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Gallatin Colloquium Starke 1

Talking Points

Food is Art is Food:

When Sustenance Becomes Entertainment

Introduction and Autobiography

What is Food Pornography?

Is Food Porn a Recent Phenomenon?

 Epicurus
 Lucretius
 Athenaeus
 Plato

What are the Links Between Food Porn and Sex Porn?
 MacClancy
 Dante
 Vivaldo

The Consequences of our Food Choices

 Fisher
 Pollan
 Lovegren

The Social, Cultural and Political Implications of Food Porn

 Beriss + Sutton
 Johnston + Baumann
 Montanari

Food Media
 Rosseau

Food Porn, Culinary Art, and Molecular Gastronomy

 Youssef
 This
 Apicius
 Ovid
 Dornenburg + Page
 Malaguzzi

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