Latefa 1 2

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Year 2, Semester 3 – 2a
Name of student: Course: Teaching Practice 2a Year: 2
Name of preschool / school:
Mentoring School Teacher:
Absence dates / reasons:
General Context: Year level with which the student teacher worked, special characteristics, nature and
size of groups, and a brief description of what the student teacher did (e.g. specific responsibilities, content
areas covered; whole class/group work)
Lesson 2 phonics lesson

Observed Strengths:
The children said good morning rather than shouting it.
You smiled during the lesson.
Well done correcting fa to just the pure f sound, you did this very clearly. Polite and respectful
‘thank you for reminding me’.
Prepared with the puzzle on the table
Nice jigsaws but too much time spent on this activity.
You have planned a variety of activities and resources. Introducing alliteration of the letters being covers.
Differentiating the activities to include reading (apart from the LA group-just pictures_ you might have added
the words too.
Resources clear and attractive (jigsaws)

Areas for Development:

Vowel sounds (long/short) When correcting use you said no this is u not u (short). You need to say
that it’s the same letter but it is the long sound and we are looking at the short sound.
You need to identify where you will be supporting the students e.g. guided. There is no
closing/plenary on your plan.
Initial letter phonics too simple for Grade 4 students
As this is simple content you need to move more quickly through it as spent 40 minutes on the
initial letter sounds.
You must communicate closely with the MST e.g. inform her that I am visiting and you must show
her your plan in advance as she hadn’t seen it today.
Grammar-Say all you (all of you say it). When giving instructions let all children listen so they are
not talking amongst themselves.
Grammar- worksheet- filling the missing word you have written hided (the jewellery box)

General Comments:
You were much more relaxed and looked as though you were enjoying being with the children in
the second lesson. You have really worked hard on the areas of development from the first
observation, well done.

MST Holistic Grade:

Mentoring School Teacher …………………………… Date ………………….
Student Teacher* …………………………… *After the report has been read and discussed
please sign.

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