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Vicarstown National School, S. N.

Bhaile an Bhiocáire,
Vicarstown, Bhaile an Bhiocáire,
Co. Cork. Co. Chorcaí.
P32 DX40 P32 DX40
Telephone: 021-7332179 Guthán: 021-7332179
Email: Rí
Roll No: 06342L Uimhir Rolla: 06342L

24th January 2018

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Credit Union Quiz
Two U 11 and two U 13 teams have entered the Credit Union Quiz in Blarney Secondary School tomorrow Friday.
Participants should be at there no later than 7.15pm. The Quiz will finish at 9pm sharp. Full school uniform is to be
worn. Only participants will be admitted into the hall. Please contact the school if you have any queries.
Entrance Assessment for BCS Guthán/Facs: 021-
The entrance assessment for students going into 1st year in BSC in September, will be on the 24th of February at
9.15am until 1pm. 7332179
Debate Team

Congratulations to our Debate Team who won their debate last week on the topic “Children under 14 should be
allowed on Social Media”. We look forward to hearing all about their next challenge in the coming weeks.
Water Explorers
As part of the Green School Flag our Committee attended Water Explorers training at the Lifetime Lab last week.
They really enjoyed learning all about how to save water in school.
Internet Safety Talk
Garda Sean O’Dwyer made a presentation on Internet Safety to 4th – 6th class yesterday. All of the pupils got a
contract to be signed by themselves and their parents.
Toys/Games Request
Thank you to all of the parents who donated toys to the school recently. If you have any more toys to donate we
would be very grateful for them.
In-service Day for Primary Language Curriculum
The school will be closed on Wednesday 7th of March as all of the teachers will be attending an in service day.
Tin Whistle
Tin whistle lessons will be starting in the coming weeks for 1st to 6th class. Students from 2nd class up should have
their tin whistles from last year. Whistles should be kept in students school bags from now on. Tin whistle are from
the office for €5.
People of the week
Our people of the week were Donacha Ryan and Dean Crawford. Well done to them on their kind nature and hard

Yours sincerely,

Peter Mulcahy,

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