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HAVING just watched the
latest episodes of Game of
Thrones, all I can say is that these
so-called fiction writers seem to just

make it up as they go along.
WHY is it that in films, when-
Iain Devenney, Oxford ever a couple are about to

! I LIVE at number 11, but on

the drive home I often forget
which house is mine. So I’ve devised
have a shag in a kitchen, they just
sweep the plates and everything
off the table and then get right
a system whereby when I enter my down to it? Surely it would greatly
street, I lift a finger on each hand enhance their foreplay and heighten
and raise them in front of me, creat- the eroticism if they carefully put
ing a number 11 to guide me safely the plates and cutlery neatly in the
home. dishwasher, after scraping the plates
Dr G Trousers, Isle of Arran beforehand to avoid clogging up the
! WHY isn’t there a day to com-
memorate Isaac Newton? If
he hadn’t invented gravity, we’d be ! DRIVING through the Lake
District the other day I ! ISN’T it about time the
toothpaste manufacturers
filter, of course.
Lionel Mimblehulme, Oxford
upped their game? It’s been mint
floating around all over the shop.
Andy Mac, Derbyshire
passed a sign for Burnrigg, and was
extremely disappointed to note that
not a single child had joined the
flavour as long as I can remem-
ber, and I’m 61. The contracep-
! WHY do outfits like the
Paras and the SAS hold their
training courses in inhospitable
tive manufacturers have been
! “YOU make my dreams
come true,” proclaims the
new McDonalds TV advert. This
‘r’ and the ’n’ with a marker pen
to read Bumrigg. What are they
teaching kids in schools these days?
very inventive with different
flavours and their product is only
places like the Brecon Beacons in
the middle of winter? I’ve been on
several courses and in my experi-
especially struck a chord for me as I Shakespeare and algebra? designed to go up fannies. ence, the happier you keep the
regularly dream about passing hard, Stuie, Bunny attendees, the better success rate
Cuthbert Cream, Dulwich
dry stools and fetid gas. you will have. When I went on a
Mike Fordham, Chelmsford
! I WAS amazed to read that
Bang Kwang Central prison ! I’VE just developed a text-
based social network that is
‘Diversity in the Workplace’ course
last month, they put us up in a 5-star
! THE other day I threw a
stick for my dog in the park.
The little bugger then proceeded
in Bangkok is colloquially known
as “The Bangkok Hilton.” This
being the case, seeing as they’re
strictly for electricians. It’s called
WattsAmp. Actually, I haven’t, I
simply thought of the term Watts-
hotel in Grange-over-Sands and we
all passed. How many pass the SAS
selection course, dare I ask?
to chew it to pieces. Talk about getting all that free publicity, Amp and tried to engineer it into
ingratitude. Rodney Finch, Luton
shouldn’t the Hilton Hotel the punchline of a joke.
Rory Walker, email chain start bunging them a few
of their miniature toiletries or Franklyn Cheesecroft, Hull ! I HOPE Siegfried and Roy
don’t rush back into the
! MY front door bell is
an exact replica of the
Big Ben chimes, though not
perhaps sending some maids
round to do a turn-down
service for them at the very
! I DON’T know what “Extra
Virgin” olive oil is supposed
to mean. I can only surmise that
lion-taming scene too soon after
that tiger of theirs went ape-shit
and attacked one of them. If I were
quite as loud, of course. If least? the normal “Virgin” stuff that I buy them, I would ease myself back
anyone is missing hearing from Tesco hasn’t gone all the way, into it slowly, perhaps starting with
the Big Ben chimes now Hector Trellis, Dundee
but has taken a couple of sneaky kittens, then moving onto cats and
they have been silenced for
maintenance work, they
are very welcome to come
! I JUST don’t under- fingers at some point.
stand it. I read the
other day that some bloke
feral cats before they make the big
leap to tigers. Getting a scratch off
Bobby Plywood, Tooting a full-grown moggy is no joke. My
and ring my doorbell any I know went bankrupt
time between the hours
of 11.00am and 3.00pm.
and lost his business, his
house, his car and every-
! I NEARLY crashed my car into Nan had one once, and it was a right
a tree the first time I heard Ça nasty little fucker.
Plane pour Moi by Plastic Bertrand. P Blofeld, Croydon
It would be best if they thing. Yet when I looked I didn’t think it was a particularly
didn’t dress too much like him up I saw he has over good song, in fact it was utter dross,
a postman or carry a sack 1200 friends on Facebook. but the power steering packed up
so as not to get my Rot- What happened to “A just as I was taking a bend on the
tweiller, Max, too excited. friend in need”? A34 in Manchester.
Jim Hewit, Dundee Dexter Bloomsbury, Tring Rampton Bembo, Stockport

Ingledew Botterill
! HOW come you can get a
second opinion if you don’t
like what a doctor tells you, but the on the
same doesn’t apply when it comes
to doctors’ receptionists? When Brexit
one tells me there are no appoint-
ments for two weeks, I’d like to ask
the blonde one behind her, reading XTRICATING the UK from
Bella magazine and eating the M&S the European Union is proving
salad, what she reckons. to be a trickier proposition than
was at first hoped. And whilst nobody
Hazlenut Monkbottle, Leeds ever said that untangling this country
from 40 years of Brussels red tape
! WHEN you think about it,
there must be posh moths and
chavvy moths. There are the ones
would be easy, the intransigent
attitude of the 27 member states at
who live in Kate Moss’s wardrobe the other side of the table is making it
much harder than it needs to be.
and have only ever dined on high
end grub like Prada and Versace.
Then there are the ones who can
! I’VE really enjoyed the photo of that bloke kissing that bird’s arse
over the years, but isn’t time for a bit of a change? What about a
picture of a smiley bird with her thumb up a cyclist’s arse?
Let’s take a look at the clowns who
make up the EU negotiating team.
only eat Primark and stuff from Stuie, Notts These are the men who are doing
George that they find in Kerry everything they can to throw a spiteful
Katona’s wardrobe. spanner in the works to stop us from
Marston Golightly, Luton ! I’M just nip-
ping for a
piss. Could I warn
! MY Hyundai
wouldn’t start in
Sainsbury’s car park last
getting the red, white and blue Brexit for
which we all voted on June 23rd 2016.
! WHY is fuel so expensive on
the motorways? It’s not as if
they can sell anything else there, is it?
your readers not to
touch my pint while
week and some Bulgarian
car washers helped give me
Jean-Claude Juncker
I’m gone because a push. Today it stopped Juncker is the Luxembourg
Richard Hobson, Louth I’m a bit of a boxer. again just before the bypass loony who the bonkers
Just saying. and a Portuguese chap Brussels bureaucrats
! I WAS hurt that you recently
printed two letters from my
wife and good friend which both
Fat Al White,
shoved it 50 yards until the
engine turned over. Does
have put in charge of the
Article 50 talks. But how
anyone else miss the good can we take whatever deal he
claimed that I am not as funny as I proposes seriously when it comes
old days when our cars were
think I am (Letterbocks passim). I
think it’s unfair, although I will con-
cede that I’m probably not as funny
didn’t do a poo,
yet today I’ve been
push-started by British people?
It makes me wonder why I
from a man who would think nothing
of smothering a croissant with jam
three times. What’s that bothered voting for Brexit. and butter before dipping it in a bowl
as I was in the 1980s. of coffee and calling it breakfast?
about? Russ Poore, Shittlehampton
Jerome Fandor, Birmingham Quite frankly, the mind boggles.
Vick Narley, Truro

ANSWER the question “nature

! THEY say a dog is a man’s
best friend, but if my mate
Mark stopped to smell shit on the
Guy Maurice Verhofstadt
Former Belgian Prime
or nurture?” once and for all by pavement every 10 feet he would Minister Verhofstadt is one
getting Piers Morgan and Katie be out of a drinking partner pretty of the Brussels big hitters
Hopkins to have a baby together, quickly, I can tell you. appointed to fight Europe’s
then getting Philip Schofield and corner in the Brexit battle.
Ashton Yarlett, Fulham He is on record as demanding
Holly Willoughby to raise it. If it
that the UK coughs up a €50 billion
POP out all of the dents from
your car’s bodywork by closing
all of the doors and windows and
grows up to be a spiteful little
shit, there’s your answer. ! I’VE been a bit backed up
since I got back from my holi-
days as a result of too much booze,
blackmail payment before being
allowed to leave the Single Market.
blowing sharply up the exhaust. Steve Crouch, Peterborought too many carbs and not enough It’s a ludicrous amount of money,
TIRED of forgetting all of your greens. Anyway, I have just passed a made even more ridiculous by the
Jamie Cuffe, Ashby de la Launde fact that Verhofstadt has the middle
drunken adventures after a night humungous loaf in the works bogs.
ELDERLY Chinese ladies. Don’t on the piss? Simply phone your Your readers will be pleased to names “Marie Louise” like a woman.
confuse aircraft jet engines with own voicemail and leave a de- learn that. My co-workers less so. What’s more, for more than 9 years,
wishing wells. They are not the tailed explanation of everything Marie Louise was in charge of a
Pat Doyle, London country where more than 60% of
same thing and work on entirely that you’ve done while you’re
the population is clinically obese.
different principles.
F Whittle, Cowley
drunk and hey presto, no more
worrying about whether or not
you shat in your manager’s brief
! I THINK surgeons could do
a lot more to give patients a
calming and reassuring experience
It’s time to face facts, we’ve got fat
chance of getting a fair deal from
PRETEND you’re a retired school case the night before. when they have to undergo an op- this big-boned Belgian bastard.
teacher by wearing a tweed eration. Perhaps wearing Marigolds
Iain Devenney, Oxford Michel Barnier
blazer and discreetly checking instead of those sterile and officious
behind buildings to see if anyone’s ROMAN soldiers. A plastic wheel- looking surgical gloves would be a When you’re trying to
smoking. ie bin attached to a horse makes start and give the illusion of normal- cut a swathe through
an ideal chariot. Don’t throw away ity. And they could swap their fright- the tangled forest of
Will Mylchreest, Leamington Spa legislation that is the EU
the lid, as this can be used as a ening surgical aprons for one of those
SAVE 5p on a carrier bag by simply shield when being attacked from funny barbecue ones with tits on. constitution, you need
sewing a long zip along the bottom behind by arrows or whatever is someone with an uncommonly
Brampton Twelvetrees, Carlisle astute mind and an ability to reason.
of your vest. Then at the supermar- coming at you at the time.
ket checkout, simply take the vest Instead, in charge of the talks, the
off, do up the zip and Hey Presto! Charlton Heston, USA EU have appointed Michel Barnier
Your own free carrier ‘Vest Bag’ with - a man who, when he gets caught
shoulder straps for handles. short in Paris, would happily get
his cock out and have a piss in the
Jon Schottley, Clapton Park street behind a little metal screen,
MAKE a shopping trip to IKEA with his head poking over the top for
more pleasurable by simply go- women and children to see.
ing when it’s closed. NEXT WEEK: Ingledew
John Owens, Glasgow Botterill looks at the key
players in the Middle east crisis.
Continued over...
5 DO you know if
zoos accept dona-
tions? Only I’ve lost
5 DOCTORS keep
telling us to eat
more roughage. Well, I
IMPALE dead flies on toothpicks
and display them as a warning to
one of my socks and ate more roughage and other flies not to get any fucking
was wondering if it went straight through ideas.
there may be a cold me in a few hours. I’m Billy Bridgen, Doncaster
snake that could use afraid I want better FOOL neighbours into thinking
the remaining one as value from my food than you own an electric car by sticking GIVE yourself and your friends
a bit of extra insulation that, ideally something that’s a hosepipe in your fuel tank for that Hollywood happy ending feel-
this winter. It’s a beige colour going to stick around inside me for a 12 hours before going for a drive, good factor by all standing around
with a sort of diamond pattern couple of days at least. then returning in a tow truck. a dog and laughing when it barks.
across the main part, so it’ll blend in Bryan Owl, Doncaster R. Schucks, Baldock
a bit and probably look a bit trendy Will Mylchreest, Leamington Spa
to the other snakes.
Rory Walker, email
5 I’VE just done a fart that
sounded just like a medium-
sized motorbike starting up and
SAVE money on expensive fruit
cakes by buying a cheap plain
sponge and poking raisins into it
FELLAS! When trying to impress
a girl who is vegetarian, “you must
shit like a racehorse” is not an ap-
propriate observation to make.
5 REGARDING Dave Moore’s
letter (Letterbocks 268), I
have just released a good fart on a
accelerating away. Can any of your
readers top that?
Mark Procter, Burnley
with a knitting needle.
N Crossan, Lasswade Henry Hoover, Grimsby
northern train. My fellow northern- PRETEND you are buying Krispy TEENAGERS. Adopt the retail ap-
ers laughed, but some southerners Kreme donuts by buying a couple proach when asking your dad for
were disgusted. The north/south
* We’re assuming that by ‘medium- a tenner by requesting £9.99, so it
sized,’ Mr Procter means around of donuts from Greggs and insist-
divide in action. 150-350cc. Perhaps you’ve done a ing you pay a tenner for them. doesn’t sounds as much.
Julie George, North Yorkshire more powerful fart that made a noise Dave Turton, Doncaster Will Mylchreest, Leamington Spa
like a Royal Enfield 500 or a Harley
BABYBELS make ideal cheese
5 I JUST drove through a village
called Titsey. Then shortly
after I drove through a village called
Davidson Street 750. Or perhaps,
before it shut, you had a curry at
the Curry Capital, Bigg Market,
SQUARE sheets of bubble-
wrap used as toilet roll make an
excellent early warning ‘popping’
wheels for action men cheese-
Brastead. I have pulled over espe- Newcastle upon Tyne and made a system to alert you that your finger Razzle Bathbone, Musvat
cially to write in about this. noise like a 1200cc Victory Octane. nails need trimming.
Christina Martin, Walton Rory Walker, email

* Well we are glad that you are once ELDERLY people. When shop-
again writing in, Ms Martin, but ping in a supermarket, don’t use
laughing at bras and tits is a little the self-checkout tills. I’m not
immature, anachronistic and sexist. even going to waste my energy
Can we remind you that this is a family stating why. Just don’t.
comic, not The Benny Hill Show. Paul Foy, Aberdeen

5 DRAGON’S Den is supposed

to star five multi millionaires
5 WHILST I am pleased to say
5 FACEBOOK’S terms assured
listening to people pitching their
business ideas. But they are sitting
in a disused warehouse with un-
5 THIS summer I drove past
the famous radio telescope
at Jodrell Bank. It was a sunny day,
that the bout of ringworm on
my ankle is clearing up, I was rather
disappointed to find out that it is
me that “only you can see
your search history,” which is just
as well, because I use Facebook to
painted walls and a rusty old lift. If and I was shocked to see that the neither a worm nor in my ring. The look up old flames. So imagine my
they were really multi millionaires, space scientists had their giant dish name for this ailment is completely dismay when my search history was
surely they’d be sitting in a posh pointed directly at the sun. Boffins? misleading and needs changing to clearly visible to my wife yesterday,
office with a fish tank. Idiots more like. avoid further confusion. when she looked over my shoulder
Jim Bermingham, Glasgow Phil Kitching, Isle of Jura Andy Pierce, Wrexham as I searched for busty Sally Beale.
Facebook ought to be ashamed of
itself for misleading its customers.
D Pearson, email

5 “I’M Easy Like Sunday Morn-

ing,” sang the Commodores
in 1977. Well I don’t know what
Sunday morning Lionel Ritchie
was on about because it bears no
resemblance to the one I’m having.
I’ve just woken up on the doormat
with an incredibly
bad hangover and
my pants are full
of shit.
Sam White,

! WHAT is it with volcanoes
these days? So-called ‘erup-
tions’ almost always consist of bor-
ing helicopter footage of unmoving
columns of ash. In all the dinosaur
films I’ve watched they are exciting,
action-packed fiery explosions, with
all red hot lava pouring down the
sides. I bet all the loony lefty telly
bosses have decided that showing
proper old-style volcanic eruptions
would be offensive to ‘minorities’ or
some such. You couldn’t make it up.
Mr Two Jackets, Waterford

! A LOT of people say they’d

like to live forever, but few
think about what that would mean
! BLOKES get erections every
morning, yet the concept of
‘morning’ depends on where you
! ORGANISERS of nazi and
anti-nazi marches could avoid
an awful lot of trouble if they just
in a practical sense. For example, we live as the ‘morning line’ spins held their meetings on different days.
have a walnut work surface which round the earth. In effect, men have Auntie Fa, Burningham
needs sanding and oiling every three been doing a “bone-on Mexican
months. Every time we sand it we
shave off a thousandth of an inch or
so and at that rate, we’d be without
wave” around the world for thou-
sands of years! ! WHY is it that dinosaurs on
telly and in books always look
so bloody angry and aggressive?
Ross Kennet, email
a work surface in a mere 4,500 years! You never see them rolling around
Then what? Back to Wickes with the
warranty? Wish me luck with that. ! I TAUGHT my two-year-old
son how to say ‘Silly twat’ the
other day. I’m now beginning to
in mud, frollicking about or sniffing
each other’s arses like normal ani-
mals do. I bet it was murder living
Kevin Turner, Shrewsbury
wonder if it was a good idea as he back then with all that ‘tude.

! WE’RE always hearing about

how obsessed Hitler was with
repeats it parrot-fashion at every
given opportunity. I’m guessing this
Dewson, Poole
the efficiency of the German indus-
trial machine, but I notice he didn’t
give two weeks’ notice when he
is one of those ‘value of hindsight’
sort of scenarios. ! I HAVE just walked past a large
group of hen parties waiting
outside a nearby club for a night of
Rory Walker, email
decided to quit the job as despotic male strippers. I feel the govern-
dictator and left them all in the shit.
Putting a gun to your head is all
very well, but at the end of the day,
! BROOKLYN Beckham is said
to have inherited his mother
Victoria’s artistic talent. I for one
ment could utilise them as a frontline
force. ISIS wouldn’t stand a chance.
Quinn, London
someone has to cover your shift. would give the lad a chance, instead
Lambert Fibreboard, York of writing him off with such a slur at
such a young age. ! I LOVE the way newsreaders
say a suspect is helping police

! LAST night I had some time

on my hands, so I decided to ! I THINK I spotted the Fat
Slags in Hellblazer Re-birth.
David Craik, Hull
with their enquiries. Why can’t they
be honest and say that the police
list all the reasons, for and against,
for why I might build a helipad on my
roof. After three hours of thinking
What do I win?
Ben, email
! WHEN I was about 8, I made
a promise to God that if I
got a bike I would believe in Him.
are knocking the shit out of them
until they get a confession?
Gillboy, Glasgow
about it, I had no reasons in the pro Next morning, there was no bike
column. The con column, on the
other hand, had over a hundred, in-
cluding the slope of the roof, minimal
! WHILST pissed last night, my so I forgot about the whole thing. I
mate Tom choked on a fistful have just realised, however, that I
of mashed potato. And do you know omitted to put a time limit on the
! SEEING as though the very
first Olympics were held
776 BC, it must have been pretty
funds, non-possession of a helicopter what saved his life? Necking cheap deal, and I did get a bike about 4 hard to claim any kind of record.
and a reluctant, indeed positively lager from Aldi to clear the block- years later. Admittedly, my mum Stopwatches weren’t invented, and
hostile, wife. Do any of your other age. If it wasn’t for cut-price booze and dad gave it to me, but He could those sundials must have been okay
readers have helipads, and if so how my mate would be dead. have been acting through them, His for the marathon but pretty crap for
did they get it past the missus? Wez Coombes, Bristol wonders to perform. Do I have to something like the 100 metres.
Henry Clockwatcher, Bishop believe in God now? I just wanted a Tommy Ballsup, Luton
Aukland ! YESTERDAY on Countdown, bike, I didn’t want to get trapped in
Susie Dent offered up ‘fugli-
est’ for an 8. Nick Hewer didn’t bat
some sort of Faustian pact.
! MY wife was moaning last
week that we don’t have a ma-
! I KNOW a lot of people an eyelid. This country’s going to
frowned upon the mods versus hell in a handcart.
Bigolly, Adelaide ture relationship and that she wants
rocker fights in Brighton during the
1960s, but were they really such a
bad thing? At least they brought
Tarps, Hooky ! MY WIFE is always saying,
“That’s like closing the stable
door after the horse has bolted.”
to leave me. How can she do that to
me during the conker season?
Grant B Warner,
people together and gave them a
sense of community. Today’s youth
! IN issue 268, the headmaster
in Tinribs states his “testicles
are full of semen.” Any school boy
But we haven’t got a horse, unless
of course she’s bought one behind
my back. I’ll be checking the credit
New Zealand
would rather fight inter-galactic bat- will tell you that semen originates
tles in their bedrooms. Where’s the card statements very closely this
from the prostate gland. The testi- month for sure.
sense in that, dare I ask? cles deliver the sperm bit of spunk.
Cuthbert Bodrum, Surrey Brampton Carlisle, Henley
Wizbit, email

Pip Peloton! of
It was the final leg of the Tour de France, a gruelling 120km mountain
stage from Orléans to Paris, and Pip needed a win to secure the pres-
tigious yellow jersey that he’d longed for all his life.
You’ll be holding onto my
saddle all the way, won’t you?
Ever since he was a child,
Pip Parker had dreamed Feeling confident, son? Yes Dad. Today’s
of becoming a top racing my big chance.
cyclist and winning the
Tour de France. And he
had never let the fact that
he couldn’t ride a bike get
in the way of that dream.

Of course, Pip.

The race got underway …

Promise me you won’t let Are you still there, Dad?
go. If you let go I’ll fall off. Trois… deux…
un… Allez!
Don’t worry. I’ll
be running along
behind you, son.

I’m here.
Just keep
You’re doing
All the way to Paris, Dad? really well.
All the way to Paris, Pip.
15km into the stage, Pip made his break from the Despite needing his father’s help to keep his bike Just then …
main pack… upright, Pip was truly the King of the Mountains as he Dad! Look out for
powered way up the steep Morsange sur Orge... that pothole!
Time to put some space
between me and the peloton! Smashing. I’m right
behind you, Pip. If I’m still in the lead at the summit, then it’s
downhill all the way to the Arc de Triomphe!
Don’t let
go, Dad.

Good lad,
Pip. You’re
really doing

KRUNCH! Wooah! Dad! I’m

falling! Catch me!

A S H ! Oof!
Oh no! Here comes the peloton.
I’m about to lose my lead!

Gah! My Dad! You’ve let go!

The pack swept past … I’m afraid I can’t run another step. It’s an old buggy. Give me a hand pulling it out
Not necessarily, Pip. Look at this... of the ditch, will you, son? I’ve had an idea.
It’s come up like a ruddy balloon.
Come on, Dad. Get hold of the
saddle for me! I’ve still got the legs to What is it? I don’t understand.
Well, there go my chances
catch them up and regain my lead! of winning the yellow jersey.
Sorry, son. I’m
afraid I can’t. My
ankle’s twisted.

What are you doing, Dad? Mr Parker quickly removed the buggy’s Before you go, I’ll just wedge this lolly
back wheels and bolted them onto the Well don’t stand there admiring them all
day. Get on that bike and win that race! stick in the back forks… it’ll hit the spokes
You’ll see in a minute, Pip. It’s a rear hub of Pip’s racing bike… and make it sound like a motorbike.
good job I never go anywhere
without my keyring multitool. There you go, son. Your Wow! Don’t
very own set of stabilisers. They’re worry. I
great! will!

Ace! Thanks, Dad!

Pip jumped on his newly customised machine He quickly caught up with the pack and began to weave 15km later, Pip was vying for the lead as the finish line
and set off in pursuit of the peloton… his way through the mass of riders battling for position came in sight…
on the fast downhill run into the outskirts of Paris… I can do this. One final push and
These stabilisers are top!
I’m going faster than ever! B R RRRRR! the maillot jaune will be mine!

With his dad’s ingenious buggy-wheel stabilisers Shortly…
keeping him upright, Pip crossed the finish line a Ooh la la! Felicatations, This one’s for
tyre’s width ahead of his nearest rival. Monsieur Parker! you, Dad!
Yes! I’ve done
it! I’ve won!...

look! No

Zut alors! Je me suis
batté! Merde avec
sucre surtout!
PM ready for WAR
T’S CLEAR that with the remaining EU
member states lining up foursquare against
the UK, the British government’s Article
50 team have got their work cut out to get
us the deal we both want and deserve when
we leave Europe. And, after promising the
with EU negotiators
country a red, white and blue Brexit, THERESA
MAY is understood to be getting increasingly
frustrated at the lack of progress in the talks.
According to insiders, the
Prime Minister is considering ANOTHER
bringing an end to the stale-
mate with a dramatic show of BREXCLUSIVE!
military strength. “The intran-
sigence of the Brussels nego-
tiators will be met with a rain
of fire and fury such as the Eu-
ropean Union has never seen
before,” said a Downing Street
source. And as a further round
of talks once again broke down
due to bickering over the so-
called Brexit divorce bill, May
last night gave the order to be-
gin amassing a threatening Ar-
mada of Royal Navy warships assault hovercraft will com-
off the Belgian coast. mence their attack.”
ships “They will make their way
up the Willebroek Canal into
Although the ships are offi- the heart of Brussels, where
cially taking part in a training they will disembark and make
exercise, it is understood that their way to the main entrance
each one is equipped with 200 of the Éspace Leopold where
live Sidewinder missiles and up the talks are being held,”
to 2,000 battle-ready troops. said General Jackson. “After
The source told us: “Obvious- breaching the main entrance, E-DAY LANDINGS: Day
ly, we hope it doesn’t come the leading unit will deploy of reckoning as Europe
to armed conflict, but rest as- flash grenades to disorientate (left) gets a taste of
sured we are ready to do what- civil servants and MEPs, secur- where they will roll a smoke by the British negotiating team British spunk.
ever it takes to secure the UK ing the lobby as a beachhead bomb under the table in order of David Davis, Liam Fox and awe operation that the British
an advantageous Brexit deal.” to allow specialised assault de- to confuse and disorientate Boris Johnson,” he added. armed forces have always ex-
Monsieur Barnier and his stand
“If we have to fight, then tachments to make their way team of hostile negotiators.”
celled in.”
so be it. But be in no doubt. It further into the building.” “The troops will then lob “The victorious task force
will be a short fight and we will mix another smoke bomb under will then sail back into Ports-
win,” the source added. “The enemy prisoners will the table for good measure, mouth, where they will receive
“A crack unit of twenty com- then be restrained with cable
and large mandos will then make their before making their way back a tickertape welcome from
ties round their wrists and to the lift and swiftly withdraw- crowds of jubilant wellwishers,
It was a sentiment echoed way up to the seventh floor. black hoods pulled over their
by retired Chief of the Gener- One soldier will remain by the ing from the arena of conflict,” including several women wav-
heads, except for Jean-Claude said General Jackson. “It will ing Union Jacks while jumping
al Staff General Sir Jermaine lift, pressing the button every Juncker, who will be marched
Jackson. He told us: “The few seconds to stop it going be the sort of textbook up and down with their tits
into an ante-room. Here he in and out, shock and out,” General Jackson added.
whole operation will be run back down. The rest will run will be forced at gunpoint to
like clockwork. Once the or- down the corridor, kicking sign a document of red, white
der to go in and secure Brexit open doors until they locate
is given, eight detachments of the room where the Brexit
and blue Brexit, allowing us
to keep all the good bits of + +TEXT VOTE+ +
marines aboard amphibious negotiations are taking place, membership of the EU with-
out having to contribute any-
When do YOU think we
thing, that has been drawn up should send in the army
to sort out the Article
50 negotiations?
Just text ‘Now’, ‘Immediately’ or ‘Without Delay’
to one of the following numbers:

Now 0181 180 55

Immediately 01 81 180 55
Without Delay 01811 80 55
Text votes will be charged at the rate of €1 (£8.50) each, plus your local network rate.








in the
issue of

Around the World in 80* Swears

*Give or take 44

Stingy locals short-changed The Candyman can’t:
Fun-loving Mick found
Halloween home-owners
Halloween caller Ratcock humourless.

OUNGSTERS love Halloween.
Whether they’re donning a ghostly
costume to frighten their friends,
hollowing out an eerie pumpkin for the
garden gate, or holding a torch under
their chin to spook the people next door,
there’s nothing British kids like better
on All Hallows’ Eve than giving their
neighbours a good old scare.
And fun-loving South Yorkshire
lad MICK RATCOCK is no
exception. After missing out on
several Halloweens during his
youth, Mick, 23, has enthusias- “Then, when I was seventeen, I
tically taken up trick-or-treating went somewhere else for six years
again, donning fancy dress each where they didn’t do trick-or-treat-
October 31st and calling on ing,” Mick continued. “While I was
houses in and around his home in this place, I really missed the
town of Rotherham. But since fun and community spirit of Hal-
his return from where he has loween. I couldn’t wait to get back
been, he has consistently been to my old estate to enjoy it again.”
dismayed by the mean-spirited
response he has received from Fangs for
penny-pinching locals.
“When I was a nipper, Hallow-
een was great fun,” Mick told us. As soon as he got back from
“All the neighbours on the estate where he had been, the heavily
would participate, giving us kids tattooed youngster dressed up
sweets as we went from door to in a light-hearted horror cos-
door in our spooky costumes. tume and set off for a jolly night
Every October 31st was a lovely
community event, with everyone
of trick-or-treating. He told us:
“On my return to Rotherham, I
a black anorak instead. I pulled
the hood up over my head to hide
to waste time knocking on the
door if the householders weren’t Ghost of a
in the area joining in the innocent
thought I’d simply take up where
I’d left off, going from door to
my face and looked in the mirror.
I had to admit, I was no Chris-
in, so I crouched down under the
window and peeked into the kitch- chance
door, and putting the willies up topher Lee or Peter Cushing, but en to see if anyone was about. As
However, Ratcock was de-
people in return for sweets.” it was just a bit of fun after all, luck would have it, at that moment
termined not to let one bad
and I was in good spirits as I set the wifey who lived there was at
“Strictly speaking, it experience with a killjoy put
off to make my first trick-or-treat the sink filling the kettle and she
wasn’t actually Halloween, him off trick-or-treating, and a
house call as a vampire, with a clocked me. She let out a high-
it was the middle of Sep- week later he set out for anoth-
holdall over my shoulder to put pitched scream of terror - clearly
tember,” he told us. “But er try in a new costume.
my haul of sweets in.” my Dracula costume was better
I was so excited I just than I thought.” He told us: “This time I was
couldn’t wait the extra six “I had decided to start my Hal- dressed up as a ghost monk, with
weeks till October 31st to loween rounds by calling at the “Her husband came rushing
down the stairs, saw me at the black jeans, a dark grey hoodie
try out my super-spooky biggest house in the neighbour- pulled down to cover my face and
costume door to door.” hood, which was about a twenty window and picked up one of
his golf clubs. Moments later he give me a spooky appearance,
minute walk away on the other and a pair of motorcycle gloves. I
suit side of town. To give the home- came dashing out into the yard
yelling blue murder. Something know a real ghost monk probably
“I had decided to go owner a proper good-natured wouldn’t wear motorcycle gloves,
as a Dracula, who usu- Halloween fright and bag myself a told me there was no Mars Bar
waiting for me at this house, so but it was chilly that night. I put a
ally wear black evening tasty treat - perhaps a Mars Bar, box of eggs, two toilet rolls and a
suits with wing collars, an apple, or a few Haribos - I de- I turned tail and fled. The bloke
pursued me as far as the snicket bag of flour into a holdall, ready
dickie bows and silk-lined cided not to approach the house to play a few cheeky pranks on
capes,” said Ratcock. “How- up the well-lit front drive.” into the precinct before he finally
gave up the chase.” householders who opted for a
ever, I didn’t have any of cake trick instead of giving me a treat.”
those clothing items, so I “It’s one thing not to want to
put on my black jeans and “Instead, I sneaked round the join in the fun on Halloween, but party
back, climbed on top of some bins quite another to threaten an in- “Getting my scary spook cos-
Bolt for the door: Mick’s to get over the wall and dropped nocent youngster with physical tume just right took me longer
monster costume went down into the yard. I didn’t want violence just for trick-or-treating.” than expected, and it was after
the door and released two enor- treating her in one of my spooky setback merely left him
mous alsatians, who came bark- costumes. I knew Halloween was even more determined to
ing down the path after me.” still six months away, but I sim- keep the harmless tradi-
ply didn’t have the heart to make tion alive.
card her wait that long to receive her
special spooky doorstep visitor. I “It was early Decem-
“I swung my bag at the dogs ber, and I was getting
to fend them off, and they decided to return that very night
to do my neighbourly good deed.” really excited that October
squealed in pain as 31st was less than 11
the heavy filter months away. I’ve always
“I decided to dress up as a felt sorry for people who
werewolf, complete with a dark have to work on Halloween,
shellsuit, a black woollen ski- because they miss out on all the
mask to represent its hairy face ghostly fun that I take for grant-
and my motorcycle gloves for ed,” he told us. through it, I was horrified to see
paws. The effect was quite con- that three bottles of methadone
crate-open- park had fallen in while I was looking
ing tools took vincing, and as I set out for the
old lady’s house at 2am, I no- “It occurred to me that there for the alarm switch, along with
Light-hearted bite: the wind out
ticed it was a full moon to add to might be a night security guard a big box of syringes and some
Neighbours nobbled of their sails.
Ratcock’s Halloween fun. the eerie effect.” at the local medical centre who wobbly eggs. I couldn’t believe it.”
Thanks to the
noise, lights would appreciate a light-hearted
“As usual, I went round the “I tried explaining the accidental
were going on trick-or-treat visit from Franken-
back of the house and tried the Halloween mix-up to the arresting
2am when I finally hit the streets. all the way down the street as stein’s monster to liven up his
door to the kitchen, where I’d seen bizzy, but he wouldn’t listen. Even
And in my rush to get out knock- I vaulted the gate. Sadly, I real- dull shift.”
her put her purse earlier in the day. the fact that I was obviously wear-
ing on the neighbours’ doors, I ised I wasn’t going to surprise As I tapped gently on the door, “My costume presented a ing a Frankenstein outfit couldn’t
must have accidentally picked up anyone with my ghostly trick- a pane of glass just fell out and problem. I didn’t have a shabby make him see sense.”
the wrong bag, because when I or-treating that night so I set off smashed on the floor. I thought I’d jacket and trousers like Boris
got to the first house and looked home with no sweets to show Karloff, so I made do with a black
better clean the broken glass up,
inside, there were just the tools for my efforts.” so I reached through and undid puffa jacket and dark Kappa “As I was driven away in the
I use for opening crates when I the latch to let myself in.” tracksuit bottoms. In place of the back of a police van, I reflected
order things from abroad in there
- a jemmy, a baseball bat and a
Halloween board
monster’s heavy boots, I went for
a pair of trainers. To complete the
about my recent Halloween ex-
periences. The childlike sense of
hammer.” haul “Fortunately, I’d brought a full Transylvanian effect, I put on
a baseball hat and pulled it down
spooky fun had been lost some-
“Nevertheless, I decided to torch with me, so I started look- where along the way, and I felt
press on. I still thought my bub- Of course, not all of Mick’s ing round the room for a dust- right over my eyes.” sad about the state of the world I
bly sense of Halloween fun would moonlit Halloween sorties have pan and brush. Suddenly, I felt had come back to from where I’d
been quite so unsuccessful. On “When I arrived at the clinic,
win the day and bring out my the most almighty thump on my been for the previous six years. I
a few memorable occasions he the place was in darkness; not
neighbours’ generous side. As I ear. I turned round to see a great suppose I had just assumed that
has returned home with DVD really surprising as it was after
made my way up the back lane, big bloke standing there in his everything would still be the same
players, video game consoles, 3am. I thought the security guard
testing latches as I went, I could pyjama bottoms. It was the old as it had been before I went away,
laptop computers and wallets to might be hanging about near the
almost taste the delicious Milky lady’s grandson, and from the but in fact nothing could be fur-
show for his light-hearted trick- pharmacy where they keep all
Ways, Topics and Aeros I was furious expression on his face, ther from the truth. Things had
or-treat forays. Sadly, however, the methadone and prescription
going to soon be getting.” he certainly wasn’t entering into changed, and not for the better.”
such profitable door-to-door pads, so I headed round the back
the happy-go-lucky trick-or-treat of the building and climbed over Mick has since left the South
“I finally found a gate that had adventures are becoming the ex- spirit of All Hallows’ Eve.”
been left unlocked and quietly ception rather than the rule. the chainlink fence.” Yorkshire area to go somewhere
went in. I didn’t want to alert any “While fending off a vicious rain else for at least eighteen months.
He told us: “The happy-go- loo But when he gets back from
of the nearby householders that of blows from the mean-spirited
I was out and about, spoiling the lucky old days are over. I can’t man, I made a run for it. But he “I thought I’d sneak into the where he has gone, the young-
surprise when it was their turn to help feeling that people are getting wasn’t giving up, and gave chase health centre and creep up on the ster hopes that the people of his
get trick-or-treated.” more and more mean-spirited.” for more than a mile, shouting guard to heighten his Halloween native Rotherham will have re-dis-
cup four-letter abuse all the while. For- thrill, but here’d been a lot of bur- covered some of the innocent
“It was very dark as I made tunately, I’m very familiar with all glaries in the area just recently, so magic of trick-or-treating once
my way towards the house and “I remember this one time, the ginnels and cut-throughs on they’d beefed up the locks on the again.
I accidentally tripped over a small I’d got a part-time day job on a the estate and I eventually man- door to the pharmacy. However,
dustbin, sending its lid spinning scheme for people who’d been aged to give him the slip.” by complete coincidence, some-
noisily across the path. Immedi- away for a bit, selling dusters and one had dropped a jemmy nearby
ately, a light snapped on upstairs household items from door to “The man must have called so I was able to use that to force
and a man’s face appeared at the door. It was a proper scheme, be- 999, because the police heli- the pharmacy door open.”
window. Thinking I had blown my cause I’d got an ID badge and ev- copter spent the rest of the night
chance of surprising this home- erything. Anyway, one day while I hovering overhead sweeping its “I stepped inside, ready to
owner, I legged it. But as I ran was out on the knock, I called at a searchlight over the neighbour- shout ‘trick-or-treat!’. But as I
towards the gate, the man opened house. The door was opened by hood. Just like a real werewolf, I did so, an alarm went off. As
an old lady who appeared to live eventually woke up at dawn in a the sirens wailed, I quickly rifled
alone. I showed her my badge strange place and with the taste through the shelves of drugs
and she bought a duster for of blood in my mouth. I was in and pills, looking for the button to
£20. As she got someone’s shed where I had tak- switch the alarm off, but I couldn’t
the money out en refuge from the bizzies.” find it. After two or three minutes
of her purse, of searching, I decided to aban-
she told me Prank- don my Halloween prank and
set off home.”
that she
lived on enstein’s “I was just cutting
her own as
her husband monster through a back al-
ley to get to some
had recently waste ground
died.” Mick had been shocked and
disappointed by the killjoy attitude when I was rug-
“I felt sor- of the old lady’s grandson when by-tackled to
ry for the old all he’d wanted to do was bring a the ground by
lady, and re- little bit of Halloween magic into a burly copper.
solved to come her lonely life. Many people would As he opened
back and cheer have given up trick-or-treating af- my holdall and
her up by trick-or- ter such an experience, but the started rooting Give up the ghost: Rotherham
residents didn’t enter into the
21 Halloween spirit.
Parsehole & Dorgan. It’s Britain’s Biggest Bell Ends on the End of Britain’s Biggest Bell
HEN I heard the

W news that Big Ben’s

bongs were to be si-
lenced for four years to allow
maintenance work to be car-
ried out, I am not ashamed to
say that I cried.
I wept, I lachrymated, I boo-hooed, I
broke down and I howled.
These all pale into insignificance be-
side this big clock’s clangs, which have When I heard
rang out unbroken through 157 years
I sobbed and I snivelled of our nation’s proud history. that Big Ben
I blubbed and I whimpered. Hitler could not silence Big Ben’s
It is no exaggeration to say that I clangs in 1939. General Galtieri could
not silence Big Ben’s clangs in 19XX
was to fall
whined and I puled.
And pule is a proper word mean-
ing cry, and if you don’t believe me
(subs check date). Arthur Scargill could
not silence Big Ben’s clangs in 1984-85. silent, the clock
just look it up in Roget’s Thesaurus
like I did.
But now Big Ben’s clangs have been
silenced by an invisible enemy that we springs of my
cannot fight. They have been silenced
I cried because, as that magnificent
bronze bell tintinabulated for the final
by Health & Safety.
And not just any Health & Safety.
heart broke
time, its sonorous E-natural note dying
in the breeze that blew across Parliament For those majestic bongs that have drivel, twaddle, bosh, tosh, tripe, piffle,
Green, something inside me died with it. faithfully sounded out the unbroken bilge. Adj. fatuous, piffling.
heartbeat of our democracy since Did our brave boys ask the Hun to
Indeed, something inside the heart 18XX (subs check date), except for
of every proud Englishman, English- keep the noise down at the Somme?
maintenance work between 1983 and
woman and Englishchild died, snuffed 1985, and again in 2007, have finally Did the Paras politely request that
out like a candle in the wind by the been silenced for the first time in their the Argies put a sock in it as they
fickle finger of fate. history by Health & Safety gone mad. yomped their way to Goose Green?
For there is surely no more stirring It is feared that maintenance staff Did Monty ask Rommel to fit
English sound than the chimes of Big working on the clock mechanism could silencers on his Panzer guns in case
Ben. have their hearing irreparably dam- they startled the Eighth Army at El
The sound of Morris Men dancing aged by the deafening, quarter-hourly Allalalmien (check sp)? There is only
round the maypole on the village green... 120 decibel strikes of the 13.5 ton one answer to all them questions, and maintenance men in cotton wool and
bronze bell. that answer is no. breeding a nation of softies. Indeed,
The sound of bobbies on bicycles two
No. if Winston Churchill was alive today,
by two... What nonsense.
he would be turning in his grave at the
The sound of Rule Britannia at the What 497n. Absurdity, stuff, balder- And thrice no.
nation of softies we there thats 500
Last Night of the Proms... dash, gammon, rubbish, rot, tommy rot, We are wrapping our Big Ben wds. inv enc.


N The Day Big Ben was Hushed
ONE of us will ever forget
where we were when we first
heard the terrible news that As the enormity of what my pos-
Big Ben was to fall silent until 2021. sibly best friend in the world had just
Some people may have been do- told me began to sink in, I must have
ing the washing up. Others were looked quite shocked, because a gag-
perhaps sitting in their vest, watch- gle of many of my other extremely close
ing a low-brow talent show on after telling the Maitre d’ that they are friends - including, but not limited to,
television while eating a bag of close friends of mine. Eric Clapton, Adele, Sean Connery,
supermarket own-brand crisps. On the night in question, I was lean- Mark Wahlberg, Professor Steven
Or maybe they were attempting to ing over Will Smith to ask Scarlett Hawking, Buster Bloodvessel, David
patch up an area of rust on their Johannson if she could ask Javier Letterman, Kirk Douglas, Michael
a fourth-hand car, parked on the Bardem to pass me over the brown Douglas and Floyd Mayweather -
street outside their home on a run- sauce when George Clooney and formed an orderly queue to comfort me.
down sink estate. I was at Rao’s - Hulk Hogan had finished with it. I was I was cheered by their kind words,
which is New York’s most exclusive going to put some on my Sea Urchin especially those of Julio Iglesias, A few, but by no means all, of my friends
restaurant, according to Vanity Fair. Ceviché with a Timbale of Kumquat- Herb Alpert and Neymar the world’s and has said on numerous occa-
It is such an exclusive restaurant infused Foie Gras, which costs $200 most expensive footballer. They sions that I am his best friend and
that many of my closest friends and that’s just the starter. wished me well because they all like he would, if necessary, lay down
including Sir Elton John, Ralph Suddenly, someone tapped me on me so much. Eventually the main his life for me, a sentiment that has
Lauren, Bruce Willis, Winona Ry- the shoulder and said: “Piers, have course arrived, which cost $1000. It been echoed by countless others
der, Meryl Streep, Whoopi Gold- you heard? They’re going to switch off was my favourite; truffles on a bed of among my famous coterie, includ-
berg and Christopher Walken, Big Ben for four years due to essential saffron jus, with all caviars emptied ing Janet Jackson, Ivanka Trump,
have often been unable to make maintenance work.” I immediately rec- on the top, but the thought of never Morgan Freeman and Craig off
a booking despite being extremely ognised the voice as that of my good hearing the bells of Big Ben ever Big Brother 1.
famous. Other A-listers, such as friend Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, with again until 2021 had robbed me of
“I’m just sad, Idris Elba,” I replied.
Bruce Springsteen, Fabio, Kevin whom I once went on an exclusive first my appetite, and I just played with
“The thought of never hearing the
Spacey, Martha Reeves and the class world cruise, along with Frank- my food listlessly.
bells of Big Ben ever again until 2021
Vandellas and Ringo Starr, have lin D Rooseveldt, Jay Leno, Goldie “What’s the matter, Piers?” asked has robbed me of my appetite.”
been able to get a table, but only Hawn and Humphrey Lyttelton. Idris Elba, who is a massive star © Pierce Dorgan 2017




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G P O A I S X U K O U E M I S R O P E F E G T E O M C O P Turkish slippers• farmer’s footprint
O E K L M R T Z O F P I S W N E L K S R B E K L I E U T I arse like a clogmaker’s hammer
L C B H L E A O Y P I L B R D T I N E O V A I H G S D S L ankle splasher• welly full of custard
C I D F L P L L O C Y H P I A E I P O B M L N M T H C R S Dutch brogues•zoo keeper’s boot
A A V U O E L S S B W C G L P G M T P L U M D C E O L O H lib dem loafers•swellington boots
E L L O T E A T T Y Y M I F G L S K U U L T B F S E O T S flush puppies •Aladdin’s slippers
K M O Y W K O L T O E L E A N A T R E P P I L S H S I F I athlete’s foot•pugg boots•thankles
I L B K B O T O P G E J B O P U W V T S P H P I L H R O K duck slippers •shoebox special
L M I F B O P I G S T O E B W C B L M U H R S P K L U T R tits like a dog owner’s slipper•fankle
E K T L X Z C T J Z B A C A O T U E T B M O L U A T R S U beer shoes•camel’s toe•make a clog
S R A T R E P P I L S S R E N W O G O D A E K I L S T I T fuck me shoes•flap-flops•anal boot
R N S T C H L A I V T O O F S E T E L H T A T O H F A T R whoreshoes•shoe bun•fish slipper
A K P D T N I B A V B P A L A D D I N S S L I P P E R S L gideon gumboot•shoe shiners
wobbly boots•lush puppies
Can YOU identify these Viz charactersfrom their footware?
(Clue: Baz out of the Fat Slags has got a pencil moustache and Buster Gonad looks completely different because he hasn’t)





Send your completed entry to:
Name Address Viz Jester’s Shoes Competition, PO Box 841,
Whitley Bay, NE26 9EQ to arrive before Monday
Post Code 30th October. A list of lucky winners will be
published in the Christmas issue.
I am entering: Both competitions Find Your Feet (Primary Secondary ) Whose Shoes (Primary Secondary ) Do not tick: For Official Use Only
NE of the most thrilling things a grown man can do is to run his own model railway. These miniature dioramas, complete
with locomotives, sidings and stations, are a constant source of delight and excitement. But don’t think you can simply
buy an off-the-shelf train set, nail it to a bit of board and be done. Because a serious model railway hobbyist is dedicated
to the pursuit of nothing less than scaled-down perfection, and the countless hours he spends working on his layout are a la-
bour of love. Let’s venture up into the loft and find out about this endlessly fascinating pastime as we look at a day in the life of...


am. While the rest of the world slumbers, the model train enthusiast
6.00.00 is already pursuing his pastime. Just like their full size counterparts,
miniature railways run to a strict timetable and the first service of the day, a freight train
carrying small plastic milk churns round the back of the hot water tank, is due to depart
at 6.04 on the dot. To get a real engine up to steam takes at least an hour’s back-break-
ing work filling the boiler, lighting the firebox, and shovelling coal. In this hobby, realism
is everything, and although this model steam engine is powered by a small electric
motor, the serious model railway enthusiast knows that it must be fuelled and fired in
an authentic manner. So he has been up since
5am, moving a tiny toy man with a shovel
backwards and forwards between a plastic
pile of coal and his waiting locomotive.

am. With the milk train safely round the track and back
6.04.30 in its shed, there’s a gap of 1 hours 38 minutes until the
next service, the 7.42 commuter special, is due to leave, so there’s time for
the model railway enthusiast to snatch a quick breakfast in the kitchen. His
wife suggests he might like to come back to bed for an hour instead, but like
the serious hobbyist he is, he refuses her shallow blandishments. He just
has time to grab a pop tart washed down with a mug of tea before he has
to be back in the loft to do essential upkeep on his layout. Just like a real life
railway network, his toy one can’t run smoothly unless a strict programme of
am The model railway enthusiast checks his watch, waves his flag essential maintenance work is carried out each day. If the 7.42 is to depart
7.42.00 and blows his whistle. As he turns the little knob on the front of his
transformer, the commuter special gathers steam and pulls away from the platform.
on schedule, then 11 feet of track has to be painstakingly rubbed down with
fine grade emery paper and the 00-scale Deltic locomotive that pulls it must
Twenty seconds later, after travelling through a pointless, free-standing tunnel and around have its axles and brushes cleared of accumulated fluff and pet hair.
a corner with a radius that would instantly derail a full-size train, the
service reaches its destination bang on time. But for the model railway en-
thusiast, there’s no time to rest on his laurels. 2 minutes 40 seconds
later, he must turn the little knob on the front of the transformer the
other way to start the train’s timetabled 7.45 return journey.

am. To keep running efficiently, a real railway must constantly

9.00.00 repair and replace its rolling stock, and its 1:76.3 scale
counterpart is no different. So, at opening time, our enthusiast is first through the
door of his local model shop to check out the various products on offer. Today, he
is in the market for a new 20-ton guards brake van to replace one that his sexually
frustrated wife threw at him during an argument. Unfortunately, the only one he
can find in the shop is a red-brown LNER model with vacuum brakes, whereas
the one he requires is a Southern Railway version with dark grey sole plates, in-
dicating a hand-braked wagon, something that wasn’t introduced until 1946, and
then only on certain pre-nationalised branch lines. No normal person would know
or care about this trifling detail, but a keen model railway hobbyist can be reduced
to tears of frustration and rage by a glaring anachronism such as this.
pm. A lull in the
12.15:00 pm. Back at home, our railway modeller’s wife
wants to show him a costume she has bought 3.30:00 timetable before
the afternoon rush hour means that
from the Ann Summers shop and invites him into the bedroom for a game
of doctors and nurses. But he has no time for such childish behaviour. In our hobbyist
less than three minutes, the 12.18 circus train is due through the station, has time to
and one of the carriages has a giraffe’s head sticking out the top which descend from
automatically ducks down when it goes under a footbridge. To make sure the loft and
the automatic mechanism works, he has to fasten a small magnetic strip go down-
between the rails underneath the bridge. If he gets it wrong by even a tiny stairs for a
amount, the giraffe’s neck could strike the bridge at full welcome cup
express train speed, leading to 00-gauge carnage on of tea. His wife
an unimaginable scale. is already in
the living room
with a friend
she has brought
home from the gym.
The visitor must have spilt a drink on herself,
because she has taken most of her clothes off. The hobbyist decides
to put her at her ease by making a bit of smalltalk, telling her an anecdote about the time the
Hornby catalogue mis-labelled an English Electric Deltic as a Class 55. But before he gets
to the punchline, he realises it’s nearly 4 o’clock. At 4.06 every day, the Flying Scotsman
sleeper express from the immersion heater to the Christmas decorations comes through his
station, and he has left himself just 6 minutes to climb back up into the loft, get the train and
carriages out of their boxes and on the tracks with all their wheels on the rails properly.

pm. With just two minutes to go before the

7.00.00 pm.
A 11.08.00 Royal Mail night service is due to join the track
for its daily 40-second double circuit of the main line, the enthusiast
model railway is never
finished. Any true en- realises that he can’t find his railway signalman’s hat, without which he
thusiast will tell you that doesn’t have the authority to close the points after the train leaves its
his train set is a work siding. If he leaves the points open, the train will certainly derail as it
in progress with new completes its first circuit, leading to delays across
features to be added and the whole layout. His wife selfishly refuses
old ones to be improved to help as he desperately searches through
and renovated. Now, as the wardrobe for the missing cap.
his wife comes home Luckily, he finds it just
from the wine bar and in time to get back
heads upstairs with up the ladder into
two friends, he is hard the loft to avert
at work constructing a disaster.
matchstick 5-bar gate
for a miniature farmyard
he intends to add to his
layout at a later date.
pm. With the last scheduled service safely through the station, it is time for
11.12.00 the enthusiast to complete his final job of the day - shunting all his trains
and rolling stock away. It’s a process that takes up to two hours every night, as each loco and
wagon has to be put into its own particular shed via a bewildering system of points, sidings and
turntables. It’s like solving an elaborate Chinese puzzle. Of course, he could simply pick the trains
up off the tracks and put them away by hand in a couple of
am. Satisfied
minutes, but what would be the point of that?
1.15.00 at the end of
another productive day running his
layout according to its unbending
timetable, the hobbyist finally
gets into bed for a well-earned
rest. To wind down, he
spends an hour or so
flicking through his
toy train magazines
before setting his
alarm for 4.45 the
following morning,
when his model
railway day will
begin all over again.

NEXT WEEK: We spend a

day with a Philatelist to
discover the THRILL of
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RANSYLVANIA is officially the spookiest place on
earth, with the world’s highest per capita population of
mummies, werewolves and Frankensteins. But the Ro-
manian province is not just a Mecca for horror buffs,
Johnny Weissmulle

because the country has also produced its fair share of top celebs.
But who is the world’s Top Transylvanian? Is it Johnny Weissmul-
ler, who made the role of Tarzan his own in a dozen Hollywood
movies?...Is it Vlad the Impaler, the bloodthirsty 15th century
Wallachian Prince who stabbed an estimated 100,000 people up
the arse during his murderous reign?...Or is it the Cheeky Girls?
It’s time to pit them in a 6-round, no-holds-barred contest to dis-
cover once and for all just WHO is the Top of the Transylvanian Pops! the best
Aristocratic Heritage BORN in 1904 to a family of lowly
Aristocratic Heritage

Romanian peasants, this would

at irst glance appear to be a low-scoring round for Weissmuller. However, THREE times Prince of the Transylvanian province
Tarzan - the iconic role he played through the 1930s and 40s - was both his of Wallachia, Vlad boasts an impeccably rariied
Grace the Earl of Greystoke as well as being King of the Jungle. It’s a family tree. In later years, he was also the inspira-
blue-blooded pedigree of which anyone would be proud, and it gets
the jungle-vine-swinging apeman off to a lying start. Score 8 tion for Count Dracula - the title character of Bram
Stoker’s gothic vampire novel, the sinister and

Records BEFORE he was a sort of actor,

Records THE MURDEROUS Vlad ruled

Weissmuller was one of the twentieth his medieval province with a

century’s most successful swimmers, winning 5 Olym- mixture of fear and sadistic cruelty, sticking a
pic golds in the freestyle and backstroke. With sharpened fencepost right up the arse of any-
an impressive 50 world records to his name,
he makes a big splash in this round. Score 7 one who dared to defy him. During his impaling
career, he is estimated to have skewered more

Crocodile Fighting AT SOME point during every Tarzan ilm in which he

Crocodile Fighting ITknown

starred, Weissmuller would have a dust-up with a croco-

dile, putting the giant reptile in a headlock before wrestling it to death in a swamp and tossing whether Vlad ever fought with a crocodile, but
it aside. So you might expect this round to be a pushover for Weissmuller. But you’d be wrong, if he had he would have undoubtedly have at-
for thanks to stringent Hollywood Health & Safety restrictions, Weissmuller was forbidden tempted to stab it up the jacksie with a stake - his
from ighting real crocodiles on set. Every one of the beasts that appeared to meet its trademark killing method. However, since reptiles
end at the King of the Jungle’s hands was in fact just a
life-size rubber replica. Score 0 don’t technically have arses - instead, they are
equipped with a combined urogenital poste-

Skimpiness of Briefs IN EVERY one of his

ilm appearances, Skimpiness of Briefs

Weissmuller’s impressive physique was on display, with just SURVIVING historical records from the 15th
the skimpiest of outits covering his junk. However, technically century are of little use when trying to discover
it wasn’t actually a pair of briefs that protected Tarzan’s mod- whether Vlad the Impaler did or didn’t wear
esty from the censors. It was in fact a sort of budgie smugglers. All pictures of him depict him
triangular mini-skirt made out of window from the waist up, sat dining at a table or stand-
cleaners’ chamois leathers.
Score 2 ing behind a pile of victims that he has previ-
ously impaled. The truth is anyone’s guess, and

Ululatin g Cries yell AMAZINGLY, Tarzan’s trademark jungle

Ululatin g Cries ITeveryIS LIKELY that

of “Arrrgh ee-arrrgh ee-argh ee-argh ee- single one

aaaarrgh” was not in fact performed by Weissmuller himself. Although the actor of Vlad’s 100,000 victims issued a high-pitched
claimed it was his voice that audiences heard, the distinctive cry was actually ululating cry at the exact moment he irst of-
produced by the world’s smallest man Calvin Phillips. A recording of Phillips’s fered up a sharpened stick to their nipsy. Put in
high-pitched budgerigar-like trill was slowed down 100 times to produce context, that’s the same as the entire population
the famous baritone yodel of the King of the Beasts heralding a
sequence of library footage featuring various jungle animals. Score
2 of Chesterield (including Brimington and Stavely)
yodelling while being impaled by a 15th century

Having Penetrative THE TARZAN actor died in 1984, when

Having Penetrative

the 19-year-old Opik - later to be elected Liberal

Sex with Lembit Opik Democrat member of parliament for Montgomery-
shire - was studying Philosophy at Bristol Univer- Sex with Lembit Opik
sity. However, at the time of his death, Weissmuller had been battling severe ill health for many OPIK’S grandfather - Ernst Julius Öpik - was an
years following a fall and series of strokes in the mid-seventies. So while it is technically eccentric yet brilliant physicist who could easily
possible that the teenage student and the ailing octogenarian ilm star were in a sexual
relationship of some sort, it is highly unlikely. Score 2 have constructed a time machine in the shed
at the bottom of the garden. If this was indeed


DID TARZAN may have been raised by apes, but he wasn’t
N OT A Vlad try… but not quite good

able to raise his game enough to win this battle, and as enough. In true impaling style, the
THEY awas
result his opponents have made a monkey out of him. It
a “vine” performance, but at the the end of the day, the
sadistic Count tried to stick it to the
others, but when push came to shove,
DO? swimmer-turned-actor couldn’t quite swing it to win. he just wasn’t sharp enough in the end.

er, Vlad the Impaler or The Cheeky Girls

suave blood-sucking
Aristocratic Heritage THE CHEEKY Girls’s origins

figure immortalised in are humble; there is not the
countless horror films. With slightest whiff of aristocratic blood in their lineage. Put simply, they are
two such aristocratic titles as common as muck. As a result, the girls, who rose to fame on such
to his name, the Impaler low-rent, plebeian ITV talent shows as Model Behaviour and
lords it over his Transyl-
vanian peers.
Score 9 Popstars: The Rivals, are awarded 1, the lowest possible mark
in this round. Score 1

than 100,000 people. It’s a shameful tally, but THE CHEEKY Girls’s infectious first single Touch My Bum went to number
credit where credit’s due; it’s a record 2 in the hit parade. However, subsequent desperate attempts to replicate its
that still stands to this very day.
Score 9 chart performance were increasingly less successful, culminating in 2005’s dismal Farmyard
Hokey, which failed to even make it into the Top 100. The 7 singles the girls released over
their 3-year pop career achieved an average UK chart position of 28.143, so their score in
this round is nothing to make a song and dance about. Score 3
rior orifice called a
Crocodile Fi ghting IMAGINE the scene. The Cheeky Girls are at Abbey Road,

“cloaca” - he cutting their latest hit single, when a 14-foot Nile crocodile that
wouldn’t has just escaped from nearby London Zoo bursts into the studio. It’s a desperate situation; the girls
have know they must act quickly to save themselves; it’s them or the crocodile. One girl leaps on the deadly
known creature’s back and clamps its deadly jaws closed in the crook of her arm while the other one moves
where to in for the kill, fatally stabbing the croc in the back of the neck with a fork. Job done. Of course,
shove it.
Score 3 crocodiles are unpredictable beasts, and the Cheeky Girls’s plan could go badly wrong. It’s a
50:50 shot, but it’s the best chance they have of getting out of the studio alive. 5

the real answer may remain a mystery. So we

Skimpiness of Briefs WHENEVER
they are seen

must err on the side of caution and award him
middling marks in public, whether it’s singing their hit on stage at a
in this round to freshers’ night, optimistically launching their own make-
reflect the un- up range or facing bankruptcy after the collapse of their
certainty. record company, the twins always sport the hottest of
beach volleyball-style hotpants. The only way

Score 5 these kegs could be skimpier would be if they

weren’t wearing any at all. Score 9
Ululatin g Cries YODELLING effectively with an

aristocrat, and ululating tone is a skill that only
you can’t do the best singers in the world can master, and even the Cheeky
better than that. Girls’s biggest fans would readily admit that their idols certainly
A high scoring aren’t the best singers in the world. But, as anyone who has
round. seen them performing live will attest, what the twins lack

Score 10 in vocal ability, they more than make up for with their
lack of any other talents. Score 3
the case, then the MP may well have used the
Having Penetrative BY HIS OWN admission, Lembit Opik was romantical-

machine to travel back in time to 15th century ly linked with one of the Cheeky Girls in 2007/8, so on
Transylvania to meet up with charming Prince
Vlad for a very different sort of impaling ses-
sion. It’s a highly unlikely scenario, but consid-
Sex with Lembit Opik the surface, this round would appear to present a solid
ten points in the bag for the tuneless Transylvanian
twosome. However, a strict, legalistic reading of the terms and conditions of the competition requires
ering the relationship between space “The Cheeky Girls” (plural) to have had penetrative sex with the failed MP. And since only one
and time, it is theoretically possible.
Score 5 of the pair actually let him on the nest, even though we don’t know which one, we have no
option but to award them a disappointing zero. Score
Nevertheless, he’ll take
A QUICK glance at the total might lead you to think that the Cheeky Girls
some consolation from the
fact that he didn’t finish
right at the bottom. 41
had limped home in last place. But remember, each displayed score is per
Cheeky Girl, and their final tally of 21 is doubled to take into account the fact that
they are identical twins. Never mind touch their bum, Johnny and Vlad can kiss
their arse as they take their rightful place at the top of the Transylvanian tree.
35 NEXT WEEK: Who’s the Best CHEEKY GIRL?
The one on the left... or the one on the right?
From Apple to Zeiss,
and everything in between

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ERVED piping hot and wrapped in a newspaper, there is no more forwards, every aspect of this venerable high street culinary institution
quintessentially British food than fish and chips. Since they first will be transformed beyond recognition. Indeed, a time traveller from
arrived on our streets back in the 1860s, this nutritious and 2017 stepping into the fish and chip shop of tomorrow will be met with
delicious combination has formed a staple part of our national diet. a space age scene that will leave their head spinning in wonderment.
The traditional fish and chip shop, with its bubbling deep fat fryers, Let’s travel forwards 100 years to 2117 and take a privileged peek


overweight woman stood behind the counter and morose man in a white
hat carrying a bucket of potatoes, is still a hub of every community from
Land’s End to John O’Groats, and has remained virtually unchanged
since the first one opened 150 years ago.
But now we stand on the brink of a scientific revolution that will change
the local chippy forever. As the world takes a technological quantum leap OF THE FUTURE
THE smell of hot fish, hot chips and hot batter is instantly familiar, likewise deforestation of the planet and a worldwide pulp shortage, and the few sheets
1 the sound of boiling fat bubbling away in the fryers. But there the similarity of paper left on earth now change hands for millions of space credits each. To
ends, because in the futuristic chippy of 2117 the fryers are not heated using replace paper, fish and chip shop scientists have developed a product called
the primitive electrical elements that were in use a century ago. Instead, highly Paprene - a flexible, cellulose-based polymer which, when fashioned into
efficient ceramic coils heat the fat up until it reaches the perfect temperature sheets, looks, feels and behaves exactly like paper.
for cooking. This optimum heat level is then automatically maintained by a
ONE thing that will immediately strike our peckish time-traveller is the
sophisticated autonomous pyrostatic mechanism that switches the power to the 5 fact that haddock is no longer available in the fish and chip shop of 2117.
coils on or off depending on readings taken by a thermocouple in the fat.
Sadly, like the dinosaurs, the dodo and the rabbit, this fish became extinct due
THE cooking fat in the fryer is of a brand new type that was unheard of a to global overfishing following the breakdown of the Planetary Oceanic Treaty
2 hundred years ago in 2017. Instead of beef dripping crudely rendered from in 2080. As a result, customers can now only have cod. But it doesn’t matter,
cow carcasses at the abattoir, today’s fish and chip shops use a highly refined because 100 years ago they used to give you cod if you asked for haddock
bio-oil that is extracted from the lipid tissues of genetically cloned cattle. anyway, and nobody could ever tell the difference.
THE wooden chipforks
6 familiar to the chip shop
9 customers of the 21st century
are now nothing more than dusty
museum pieces, gathering dust
on the dusty shelves of a museum.
In their place, the diner of today
uses a chipfork made of plastic
… plastic that is, believe it or not,
8 made from wood!
7 3 7 THE fat woman behind
the counter may appear
indistinguishable from her century-
earlier ancestor, but in fact nothing
1 could be further from the truth.
2 Back in 2017, her ancestor would
have kept her hair from going in
the food by wearing a white trilby
hat with an integrated hairnet.
Nowadays, she sports headwear
which, whilst looking superficially
identical, is actually a modern
miracle of futuristic technology.
Constructed from a material that
4 creates a permanent static charge,
it actually attracts any stray hairs
5 that may otherwise make their way
through the hairnet mesh. The hat
itself has an invisible, transparent
microfibre chinstrap to stop it
falling off her head and into the
GLANCING behind the
8 counter, our time traveller
spots something that he thinks he
recognises: A ruddy-faced man
carrying a white plastic bucket
of raw chips. But he couldn’t be
6 more wrong, for the bucket is
actually carrying itself, floating on
a cushion of magnetic flux created
BACK in the 21st century, customers were used to finding the occasional by a network of super-cooled coils hidden under the floor. The man is only
3 bone in their cod or haddock. But that was then and this is now, and in holding the handle of the bucket as a precaution in case the power supply to
2117 the preparation area of every chip shop is equipped with a computerised the coils fails, causing it to fall and chips to go everywhere.
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance scanner. This device automatically detects any
100 years ago, any flies that ventured into a chip shop were quickly
pieces of cartilage or bone that have inadvertently been left in a fillet, before 9 zapped with a short, sharp electric shock from an ‘insectocutor’; the blue
instantly vaporising them using a high-power laser. Of course, however
sophisticated it is, no machine is perfect, so a digital display behind the counter flash and characteristic cracking sound of an insect meeting its maker in one of
warns customers: “Despite Every Precaution Taken, Your Fish May Contain these crude machines were familiar to all chippy customers. Then, around the
Bone’s.” turn of the 22nd century, bluebottles developed an immunity to electricity and,
like the Terminator, could no longer be killed with high voltages. To despatch
IT IS unbelievable to the people of 2117 that just a hundred years before, these electricity-resistant superflies today, the chip shop employs a short-range
4 their ancestors would leave the chippy with their food loosely wrapped in a blast of focussed gamma radiation; the blue flash and characteristic cracking
few sheets of paper. For today, here in the 22nd century, paper is an extremely sound of an insect meeting its maker in one of these super high-tech machines
rare and valuable commodity indeed. The Oxygen Wars of 2056 led to the is familiar to all 2117 chippy customers.
NEXT WEEK: The VD Clinic of Tomorrow
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oger’s A Spooky Update from

Britain s Favourite Lexicon
of Filth and Profanity

abominable slowman n. That hugging jeggings. 2. n. The The compilation, by an
member of any party of drink- toilets on a Virgin train. overly optimistic fel-
ers who, at the point when his bottom bracket 1. n. Where low, of a mental cata-
fellows have sunk their pints the cranks it on your bike. logue of potentially
and are ready to move on, 2. n. Where your crank extremely accommo-
has only budgie-supped two its on the local bike. The dating ladies.
inches of his own. clout, minge, fanny, lange, factory wipe 1. n. A
achtung Spitire! 1. exclam. growler, front bottom, lady thorough reset of a
Teutonic shout of alarm garden or quimpiece. computer back to a
often heard in the ilm Battle pristine system state.
of Britain. 2. exclam. Cheery HOG’S ‘I’ SPY 2. n. After clearing
cry after hearing a hurricane out the cupboards in
on one’s tail. the Devil’s kitchen,
after dinner speech n. A spending ten minutes longer
peroration at the brown buf- than usual on paperwork, and
fet table, delivered without getting through three times the piece of plastic which, when
reference to notes. normal amount of bumwad placed in the dog’s bowl, stops Marty Robbins n. An hor-
while doing so. it from gobbling its kibble or riically large poo; a proper
amuse bouche 1. n. In cordon meat too quickly. 2. n. A piece gorilla’s breakfast. Named
bleu parlance, a small, farogenic adj. Descriptive of
a female who appears to be of gold or platinum which, after the late country and
intricate starter dish aimed at when placed on a woman’s western artiste, whose 1959
arousing a gourmand’s taste attractive from a distance, but
WHAT about this van uproves to be a great disap- inger, stops her from gobbling chart-topper El Paso includes
buds prior to sampling the your meat, full stop. A wed- the following lines: “Just for
main course. 2. n. A piquantly that I drove up the pointment when viewed at
arse of recently? closer range. Nice from far but ding ring. a moment I stood there in
appetising little something silence / Shocked by the foul
nibbled when dining at the Y. Pete Robertson, email far from nice. gravy & mash n. Like bangers
Friedrich Von Trapp 1. euph. and mash, but without the evil deed I had done.”
and now on BBC4 phr. Humor- chunks. A bog full of arsewipe medicine balls n. Spherical
ous and poignant precursor to bucket of snot euph. Manc. A Bavarian alternative to
An extremely well-oiled dropping the kids off at the and diarrhoea. glands containing vitamin S,
a didactic Exchange & Mart. a tincture well known to cure
box. Also bag of slugs, pool. Named after the older jackoffanory n. A mucky nar-
Apache hammock n. Stealthy rative read down the phone by almost all ailments from which
splinge, snail’s doorstep. boy in The Sound of Music,
and cunning technique of an understanding wife or part- one’s wife or girlfriend may be
can you stick a lake in that? whose line in the song So
putting paper down the bog ner to a man suffering from the suffering.
exclam. sarc. Addressed Long, Farewell is “Adieu,
before taking a number two raging horn while away from meloncholy n. Disconsolate
caustically to one’s bartender adieu, to you and you and
in order to avoid noise and home, who needs some fodder sadness and depression; a gen-
when a lager is poured which you.” 2. n. Bav. rhym. slang. A
splashback. Named in hon- when pulling off the Pope’s hat eralised malaise characterised
is more head than beer. Sir Douglas.
our of the Native American in his hotel bedroom. by feelings of loss and longing
tribe who are famed for their lange squeal 1. n. Ear-splitting,
chariots of ire n. Pestiferous for a past girlfriend who had
stealth and cunning. high-pitched noise that occurs lapping paste 1. n. An abrasive
mobility scooters that creep humongous chebbs on her.
when the wheels of railway grinding unguent used in
belly porridge n. Shit. up silently around your heels
rolling stock slip laterally engineering. 2. n. The creamy my best work is behind me, I
binman’s belch, less inesse on the high street or when
on the rail when transiting amalgam of frothing saliva fear that exclam. Said after
than a sim. Descriptive you are ensconced deep in
a curve, due to the lack of a and fanny batter on a well- dropping a magnum opus of
of a person who exudes a the convoluted loorspace of
differential. 2. n. Ear-splitting, licked clout. a dustman’s special. Also I’m
frankly substandard level of a pound shop.
high-pitched noise that occurs let the cock see the fanny phr. just raising the proile of the
class, panache and dignity. dockyard shithouse, abused when large member slips into company; they call the wind
like a sim. Said of some- A somewhat crude variation
‘Outrageous. The brand new a lange, much to the delight on the expression “let the dog Mariah; now we know what
fragrance by Kerry Katona, thing or someone that has to of the lady concerned. killed the dinosaurs.
put up with a lot of crap on see the rabbit.”
the star with less inesse loorish adj. Said of an alco- nunchucks 1. n. Okinawan
than a binman’s belch.’ a daily basis. line of wank n. A blind spot
holic beverage which renders in the garden where a chap martial arts weapon consist-
bog of eternal stench 1. n. dominoes effect n. Being a one unable to walk. ‘Ooh, this ing of two pieces of wood on
fat bastard due to eating too knows he can safely relax in a
Scene from the movie Laby- Buckies is so loorish. Pour gentleman’s way without being a string that Bruce Lee used
rinth, starring David Bowie many cheesy takeaways. me another, ambassador.’ to whirl up under his arms
spotted by next door pegging
and his rather tight, bollock- double entry book keeping n. gobble stopper 1. n. A shaped out her washing, number 47 and whack baddies with. 2.
changing a duvet by her back n. Two pieces of shite held
bedroom window or his mis- together by a string of undi-
sus washing the dishes. gested hair that helicopters
Mandy Jordache buying out of a dog’s bottom.
slabs, face like sim. Said of oktoberpest n. Annoying little
someone who is acting in scrote that visits your house
a very suspicious manner. in the weeks leading up to
From the erstwhile Brookside Halloween and demands
character whose husband’s money with menaces. A
disappearance coincided with trick-or-treater.
the sudden decision to put a panmax 1. n. In shipping jar-
patio in. gon, the largest vessel that the
BBC 6Music’s Marc
1/12 More than one crafty 50 QUID CRAPTIC CROSSWORD No. 270
Riley ought to be butcher with short fuse,
ashamed of himself. plumbers agonisingly poked
Well I shan’t be re- with king-sized rump (4,8)
newing my wireless 4 Disease of ladies visiting a
licence, I can tell 13 down (9)
you that. 9 Scrota taken, firstly, off
H Doubleday, - that encapsulating a doc-
Fulchester tored singer? (8)
10 Piss in violin, and loud
becomes quiet (6)
Panama Canal can accommo- through the park this morning 11 Sting’s prick exciting her,
date. 2. n. In shitting jargon, and there was a tramp in a fashion designer (6)
the largest feeshus a given con- bush having a stafing issue.’
venience can accommodate. 12 See 1
sticking point 1. n. A stumbling
‘Excuse me your Majesty, I’ve block which stalls or prevents 14 See 17 Down
slightly misjudged the panmax. an amicable agreement be- 15 Neat whisky, perhaps, and
Can I borrow your sceptre for tween two or more parties. 2. 4 down? (9)
ive minutes?’ n. Any permitted oriice. 18 Related to bishops fucking
pillar to post, go from v. To stinking thinking n. That time with Pepsi Cola (9)
dismount from one (typically ensconced upon the bum 20 See 2 Down
smaller) cock in order to take sink when the brown muse 23 See 26
a ride on another (typically is upon a fellow and he gets 25 Egyptian god enjoying sex
larger) cock. philosophical. with both women and men
poo bats n. Small, stout-col- NAME.......................................................................................
straight to main 1. euph. In a in jacksie (6)
oured farticulates which leave restaurant setting, dispensing ADDRESS.................................................................................
26/23 Don’t expect me to help ..................................................................................................
their nipsy roost in order to ly with any starters so as to get sort out ruckus with goofy
and perch high up under the immediately to the good stuff. ................................................POSTCODE..............................
pixie (2,4,8)
eaves of your toilet bowl. 2. euph. In a romantic setting, 28 As 9’s songs pornographic 4 With which to keep one’s
potty time 1. n. Title of a weird for a similar reason dispensing at first, amid kinky erotica Set by Anus
70s kids’ television show with the need for foreplay. pecker up? (6)
hosted by Michael Bentine. 3. third rail, the 1. n. Means 5 Boob with a large girth gets 17/14 In which actors are
29 Doubly important to con- three-inch dick, perhaps, to fucking close, even en-
n. When your trumps smell of of providing electricity to a tain party after start of orgy? prematurely 16? (2,3,2,4,4) twined (4,5)
fresh foulage and it’s time for a railway locomotive or train via Yes! (4-5)
sit-down visit. a rigid, semi-continuous con- 6 Bite some punani properly 19 Smearing of poo on lips
rumble in the jungle, the 1. 30 Piece of piss in shite as (3) of bartender is for the
ductor placed alongside or be- yellow? (4)
n. Historic boxing match tween the rails of the track. 2. 7 After erection, youth gets public good (3,4)
between George Foreman and n. A particularly well-wrought Down it flowing (5) 21 Milkers in those arsed, I
Muhammad Ali, staged in hard-on. An impressive length 2/20 Clap? It’s unfortunately 8 Indulge in pleasure spurt- (doubly) gathered (7)
Zaire in 1974. 2. n. A deeply of pink steel. fit for someone like Bill ing penis lavishly up rears, 22 Just how fuckers fuck? (6)
guttural trouser cough resonat- Clinton or Daniel Day- Gloria Estefan’s initially
titlash n. medic. Medical
Lewis? (7,5) 24 Make-up artist’s red
ing through a particularly condition aflicting young (7) genitalia initially gobbled
overgrown arse cleft. men visiting nudist beaches 3 Tails need to be buggered by ladies’ man (5)
13 Boob and fanny (4)
seeded baps n. Tits with all for the irst time. when the Daily Star, say,
publishes stories? (9) 16 Come, and suddenly call 27 Goat from Falkirk I
spunk on them. too much chlorine in the pool dicked (3)
out (9)
shitscale n. Cause of mysterious euph. Implausible excuse
brown staining in a student proffered after arriving at
house toilet pan. Turdigris.
shnit v. onomat. To sneeze so
work red-eyed and hungover.
‘Did you have one too many
violently that one loses control
of one’s rectum. Normally
occurring when the pollen
count is high and one has over-
in the Strangers’Bar last
night, minister?’‘Certainly
not. I did forty lengths before I
came into the ofice and there
indulged in spicy foodstuffs was too much chlorine in the
the night before. ‘Oh dear, I do £50 WINNER: Joanne Ashley, Truro.
pool. Now fetch me the EU27
declare I appear to have shnat Position Papers and a bottle Runners up mugs to: Lisa Grabham,
myself. You’ve not got a clean of blue Powerade.’ HAVE A NICE Durham; Paul White, Cornwall;
pair of gruds about the place, Viking funeral n. Akin to the CUPPA ANYWHERE Amanda Davies, Herts; Emily Monks,
have you, Bosey?’
spankety plank euph. Popu-
launch of a burning longboat WITH THE FANTASTIC VIZ Merseyside; Steve Hill, Berks.
lar single-handed game in
in Norse times, a big, hot and
lorid meatloaf’s daughter
which ive contestants team loated out, Up Helly Aa-style, TRAVEL MUG!
up to take on a solitary, one- into the water the morning
eyed competitor. after a red hot curry or chilli.
Send your entry to:
stafing issue euph. An visible pantry line n. Phe- Craptic Crossword 270, Viz Comic,
internet-fuelled act of mono- nomenon whereby a young PO Box 841, Whitley Bay, NE26 9EQ
manual self delight. From lady’s underwear is clearly
the explanation proffered by struggling to hold in her
The first correct entry out of the hat on MONDAY 30th OCTOBER will
Texas Senator Ted Cruz after arse due to the fact that she win a ROGER’S PROFANISAURUS CROSSWORD WINNER’S
he inadvertently “liked” a looks like she’s scoffed the TRAVEL MUG with a VIZ CHEAP PEN and a CHEQUE for £50.00
hardcore grumble vid on his contents of the family food inside. The next 5 winners will get the mug alone and a pen. And no cheque.
Twitter account. ‘I walked cupboard. Viz travel mugs have undergone rigorous testing for their leak-proof and
heat retention proporties. However, the results of these tests will remain confidential until 2067 under the UK government’s 50 year rule.
Thanks to this issue’s contributors who are: N Lyon, D Whiston, D Smith, P Monk, S Fowler, I Devenney, K Maguire, Woof the Wolf, M Hayward, D Barker, L Nelson, D Gibbs, JC Nemeth, S Taylor, GE Leek, A Bourke, ACC Hunt, M ‘Widget’ Mclawek, Tom H,
P Luke, Matt, Dr C Tinsley MBBS MCP BSc (Hons), D Glentworth, D Quick, B Sherrington, RS Biskits, J Newton, D Patterson, Stuie, M Litoris, R Smallman, D Bucknall, M Spirtle, S Legg, R Bell, J Hunn, S Crouch, J Cox, P Stayt, P Flannery, M Farrall, R Nash,
S Dale, D Sanders, R Dixon, C Cammidge, Danski, A Waddell, J Golbey, B Melican, A Maddison and R Walker.
WILL QUIT! Butt out:
Arse will retire

Pippa’s Arse to from the lime-

OYAL watchers light although
were left reeling Pippa (inset)
this morning after will continue
B u c k i n g h a m Pa l a c e
announced that much-
retire from public life to make pub-
lic appear-
"We are of course shocked and sad- Housewife and monarchy enthusiast
l o ve d di r tbox P I P PA dened by Pippa's arse's decision," said Maureen Belve, 61, today claimed she
MIDDLETON'S ARSE is to Butterscotch. "But we must remind was "disgusted and appalled" by the
retire from public duties fans of the House of Windsor that Pip- revelation. "Pippa's arse is absolutely mag-
with immediate effect. pa herself will continue to work closely "First Prince Philip steps down, and nificent and majestic," Witchell told
with the Royal Family, making frequent now Pippa's arse is bowing out, too,” viewers. "But trust me, it's not the only
The regal-by-marriage buttocks, 34, public appearances up and down the fumed Mrs Belve. "Who'll be next, I won- Royal rear worth ogling."
reportedly broke the news to Ms Mid- country. The only difference is that her der? The Queen? Prince Harry? Fergie's
dleton, who is also 34, late last night, chuff will not be with her." tits? It ruddy well beggars belief." The carrot-topped regency reporter
saying the stress of six years of public "At this rate, within a few years we continued: "All that horse riding has giv-
appearances was taking its toll on their posterior won't have a single Royal left to watch", en Zara Phillips the kind of buttocks that
health. And with the decision coming the incensed homemaker added. could crack a walnut, and even Sophie
According to sources, the globally Wessex has got a pretty decent dirtbox
just weeks after Prince Philip's official
adored posterior is looking forward mudflaps for a duchess her age,” he smarmed.
withdrawal from public duty, many mon-
to using its retirement to "spend more
archy fans are concerned about the risk In a special broadcast aired this af-
quality time with friends and family". “As for Lady Melons Taylor, if you can
of a so-called 'domino effect'. ternoon on the BBC, Royal Correspon-
However, royal watchers across the tear your eyes off her tits for one second,
At a press conference in Balmoral, country have reacted in fury at the dent Nicholas Witchell offered advice you'll see that she's not exactly lacking in
Royal spokesman Severus Butter- news of the cherished muckspreader's and consolation for any disheartened the caboose department, either,” Witchell
scotch appealed for calm. retreat from public view. admirers of monarchic mudflaps. added.


Didgeri-DON T DOIT!
Wills and Kate asked
to think again over
shock baby name

HE Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have stirred Your Royal Heinous: Wills and Kate’s
up a storm of controversy after announcing that newborn to be christened Rolf Harris.
their next child - to be born next Spring - will However ginger BBC royal corre-
be christened ROLF HARRIS. Prince William revealed spondent Nicholas Witchell described
the name of the royal baby, fifth in line to the throne, the Cambridge’s plan to name their
during a recent interview with OK! magazine. next baby Rolf Harris as exceptionally
brave. “It is a courageous decision that
“Rolf and Harris are two names demonstrates what a simply wonder-

that me and Kate have always ful, marvellous and utterly fantastic
loved,” William, 34, told the couple the Duke and Duchess are,”
upmarket weekly. “And we are he gushed. “In a fabulously unprec-
determined not to let some edented act of majestic selflessness,
spurious association with a dis- they have reclaimed the name of Rolf
graced entertainer stop us from sive private school he is sent to, with Harris for nation.”
the other kids ribbing him with cruel
calling our next baby Prince
catcalls such as ‘Back to the wall, lads, “No longer will it be associated with
Rolf Harris.” here comes the Duke of diddlers!’ or foul, monstrous deeds. It will instead
The news met with a mixed reaction singing ‘God save our gracious nonce’ £50,000-a-term lavatories and crude- be a byword for regality, pedigree and
from royal watchers. “Quite frankly, I to the tune of the national anthem ev- ly drawing a beard and glasses on his aristocratic nobility,” Witchell sla-
think the decision to name the baby ery time he goes in the playground.” face in marker pen,” continued Fart- vered.
Rolf Harris is a foolhardy one,” said sucker. “And unlike other boys, he will
Majesty magazine editor Ingrid Fart- retaliation be unable to threaten retaliation from A spokesman for Buckingham Pal-
sucker. “He will get teased mercilessly “Bullies will also single him out in his dad, because everyone will know ace confirmed that if the baby is a girl,
in the playground at whichever exclu- the toilets, flushing his head down the that Prince William isn’t a copper.” it will be called Princess Rose West.

GOOLE MAN TO WED FOREIGN BEAUTY and the Mona Lisa hadn’t bar- painting, before asking the gal-

HEN Stan Gullet walks down the aisle
gained for: the gallery’s staff. lery’s Director for his blessing.
next month, he can be sure his bride-
to-be will look as pretty as a picture. “We’d fallen for each other so When asked what married
quickly that I hardly heard the bell life holds for the couple, Stan
That’s because the self-employed handyman go at chucking out time,” he said. “I was thoughtful. “I considered
from Goole is marrying THE MONA LISA! wanted nothing more than to stay, moving to Paris, but I don’t like
Stan, 45, fell for the painting, 498, but a guard came over and said foreign food, plus I’d miss my
while on a coach trip to Paris earlier EXCLUSIVE! something in foreign, and I had to
leave with all the other visitors.”
local and the bookies,” he said.
“So she’ll be moving to Goole.”
Artful snogger: Silver
tongued Stan found true
this year. “I’d won the tickets in a
“I’ve always been a hit with the love in Louvre.
meat raffle at my local and couldn’t Lovelorn Stan wasn’t going And once in Goole, the uni-
sell them on, so I decided I might ladies” he smiled. “So when our to be beaten that easily. He re- versally-beloved configuration of wife Linda had a warning for
as well go” explained Stan. eyes met across the crowded turned to the Louvre that night, pigment and poplar wood will be the new Mrs Gullet-to-be.
gallery, I thought I’d go over and climbed in through an open swapping her spacious Parisian
Once in The City Of Light, it have a crack at her.” “Stan’s very charming, but be-
didn’t take Stan long to make window and made his way to gallery for Stan’s intimate pied- lieve you me, once he’s got what
his way to The Louvre. “It was The part-time cowboy builder’s the Mona Lisa’s gallery. a-terre in the heart of Yorkshire’s he wants he’ll drop you like a hot
Saturday afternoon and none patented chat-up lines broke the Keen to preserve his fiancée’s largest council estate. brick. I just hope he doesn’t leave
of the bars were showing the ice and soon the world’s most modesty, Stan refused to go “I don’t think she’ll find it you how he left me, with three
football, so it was that or sit in famous painted representation of into detail about what happened much different” said Stan. “Just kids and a dose of the clap.”
McDonalds,” he reminisced. a woman was listening, entranced during their moonlight tryst, but like Paris, Goole’s got shops and
to Stan’s tales of Goole pub fights The Mona Lisa was ap-
But once inside the world-fa- he describes the 30” x 21” image streets – we’ve even got a pave- proached for her reaction, and
and clients he had swindled. as “Filthy. Absolutely filthy.” ment café outside the Greggs.”
mous gallery, Stan’s eyes met responded by smiling enigmat-
those of the famously enigmatic But despite their growing rap- The following day Stan But despite Stan’s optimism ically whilst her eyes followed
picture and their love story began. port, there was one thing Stan popped the question to the for his new relationship, his ex- our reporter round the room.

Listen to it, the Viz 270 (November 2017) of the night. What music it makes! © Nosferatu Industries/Dr Van Helsing Publishing Ltd. All reserved. No part of this magazine may have a wooden stake driven through its heart by its grimacing ex-fiancé in any way without the written permission
of Fulchester Industries and/or Dennis Publishing. Viz is published 10 times a year by Dennis Publishing Ltd., 31-32 Alfred Place, London, WC1E 7DP. Find us at our website or and on the internet. For the avoidance of doubt, anyone
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and iPhone, probably Android too, but don’t hold us to that), which you can find at or at Apple Newsstand. Written, drawn, edited and produced in a ruined abbey about 9 miles from Newcastle upon Tyne by Graham Dury and Simon Thorp. Contributors to this issue: Tom Ellen,
Simon Ecob, Alex Collier, Stevie White, Tom Paterson, Barney Farmer, Lee Healey, Davey Jones, Cat Sullivan, Paul Solomons, Paul Palmer, Kent Tayler, John O’ Conner, Marc Jones and Terry Corrigan. Colourificational input solutions: George Dury. webular fanglement: Jenny Thorp. Viz
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5th November… Hey, grandma. It’s Bonfire Nicht. Fufty poond a box! Fufty poond! Standing in mah dressing goon an’
Kin we hae some fireworks? slippers… peepin’ at th’ flames as An’ whin ye’v seen fufty Weel if ye Oh, aye? Whit wi’?...
An they’d bring a load o’ common folk traipsed million poonds gang won’t buy
No, we cannae. Hae ye back bad memories in an’ oot o’ ma castle tae rescue up in smoke ye don’t ony, a’ll buy’v spent a’ o` yer
Nae seen howfur much o’ mah wee castle mah treasure.... wantae set fire tae some masell. civil list oan designer
thay cost, Wullie?… at windsor burnin` anither fufty quid’s suits an’ hair restorer
doon... SNIFF! Sniff! worth o’ chinese paper. fur yer heid.

It wis awfy
...jist awfy.
So… I’ve made a smashing Guy oot o’ Shortly… Richt. Noo ah
I’ll dae penny …and I’ll git enough tae one o’ wee Georgie’s romper suits Penny fur th’ Och, I’m afeart not, yer ryle highness…
fur th’ guy, that’s buy th’ biggest box o’ stuffed wi’ leaves an’ wi’ a balloon juist hae tae wait guy, mister? Nae wi’ that Guy, there. It’s pure shite!…
whit I’ll dae… fireworks in th’shop. fur his heid… fur th’ dosh tae
stairt rollin’ in.

…It’s stoatin’!

...Ye’v made nae Shortly… It’s no guid. There’s Uncle Eddie practising
Look at that Guy, yer ryle ‘ere ladiee. Gang an’ buy his Shakespeare again… Alas, poor Yorick, I
effort at a’, ye highness.... they laddies hae yersel’ some bangers. I’ll juist hae knew him... erm… erm…
lazy bugger. put thair backs intae it. tae git masell
You’ll nae git a Crivvens! a better Guy. …That gives me an idea.
penny frae me. A poond!

Hey, uncle Eddie. Th’ Balmoral players ur A minute Remember, uncle Eddie, th’ less ye
Cuid ah hae a Whit is it, Wullie? I’m lookin’ fur actors tae be in Whit’s it It’s aboot a ...bit I’ll need I’ll hulp ye... later… shift aboot, th’ mair ye’ll look like
word wi’ ye? busy wi’ ma’ actin’. thair freish ground-breaking aboot? tramp in a coma. tae prepare Let’s git ye some
play... it’s called “Tramp in a masell fur tramp’s claes. you’re in a coma…
Aye, that’s whit ah’ want Coma.” Ah think that ye cuid th’ audition.
tae tak tae ye aboot. git th’ lead part. Ah cuid play …an’ th’ mair chance ye’ll git th’ pairt.
that, I’m guid at
method actin’… Stoatin!

Where frae?

Shortly… Och, that’s a braw Guy ye’v Soon... Och, look at a’ that dosh. Thare mist
och, Ah might win made thare, laddie. Ah have nae Aye, it’s a hackit yin. Look at the be fufty poond ‘ere… well, Ah think
ma’sel an oscar! seen such a guid yin in years… huge lugs an’ th’ glackit face. that’s enough rehearsin fur th’ day.
…Here’s Whit a chinless wonder
a poond. ...‘Ere ye gang, son.

D’you think I’ll git th’ pairt, Wullie? ah ...I’m feart they’ve cancelled th’ Shortly… ‘Ere yer are, yir Ryle Highness. The
didnae shift, even whin that jimmy flicked play due tae poor ticket sales. Standard Regal Selection o’ fireworks.… I willnae, Mr
his fag oan tae me. Nae putting thaim up cats’ jacksies, mind! McGregor.
Eh!?! Oh, er, na
uncle Eddie… !?! …or corgis.

That night… Let’s git this ower wi’… Ah proclaim thae fireworks open… Ur th’ dugs a’ safe in the hoose, grandma? We’ll stairt slow
Aye! Jist get oan wi’ a wee rocket
...Noo hurry up, wullie, Ah’m wi’ it, will ye? tae git th’ show
chankin’ ma tits aff ‘ere! aff wi’ a bang!


Staun back a’ body.

TOSSPSSPSS!LE! help, ma boab!

H !

See you, Jimmy. Git yersel’ back in thare, ye lazy wee
bas! There’s a van Gogh an’ a Renoir need gettin’ oot!

An’ ye fetch ma croon

frae ma bedroom afore
th’ bloody roof comes in!

Heh! At least
yir no in yer
dressing goon
an’ slippers this
time, grandma.

Next issue of with FREE 2018 Rude Kid Calendar out 16th November
Is this the funniest book ever?

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about English Corned Beef!
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of Monkey oil!
terror of The Spawn Hog!
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Shudder at the utter terror of The Parasitic Mind Wasp
Understand the beneits of Captain Kingussie’s Penis Powder
Marvel at the powers of international psychic Nobby Boonalamb
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