Service Catalogue For Xyz

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Information Technology Service Catalogue

Table of Contents
About this document…………………………………………………………………………………………………2

1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Scope ............................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Definition ........................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3.1 Availability ................................................................................................................................. 4
1.3.2 Backup ...................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3.3 Business Unit ............................................................................................................................ 4
1.3.4 Capacity .................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3.5 Configuration Item ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.3.6 Customer-facing service ........................................................................................................... 4
1.3.7 Downtime .................................................................................................................................. 4
1.3.8 Escalation ................................................................................................................................. 4
1.3.9 Impact ....................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3.10 Priority ....................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3.11 Process ..................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3.12 Role........................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3.13 Service Catalogue ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.3.14 Supporting Service .................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 5

2 Basic Information ................................................................................................................................... 6

2.1 Business Units .................................................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Service Categorization ...................................................................................................................... 6
2.3 List of Services ................................................................................................................................. 6

3 IT Services .............................................................................................................................................. 8
3.1 Communication Services .................................................................................................................. 8
3.2 Business Services ............................................................................................................................ 8
3.2.1 Email Services .......................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.2 Office Application services ........................................................................................................ 8
3.2.3 HR Application service .............................................................................................................. 9
3.2.4 ERP Software services ............................................................................................................. 9
3.2.5 Printing services ........................................................................................................................ 9
3.2.6 Internet services ........................................................................................................................ 9
3.2.7 Time Attendance ....................................................................................................................... 9

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Information Technology Service Catalogue

3.3 Hardware Services ........................................................................................................................... 9

3.3.1 Accessories services................................................................................................................. 9
3.3.2 Meeting room resource service ................................................................................................. 9
3.3.3 Desktop services ....................................................................................................................... 9
3.3.4 Laptop services ......................................................................................................................... 9
3.3.5 Printer services ....................................................................................................................... 10
3.4 Network Services ............................................................................................................................ 10
3.4.1 File Hosting services ............................................................................................................... 10
3.4.2 Active Directory domain services ............................................................................................ 10
3.5 Access Control and Security services ............................................................................................. 10
3.5.1 Access control ......................................................................................................................... 10
3.5.2 Fire Alarm ............................................................................................................................... 10
3.6 Professional services ...................................................................................................................... 10
3.6.1 Training services ..................................................................................................................... 10
3.6.2 IT Help Desk service ............................................................................................................... 10

Appendix .................................................................................................................................................... 14

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Information Technology Service Catalogue

About this document

This document contains Information on IT Service Catalogue.

Common Acronyms
IT – Information Technology.
ITD – Information Technology Department.
ITLT - Information Technology Infrastructure Library.
HR – Human Resources.

Document Control

Review date

Revision History

Revision Date Reviser Previous Version Description of Revision

Document Approvals
This document requires the following approvals:

Name Signature Date

Document Distribution
This document will be distributed to:

Name Job Title Email Address

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Information Technology Service Catalogue

1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose
This document contains live and updated Service Catalogue for IT Services provided to all business unit
within the organization.

1.2 Scope
This document applies to all services currently been provided by the Information Technology Department
within the organization.

1.3 Definition
1.3.1 Availability
The capacity of an IT service or configuration item to function in a manner in which it was designed and

1.3.2 Backup
Copying data to protect loss of integrity or availability of the original.

1.3.3 Business Unit

A division of the business that has its own arrangements, measurements, income and expenses. Every
division owns assets, utilized to create value for customers in the form of goods and services.

1.3.4 Capacity
The maximum throughput that a configuration item or IT service can deliver.

1.3.5 Configuration Item

Any component or other service asset that needs to be managed in order to deliver an IT service.

1.3.6 Customer-facing service

An IT service that is visible to the customer. They normally support the customer’s business processes and
facilitate one or more outcomes desired by the customer.

1.3.7 Downtime
The time when an IT service or other configuration item is not available during its agreed service time.

1.3.8 Escalation
An activity that obtains additional resources when these are needed to meet service level targets or customer

1.3.9 Impact
A measure of the effect of an incident, problem or change on business processes.

1.3.10 Priority
A classification used to distinguish the relative significance of something.

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1.3.11 Process
An organized set of activities intended to fulfill a particular target.

1.3.12 Role
A set of responsibilities, activities and authorities assigned to a person or team.

1.3.13 Service Catalogue

A database or structured document with information about all live IT services, including those available for

1.3.14 Supporting Service

An IT service that is not directly used by the business, but is required by the IT service provider to deliver
customer-facing services. Supporting services may also include IT services only used by the IT service

1.4 Overview
The Service Catalogue provides a central source of information on the IT services delivered by the
Information Technology Department. This is based on the most recognized set of ITLT (Information
Technology Infrastructure Library) best practices for IT Service Management.
It demonstrates to the customers the value that IT services are able to provide to the business. The service
catalogue is as organized as follows:

 A summary of the business units that are recipients of our services.

 The categorization of our services.
 The list of services currently been operated.

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Information Technology Service Catalogue

2 Basic Information
The IT Service catalogue contains all the Services IT provides to the organization. Any request for IT Services
should be made within the scope of this document. Any service request that goes beyond the scope of this
document will be subject to review by senior management before it is made available.

2.1 Business Units

The following business units receiving our services are listed below:
 Finance and Accounts.
 Human Resources.
 Inventory and Logistics.
 Procurement.
 Operations.
 Manufacturing.
 Quality Control.
 Corporate Services.
 Regulatory Affairs.
 Internal Audit & Control.
 Legal.
 Sales and Marketing.

2.2 Service Categorization

The following are the list of Services been rendered by the Information Technology Department by category:
 Communication services.
 Business Services.
 Hardware Services.
 Network Services.
 Training Services.
 Access Control & Security Services.
 Professional Services

2.3 List of Services

The services that are currently been provided are shown in the table below:

S/No Services Category Type

HR Application Services Business Services Customer-facing
Office Application Services Business Services Customer-facing
E-mail Services Business Services Customer-facing

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Printing Services Business Services Customer-facing

ERP Software Services Business Services Customer-facing
Internet Services Business Services Customer-facing
Time Attendance Business Services Customer-facing
Audio & Teleconferencing Serv. Communication Services Customer-facing
Two-way communication gadget Communication Services Customer-facing
Telephone Services Communication Services Customer-facing
Public Address System Services Communication Services Customer-facing
Accessories Services Hardware Services Customer-facing
Meeting Room Resource Services Hardware Services Customer-facing
Desktop Services Hardware Services Customer-facing
Laptop Services Hardware Services Customer-facing
Printer Services Hardware Services Customer-facing
File Hosting Services Network Services Customer-facing
Active Directory Services Network Services Customer-facing
Access Control Access Control & Security Customer-facing
Services Service
Fire Alarm Access Control & Security Customer-facing
Services Service
Training Services Professional Services Customer-facing
IT Help Desk Services Professional Services Customer-facing

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3 IT Services
This service contains all of the services IT provides to the business

3.1 Communication Services

This Service provides communication equipment and services to enable users to communicate internally and
externally with each other and with other business related parties as required. Any issues with this Service
during the normal service hours should be reported by contacting the IT Service Desk. The type of
communication provision available in this service include:
 Audio and Teleconferencing.
 Desktop Telephones.
 Two-way radio communication gadget.
 Public address system.

Business Description
Communication Services are generally available from 8:00am until 5:00pm Monday through Friday. Any
exceptions to these hours are detailed against each individual service.

3.2 Business Services

This Service includes all Software Applications that Users may require to access to allow them to perform
their normal role. Any issues with this Service during the normal Service hours should be reported by
contacting the IT Service Desk. The type of software application that are contained in this service include:
 Email services.
 Office Application services.
 HR Application services.
 ERP software services.
 Printing services.
 Internet services.

Business Description
Communication Services are generally available from 8:00am until 5:00pm Monday through Friday. Any
exceptions to these hours are detailed against each individual Service.

3.2.1 Email Services

Email allows people to send and receive messages from internal staff, external customers and suppliers.
Emails can be accessed via desktop computers, laptops and mobile devices.

3.2.2 Office Application services

This service provide Users with access to software that will help them perform their daily tasks such as writing
documents, creating spreadsheets and sending Email. The standard Office Application includes the following
 MS Word for Word Processing.
 MS Excel for creating and managing Spreadsheets.
 MS PowerPoint for corporate presentations.

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Information Technology Service Catalogue

Non-standard applications if required, can be requested separately following approval from appropriate

3.2.3 HR Application service

HR systems provides high quality administrative support in areas of personnel management (employee
appraisal) and reporting facilities.

3.2.4 ERP Software services

The ERP application provides Business users with tools to help them manage processes, business
transactions, identify operational issues and realize business opportunities.

3.2.5 Printing services

Access to a printer will allow a User to produce hardcopy documentation of electronic data that has been
created or stored on a personal computer or laptop.

3.2.6 Internet services

This service allows a user to access the internet.

3.2.7 Time Attendance

This is a type of business application designed to track and optimize the hours that employees spend on the
job and keep records.

3.3 Hardware Services

This service provides for the installation, maintenance and removal of personal computing hardware and
accessories that users require to allow them perform their duties. Any issues with this Service during the
normal Service hours should be reported by contacting the IT Service Desk.

Business Description
Communication Services are generally available from 8:00am until 5:00pm Monday through Friday. Any
exceptions to these hours are detailed against each individual Service.

3.3.1 Accessories services

Computing accessories allow users to enhance the use of their personal computer by adding additional
hardware and equipment.

3.3.2 Meeting room resource service

This service provides resources required for presentations, departmental and corporate meetings. These
resources include; a projector, backup power source, interactive board and a presentation pointer.

3.3.3 Desktop services

A Desktop PC allows a User based in a fixed location to access various software applications that will enable
them to perform their defined role. It enables the user to: create, store and retrieve business related data;
communicate internally and externally with staff and customers.

3.3.4 Laptop services

A Laptop PC allows a User based in a remote or mobile location to access various software applications that
will enable them to perform their defined role. It enables the user to: create, store and retrieve business
related data; communicate internally and externally with staff and customers.

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3.3.5 Printer services

Access to a printer will allow a User to produce hardcopy documentation of electronic data that has been
created or stored on a Personal Computer. Replacement Toner Cartridges will maintain the quality and
functionality of the printer service.

3.4 Network Services

This service provides the required support for all network oriented services to function. Some services are
dependent on the network service. Any issues with this Service during the normal Service hours should be
reported by contacting the IT Service Desk.

3.4.1 File Hosting services

File syncing and sharing services are file hosting services which allow users to create special folders on each
of their computers, which the service then synchronizes so that it appears to be the same folder regardless
of which computer is used to view it.

3.4.2 Active Directory domain services

This is a server role in active directory that allows admins to manage and store information about resources
from a network, as well as application data and user authentication data in a distributed database.

3.5 Access Control and Security services

Provide secure access to systems and applications and ensure all data is only accessible to the appropriate
people. Any issues with this Service during the normal Service hours should be reported by contacting the
IT Service Desk.

3.5.1 Access control

This service provides authorized users access to restricted or controlled areas within the organization.

3.5.2 Fire Alarm

This service protects the organizations facility against fire outbreaks. Smoke detectors are located in and
around the premises and connected to a central control unit.

3.6 Professional services

This service provides support and guidance to users to optimize IT products and services throughout the
service lifecycle.

3.6.1 Training services

IT provides a range of training options. Specific needs can be discussed with the service owner through the
training and learning department. Examples of training include:
 Microsoft Office training
 ERP software training
 Other software applications

3.6.2 IT Help Desk service

This service provide users with the ability to contact IT and receive assistance with IT related questions and

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Information Technology Service Catalogue

Service Sub category On Spiceworks

Access control & Security - Staff Access control & Security - Staff
Access control & Security - Guest Access control & Security - Guest
Access control & Security - Key card last Access control & Security - Key card loss
Access control & Security - Door issues Access control & Security - Door issues
Access control & Security - Configuration change Access control & Security - Configuration change
Access control & Security - Fire alarm Installation Access control & Security - Fire alarm Installation
Access control & Security - Fire alarm Maintenance Access control & Security - Fire alarm Maintenance
Access control & Security - Fire alarm Issues Access control & Security - Fire alarm Issues
Access control & Security - Fire alarm Support & Services Access control & Security – Fire alarm Support & Services
Business Services - HR Application User Account Business Services - HR Application User Account
Business Services - HR Application Issues Business Services - HR Application Issues
Business Services - HR Application Support & Services Business Services - HR Application Support & Services
Business Services - Office Application Installation Business Services - Office Application Installation
Business Services - Office Application Issues Business Services - Office Application Issues
Business Services - Office Application Upgrade Business Services - Office Application Upgrade
Business Services - Office Application Support & Services Business Services - Office Application Support & Services
Business Services - Email Account Creation Business Services - Email Account Creation
Business Services - Email Issues Business Services - Email Issues
Business Services - Email Support & Services Business Services - Email Support & Services
Business Services - Email Guest Support & Services Business Services - Email Guest Support & Services
Business Services - Email Personal Support & Services Business Services - Email Personal Support & Services
Business Services - Printing Services Installation Business Services - Printing Services Installation
Business Services - Printing Services Maintenance Business Services - Printing Services Maintenance
Business Services - Printing Services Issues Business Services - Printing Services Issues
Business Services - Printing Services Support & Services Business Services - Printing Services Support & Services
Business Services - ERP Software User Account Business Services - ERP Software User Account
Business Services - ERP Software Support & Services Business Services - ERP Software Support & Services

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Business Services - Internet Services Configuration Business Services - Internet Services Configuration
Business Services - Internet Services Maintenance Business Services - Internet Services Maintenance
Business Services - Internet Services Upgrade Business Services - Internet Services Upgrade
Business Services - Internet Services website restriction Business Services - Internet Services website restriction
Business Services - Time Attendance User Account Business Services - Time Attendance User Account
Business Services - Time Attendance Installation Business Services - Time Attendance Installation
Business Services - Time Attendance Maintenance Business Services - Time Attendance Maintenance
Business Services - Time Attendance Issues Business Services - Time Attendance Issues
Business Services - Time Attendance Support & Services Business Services - Time Attendance Support & Services
Communication Services - Audio & Teleconferencing Installation Communication Services - Audio & Teleconferencing Installation
Communication Services - Audio & Teleconferencing Maintenance Communication Services - Audio & Teleconferencing Maintenance
Communication Services - Audio & Teleconferencing Issues Communication Services - Audio & Teleconferencing Issues
Communication Services - Audio & Teleconferencing Support & Communication Services - Audio & Teleconferencing Support &
Services Services
Communication Services - Two-way communication gadget Communication Services - Two-way communication gadget Installation
Communication Services - Two-way communication gadget Communication Services - Two-way communication gadget
Maintenance Maintenance
Communication Services - Two-way communication gadget Issues Communication Services - Two-way communication gadget Issues
Communication Services - Two-way communication gadget Support Communication Services - Two-way communication gadget Support &
& Services Services
Communication Services - Telephone Services Installation Communication Services - Telephone Services Installation
Communication Services - Telephone Services Maintenance Communication Services - Telephone Services Maintenance
Communication Services - Telephone Service Issues Communication Services - Telephone Service Issues
Communication Services - Telephone Services Support & Services Communication Services - Telephone Services Support & Services
Communication Services - Public Address System Installation Communication Services - Public Address System Installation
Communication Services - Public Address System Maintenance Communication Services - Public Address System Maintenance
Communication Services - Public Address System Issues Communication Services - Public Address System Issues
Communication Services - Public Address System Support & Communication Services - Public Address System Support & Services
Communication Services - Public Address System Upgrade Communication Services - Public Address System Upgrade

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Hardware Services - Accessories Installation Hardware Services - Accessories Installation

Hardware Services - Accessories Maintenance Hardware Services - Accessories Maintenance
Hardware Services - Accessories Issues Hardware Services - Accessories Issues
Hardware Services - Accessories Support & Services Hardware Services - Accessories Support & Services
Hardware Services - Meeting Room Resource Installation Hardware Services - Meeting Room Resource Installation
Hardware Services - Meeting Room Resource Maintenance Hardware Services - Meeting Room Resource Maintenance
Hardware Services - Meeting Room Resource Issues Hardware Services - Meeting Room Resource Issues
Hardware Services - Meeting Room Resource Support & Hardware Services - Meeting Room Resource Support & Services
Hardware Services - Desktop Installation Hardware Services - Desktop Installation
Hardware Services - Desktop Maintenance Hardware Services - Desktop Maintenance
Hardware Services - Desktop Issues Hardware Services - Desktop Issues
Hardware Services - Desktop Service & Support Hardware Services - Desktop Service & Support
Hardware Services - Laptop Installation Hardware Services - Laptop Installation
Hardware Services - Laptop Maintenance Hardware Services - Laptop Maintenance
Hardware Services - Laptop Issues Hardware Services - Laptop Issues
Hardware Services - Laptop Service & Support Hardware Services - Laptop Service & Support
Hardware Services - Printer Installation Hardware Services - Printer Installation
Hardware Services - Printer Maintenance Hardware Services - Printer Maintenance
Hardware Services - Printer Issues Hardware Services - Printer Issues
Hardware Services - Printer Service & Support Hardware Services - Printer Service & Support
Network Services - File Hosting User Account Network Services - File Hosting User Account
Network Services - File Hosting User Access Network Services - File Hosting User Access
Network Services - File Hosting Maintenance Network Services - File Hosting Maintenance
Network Services - File Hosting Upgrade Network Services - File Hosting Upgrade
Network Services - File Hosting Support & Services Network Services - File Hosting Support & Services
Network Services - Active Directory User Account Network Services - Active Directory User Account
Network Services - Active Directory Maintenance Network Services - Active Directory Maintenance
Network Services - Active Directory Upgrade Network Services - Active Directory Upgrade
Network Services - Active Directory Issues Network Services - Active Directory Issues

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Network Services - Active Directory Service & Support Network Services - Active Directory Service & Support
Professional Services - Training Request Professional Services - Training Request
Professional Services - Training Support & Services Professional Services - Training Support & Services
Professional Services - IT Help Desk Support & Services Professional Services - IT Help Desk Support & Services


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