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1 be was OK

2 become became OK

3 begin began OK

4 break broke OK

5 brind brought OK

6 build built OK

7 buy bought OK

8 can could OK

9 catch caught OK

10 come came OK

11 cost cost OK

12 do did OK

13 drink drank OK

14 drive drove OK

15 eat ate OK

16 fall fell OK

17 feel felt OK

18 find found OK

19 fly flew OK

20 forget forgot OK


1 be was OK

2 become became OK

3 begin began OK
4 break broke OK

5 brind brought OK

6 build built OK

7 buy bought OK

8 can could OK

9 catch caught OK

10 come came OK

11 cost cost OK

12 do did OK

13 drink drank OK

14 drive drove OK

15 eat ate OK

16 fall fell OK

17 feel felt OK

18 find found OK

19 fly flew OK

20 forget forgot OK

ser OK

convertir OK

comenzar OK

partir OK

traer OK

construir OK

comprar OK

poder OK

atrapar OK

venir OK

costar OK

hacer OK

beber OK

conducir OK

comer OK

caer OK

sentir OK

encontrar OK

volar OK

olvidar OK


ser OK

convertir OK

comenzar OK
partir OK

traer OK

construir OK

comprar OK

poder OK

atrapar OK

venir OK

costar OK

hacer OK

beber OK

conducir OK

comer OK

caer OK

sentir OK

encontrar OK

volar OK

olvidar OK
WAS ser

became convertir

began comenzar

broke partir

brought traer

built construir

bought comprar

could poder

caught atrapar

came venir

cost costar

did hacer

drank beber

drove conducir

ate comer

fell caer

felt sentir

found encontrar

flew volar

forgot olvidar

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