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1. To access the menu options you can use the ALT key followed by the relevant underlined letter.

To access a menu option once the menu is open, press the relevant underlined letter.
Alternatively, after pressing the ALT key, use the arrow keys followed by enter to choose
alternative menus and menu options.

2. To access the toolbar buttons hit ALT followed by CTRL + TAB. Then use the arrow keys to
move from one button to another. Use enter to select.

3. To zoom in and out of a page, use CTRL + PLUS or CTRL + MINUS respectively.

4. To fit to page for easier viewing, use CTRL + 0.

5. To view in presentation mode use CTRL + L. Press ESC to return to normal view.

6. To rotate view (often done by accident, here is how to fix it!)

Clockwise: CTRL + SHIFT + PLUS
Anti-clockwise: CTRL + SHIFT + MINUS

7. To find a word press control + F to activate the find box, type the key word(s) and hit return. Hit
return to move from one occurrence of the search item to another.

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