions = 40 °C DBT; 20 °C WBT; Required comfort conditions= 20 °C DBT,
50% RH; Seating Capacity of hall = 1000; Amount of outdoor air supplies= 0.3
m3/min/person. If the required condition is achieved first by adiabatic humidifying and
then cooling, find: (a) The capacity of the cooling coil and surface temperature of the
coil if the by-pass factor is 0.25 and (b) the capacity of the humidifier and its efficiency.



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