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Chapter 1




Social media are web-based communication tools that enable people to interact with each other

by both sharing and consuming information (Nations, 2017). Social media is a communication

tool that is actually the easiest way to get the satisfaction of their social life. Social media

became their real life timeline and have no chance to enhance their potential to socialize


Social media user’s experience, or exhibit addictive behaviors in the way they use sites like

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (Gregoire, 2014). Social media is an internet medium that can

be used to share information with others.

Meanwhile social media found to be even more addictive than cigarettes and alcohol. Addictions

are, after all, about feeding a compelling urge, and one of the greatest human urges is the

yearning to feel connected and a part of something larger. Nothing satisfies this particular urge

like logging on and being social with the masses at any hour of the day or night (Nakagoshi,

2017). Social media addiction is kind of condition from a certain user who have always found

the urge to log in each day. It means that the social media addiction is a term that you cannot

control not to use social media with any purposes.

Social networking addiction is a phrase sometimes used to refer to someone spending too much

time using Facebook, Twitter and other forms of social media. So much used that it interferes
with other aspects of daily life (Walker, 2017). Yearning for social media is hard to control. It is

like, a user depend on social media to tell his or her frame of mind. They tend to rely on

technology and social media that set something to tear a relationship with other people, like their

family. It is a meaningless noise to approach someone to listen about those things that user is


Students spend a great deal of time on social media sites, such as Facebook, and then begin to

exhibit depression. As they scroll through the feeds, some students compare themselves with

other, which is mentally unhealthy. It cannot be denied that the comparison factor in social

media leads to jealousy. Social media become a lay out of students’ personal feelings. As long as

a student post about his or her problem, or something that happens, this only unveils that the

purpose of social media is not properly use. In just one second, social media will harm

someone’s life.

This digital world may bring into case of being a reckless youth. The moral values of youth are

gone. Specifically today’s youth are far from being innocent doing such thing like, cyber

bullying. Hide their identity to hurt someone. Addiction to social media is engaging to its

different activities without noticing that it is not the way that social media is created.

Furthermore, today’s youth are slowly getting used into social media that is why they forget to

prioritize things. They rely into social media and forget the importance of real people who

actually will listen truthfully.


Social media became a large threat especially to the students. As they further use social media,

they are slowly being used and it affects them physically, socially, and psychologically. With the

based on social media addiction in senior high school students, this study aim to determine the

reality about social media addiction among senior high school students. Since that most of the

senior high school uses social media. This study pursues to answer the following questions:

What are the applications or websites that are often used by the students?

What do they usually do in using these application or websites?

What are the effects of spending a lot of time using it as perceived by senior high school





And the perspective of Juan R. Liwag Memorial High School will try to contribute

significances to the following:

Senior High School students, this study aim to contribute knowledge for the students and help

them be aware of the possible effects of being addicted to social media. This study will also

serve as their guidelines to manage their time using social media.

The teachers, this study will benefit them, because it involves a research to avoid bad habit of

using social media that may affect their daily lives. This study helps them to be aware that their

students might suffer into social media addiction. This study will be a material for teachers to

improve being a second parent in school.

The society, involving the government, families, students and teachers. This study can help to

grow a better society. Especially now, this generation is modified. This study brings information

that can help some questions regarding to social media addiction, and gives awareness to society.

Future researchers, this will serve as a source and guideline for their study. This study helps

them to easily visualize the ideas and facts about this study. Future researchers, this study can

further emphasis of what they aim to know about the study.


This study focused on the response of Juan R. Liwag Memorial High School of Gapan, Senior

High School students from Grades 11 to 12 regarding Social Media Addiction that they actually

experience by their age. Only the students that age around 15 to 18 years old during the school

year of 2018-2019 will participate in this study. The researchers will prefer 50 students’

respondents: 10 HUMMS students, 10 STEM students, 10 ABM students, 10 GAS students and
10 Tech-Voc students. The prefer respondents will answer a Social Media Addiction

Questionnaire which involves the quantity of information needed for analysis of the researchers.

This research is limited in Grade 11 and 12 only, which means that Junior High School, College

students and also Teachers are not involve as participants. Students ages above or below 15-18

years old are not suitable. Lastly; all the possible respondents outside the campus are not



This study will conduct on the first week of July 2018, first semester of the school academic year

2018-2019 at Juan R. Liwag Memorial High School, Bayanihan Gapan City, Nueva Ecija.

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