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hr. J. Hecrr Mum Twwfir. Vol. 36. No. 7. pp. 17%1788. 1993 0017-9310/93$6.M)+0.

Pnnlcd in Greal Britain Pcrgamon Press LkJ

Unsteady heat transfer to pulsatile flow of

a dusty viscous incompressible fluid in a
Dept. of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur-721 302, India


Balimela College of Science & Technology, Balimela-764 05 I, Orissa, India

(Received 25 February 1992)

Abstract-The problem of unsteady heat transfer to pulsatile flow of a dusty fluid in a parallel plate channel
has been studied. It is observed that the unsteady part of the fluid velocity as well as of the particle phase
velocity has a phase lag which increases with increase of 4. i.e. the volume fraction of the particles. The
steady part of the heat transfer at the hotter plate decreases with increase of 4 whereas it increases with
increase of I$ at the colder plate. The amplitude of the unsteady part of the heat transfer at both the plates
decreases with increase of I$.

INTRODUCTION Since the plates are infinite, all physical quantities

excepting pressure may be taken as functions ofy and
THE STUDY of heat transfer to a dusty fluid flowing in t only.
a channel has applications in technological fields, e.g. The governing equations of motion and energy for
heat exchanger, reactor cooling etc. Further, con- the two phases may be written as [5] :
sidering blood as a binary system of plasma (fluid
phase) and blood cells (particle phase), the study of
dusty fluid and heat transfer has a relevance to the
flow of blood.
In most of the studies of dusty fluid flows, the
volume fraction of the particles has been neglected.
However, this assumption is not justified when the
+pp(llp-U)Zltp+PpC,(Tp-T)/TT (3)
fluid density is high or particle mass fraction is large.
Rudinger [I] has shown that the error in neglecting au a%
P- - -V + -(Up-U)/Tp
the volume fraction range from insignificant to large. at p a) (4)
Nag and Datta [2, 31 have considered the volume
fraction in the unsteady flow of a dusty fluid through ah
--/* u 2.
a rectangular channel. Datta and Das [4] studied heat p pay*
transfer in the flow of a dusty gas.
In the present study we have considered the prob- (5)
lem of unsteady heat transfer to pulsatile flow of a
dusty fluid in a parallel plate channel. Assuming the plates to be maintained at constant
temperature, the boundary conditions of the problem

We consider the pulsatile flow of a dusty fluid u = 0, up = 0, T = To at y = 0,

between two infinitely long parallel plates at a distance T=T, at y=h > (6)
u = 0, up = 0,
h apart. Taking x-axis along the plates and y-axis
normal to them, the pulsatile flow is assumed to be where it is assumed that T, > T,,.
induced by the pressure gradient of the form

- .!aP=A[1+Eeiy, (1)
pax Introducing the following dimensionless variables
A being a constant and i = ,/( - 1). and parameters,

1784 N. DATTA et 01.


cpt cs specific heats of fluid and solid particles Greek symbols

EC Eckert number a dust parameter
f ratio betweenpp and p ratio betweenc, and cp
h distancebetweenplates Lo, dimensionless fluid and particle phase
k thermal conductivity temperatures
P pressureof fluid BO,f?,,,, steadyparts of 0 and f$
Pr Prandtl number 0 ,, e2 unsteadyparts of 8
R, R, fluid and particle phaseReynolds ep,,ep2unsteadyparts of f$
numbers P viscosity of fluid
r time v, vp kinematicviscositiesof fluid andparticle
T, T, temperaturesof fluid and particle phase phase
T,,, T, temperaturesof the plate at q = 0 and 5,tl dimensionless valuesof x and y
atr]= 1 P,Pp densitiesof fluid and particle phase
u, up fluid and particle phasevelocitiesalong pC material density of solidparticles
-v-axis rp, rr particle velocity and thermal relaxation
uO,up0 steadyparts of u and up times
u ,, up, unsteadyparts of u and up 4 volume fraction of dust particles
-?Y space coordinates along and 0 the frequency of oscillation.
perpendicularto the plates.

1= uo/A, 6’ = (T- T,)/(T,- To), ;= m, e = e,(q) +~e,(tf) ei’+s2e2(q) e2i’

5 = x/h, up = u,dA, ep = VP- TOWI - To), ep = e,cq) + Eep,(q) eir +&*ep2(q) eZi’I .
jj = p/(Aph), q = y/h, R = oh2/v, Using equations(7), (12) and (13) in equations(8)-
Y = c&,
(11) and comparing the termsfree from E, the terms
R, = mh21vp, f = PJP,
with Eand .s*respectively,we get the following setsof
Pr = pc,/k, EC = - A2/{02c,(T, - To)} equations
the equations(l)-(4) can berewritten as,on dropping
the barsfor convenience,
Ld2uo +af(u*-uu,)
R dq2
1 d2uN
= - 1
1+se” (7) -- 2 +a@,,-u,) = 0
at R, dtl

(I-$)$= -$+A$+af(u,-u) (8) (14)

-x=--P i a% +afEc(~~-u,,)~ = 0
-u(u,-u) (9
af % w

= 0 ,
+afEc(u,-u)2+ ig(e,-e) (10) ldZul
Rv +af(u,,-u,)-i(1 -c#J)u, = - 1
EL --- 1 d2ur,,
-2 +a(u,,Lu,)+iu,, = 0
at R, drl

Sincethe flow is induced by the pressuregradient ’ (15)

of the form given in equation (7), the velocity and +2afEc(u,,-u,J(up, -u,)-i(1 -+)tI, =0
temperatureof the fluid and that of the particle phase
can be assumedas, $J(ep,-e,)+i~ep,+ g

u = u,(q) + cu ,(q) eir d*up,

(12) +upo-
up = +7h) +&up1 61) 8 1
Unsteady heat transfer to pulsatile flow 1785

B, = 2
+afEc(u,, -uJ2-2i(l -f$)e, = 0 al-81 ’

, K= -k, -,/(k:-4k,)
2 .

+2iye,,= o J k,=;,
-I k2 = RR,(l-4)--iRR,cr{f+(l-4)},
The correspondingboundary conditionsare,
k, = - RR,(a+i),
ug = 0, uw = 0, 8, = 0 at q = 0,
(17) k, =a(R,-Rn+i{R,-R(l--c#I)}.
ug = 0, U@= 0, e. = 1 at r7= 1
Using u, in the first equationof (15) the expression
u!,=o, up,=o, e,=o at q=O, for up,can be obtained as,
11,=o, up, = 0, 8, = 0 at r] = 1
(18) up,= [*+3!$qu,+&
e2 = 0 at q =O,
(19) e”,“+e”,“-v’ eP,s+es,(‘-‘!r)
e2=o at q=l

From the first two equationsof (14) eliminatingupwe

1+e”l +B,B: 1+eBa . (24) 1
Eliminating O,, from the last two equationsof (14)
get, and usingthe solutionsof u0 and up0in the resulting
differential equation of BO,the solution has been
,+m++m,=o (20) obtainedon applying the boundary conditionsfor B,,
drl dt12 from (19),
whererni = R,a - Raf and rn, = RR,a.
e. = A~~-B~v~+c~(~-v)+
Our objectiveisto discussthat type of flow in which
the volume fraction 4 of the particle phaseis small +D (2Rm;+ 1) cos (2m,9-m,)
but not negligibleand particleswill diffuse through-
out the carrier fluid. So we can assumethat the vis-
cosity of particle phaseis very smallcomparedto that
of the carrier fluid (i.e. vp<<v), so that R, > R and
f < 1 which makerni alwayspositive.
Solving the equation (20) for u0 using boundary
conditionsfrom (17) we have,

(1 -flh
-COS (moti- $1 +Fz (25)

w--m, coshorl-mo/a -, (21)
4 cos(mo/2)
usingexpressionof u. in the first equationof (14), I+,,,
can bewritten as,
cos(m,/2) ’ B =REcPr 4af( 1+ R2m$
8mi 4

Similarly, eliminating up, from the first two equa-

tions of (15) and solving the resulting differential
rnzcos2(m,/2) 1
equationfor u, with appropriateboundaryconditions
from (18) we get, c2 =

e”,“+e”,“-“’ ECPr R 2af

+B Ie@‘s+e8’(‘-rl)
+k, (23) D2 =
rni cos(m,/2)
I786 N. DATTA et al.

- 0.5


'ii -0.8
- Fluid phase 2 -0.9
0 15 - - - - Particle phase - Fluid
---- Particlephase
-1.0 1 I I I I
I I I I 0 0.2 0.L 0.6 0.8 1.0
0 0.2 04 0.6 06 7)-
FIG. 3. Distribution of phase lag of u, and up,.
FIG. 1. Distribution of uOand IQ,.

E = EcPrRf From the last two equationsof (15), or,, has been
2 R, cos (m,/2) (m hD2 eliminated and the resultingdifferential equation of
8, hasbeensolved usingappropriate boundary con-
I- 2Rmi cos (m,,) ditions from (18). Using the expression for 8, in the
F, = D2 2Rmi+3ml-
8 cos (m,/2) last equation of (15), the expressionfor or, can be
calculated. Applying the sameprocedurein the two
equationsof (16) and usingboundaryconditionsfrom
(19) the solution of e2and BP1can easilybe obtained.
To savespace,the expressionsfor 0,, B,,,, B2and Orz
From the last equation of (14) using expressions of have beenomitted.
u,, and up0from (21) and (22) respectively,we get,


In order to make a detailed discussionof results,

numerical computationshave been made on taking
R = 5.0, R, = 20.0, u = 10, Pr = 0.72, EC = 0.02,
2 sin(moqFm,/2) ’ y = 1.4, 4 = (0.01-0.1) and .f= (p,/p)r$, where we
+-q-2q+m, haveassumedp,/p z 0( 10) and the resultshave been
~0s h/2) 1
shownin Figs. l-7.
cos bw-m0/2)
cos bb/2)
_ 1
II- Figure 1 showsthat the distribution of the steady
part of the velocity of fluid as well as that of the

,+=o.ob O.Ol! j-

2: (D
- 0.42
z af O.Oos
83 ';,
= 028 ," 0.006
d 3
I - Fluid phase .c-
0.14 2 0.002

---- Particle phase

0 0.2 04 0.6 06 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
? 7)-
FIG. 2. Distribution of the amplitude of u, and z+,,. FIG. 4. Distribution of amplitude of 0,.
Unsteady heat transfer to pulsatile flow

-0 0.02 O.OL 0.06 0.08 0.10

FIG. 7. Amplitude of unsteady part d0Jdq of heat transfer
FIG. 5. Steady part df+,/dq of heat transfer of fluid phase of fluid phase against 4 at t7 = 0 and q = 1.
against4atq=Oandq= 1.

particle phase for various values of volume fraction Figure 4 showsthe variation of the amplitude of
4. It reveals that for both phases the velocity first unsteady part of the temperature of the fluid and
increaseswith increaseof q5and it may be noted that that of the particle phase against q for various 4. It is
unlike the profilesof the fluid velocity, the profilesof observedthat amplitude increaseswith increaseof 4
the particle phasevelocity are flatter at the centre of and reachesmaximumnear the colder wall.
the channel. The graphsof the steadypart of heattransferdO,,/dq
In Fig. 2 thegraphsof the amplitudeof the unsteady at q = 0 and q = I againstC$have beendrawn in Fig.
part of the velocity of the fluid and that of the particle 5. It showsthat at the colder plate q = 0, dO,,/dq
phasehave beendrawn againstq for different values increases with increase of I$ and at the hotter plate
of 4. It can be observedthat the amplitudeincreases q = I, dOO/dq decreases with increaseof 4. Heat trans-
with increaseof q5for both phases.The profilesof the fer rate at q = 1 is alwayslessthan that at q = 0.
particle phaseshow that the amplitude remainsthe Figure 6 shows the graphs of amplitude of unsteady
samefor somedistancenear the centreof the channel. part of heattransfer, dO,/dq and dO,,/dq againstC$for
Figure 3 showsthe variation of phaselag of the ‘1= 0 and 9 = I. It reveals that the amplitude of
unsteady part of the velocity of fluid as well as of dO,/dq increase with increase of q!~and the values of
particle phaseagainst q for various values of q5.It amplitude of dO,/dq and dO,,/dq at q = 0 are greater
showsthat phaselag increaseswith increaseof 4 and than those at q = 1.
at the centreof the channelthe phaselag is maximum Figure 7 showsthe graphsof amplitudeof unsteady
for both phases. part of heat transfer dtIs/dq and dO,,/dq against 4
for q = 0 and 9 = 1. It reveals that for small 4, the
amplitudeof dO,/dqanddO,,/drl increasewith increase
of q5.
0.15, I I I I I

- - - Particle phase
This study revealsthat the unsteadypulsatileflow
of a dusty fluid hasa phaselag which increaseswith
increaseof particle loading. The amplitude of the
unsteady part of the heat transfer increases with
' 0.06 increaseof particle loading.
.-I Acknovledgemen+Gne of us (D. C. Dalal) wishes to express
f 0.03 his thanks to C.S.1.R (India) for granting fellowship to pur-
a sue the work.
01 I I I I J
0 0.02 O.OL 0.06 0.08 0.10 REFERENCES
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FIG. 6. Amplitude of unsteady part dl?,/dq of heat transfer dynamics ofgas-particle mixtures, AIAA J. 3, 1217-1222
of fluid phase against 4 at 4 = 0 and ~7= 1. (1965).
1788 N. DATTA et al.

2. S. K. Nag and N. Datta, Flow of a dusty fluid through a 4. N. Datta and S. K. Das, Heat transfer in the flow of a
rectangular channel, Indian J. Technol. 27, 377-381 dusty gas, J. Orissa Mad. Sot. 9 (1986).
(1989). 5. F. E. Marble, Dynamics of a gas containing small solid
3. N. Datta and S. K. Nag, Unsteady periodic flow of a particles, Proceeding 5th AGARD Combustion and Pro-
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