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Reading Record – needs to show

Analysis of level, errors, self-

A. Data sources + Correction, comprehension, fluency
Analysis etc.

Primary Student Other screening tools: n/a

(grades 1-3) Strengths
M’s NLPS is separated into three
B. Learning/Teaching different categories: phonological
Plan awareness, letter/sound
correspondence, and word
recognition. When assessing M, he
showed me that he exceeds
expectations when isolating final
sounds (a sound at the end of a word
(/c/ /a/ /T/). When I asked M to tell
me a sound he would add actions
with sounds, and that is a tool M
should continue to use at home to
strengthen this quality. M was also
very comfortable blending phonemes
together. I would sound out each
sound in a word (ex. B-ea-ch) and M
was able to form the word. However,
below you will see that M struggles
to blend words together when
independently reading so this is a
skill that M should continue to get
stronger and more comfortable with,
so he can better read independently.
Under the first category on the NLPS
M showed that he is not yet within
target range when he is trying to
segment words or trying to blend
words together. Ways we can help M
meet these goals is to first get him to
learn how to break the words he reads
up into sections. An easy tool M
could use at home are Breaking
Cards. While M reads a word (ex. /C/
/A/ /T/ = Cat) he will have a card in
front of him that will have three dots
and a green arrow underneath the
dots. M will touch a dot for each
sound (/C/ touch circle, /A/ touch
circle, /T/ touch circle), and he will
then blend the word together while
moving his fingers along the green
line to then say the word (“CAT”). To
help M decode these words on his
own, techniques like flipping the
sound (ex. Umbrella vs Unicorn), re-
reading/slowing down, or looking for
parts in the text that he may know
could be helpful in these situations.

Under the second category of the

NLPS I noticed that M struggled with
letter names and the sounds that the
alphabet letters make. Tools for this
could include showing M simple
pictures and having him tell you the
beginning sound (ex. Picture of an
apple is shown to M and he tells you
what it is and what the beginning
sound is). You can work through the
alphabet and M will learn through
Lastly, I saw that M was finding it
difficult to recognize words on his
grade one list. Again, reading simple
sentences and even reading books
with word activities to M will help
with exposure and identification in
the classroom.
Recommended next steps for M is to
continually work on the needs written
above, but also expose M to as much
literacy as you can. Play games that
implement language, use actions to
implement language, sing songs that
implement language, all the exposure
and tools mentioned above will help
M flourish.

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