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e-Mariner Quick Guide

You have now sucessfully installed the eMariner software. In order for eMariner to work smoothly
you must:
1. Load historical data into the software (one time when you first start using eMariner)
2. Apply your weekly updates to eMariner sent to you by e-mail (weekly)
3. Apply your monthly Update DVD

Section I - Loading historical data for the first time into eMariner:
Loading historical data into eMariner involves four steps:
1. Importing your monthly update via the Update DVD
2. Importing historical Notice to Mariners for Historical chart corrections
3. Importing your weekly update which you will recieve via e-mail after you activate the software and
inform C&C Marine that the software has been activated
4. Importing T&P Data to use the eMariner T&P View

1. Importing Monthly Update via the Update DVD:

1.1. Click the Settings tab on the eMariner software
1.2. Click on the Import Latest Update CD button

1.3. Browse to the CD/DVD Drive and double click the 'eMariner Data for Vessel' folder
1.4. Within the 'e-Mariner Data for Vessel' folder double click the 'Monthly Backup Data' folder
1.5. Click on the first zip file and click 'Start Process'
1.6. e-Mariner will decompress the file and update your database
1.7. Repeat this process for all the zip files. Each zip file contains 4 weeks of data

2. Importing the historical notice to mariners:
2.1. Within the Settings tab, click on the Import Latest Update CD button
2.2. Browse to the CD/DVD Drive and double click the folder e_Mariner Historical Data Part 01
2.3. Now click on zil_2009_2013_historical_part1 file from this folder
2.4. Then click "Start Process"
2.5. e-Mariner it will decompress the files and update your database
2.6. Now repeat steps 2.2 - 2.5 above, selecting e_Mariner Historical Data Part 02 >>
zil_2009_2013_historical_part2 file in step (2.2 - 2.3)

You have now sucessfully imported the historical data into the eMariner software.

Please be advised that the Historical CD contains all correction and tracings data available in digital
form. However, for simplicity of uploading, all the corrections prior to Week 38/2013 are
consolidated and will appear under Week 38/2013 (Week 37/2013 for AUS/JP/NZ prefix charts). If
you click on any chart number, the files contained therein will contain the corrections for all
previous weeks till Week 38/2013 (Week 37/2013 for AUS/JP/NZ prefix charts).

3. Importing Weekly Update sent to you via e-mail:

3.1. Close the e-Mariner software
3.2. Make a new folder for the current week within your e-Mariner folder. Please make sure that
the new folder is empty and does not contain any data
3.3. After you receive all the e-mails for the week, save the file(s) from all the e-mails into the above
3.4. Start the e-Mariner software and click on the 'Import Weekly Correction Files' button within the
Settings tab

3.5. Browse to the folder you have created above
3.6. Select any one of the files(s) within the folder and click "Start Process"

3.7. eMariner will decompress the files and update your database

4. Importing T&P Data:
4.1. Within the Settings tab, click on the Import Latest Update CD button
4.2. Browse to the CD/DVD Drive and double click the 'eMariner Data for Vessel' folder
4.3. Double click the 'TP Data' folder within the 'eMariner Data for Vessel' folder
4.4. Click on the zip file and click 'Start Process'
4.5. e-Mariner it will decompress the files and update your database

You have now sucessfully imported the T&P Data into the eMariner software.

Section II - eMariner Reports:

Now that you have imported the data required for eMariner you will have access to the following
1. Weekly View
2. Cumulative
3. My Inventory
4. View Full NTM
5. Inventory Change Report

1. Weekly View:
 Please select a week and year for which you would like to display the information
 Please allow a few minutes for the report to load
 The weekly view displays all charts which have corrections (including T&P corrections - issued as
well as cancelled) in that particular week.
 You can click on any chart to view/print the correction, tracing and colour block
 You can click on "Print All Corrections" on the top right hand side of the screen to view all
corrections for the week. A PDF file is created which can be saved and copied to another
computer if required or printed. Similarly you can also view all Tracings and Blocks for the week
by clicking on "Print All Tracings" and "Print All Blocks" respectively.
 You can select certain chart numbers and click on "Print Selected Corrections" on the bottom
left hand side of the screen to view selected corrections for the week. A PDF file is created which
can be saved and copied to another computer if required or printed. Similarly you can also view
all Tracings and Blocks for the week by clicking on "Print Selected Tracings" and "Print Selected
Blocks" respectively.
 You can select certain chart numbers or even your entire chart inventory and select "Update
Correction Status" to enter chart corrector name and/or any other required information at one
 Filters for non-chart corrections:
 You can view the full list of NP corrections for the week by selecting the "NPs" radio
button on the top right side of the screen

 You can view the full list of Navigational Warnings in-force for the week by selecting the
"Nav Warnings" radio button on the top right side of the screen
 You can view the full list of cancelled T&P notices in the weeks that they are published by
selecting the "Cancelled T&P" radio button on the top right side of the screen
 Export of Weekly View:
 For any week/year, you can export your screen to excel to generate a report of all the
charts in your inventory having corrections in that week. Make sure to check the box
"Items as per current inventory".
 For the sake of flexibility, we have created this report in excel. You can add additonal
columns for your notes, mark corrections as complete, enter corrector name and date for
all charts together and then save a soft copy as well take a print out for any audit

2. Cumulative View:
 The cumulative shows all the corrections that affect a particular chart from the date of the new
 Please enter a chart number in the Search box and allow a few minutes for the report to load
 By clicking on the correction you can view/print the notice, tracing and block for that correction
 Please do not use the Cumulative View for T&P Corrections but instead use the T&P View
 Export of Cumulative View:
 For any chart, you can export your screen to excel to generate a cumulative report of all
the corrections for that chart.
 Please enter a chart number in the Search box and allow a few minutes for the report to
load before generating this report
 Print All for Cumulative View:
 For any chart, you can now Print All Corrections/Tracings/Blocks for that chart at one go
instead of having to print them individually.
 Please enter a chart number in the Search box and allow a few minutes for the report to
load. You will now see the option for "Print All" in the top right-hand corner.
 Print Selected for Cumulative View: If your chart is corrected till a certain week number or
NM, select all corrections after that last week / NM and use "Print Selected Corrections" to
print all corrections after that that Week / NM

3. T&P View:
 The T&P View shows all the T&P Corrections in-force for a particular chart
 Please enter a chart number in the Search box and allow a few minutes for the report to load
 The column "Week of Last T/P Update" shows the last week in which there was any change to
the T&Ps in-force for that chart - this may include a new T/P issued or a T/P cancelled or deleted
 Further to #3 above, the column "Last T/P Update" shows the last change that was made to the
T&Ps in-force for that chart - this may include a new T/P issued or a T/P cancelled or deleted

 By clicking anywhere in the row, you can view/print the correction(s). Please note this file will
include all the T&Ps in-force for that particular chart
 By checking the box "Items as per current inventory", you can view the T&P corrections for all
the charts held in your inventory
 You can then use the "Print All Corrections" to print all T&P Corrections for the charts held in
your inventory
 "Summary of T&P corrections in-force" - this report shows all the charts in your inventory having
valid T&P corrections in-force. Make sure to check the box "Items as per current inventory"

4. My Inventory
 My Inventory displays the full list of the charts and publications held on-board the vessel
 Notifications of New Editions/New Charts are delivered to the vessel based on their inventory
 Vessel can download its Inventory by clicking on the Export My Inventory to Excel Button
 Vessel can also generate their auto update request at any time directly from the system by
clicking on the Prepare Auto Update file button

5. View full NTM

 The full notice to Mariners can be viewed from this tab
 Select the Week and the Year from the Dropdown and click the Search button

 On clicking View, a popup window opens with the full NTM. In case the scroll bar doesn't work,
use your mouse to click anywhere on the Notice and then use your mouse scroll wheel or
keyboard buttons to move through the Notice

6. Inventory Change Report

 Use this file to inform C&C Marine about any changes to your inventory.
 Please click on the Inventory Change Report, save the file on your computer, complete the
columns and email to C&C Marine

7. Additional Features

 Navigational Warnings: Navigational Warnings are included in your eMariner weekly update. To
view the Navigational Warnings in-force, please go to the cumulative view and search for NW.
Alternatively, you can view the Navigational Warnings for any week under the Weekly View by
selecting the radio button for "Nav Warnings"

 NP247: NP247(1) and NP247(2) will be available to view in eMariner after you apply the monthly
update CD for week 06/14. In order to view this, please select please go to the cumulative view
and search for NP247.

 BMP4: BMP4 will be available to view in eMariner after you apply the monthly update CD for
week 09/14. In order to view this, please select please go to the cumulative view and search for

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