On Unsteady Flow of An Elastico-Viscous Fluid Past An Infinite Plate With Variable Suction

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Appl. Sci. Res.

28 July 1973

P. P U R I

L o u i s i a n a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y in N e w O r l e a n s
N e w O r l e a n s ( L o u i s i a n a 70122) U.S.A.


Approximate solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations are derived through

the Laplace transform for two dimensional, incompressible, elastico-viseous
flow past a flat porous plate. The flow is assumed to be independent of the
distance parallel to the plate. General formulae for the velocity distribution,
skin friction and displacement thickness as Iunctions of the given free stream
velocity and suction velocity are obtained.
The response of skin friction to the impulsive perturbations in the stream
and suction velocities is studied. It is found that the order of singularity in the
skin friction at t = 0 increases due to the elastic property of the fluid in the
impulsive case. When the stream is accelerated the skin friction still antici-
pates the velocity but the time of anticipation is redueed from ~ to (¼)(I--k),
where k is the elastic parameter of the fluid, i t is found t h a t in general the
resistance of the elastico-viscous fluids to an impulsive increase in the stream
velocity is greater than the viscous fluids, the elasticoviscous fluids also reach
the steady state earlier than the viscous fluids.

c#L5 Fresnal's cosine integral of arg. ~ / ~
e(~) e(1)lk covariant and contravariant components of the rate of strain
i~ '
/(t) an arbitrary function of t
](p) Laplace transform of /(t), in this context p is the parameter of
the transIorm
F(t) an arbitrary function of time representing the variable part of
the superimposed velocity in the free stream
G(t) an arbitrary function representing the variable part of the super-
imposed suction velocity
Æ(p), O(p) Laplace transforms of F(t) and G(t)

-- 111 --
112 P. t'URI

g~?c metric tensor

H(t) Heaviside step function
i , j , k , m , r indices
ko coefficient of the elasticity of the fluid
k a nondimensional parameter of the elasticity of the fluid
N(~) distribution function of relaxation time
p,p' isotropic pressure
P~~ stress tensor
pressure tensor
pl undisturbed skin fricti0n
Po skin fri¢tion at any time after disturbätion
P~ steady state skin friction
Pxu shearing stress
Fresnel's sine integral of arg. x/~-õ)
t non-dimensional time
t' time
te characteristic time
U nondimensional velocity of the fluid parallal to the plate
U~ velocity of the fluid parallal to the plate
u(r) free stream velocity
Uo constant free stream velocity
velocity of the fluid perpendicular to fhe plate
Vo suction velocity
X non-dimensional co-ordinate in the direction of the free stream
flow parallal to the plate
X I co-ordinate in the direction 0f the flow
y non-dimensional co-òrdinate pe@endicular to the plate
y' co-ordinate perpendicular»tó ~he plate
,~(t) Dirac delta function ~
limiting viscosity at smM1 rates öt shear
~t a constallt
,g kinematic viscosity
p' density of the fluid
relaxation time

§ 1. Introduction
F o l l o w i n g L i g h t h i t l ' s p a p e r [1], a large n u m b e r 0f p a p e r s d e a l i n g
w i t h s t u d y of a f l u c t u a t i n g flow pasS. an infinite flat p l a t e h a v e
a p p e a r e d , e.g., S t u a r t [2], V~atson ~(33, M e s s i h a [4], K a l o n i [51 a n d
S o u n d a l g ë k a r a n d P u r i [63. I n t h e last t w o referenees [5] a n d [61,
t h e p r o b l e m w a s i n v e s t i g a t e d for ~lastico-viscous fluids, w h i c h h a v e
a t t r a c t e d c o n s i d e r a b l e a t t e n t i o n in f h e r e c e n t past. I n p a r t i c u l a r
the elastico-vlscous liquid B' characterized by Walters [73 has been
f o u n d to h a v e a close r e s e m b l a n c e to real fluids, tike oils, b l o o d a n d

high polymer solutions. These problems have found applications in

biophysical and aerospace problems; The influence of impulsive
perturbations in the free stream velocity or the suction velocity
have not been studied for non-Newtonian fluids. It has been at-
tempted to fill this gap through the present investigation.
In this paper the investigation started by Soundalgekar and Puri
[6] is continued. It is extended to the case of generalized unsteady
flows of elastico-viscous liquid B' past an infinitè plate with vari-
able suction. The variable part of suction is an arbitrary funetion
of time. The present work can also be regarded as a generalization
of Watson's [3] work in two respects; the viscous fluid is gener-
alized to elastico-viseous fluid B' and the suction velocity has a
time dependent part rather than being constant.
In § 2 the problem has been suitably posed and solved through
the Laplace transform technique. The solution for the general case
in the transform domain is presented. In § 3 particular cases are
It m a y als0 be remarked that results obtained by Stuart [2],
Watson [3], Messiha [4], Kaloni [5], and Soundalgëkar and Puri [6]
are all particular cases of the results presented here.

§ 2. General theory
The constitutive equations characterizing the elastico-viscous liquid
B' are
Pik = - P g i k + P~'~, (1)

p,ik = 2
f t
¢(t - r) ôx'-~
OX k
e(1)rar dt',

where Pik is the stress tensor, p an arbitrary isotropic pressure, gik


the metric tensor of a fixed coordinate system x i, x 'l the position at

time t' of the element which is instantaneously at the point x t a t
time t, ~(1)
~i/c the rate of strain tensor and •

~(t -- t') = f ö N(j). e x p [ - - ( t - - t')/.] dT,

N(r) is the distribution function of relaxation times ~-. For liquids

with short memories, the equations of state are [7]

p'ik = 2~oe(1)ik __ 2 k o ~ e (1)/k, (3)

114 P. P U R I

where */o = Sö N(r) dr is the limiting viscosity at small rates of

shear, k0 is the coefficient of the elasticity of the fluid,

k0 = Iö rN(.) d.,
and ~/~t denotes the convected differentiation of a tensor.
We choose the x'-axis along a two dimensional infinite plate and
the y'-axis perpendicular to it. Under these conditions the flow is
independent of x'. Hence from (1) and (3), the flow of an incom-
pressible elastico-viscous liquid B' past an infinite porous flat plate
is governed b y the following equations of motion and continuity
au' eu' ôp'
p' ~~-+ p'v' ay'
( e3U, e3U
a2U' ko - - q- v ' - - - -
@ ~o ôy'2 aT '2 et' ôy,3
ôu' a2v ' õv' e2u '
ay' ôy'~
ay' )
ay '2 '

av' ôv' ap'

P' ~ + P'v' ay'
( eav ' ôav' av' ô2v' )
e~v' -- 2ko - ey-'2 at' + v' -ay'3
+ 2~0 ôy,~ - 3 ôy, ôy,2 ' (5)

- o. (6)

It is evident from (6) that v' is only a function of the time. We con-
sider v' as
v ' = --v0[1 + eAG(t')], (7)

where Vo is the constant part of the suction velocity and G(t') is an

arbitrary function of time, e is a small value and A is a real positive
constant such that eA ~ 1. In view of (6) and (7), (4) and (5) re-
duce to
eu' au' 1 Bp'
-- -- v0[1 -1- eAG(t')] - - = -- ~ - - -k
91' Oy' p Ox'

+~ ey'~
02u' kô[ ay'2
vo(1 + eAG(t')) Bau' 1
e~~-J (8)
U N S T E A D Y F L O W OF AN E L A S T I C O - V I S C O U S F L U I D 1 15

ôv' 1 ap '
ôt' p' ôy'
Where ~ = (~o/p') and kô = (ko/p').
F r o m (7) and (9), it is obvious t h a t ap'/ay' is a function of t' only
and therefore ap'/ax' is constant along a n y normal and is given b y
its value outside the b o u n d a r y layer. If U(t') is the free stream
velocity then (8) for free stream velocity becomes

1 ap' dU
B' ax' dt'

The equations (5) and (7) give

au' au' dU ô2u'

-- -- vo[m + eAG(t')] -- + v---
at' Ôy dt' Oy'2

-- kô I aYa3u~
'2at' 03Ur
Vo(1 -- eAG(t'))~y,3 ~. (11)

The b o u n d a r y conditions are

u'=0 at y'=0 and u'--U(t') as y~oo. (12)

Let us consider free stream velocity of the form

U(t') = Uoli + «F(t')l (13)

and assume the velocity u' in the b o u n d a r y layer of the form

u'(y', l') = Uo[/l(y') @ e/9,(y', t')~, (14)

where U0 is a constant, F(t') is an arbitrary function of time,

Uo/l(y') is the velocity when t = 0, and eUo/2(y', t') represents the
change in velocity due to F(t') and G(t'). Berate proceeding to salve
this problem, let us introduce nondimensional quantities as defined
in Soundalgekar and Puri [6].

t' v~ y' vo U'

t-- 4v ' Y-- , U-- ,
v Va
U !
, k ---- -'°'Rövö/,~.
u -- Uo
1t 6 P. PURI

Substituting (13) and (14) in (11) and using (15), we get

/// u
k/~ + tl + li = 0; (16)

,,, ù al~' 1 ~/2

kl2 + l s - - }kT/- +/~ 4 at
1 dF
A G/i -- kA G/[ (17)
4 dt

where the primes denote differentiation with respect to y.

In view of (13), (14) and (15), the boundary conditions (12) re-
duce to
/1-/2=0 at y = O [ (18)
fll: 1 and /2 = F ( t ) as y->oo. /
To solve (17) we shall apply the one-sided Laplace transform de-
fined as follows
/(P) = [.ö e-pf/(t) dt.
The inverse is
1 fc+ioo
-- [(p) e~ tdp.
/(t) 2,~i ~«_~~
Applying the Laplace transform to (17) we get
k[~" +/~'(1 -- }pk) + [~ -- }P[2 = - - } p F -- A O / i -- kAO/~', (19)

where is, F and G denote the Laptaee transform of /2, F and G

respectively. The boundary conditions on/s in the transform domain
[2=0, at y = O f2=F as y-->oo. (20)
Since (16) and (17) are third order differential equations having
only two boundary conditions, we shall follow, as in Beard and
Walters [81, and assume/1 a n d / 2 in the following form
/1 = /01 -~- k / u q- 0(k2),
/2 = ~os + k / i s + O(k2).
This expansion is justified since the rheological equations are valid
only for small k.
Substituting (21) in (16) and (19) and equating the coefficients

of various powers of k we have

1ó1 q- tól = 0, (22)

a; tl
/01 @ t l l -}- / i l = 0, (23)

-" + ]'62 -- ip[02 = - - A õ / ó l

]02 -- TP F, (24)

1~'2 + ]12 - - lP[~2 = ~p- J o~"2 - - 1o2

-" - - A G ~ i l - - A G-/ O"l , (25)

with the corresponding b o u n d a r y conditions

/01 = /11 = ].02 : /12 = 0 at y = 0

/01 = 1, ].02 = F , /11 = f12 = 0 as y ---> o o . (26)

The solution for/01 a n d / n is the same as derived in Soundalgekar

and Puri [61, t h u s / 1 is given b y
/1 = 1 -- e-Y + ky e-v. (27)
Solving (24) and (25) subject to the b o u n d a r y conditions (2), we
have in view of (21),

h = ~61 + 62 + k(A63 + &), (28)

61 = ~ (e-V-- e-hu), (29)

62 = F(1 -- e-hY), (30)

40 4G(h + p/4) h23 , e - h v 40
-- e-hY + -l- (1 -- y) e-Y, (31)
Ba p px/1 + p P-

64 =: F ( h + p/4) h2y e-hY , (32)

U = 1 -- e-Y @ ky e-Y -~- e(A~l @ ~2) @ k e ( A C a + ¢4), (33)
t~ = ~[1 + ,/1 + p?. (34)

This completes the solution in the transform domain.

118 P. PURI

§ 3. Applications of the general theory

3.1. In the following section, we shall first derive the formulae for
velocity, skin friction and displacement thickness when F ( t ) :
= G(t)= ~(t). The expressions due to other values can then be
easily derived.
Equations (29)-(32) on p u t t i n g F(p) = G(p) = 1 and inverting
[9] yield the values of ¢1, ¢2, ¢3 and ¢4 for F(t) : G(t) = 6(t), thus

~~ ~/t/ 4,ù/~/~xp
ta/~ (+ + x/t )~
' (36)

d?a~H(t){2(y--1)e-Yerfc(4~jt alt) - 2 e r f c ( y' x/t)+

_ ~ ( y~'
+ x / ~ \ 64t2 + 4t 8t -k exp -- -k x/t -/

+ 4(1 -- y) e-u~, (37)

¢4-~ yH(t) [ y4 y8 3y z + 3y 2 3y
x/~r 4096t~ + 256t3 256ta 128t2 32tz +

-¢- 1-~- +
64t 2
16t + exp --
(+)~ -+- x/t , (38)

where H(t) is the Heaviside step function and

2 ; - u~
erf(x) -- x/~ e du, erfc(x) = 1 -- erf(x).

The displacement thickness d, m a y be defined by

6Vo 1 -dy, (39)

;o~E u,,,,
U(t) 1
which yields after simplification and using (33) and (35)-(38),
Bvo 1 -- k e
-- + - [AXI + X2 + AkX3 + kX4], (40)
v 1 + ed(t) 1 - / ec}(t)
U N S T E A D Y F L O W OF AN E L A S T I C O - V I S C O U S F L U I D 1 19

where X1, X2, Xa and X4 are contributions of ¢1, ¢2, ¢3 and ¢4

respectively and are given by

XI=H(t) [J 8 ~e-t--4erfcx/t--8terfcx/t ] , (41)

X2 = H(t) e -t -- erfc x/t , (42)

Xa = H(t) (8t -- 2) e -t -- 2(1 -+- 4t) erfc ~ t , (43)

I 1 1 ]e-t--½b(t). (44)
X4 =- H(t) 8x/~t 4~/~t
It now remains to derive a formula for the shearing stress Pxv
which is given in [6] (see Soundalgekar and Puff, equations (30)
and (31)).

p~y Ou 1 k [ 02u 4(1 -/sAG(t)) 02ul. (45)

Pxv -- p'voU~ -- Oy 4 Oy Ot Oy2 J
Where p~y is the shearing stress and Pxy is the nondimensional
shearing stress. On using (33) and ignoring coefficients of e2 and
k 2, eq. (45) reduces to
Ou l k [ s ( A 02¢1 02¢2"/
P xy -- Oy 4 O--y0~ + Oy at ] +

+4(I+eAG(t)),e-y--4t A 029~1 + . (46)

0y2 0y2 ] j
The skin friction on the plate can be calculated by taking y = 0.
We thus have

Pxv]y=o= l + e(A Ô¢1 0¢2 I

ay + õy-y/y=o +
+ek[A(ô¢ ~ 16291 02¢1)
oy 4 oy o~ + --oy2 G(t) +
+ 0¢4 1 02¢2 ~2¢21 =

= 1 + e(A~bl + ~b2-}- kACa + k¢4), (47)

120 P. PURI

~i - ~I ] ,

Y _I~=o
¢2 ~y v=o'

8y v=o 8Y2 ]y=o 4 8y ~t Jv=o

827 y o 8 9 ]y=o 4 8y 8[ y=O'
¢1, ¢2, Ca and ¢4 in the present case are given b y

~bl = 2H(~) e -t -- erfc x/t , (49)

¢2 = ~-(~(t) 4t,/~ e-t (SO)

4'3 = H(t) 4 16t 32/z . e-t -- 2 erfc , 3

t d
--~(t)+----Ot. (51)
8 dt

~,4 = H(t) e-~ [~(t)~. (52)

16x/~ 64tzx/~ 8 dt -

Clearly ¢I, Cz, Ca and ¢~ all depend on the parameter y/4x/t and
following W a t s o n [31, we note t h a t the secondary b o u n d a r y layer
is created if either the free stream velocity or the suction velocity
or b o t h are subjected to an instantaneous impulse.
¢1 varies from oo to 0, Ca always remains negative. In this case
~z is always negative a n d increases to 0 from an initial value of
--oo. ¢4 also increases from an initial value of oo to 0. B u t it be-
comes positive for t > (x/~2), achieves a m a x i m u m at about t - -
= 1.27 and {hen decreases to zero. For a nonzero k, the skin fric-
tion due to G(t) is d o m i n a t e d by ~ba for small values of l. Thus for
purely viscous fluids, an instantaneous impulse will increase the
skin friction, b u t for elastico viscous fluids (B'), it will reduce the
skin friction. And the skin friction due to F(t) will start with a
U N S T E A D Y F L O W OF AN E L A S T I C O - V I S C O U S F L U I D 121

large negative value and become positive at some time depending

on k, and finally decrease to zero. The steady state is reached
earlier because of the viscoelastic property of the fluid.
Due to the approximations, the present problem has been re-
duced to a linear system. We can therefore use Duhamel's theorem,
which states t h a t if the solution t o a n y linear system due to an
initial response ~(t) is co(t), then the solution due to an arbitrary
response F(t) is given by

W(t) -- S~, e)(r) F(# ,) dr = I~ o»(t ,) F(r) dr. (53)

From (53) we derive the velocity field, skin friction and displace-
ment thickness due to other vatues of F(t) and G(t).
For F(t) -- H(t), 62 and 64 are obtained from (36), (38) and (53)

~2 ~/~,[1 l erle ~' T~t l e~erfc 4~~

64 -- H(t) ~y e-v erfc 4@t ,/t ~- [ 25B~- q- 16t

32t -- exp + ,/t . (54)

As t ~ oo, it can easily be seen t h a t 62 --~ 1 e-V, and 64 -- Y e-V-

So t h a t if A -- 0 and F(t) --- AH(t), the total velocity in the bounda-
ry layer will be (1 cA)(1 -- e-v 4- ky e-y), i.e. the same as if the
free stream velocity were a constant 1 -- cA.
X 2 and X4 given b y (42), (44) and (53), represent the influence
of F(t) on the displaeement thickness d. These terms for F(t) -- H(t)

X2--H(t) erf,/t 2terfc,/t+2 ~ - e -t ,

and (55)

X4 :- --H([)
Elerf `/t + - - .
4,/;?1 e--~ + ½ . 1
Apparently the visco,elastic property of the fluid reduces the dis-
placement thickness. These results are not valid for very small
values of t, as X4 will make displacement thickness negative for
very small 't'.
122 P. PURI

Finally skin friction due to F ( t ) is given by ~2 and ~ß4 from (50)

(52) and (53)

~b2 = ½H(t)

and '
F- ~/~-' e -t + i + erf ~/t
1 (56)
¢4 = H(t) l_[ - 1 1 1 e -t -- }d(t).
32t 16

The graphs of $2 and ~b4 are given in Fig. 1. ~2 decreases from a

large initial value to unity as t -» oo and ~4 also decreases from a
large positive value. It becomes negative for t ~ .5, aehieves its
minimum at about t = .87 and increases again. Referring to Watson
[3J, we note the presence of the secondary bonndary layer of
thickness a/vt~. The behavior of ~b2 has also been explained in detail
b y W a t s o n [3J. Here we note that ~4 also depends on the parameter
y / 4 ~ / t for small values of t. The visco-elastie property of the fluid
increases the skin friction initially which becomes infinite like 1/t~.
Repeating the arguments given by W a t s o n [3~, we note that the
velocity varies from zero velocity at the plate to the approximate
value 1 + sB, (il F(t) -- A H ( ! ) ) in a distance y' of order (vt')~. As
t --> 0, the distance (vt')½ within which the change in velocity must
take place, decreases. The viscoelastic property of the Iluid slows
down the response of the fluid to t h e impulse. Since the change in
velocity must take place within approximately the same distance
as in the purely viscous case, the skin friction at the plate rises. It

i-- 1.5

Fig. 1. Behaviour of ~2 and ~b4 with respect to time.

U N S T E A D Y F L O W OF AN E L A S T I C O - V I S C O U S F L U I D 123

can further be inferred as in W a t s o n E3], t h a t the viscous effects of

the impulse are confined to the secondary b o u n d a r y layer, b u t the
viscoelastic effect is felt over the whole of the b o u n d a r y layer.
Following W a t s o n [3] we define nondimensional time te, which is
the time taken for the skin friction to change from one s t e a d y value
to another. Let Pl be the undisturbed skin friction, then

Pl -- pUovo, (57)

and the characteristic time te is defined b y

te =
, Ps -- Pl
1)dt, (58)
where Po = P,vl v=0 and Ps = P01t+oo.
For F(t) = AH(t), and A = 0, Po is given b y (47) and (56), and

Ps = (1 @ sA)/pUovo. (59)
Using these values of Po, Ps and Pl we get from (58)

te = I(I - k), (6o)

so that the time taken for friction to reach the second steady state
is reduced, and therefore the time taken for the flow to sett]e down
is also reduced in the same proportion. W e now proceed to derive
the values of ~2, ~4, X2, X4, ~~ and ~4, when F(t)----tHit) --
-- (t -- to) H(t -- to). It is convenient to derive first the results for
F(t)= tu(t).For F(t) = ra(t), from (36), (38) and (53) we get

( y
Bz = H(t) It -- ½(t -- ~y) erfc\ 4x/t +x/t)-

(' - -- x/t)], (61)

-- ½(t -- {y) e-V erfc -4x/t

44=H(t)[ Y~(1
@ 8t) exp -- ( 4--~ -¢-x/t)2 @
+ ~yerfe (v Y )
+ x / t ~ q - y ( ½ t - - ~ - - l y ) e-Verfc ('-«0]

124 P. PURI

For large value 't' of t, 62 ~ t(1 -- e-y) 4. IY e-y, and 44 ~-"

y(t - - ½ - - lY) e-v.
From (42), (44) and (53) it follows that

X 2 = H(t) (t 2 + {-t) e -t - - I erf x/t 4- t erf x/t -- t 2 erf x/t (63)

X 4 --= --½H(t) 1 4- erf~ft + ~ e -t , (64)

X4 clearly reduces the displacement thickness.

Finally @2 and @4 are given by (50), (52) and (53),

@2 = ½H(t) [J ~ - e-t 4- i erf x/t 4- t(1 4- erf x/t) , ] (65)

@4 =
--lH(t) 1 4- erf x/t 4- 2~--~- e-t ' ' ] (66)

for all finite t > 0.

For large t, @2 ~ ~ 4- t and @4 -~ - - t , so that the skin friction
due to F(t) for large t is of the form t 4- 1(1 -- k). It can therefore
be remarked that the skin friction reduces due to the viscoelastic
propertY of the fluid and the effect of the pressure gradient which
is accelerating the fluid has greater effect near the plate on viscous
fluids, than on elastico-viscous fluid (B').
The results for F ( t ) = t H ( t ) - ( t - t o ) H ( t - - t o ) can be easily
deduced from (61-66). If Ó~(y, t) and 4ä(Y, t) denote 62 and 44 for
F(t) = tH(t) then 42 and 44 for the present case are
42 = Ph(Y, t) -- 4~(Y, t -- to),
44 = 4~(y, t) - 4~(y, t - to).

Using a similar notation for X2, X4, @2 and @4 we ger

x ~ = x;.(t) - x~(t - to),
x4 = x'4(t) -- X~(t T to),
@2 = @~(t) - - @;ù(t - - to),
: @4 - - @~(t) - @'~(t - to).

For large t, @2 ~ t o and @4-~ 0, these values are to times the

U N S T E A D Y F L O W OF AN E L A S T I C O - V I S C O U S F L U I D 125



Fig. 2. B e h a v i o u r of ~2 a n d ~4 w i t h r e s p e c t t o t i m e w i t h to = .25.

corresponding values of 42 and 4a in equations (56) since the final

increase in free stream velocity in the present ease is to times the
increase in free stream velocity when F(t) -- H(t).
A graph of 42 and 44 are given in Fig. 2 for to -- .25 in F(t). For
small t, 44 has a large negative value, it increases with time and
jumps to a very large value when t -- to > 0 and small, after this
jump, 44 uniformly decreases to zero. We shall evaluate q~l, dè3,X1,
Xa, 41 and 4a when G(t) = H(t); using (35), (37), (41), (43), (49),
(51) and (53) we get

~l-- 2H(t) [2te-v-- (t + ¼y)erfc( Y~+ x/l) -

\ 4x/t
-- ( t - - l y ) e-verfc (' 4x/t ~/t )l,

~3=H(t) 4t(1--y) e - Y + ~ ( 2 t - I - l ) exp-- +x/t +

+E~Y--½y2+2t(Y-- 1)?e-yerfe (' 4~/t )

~/t +

- - ( 2 t + ½ y ) erfe( Y, + ~ / t ) ] . (70)
\ 4~/t
126 P. PURI

The expressions for ~1 and ~8 exhibit the presence of a secondary

b o u n d a r y layer of thickness x / ~ . In the steady stare ~1 = Y e-v
and ~a = (3y -- y2) e-v. E v e n though the suction velocity becomes
a constant v0(1 + sA) as t --->oo, the velocity u(y, t)t~oo cannot be
obtained b y ehanging Vo to v0(1 + eA), unlike in the case of a
change in U(t). This is due to the fact that the suction velocity
v0 occurs in some of the nondimensional independent variables in a
nonlinear manner. The terms contributing to displacement thickness
are X1 and X3,

X1 = H(t) (4t 2 -]- 2t) e -t -- erf x/t -- 4t erfc x/t 4t 2 erfc x/t ,

X3 ~ H(t) I4t i t e - t -- 2 er~ 4t -- 2t er~c ~/t -- 4t21erfc ~/~l. (72)

The skin friction terms el and ~8 are

~l=H(t) 2 ~e -t+erIa/t-2terfcx/t (73)

~ha = H(t) V--erfc x / t - 2t erfc ~/t + ~

1( 2t -+- 41- + 1 ~1) e-t +

q- ~ß(t)l. (74)

The graphs of e l and ~3 are given in Fig. 3, ~1 increases from its

initial value 0 to 1 in the steady state, whereas ~a decreases from
q-oo initially to 0 as t -+ oo. Thus in case of an impulsive increase
in suction velocity, the skin friction is increased.
It would be of interest to knaw the eharacteristic time te as de-
fined b y (58), if F(t) -- AH(t) and G(t) = H(t),
te = ¼(1 - - k ) (2 -- k). (75)
4(A q- A)
The characteristic time is considerably reduced if suction is im-
pulsively increased.
F(t) = G(t) = H(t) e -»t+iwt.



Fig. 3. Behaviour of ¢1 and ~b8with respect to time when G(t) = H{t).

When suction velocity and the free stream velocity are sumperi-
posed with an exponentially decaying oscillation, the velocity terms
¢1, ¢2, ¢8, and ¢4 from (35-38) and (53) are

¢1-- 4 H ( t ) { ( 1 - - e - ~ t ) e - v - - l e r f c ( 4 ~ t +~/t)--

} e-Y erfc -4x/t )
x/t +

-¢- ½ e -et e -½v(l+~&-~)erfc 4x/t
-- ('
- ,/õ - ~)t) +

\ 4~t

Ce= H(t)e-et [ 1 - 1 e-lV(l+'/i~) erfc( --4~/t - ,/õ - «)t)-

-- ½ e --~v(1-~&-~)erfc + x/(1 -- o~)t , (77)

43 = H(t) ×

x[e~~{[2 (8(1~)÷~28(,
128 P. PURI

× erle 4 4 ~ - - 4g - ~)t)+
+[2--(1--½Œ 8 ( 1 _ ~) + c2
- 8(1-~)' )Y] e'~(' «' ~) x

× e r f c ( \ 4 ~yt q - ~ O - - Œ ) t)} +

q- 2(y -- 1) e-v erfc 4x/t ~/t -- 2 erfc -F x/t q-

+ ~ exp -- + t q- 4(1 -- y) e-v: (1 e -et) , (78)


¢4= F1 / 8 ( 1 - - o ~ ) + o g
z-/(t)y e-~'[X(, 8(1- ~,)~ + ~ )~~ x

X e -~ry(l+'/Vz°d erfc -4x/~ --

+¼(i--½oL-- 8(1--~)+~2)
(1-~)~ ×

e-~V(1-,/1-~) e r f c ( m - + x/Õ - «)t +
\ 44t
~ ( ,2 y 1 7--~)
+ H(•) -256t
~ + 16~ ~, 32~- + --]6-- x

× exp-- Y +x/t (79)

where « = 2~' -- iw.

The skin friction terms ¢1, ¢~, Ca and ~¢4 may be obtained from
(49-53). Thus we have:
¢1 --H(t)[erfx/t-- (1 -- c¢)~e~«t erf,,/il --Œ) t - - 1 q- e«t], (80)


¢~ = all(t) e-«~+(1--" « ) ~ e - « ~ e , « 4 i l " « ) t + e , • (81)


¢ a : H ( ~)
[(2 I --
0~ 8
1) e_et - -2- +
8 4~
1 et+

+ - -1 e t+--erfx/t--o~ + 8- + 8 --2 ×
X (1 -- o,)-~ e «t erf 4(1 -- o~)t] + SO(t), (82)

¢4 = H(t) I ß e -et - 1 --- e~ e -t - / - -1 e -t -k
16,,/~ 32tx/~

+ (Bs -- ~~2)(1 -- Œ)-~ e T M erf x/(1 -- ~) tl-- ~-~(t). (83)

In the particular case when 22 = 1, and F(t) = G(t) = c x,t sin wt,
the expressions for ¢1, ¢2, Ca, and ¢4 are as follows:

2H(t) [--w erfc x/t -]- e -t {w cos wt + sin wl - -

¢1 -- 1 + w Œ

+ (cos wt -- w sin wt) CV/~]}], (84)

¢2 -- ½H(t) e-t Esin wt + x/~w (sin wt S x / ~ + cos wt Cx/~)I, (85)
[ 2w erfc x/t + e_t• ( 2 9)sinwt +
Ca -- H(t) l + w2 l q- w 2 8 ~

( 2w ) w
-k ~l + w -/~w coswt 8~~

~~[( l+w 2
14 -~ w 2 ~ sin wt +
8 ]
( 2w 3w

+ l+w2

i~[(-- 2w
l+w 2
3w '~ sin wt
8 /

cos wt S (86)
1-t-w ~ 8 '
130 P. P U R I


¢4 : H(t) e -t 1 sin wt - - ~ - cos wt - -

w 1 ÷w 2
- - (cos wt Sx/~ -- sin wt Cx/~)], (87)
~6,/;? 8,/G
(iw)~ erf ~ / i ~ -- V2~w (SV~ + i C V ~ ) ,

S x / ~ and Cx/~ are Fresnel's integrals defined as

S(x) -- ~- sin u 2 du, C(x) -- ~ cos u 2 du.

We next consider the case that ,~2 ~ 1 and w >~ I1 -- ,~21.

The expressions ~1, ~2, ¢3, and ¢4 then, are as follows"

2H(t) [ - - w erfc x/t q- e -~u {w cos wt q- ~2 sin wt - -

%1 - 44 + w2

-- x/2w [(w cos wt q--,I2 sin wt) S~/wt q-

q- (,,l2 cos wt - - w sin wt) C~/wt]}], (88)

~2 = ½H(t) e -~u [sin wt + x/2~w(sin wt S,/wt q- cos wt Cx/~J, (89)

[ _ - - _ e w- t 2w
Ierfcx/t+e ~u X
8#;7 1 + ~~

{( 2
1 4-w 2
) sinwt+ (2~)
- - + l w
1 +w2

14+w2 )
sin wt q-
-- 1 -~w ~ 8

( 2w
cos wt C,/~t -
+ 1 + w2 8 1 +w2 8 ×

( 2
× sinwt-- l+w 2 cos wt s , , / ~ (9o)


¢4 = H(t) 16x/~t e-t q- e-Z2t sin wt -- ~ - cos wt --

I-Lw2 }]
8,,/~ww (cos wt S,,/wt -- sin wt Cx/wt) . (91)

Comparing ¢1, ¢2, Ca and ¢4 for i -- 1, with ¢1, ¢2, Ca and ¢4 for
w >~ 11 - - 22], we notice t h a t t h e y are identical for i =- 1. If we
consider v e r y large w, (80--83) m a y be written as
~1 ~ B1 e -12l+i(wt-°),

¢2 ~'~ B2 e -z~t+i(wt+°~),
~3 ' ~ B8 e-~t+i(wt-°),

~4 ~ B4 e ~2t+i(wt-°),
2 w~ w~
BI~W, Bi~N/w, B8~-~ 4X/2 and B4~ 8N/~
Sx/~ Cx/wt (93)
tanO~-~-- and tan 0 1 ~ - 0 - -


Fig. 4. Behaviour of ¢1, ¢2, Ca and ¢4 with respect to time with ), = 1 and
¢o= 10.
132 P. PURI

It wt is also large then Cx/~, Sx/w-t -+ ½ and 0 =- 01-- (~/4) For

small 't' the behavior of ¢1, ¢2, ¢3 and ¢4 is the same as if F(t) =
= G(t) = tH(t), but as time passes skin friction starts to fluctuate.
A graph of ¢1, ¢2, ¢3, and ¢4 is given in Fig. 4 for ,~ = 1 and w = 10.
From (92) and (93), it can easily be seen that for large w the
values of ¢1, ¢3, and ¢4 fluctuate with a phase lag over the free stream
and suction velocities, but are in phase with respect to each other,
¢2 is the only term which fluctuates with a phase advance over
free stream velocity. For large w in a purely viscous case, ¢2 is the
dominant term and the skin friction will therefore fluctuate with a
phase advance over U(t). This phase advance approaches (~/4) for
very large wt. In the elastico-viscous case the dominant terms are
¢3 and ¢4 which fluctuate with a phase lag and therefore the skin
friction fluctuates with a phase lag for sufficiently large w. This
phase lag beeomes (z:/4) for large wt.

§ 4, Conclusions
We summarize below the results obtained in this artiele. In ease of
impulsive flows, the viscoelastie property of the fluid reduces the
characteristic time and in general hastens the approach to steady
state. Impulses in suction velocity also reduce the eharacteristic
time and have a steadying influence on the flow. In case of the
accelerated free stream, the viscoelastic property reduces the time
b y which the skin friction anticipates the velocity. Finally when
the suction velocity and the free stream velocity fluctuate about a
eonstant mean value with an exponentially decaying amp]itude, the
leading terms of the skin friction are obtained from ¢3 and ¢4 for
large frequencies. Both these terms fluctuate with a phase lag of
t a n - l ( S ~ / ~ / C ~ / ~ ) with respect to the free stream velocity. From
(92) we can draw the following conclusions:
1) F(t) = O, A :~ O, k : O, the skin friction is given by 1 + A~¢1
and fluctuates with a phase lag with respect to the suction. This
phase lag --->(~/4) for large wt;
2) F(t) ~: O, A :/: O. k = O, the skin friction is 1 + s(A¢I + ¢2),
for large w, it behaves like 1 + s¢2, which has been discussed by
Watson [31 ;
3) k ~: 0, in this case the skin frictionis 1 + e(A¢I + ¢2 + A k ¢ 3 +
+ k¢4), ¢3 and ¢4 are the dominant terms and the skin friction be-
haves as described earlier. Thus it can be stated that the visco-
U N S T E A D Y F L O W OF AN E L A S T I C O - V I S C O U S F L U I D 133

elastic property of the fluid is responsible for delayed response of

the skin friction; it should be noted that in the Newtonian oase the
skin friction in general anticipates the free stream velocity.

The author wishes to express his sincere gratitude to his friend and
former colleague Dr. V. M. Soundalgekar for encouraging the author
to start investigations in this field. The author is also grateful to
Mr. J. H. Clark for carrying out the numerical computations, and
to the referee for m a n y helpful suggestions.

Received 17 March 1971

In final form 27 November 1971


~11 LIGHTItlLL,M. J., Proc. Roy. Soc. A224 (1954) 1.

[2] STUART, J. T., Proc. Roy. Soe. A231 (1955) 116.
[31 WATSON, J., Quart. J. Mech. and Appl. Math. 11 (1957) 804.
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~Ó] KALONI,P. N., Phys. Fluids 10 (1967) 1344.
~6] SOUNDALGEKAR,V. M., and P. PURI, J. Fluid Mech. 35 (1969) 561.
E7] WALTERS, K., J. Meehanique 1 (1962) 474.
~8] BEARD, D. W., and K. WALTEI~S, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soe. 60 (1964) 667.
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