Chapter 13 Facts in Review

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Chapter 13 Facts in Review

1. Factors that influence careers you chose include, your interests, aptitudes, abilities,
lifestyle, and influences.
2. Two myths related to nontraditional jobs are, women in clerical jobs dress so well that
surely they make more money than trade workers. Men aren’t nurturing or sensitive
enough to work with small children, the elderly, or the sick as caregivers.
3. Six examples of careers in the arts, audio/video technology, and communications cluster
are, Commercial Photographer, Audio and Video Operations, Station Manager,
Telecommunication Technician, Screen Editor, Screenwriter
4. Three skills all business people need are computer skills, common sense, decision making
5. Highly skilled educators use many of their non teaching hours upgrading their teaching
skills in order to enhance student performance.
6. Skills people need to build a good foundation for a finance career include, good math and
communication skills
7. Government career opournunitys are increasing because of population changes and a
growing demand for public services.
8. In Therapeutic Health Science, they provide treatment through direct patient contact. In
Health Information Science people help detect, diagnose, and treat diseases or injuries.
9. Six careers in the human services career cluster are, Social workers, grief counselors,
geriatric workers, educator for Parents, Nanny, Teachers Assistant.
10. Key skills needed for workers in the IT cluster are, Computer skills, strong science, math,
and communication skills.
11. The basic requirements for most jobs in law, public safety, corrections, and security
career cluster are no felonies and sometimes a highschool diploma or special training.
12. Technology advances very quickly and employers need to improve and update product
designs and manufacturing process.
13. An Associate degree is a 2-year degree while bachelors degree is a 4-year degree. A four
year degree will lead to higher pay opportunities.
14. Retails Salespersons is the job with the most opening in 2016.

Employability and Career Development

Five Occupational Skills That Interest Me-

1. Marine engineer- Strong math and science skills are needed. Hard math classes are
needed. Passion to improve the technology of the sea.
2. Human Factors Engineer- Strong math and science skills are needed. Hard math classes
are needed.
3. Licensing Engineer- Strong math and science skills are needed. Hard math classes are
4. Metallurgic Engineer- Strong math and science skills are needed. Hard math classes are
5. Civil Engineer- Strong math and science skills are needed. Hard math classes are needed.

1) Ocean Engineering, Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering Technician are some careers
in this job title. Societal changes that have come from these careers include; Safer and
more efficient transport of people and goods, fewer oil spills, an increased amount of
goods that can be traded between countries. This also means that fewer diseases are
spread, so fewer pandemics have occurred.

Emerging Occupations

There are many emerging occupations in today's world. Many things in the engineering field,
such as alternative energy technologist and biofuels processing are needed. However the most in
demand job at the moment in Home Health Aids. With the growing amount of older folk who
want to live in their own home, this job is in very high demand. This job will be in high demand
for years to come. Another job in very high demand is a Medical Assistant. With many people in
hospitals, an assistant is definitely needed. There are nearly 139,900 job openings.

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