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Science Department -Term 2

Daily Lesson Plan: Science

Week: 10 12th Mar 2017 TO 16th Mar 2017.
Prepared by: Lin Ali.
Periods Grade
Book: EARTH Chapter No. & Title: Lesson No. & Title:
Subject Area: UNIT 8- Objects in the sky.
SCIENCE Lesson 1: What can we see in

Individual Work Pair work Group Work Independent

Students Engage in: Activities Presentations Cooperative Learning & Peer Correction
Others (specify) __________________________________________________
PowerPoint Slide Show Differentiated Worksheets Lesson
Transparencies Tutorial Videos Other Downloaded Videos
Teaching Resources / Vocabulary Cards E-Book Graphing
Teacher will Use: Calculator Online Graphing Tool
Others (specify) __________________________________________________

Big Ideas: The sun warms land, air and water.

The appearance of objects in the sky changes.
Period 1: Unit 8- Objects in the sky. Lesson 2- How does the sky seem to change?
Objectives Pages: 305- 307.
& Key Objectives
Objective: To explain how the sun warms the land air and water.


Period 2: Unit 8- Objects in the sky. Lesson 2- How does the sky seem to change?
Objectives Pages: 308- 309.
& Key Objectives
Objective: To identify moon phases.


Period 3 : Unit 8- Objects in the sky. Lesson 2- How does the sky seem to change?
& Key Objectives Pages: 310- 311.

Objective: To observe and record changes in the appearance of objects in the sky.


Objectives Period 4: Lesson 1- What can we see in the sky?
& Key Objectives
Objectives: To make a sky in daytime and night time..

Accomplished Comments:
Next Generation
Science Standard Astronomical literacy, art literacy, English vocabulary enhancement.
Opening Activity Students watch a documentary about daytime and night time.
Keywords / Vocabulary
Sun, star, moon, magnify, telescope, moon phases,
to be learned:
Possible Connection to Art- Students make a daytime and nighttime sky.
Other Subjects:
Real Life Application: Students observe the sky to take information about the moon and the sun.
- Children may think that the sun moves across the sky. Explain that the sun stays
in one place while Earth rotates.
Common Error Alert
- Children might thing that during the moon phases a piece of the moon
Cultural Diversity In some places in the earth the nighttime or day time might be several days or
(Global Citizenship) even weeks or months.
Learning By Observing the moon for a week and take notes.
Developing 21st Inquiry: Watching documentary about daytime and night time.
Century Learning Skills Critical
Astronomical literacy, science literacy, art literacy
- Call on volunteers to describe the sun's position in the sky as shown in the
photograph. Then ask children to tell whether the sun stays in that position
throughout the day and explain how they know.
Warm up - Have them use that discussion to help answer the question Why does the sun
seem to move across the sky?
- Remind children to record their final answer to the question when they find it on
the second page of the lesson.

Explain and Emphasize:

Period 1
- Read aloud the heading with children. Then dim the lights, and use a flashlight
and your hand to cast a shadow. Ask children what they think causes shadows
outside during the day. Record their ideas, and review them after studying these
Pages: Teacher’s two pages.
305- 307 Actions - Ask kids after reading the text: How can you tell which object in the sky is the
sun? and how does the sun affect the Earth? Does the sun moves around the
- Focus student’s attention to the three pictures at the bottom of the page. What
do the pics show?
- Remind children that something must block light for a shadow to form. Where
is the sun in the morning? How do you know? The sun is on the left side of the

girl. I know because the shadow is on the right side of
the girl. Ask similar questions about the other Images.
When is the girl's shadow the shortest? Why?
-Have children look again at the pics on the other two pages Ask them to
summarize orally why the sun appears to move and how it makes shadows that
can change in size and position.
- Students describe the sun's position in the sky as shown in the
Learner’s photograph.
Actions - Students answer teacher questions.
- Students summarize orally why the sun appears to move and how it
makes shadows that can change in size and position.
(Evaluating Assessment through oral questioning, participation and differentiated answers.
Understanding Differentiated questions
of Lesson - Extra support: What is a shadow and how it’s made?
Concepts) - Enrichment: Can your shadow ever appear longer that you are tall ?
- Write the word moon on the board and direct children's attention to the
double o's. Explain that an 0 reminds you of the full moon that you
Warm up sometimes see in the nighttime sky. Have children use their fingers to
make a round o shape and repeat the word moon.
- Ask the children if the moon stay round in the sky all the time, or it
Explain and Emphasize:
- Direct students attention to the diagram of the moon phases and ask
them what do they think about it and list on board.
- Ask the students to read the captions and thing what is the purpose of
the captions.
Teacher’s - Give students oreo and in groups they have to make the moon phases
Actions with oreo.
Period 2
- Ask the students if the moon doesn’t give light, why it is shining?
- Make the white ball and the flash light experiment to represent the moon
and the sun.
308- 309 - Let students summarize the moon phases and explain why the moon has
different shapes.
- Students share their experience about the seeing the moon in different
Learners’ - students to read the captions and thing what is the purpose of the
Actions captions.
- Students make the moon phases with oreo.
- Students summarize the moon phases and explain why the moon has
different shapes.
Assessment Assessment through oral questioning, participation individual work and
(Evaluating differentiated answers.
Students’ Differentiated questions
Understanding - Extra support: What are the moon phases?
of Lesson Enrichment: During which phase you most likely see nighttime
Concepts) shadows? Why?
Warm up
- Lead children in singing the first verse of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star." Then
ask them what they think stars are. Record those ideas on the board, and return
to them to correct any ongoing misconceptions after children learn about stars.
Period 3 Explain and Emphasize:
- Read the head line with children and let them predict what is the lesson
310 - will be about.
311 - Ask students where the stars go in the day time? And explain to them
Teacher’s that the stars still there but we cannot see them because of the sun light
Actions - Let students share their experience of what shapes and types of clouds
they know.
- Let students draw a cloud that might bring rain.
- Summarize that stars don’t do away and we have different types of
- Students share what do they think the stars are.
Learners’ - Students predict what is the lesson will be about.
Actions - students share their experience of what shapes and types of clouds they
- students draw a cloud that might bring rain.
Assessment Assessment through oral questioning, and differentiated answers and individual
(Evaluating work.
- Extra support: What are the other 2 thing beside sun and moon that we can
see in the sky?
of Lesson
Concepts) - Enrichment Why we can’t see stars beside the sun in the daytime?
Warm up Review with the children what can we see in the sky at day and at night time.
Review with them the moon phases
Period 4 Explain and Emphasize:
Activity - Guide the children in groups to work on making a diagram of moon
phases and each student will be responsible for one phase and then they
have to assemble the phases and produce complete diagram of moon
- Guide students and assist them when needed.
- Ask students several questions during the activity time to evaluate their
understanding of the lesson.

Learners’ - Students Revise the previous lesson with teacher.
Actions - Students work in groups to finish the assignment.
- Students respond to teacher questions.
Assessment through oral questioning, participation individual work and
differentiated answers and completing the Science activity.
of Lesson

Developing Knowledge On-level Knowledge Advanced Knowledge

Homework Help Homework Help Homework Help

Online Online Online
Differentiated Lesson Tutorial Lesson Tutorial Lesson Tutorial
Instruction / Reaching Videos Videos Videos
All Learners
Reading Strategies Student-Student help


Homework Assignments: - Period 1: Booklet page: 26,27.

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