Academic Writing - Course Schedule

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CREDIT VALUE : 2 credit hours

CODE : LBB 1042

ASSESSMENT : Coursework (60%)

 Summary 15%
 Writing assignment 20%
 Project 25%

Final Examination 40%

COURSE FORMAT : 1 hour lecture 2 hours tutorial

COURSE SYNOPSIS : This course emphasizes on the theory and

practice of academic writing. Students will
be introduced to the writing process and
writing supporting details using facts,
quotations and citations. They will also be
exposed to summarizing, paraphrasing,
synthesizing and analyzing texts. In
addition, accurate use of grammar and
mechanics of English will also be emphasized.
Students will also be introduced to parts of
reports commonly produced by students at
tertiary level.

LEARNING OUTCOMES : By the end of this course, students should be

able to:

 apply the process of writing when

producing written texts.
 produce coherent and cohesive written
 use English accurately and effectively in
producing written texts

1 19/1 - 23/1 Introduction to Academic Writing

2 26/1 - 30/1 Essay Development and Supporting

3 2/2 - 6/2 Analyzing Texts

4 9/2 - 13/2 Citations

5 16/2 - 20/2 Summarizing

6 23/2 - 27/2 Paraphrasing Summary

7 2/3 – 6/3 Synthesizing

8 9/3 – 13/3 Synthesizing

9 16/3 – 20/3 Report writing Assignment

10 21/3 – 29/3 MIDTERM BREAK

11 30/3 – ¾ Report Writing: Introduction, Literature


12 6/4 – 10/4 Report Writing: Data Collection

13 13/4 – 17/4 Report Writing: Methodology, Data


14 20/4 – 24/4 Report Writing: Results, Discussion &


15 27/4 – 1/5 Report Writing: Abstract Project due

16 2/5 Revision

Text book:
Authors: Richard Veit and Christopher Gould
Title: Writing, Reading and Research

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