The Cold War

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Directed by: Hannah Green

American VS Soviet Union

The Leader of Soviet Union; Joseph Stalin
The development of Atomic Weapons
Going into the Space Race
Kennedy makes a bold public clam to US
Communism; McCarthyism, Red Scare
The Distrust between America and Soviet Union
America Vs Soviet Union

Soviet Union’s tyrant ruler, Joseph Stalin

The long refusal help for the USSR from America

Ten million deaths of Russians was the cost of no help

Was a hostile atmosphere to have but it was impossible to stop

Soviet Union’s Dictator
Joseph Stalin, Dictator of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

He served first on Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party

Stalin continued to climb up the political power
1922, Stalin became secretary general of Central Committee of the Communist Party
By the late 20’s Stalin had become dictator of the Soviet Union
Stalin’s government took control of the farms
Many farmers were either shot or exiled for their punishment
From this lead to the widespread of famine across the Soviet Union that lead to kill
He had a totalitarian grip on the government in order to eliminate anyone that stood in
his way
Joseph Stalin, Dictator of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Soviet Union, he sent people to the Gulag system

People were forced into labor camps
His rule lead to the cities that were renamed in his honor
Soviet history books were rewritten to give Stalin a more prominent role in the
revolution and mythologize other aspect in his life
The government took control of the Soviet media
Finally on May 5th in 1953 died at the age of 74 by suffering a stroke
His body was preserved in Lenin’s mausoleum in Moscow’s Red Square until 1961
Joseph Stalin, Dictator of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Development of Atomic Weapons
Arms Race

America developed a more destructive atomic weapon: hydrogen bomb, or the

The first H-bomb test was on Eniwetok, Marshall Islands
 This showed how fearsome the nuclear age could be come
 The blast created a 25- square-mile fireball that vaporized a whole entire island
 Also blew a hole in the ocean floor

With the nuclear annihilation, this effected on the American’s domestic life
Families built bomb shelters in their own backyards
Schools practiced attack drills and other public places
Space Exploration

1952- International Council of Scientific Unions was establish

From July 1st, 1957 to December 31st, 1958 was the year of IGY
 IGY- International Geophysical Year

July 1955, the White house plans to launch an Earth-orbiting satellite for IGY

This proposal was solicited form various Government research agencies to undertake

September 1955, the Naval Research Laboratory's Vanguard proposal: chosen to

represent the U.S. during the IGY
Space Exploration

On October 4th, 1957 the Soviet Union successfully launched Sputnik I
 World’s first artificial satellite
 Size was about a beach ball

This technical achievement caught the American people off guard

 The public feared the Soviets’ ability to have such technology

Soviet’s struck again with Sputnik II

 This could carry a heavier payload
 Including a dog name Laika

U.S. Defense Department responded by approving funding for another U.S. satellite
Space Race

January 31st, 1958, the tides have change; United States launch Explorer I

By the same year President Eisenhower signed a public order, which created the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration aka NASA

Soviets were one step closer on launching the first man in outer space in April 1961

Month after Alan Shepard became the first American man was launch into space
His bold public claim: the U.S. would land a man on the
moon by the end of the decade
Space Race

President F. Kennedy spoke at the Rice Stadium on September 12th, 1962

He claim that U.S. can send a man to the moon by the end of the decade

Kennedy’s prediction came true in 1969

Neil Armstrong of NASA’s Apollo 11 mission; he was the first man to step in the moon

Which effectively winning the Space Race for Americans

McCarthyism, Communism, etc.
Red Scare

It began in 1947, as the House of Un-American Activates Committee (HUAC) brought
the Cold War home
Fewer the 50,000 Americans out of the U.S. population of 150 million ere members of
the Communist Party.
From late 40’s to the early 50’s American’s feared of the international communism that
reached a nearly hysterical pitch
Teachers, steelworkers, sailors, lawyers, and social workers lost their jobs on thinking
that they were communist
Libraries pulled books that ere considered to leftist from their shelves
 These banned volumes included the classics as Robin Hood, Henry David Thoreau’s Civil
Disobediences, and John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath

Senator Joseph McCarthy from Wisconsin

 A short, dumpy, balding Irish-American
 A fatal passion for alcohol

McCarthy possessed the charm and temperament of a storm trooper

He was put in charge of Committee on Government Operations
The fall of McCarthy was that he tried to accused the U.S. Army of being communist
He kept his job but lost his power
Age of 48, dies of an illness exacerbated by alcoholism
Until Next Time

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