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Alexa Julian

A) Theme:
B) Passage:
Stop judging, that you may not be judged. For as you judge, so will you be judged, and the
measure with which you measure will be measured out to you. (Matthew 7: 1-2, NABRE)
C) Reflection:
Judgement is extremely prevalent in our society. It is very easy to judge others when they are not
like us; they appear foreign compared to our own ideas of normality. Sometimes we judge
without even being consciously aware that we are doing so, but as God’s children it is important
that we right this wrong. We must make an applied effort to treat everyone justly; we will be
judged in the same way with which we judge others, and as we judge we will be judged in return.
Therefore, if we want to receive respect, we must first give it. Additionally, Our Father created
us with unearned dignity and value, so we must regard each other as He intended.
D) Prayer:
Gracious Lord, we ask that You aid us in our endeavors to become more accepting and cease
jumping to conclusions when we’re met with unfamiliarity.

Help us as individuals to recognize our shortcomings when it comes to making judgements. You
always see the good in us; please guide us to follow Your example and see the good in others
rather than their flaws. Aid us in finding comfort in You that we may be filled with love rather
than hostility, which can lead to unfair judgement. Guide us in projecting kindness, that we may
also receive it.

We pray for those being persecuted for traits such as their gender, sexuality, or race. We pray
they find comfort in the generosity of others and in Your arms. We also ask that You assist their
oppressors in realizing the fault in their prejudices, and that you open their hearts to accept
others. We pray that they discover Your love for them and all others, and that this enables them
to spread compassion and watch it return back to them.

Benevolent, Almighty God, we ask of these things out of the utmost respect for Your vision of
love and acceptance. Amen.

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