PERSONS Digest Art 36 40

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36-40 action”; thus, this element is missing in this

case, the criminal casehaving preceded the civil
The MTC granted the Respondents Motion to
G.R. No. 184861 June 30, 2009 Suspend Proceedings.Petitioner appealed the
Orders to the RTC but denied the
petition.Hence, this petition raised.
This case is a petition for the reversal of
the decision on the suspension of the criminal ISSUE
proceeding filed by the petitioner in the MTC Whether or not the MTC or RTC Court erred in
for the ground that there is a presence of its discretion to suspend proceedings in Criminal
prejudicial question with respect to the civil case Case on the basis of “Prejudicial Question
belatedly filed by the respondent. The petitioner “, with respect to the Civil Case belatedly filed.
appealed to RTC but denied Dreamwork,
through its President, and Vice-President, filed Held
a Complaint Affidavit against Janiola for
violation of BP 22 at the Office of the City This petition must be granted, pursuant to SEC.
Prosecutor of Las Piñas City. Correspondingly, 7.Elements of prejudicial question. The elements
the former alsofiled a criminal information for of aprejudicial question are:
violation of BP 22 against private respondent (a) the previously instituted civil action involves
with the MTC, entitledPeople of the Philippines an issue similar or intimately related to the issue
v. Cleofe S. Janiola.On September 20, 2006, raised in the subsequent criminal action, and (b)
Janiola, instituted a civil complaint against the resolution of such issuedetermines whether
petitioner for the rescission of analleged or not the criminal action may proceed.
construction agreement between the parties, as
well as for damages. Thereafter respondentfiled Under the amendment, a prejudicial question is
a Motion to Suspend Proceedings in the understood in law asthat which must precede
Criminal Case for the ground that private thecriminal action and which requires a
respondentclaimthat the civil case posed a decisionbefore a final judgment can be rendered
prejudicial question against the criminal in the criminalaction.The civil action must be
case.Petitioner opposed theRespondent’s Motion instituted prior to the institution ofthe criminal
to Suspend criminal proceeding based on action.In this case, the Information was filed
juridical question for the followinggrounds; with the Sandiganbayan ahead of the complaint
in Civil Case filedby the State with the RTC.
(1) there is no prejudicial question in thiscase as Thus, no prejudicial question exists.The
the rescission of the contract upon which the Resolution of the Civil Case Is Not
bouncingchecks were issued is a separate and Determinative of the Prosecution of the Criminal
distinct issue from the issue of whether private Action. Even if the trial court in the civil case
respondent violated BP 22; and (2) Section 7, declares thatthe construction agreement between
Rule 111 of the Rules of Court states that one of the parties is void forlack of consideration, this
the elements of a prejudicial question isthat “the would not affect theprosecution of private
previously instituted civil action involves an respondent in the criminal case.The fact of the
issue similar or intimately related to matter is that private respondent issued checks
the issueraised in the subsequent criminal
which were subsequently dishonored prior possession and Motion to Intervene was
forinsufficient funds. It is this fact that is subject denied for lack of merit.
of prosecution under BP 22.Therefore, it isclear
that the second element required for the Petitioner and Intervenor raised the case to the
existence of a prejudicial question, isabsent. Supreme Court.
Thus, no prejudicial question exists ISSUE: WHETHER THE ADMINISTRATIVE
Ejectment Case. Private Respondent claims to EJECTMENT CASE.
own the land and Petitioner through force,
intimidation, strategy and stealth entered their DECISION: PETITION IS GRANTED. CIVIL
property. Petitioner raised in his affirmative CASE No. 2526 of the then MUNICIPAL
defense and as a ground for dismissing the case COURT OF MALABON RIZAL IS HEREBY
that an administrative case is pending before the ORDERED DISMISSED. No Costs.
Office of Land Authority between the same
parties and involving the same piece of land. Technically, No prejudicial question.

In the administrative case Petitioner dispute the A prejudicial question is understood in law to be
right of the Private Respondent over the property that which arises in a case the resolution of
for default in payments for the purchase of the which is a logical antecedent of the issue
lot. Petitioner argue that the administrative case involved in said case and the cognizance of
was determinative of private respondents right which pertains to another tribunal. (Zapata v.
toe eject petitioner from the from the lot in Montessa 4 SCRA 510 (1962); Pp v. Aragon,
question; hence a prejudicial question which 500 G. No. 10, 4863) The Doctrine of
bars a judicial action until after its termination. Prejudicial Question comes into play generally
in a situation where civil and criminal actions
The Municipal Court denied the Motion to are pending and the issues involved in both
Dismiss contained in the Petitioner’s affirmative cases are similar or so closely related that an
defenses. Petitioner appealed to the Court of issue must be pre-emptively resolved in the civil
First Instance. Private Respondent filed a case before the criminal action can proceed.
Motion to Dismiss arguing there is no Thus, the existence of a prejudicial question in a
Prejudicial Question. civil case is alleged in the criminal case to cause
the suspension of the latter pending final
The Land Authority filed and Urgent Motion for determination of the former.
Leave to Intervene in the CFI praying that the
Petition for Certiorari be granted and the The essential elements of a prejudicial question
ejectment case be dismissed and the Office of as provided under Section 5, Rule 111 of the
the Land Authority be allowed to decide the Revised Rules of Court are:
matter exclusively. the Civil Action involves an issue similar or
intimately related to the issue in the criminal
The Petition was denied by the CFI finding the action
issue involved in the ejectment case to be one of
the resolution of such issue determines whether economy of time and effort for the court, the
or not the criminal action may proceed. counsels and the parties as well as the need to
resolve the parties right of possession before the
However because of intimate correlation of the ejectment case may be properly determined,
two proceedings and the possibility of the Land justifies the rule’s analogous application to the
Authority in deciding in favor of Petitioner case at bar.
which will terminate or suspend Private
Respondents Right to Eject Petitioner, the SC Fortich-Celdran, et al vs. Caldran, et al, 19
gave the lower court and advise. This advise SCRA 502, provides another analogous
became the which became the basis for situation. In sustaining the assailed order of the
deciding the case. then CFI of Misamis Oriental ordering the
suspension of the criminal case for falsification
Faced with these distinct possibilities, the more of public document against several persons,
prudent course for the trial court to have taken is among them the subscribing officer Santiago
to hold the ejectment proceedings in abeyance Catane until the civil case involving the issue of
until after a determination of the administrative the genuineness of the alleged forged document
case. Indeed, logic and pragmatism, if not shall have been decided, this Court cited as a
jurisprudence dictate such move. To allow the reason therefor its own action on administrative
parties to undergo trial notwithstanding the charges against said Santiago Catane, as follows:
possibility of petitioner’s right of possession
being upheld in the pending administrative case It should be mentioned here also that an
is to needlessly require not only the parties but administrative case filed in this Court against
the court as well to expend time, effort and Santiago Catane upon the same charge was held
money in what may turn out to be a sheer by Us in Abeyance, thus:
exercise of futility. Thus, 1 AM Jur 2d tells us:
“As it appears that the genuineness of the
The court in which an action is pending may, in document allegedly forged by respondent
the exercise of a sound discretion, upon proper attorneys in Administrative Case No. 77
application for a stay of that action, hold the (Richard Ignacio Celdran vs. Santiago Catane,
action in abeyance to abide the outcome of etc, et al.) is necessarily involved in Civil Case
another pending in another court, especially No. R-3397 of the Cebu CFI, action on the
where the parties and the issues are the same, for herein complaint is withheld until that litigation
there is power inherent in every court to control has finally been decided. Complainant Celdran
the disposition of cases on its dockets with shall inform the Court about such decision.”(SC
economy of time and effort for itself, for minute resolution April 27, 1962 in Adm Case
counsel, and for litigants. Where the rights No. 77, Richard Ignacio Celdran vs. Santiago
parties to the second action cannot be properly Catane, etc. et. al)
determined until the questions raised in the first
action are settled the second action should be If a pending civil case may be considered to be
stayed. (at page 622) in the nature of a prejudicial question to an
administrative case. We see no reason why the
While the rule is properly applicable for reverse may bot be so considered in the proper
instances involving two [2] court actions, the case, such as in the petition at bar.
existence in the instant case of the same
consideration of identity of parties and issues, The SC even noted the Wisdom of Its advice.
Finally, events occurring during the pendency of South Cotabato, presided by Judge Alfredo D.
the petition attest to the wisdom of the Barcelona, Sr., who dismissed the criminal case
conclusion herein reached. For in the
Manifestation filed by counsel for petitioner, it on the ground that the issue in the civil case is
was stated that he intervenor Land Authority prejudicial to the criminal case for estafa.
which later became the Department of Agrarian ISSUE:
REform had promulgated a decision in the
administrative case affirming the cancellation of 1. W/N the Judge correct in motu proprio
Agreement to Sell issued in favor of the private dismissing the criminal case?
respondent. Wit this development, the folly of
allowing the ejectment case to proceed is too HELD:
evident to need further elaboration.
1. NO. First, he should not have dismissed the
criminal case but only suspended it. Second, it
was wrong for him to dismiss the criminal case
G.R. No. 101236 January 30, 1992 outright, since it requires a motion first from the

FACTS: proper party. The rule provides:

According to Yap, Paras sold in 1971 to her his Sec. 6. Suspension by reason of prejudicial
share in the intestate estate for P300.00. The sale question. — A petition for suspension of the
was evidenced by a private document. Nineteen
years later, (in 1990), Paras sold the same action based upon the pendency of a prejudicial
question in a civil action may be filed in the
property to Santiago Saya-ang for P5,000.00.
This was evidenced by a notarized Deed of office of the fiscal or the court conducting the
preliminary investigation. When the criminal
Absolute Sale. When Yap learned of the second
sale, she filed a complaint for estafa against action has been filed in court for trial, the
petition to suspend shall be filed in the same
Paras and Saya-ang with the Office of the criminal
Provincial Prosecutor of General Santos City.
On the action at any time before the prosecution rests.
Third, there is actually no prejudicial question
same date, she filed a complaint for the
nullification of the said sale with the Regional here.
Anent the issue of prejudicial question, the rule
Court of General Santos City. After provides that: Section 5, Rule 111 of the 1985
investigation, the Provincial Prosecutor
Rules on Criminal Procedure as amended
instituted a criminal
complaint for estafa against Paras with the
Sec. 5. Elements of prejudicial question. — The
Municipal Circuit Trial Court of Glan-
two (2) essential elements of a
prejudicial question are: (a) the civil action based. There was no motion for suspension in
involves an issue similar or intimately the case at bar; and no less importantly, the

related to the issue raised in the criminal action; respondent judge had not been informed of the
and (b) the resolution of such defense Paras was raising in the civil action.

issue determines whether or not the criminal Judge Barcelona could not have ascertained then
action may proceed. if the issue raised in the civil action would

A prejudicial question is defined as that which determine the guilt or innocence of the accused
arises in a case the resolution of which is a in the criminal case
antecedent of the issue involved therein, and the
cognizance of which pertains to another A suit for annulment of an extrajudicial partition
of properties and for accounting was filed on
tribunal. The prejudicial question must be February 3, 1954 in the Court of First Instance
determinative of the case before the court but the of Cebu (Civil Case No. 3397-R).

jurisdiction to try and resolve the question must Appearing therein as plaintiffs were: Jose,
be lodged in another court or tribunal. It is a Francisco, Pedro, Jr., Ignacio, all surnamed
Abuton-Celdran (children of the deceased Pedro
question based on a fact distinct and separate Celdran by the first nuptial) and, as the
from the crime but so intimately connected with administratrix of Francisco Celdran (another
it brother), Modesta Rodriguez. Defendants were:
Pablo Celdran (child of the deceased by the first
that it determines the guilt or innocence of the
accused. It was held that "for a civil case to be marriage who refused to join as plaintiff), Josefa
Vda. de Celdran (spouse of the deceased by the
considered prejudicial to a criminal action as to second marriage), Manuel, Antonio, Pedro III,
cause the suspension of the criminal action Jesus, Vicente and Miguel, all surnamed Fortich
Celdran (children of the deceased by the second
pending the determination of the civil action, it nuptial.
must appear not only that the civil case involves
After the defendants answered on May 28, 1954,
the same facts upon which the criminal a motion to withdraw as co-plaintiff was filed on
prosecution is based, but also that the resolution May 24, 1957. It was signed "Ignacio Celdran.
of the This motion has been marked as Exhibit B-
issues raised in said civil action would be
necessarily determinative of the guilt or Subsequently, with leave of court, the plaintiffs
innocence of (excluding Ignacio) filed an amended complaint
impleading Ignacio Celdran as defendant.
the accused".
Ignacio Celdran filed an answer with
Indeed, the civil case at bar does not involve the counterclaim and cross-claim.
same facts upon which the criminal action is
After trial but before judgment, Ignacio Celdran
had the document Exh. B-Josefa (the motion to
withdraw) examined by the Police Department As private complainant, however, Ignacio
of Cebu City. The police were of the view that Celdran on December 12, 1962, moved before
the same (signature therein) was falsified. trial to suspend the proceedings in the criminal
Alleging newly discovered evidence, Ignacio case on the ground of prejudicial question. The
Celdran asked for new trial, which the court reason given in support thereof was that the
denied. alleged falsification of the same document is at
issue in the civil case pending in the Court of
All the parties, except Ignacio Celdran, Appeals.
thereafter entered on May 6, 1959 into an
amicable settlement, recognizing as valid the Declaring that there was no pre-judicial
aforementioned extrajudicial partition. question, the Court of First Instance of Misamis
Regarding Ignacio Celdran, the court rendered Occidental denied on January 28, 1963 the
judgment on July 19, 1961, declaring the same motion to suspend the prosecution. It ruled that
extrajudicial partition as valid for having been the alleged forgery was not an issue in the civil
ratified by him (Ignacio). Specifically, the court case.
found among other things that Ignacio signed the
motion to withdraw (Exh. B-Josefa) after he Assailing the above ruling, Ignacio Celdran filed
received P10,000 of the agreed P20,000 and two in the Court of Appeals on February 21, 1963, a
residential lots to be given to him in return for petition for certiorari with preliminary injunction
his aforesaid ratification of the partition. (CA-G.R. No. 31909-R) to enjoin the CFI of
Misamis Occidental and the City Fiscal of
Said decision was later amended to require Ozamis from proceeding with the prosecution of
Pedro III, Antonio, Jesus, Miguel and Vicente, the criminal case.
all surnamed Fortich-Celdran, to pay Ignacio the
balance of P20,000 aforestated and to deliver to On February 18, 1964 the Court of Appeals
him the promised two parcels of land. decided said petition for certiorari, ordering the
suspension of the criminal case due to pre-
Ignacio Celdran appealed therefrom to the Court judicial question.
of Appeals. And said appeal was docketed as
CA-G.R. No. 30499-R, shown in the record Pedro III, Jesus, Manuel, Miguel and Vicente,
before Us as still pending. all surnamed Fortich-Celdran; Santiago Catane
and Abelardo Cecilio — accused in the criminal
Now on March 22, 1963, at the instance of suit and respondents in the petition
Ignacio Celdran, an information for falsification for certiorari — appealed to Us from the
of a public document — that is, Exh. B-Josefa or decision of the Court of Appeals dated February
the abovementioned motion to withdraw in the 18, 1964.
civil case — was filed by the City Fiscal of
Ozamis in the Court of First Instance of Misamis Appellants would contend that there is no pre-
Occidental. Accused therein were: Pedro III, judicial question involved. The record shows
Antonio, Manuel, Vicente, Miguel, and Jesus, all that, as aforestated, the Court of First Instance
surnamed Celdran (defendants in the civil case); ruled that Ignacio Celdran ratified the partition
Santiago Catane, as subscribing officer; agreement; among the reasons cited by the trial
Abelardo Cecilio, as the person who filed the court for said ruling is that Ignacio Celdran
motion. received P10,000 and signed the motion to
withdraw as plaintiff in the suit. Disputing this,
Celdran assigned as error in his appeal the
finding that he signed the aforementioned about such decision. (Supreme Court minute
motion (Exh. B-Josefa) and maintains that the resolution of April 27, 1962 in Adm. Case No.
same is a forgery. Since ratification is principal 77, Richard Ignacio Celdran vs. Santiago
issue in the civil action pending appeal in the Catane, etc., et al.) .
Court of Appeals, and the falsification or
genuineness of the motion to withdraw — Regarding the procedural question on Ignacio
presented and marked as evidence in said civil Celdran's right as private offended party to file
case — is among the questions involved in said through counsel a motion to suspend the
issue, it follows that the civil action poses a pre- criminal case, the same exists where, as herein,
judicial question to the criminal prosecution for the Fiscal, who had direction and control of the
alleged falsification of the same document, the prosecution, did not object to the filing of said
motion to withdraw (Exh. B-Josefa). motion. And its filing in this case complied with
Sec. 5 of Rule 111 of the Rules of Court which
Presented as evidence of ratification in the civil provides:
action is the motion to withdraw; its authenticity
is assailed in the same civil action. The SEC. 5. Suspension by reason of prejudicial
resolution of this point in the civil case will in a question. — A petition for the suspension of the
sense be determinative of the guilt or innocence criminal action based upon the pendency of a
of the accused in the criminal suit pending in pre-judicial question in a civil case, may only be
another tribunal. As such, it is a prejudicial presented by any party before or during the trial
question which should first be decided before of the criminal action.
the prosecution can proceed in the criminal case. Denial of the motion to suspend the prosecution
A pre-judicial question is one that arises in a was therefore attended with grave abuse of
case, the resolution of which is a logical discretion; and the issue having been squarely
antecedent to the issue involved therein, and the and definitely presented before the trial court, a
cognizance of which pertains to another tribunal; motion for reconsideration, which would but
that is, it is determinative of the case before the raise the same points, was not necessary. Neither
court and jurisdiction to pass upon the same is was appeal the remedy available, since the order
lodged in another tribunal.1 denying suspension is interlocutory and thus not
yet appealable.
It should be mentioned here also that an
administrative case filed in this Court against Wherefore, the decision of the Court of Appeals
Santiago Catane upon the same charge was held under review — ordering suspension of
by Us in abeyance, thus: Criminal CASE No. 5719,People vs. Pedro
Fortich-Celdran, et al., pending before the Court
As it appears that the genuineness of the of First Instance of Misamis Occidental, until
document allegedly forged by respondent after Civil Case, CA-G.R. No. 30499-R, Pedro
attorneys in Administrative Case No. 77 A. Celdran, et al. vs. Pedro Fortich-Celdran III,
(Richard Ignacio Celdran vs. Santiago Catane, et al., shall have been decided — is hereby
etc., et al.) is necessarily involved in Civil Case affirmed, with costs against appellant. So
No. R-3397 of the Cebu Court of First Instance, ordered.
action on the herein complaint is withheld until
that litigation has finally been decided.
Complainant Celdran shall inform the Court
UMALI V IAC GR No. 63198 June 21, 1990 ISSUE:

FACTS: Whether CV No. 8769 involves a prejudicial

question in relation to CR No. 1423-Iso as to
Petitioners are the officers of the Orosea require a suspension of proceedings in the latter
Development Corporation (OROSEA).On case, until the civil case is disposed of
September 4, 1979, petitioners purchased from
the spouses Honorio and Solina Edano, Lot No. RULING:
49 of the Cadastral Survey of Mulanay, Bo.
Casay, Mulanay, Province ofQuezon, covered At the time the acts complained of in CR No.
by TCT No. RT-(T-36471), in the name of 1423-I were committed, the deed of sale sought
spouses Edano, for the sumof P1,036,500.00 to be later annulled in CV No. 8769 was binding
payable in four installments. The first upon the parties thereto, including the
check for P225,000.00 was honored upon petitioners. The two (2) essential elements for a
its presentment. By arrangement of the prejudicial question to exist are: (a) the civil
petitioners with the Edano spouses, a deed of action involves an issue similar or intimately
absolute sale was executed by the vendors. In related to the issue raised in the criminal action;
the first deferment petitioners issued a check that and (b) the resolution of such issue in the civil
matured on June 30, 1980 to replace the check action determines whether or not the
that matured on March 31, 1980. On the second criminal action may proceed. Given the
deferment petitioners issued another check dated nature of a prejudicial question, and
July 31, 1980 to replace the check dated June 30, considering the issues raised in CV No. 8769
1980.This second renewal check was presented and CR No.1423-I, we agree with the ruling of
with the bank but it was dishonored due to lack the respondent Court of Appeals that the
of funds. So were the checks postdated resolution of the issues in CV No. 8769 is
September 30, 1980 and March 31, 1981. not determinative of the guilt or innocence
They were also dishonored upon their of the petitioners-accused in CR No. 1423-
presentment for lack of funds. On May I, hence, no prejudicial question is
21, 1981the Edano spouses filed a complaint involved between the said two (2) cases. What
for estafa against petitioners, docketed as private respondents complained of in CR No.
Criminal Case No.1423-I, as a consequence 1423-I is that the checks issued by petitioners in
of the dishonor of the checks. On their favor were dishonored for lack of funds
October 14, 1981,OROSEA filed a Complaint upon due presentment to the drawee
in the Court of First Instance of Quezon against bank. Undeniably, at the time of said
the Edano spouses, docketed as Civil Case No. dishonor, petitioners' obligation to pay private
8769, for the annulment/rescission of the respondents pursuant to the deed of sale,
Contract of Sale executed on September 4, continued to subsist. And because petitioners'
1979 by and between OROSEA and the Edano checks were dishonored for lack of funds,
spouses covering Lot No. 49 of the Cadastral petitioners are answerable under the law for the
Survey of Mulanay, and for which the consequences of their said acts. And even if CV
petitioners issued the checks. No. 8769 were to be finally adjudged to the
effect that the said deed of sale should be
annulled, such declaration would be of
no material importance in the determination
of the guilt or innocence of petitioners-accused
in CR No. 1423-I. The petition for review on violated his oath as a member of the Bar. It
certiorari is denied and the decision of the Court recommended his suspension from the practice
of Appeals is affirmed. of law for 3 months, subject to the approval of
the members of the Board of Governors. The
case was forwarded to the SC for final action.
A.C. No. 5499, 16 August 2005
Whether or not Atty. Pizarro violated his solemn
The misconduct of a lawyer, whether in his oath as a lawyer
professional or private capacity, which shows
him to be wanting in moral character, honesty, HELD:
probity and good demeanor to thus render him
unworthy of the privileges which his license and The misconduct of a lawyer, whether in his
the law confer upon him, may be sanctioned professional or private capacity, which shows
with disbarment or suspension. him to be wanting in moral character, honesty,
probity and good demeanor to thus render him
Upon Atty. Edilberto Pizarro’s representations unworthy of the privileges which his license and
to complainant Wilson Po Cham (Po Cham) that the law confer upon him, may be sanctioned
a certain parcel of land being offered for sale to with disbarment or suspension.
him was alienable and disposable, Po Cham
gave Atty. Pizarro two checks representing the Atty. Pizarro has utterly failed to substantiate his
purchase price of the said property. Po Cham documented claim of having irrevocable rights
subsequently took possession of the property and interests over the property which he could
and installed a barbed wire fence at its front have conveyed to Po Cham. Atty. Pizarro must
portion. Soon after, however, a forest guard thus be faulted for fraudulently inducing Po
approached him and informed him that the Cham to purchase non-existent ―irrevocable
property could not be fenced for the reason that rights, interest and participation‖ over an
it was part of the Bataan National Park. Upon inalienable property.
investigation, Po Cham discovered that the
property is not an alienable or disposable land
susceptible of private ownership. KRIVENKO V. REGISTER OF DEEDS

Po Cham demanded the return of the purchase G.R. No. L-630. November 15, 1947
price but Atty. Pizarro did not heed to the
demand. Po Cham thereafter charged Atty. Facts:
Pizarro of violation of his oath as a member of
Alexander Krivenko, an alien, bought a
the Bar.
residential lot from Magdalena Estate Inc. in
The Supreme Court (SC) referred the case to the December 1941. The registration was
Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) for interrupted by the war. In May 1945, he sought
investigation, report and recommendation or to accomplish the said registration but was
decision. The IBP, in its Report and denied by the Register of Deeds of Manila on
Recommendation, found Atty. Pizarro to have the grounds that he is a foreigner and he cannot
acquire a land in this jurisdiction. Krivenko
brought the case to the CFI of Manila. The CFI acquired by any of the means provided in said
ruled that he cannot own a land, being an alien. two sections. Therefore, the prohibition
Hence, this petition. contained in these two provisions was, in effect,
that no private land could be transferred to aliens
ISSUES: except "upon express authorization by the
1. Whether or not an alien under our Philippine Legislature, to citizens of Philippine
Islands the same right to acquire, hold, lease,
Constitution may acquire residential land?
encumber, dispose of, or alienate land." In other
2. Whether or not the prohibitions of the rights words, aliens were granted the right to acquire
to acquire residential lot that was already of private land merely by way of reciprocity.
private ownership prior to the approval of this
Constitutions is applicable at the case at bar?


1. NO. Under the Article XIII, Section 1, of the FACTS:

Constitution states that: All agricultural, timber, Maximino Rico executed a Deed of Absolute
and mineral lands of the public domain, water, Sale in favor of the petitioner Donato Reyes Yap
minerals, coal, petroleum, and other mineral who was then a Chinese national. After the lapse
oils, all forces of potential energy, and other of nearly fifteen years from and after the
natural resources of the Philippines belong to the execution of the deed of absolute sale, Donato
State, and their disposition, exploitation, Reyes Yap was admitted as a Filipino citizen
development, or utilization shall be limited to and allowed to take his oath of allegiance to the
citizens of the Philippines, or to corporations or Republic of the Philippines. On December 1,
associations at least sixty per centum of the 1967, the petitioner ceded the major portion of a
capital of which is owned by such citizens, lot which he acquired by purchase under the
subject to any existing right, grant, lease, or deed of sale in favor of his engineer son, Felix
concession at the time of the inauguration of the Yap, who was also a Filipino citizen because of
Government established under this Constitution. the Filipino citizenship of his mother and the
This means to say that, under the provisions of naturalization of his father Donato Reyes Yap.
the Constitutions, aliens are not allowed to Subsequently, Lourdes Rico, aunt and co-heir
acquire the ownership of urban or residential of respondent Jose A. Rico, son of maximino
lands in the Philippines and, as consequence, all Rico, sold the remaining portion of that lot to the
acquisitions made in contravention of the petitioner who had his rights. Donato Reyes
prohibitions since the fundamental law became Yap, has been in possession of the lots in
effective are null and void per se and ab initio. question since 1939, openly, publicly,
2. Prior to the Constitution, there were in the continuously, and adversely in the concept of
Public Land Act No. 2874 sections 120 and 121 owner until the present time.
which granted aliens the right to acquire private ISSUE: WON the sale of residential lot in
only by way of reciprocity. It is to be observed question to a Chinese national is null and void in
that the pharase "no land" used in this section spite of the fact that the vendee had been a
refers to all private lands, whether strictly naturalized born Filipino citizen.
agricultural, residential or otherwise, there being
practically no private land which had not been
RULING: without the knowledge of the plaintiffs, the said
Jose Godinez, sold the aforesaid parcel of land
The litigated property is now in the hands of a to the defendant Fong Pak Luen, a Chinese
naturalized Filipino. It is no longer owned by a citizen. A TCT was then issued by the Register
disqualified vendee. Respondent, as a of Deeds to the said defendant, which is null and
naturalized citizen, was constitutionally void ab initio since the transaction constituted a
qualified to own the subject property. There non-existent contract.
would be no more public policy to be served in
allowing petitioner Epifania to recover the land Thereafter, defendant Fong Pak Luen executed
as it is already in the hands of a qualified person. a power of attorney in favor of his co-defendant
Applying by analogy the ruling of this Court in Kwan Pun Ming, also an alien, who conveyed
Vasquez vs. Giap and Leng Seng Giap & Sons; and sold the above described parcel of land to
co-defendant Trinidad S. Navata , who is aware
... if the ban on aliens from acquiring not only of and with full knowledge that Fong Pak Luen
agricultural but also urban lands, as construed by is a Chinese citizen as well as Kwan Pun Ming,
this Court in the Krivenko case, is to preserve who under the law are prohibited and
the nation's lands for future generations of disqualified to acquire real property in this
Filipinos, that aim or purpose would not be jurisdiction.
thwarted but achieved by making lawful the
acquisition of real estate by aliens who became Since one-half of the said property is conjugal
Filipino citizens by naturalization. property inherited by the plaintiffs from their

Jose Godinez could not have legally conveyed

GODINEZ VS FONG PAK LUEN the entire property. Notwithstanding repeated
LAND TITLES AND DEEDS (CITIZENSHIP) demands onsaid defendant to surrender to
plaintiffs the said property she refused, hence,
plaintiffs filed a complaint that they be adjudged
The Plaintiffs filed this case to recover a parcel as the owners of the parcel of land in question
of land sold by their father, now deceased, to and the TCT issued in the name of defendant
Fong Pak Luen, an alien, on the ground that the Fong Pak Luen as well as the TCT issued in the
sale was null and void ab initio since it violates name of defendant Navata be declared null
applicable provisions of the Constitution and the andvoid ab initio.
Civil Code. The plaintiffs filed a complaint in
the CFI of Sulu alleging that they are the heirs of Defendant Navata filed her answer alleging that
Jose Godinez who was married to Martina the complaint does not state a cause of action
Alvarez Godinez sometime in 1910. During the since it appears from the allegation that the
marriage of their parents they acquired a parcel property is registered in the name of Jose
of land lot No.94 of Jolo Godinez so that as his sole property he may
dispose of the same. The cause of action has
townsite with an area of 3,665 square meters as been barred by the statute of limitations as the
evidenced by Original Certificate of Title in the alleged document of sale executed by Jose
name of Jose Godinez. Their mother died Godinez on November 27, 1941,conveyed the
sometime in 1938 leaving the plaintiffs as their property to defendant Fong Pak Luen as a result
sole surviving heirs. 0n November 23, 1941, of which a title was issued to said defendant.
The Lower court dismissed the complaint on the property to Trinidad S. Navata, a Filipino citizen
ground that their cause of action has prescribed. qualified to acquire real property.

ISSUE: In Herrera v. Luy Kim Guan the court declared

that where land is sold to a Chinese citizen, who
Whether or not the heirs of a person who sold a later sold it to a Filipino, the sale to the latter
parcel of land to an alien in violation of a cannot be impugned. In Sarrosa vda. de
constitutional prohibition may recover the Barsoboa v. Cuenco we had occasion to pass
property if it had, in the meantime, been upon a factual situation substantially similar to
conveyed to a Filipino citizen qualified to own the one in the instant case. We ruled: But the the
and possess it. - NO factual set-up has changed. The litigated
RULING: property is now in the hands of a naturalized
Filipino. It is no longer owned by a disqualified
There can be no dispute that the sale in 1941 by vendee. Respondent, as a naturalized citizen,
Jose Godinez of his residential lot acquired from was constitutionally qualified to own the subject
the Bureau of Lands as part of the Jolo townsite property. There would be no more public policy
to Fong Pak Luen, a Chinese citizen residing in to be served in allowing petitioner Epifania to
Hongkong, was violative of Section 5, Art. 13 of recover the land as it is already in the hands of a
1935 Constitution which provided: Save in cases qualified person.
of hereditary succession, no private agricultural
land will be transferred or assigned except to Applying by analogy the ruling of this Court in
individuals,corporations, or associations Vasquez vs. Giap & Sons: if the ban on aliens
qualified to acquire or hold lands of the public from acquiring not only agricultural but also
urban lands, as construed by this Court in the
domain in the Philippines.
Krivenko case, is to preserve the nation's lands
We see no necessity from the facts of this case for future generations of Filipinos, that aim or
to pass upon the nature of the contract of sale purpose would not be thwarted but achieved by
executed by Jose Godinez and Fong Pak Luen making lawful the acquisition of real estate by
whether void ab initio, illegal per se or merely aliens who became Filipino citizens by
pro-exhibited. It is enough to stress that insofar naturalization.
as the vendee is concerned, prescription is
unavailing. But neither can the vendor or his While, strictly speaking, Ong King Po, private
respondent's vendor, had no rights of ownership
heirs rely on an argument based on
imprescriptibility because the land sold in 1941 to transmit, it is likewise in escapable that
is now in the hands of a Filipino citi#en against petitioner Epifania had slept on her rights for 26
whom the constitutional prescription was never years from 1936 to 1962. By her long inaction or
intended to apply. The lower court erred in inexcusable neglect, she should be held barred
from asserting her claim to the litigated
treating the case as one involving simply the
application of the statute of limitations. From the property. Laches has been defined as the failure
fact that prescription may not be used to defend or neglect, for an unreasonable and une6plained
a contract which the Constitution prohibits, it length of time, to do that which by exercising
does not necessarily follow that the appellants due diligence could or should have been done
may be allowed to recover the property sold to earlier: it is negligence or ommission to assert a
an alien. As earlier mentioned, Fong Pak Luen, right within a reasonable time, warranting a
the disqualified alien vendee later sold the same
presumption that the party entitled to assert it RATIO:
either has abandoned it or declined to assert it.
Parents of unborn foetus cannot sue for
Respondent, therefore, must be declared to be damages on its behalf. A husband of a woman
the rightful owner of the property. Respondent who voluntarily procured her abortion could not
Navata, the titled owner of the property is recover damages from the physician who caused
declared the rightful owner. the same.

ARTICLE 40 (1) Since an action for pecuniary damages on

account of personal injury or death pertains
GELUZ V. CA primarily to the injured, no such right of action
[2 S 801 (1961)] could derivatively accrue to the parents or heirs
of an unborn child. In fact, even if a cause of
FACTS: action did accrue on behalf of the unborn child,
the same was extinguished by its pre-natal death,
Nita Villanueva came to know the defendant since no transmission to anyone can take place
(Antonio Geluz) for the first time in 1948-- thru from one that lacked juridical personality (or
her aunt. In 1950, she became pregnant by her juridical capacity, as distinguished from capacity
present husband before they were legally to act). It is no answer to invoke the provisional
married. During to conceal her pregnancy from personality of a conceived child (conceptus pro
her parent, she had herself aborted by def. After nato habetur) under Article 40 of the Civil Cod,
the marriage w/ the plaintiff., she again became because that same article expressly limits such
pregnant. As she was employed in the provisional personality by imposing the
COMELEC and her pregnancy proved to be condition that the child should be subsequently
inconvenient, she had herself aborted again by born alive: "provided it be born later with the
def. in Oct 1953. Less than 2 years later, she condition specified in the following article." In
again became pregnant. On 2/21/55, she again the present case, there is no dispute that the child
repaired to the defendant’s clinic. Nita was again was dead when separated from its mother's
aborted of a 2-month old foetus, in consideration womb.
of the sum of P50.
(2) This is not to say that the parents are not
It is the third and last abortion that constitutes entitled to collect any damages at all. But such
pltff's basis in filing this action and award of damages must be those inflicted directly upon
damages The CA and the trial court predicated them, as distinguished from the injury or
the award of damages upon the provisions of the violation of the rights of the deceased, his right
initial par. of Art. 2206 of the NCC. to life and physical integrity. Because the
parents cannot expect either help, support or
Issue: WON the husband can recover damages
services from an unborn child, they would
from the death of a fetus - NO
normally be limited to moral damages for the
RULING: illegal arrest of the normal development of the
spes hominis that was the foetus, i.e., on account
This award, we believe, to be error for the said of distress and anguish attendant to its loss, and
art., in fixing an award for the death of a person, the disappointment of their parental expectations
does not cover the case of an unborn foetus that (Art. 2217, CC), as well as to exemplary
is not endowed w/ personality. damages, if the circumstances should warrant
them (Art. 2230, CC). But in this case, there is feotuses w/c have an intrauterine life of less than
no basis for an award of moral damages, 7 mos. (Balane quoting Manresa and JBL.)
evidently because the husband's indifference to
the previous abortions clearly indicates that he "The aborted creature does not reach the
was unconcerned with the frustration of his category of a natural person and consequently is
parental hopes and affection. not born in the contemplation of law." (Geluz v.
CA, supra.)
Art. 41. For civil purposes, the foetus is
considered born if it is alive at the time it is This is so, even if the child is killed before the
completely delivered from the mother's womb. period lapses and it can be proved that it could
However, if the foetus had an intrauterine life of have survived that period if it had not been
less than seven months, it is not deemed born if prevented by the wilful act of another. On the
it dies within twenty-four hours after its other hand, juridical personality is acquired even
complete delivery from the maternal womb. if the survival for 24 hours is caused only by
medical or scientific means w/o w/c the child
Tolentino: Separation from Mother.-- This is would have died before the lapse of that period.
produced by the cutting of the umbilical cord,
whether the removal takes place naturally or by
surgical operation.
Alive at Birth.-- The duration of extra-uterine G.R. No. L-770
life is immaterial; for acquisition of juridical
personality, it is enough that the child lives even April 27, 1948
for an instant.
Test of Life.-- The general opinion is that
independent life required for juridical On May 21, 1946, the Public Service
personality can be shown only by complete Commission issued a certificate of public
respiration. The cry of the child, although it is convenience to the Intestate Estate of the
not a necessary sign of life, is evidence that it deceased Pedro Fragante, authorizing the said
has acquired complete respiration. Another intestate estate through its Special or Judicial
indication of complete respiration is the floating Administrator, appointed by the proper court of
of the lungs when placed in water; this means competent jurisdiction, to maintain and operate
that air has penetrated into the lungs by an ice plant with a daily productive capacity of
breathing. two and one-half (2-1/2) tons in the Municipality
of San Juan and to sell the ice produced from the
Viability Not Required.-- Viability means that said plant in the Municipalities of San Juan,
the child is capable of living, and this is Mandaluyong, Rizal, and Quezon City; that
determined by the extent of the development of Fragante’s intestate estate is financially capable
its organs. of maintaining the proposed service.

Premature Birth.-- In this case, if the child does

not live 24 hours completely separated from the
mother's womb, it does not acquire juridical Petioner argues that allowing the substitution of
personality. This is an absolute requirement for the legal representative of the estate of Fragante
for the latter as party applicant and afterwards
granting the certificate applied for is a benefit of the creditors, devisees or legatees, if
contravention of the law. any, and the heirs of the decedent. It includes
those rights and fulfillment of obligation of
ISSUE: Fragante which survived after his death like his
Whether the estate of Fragante be extended an pending application at the commission.
artificial judicial personality. Another Ruling:
HELD: The estate of Fragante could be extended an
The estate of Fragrante must be extended an artificial judicial personality because under the
artificial judicial personality. If Fragrante had Civil Code, “estate of a dead person could be
lived, in view of the evidence of record, would considered as artificial juridical person for the
have obtained from the commission the purpose of the settlement and distribution of his
certificate for which he was applying. The properties”. It should be noted that the exercise
of juridical administration includes those rights
situation has not changed except for his death,
and the economic ability of his estate to and fulfillment of obligation of Fragante which
appropriately and adequately operate and survived after his death. One of those surviving
maintain the service of an ice plant was the same rights involved the pending application for
that it received from the decedent himself. public convenience before the Public Service
It has been the constant doctrine that the estate
or the mass of property, rights and assets left by Supreme Court is of the opinion that “for the
the decedent, directly becomes vested and purposes of the prosecution of said case No.
4572 of the Public Service Commission to its
charged with his rights and obligations which
survive after his demise. The reason for this final conclusion, both the personality and
legal fiction, that the estate of the deceased citizenship of Pedro O. Fragrante must be
person is considered a "person", as deemed to deemed extended, within the meaning and intent
include artificial or juridical persons, is the of the Public Service Act, as amended, in
avoidance of injustice or prejudice resulting harmony with the constitution: it is so adjudged
from the impossibility of exercising such legal and decreed”.
rights and fulfilling such legal obligations of the
decedent as survived after his death unless the
fiction is indulged.

The estate of Fragrante should be considered an

artificial or juridical person for the purposes of
the settlement and distribution of his estate
which, include the exercise during the judicial
administration of those rights and the fulfillment
of those obligations of his estate which survived
after his death.

The decedent's rights which by their nature are

not extinguished by death go to make up a part
and parcel of the assets of his estate for the

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