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yep aga Rupr eder-2etr yfroriyd ster 55 No. of Pages in Booklet fiver te ter / No. of Questions in Booklet SUBJECT CODE - 08 150 ‘fat SUB: : peicees_] her Qe 23-P-1 6 wT: 3.00 ‘Time ; 3.00 Hours sea yee ee Question Paper BookletNo, 9.362981 a eT ree A see AE eed afew ane 8 ek er ner hae a eT TET | sede nan Bae dae ae fed me &, PF wT 1, 2,3, 4 ter fog ver baad eh ah at fate wet we a 8 ba Gwe weer we gt STeTT ate wae ima eer OMR ee a weer fee ee a a oT veda fever ate eT oT, at ae or Pre coy eae A er ke fa & fe at 1 bere ers ET a 9 TET | CT ‘wee Sed BOE oe fet BO fer Berd Edt mer 8 een a are an wip see oe 3A SAT aT) ee eer a rear te arabe eh ae fae ay Pare eH fs ae eT ofeT oe seen gfiqer vom afer fat ance orator tye ij feearet eed greens Neer TET vee fer anced a1 ioe SH ser eee ar abe ee Eh PT sane 1a fect seach ra Oat hE whe ce Ae sak ve nb Fre rit wt ' to, ven reat et ape stare we areUrte 23th er TER eS ahs et i aaah aR Rae Rt ere a AE Re ae eC we ge at at er fe oe eh eee HB eT ag eT | Paerart ire wt eae eer wt we orb a a whe these ere a tah se rea erat sci co st Fee eae sree eat ec 1 ere et ae he oH ae Fr . AD questions earry equal marks, 3. Only one answers tobe given for each question. Hf more than one answers are marked it would be tated as wrong answer ach question has four aliematve responses marked silly 15 1,2, 3,4. Yoo have to dasken only ove circle or bobble indicating the comect answer onthe Answer Sheet using BLUE. BALL POINTPEN. . The OMR Answer Sheets inside this Test Booklet. When you ‘0 cireied 10 open the Test Bookle, take out dhe Answer ‘Bheet and fill in the paniruarscarfly with blue ballpoint en only, 13 part of the mars) af each question wil by deducted {for each wrong answer. (A wrong enswer means an incoret| ‘answer or more than one answers for aay question. Leaving all the rolovant circles or bubbles of any question blak wall note considered as wrong answer) 3. ‘The candidate shoud ensure that Question Paper Boollat No. of the Question Paper Booklet and Answer Sheet must be same after opening the polythene bya! seal. In cate they are different, a candidate must obtrin another Questfon Paper. Candidate himself shall be responsible for ensuring this, . Mobile Phone or any other electronic pndget in the ‘examination al is ssc prohibited. A candidate found with toyota hae wl ly dea ag per rules. 10, Pease corectly fill your Roll Numbor in OMR. Shest ‘5 Marks ca be deducted for filing wrong or incompet Roll Nunbes, 1, I ter is any sort of ambiguityimisiake either of priting {acual nature then out of Hindi and English Version ofthe question, the English Version wil be treated as standard, Waralng fo candidate is found copying or any wiauthorted ‘material is found in hisher possesion, FLR. would be lodged against hiner in ihe Police Staion ard he/she would lable 10 be peut Deptnent may a debar Kner pena TW an eat Q) sige dear Q) ert dea @) area Ft 4) sade TS stg at ‘aiferar Bh ater wad geet ipa att a 2 Q) taba @ ee 3) Gat ar ee 4) feritete var eda are ew stat wt fe a were? (2) Bret Q) wie @) FRAT @) vier eT ay Ba Bar TS TER FT ETAT sare fer : . D were Q) Frag Q) Tee @) ater rarer arf Frees age at ele Fat crags eet safer ter 8; (1) arertereet @ Ret @) tare @ Sete Zoological gardens are sites of (1) Exsitu conservation (2) Insitu conservation (3) Both of above (4) None of above ‘Who discoyered cell for the first time ? (1) Robert Brown (2) Robert Hooke (3) Antony Van Leeuwenhoek @ Theodor Schwann Jn which kingdom _ prokaryotic organisms were placed by Whittaker ? Q) Animalia @) Plantae @) Monera (4) Protista ‘The largest and oldest botanical garden. of India is situated at; (1) Lucknow (2). Sibpus 3) Saharanpur (4) Darjeeling Muramic acid is pregent in the cell walt of the members of algal class : (1) Cyanophyceae (2) Phaeophyceae (3) Rhodophyceae (4) Xanthopliyceae 08 10. IL deltas wen ar shar or oe ITE (® mein Q) Eee @) Siesta > 4) gustan + forced # spre eter (1) Fargo 2) fagfrr @) safe @) aeafrt aa ase a orate Rear e () Fe ue idee stat on aR es 1 (2) Fe we aeheifes shat er aa e ‘foraet cheer fem aftr grat Stan & G) 38 GH Bhaiew stat or sae e Faeee Shor reir at Pat are ete e @ ww Bites with stat ar wR meena 4 aires rrr are Sra Q) Faget Q) Pregret @) serra 4) pigaet ‘Reteeea 4S yer aay ara Bhat e () FRE @) armpfie @) sade et @) sate ta ait at Prafafes 3 2 att or ue aga Sec BR TET ET (1) Fae ee ST (2) Seer ST @) amt wate se @ wie arate Haplontic type of life cycle is present o @) Ectocarpus 3) Polysiphonia (2) Fucus @) Spirogyra ‘The endosperm of gymnosperms is (1) Triploid (2) Diploid @) Haploid (4) Polyploid Characteristic feature of kingdom fungi is : (1) It is a group of prokaryotic organisms (2) It is a group of eukaryotic organisms with ingestive mode of nutrition 3) It is a group of eukaryotic organisms with absorptive mode of nutrition (4) It is a group of enkaryotic autotrophic organisms Sexual reproduction in bryophytes is (1) Isogamous @) Oogamous 3) Anisogamous (4) Hologamous |. The main plant body in pteridophytes is (1) Gametophytic (2) Sporophytic (3) Both of above @) None of above Which among the following is not, an example of compound epithelial tissue ? (1) Stratified cuboidal tissue (2) Transitional tissue @) Pseudostratified tissue (4) Stratified squamous tissue 12. 7m 15, WR TIA ST pH ear e (1) aa arte (2) wae art @ serena @) aie aang we Te STE @) afer at arent a (2) Fry a aret y Q) sake at ante @) Serr at sree wet wd a Sem a ae or ar Blea a2 Q) aaR - Werte Q) ~ Fide I @ at ~ ier aorta @ afer Ferre fife frafafan seat ae free sire ed at feat re get at ame @ Re eer aT waa ailing: A. trier dae qr a witty, reper a ant ate Tat wee EL, 2B, fage sara yet gam, orga aes Cc. abn saen pi a res ed cee sree Pawar we safe YE | D. ate deen Wil 4 ae wa veer area Bisa ae aaRerr ae ee 1 (1) 4, Battc @) aatcc Q) B,cakp @ adkp 4. 15, pH of blood plasma is (1) Slightly acidic (2) ‘Strongly acidic @) Slightly alkaline @) Neutral Protein ossein is present in (1) matrix of bone 2). matrix of ligaments (3) matrix of cartilage @) matrix of tendon Which one of the following pair of fruit and edible part is not correctly matched ? (1) Pomegranate — Juicy testa (2) Apple - Fleshy thalamus @) Litchi = Fleshy aril (4) Coconut = Mesocarp Consider the following statement and choose those which are TRUE using the codes given below : A. In amphicribral vascular bundles xylem is surrounded by phloem on all sides. B. Cambium is absent in the open type of vascular bundles, C. In radial vascular bundles xylem and phloem are present on separate radii. D. In radial vascular bundles xylem and phioém are not present on (1) A,Bandc @) Aandc Q) B,CandD (4) AandD 16. 2 19. ‘re A steers ot Prater sie : Q) tere @ TEAS Q) ware @ sin tS a aT ar aye at ae? () arti = | aera Q) Worry - wrebret safer a we anhereR @) save = — aT te fecticger @ watt - eee wiod at: Q) dag yea aes Q) orteae, vite a dae TT @) Wes, dae eT G@) FRR, ae, Ge, Tae TT aT Frafefiar 4 ata at cactsret wa at fare et 2 (1) Beer ye ser Sree fet AT Q Fe we at sk HH aT softer @ Se wise a aT (4) doer yet a cei agHe sofert BERR Bt Wha & wT AT at HS at ae oh aet sre t a) or Q) er @) eetet (4) aaiieer a ae eT 46. a. 19. In root, calyptrogen is formed from : (1) Plerome (2) Peribiem 3) Dermatogen (4) None of above Which pair is not correct ? (2) Passage cells — Endodermis (2) Vascular Bundle - Monocot diarch to hexarch root (3) Bicollateral - Laffa vascular bundle cylindrica (4) Stem hair — Multcellular Stele includes : (2) Vascular bundles and pith (2) Endodermis, pericycle and vascular bundles (3) Pericycle, vascular bundles and pith (4) Cortex, endodermis, pericycle, vascular bundle and pith Which among the following is not a characteristic of monocot stern ? (1) Vascular bundles are scattered in ground tissue. (2) Bundle sheath present’ around vascular bundle, () Vascular bundle collsteral and closed @) Phloem parenchyma present in vascular bundles The cork formed by the activity of phellogen is also known as () Bark 2) Phellem (3) Phelloderm (4) None of above a 23, Prafafiar 38 att ar GoaEH ET STR ET? @ 30 aif: @ aes @ sake reel & wes er She ger aT seem ete Q) wee @) wehrettete 4) ariait am teh Gear fered & () wecat @ aa @) yet @ saat frefefer 48 aa a Ue fige Ger aT Ser HEE? GQ) Fens Q) wm @) sitet (4) aie wad ned fet aren fr Serer at arate a wife Saleh 2 () tata @ ee 3) Peatete vert 4) weer 21. Which among the following is not an example of _—_verticillaster inflorescence ? ) Mentha @ Ocimum @) Coleus 4) Euphorbia Elongated intemode of thalamus between calyx and corolla is known as () Androphore (2) Anthophore (8) Androgynophore (4) Carpophore Monadelphous stamens is characteristic of () Pisum (2) Citrus (3) Hibiscus (4) Sonchus Which among the following is not an example of schizocarpic fruit ? (1) Balausta (2) Regma @G) Cremocarp @) Lomentum ‘Who first time explained that cells are formed from pre-existing cells ? (1) Robert Brown (2) Robert Hooke (3) ‘Theodore Schwann (4) Rudolf Virchow 27. 30. 08 ‘Profit 3 3 ate ar aenin feet a wet 8 arate ae eT E? Q) aR (2) Teter @) wie @) welenfire tegen fafafas 3 2 st a ee sbi ‘welferen aa aereeeT eT E 7 (ay tery Q) Feiter @ sstary @) Stele ‘fatten afar et (1) aiff Fenton & @ Serres s @) ware (4) sha See weerire Ygrr st ae ter mat: | (1) wef arent Q) eer ders @ teem @ waster at ar sifireit oem sifre Haat aT RT? (1) weitere ) Seater 3) faart octentrs Yager @ Tish Ree 27. Which among the following cell organelles is not surrounded by .any membrane ? (1) Lysosome @) Ribosome 3) Plastid (4 Endoplasmic reticulum Which among the following is not an example of prokaryotic cell ? () Bacteria 2) Chlorella (3) Mycoplasma @) Nostoc ‘Mesosomes are not associated with (1) cell wall formation (2) DNA replication @) respiration (4) protein synthesis Endoplasmic reticulum was first observed by : (2) Flemming (2) Benda (3) Porter (4) Clande ‘Whicti coll opganelle is not found in plant cell ? (1 Chloroplast (2) Centriole (3) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (4) Golgi apparatus 31. @ a aifreia aeehe eeer aT eT tr () weitere (2) Teste 3) rete geT (4) Wetentne eget 32, Ber pH wel Hee? () Sefer art — afer Kh) a aRaeT Q) Rattatier — few fae @) arbres feet - RTT Sars wa 4) wR are = Sererig 33, weafieciees ar tit: () witke wag + Pets mba + sg ae’ ( Fesrehe + TERR aT @) TERR ane + Bite wae 4) aaa a a sid et 34, River wer a Pea WeeT F anes gT a eftceqaas a ort ther 7 @) ay 2) @) st, (4) 35, agg Reet & Ree wer sie fae tert? a) re G) TE 2) TE @) fine 31. 32. 33. 38. Which cell organelle is site of aerobic respiration ? (2) Chloroplast (2) Ribosome (3): Mitochondria (4) Endoplasmic reticylum ‘Which pair is not correct ? (1) Potassium ion ~ Passive (K*) pump transport (2) Fluid mosaic — Singer and model Nicolson @) Movemeitof — Osmosis water across semi-permeable membrane (4) Plantcell - Plasmodesmata A nnucleoside is made up of (1) Phosphate group + Pentose sugar + Nitrogenous base (2) Pentase sugar + Nitrogenous base (3) Nitrogenous base + Phosphate group , (4) None of the above In which phase of cell cycle multiplication ef mitochondria and chloroplast take place ? @) G @s G) G, @M During which phase of meiosis does crossing over take place : (1) Zygotene (2) Leptotene (3) Pachytene (4) Diplotene 36. 32. 40. RE AS TT EAE 2123 ® 3193 2133, ® 2133 2122 @ 3722 2123 2732 ere arer fenet arr H cet Gee ser wma ont 2 ) we 2) aia @ arnt (4) Fer area oat afer saret ar eat wee (D %Re wo aE a (2) Tapes cer are 3) afer rear 4) Safer, rear wen are Te ver aha st a th alfirent eregeettiear Be (HC) watt ae F 7 (1) wes ater stares 2) yer aiferare 3) sects afer @) weary safes 3 faret a xarea wre Sex Reeret ant? (1) get aT Q) arte 3) Tarai fre (4) safer 36. 31 39 40. Dental formula of adult huinan is : 2123 © 3123 2133 2133 2122 2122 2123 2132 @ @) 2722 @ a in which part of alimentary canal symbiotic micro-organisms are found ? ) Coton (2) Teum @) Caecum (4) Rectum The endocrine portion of pancreas secretes : (1) Insulin and Pancreatic juice @) Glucagon and Pancreatic juice (3) Insulin and Glucagon (4) Insulin, Glucagon and Pancreatic juice Which cells of gastric gland secrete Hydrochloric acid (HCI) ? (4) Mucas neck cell: (2) Chief celts (3) Oxymtic cells (4) Salivary cells Respiratory thythm centre is situated in which portion of the brain ? (1) Meduila region @) Cerebellum (3) Corpus Callasum (4) Cerebrum 41. 42. aia ar gm wet eT? (1) we antes = wa fer & ner er an - frees ee Q) we anes a ard ree & ner aT an - frat ae @) wd free a yep & eT aR - aterm ae (4) ar Brera were Bs er er ETE — freer ee fe gfe ar ae ATT qd) seq Q) Ee 3) safer 4) Sale at yam freer ype ar ase: x 91! afte one & frect ar ga aes fe via seer t () aeardfer 1s 3) Saher gto (4) serene aire cre ca sere feat a Prepan afies & Poa a7 S daft t 7 G) wafers @) Fis safe @ i (4) wetter 41. 42. Which pair is not correct ? (1) Opening between right atrium and right ventricle — Tricuspid valve (2) Opening between left atrium and left ventricle — Mitral valve (3) Opening between right ventricle and pulmonary artery ~ Semilunar valve (4) Opening between left ventricle and aorta — Bicuspid valve Best measure of central tendency is : 2) Mean. (2) Mode (3) Median (4) Allof the above Formula for coefficient of standard deviation is : g x og as x e OF os Inflammation of joints due to accumulation of uric acid crystals is known as (1) Arthritis 2) Gout @) Muscular dystrophy @) Tetany Which part of brain is associated with regulation of sexual behaviour and expression of emotional reactions ? 1) Cerebrum @) Corpora quadrigemina 3) Pons (4) Hypothalamus 47. 49. ame ste 4 sia cen Yar & wet ar eT ‘eager & (1) seit ae 2) SM ra ae @) aay (4) Ager afeot Prafefiar 4 8 at ar visit reer are weather Star & Teg eye wer ere ‘ear ar & 2 ) state Q) weet G) wertdiee eins @) sarang shes ge Praietad sect aa ate at oes aft ‘wer a rere ffs at 2 (2) et a ere aha (2) Writ arena anh aT G) war tafln & ar aie @ Wa ake we a aed oe argifen wer weal at waite weer F : () at (2) eae @ were @) arte ett we tt yer coe St Gore eT sat eS site ha See S: dd) white Q) Paget @) wre er (4) wey Fry 46. a7. 48. 49. In human eye the space between lens and retina is called (1) Aqueous chamber (2) Vitreous chamber (3) Blind spot (4) Macula lutea Which among the following harmone is synthesised by hypothalamus but released by pituitary gland ? (1) Oxytocin (2) Prolactin (3) Follicle stimulating hormone (4) Melanocyte stimulating hormone Which among the following is not an example of natural method of vegetative propagation ? (2) Vegetative propagation by rhizomes (2) Vegetative propagation by leaves (3) Vegetative propagation by air layering @) Vegetative propagation by roots A genetically identical population of plants raised from single plant is termed as : (1) Clone (3) Cybrid (2) Hybrid (4) Allof above Transfer of pollengrains from’ the anthers to the stigma of same flower is termed as : (1) Xenogamy (2) Heterogamy 3) Geitonogamy @) Autogamy 51, 55. Rosa & arg net & ote st feet ag ‘wore Pavel aor wee FT aT eT 2 a7 4 3) 14 ) 8 feror wer aT WPT are fear TTT | () aT RT (2) feet a (3) eer (4) ara ee ah cree. fergin ar ere t GQ) Xaprga a after wer at safe 2) me Keyra a argateatt @) Tras weaie21 wt after wit at safer 4) saten tS att at Frafafias da aia ar tr oe stetstat Hann Gare? () Bier (2) Fee @) FAR at 4) capes ‘tire — ew Frere qaew when & free aetna eer fae snare () aa (2) aeiies @ wa (4) aReifeaar 5h. $2. 54, 55, How many true breeding varieties of pea plants were selected by Mendel ? @7 4 ) 14 @ 8 The term linkage was coined by (1). Walter Sutton (2) Theodore Boveri (3) Henking (4) Thomas Hunt Morgan Down syndrome is due to : (1) Presence of an additional X-chromosome. (2) Absence of one of the X-chromosome. : (3) Presence of an additional chromosome number-21 (4) None of the above Which among the following disease is caused by a protozoa ? (Pneumonia (2) Malaria 3) Common cold (4) Typhoid ELISA — a diagnostic test is used for diagnosis of (1) Cancer (3) AIDS (2) Typhoid (4) Filariasis 56. 58. 59. atlar 3 fer faferer vier Pema fore sitar et? @ Freier (2) weet fae 3) Sire are 4) Siew & fore Sete ret rear sre () wart Q) aiviret @) Sere @) waeiteter doce aw eet e: @) state () Seater @ BHR aust ___. 8 oer Sit aeafert aet €1 Q) atsisr 2) Fafewer 3) cesar 4) Weifeter metre sit ata @ frefot cet we () fan ee (2) eierie 3) farte fafa 4 wae 58. Chilka lake located in Orissa is famous for (1) Crocodiles (2) Tortoise @) Birds * (4) Dolphins Veliger larva is found in : (1) Platyhetminthes 2) Arthropoda (3) Mollusca (4) Echinodermata. Example of phylum porifera is (1) Obelia (2) Fasciola 3) Planaria 4) Sycon Locomotory organelles ate absent in the class, (1) Sporozoa (2) Ciliata (3) Rhizopoda (4) Flagellate Plant disease which develops due to a natural genetic engineer is : (1) Citrus canker 2) Witches Broom G) Crown gall @) Phylloidy 61. 65. rare Serger aa Pratt a te GQ) -arererett @ Fateh @) ahi 4) ae angt areata aga art areca sroft fou arp a ort 2 1) ose 2) wi @) went @ aye grtenta dsiewa dart a) fete @ weir @) are @ dart wet sito Wes qT a wry: () Hee Q) sigs @) tier @ wire Seah gat oerrate att F () fate, gaara cen anit (2) fateh, ares ver aft @) eet, gacctet cer ari 4) fateh, dora cer aenfet 61. Pseudocoelom develops from 1) Gut (2) Mesoderm @) Blastocoel (4) Archenteron The group of cold-blooded animals having incomplete four-chambered heart are : (1) Amphibia .@Q) Aves @) Mammalia 4). Reptilia The placeatation in family Asteraceae is (1) Parietal @) Axil (3) Basal G@) Marginal Example of bomogamous ligulate capitulum inflorescence is : (1) Helianthus @) Souchus (3) Ageratum @) Eclipta Anthers of family Poaceae are (1) Dithecous, dorsifixed and introrse (2) Dithecous, basifixed and extrorse (3) Dithecous, versatile and introrse (4) Dithecous, adnate and introrse 66. 67. 70. Sar or or areata THF: (1) fxstebiy area 2) ‘Greats fageer (@) Sages fest ® fists side fete: Fa aa a akbier arms a HTT TES 2 () aisha 438 Q) Tapia eae @ Beater shies 4) eget meshes Uetiee wt ate 7 () Sr a a Gp i fer oid a wha d arate 1 (2) eR a war BAe sy ot fee tert state a arate 1 3) tA ar SR Gx st fe sata eit a arafer 1 @) =Pere ara aT a Gre) ot fr, wes d orator 1 aie sias = wa___ ara # ‘fer ore 1 (2) aera Q) wear @) okra @ wet itt __ Soret Pag ort & 1 () han gee (2) Risers avis G) ifeetter, (4) Seater 66. 7. Botanical name of Lemon grass is : (1) Cymbopogon nardus (2) Cymbopogon citratus 3) Cyntbopogon martini (4) Heteropogon contortus Whiich among the following protozoa is ot an example of endoparasite ? (1) ‘Trichomonas tenax (2) Plasmodium vivax (3) Leishmania donovani (4) Hydramoeba hydroxena Pyrenoids are made of () Core of starch sutounded by sheath of protein (2) Proteinaceous centre surrounded by starchy sheath @) core of protein surrounded by fatty sheath @) Core of nucleic acid surrounded by protein Bee-Venom is used in the treatment of G) Myopia @) Malaria @) Arthritis 4) Cholera Pearls are obtained from () Murex truncutus (2) Pinctada vulgaris G) Brachystomia G) Mediolaria nT. 74, Be arr deez wor areata ae: 0) fefeeen efter Q) fefees teas (3) fefemn States @) sated wit aha ar ga ae ete? a) 7 = at Q) Frater = wet @) Ft - sat @ Ww - Garret Set ecegieitira A yeas oat at ted Sot & area Praed t site tet geet O Reefer sx 8 & ee afer Far set TT 7 ) ier 2) aI @) FelFer (4) afer ier gee & feat aS Bier dg at fag ott? wet 2). 7T 3) ar @) FF «dea ag’ wea Ae : Q) stahe drape & Q) Beaks siferites & @) Brake wifeelicr (4) wate aS feat a hae ‘71. Botanical name of common bread — (4) Allof the above 72. Which pair is not correct ? (1) Cotton - Malvaceae 2) Withania - Solanaceae @) Coffee — Rubiaceae (4) Tea — Apocyanaceac 73. In gel electrophoresis, separated bands of DNA are cut out from the agarose gel and extracted from the gel piece. This step is known as : (2) Blotting 2) Elution @) Cloning (4) Tagging 74, The cotton fibre is obtained from + which part of cotton plant ? (1) Bud @ Stem 3) Seed @) Flower 75. “Tossa jute’ is obtained from : (1) Corchorus capsularis (2) Corchorus olitoris (3) Corchorus erodioides (4) None of above 6. 80. wat & da ar tres OT att (1) See at @) ae ere G) Wea aueeterctaete (4) Reiter ater ‘fprectt om arreres ATF & @) Retag tise @ Repeat @) iia sar @) takes mister fra ter at cornet at fir a ee AT aes? a aes: Q sr @) RT 4) st Prefafed 3a at ar oe themes a Saree Et ED a) ae @ air @) ster 4) sie wa & i st dhe sient a er, BET E G) freeas Q) Sma @) sae as @ teers 7 76. Pungency of mustard oil is due to (1) Erucic avid (2) Ethyl thiocyanate (@) Allyl isothiocyanate (4) Lihoceric acid Botanical name of groundnut is : 2) Sesamum indicum (2) Eruca sativa (3) Ricinus communis (4) Arachis bypogea ‘Which country is known as “The Land of Spices” ? (1) Thailand (2) Japan 8) India @) Germany ‘Which among the followings is not an ‘example of seed spices ? (1) Fennel (2) Clove (3) Coriander 4) Cumin The terminal buds of tea plant are commonly known as (1) Silver buds (2) Platinum buds (3) Diamond buds (4) Golden buds 81. 82, eh at ew traits afaertens ape TRE? (@ GaatTc @) TAACGT @) CGGTAT @ TAGCGT ‘ifort Se anther a ater at ah : Q) &. Beert Sarr Q) Uh tee Fort @) St yrs Sarr (4) area Aer Seer wer get a: (Q) eet Q) Wet @ et @ wh eae fr cite ait mene & : (1) archers Q) water @) sietere (4) Fitters te thet aient at Tate fester at elt Bere s art (2) ake a eRt 3) fae ae yest wen wash. weet ct @ > BRercer aes Sart 48 81. Which is an example of palindromic mucleotide sequence ? (1) GAATTC @) TAACGT @) CGGTAT (4) TAGCGT Polymerase chain reaction was discovered by : () 5. Lederberg @Q) AE. Jacob 3) Cary Miillis (4) Barbara MeClintoc First transgenic cow is : (l) Doly 2) Poly @) Moly @) Rosie Cell without cell wall is known as : (1) Cytoplast @) Chromoplast G) Protoplast (4) Chloroplast Technique of shoot tip culmre was developed by : (1) Haberlandt Q). White (3) Sipra Guha Mukherjee and S.C. Maheshwari @) Morel and Martin 86. 87. fed sq at ay a es GE aE Fee saat: (1) wreies tarer Fae Q) Weaata feet @) ance feet @) SRO ere ee aifaie wa we feet weft fea? ay wigs @) ter Q) eet @) ater (2) DECBA (3) CDEBA (2) ACDEB (4) DEABC Srafataa Ht ate ar aed TERT adi eer? (1) Bee ae sete Fier are at auftet (3) CAM aaah at sae @) 7 sacar 3 ett saw Brera at sifett 19 86. The food chain which begins with the death of an organism is known as : (2) Primary food chain (2) Edaphic food chain (G) Detritus food chain (4) Grazing food chain ‘Who coined the term ‘Ecosystem’ ? (2) Tansley (4) Odum (4) Clements (3) Haeckel ‘The following endocrine glands are present in the human body = A. Adrenal gland Pancreas Pineal gland Pinuitary gland , Thymus “Asrange them in descending sequence of their location ie. from head to foot : () DECBA —@) ACDEB (3) CDEBA (4). DEABC B. c D. PANis: (Q) Peroxyamy! nitrate (2) Polyoxyamyl nitrate (3) Peroxyacetyl nitrate (4), Polyoxyacetyl nitrate 90. Which is not a xerophytic adaptation ? (1) Presence of waxy coating om the surface (2) Presence of aerenchyma (3) Presence of CAM Physiology () Presence of chlorenchymatous cells in the stem hypodermis 93, arten & etait 3 erat ater sr ‘Frater eter &: CQ) Weter a Q) frie a @) wees @ waa afaferet Ager (1) aeeerent (2) water (3) Fierert @) ered er after a aurer afer fat Pract & 2 M8 3) 12 @) 10 @) 16 tebe at dee t () atirer Q ee @) stay 4) TR om ffir ard (eer Q) aieitecit ow @ wie on. 92. 93. Hyaline cap of pscudopodium of Amoeba is made up of : (2) Ectoplasm. (2) -Mesoplasm 3) Endoplasm (4) All of the above ‘Obelian medusa is a (1) Detritous feeder (2) Omnivorous @) Camivorous (4) Herbivorous How many pairs of cranial netves arise from Rana’s brain ? (a) 8 G3) 12 @) 10 (4) 16 Body cavity of Ascaris is : (1) Coelenteron *(2) Pseudocoel (3) Enterocoel (4) Haemocoel ‘Rana figrina belongs to the order : () Urodela (2) Lepospondyle @) Anura (4) Apoda 96. 100. ‘fre a feet aren & (1) er Q ae @) ae @ y RE fave rare aor RET TAT STE F 7 1) serrata 2) srReie-sTEET @ test , 4) TERT ad ga rar Sire: () weet aint - seihete @) seca - tafe @ wea = RH (4) arte ta aig ad BARES spha eeaiT B ) wt (2) arertfvar @) SRT @ tara Ager quer A yer faeer cat: GQ) aarist @ as @ Phe (4) phish are 99. 100. ‘The burrow of rabbit is called () Barrel @) Barren (Warren (4) Form . Which type of placenta is found in apes? (1) Allantoic (2) Allantochorionic @) Yolk sac (& Chorionic . Select correct pair : (Q)_ Sertoli cells Q) Prostate gland @) Corpus luteum & — Testosterone ~ Testosterone = Progestrone None of above In chick the embryonic respiratory ‘organ is: (1) Amnion @ Allantois @) Chorion (4) Yolk sac In the zygote of frog first cleavage is : (1) Meroblastic (2) Horizontal @) Holoblastic equal (4) Holoblastic unequal 101. feet ia et afer wa Rene & fea 2a ee or chia seert Bare 7 ) aria Q) wages @ she 4 wer 102, Gaeiaer & feng sere wiaie B: (1) Rater Q) aifferater @) ater @) sieter 103. whe a oer A eer a sea feast 1 ) St 2 Sefaieem 3) weir 4) srifers 104, “aistae cree” ae TT BAT oT? (1) 1973 @ 1972 @) 1975 ) 1974 105, Tees ges st we A eet we aE ET ‘ren, cae Bere at ore @) Baer (2) Tee Q) seater @ frye 2 101. 102. 103. 104, 105. Which hormone is responsible for regulation of growth and development of an organism ? (1) Thyroxin 2) Somatotropin @) Progesterone @) Estrogen Hormone responsible for lactation is : (1) Relaxin Q) Oxytocin (@) Oestrogen (4) Prolactin Fungi used in maturation of cheese is @) Mucor (2) Penicillium G) Aspergiflus (4) Agaricus “The project tiger” was initiated in (1973 2) 1972 @) 1975 (4) 1974 A piece of wood swells when it placed in water because of (1) Diffusion @) Osmosis @) Imbibition 4) Guttation 106, 8 dx st wt at act fect ome a 107. 108. 109. 110, ‘dian weet, weer (Q) Wat wee (2) ale wae (3) Ber feet wee G) RE after a de aa art () ater Fane @) ART (4) Petcare Yager emer dean St aaiierer aime eT eae: @ # Q er @) wresiger (4) Ge, eT Profifian 3 8 fad aes feed a Te FATT? (1) Stare sheeet Q) Serie @) tee feet @) wet frmfoter de als or os afte ager ART STENT TT? Q) ager OR gd @ TEA 4) SRT 106. 107. Stomata restticted to lower surface of the leaf are termed as : Q) Potato type (2) Oat type (3) Water lily type (4) Mulberry type The site of Kreb cycle in the cell is : Q) Cytoplasm (2) Chloroplast ~ (3) Mitochondria 108. 109. 110. (4) Endoplasmic reticulam The site of - dark reaction of photosynthesis is : Q) Grana (2) Stroma 3) Mitochondria (4). Fy particle ‘Who among the following is known as father of plant physiology ? (Q) Iosef Priestley (2) Stephen Hales @) Robert Hill (4) F. Blackman Which among the followings is not an example of induced nastic movement ? (1) Epinasty 2) Photonasty (3) Thermonasty @) Seismonasty 1, fora ee He eigen oe ener: ay Ae @) tte G) ‘net ater @ tae 112, fedat 2014 F Sete site oe (ivt.20) ah 20el tars eet a cb 2 @) are, this 2) trae, sar @) Sra, set ater @ tim, 113. 3a & wfers der & fee a: fare ar & ata wegen a oan feat mrt? (1) Yer (2) wee 3) are fas 4) Feit 114, he areata ar afrenT Pipe Pea a? ) wr. tet 2) sh. far @) Rta ee @) Sarat s othe tea 115. DNA @t tat & fey DNA at tare Frat rene (1) weitere sare a7 | ) wifes sings & are eda yee at ate I @) eiifer aties & ae rH (UV) woprer at aie @ wie whee & ae wrt (OV) were Ht Sie 1 111. Globally threatened bird species is : (1) Peacock (2) Great Indian Bustard 3) Jungle Crow (A) Patridge 112. The 20" session of the Conference of Parties (CoP-20) in December 2014 was held at : (2) Warsaw, Poland (2) Hyderabad, India @) Cape Town, South Africa (@) Lima, Peru 113. Which type of graphical representation of data is commonly used for percentage distribution ? 2) Line charts Q) Pie charts * (3) Histograms @) Polygons 414, Electron microscope was invented by (1) H. Rohrer (2) G. Binning (3) Antony von Leeuwenhoek (4) Max Knoll and Emst Ruska 118. Visualization of DNA fragments is done after staining DNA with (1) Ethidium bromide only (2 Ethidium bromide followed by white light exposure (3) Ethidium bromide followed by UV light exposure (4) Ethidium fluoride followed by UV light exposure 08 116, BT AT area St oboe st aT “aifirein aerwe F Frere 2 1) arectege @ ar @) rest err @) Tete 117, Sodas et aH MAAR, SAT TT (1) aftretrir sates (2) aren faba autetaat (3) Se Paxees aotataat (4) sam anita + 118, wana. te F aifean cider Wee kde eh pian _ areata seer () Re Q) Fae G) er sae aS ET 119, Frafafan F 8as arate Pest ae e? () & air @ secede @) arta fae @) Ae eras 129, frafafan wet 8 3 ae a pe Peet eter wet & eet E 7 () Saas cele sar 2) Wraete USNe SET 3) sree aga Sart 4) sad Tee set 446. During centrifugation which cell organelle will sediment at lower speed? () Mitochondria (2) Nuclei 3) Golgi complex (4) Ribosome AIT. Sephadex gel is commonly used in (1) Adsorption chromatography (2) Ion exchange chromatography (3) Gel filtration chromatography (4) Affinity chromatography 118, In SDS — PAGE, sodium dodecyl sulphate provides an overall ___ charge to the protein. 1) Positive (2) Negative (3) Neutral (4)_ None of the above 119. Who among the following is not an ethnologist ? Q) K, Lorenz (2) Karl Emst von Baer (3) Karl von Frisch (4) Niko Tinbergen 120, Which among the following sites is listed in UNESCO World Heritage sites ? : (A)’ Keoladeo National Park (2) Ranthambhore National Park 3) Madhav National Park ) Desert National Park 121, 122, “fear Fre, Feifien at ae erat 8, free war wg a ae ae ae wer freay bag @) fer @ wag @) ara (4) aie. ar Fras & fore sete at aver fre Ae wet (1) afer rarer fier > wer (2) arereet & eabterca & walter rere GQ) wary erent a ae FT (4) date wt wag alain fear a wits E (1) eee Q) eters 3) fer @) Pee wreeet afters 3 ores F Q) Her aioe 2) Beem agape afters 3) Fern afore 4) satan wh, ae a Fafa Saree oe aT Birt arn Tate (L) URenfter aert (2) Rare at arr eet _@) Pree ar aagatiet eae seth oT 121. “Educational psychology is that 123. 128, branch of psychology which deals with teaching and leaning.” It is the statement of @) Skinner (2) Crow and Crow @) Davis @) BN. Jha in the field (2) Use of proper method of teaching Q) All round development of personality of the child @) Solving of the problem of class- room (4) All of the aboye Fropounder of Conditional Response Theory is : () Pavlov @)_ Thorndike @) Skinner @ Kotler Utility of pspholny for a teacher is Dimensions of effective Jearning are GQ) Signal Jgamning (2) Stimmilus response Jearning (3) Chain learning (4) Allof the above Factor hindering child’s mental health is (1) Family conflict (2) Good conditions of developnient (3) Sympathetic behaviour of teacher (4) Democratic discipline 126. 128. areal ate fereneat & arr Pett a Fare af Paver ar ae (1) fae rere (2) Saravana Feeat aT SET @) seer ate fret se ST 4) Parae aria St arate eT Be ar ag atten a Rta TE? (1) rater ft 2) siertt @) rar attr (4) aftaeiea stirrer gna’, am ait afegheat st afore act at aia hater § rae wer rea 8, wet (1) fret @ te @ wae @) are Pera a ager ara ate: Q) ater te steer Q) atfet ate @) Bra Fen @ met aga ed dere seat ar: Q) ataener start Q) aaa tet ) EDUSAT & seam 3 She @) Stier at 126. Teachers and schools should not do to adolescents (1). proper dealing, (2) providing vocational education (3) rendering proper sex education (4) avoid the adolescent psychology /. Which is not group learning method ? () Project method Q), Discussion 3) Symposium (4) Programmed learning 128, “Learning is the acquisition of habits, knowledge and attitudes.” It is the statement of (1) Kingsley (2) Gates @ Crow & Crow (4) Cronbach 19. Which of the following is not instructional material (1) Overhead projector (2) Audio casset (3) Printed material (4) Transparency Jnformation communication technology includes : (Q) Online learning (2) Web based learning (3) Leaming through the use of EDUSAT (4) All the above 131, after er walftrr suqae ster @) Satie warts Q) aT SIRT ) aera we eT 4) am at tome & fag dar wer 132, fr ate ar chet at afer ar olor wee? ata Q) tert G3) 3H (4) aReceerar 133, de afore & ave shen ore t () Wet aagER Q) FRR (3) aera 4 Fike 134, cee aftghen det er maraeret ew te ae () Beret | Q arate) GB) TET EI 4) ter sear 135, Heme orate afr E (1) sient 2) sreRaeTE 3) wae er 4) satan at 131. The most appropriate purpose earning is : (1) personality adjustment 2) modification of behaviour @) Social and political awareness (4) Preparing oneself for employment 132. Which of the following is not product of learning ? (1) Attitudes @ Concepts @) Knowledge (4) Maturation 133. Under signal learning, the following is learnt : (1) Traditional adaptation Q) Paychology 3) Environment (4) Psychophysical 134. Powerful motivation is effective factor of learning, as the child (1) becomes healthy (@) does meditation @) feet happy (4) ear rapidly 135. Motive includes (2) Incentives @) Needs 3) Drives (4) All the above 136. 137, 140. fevogen at dud, we, TAR Ta fade St arrer & 1" ae ser freer & at Q) eer 2) Rae eet @) WEA A) Tee caiapther ater 3 wae (1) tata aiftrefine artes (2) erraher safc arate @) Aeieaa aftsetia argeert (@) aut att” fer SS aha at aera fare area 7 (a fhe or rer art 2) taheree G) 16 wren fire steET 4) sate wt Pad dae a aerate? (2) Brace Reg Se an GTS ea wh aft at at ye (2) Fete apres a ber ad ter 3) See aie a feet Ft (4) wea ew sitet fener fern ar gn tee (1) Baer ath efit or rae Q) ae Rr a rare @)-@ aie Qt 4) TARR eT 136, 137. 139. 140. “Adolescence is a period of great stress, strain, storm and strike.” It is the statement of () Blair (2) Stanley Hall @) Crow and Crow (4) Adler ‘Types of programmed instruction is (1) Linear programmed instruction (2) Branching programmed instruction ‘Mathetics programmed instruction (4) All the above: 8) Which of the following is a teaching aid? . Q) Working model of wind mill (2) Tape Recorder (3) 16mm film projector (4) All the above Which of the following statement is correct ? (1) Virus improves the speed of processing information through computer Intemet does not allow the virus to spread (3) Virus is part of software (4) Virus is an operating system ‘The main aim of teaching is (2) To develop only reasoning (2) To develop only thinking (3) Both (1) and (2) (4) To provide information Q) 141, Frat & ate at eee St eer eT 7 Q) ERT rege wea E1 Q) waged te i eet @) ag agar qn dar we Ft (4) rage Reet at ar ae attest zt Wier vam t 142, fram after sare sitaeR” Wire t (1) Bre stigaer 2) fet ara @) Redan @) eer 143, SRI ve aT sift aE (1) ate ar area (2) Fare @ wer ©) Ai 144, rere saftey sree Bie CQ) seems @ tee GB) eT 4) serge at 145, areres oer fires ae Pkt ae Bae z () Ree @) were @ FEF @ sete wit 141, Which of the following is not the characteristic of a computer ? (1) Computer is an electric machine 2) Computer cannot think at its own (@) Computer processes error free information ) Computer can hold data for any length of time 142. Propounder of _ teaching “Advance Organizer” is (2) David Ausubel (2) Hida Taba (3) Richard Suchman (@) Kohler model 143, Last step of cognitive aspect is (1) Comprehension or understanding 2) Analysis 3) Synthesis @) Evaluation 144, Social learning takes place () Alienation (2) Crowd @) Contact (4) Audio-visual aids 145. Mental health of child depends on, itis (2) school (2) family 3) community @) All of the above 146, 447, 148, 149. 159, $a d08 & fee ares oe HT ee (yd aie Saher wet Q) Rea w G) Ferma eA are wt EAT eT 4) satea wet Bre TTT (1). Raenfinet 8 =r Q) Tre G) aaa aE @) sate at apices Rererat & er E Q) Pree @ fer @ =r @) srt at area Fae (1) Freer er aeere (2) Baw RET (3), Peron set reer @ seat Prat a aren ae AE: () dda ae @ weet arn 3) rene oT BEAT TY TAT @) ae ae ater aL 146. 147, 148. 149, 150. ‘You should have for sending e-mail (1) Modem and Telephone line (2) Internet connection B) Receivet’s e-mail address (4) All of above Example of data is (1) Name of students Q Roll Number (3) Account Number (4) Allof above Aspects of mental development are (1) Observation @ Thinking (3) Attention (4) Allof above ‘Teaching principle includes (1) Teacher's behaviour (Q) Student's behaviour @) Impact of teaching ” (4) Allabove Is not a problem child (1) who steals 2) whois lier (3) who disobeys parents G) mentally retarded 08 ‘eomnl & fore 2777 / SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK

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