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With Baja

Abby Akin
Interview With Baja Baby Owners

It’s not very often that you get an inside look into the company’s you love, but
lucky for you, today you get to hear the story of Baja Baby and the two amazing
women behind it all. I have the wonderful pleasure of working for Baja Baby and
representing a company that is not only truthful in the way they produce their
product and do business, but a company that was started by two mothers, friends
and incredible business women.

Jenni and Kelly are the two mamas behind the idea, creation and success of Baja
Baby. Below is an interview all about the owners, what inspires them, the day in
the life of an momtrepreneur, their greatest successes and so much more. Read
on to be inspired and fall even more in love with Baja Baby!

Where are you from?

Jen is originally from Northern Ireland and Kelly is from Lake Chelan,

What is your role at Baja Baby?

Jen is the brains behind ideas and marketing and Kelly is all things customer
service and logistics

Are you married? Any kids?

Both women are married. Jen has two young kiddos, a 6-year-old and 4-year-old
and three fur babies. Kelly has a 20-year-old kid and two fur babies.

Who inspires you?

Jen: “Anyone who can juggles a family and a career is inspirational to me. It’s a
difficult balance at the best of times and I get a lot of inspiration when I see
females doing the best they can with the circumstances they have.”

Interview of Baja Baby Owners

Interview of Baja Baby Owners
Kelly: “My business partner Jenni. She has multiple businesses, two young
children and masters it all with such grace. She is the idea person behind Baja
Baby – we would be nothing without her.”

(Great answers ladies! Especially you Kelly. But you both are an inspiration to

Do you have any hobby’s?

Jen: “I love to travel; something that I haven’t done too much of since having
babies. Most of my free time is spent with my family and doggies...I love baking
with my kids and I’ve recently been doing quite a bit of home redecorating which I
really enjoy.”

(Speaking of traveling, Jenni and her family are starting a new adventure this year
by living fulltime in an RV and traveling with their kiddos! To keep up on her new
and exciting life, be sure to follow her blog at )

Kelly: “I love to workout – spinning, body sculpt, and bootcamp. My favorite all
time thing to do is spend time with my family.”

Favorite food, and why?

Jen: “Sushi… all day long! Can’t beat freshly made, melt-in-your mouth sushi.
Living in Cabo, we are spoiled for choice here.”

Kelly: “Sushi!!! It is fresh and healthy.”

(I think it’s hilarious that they answered the same on this one!)

What ignited your spark to start Baja Baby?

Interview of Baja Baby Owners

Interview of Baja Baby Owners
Jen: “I wanted to create something with my bestie! Kelly and I had ruminated
over a couple of different business ideas over the years of dinners and laughs.
We both bring very different skill sets to the table so I knew we could make a
great team. Baja Baby was created one day while sitting in our sweat pants; we
both have a love for quality products. Neither of us bat an eyelid at sending
money on spa-quality skin and hair care for ourselves. I have an existing business
which is a service-based company for babies; we thought it would be neat to pivot
from that and develop a spa-level skincare line for kids.”

Kelly: “Jenni and I had talked about starting a business together for a long time
and we knew we would make a great team. Jenni founded Baja Baby Gear years
prior and it just made since to keep the brand name and add to the business plan
she had mastered. Baja Baby skincare was born.”

What was your initial vision for Baja Baby?

Jen: “The business was a spin-off from Baja Baby Gear – my local baby gear
rental service here in Cabo. We used the same name as that business and called
the line Baja Baby Gear. We didn’t have that much knowledge about the actual
manufacturing process at the time. We found a good manufacturer and worked
on what we believed to be the best skincare products that we could. Within a
year, we realized that our original offering was very good – but it wasn’t the best
it could be. So, in 2016 we went back to the drawing board and changed
everything so we could be the best.”

Kelly: “We wanted to provide the entire family with products produced from the
highest quality ingredients. Our children deserve to be pampered too!”

How do you two know each other?

Interview of Baja Baby Owners

Interview of Baja Baby Owners
Jen: “Our husbands initiated a major bromance on the golf course over 8 years
ago! Our friendship developed because of their friendship. Soon we were going
out for double-dates; what tipped us over the edge was a 3 week 2 month stay at
Kelly’s house! My husband and I and our then 1-year old son stayed at their
house while our new house was getting remodeled. After wayyyy overstaying our
welcome, we were still friends so I guess our family-level friendship was solidified
at that point.”

Kelly: “Our husbands were the matchmakers. But once you got us together there
was no stopping us!”

What is your background in?

Jen: “I went to school to become an esthetician and massage therapy. Developing

this line of products has brought me back to those years of studying ingredients
and formulations. I have a lot of experience in customer care and I generally love
working with people”

Kelly: “My background is in sales. Prior to moving to Cabo San Lucas, I sold dental
supplies for 18 years.”

Describe a typical day as a business owner?

Jen: “Recently I began home-schooling my children, so I am with my 4 and 6-year

old until early afternoon doing school activities. I drop them off to do afternoon
activities after lunch and that’s when I can get to work. I work on my businesses
until it’s time for dinner. After putting the kids to bed, then I either get back to
work or watch some Netflix!”

Kelli: “A typical day consists of working out, all day at my computer handling all
things customer service, logistics and Amazon management. All day is usually 4-5
hours ;-)”

Interview of Baja Baby Owners

Interview of Baja Baby Owners
What has been your greatest success/failure as a business owner?

Jen: “I’m really proud of what we have achieved with our rebrand of Baja Baby
and I consider that along with Kelly and I’s healthy friendship and business
collaboration to be a great success. I have had many failures as a business owner,
too many to list. I’m not going to sit here and say that I don’t regret any of them or
that I wouldn’t change a thing – because I would. I wish I could go back and
change many mistakes. Obviously, that’s not possible, so instead I work really
hard on making sure I don’t make the same mistakes repeatedly.”

Kelly: “My greatest success is the product that we have produced (thank you
Jenni). It truly is liquid gold. My greatest failure – where to begin -there are many!
And we make them often, but that is how we got to where we are today. Owning
your own business is scary, risky, stressful, hard, etc…. but you must go through
the failures to really find the successes.”

If you could describe Baja Baby in one word, what would it be?


Kelly: “SUPERIOR!”

Is there anything else you would like to share?

Jenni: “Just that I am really grateful to Kelly for being my business partner and I
hope more people come to know Baja Baby products and incorporate them into
their lives. Because they truly are the best!”

Interview of Baja Baby Owners

Interview of Baja Baby Owners
These two ladies should be a HUGE inspiration to us all. From a sweet friendship,
came an unbreakable partnership and from that came a vision to create
something amazing the whole family could use, and from there Baja Baby was
created. It is truly an honor to be working for such strong and determined
business women. If you are looking for an amazing company to support that
produces liquid gold and superior products, Baja Baby is your company!

Abby is a first time Mom, and an amazing team member of Baja Baby. She lives in
Colorado with her husband Alex, their beautiful new baby girl Amelia Grace and
Maple the dog. You can find Abby on Instagram by clicking here.

Follow Baja Baby on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram today!

Baja Baby was is now EWG VERIFIED™. For more information on our
verification, please visit the EWG site.

Interview of Baja Baby Owners

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