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Hendra Susanto dan 2Agus Jatnika Effendi
Environmental Infrastructure Engineering Study Program,
Faculty Of Civil And Environmental Engineering, Bandung Institute Of Technology
Jalan Let.Jend.Purn.Dr.(HC) Mashudi No.1, Sayang, Jatinangor, Sumedang 45363
1 dan 2


Geographically Malang City are in position 112.06°-112.07° east longitude, 7.06°-8.02° south latitude. Until
now PDAM Malang has served 80% of population of Malang City that is equal to 851.298 people with service
coverage 80% of the service area that is equal to approximately 110 km2. Since 2010 PDAM Malang began to
commit for implementing the program of reduction of water loss, at that time 50 percents dan few of customer's
water pressure services are less. Water loss is a quite serious problem for PDAM. If not handled properly, it
can cause the following things such as financial losses, drop pressure in service areas, decreasing of water
quality, reduced amount of water that used by the community, and can’t serving new customer connection
requests. The initial strategy undertaken by the board of directors to overcome this problem is the formation of
water loss structure into the organizational structure. Once the waterloss organization is established, the next
program is to implement the strategy of waterloss reduction such as 4 elements of the strategy of decreasing
physical water loss, DMA Infrastructure and non-physical wate rloss reduction strategy. From the
implementation of the established strategy, reduction of water loss fell to 19.56 percents in 2016. This is a very
significant decreasing in numbers that can be a learning for PDAM in other areas.

Keywords: waterloss,

PDAM or abbreviated Perusahaan Daerah Air
Minum is a regional owned enterprises which loss that happen will get worse. Therefore it
engages in the field of provision of drinking takes effort and appropriate strategy in order to
water for Malang Community. PDAMs are decrease the water loss.
present in every Province, Regency, and PDAM Malang City is one of PDAM in
Municipality in Indonesia. There are more Indonesia which has rate of water loss below
than 400 PDAMs spread throughout Indonesia. 20%. This success is derived from the
Therefore Indonesian community are expected commitment of PDAM Malang to meet the
that water needs can be fulfilled by the service target allowed by the Government for water
of the PDAM. loss that is 20%. Of course, behind this
In running its duties , PDAM often faced with commitment there are efforts and strategies
existing problems. Some of them are low applied so it works in reducing the level of
service level, poor of management and human water loss.
resource development, the highly waterlosses,
etc. Apart from all the problems that exist, EXISTING CONDITION
PDAM is expected in order to be able to
Until now PDAM Malang City has served
provide the best service constantly so that the
80% of population of Malang City that is equal
community needs for water can be met
to 851.298 people with service coverage 80%
from service area more or less 110 km2. The
Water loss is a quite serious problem in service area of PDAM Malang distribution
providing water. Water loss can inflict a system is divided into 13 Main Zones and each
financial loss for PDAM. High waterloss can zone consists of several DMA or District
cause PDAM lack of funds due to the Meters Area. The number of DMA that formed
increasing demand for water needs as the can be seen on this table belowme of Zone and
population grows. As a result, PDAM is
unable to allocate funds for water loss
reduction program. Of course it makes water
DMA, its function is to know 24 hours of
Table 1 Name of Zone and DMA pressure on DMA for Supervisor Pressure
Management can make pressure settings in
DMA DMA each DMA as needed later. Because the
No Zona
Formed Name pressure is directly proportional to the leakage,
Zona DMA so it needs to be controlled or adjusted as
1 17
Bangkon Bangkon needed. PDAM Malang set the standard for
DMA pressure on customer service at least 0.5 bar (5
2 Zona Betek 8
Betek meters) and expected with the standard
Zona DMA pressure the water level can reach the 2nd
3 26
Buring Buring floor of customer's house. Optimization of
DMA pressure settings either based on time or by
4 Zona Dieng 5
Dieng service areas is assisted by PRV equipment
Zona DMA (Pressure Reducing Valve) which is currently
5 8 installed in a numbers of DMA and utilization
Karangan Karangan
Zona DMA of reservoirs.
6 21 In addition an understanding of the conditions
Mojolangu Mojolangu
Zona DMA occurring in the DMA is formed right away,
7 2 such as whether the flow is less, the pressure is
Sumbersari Sumbersari
Zona Supit DMA Supit too high or too low, whether there is any
8 7 indication of leakage, the backflow that
Urang Urang
9 Zona Tidar 5 DMA Tidar indicates that DMA is not perfect needed. At
Zona DMA least need to know the data within 1 x 24 hours
10 31 yesterday. The way is that every DMA system
Tlogomas Tlogomas
Zona DMA input is required by electromagnetic flow
11 63 meter which is equipped with data logger flow
Wendit Wendit
Zona DMA & pressure which can send data online / GSM
12 10 to head office. The data will appear on the
Dawuhan Dawuhan
Zona computer screen on the water loss unit, so it
13 Binangun 2 DMA BL will soon be known which DMA is in trouble.
Grand Total 205
Source by: PDAM Kota Malang, 2016
In addition to the formation of DMA required
the monitoring of DMA as an act of decreasing
the NRW. This is considering by the numbers
of DMA that are formed very much, therefore
need to prioritized which NRW of DMA needs
to be lowered first. Based on the Picture 1.Operational of PDAM Kota Malang
implementation of PDAM Malang, DMA Source by: Personal documentation
monitoring is done by the Water Balance At PDAM Malang leakage reporting system
Supevisor that in charge of water balance on pipeline through SMS center complaint or
DMA (WB-DMA) that is to comparing the work order system which integrated directly to
incoming flow on DMA with the customer maintenance department. For the distribution
usage in DMA. After knowing the percentage work of the officers there are two schedules
of NRW in DMA, it will take action to that is morning to afternoon and afternoon to
decrease NRW if the percentage of NRW is evening. In addition to the distribution of the
more than 30% by Active Leakage Control schedule, the officers are also divided by the
Supervisor with steptest & commercial losses eastern and western regions work area. The
survey by the Commercial Losses Supervisor equipment used in leakage repair must be of
on the DMA. It also needs to do 24-hour high quality so as not to cause leakage in the
pressure monitoring using pressure data logger future and also must very quickly close the
that installed in DMA input pipes, the highest leakage point on the pipe.
service pipeline & lowest service in every
The following table is zone of NRW PDAM Source by: PDAM Kota Malang, 2016
Kota Malang in June 2017. Steptest is a technique for finding leakage
Table 2. NRW DMA level in PDAM Kota levels in water distribution systems and is an
Malang active form of leakage action. The goal is to
find the location of the leak point before the
No Zona DMA NRW leak that occurs the greater. After finding the
leakage point, then used leak detection tool to
find the specific leakage point and done leak
1 Zona repair on the pipe segment. The faster the leak
17 28%
Bangkon repair is done, then the water loss rate can be
controlled to a minimum. The example of the
2 Zona Betek 8 37% steptest results in July 2017 after the repair of
3 Zona Buring 26 27% leaking pipes can be seen in the table below
Table 5. Comparison of Water Losses Before
4 Zona Dieng 5 17% and After Steptest
5 Zona No Before After Difference
8 22% Name
1 W2G3 46% 47% + 1%
6 Zona
21 33%
Mojolangu 2 W1I 41% 36% -5%
7 Zona
2 66% 3 Buring
Sumbersari 40% 36% -4%
8 Zona Supit Source: Result of Calculation
7 27%
Table 6. Best Practice of PDAM Kota Malang
9 Zona Tidar 5 25% Year 2010 Year 2017
Production capacity
10 Zona Production capacity
31 29% ±1500 L/s ±1500 L/s
Number of customers
11 Zona Number of customers
63 34% ±100.000 HC ±155.000 HC
Water loss 41% Water loss 22%
12 Zona
10 35% Service is 24 hours
Dawuhan Service not yet 24 hours
13 Zona All new connection
New red connection
Binangun 2 42% zone open zones
Lama Source by: PDAM Kota Malang, 2017
Source: Result of Calculation The factors that make PDAM Kota Malang
Here is a table of overall water loss PDAM succeed in decreasing water loss namely as
Kota Malang in 2017 and from 2011 to 2017 follows:
(as of July 2017). 1. Organizational Structure: With the
Table 3. Loss of Water PDAM Kota Malang organizational structure, each part has
Year2017. its own responsibility so that the
results obtained will be more effective
Month, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and maximum.
year 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2. Reliable human resources: The
advantages of human resources owned
% are the placement of work positions
19,74 21,23 18,49 20,40 19,56 22,16 matching with the competencies held,
% % % % % %
training for employees periodically 3. The installation work in the field is
and employees have a strong more careful not to damage the
commitment to reduce the water loss. instruments that may cause future
3. Selection of appropriate methods: leaks
Methods used such as 4 elements of 4. The commitment, hard work, and
the strategy of decreasing physical responsibility of each member of the
water loss (pressure management, water loss in the effort to reduce water
proactive leak detection, infrastructure loss because this work can not be
management and improve leak repair completed in one time
time), DMA infrastructure and non- 5. Provision of periodic training for new
physical water loss strategy. (survey employees regarding water loss
commercial losses) . reduction efforts
4. Asset management: Checking the 6. Innovations and new breakthroughs to
equipments that are installed in the improve efforts to reduce the water
field every day. The goal is to ensure loss
that the equipments installed in the
field are still in good condition so that REFERENCES
the water distribution system can run 1. Departemen Pekerjaan Umum
properly. BPPSPAM. (2014). Pedoman
5. Good equipment selection and Penurunan Air Tak Berekening (Non
ownership: Various equipments Revenue Water). Jakarta:
owned such as valve steptest, class C BPPSPAM-Kementerian Pekerjaan
water meter, HDPE pipe, PRV, online Umum.
logger and others are the best quality 2. Farley, et al. (2008). Buku Pegangan
and are the main weapon to reduce the tentang Air Tak Berekening (NRW)
water loss. untuk Manajer - Panduan untuk
6. Good information technology system: Memahami Kehilangan Air.
PDAM Kota Malang has Information
Technology (IT) section. In the
establishment of DMA, the as build
drawing / accurate pipeline network is
very needed, in this case in PDAM
Kota Malang has GIS program that
already supports water loss program.
PDAM Kota Malang managed to reduce water
loss year by year starting from 2011 to 2017. It
is based on six factors: organizational
structure, human resources, methods used,
asset management, selection and ownership of
good equipments, and good information
technology system. Steptest test is able to
reduce the number of water loss as long as
coupled with the speed of leak repair. One of
the advantages of reducing water loss is to
improve service and increase customer without
having to increase production capacity (linked
between point 1 and point 2 of table 6).
Suggestions that can be filed to improve the
overall of water distribution system are:
1. Checking of instruments installed in
the field periodically
2. Update GIS periodically

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