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Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 40 (2003) 111 – 119

Axial Couette–Poiseuille flow of power-law viscoplastic fluids in

concentric annuli
P. Filip *, J. David
Institute of Hydrodynamics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Pod Patankou 5, 166 12 Prague 6, Czech Republic
Received 30 July 2002; accepted 6 May 2003


The laminar axial flow of non-Newtonian fluids obeying Robertson – Stiff model in concentric annuli is analysed. Fluid flow
is produced by the inner cylinder moving along its axis and by the pressure gradient imposed in the axial direction. Both cases
(where pressure gradient either assists the moving cylinder or opposes the moving cylinder) are considered. All possible cases
with respect to the positions of the plug flow regions are uniquely diversified by the derived semi-analytical criteria using the
entry (geometric, kinematic, and rheologic) parameters. The explicit semi-analytical expression is derived for each possible case
of the volumetric flow rate.
D 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Boreholes; Channel geometry; Viscoplastic materials; Laminar flow; Constitutive equations; Velocity analysis

1. Introduction in the integral form (i.e. the explicit expression for

flow rate is given by an integral equation) and semi-
The dependence between volumetric flow rate and analytically for the Bingham model (the location of
pressure drop plays a crucial role in the description of the plug flow region is given implicitly, flow rate
flow of a non-Newtonian fluid in concentric annuli. depending on this location analytically)
The complexity of the problem subjects both to the  
choice of a rheological model characterizing fluid s0
s ¼ gp þ ċ: ð2Þ
behaviour and to the kinematics of the inner and outer AċA
The latter model was further analysed by Anshus
Using the assumption of immobile walls, the axial
(1974) (dealing especially with limiting cases of the
rate of flow was expressed by Fredrickson and Bird
plasticity number). The semi-analytical form for pow-
(1958) for power-law fluids
er-law fluids (the location of maximum velocity is
s ¼ KAċAn1  ċ ð1Þ given by an integral equation; flow rate is influenced
by this location analytically) was derived by Hanks
and Larsen (1979). The same problem also was
* Corresponding author. Fax: +420-233324361. discussed in David and Filip (1994, 1995, 1996)
E-mail address: (P. Filip). where the fully analytical form is presented for a

0920-4105/$ - see front matter D 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
112 P. Filip, J. David / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 40 (2003) 111–119

broad region of entry parameters. McEachern (1966) rate depending on this constant analytically); they
applied Ellis model considered both directions of the exerted pressure
" gradient and developed criteria for variations of other
 s n1 cases.
s ¼ g0 1 þ   ċ ð3Þ
s1=2  The advantages of the semi-analytical, or analyti-
cal, expressions for volumetric flow rate over results
and, analogous to Fredrickson and Bird (1958) for from numerical analyses are their relative simplicity
power-law fluids, he derived the expression for the and determination of how the entry parameters affect
volumetric flow rate for integers 1/n as a power series. the solution. In the case of the semi-analytical sol-
The solution in the form of an integral equation for the utions, however, there is still one integration param-
Herschel – Bulkley model was presented by Hanks eter that has to be determined numerically expressing
(1979). The Powell– Eyring model the location where shear stress attains zero value, or
  the continuity of the velocity profiles.
1 ċ This study deals with axial flow through the
s ¼ l  ċ þ sinh1 ð4Þ
B A concentric annulus. The inner cylinder is moving at
a constant velocity along its axis with an axial
was numerically treated in Russell and Christiansen
pressure gradient imposed on a Robertson –Stiff fluid.
(1974). The more general numerical computation was
The objective is to provide a unique classification of
presented by Fordham et al. (1991) and successively
all possible cases (including regions of plug flow) and
applied using the Casson
to describe the volumetric flow rate for each case as a
"  1=2 #2 semi-analytical equation.
s 0
s ¼ g1=2
c þ ċ; ð5Þ The geometric and kinematic conditions:
. concentric annulus,
Herschel – Bulkley . fluid flow is produced by the inner cylinder moving
n1 s0 along its axis and by the pressure gradient imposed
s ¼ KAċA þ ċ; ð6Þ in the axial direction
and Robertson – Stiff models are those used by Malik and Shenoy (1991); geomet-
"   1n #n ric and rheologic conditions:
1 n1 s 0
s ¼ K n AċA n þ ċ: ð7Þ
AċA . concentric annulus,
. application of Robertson– Stiff model
For the Robertson – Stiff model, the semi-analytical
expression for the rate of flow (the location of plug are those used by Gücüyener and Mehmetoğlu (1992).
flow region is given by an integral equation, flow rate Unfortunately the present case cannot be obtained as a
depending on this location analytically) was derived simple superposition due to nonlinearity of the prob-
in Gücüyener and Mehmetoğlu (1992). For further lem.
references refer to Escudier et al. (2002). The results obtained can be applied to wellbore
There are not many papers in literature on axially drilling. They provide quantitative results as well as
moving inner cylinder due to a pressure gradient. For the qualitative features of flow that depend on entry
an inner cylinder moving along its axis, Wadhwa parameters.
(1966) obtained the integral form for the axial velocity
profile for an Ellis fluid. Lin and Hsu (1980) studied
power-law fluids and obtained the integral form for 2. Basic equations
the flow rate. Malik and Shenoy (1991) derived the
semi-analytical form for the same problem (a constant Using the assumptions that the flow is steady,
of integration is given by an integral equation, flow laminar, incompressible, isothermal and axial with
P. Filip, J. David / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 40 (2003) 111–119 113

negligible end effects of the cylinders, the equation of Then, the problem can be integrated (Eq. (12)) and
motion is of the form reformulated (Eqs. (9) and (10)) to obtain

1 dðrsrz Þ k2
¼ P: ð8Þ ðsgnðPÞÞ  T ¼ n  ; ð13Þ
r dr n

The boundary conditions:

uðjÞ ¼ 1; uð1Þ ¼ 0; ð14Þ

vz ðjRÞ ¼ V > 0; vz ðRÞ ¼ 0 ð9Þ "

 1s  s #n  
s  du 
s  du  du
express that the inner cylinder moves at a cons- T ¼ K   þT0   
dn dn dn
tant velocity along its axis and the outer one is
stationary. for AT AzT0 ; ð15Þ
Rheological behaviour of the fluid is assumed
to obey the three-parameter Robertson-Stiff (1976)
model (written in cylindrical coordinates): du
¼0 for AT AVT0 : ð16Þ
"   n1   1 #n  
 dvz  n 1  dv  n dvz
srz ¼ K   þs0n  
1 z
n  If ki, ko denote the dimensionless boundary values
dr dr dr
of the plug flow region (Fig. 1), then from Eq. (5) it
dvz follows that
for Asrz Azs0 ; ¼0 for Asrz AVs0 : ð10Þ
k2 ¼ ki k o ; ð17Þ
For simplicity, the following transformations con-
verting the problem to the dimensionless form are
used: ki ¼ ko  T 0 : ð18Þ

r vz 2srz 2s0 For simplification, the following notation will be

n¼ ; u¼ ; T ¼ ; T0 ¼ ;
APAR R q  s
K¼ ; Q¼ : ð11Þ 
2K V 2pR2 V  ko ðko  T0 Þ 
FðnÞ ¼ n  ; ð19Þ

From here the dimensionless form of the equation

of motion, Eq. (8), is of the form  k2 

GðnÞ ¼ n   ; ð20Þ
APA dðnT Þ
 ¼ P; ð12Þ  
2n dn  ki ðki þ T0 Þ s
HðnÞ ¼ n  : ð21Þ
where n

 | P | = P ( P>0) if pressure gradient assists the drag In the next sections, the cases P>0 and P < 0 will
on the fluid caused by the moving inner cylinder, be discussed. For each the possible flow situations
 | P | =  P ( P < 0) if pressure gradient opposes the will be determined including criteria that enable one
drag on the fluid caused by the moving inner to decide (with respect to the entry parameters) which
cylinder. situation occurs. Finally, semi-analytical expressions
114 P. Filip, J. David / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 40 (2003) 111–119

¼0 for ki VnVko ; ð23Þ
" s #
duo s k2 s
¼ K n T0 for ko < nV1
dn n
where <0 ð24Þ

where ui, up, and uo represent consecutively dimen-

sionless axial velocity components: (1) in the region
between the inner cylinder and plug flow region, (2)
in plug flow region, and (3) in the region between
plug flow region and outer cylinder (Figs. 2– 7).
The only unknown on the right-hand sides of Eqs.
(22) –(24) is a constant of integration k2. In general,
this parameter can attain negative values for condi-
tions when drag caused by the inner cylinder prevails
over the influence of the pressure drop. The following
paragraphs are devoted to its determination for indi-
vidual flow situations. It follows from Eqs. (17) and
(18) that knowledge of one parameter out of the
following three ones, ki, ko, k2, is sufficient for
calculation of the remaining two.
Fig. 1. The definition sketch.
3.1.1. Flow situation shown in Fig. 2
In this case the equation for determination of the
parameter ko follows from the condition
for the volumetric flow rate in individual cases will be
derived. ui ðki Þ ¼ uo ðko Þ: ð25Þ

3. The individual flow situations

3.1. Case P>0 (pressure gradient assists the drag on

the fluid caused by the moving inner cylinder)

For P>0 three different situations are possible;

Figs. 2-4 .
Using straightforward calculation, Eqs. (13) – (16)
imply that

" s #
dui s k2 s
¼K  n T0 for jVn < ki
dn n
where >0 ; ð22Þ
dn Fig. 2. Flow situation for P>0, K>Kcr1,2.
P. Filip, J. David / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 40 (2003) 111–119 115

Fig. 3. Flow situation for P>0, Kcr1,2 z K z Kcr2,3. Fig. 5. Flow situation for P < 0, K>Kcr4,5.

Using Eqs. (17) – (19) and (22) – (24): for example Kcr1,2, above which there exists an inner
plug flow region
Z ko T0 Z 1  Z 1
Ks FðnÞdn  Ks FðnÞdn Kcr1;2 ¼ ðj þ T0  1ÞT0s þ
j ko
 ð2ko  T0  j  1ÞKs T0s þ 1 ¼ 0: ð26Þ
jðj þ T0 Þ s n
 n dn : ð27Þ
The limiting situation occurs for ki u j. Substituting n
this ki into Eq. (26) the critical value of K is obtained,

Fig. 4. Flow situation for P>0, K < Kcr2,3. Fig. 6. Flow situation for P < 0, Kcr4,5 z K z Kcr5,6.
116 P. Filip, J. David / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 40 (2003) 111–119

There are three possibilities concerning the shape

of the velocity profile:

for k2e(  l,  1i the profile is convex;

for k2eh  1,  j2)i the profile changes its shape
(from convex to concave);
for k2e(  j2,j2) the profile is concave.

3.2. Case P<0 (pressure gradient opposes the drag

on the fluid caused by the moving inner cylinder)

For P < 0 again three different situations are possi-

ble, Figs. 5 –7. Analogous to the case where P>0
using Eqs. (13) –(16):
" s #
dui s k2 s
Fig. 7. Flow situation for P < 0, K < Kcr5,6. ¼ K  n T0 for jVn < ki
dn n
where <0 ; ð33Þ
3.1.2. Flow situation shown in Fig. 3 dn
Fig. 3 shows the plug flow region attached to the
moving inner cylinder. For this condition: dup
¼0 for ki VnVko ; ð34Þ
uo ðko Þ ¼ 1 ð28Þ
" s #
which is the condition for calculation of the parameter duo s k2 s
¼K n T0 for ko < nV1
ko dn n
Z du
1 where >0 : ð35Þ
Ks FðnÞdn  ð1  k0 ÞKs T0s  1 ¼ 0 ð29Þ dn

3.2.1. Flow situation shown in Fig. 5

and choosing ko u j, the equation for Kcr2,3 is of the
From the condition ui(ki) = uo(ko), it follows that ki
is a solution of the equation:
 Z 1  n
jðj  T0 Þ s Z ki Z 1
Kcr2;3 ¼ ðj  1ÞT0s þ n dn :
j n Ks HðnÞdn  Ks HðnÞdn
j ki þT0
 ð2ki þ T0  j  1ÞKs T0s  1 ¼ 0: ð36Þ

3.1.3. Flow situation shown in Fig. 4 The limiting case corresponds to the location ko u 1.
In this case the condition for determination of k2 From here
follows from
 Z 1T0
uo ðjÞ ¼ 1; ð31Þ Kcr4;5 ¼ ðj þ T0  1ÞT0s þ
Z 1  s #n
1  T0
Ks GðnÞdn  ð1  jÞKs T0s  1 ¼ 0: ð32Þ  n dn : ð37Þ
j n
P. Filip, J. David / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 40 (2003) 111–119 117

3.2.2. Flow situation shown in Fig. 6 opposes the drag on the fluid caused by the moving
In this case the condition ui(ki) = 0 implies the inner cylinder) either Eqs. (27) and (30) or Eqs.
determination of ki: (37) and (39) provide the critical values of the
parameter K;
Z ki
 from Table 1, it is possible to qualitatively
Ks HðnÞdn  ðki  jÞKs T0s  1 ¼ 0: ð38Þ determine the flow situation for each case studied.
The parameters Kcr presented above (Eqs. (27), (30),
The critical value Kcr5,6 is obtained after substitution (37) and (39)) may be obtained with standard com-
ki u 1 mercial software (Excel, etc.).
The last column in Table 1 lists the equations
Z 1  s n describing the explicit expressions for the volumetric
1 þ T0
Kcr5;6 ¼ n dn  ð1  jÞT0s : flow rates. Since the derivation in each flow situation
j n is—basically—similar to that introduced in Malik and
ð39Þ Shenoy (1991), just the final results are summarized
3.2.3. Flow situation shown in Fig. 7
The parameter k2 is the solution of the equation 1 1s 2
Q1 ¼ k  j2
u(1) = 0: 2 3þs
1 þ j3  k3i  k3o 1s 2
Z   k ð1 þ j  ki  ko Þ
1 6 2ð3 þ sÞ
Ks GðnÞdn  ð1  jÞKs T0s  1 ¼ 0: ð40Þ Ks
s s
 K T0 þ ½ð1  k2 Þ1þs  k1s 2 2 1þs
o ðko  k Þ
2ð3 þ sÞ
þ k1s 2 2 1þs
i ðk  ki Þ  j1s ðk2  j2 Þ1þs ð41Þ
4. Final results
1 1s 2 1  k3o 1s 2
By summarizing the analysis presented above in Q2 ¼ k  j2   k ð1  ko Þ
2 3þs 6 2ð3 þ sÞ
Table 1, it is possible to distinguish among the six K s
individual flow situations as follows:  Ks T0s þ ½ð1  k2 Þ  ko1s ðk2o  k2 Þ1þs
2ð3 þ sÞ
for chosen entry parameters, Eq. (11) provides a
value of parameter K;
 according to the sign of a pressure gradient (in    
1 1s 2 1  j3 1s 2
other words whether the pressure gradient assists or Q3 ¼ k  j2   k ð1  jÞ
2 3þs 6 2ð3 þ sÞ
Table 1
s s
 K T0 þ ½ð1  k Þ  j1s ðj2  k2 Þ1þs
2 1þs

Summary of the derived results

2ð3 þ sÞ
P K Kcr Flow Determination Volumetric ð43Þ
situation of ki or flow rate
ko or k2  
1 1s 2 2
>0 K>Kcr1,2 Eq. (27) 1 Eq. (26) Eq. (41) Q4 ¼ k j
>0 Kcr1,2 z Eqs. (27) 2 Eq. (29) Eq. (42) 2 3þs
K z Kcr2,3 and (30) 1 þ j3  k3i  k3o 1s 2
>0 K < Kcr2,3 Eq. (30) 3 Eq. (32) Eq. (43) þ  k ð1 þ j  ki  ko Þ
6 2ð3 þ sÞ
< 0 K>Kcr4,5 Eq. (37) 4 Eq. (36) Eq. (44)
< 0 Kcr4,5 z Eqs. (37) 5 Eq. (38) Eq. (45) s s
 K T0  ½ð1  k2 Þ1þs  k1s 2
o ðko  k Þ
2 1þs

K z Kcr5,6 and (39) 2ð3 þ sÞ

< 0 K < Kcr5,6 Eq. (39) 6 Eq. (40) Eq. (46) þ k1s 2 2 1þs
i ðk  ki Þ  j1s ðk2  j2 Þ1þs ð44Þ
118 P. Filip, J. David / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 40 (2003) 111–119

   3  H function of n defined by Eq. (21), dimen-

1 1s 2 j  k3i 1s 2
Q5 ¼ k  j2 þ  k ðj  ki Þ sionless
2 3þs 6 2ð3 þ sÞ
K s K consistency parameter (Eqs. (6), (7) and
 Ks T0s  ½k1s ðk2  k2i Þ1þs (10)), Pa sn
2ð3 þ sÞ i
n flow behavior index (Eqs. (1), (3), (6), (7)
 j1s ðk2  j2 Þ1þs ð45Þ
and (10)), dimensionless
P pressure gradient in axial direction, Pa/m
1 1s 2 1  j3 1s 2 q volumetric flow rate in axial direction,
Q6 ¼ k  j2   k ð1  jÞ
2 3þs 6 2ð3 þ sÞ m3/s
K Q volumetric flow rate in axial direction (Eq.
 Ks T0s  ½ðk2  1Þ1þs  j1s ðk2  j2 Þ1þs :
2ð3 þ sÞ (11)), dimensionless
ð46Þ r radial cylindrical coordinate (Fig. 1), m
R radius of outer cylinder (Fig. 1), m
s reciprocal value of flow behavior index ( = 1/
5. Conclusions n), dimensionless
sgn signum sign ( + 1 for positive values,  1 for
By introducing dimensionless transformations, the negative values, 0 for zero), dimensionless
solution of axial flow in concentric annuli and deter- T shear stress component (Eq. (11)), dimen-
mination of the relative location of a cylindrical core sionless
(plug flow region) with respect to the boundary T0 yield stress (Eq. (11)), dimensionless
cylinders can be obtained for: vz axial velocity component (Fig. 1), m/s
V constant axial velocity of inner cylinder (Fig.
(1) a core surrounded both externally and internally 1), m/s
by flow deformable fluid; z axial cylindrical coordinate (Fig. 1), m
(2) a core that sticks to the inner (moving) cylinder;
(3) a core along the inner cylinder that vanishes;
(4) a core that sticks to the outer cylinder; Greek letters
(5) a core along the outer cylinder that vanishes. g0 coefficient of viscosity at zero shear stress,
Ellis model (Eq. (3)), Pa s
Choosing s0 = 0 in Robertson– Stiff model, Eq. (3), gc constant in Casson model (Eq. (5)), Pa
the power-law model can be obtained. In this case, gp constant in Bingham model (Eq. (2)), Pa
Eqs. (41), (43), (44) and (46) for volumetric flow rates j aspect ratio of inner-to-outer radii of cylin-
reduce to those derived in Malik and Shenoy (1991) ders (Fig. 1), dimensionless
for power-law fluids. If s0 p 0 and V = 0 is chosen, the k2 constant of integration (Eq. (13)), dimension-
relationships for flow rate given in Gücüyener and less
Mehmetoğlu (1992), which were derived for Robert- ki inner boundary value of plug flow region
son – Stiff model with stationary inner cylinder, are (Fig. 1), dimensionless
obtained. ko outer boundary value of plug flow region
(Fig. 1), dimensionless
Nomenclature K pressure gradient in axial direction (Eq.
A constant in Powell – Eyring model (Eq. (4)), (11)), dimensionless
s 1 Kcr1,2 critical value of K above which there exists
B constant in Powell – Eyring model (Eq. (4)), an inner plug flow region ( P>0, Eq. (27)),
Pa 1 dimensionless
F function of n defined by Eq. (19), dimen- Kcr2,3 critical value of K below which there exists
sionless no plug flow region ( P>0, Eq. (30)),
G function of n defined by Eq. (20), dimen- dimensionless
sionless Kcr4,5 critical value of K above which there exists
P. Filip, J. David / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 40 (2003) 111–119 119

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The authors wish to thank Dr. E.C. Donaldson Robertson, R.E., Stiff, H.A., 1976. An improved mathematical
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