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Botany, Production and Uses


B.G.D. Bartley

CABI Publishing
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A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library, London,

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Bartley, B. G. D. (Basil G. D.)
The genetic diversity of cacao and its utilization / B. G. D. Bartley.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references (p. ??).
ISBN 0-85199-619-1 (alk. paper)
1. Cacao--Germplasm resources. 2. Cacao--Utilization. I. Title.
SB267.B27 2004

ISBN 0 85199 619 1

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About the Author vii

Preface ix

Foreword xii

1. The Background to the Subject: Concepts and a Brief History 1

2. The Terminology Specific to Cacao 14

3. The Indicators of Variability 25

4. The Manifestation of the Diversity and its Conservation 44

5. The Foundations of the Diversity 68

Part 1: The Amazonian Region 68
Part 2: The Circum-Caribbean Region 167

6. The Cultivated Populations as Secondary Depositories of the Diversity 197

Introduction 197
Part 1: South America – Populations Derived from an Amazonian
Region Germplasm Base 202
Part 2: The Circum-Caribbean Region and Neighbouring
Territories – Populations that Evolved from a Criollo
Germplasm Base 233
Part 3: Cacao Beyond the Americas – the Export of Diversity
to the Old World 259

7. The Genetics of the Diversity 279

vi Contents

8. The Relationships among Populations 298

9. The Utilization of the Genetic Resources 309

10. Epilogue 323

References 329

Appendix: Variety Names 336

Index 337
About the Author

Dr Basil Bartley was born in New Delhi in 1927 and obtained the degree of
Bachelor of Science (Agriculture) from the University of Allahabad in 1947. In
the same year he was admitted to Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA, to
undertake graduate studies in Plant Breeding. He was granted the Master of
Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in 1949 and 1950, respectively. For
the latter thesis his work involved the analysis of path coefficients in progenies
of soybean which was the first application of the method in plants
Dr Bartley was appointed to the Cacao Research Scheme at the Imperial
College of Tropical Agriculture (which later became the Faculty of Agriculture
of the University of the West Indies) in Trinidad. Among the activities
undertaken was the establishment of breeding systems applicable to cacao,
studies on incompatibility and disease resistance and the collection of species
of Theobroma and Herrania and inter-specific and inter-generic hybridization.
He was responsible for introducing the concept of hybrid cultivars and worked
on the development of parents for the purpose including the use of
Dr Bartley’s first contact with the Amazonian Region was as a member of
the Anglo-Colombian Cacao Collecting Expedition which led to an interest in
the study and conservation of the species’ genetic resources. This resulted in
the formation of the first gene bank in Trinidad specifically designed for the
purpose. In 1970 he went to São Tomé and Príncipe as an adviser to the cacao
programme, which involved various activities including investigations into
practical methods of evaluation of cultivars.
In 1975 Dr Bartley was contracted by the Interamerican Institute for
Cooperation in Agriculture to work with CEPLAC in Brazil as an adviser to the
cacao improvement programme. Working at the Cacao Research Centre and
the Department for the Amazon until 1990 he was involved in the
development of various breeding activities including disease resistance,

viii About the Author

compatibility studies and research on quality factors. The CEPEC gene bank
was set up under his guidance. In the Amazon he drew up the plan of action
for the genetic resources conservation programme and coordinated its
activities, playing a leading role in the characterization of the germplasm and its
utilization. From extended visits to Venezuela, Ecuador (where he worked for 6
months in 1992) and the eastern Caribbean he obtained a fundamental
knowledge of the cacao populations in those countries and advised in their
research programmes.
Dr Bartley has maintained a constant interest in the development of
genetic resources programmes carried out worldwide and participated actively
in all aspects including the exchange of germplasm. Through his studies of the
characteristics of the plants he has played a leading role in the development of
the Descriptor Lists. Since 1994 he has served as a consultant to the
International Cocoa Germplasm Database.

This summary of our knowledge concerning the genetic diversity of cacao is

the result of 53 years of activities related to the genetic resources of the species.
During this period the author has been active in all aspects of the subject from
collecting to utilization. The period has also seen considerable advances in the
knowledge of the diversity. It will be evident from the information contained in
the book that we are still a long way from knowing everything about the
species’ diversity and that the subject is still evolving. In view of the absence of
a generalized treatment of the subject it has been felt that the time has come to
present a survey of the available knowledge in order to provide an orientation
for future research programmes that will use the diversity.
It should be made clear that, although there may be expectations that such
information would be included, no details are given regarding the origins and
characteristics of the selections available. Some of these selections are
mentioned only to explain various aspects of the subject.
Although much of the information contained in this volume is derived from
the author’s personal observations and interpretations, we must not fail to
acknowledge the part played by numerous persons, past and present, who
have also participated in genetic resources programmes. These persons have
contributed their knowledge to the general accumulation of information about
the species. In particular we must mention the farmers, farm workers and
residents in areas where the species occurs who, by daily contact with the trees,
have provided many invaluable observations and ideas.
It is not pretended that the account presented here contains the complete
knowledge of the species’ diversity. For one thing, the limitations of the size of
the volume prevent us from including all of the information and illustrations at
our disposal. Even then, where large and heterogeneous populations are
concerned, the description of the range of variability contained in them would
be beyond our capabilities. A large quantity of data is locked up in reports and
files to which we have not been able to obtain access. The guardians of these

x Preface

data do not always appreciate the contents of the files and other records and
their importance.
In addition, it has not been possible to consult all of the literature that is
known to exist from which relevant information may be obtained, or even to
cite all of the available works that are concerned with the subject of genetic
The most appropriate manner in which to analyse the diversity would be to
study in detail the variability that occurs in the individual populations. The
results of these studies would be published in which the diversity existing in
each component population would be described. Wherever possible
information on the inheritance of the characters obtained from breeding
experiments would be included. It is realized, as explained in the succeeding
chapters, that this would imply a considerable amount of time and effort. It is
hoped that this volume would stimulate interest in conducting further research
on the subject.
In this book an attempt has been made to correct a deficiency that occurs
in most books written in the English language. This refers to the disregard of
literature written in other languages, much of which is indispensable to an
understanding of the nature of the diversity.
Various persons have contributed to the preparation of the book by
providing photographic material. The following persons, to whom the author
expresses his gratitude, have collaborated in providing the images listed: J.M.
Ferrão, Plates 2d, 7b, 7c, 8d; W. Phillips Mora, Plates 9b, 25b; H.C. Evans,
Plates 30a, 30c and Figs 10, 13 and 14; P.C. Holliday, Fig. 22. In addition, the
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, England, kindly made available the historical
photographs used in Figs 31 and 41 as well as Plate 32a. Plate 32a was
reproduced from the illustration in van Nooten (1863). The permission to
publish these illustrations is gratefully acknowledged. Special acknowledge-
ments are due to the staff of the Almirante Centro de Estudos de Cacau, Bahia,
Brazil, for their collaboration in supplying the images on which Figs 8, 9 and 15
are based. Figure 24 was created from a photograph taken by R. Pereira at the
author’s request. Figure 29 was also composed from photographs presented to
the author by A.O. Silva Santos.
The remaining photographs are the property of the author and should not
be reproduced without permission.
The maps are the result of painstaking work by Maria Isabel Carvalho
whose contribution must also be acknowledged. Owing to various
circumstances, the maps do not include all of the points of reference mentioned
in the text. With the aid of the maps the reader could fill in the details from
complete maps that show the areas concerned. However, to help readers locate
geographical features that are named in the text, references to the respective
maps in which they are named are provided in the index.
To Dr Claire Lanaud, the author wishes to express his thanks for providing
copies of much of the literature relating to the molecular analyses undertaken
with cacao. The restrictions of space and time have prevented a complete
analysis of the results from being presented and the interpretations involve only
the studies that are relevant to the situations described in the book. The survey
Preface xi

of diversity is intended to be a guide to persons undertaking analyses of the

genetic structure of cacao regarding the origins and relationships among the
genotypes subjected to analysis.
Special acknowledgements are due to the staff of various archives who
have permitted access to their holdings and given the author incalculable
assistance. The archives of the Royal Botanic Gardens are of particular
importance for the wealth of material relating to the early history of research of
cacao varieties for which the Gardens played a fundamental role.
The author wishes to express his thanks to Tony Lass for his constructive
suggestions and support for the publication. Particular thanks are due to the
Biscuit, Cake, Chocolate and Confectionery Association (BCCCA) of the UK,
which financially supported the printing of this book.
It is the custom in cacao to use abbreviations and acronyms to designate
genotypes, clones and families. Although the reader is advised to consult other
sources for the meanings of variety names, in order to facilitate the search for
this information the equivalents of the abbreviations for the material mentioned
in the text are given in the Appendix.
It is hoped that the information in this book will show the unique
characteristics of the diversity of cacao and that it is an interesting subject for
research at all levels. As such, it merits the attention of scientists in fields other
than those specifically concerned with cacao. The treatment of the subject
would also be a valuable aid for researchers in the areas of botany and
environmental studies by providing an understanding of the characteristics of
the species.

The future success and sustainability of cocoa (cacao) cultivation will depend
largely on the ready availability of improved cocoa planting materials for the
next generations of cocoa growers. Improvements are required in pest and
disease resistance, in bean quality parameters, in early bearing, productivity
and ease of establishment; making progress on any one of these requirements
presents the modern cocoa plant breeder with a series of significant challenges.
To obtain good, secure results, cocoa plant breeders have a need for a
number of essential building blocks. These include reliable long-term funding,
readily available data on potential parents, access to these parents and related
data on them as well as an efficient system of intermediate cocoa quarantine to
permit the introduction of parental material without the introduction of any pests
or diseases. Over recent decades the Biscuit, Cake, Chocolate and Confectionery
Association (BCCCA), which represents the UK consumers of cocoa and
manufacturers of chocolate, has had the vision to fund these essential building
blocks on behalf of the world cocoa industry. Amongst other projects, BCCCA
has supported the conservation and characterization of wild cocoa trees in the
collection at the Cocoa Research Unit in Trinidad and to fund the International
Cocoa Germplasm Database as well as the Intermediate Cocoa Quarantine
Facility – both these latter being based at the University of Reading in the UK. It is
very clear that without this visionary investment, cocoa breeders would have
made very much less progress than they have done in recent years. BCCCA are
proud to have been associated with developing and supporting these essential
elements for progress towards the future prosperity of cocoa growing.
In addition to these activities, BCCCA has financially supported and encour-
aged expeditions to collect wild cocoa germplasm from various parts of northern
South America – in and around the centre of diversity of the crop in the Amazonian
Region. It is therefore entirely appropriate that BCCCA should have given
financial support to the publication of this book that describes in considerable
detail known wild cocoa populations and the surrounding environments.

Foreword xiii

Dr Basil Bartley is very well qualified to produce such a work having been
active as a cocoa breeder in the Caribbean, West Africa and South America
during a distinguished career lasting over 40 years. Furthermore, his work has
included participation in a number of wild cocoa-collecting expeditions in the
Amazonian Region and the first of these was participation in the Anglo-
Colombian Cacao Collecting Expedition in 1952. He was also responsible for
the creation of the cocoa genetic resource conservation programme for the
Government of Brazil.
A large part of the information in this book actually comes from Basil’s
personal recollections and notes from his participation in these wild cocoa-
collecting expeditions. We feel that capturing this wealth of information would
be of great value to future workers in this field. It is our sincere hope that this
book will become an essential reference resource for all current and future
generations of cocoa breeders, giving them vital background information on
the characteristics of the wild cocoas, the sites from which they were collected
and the surrounding environment of these sites.
We wish to record our real appreciation to Dr Basil Bartley for having
taken the time to collate and present such a wealth of information on the wild
cocoa populations and for his considerable contribution to our knowledge of
cocoa breeding over the last four decades or so.
Tony Lass
Cocoa Research Committee
September 2004
1 The Background to the Subject:
Concepts and a Brief History

The answer to the question ‘Why should we be interested in the genetic

diversity of the species?’ is, that from the practical point of view, its existence is
essential to achieving progress in its improvement in terms of the development
of cultivars that satisfy certain established objectives. In addition to this
principal reason the diversity of cacao is of such a nature that it is interesting in
terms of its prospects for use in various lines of research. The genetic variability
is contained in the aggregate of the species’ genetic resources. For this purpose
it is necessary to understand that the term ‘genetic resources’ includes all of the
individual plants that belong to the species.
The existence of genetic diversity is indicated by the differences exhibited
by its individual components with regard to the phenotypic expressions that are
observed. In this sense all existing plants and the future generations produced
by natural and artificial recombination are considered to be components of the
species’ diversity. On this fundamental principal no individual plant can be
excluded from the universe of the diversity merely on the basis of its
phenotypic expression resembling that of another individual, until it can be
shown that their genotypes are identical. The genetic compositions of
individuals or genotypes can only be determined through the application of the
procedures for the purpose. In Chapter 9 various examples are given of the
potential use of genotypes that would perhaps not be considered capable of
producing useful cultivars.

The Organization of the Study and Conservation of the Genetic


The effective achievement of the aims of any programme of genetic

improvement depends not only on the quantity of genetic resources, as
measured by the number of individual genotypes available, but also on the

© B.G.D. Bartley 2005. The Genetic Diversity of Cacao and its Utilization
(Basil G.D. Bartley) 1
2 Chapter 1

qualities of the diversity that they represent. The use of the term ‘qualities’ in
this context refers to the genes carried by the individual genotypes, especially
those that will contribute to the fulfilment of the aims of the programme. It goes
without saying that an improvement programme whose objectives are
concerned with the development of cultivars that possess certain qualities
cannot be met if the genetic resources that are available do not contain the
genes that will satisfy the desired objectives.
Consequently, the usefulness of any given component of the species’
genetic resources will depend on the ability to identify in it the factors that are
required. The need to obtain an adequate knowledge of the composition of the
genetic resources extends beyond existing requirements and objectives. The
possible future uses of the genotypes must also be taken into consideration.
The long-term objectives of a breeding programme, especially for a perennial
species such as cacao, should be subject to constant revision in order to cope
with the appearance of new and additional circumstances. These include the
genetic control of new diseases and pests, alterations to product use and quality
requirements and the development of cultivars adapted to specific
environmental situations and cultural systems.
In order to obtain the diversity and determine the genetic composition of
the individuals of which it is composed the best procedure is to establish and
conduct genetic resources programmes. Since cacao is a perennial species with
specific intrinsic characteristics it is necessary to understand that a genetic
resources programme, which will produce results, has to be conducted on a
long-term and dynamic basis. A programme of this nature is made up of the
following sequential and interdependent stages:
1. The acquisition of the genetic diversity, normally through collection,
selection and exchange.
2. Propagation.
3. Conservation, by establishment in the field.
4. Characterization and evaluation of the individual genotypes involved.
5. Manipulation of the genotypes by breeding processes designed to release
and make available the factors of the diversity that are contained in the
6. Documentation of the information obtained.

The Geographical Basis of the Distribution of the Natural and

Cultivated Populations in the Americas and their History

Theobroma cacao is a neotropical species occurring in primitive and secondary

regions of distribution that are to be found in the Americas within a range
between latitudes 20° N and 20° S. The cacao populations that would have
existed in the pre-Columbian era could be considered to have occupied two
geographical regions of distribution. These regions coincide with what, for the
purposes of this account, would have been the primary distribution region and
with a secondary region that can be considered as an entity in terms of genetic
Concepts and a Brief History
Fig. 1. Map of the range of cacao distribution in the Americas showing the approximate boundaries of the Amazonian and
Circum-Caribbean Regions, and the Amazon Extension Zone.

4 Chapter 1

resources on account of the occurrence of a single, unique variety. The

approximate boundaries of these regions are shown in the map of the Americas
in Fig. 1 and they are defined and described as follows.

The Circum-Caribbean Region

For the purposes of the analysis of diversity this title will be applied to what is
considered to be the region of secondary distribution. It embraces particularly
the Mesoamerican region and the hinterland of the northern coast of South
America. It is in this region that the species had reached the highest level of
domestication in pre-Columbian times. These were the populations in which
the Spanish conquerors had their first contacts with the plant and its products.
The varieties that were cultivated or otherwise occurred in the region are
considered to belong to a single group on the basis of the possession of a
conjunction of certain distinctive characteristics.
Although it was reported that Christopher Columbus was the first
European to encounter cacao, in the form of its dried seeds, along the coast of
what is now Belize, the first genuine report of the occurrence of cacao was
given by Oviedo y Valdez (1855). In this, he related that Alonso Pinzón found
cacao being cultivated in the vicinity of Chetumal, in southern Yucatán (which
is contiguous to northern Belize) when he explored the Caribbean coast in
1510. It is obvious from this account that the Spaniards already knew all about
cacao and its commercial and social importance to the inhabitants.
In fact, it was Oviedo y Valdez (1855), who commenced writing his
monumental work in 1536, less than 50 years after the first voyage of
Columbus to the New World, which the Spaniards called ‘Las Indias’, in which
he provided us with the first complete description of the trees, their cultivation
and the uses made of their products as well as the ceremonies associated with
cacao. This was based on the observations he made during his stay in western
Nicaragua. It is probably one of the most accurate descriptions of the crop. If
the illustration of a cacao field that is included in the edition of his work, cited
above, was published in the original edition it would be the first accurate
picture of the plant and its cultivation.
The knowledge of the scale of cultivation of cacao in Mesoamerica was
enlarged as other territories were incorporated by the Spanish conquests. It was
the cacao exported from these territories that provided the first samples known
in Europe and during a considerable period they were the main suppliers of
cacao to satisfy the increasing demand for this exotic product. The history of
cacao consumption outside the Americas has been related by various authors,
such as Coe and Coe (1996). These authors also give a fairly extensive account
of the social and practical aspects of the situation regarding the crop in pre-
Columbian and colonial times.
Although other Spaniards arrived at and settled the lands of South
America bordering the Caribbean Sea shortly after the voyages of Columbus, it
was not until several decades later that the occurrence of cacao seems to have
been recognized. From all accounts the species would have been distributed in
Concepts and a Brief History 5

the region to the southwest of Lake Maracaibo. From this point the exploitation
and cultivation of the local varieties commenced and the area cultivated
expanded towards the east of what became Venezuela. The product from the
plantations was exported to Europe and in time supplanted that from Central
America as production declined in the latter region.
Up to the time that the countries gained their independence from Spain, the
whole of the coastal and inland areas along the south of the Caribbean Sea
were under the same government, that of the Viceroyalty of Nueva Granada.
For this reason it is necessary to consider within the area that supplied the cocoa
exported under the name of ‘Caracas’ the regions of the present day Republic of
Colombia adjacent to the Venezuelan States of Zulia, Mérida and Trujillo.
Although cacao probably did not occur on the islands of the Caribbean in
pre-Columbian times these will be included in the Circum-Caribbean Region
because of the relationships of the varieties that were introduced on the islands
and similarities in the subsequent evolution of their populations.

The Amazonian Region

The principal area covered by this title includes all of the immense area drained
by the Amazon River Basin. However, the definition of the Region will include
the areas contiguous to it in which cacao is found. Most of the adjacent areas
included in this definition are situated to the north of the Amazon Basin. The
approximate northern limit of the region will be considered to be latitude 6° N.
The contiguous area is drained by rivers that are independent of the R.
Amazon and flow in north and northeasterly directions into the Atlantic Ocean.
Precisely, the areas to the north of the Amazon Basin include the southern part
of the Orinoco River Basin and the Guianas.
Also, to simplify the demarcation of the distribution area the lands in the
humid tropical belt embracing the lower R. Tocantins and towards the east are
considered to be part of the Amazonian Region. Although these areas evidently
do not fall within the area of natural distribution of the species in virtue of all
the cacao being cultivated the genetic resources contained in them are, by their
derivation, related to the varieties that occur in the Amazon Basin. The area of
cultivated cacao will be identified as the Amazon Extension Zone.
Soon after Francisco Pizarro conquered the Incas he sent Peranzures de
Campo Redondo to explore the land of the ‘Chunchos’ in the forests to the east
of the Andes. This expedition, which took place in 1538–1539, reported that on
one river a large quantity of cacao was encountered (see Patiño, 1963, p. 289).
This is the first account of cacao being found in the Amazonian Region.
Although Patiño (1963) refers to documents alluding to the existence of cacao
in the Amazon Basin during the century after the Spanish occupation the existence
of sizeable stands of cacao and the prospects for its commercial utilization did not
become generally known until 1639. In that year Father Cristobal d’Acuña
accompanied the expedition of Pedro Teixeira on its return journey from Quito to
Belém. In the report of his journey Acuña (1641) wrote about the magnitude of
the occurrence of cacao on the river in the following terms:
6 Chapter 1

The second product is the cacao of which the banks (of the river) are so full that
sometimes when tree-trunks were felled to make the camps for the troops very few
other trees were used besides those which produce this fruit so esteemed in New
Spain and the countries where the chocolate is known. This cacao is so profitable
that each tree gives an annual yield, discounting all expenses, of eight silver reals.
On this river the same kind of trees can be grown with great facility and the
minimum of skill because nature by itself ladens them with abundant quantities of
It would not only have been this report but the information given by Acuña
and Father Domingos Brieva, the expedition’s guide on its ascent of the river, to
their companions on the expedition that sparked off the rush to exploit the wealth
offered by harvesting the produce. Cacao then became the major contributor to
the economy of the Amazon Basin during a period that lasted for over 200 years.
The reason why the occurrence of the species in the Amazon Basin had
not been noticed previously can be attributed to the fact that the colonizers of
the river up to the year of the journey did not know the name ‘cacao’ given to
the plant in Central America. It would have been the presence of a person who
had been in Central America and knew the plant who would have been able to
connect the trees seen on the Amazon with those known as cacao in
Mesoamerica. Acuña probably would have known the cacao already being
cultivated on the coastal plains of Ecuador bordering the Pacific Ocean.
In the early accounts of the Amazon and adjacent regions, as well as the
Caribbean coast of South America, there are frequent references to the
occurrences of various fruits, and cacao would probably have been included in
this category where it occurred. The plant would have been known by the
different names applied by the indigenous tribes, as is still the case today. In
Central America the tribes descended from the original inhabitants also have
names for cacao that are specific to them.
Once the species had been identified as a producer of a commercial
product of potential value resulting from the growing demand for it in Europe
its exploitation in the Amazon got under way on a fairly large scale. The first
exploitation was based on harvesting the fruits from natural stands along the
river banks. This practice was followed for over 200 years and the volume of
the harvests that was exported was responsible for cacao being the major
foundation of the economy of the Amazon Region for many decades, until
supplanted by rubber in the late 19th century.
The details contained in reports of travellers in the Amazon Basin and data
regarding the cacao harvests are important sources of information concerning
the locations of the occurrences of natural stands of cacao. From these
documents it is also possible to obtain some ideas about the characteristics of
the cacao trees in these locations and the uses made by the indigenous
inhabitants of certain parts of the trees as well as the seeds.
One of the reasons why the European colonists of the Amazon did not
connect the species there with the Mesoamerican plants was the absence of
systematic cultivation and the use of the seeds for the same purposes. Several
writers have interpreted the absence of signs of domestication as indicating that
the Amazon Indians were not interested in cacao and had no use for it. The
Concepts and a Brief History 7

truth is that the contrary is the case. The Amazon aborigines, that is, the tribes
that existed at the time of the European invasion, would not have had a need
to cultivate a tree that occurred in some abundance. There is evidence that the
Indians did plant cacao near their villages and this practice is followed up to the
present time. The purpose of the trees grown near villages would have been to
provide material for the various social and other uses to which the plant parts
were put. There is also enough evidence to show that cacao seeds in the fresh
form were consumed as food by certain tribes who occupied areas in which the
species was plentiful.
Not many years passed before cultivation was taken up, particularly in the
areas in which the species was not found in the natural state, these extended
eastwards as far as near the mouth of the R. Amazon. The Jesuit missionaries
played an important role in the expansion of the species’ range through the
plantations they established. The cultivation systems adopted apparently
followed those in Mesoamerica that had been brought to Brazil by persons who
had visited Mexico and Central America.
About 1720, French explorers discovered substantial areas of cacao
beyond the headwaters of the R. Oiapoque in French Guiana and
neighbouring areas of Brazil. The first reports of the occurrence of the species
in the south of the Dutch Colonies of Essequibo and Demerara (in present day
Guyana) were made about 1760. Cacao has since been reported as occurring
in a spontaneous or sub-spontaneous state in other locations. All of these
belong to valleys that eventually drain into the R. Amazon or in areas on the
periphery of the Amazon Basin. In 1922 areas of what could be considered to
be natural stands of cacao were discovered in the south of Surinam, thus
completing the connection along the lands adjacent to the Amazon Basin
beyond its northern watershed. The details of these discoveries will be given in
the appropriate places in Chapter 5 when the cacao populations of the
respective areas will be described.
Few of the accounts relating to cacao in these regions give any information
regarding the nature of the plants that occur in the countries and areas
concerned. This lack of information does not allow an analysis to be made of
the diversity existing at any given time or place. The first person to observe
differences among the cacao varieties he encountered in the Circum-Caribbean
and Amazonian Regions was Alexander von Humboldt (1821). He described
the contrast between the types on the coast of Venezuela and those of the
upper Orinoco valley as follows:
The tree that produces the cacao is not at present found wild in the forests of Terra
Firma to the north of the Orinoco; we began to find it only beyond the cataracts of
Ature and Maypure. It abounds particularly near the banks of the Ventuari, and on
the Upper Orinoco, between the Padamo and the Gehette. This scarcity of wild
cacao trees in South America, north of the latitude of 6 degrees, is a very curious
phenomenon of botanical geography and yet little known. This phenomenon
appears the more surprising, as according to the annual produce of the harvest, the
number of trees in full bearing in the cacao plantations of Caracas, Nueva
Barcelona, Venezuela, Varinas and Maracaibo is estimated at more than 16 million.
The wild cacao tree has many branches, and is covered with tufted and dark
8 Chapter 1

foliage. It bears a very small fruit, like that variety which the ancient Mexicans call
‘thalcacahualtl’. Transported into the conucos of the Indians of Cassiquiare and the
Rio Negro, the wild tree preserves for several generations that force of vegetable life
which makes it bear fruit in the fourth year.

Secondary Areas of Cacao Diversity in the Americas

In addition to the two regions of the distribution of cacao that existed in the
Americas at the end of the 15th century and that can be considered to be the
sources of the genetic diversity of the species, several other areas have
developed. The germplasm established in these supplementary areas would be
derived from the intentional transfer of propagating material out of the
principal regions. The transfer of this material would have involved small
quantities, such as a single fruit or a few fruits and, possibly in rare cases, of
plants. The result would have been the creation of populations that, through
having small beginnings, developed with a small genetic base.
The oldest of these secondary populations is that occurring in the Pacific
littoral of Ecuador that probably had its origin in the cacao varieties native to
the eastern flanks of the Andes. After the discovery of cacao in the Amazon
Basin and its exploitation, germplasm was taken to other areas of Brazil. The
first was the area of tropical forest in the then ‘Capitania’ and later the State of
Maranhão. Various attempts were made to establish cacao in regions along the
coast and it is possible to find cacao planted in several places as far south as
the Tropic of Capricorn. However, the main area of cultivation developed in
the State of Bahia, resulting from various introductions made during a period
extending over 100 years from 1746, the year when, it is claimed, the first
planting took place in Bahia.
The varieties cultivated in the continental areas of the Circum-Caribbean
Region were also important sources of planting material in other territories.
Presumably, Jamaica was the first important beneficiary of such material, its
incipient cacao industry being established when the island was a Spanish
colony. The most likely source of this material would have been the indigenous
plantations along the coast of the Caribbean. However, histories of the island
written during the British occupation refer to cacao being introduced from
Other islands would also have received planting material of a similar kind
over a period of several centuries corresponding to the various attempts to
establish cacao plantations in these islands. The most important of the islands
was Trinidad, where cultivation appears to have begun soon after it became a
Spanish colony. During the Spanish occupation the island was geographically
and administratively connected with Venezuela and it would be logical to
suppose that the planting material used came from that country.
The establishment of cacao cultivation in the areas of the Reino de Nueva
Granada, which became the nation of Colombia, would have been based on
seed brought from the, presumably, original home of the Criollo variety
associated with the Lake Maracaibo region. A possible migration of cacao
Concepts and a Brief History 9

could be envisaged starting with the cultivation area of the upper Catatumbo
area, around the town of San Faustino. Cultivation would have spread to the
west, such as the area centred on San Vicente, then to the Magdalena valley
and to Antioquia, the Cauca valley and Tumaco.
However, the widespread habit in Antioquia of drinking a beverage made
from cacao, in a fashion similar to that in Mesoamerica, suggests a connection
between this part of Colombia and the Circum-Caribbean Region. This may
have occurred through the diffusion of customs and cacao through Panama
and the Atrato valley.
One area that merits special mention on account of its ‘indigenous’ cacao
population is that comprising the Province of Esmeraldas and the Department
of Nariño in Ecuador and Colombia, respectively. Although politically divided
these contiguous areas could be considered as being one cultural region and
they would share some common elements as regards the history of cacao
germplasm. The traditional cacao variety of Esmeraldas belongs to the Criollo
group and has been described by Preuss (1901). The earliest cacao cultivated
in Nariño would also have been similar but it is not known if any connection
exists between the varieties originally planted in both areas. The Nariño cacao
has been contaminated by the introduction of other varieties, making the
comparison difficult. The problem arises in determining whether this variety is
related to the ancient cacaos of the Pacific slopes of the Mesoamerican region
or whether it derives from migration from the Maracaibo region. Other
connections are possible, consideration of which will be made in the
appropriate account of the variety. This region is of interest because of the use
made of the fruits of Theobroma gileri, a species that may be endemic to this
region, and which possesses some traits that are similar to those of cacao.
Patiño (1963), who made a compilation of the documentation relating to
cacao in the various countries of the New World, provides a great deal of
important and valuable detail fundamental to an understanding of the history
of the species in its natural distribution range. Although it is the most valuable
source of documentary evidence its scope is limited to the documents and
publications available to the author when he undertook the review of the
literature. Since the subject matter is divided according to modern political
divisions, the threads that bind together the components of the regions in terms
of their cacao diversity are obscured. Also, the treatment of Brazil is scanty, in
terms of its size and importance, but this reflects the author’s inability to consult
the source literature.
One of the failings of a review of the literature is the absence of
descriptions based on personal observations. One work that goes some
distance to filling this lack, as it concerns comparative observations made in
several cultivated populations, is that of Preuss (1901).

Cultivated Populations in the Old World and Their Origins

Nearly all of the tropical regions in the Old World, which possess environments
that are similar to those of the original habitats of cacao, have, at one time or
10 Chapter 1

another, experimented with the introduction and cultivation of the crop. The
history of cacao in these regions, involving as it does a large number of political
and geographical entities and varied circumstances, would be difficult to
describe in the space available. Each of these entities has its own history of
cacao introduction and development of cultivation. The populations that have
evolved all have their origins in germplasm introduced from its primary
sources. Some of these are quite distinct. However, the vast majority of Old
World producing countries owe their existing germplasm to introductions,
either from the same primary source or from other Old World countries.
Consequently, as will be concluded, the genetic bases are similar but the
composition of the populations that evolved varies according to the success or
failure of establishing specific genotypes belonging to the introductions. Artificial
selection, such as that emphasizing certain varieties on account of their qualities,
would also influence the composition of the surviving germplasm.
It is necessary to emphasize that the transport of planting material to the
Old World would have involved small quantities, primarily in the form of fruits
and seeds in the same way as was described for the secondary areas of
cultivation in the New World. Therefore, the genetic base of the populations of
each country would be an insignificant sample of the germplasm that existed in
the source country at the time the introduction was made. When selected
varieties were involved in germplasm movement the genetic base would have
been even more restricted in composition.
The first recorded migration of cacao from its New World habitat appears
to be the arrival in the Philippines in 1666 of a single plant. The probable
origin of this plant would have been located in the valleys where the crop was
cultivated southeast of Acapulco, the port from which the Manila galleons
sailed for Asia. Other sources have claimed that cacao was first established in
the Celebes or the Sunda Islands. In the absence of any concrete evidence to
support the claim, the most likely means of transport would have been the
Manila galleons, as they regularly carried cacao to prepare the chocolate
consumed by the crews. The possibility of an earlier, undocumented, shipment
cannot be ruled out.
From the Philippines the crop was probably carried westwards in various
stages to the Indonesian archipelago, the Malay Peninsula, South India, Ceylon
(Sri Lanka) and other Indian Ocean islands. The presence of cacao in the
Pamplemousses Garden on Mauritius was noted in the late 17th century, that
is, not long after cacao was established in the Philippines. In the absence of the
facts of the introduction to Mauritius other origins of the plant could be
considered, but seem unlikely.
The first recorded movement of cacao belonging to the Amazonian Region
populations took place in 1822. This resulted in the establishment of 30 plants
on the island of Príncipe. These plants were also the first known introduction of
the crop to the African continent. While cultivation on Príncipe was being
expanded, cacao from this island was established on the neighbouring island of
São Tomé. This development accompanied the increasing demand for the raw
product so that the neighbouring European colonies on the West African coast
began to be interested in the crop and in due course the variety that had been
Concepts and a Brief History 11

introduced from Brazil was being planted in most of the countries. The variety,
on account of its adopted home in São Tomé, was there known as ‘São Tomé
Creolou’, a name given, not because of the variety being native to the island,
but to distinguish it from other varieties that had been introduced subsequently.
This variety constituted the large majority of the cacao trees grown in the
other West African countries, because of which it began to be known as ‘West
African Amelonado’. The variety was later transported to other colonies of the
same powers. In view of the fact that the West African countries became the
largest producers of cocoa and its cultivation was adopted in other parts of the
globe it constituted the variety of leading importance in world cacao
production for many decades. It is still important in the context of the
improvement of the species.

Evolution of the Activities Related to the Development of Genetic

Resources Conservation

The first introduction of a variety from the Amazonian Region to a potential

producer in the Circum-Caribbean Region was made about 1660. However,
the introduction from the Amazonian Region to Trinidad in 1757 should be
considered to have had a larger effect on development of the cultivated
varieties. Hybridization between the two varieties and recombination during
the succeeding generations created an extremely heterogeneous population
with a vast range of phenotypes.
The origins of a serious interest in the variability exhibited in the
heterogeneous population may be attributed to the establishment, on the island
of Trinidad in about 1870, of the first collection of genotypes that were
considered to represent the ‘varieties’ that were identified within the
population. This collection had an important influence on cacao development
far beyond the confines of the island, since it was the planting material supplied
from this collection that contributed to cultivation in the Old World. The last
decades of the 19th century and first decades of the 20th century were marked
by an enormous activity in the exchange of planting material between the older
producing countries. The result was the creation of new genetic variability
through hybridization and subsequent recombination during succeeding
During the subsequent decades, accompanied by the establishment and
development of research activities related to genetic improvement, mainly
stimulated by work in Trinidad, additional varieties were added and
increasingly greater information became available from cacao populations in
other countries. Although such activities were conducted on a relatively small
scale they did make important contributions to the development of knowledge
about the phenotypic and genotypic differences within and between varieties
from different origins. The early years of the 20th century were important in
establishing that the genetic variability that the species possessed was essential
for variety improvement and that this variability could be harnessed for the
development of superior cultivars. The interest in cultivar improvement was
12 Chapter 1

accompanied by the development of methods of vegetative propagation in a

species that had, hitherto, been propagated by seed.
At the same time that methods of vegetative propagation were being
developed, programmes of individual tree selection were initiated, first in Trinidad
and Java and later adopted in other countries, particularly in Latin America.
During the 30 years following the example of Trinidad several countries had
established clones from the selections made in the local populations and the
aggregations of these formed the first germplasm collections. Later the idea was
put forward to exchange the selections among the countries and this resulted in
the formation of collections with a wider range of diversity.
However, it was not until the 1930s that information became available
about the diversity that existed in the Amazon valley. The results of collections
made at that time gave an impetus to interest in conserving and utilizing
(particularly with regard to disease resistance) the genetic diversity of this large
region. Subsequently, various activities that were concerned with collecting and
conserving the germplasm that occurs in the individual countries were
undertaken. The first of such activities was carried out in the late 1940s, during
which time a few collections were made in the Amazonian area of Ecuador.
Activities of this kind started later in Brazil. The first collecting activity made
in the Brazilian Amazon took place in 1965 and collecting continued
sporadically on a small scale during the next 5 years. In 1976 a programme
designed to survey the entire territory was initiated. The objective of the
programme was to undertake systematic collections in the various drainage
systems and was carried out between 1979 and 1987. In total these activities
resulted in the establishment of the large number of genotypes that were
acquired in a network of collections that embrace the largest collection of
diversity in the world.
The last half of the 20th century has seen much of the large pool of
diversity that exists in the region becoming available for research. The stimulus
and motivation for conducting germplasm conservation programmes has been
due in part to the pressure on the natural habitats of the species by human
factors responsible for development and population growth. During the course
of these programmes, experience has been accumulated regarding the
management of germplasm collections. The need for undertaking the
characterization and description of the individual accessions at all levels of the
genetic resources programmes was accepted. In order to provide a guide for
persons involved in the descriptions of the characteristics of the genotypes a
comprehensive descriptor list was created in 1979, in which the characteristics
are presented in a logical order.
As a result of these activities it has become an established fact that the
Amazonian Region is the storehouse of virtually all of the diversity of the species.
The scale of diversity and the state of availability of information about it are such
that no single person has a conception of the total range of the genetic variability
that the species contains. In view of this situation it becomes necessary to attempt
to gather together as much as is known about how the diversity is constituted and
its nature in order to provide the users of the genetic variability with a wider
conception of the subject than has hitherto been at their disposal. Because of the
Concepts and a Brief History 13

limitations and space, this large subject cannot be treated in its entirety. The most
that can be done in the circumstances is to present as much of an overview as
possible, which would be of benefit to persons with an interest in the subject and
with the need to utilize the germplasm for various purposes.
In this way, it cannot be claimed that we have reached the stage at which
we possess a comprehensive knowledge about the species’ genetic diversity.
Documents such as travellers’ reports and official reports and herbarium
specimens provide information that shows that many areas remain to be
explored. In the regions of natural dispersion there is a strong imbalance with
regard to the efforts expended by the countries concerned in germplasm
conservation. Even in the countries in which most collecting and conservation
has taken place it is not possible, for physical and other reasons, to sample all
of the variability that exists in a given location, especially where the population
is large and heterogeneous. Although conservation of the diversity has
proceeded to the stage where the genotypes have been established in the field,
these have later been lost because of a variety of reasons.
The state of availability of information is also far from complete and
probably unsatisfactory. The nature of the species is a factor that makes
characterization and evaluation a slow and usually costly business. In addition
to the species being a perennial tree development of plants can often be slow
so that time is required before characterization can be undertaken. The various
organs of the plants are produced in stages and during separate seasons
requiring that the plants be kept under observation for several years in order to
obtain the information necessary for the complete characterization of their
attributes. In the majority of circumstances, although the germplasm has been
collected and established, observations have not been made because of the
inadequate conditions for conducting the research that usually are the rule.
This applies particularly to the observations that would be made in the field.
There are accessions that derive from collecting activities carried out 20, and
perhaps, 50 years ago, about which we still know little or nothing of the
characteristics and utility of the genotypes represented in these collections.
2 The Terminology Specific to

One of the features that is special about Theobroma cacao that a person who is
connected with the species needs to understand is the nomenclature that has
evolved during the history of its cultivation. This specifically applies to all
aspects concerning names of plant parts and varieties. Most of the terms that
are frequently encountered in the literature of the species are Spanish in origin,
some of which derive from the first contacts the conquerors had with the
countries in which the crop was cultivated at the time of the conquest. Most of
the countries in which cultivation was practised were under Spanish rule during
the greater part of the past 500 years and Spanish is still the language of most
of the producing countries in Latin America. In many cases the Spaniards
applied to the various American plants and their parts terms that derived from
their similarities to those of plants with which they were familiar in Spain.
Accordingly, the original meanings of several of the terms used in connection
with cacao must be sought for in the common Spanish vernacular. Some of
these have undergone alterations when applied in countries where other
languages are spoken in order to conform to the pronunciation or spelling used
in those countries. There are, of course, cases in which the words are directly
translated into the languages used in other countries.
The most important terms used presumably can be attributed to their
origin in Trinidad where the crop was cultivated when the island was a colony
of Spain. However, there are expressions used relating to cacao that may be
specific to some Mesoamerican countries and regions as well as to other major
producers, such as Venezuela. These expressions may be encountered in
publications from the countries concerned.

The Common Name of the Species

The word ‘cacao’ is accepted as being a Spanish corruption of the Nahuatl
name for the plant and its product. This entered the vocabulary almost as soon

© B.G.D. Bartley 2005. The Genetic Diversity of Cacao and its Utilization
14 (Basil G.D. Bartley)
Terminology Specific to Cacao 15

as the Mesoamerican region had been subjugated. It continues to be the name

used in all of the languages in the countries of the American continent. (In
Brazil the word Cacáo, which should be the correct spelling of the name, was
used until at least the end of the 19th century, although the modern spelling is
cacau.) Cacao is, of course, used in the specific name of the botanical
combination attributed to Linnaeus.
At some time in the past the word ‘cocoa’ entered the English language,
generally accepted to have been a mistake. However, the term has been
adopted, unfortunately, in English-speaking countries as a name for the crop
and also occurs in titles of various organizations. When the word ‘cocoa’ was
introduced it was considered to be inappropriate, especially since it was
confused with similar names of other plants. Since the word ‘cocoa’ had
already become common in trade and industrial contexts, the policy was
adopted by the early research workers of using cacao with reference to the
plant and cocoa where the commercial product is concerned.
Since my personal preference is to use a terminology that is universally
practised, the word cacao will be entirely used in this book, with the exception
of quotations and titles in which ‘cocoa’ occurs.

Plant Parts

It is possible to find various descriptive words used locally in several of the

producing countries for organs of the plants that are most distinctive. Most of
these terms are of Spanish, Portuguese or French origin. Few of them perhaps
have entered into cacao literature in English except in occasional travellers’
reports or botanical descriptions. Among the most important terms that can be
found universally is the Spanish word ‘horqueta’ or in its corrupted form
‘jorquette’ (again derived from Trinidad and/or Venezuela). This name is given
to the whorl of plagiotropic branches that are produced at the end of an
orthotropic stem. ‘Horqueta’ translates as the fork or crotch of a tree but there
does not appear to be an English or botanical equivalent for the particular
morphological character in cacao.
In English usage the word ‘pod’ is applied to the fruit. In old documents
other words of similar implication can be found such as ‘cod’ or ‘purse’.
However, the word ‘pod’ is the incorrect botanical term for the fruit. For this
reason, and to use a term applicable in all circumstances, the word ‘fruit’ is
preferred. The fruit is known by other names in various countries, for example,
‘mazorca’ is the term most commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries.
Following from the use of ‘pod’ for the fruit, the seed has been called a ‘bean’.
Since this, again, does not define correctly the type of seed it will be avoided in this
account. In the past the seed was also called an ‘almond’ (Spanish – Almendra,
Portuguese – Amendôa) from its resemblance to the seed of that species.
In order to establish definite, unambiguous terms for the respective parts
and to conform to the practice in industry, the words ‘husk’ and ‘shell’ will be
used, respectively, to denote the outer covering of the fruit and the dried testa
(covering) of the seed.
16 Chapter 2

Names Used in Relation to Cacao Varieties

It is in this area that words derived from Spanish predominate, but not
exclusively. The manner in which these terms are applied can be extremely
confusing since there are no exact definitions as to what they mean. The result
is that these terms are applied differently by various persons and in a variety of
circumstances. On account of this lack of definition the same variety type can
receive two different names or the same name is applied to different genotypes
that are usually distinct in most of their other characteristics. The several ways
in which the various terms are applied have been used to construct hierarchical
classifications of ‘varieties’ or ‘populations’. It will be seen that, when the
geographical origins, genetic constitutions and relationships of the genotypes
are considered, there is no justification for maintaining these terms and
Many of the difficulties encountered in interpreting such classifications and
variety descriptions are the result of the applications of knowledge derived from
the small range of diversity that was available to the early writers on the subject
or to certain observers. The terminology adapted during the early period does
not apply to the much larger range of diversity that is currently at our disposal
and in the context of the enhanced knowledge concerning the genetics of the
The fruit of cacao is the part of the tree that is most usually visible and it,
together with its component parts, is most closely connected with the
commercial product. As a consequence, it has been customary to use the fruit
characters to indicate differences between trees and thus most of the names
adopted to describe cacao varietal types and populations are based on the fruit
characters. These are usually Spanish words, frequently relating the fruit types
to those of other species of plants. Other terminology applied to fruit characters
has been based on botanical terms or with the intention of establishing a
botanical classification for the diversity.
There are several instances involving the attribution of ‘taxonomic’ epithets
to distinctive types of plants that have attracted attention, many of these being
based on the fruit characters. In this context it should be observed that the
accepted ending for taxonomic names in the genus Theobroma, at species or
sub-species levels, is the neuter form -um and not the feminine form -a. For
reasons of correctness and uniformity, the ending -um will be used throughout
the book even though the feminine form may have been given in the original
applications of the names concerned and repeated in the literature.
The unsatisfactory state of affairs relating to the classification of genetic
resources requires that a rational system must be developed in which the
genotypic distinctions are clearly defined and universally applicable. In the
following sections an attempt will be made to explain the meanings of the terms
that have been and are currently used.
There are two words derived from Spanish that are basic to any discussion
of variety types and the classifications that have been proposed in the past.
These words are ‘Criollo’ and ‘Forastero’ and they appear frequently in the
Terminology Specific to Cacao 17

‘Criollo’ is translated as ‘native’. It can be used in a variety of

circumstances to distinguish the cacao types that existed, or exist, in a given
geographical location or region from the varieties that have been introduced
from other regions. As a result, the word can have different meanings in
connection with variety identification according to the circumstances in which a
particular variety occurs. It is used in the original form or translated into the
equivalent words in other languages in the indigenous distribution range,
Portuguese Creoulo, French Créole. The word is also applied to the first variety
cultivated in a geographical unit outside the indigenous range of the species to
distinguish it from later introductions, e.g. Guadeloupe Créole. The variety of
ways in which the word ‘Criollo’, or equivalents, can be employed is a source
of much confusion to persons who lack a proper perception of the variety
situation in the species.
For this reason it is necessary to establish a specific definition for the
genetic type to which the word is normally applied and referred to in
classifications. This use of ‘Criollo’ as a variety name may have originated in
Trinidad to distinguish the variety that had been exclusively cultivated there
from the variety introduced from the Amazon Basin in 1757. As will be
explained later, the first variety cultivated in Trinidad probably derived from the
populations of cacao that had been brought into cultivation in northern
Venezuela. In view of this genetic association it became permissible to include
the Venezuelan types under the same generic name of ‘Criollo’. As an
extension to this use and the fact that the ancient or classic varieties cultivated
in Mesoamerica possessed similar characteristics it became the practice to
include them in the term ‘Criollo’. The name could also be extended to include
the varieties cultivated in other areas of South and Central America that were
descendants of the above varieties.
In recognition of the similarities expressed by the diverse populations to
which the word ‘Criollo’ has been applied historically when referring to cacao
varieties it is proposed to continue this practice and, accordingly, apply the
term in the text in the form of Criollo. However, it must be appreciated that the
diversity covered by the term could comprise local and regional variations in
respect of one or several characters. Some of these variations are given specific
names that will be described below. In applying the term, Cheesman’s (1944)
proposal will be followed in that we should consider the existence of a group of
varieties to which the term Criollo is applied and not to establish a hard and
fast definition of the term. In this way it will be sufficient to give names to each
of the various populations belonging to the Criollo group, when it is
appropriate to do so.
The word ‘Forastero’ signifies foreign, that is, a variety not connected with
the indigenous (or first cultivated) variety of a region. It could be assumed that
the name was first applied to the variety that was introduced into Trinidad from
the Amazon Basin in 1757. However, this particular variety was given the
name ‘Calabacillo’ (= Little Calabash) with reference to the shape and size of
the fruit. The term ‘Forastero’ began to be used as a name for the mixture of
types that segregated in the generations following hybridization of ‘Calabacillo’
with the original ‘Criollo’. From Hart’s description of ‘Forastero’ in Bailey
18 Chapter 2

(1947) it is abundantly clear that the name was applied to the hybrid forms. (It
could be added that some authors have spelled the term as ‘Forestero’
assuming that it means ‘from the forest’.)
Following the attempts to produce a rational classification of the diversity
that developed in the Trinidad population as well as those of other Caribbean
island growers, ‘Forastero’ was applied to any type that could not be identified
as belonging to the Criollo group as defined at the time. In this way ‘Forastero’
came to be used to cover all of the variability that existed in the Amazon Basin.
As will be apparent from the descriptions of the cacao varieties indigenous to the
Amazon Basin no single term could cover all of the diverse forms that occur.
Although Forastero would be a suitable term to apply in countries outside the
Amazonian Region to genotypes from the region it is unacceptable that the word
would apply to varieties that would be native (and, therefore, Criollo) to the
Region. Hence, it is considered that the word Forastero having this implication
in variety nomenclature is inadmissible and will not be used in this book.
The names applied to local variations in the Criollo group are often of a
descriptive nature, usually referring to fruit characters. The most noteworthy of
these names are ‘Porcelana’ and ‘Pentagona’, which will be defined in the
appropriate place when the indicators of variability are treated. Regional names
also occur, such as ‘Caracas’ and ‘Soconusco’, but as these names were applied
to populations that formed part of a wider distribution of the same varieties
they cannot be considered to be variety names and should be confined to their
use for identifying the origins of commercial cacao.
It is obvious that the concept of the name ‘Forastero’ as used in the early
literature relating to cacao varieties in Trinidad was inadequately defined and
was applied to several genotypes or groups of them in a haphazard manner. In
fact, no established system of names existed and, as Preuss (1901) observed at
the time of his visit to Trinidad, no two persons agreed on the names of
‘varieties’. Some of the published accounts of cacao in Trinidad dating from
about the beginning of the 20th century do not use ‘Forastero’ in connection
with variety names.
In several publications, especially those relating to specific populations, the
words ‘Angoleta’ and ‘Cundeamor’ occur. Normally, they would be applied to
individuals belonging to Criollo populations or descendants of their hybrids.
Both names concern fruits of an elongate shape, the difference being that a
‘Cundeamor’ fruit, as the term is presently applied, has a basal constriction
(bottle-neck) and a rough surface, while the ‘Angoleta’ fruits have a broad
base. Often the distinction is slight and, in some trees, the form of the base of
the fruits can vary to such an extent that even the most ardent supporters of
these names cannot determine the class to which a particular tree belongs. In
addition, these terms cannot be applied universally to all of the genotypes with
elongate fruits that occur in the universe of the species’ diversity as the various
illustrations in this book attest. Accordingly, these words, along with Forastero,
will be ignored unless used in quotations.
Cundeamor is the name given to a vine-like plant belonging to the
Cucurbitaceae, the fruits of which are small with a rough surface. Some
observers are of the opinion that the current application of the name is wrong.
Terminology Specific to Cacao 19

The fruit type called ‘Cundeamor’ in the Dominican Republic is illustrated

in Ciferri (1929, 1933), from which it can be seen that it differs from the current
Other adjectives associated with variety names include those relating to
fruit colour, basically involving shades of greens and reds, where unripe fruits
are concerned. The practice of distinguishing the fruits with red colour has been
particularly prominent, which means that such ‘varieties’ received epithets that
included the word ‘red’ or its synonyms in other languages; e.g. colorado, rojo,
roxo, vermelho, morado. ‘Green’ appears to be less frequently used in this
context and, if so, it is usually in combinations with the Spanish form verde
(e.g. ‘verdilico’). The Spanish blanco (= white) may be found applied to light
shades of green. The colours of the ripe fruits are usually shades of yellow and
names of types having ‘green’, unripe fruits may also include the adjective
‘yellow’ or ‘amarillo’ to distinguish them from the otherwise similar variants
with red fruits. Presumably, the name ‘Golden Caracas’, given to a variety
grown in Guyana, applied to trees with green fruits.
The large range of expressions of fruit shapes and other characters has
resulted in the application of a diversity of descriptive names to distinguish
between the forms. These names are, again, mostly derived from Spanish
equivalents and have entered into the process of variety nomenclature. The
origins and the meanings of these terms will be discussed in greater detail in
Chapter 3.
The emphasis placed on fruit characters results in the vernacular names of
fruit shapes being treated as variety names, a practice that is not always
justified on the basis of the genetic composition of the genotypes to which the
name is applied. It has, unfortunately, become a practice, in certain circles, to
use the word ‘Amelonado’ (given due to a similarity to the shape of melons) as
the name of a population or variety. In this context, genotypes possessing fruits
of the same appearance are attributed indiscriminately, regardless of their
origins and genetic composition, as though they are descended from the same
The use of such terminology in the names of varieties is acceptable when
they refer to specific genotypes or varieties and when they are components of a
name that includes another identifier that distinguishes them on the basis of the
specific attribute possessed by each. Even combinations of terms in names can
result in inaccurate and ambiguous nomenclature. For example, the type
introduced into Trinidad from Brazil and named ‘Red Amelonado’ is by no
means the same as the ‘Amelonado Roxo’ (= ‘Red Amelonado’) of São Tomé
(depicted in Plate 7b). In each case in which the name, or its variants, has been
applied, it identifies a specific element of the diversity and not as a general
identifier as erroneously supposed.
Bernoulli (1869), in an attempt at developing a classification of
Theobroma, proposed several ‘sub-specific’ combinations within Theobroma
cacao based on the occurrence of distinctive fruit types within the Criollo
population that was cultivated in Guatemala at the time. These ‘subspecies’
were given the names Pentagonum, describing the distinctive five-ribbed fruit
and Leiocarpum applied to fruits with smooth husks that had no prominent
20 Chapter 2

ridges. Neither of these names could be acceptable as variety names in their

own right, as will be explained in subsequent chapters, unless they form part of
a name in which a specific component is included that describes the origin or
relationship of the genotype concerned.
Since the term ‘Leiocarpum’ describes smooth fruits a tendency arose to
attribute this name to varieties from other populations, the fruit husks of which
are also smooth (or nearly so). Among the varieties to which the name
‘Leiocarpum’ began to be attached was the Calabacillo of the West Indies
(which would perhaps be called Amelonado according to other definitions of
these terms). The indiscriminate use of the word ‘Leiocarpum’ for genotypes
from the Amazonian Region populations or hybrids is invalid because the
name proposed by Bernoulli was originally based on the Criollo varieties he
studied. The name Leiocarpum has generally fallen out of use but occurs in the
literature, for which reason it is necessary to explain its application.
Another name that is applied to fruits with smooth surfaces is ‘Porcelaine’,
normally associated with former Dutch colonies. The term used in this context
should not be confused with the similar name ‘Porcelana’ although the
meaning is the same, since the ‘Porcelaine’ of Suriname applied to a variety
from the Amazon Basin. However, the name ‘Java Porcelaine’ was given to a
Criollo type on that island.
A ‘taxonomic’ name that was introduced and has caused a great deal of
confusion through the improper use not connected with the initial application is
the word ‘Sphaerocarpum’ (= spherical fruit). The term was proposed by
Chevalier (1908) for a type he encountered on São Tomé with spherical fruits
(locally named ‘laranja’ = orange), which is depicted in Plate 7c. Later, in his
revision of the genus Theobroma, Cuatrecasas (1964) proposed creating a sub-
specific form of cacao called Sphaerocarpum, under which all cacao occurring
in the Amazonian Region would be placed. Such a practice is unacceptable
but, unfortunately, has been adopted by some. In the first place, there is no
botanical basis for the proposed classification since the genotypes of the
Amazon Basin embrace a large range of fruit shapes and it is a fallacy to
assume that the typical fruit of the region has a spherical, or almost spherical,
shape. In fact, the type illustrated in Cuatrecasas (1964) as a representative of
his subspecies sphaerocarpum type is anything but spherical in shape. The
Herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew in England has specimens of
dried fruits from São Tomé (Lima e Gama, 1911). These are perfectly spherical
and undoubtedly represent the ‘Laranja’ mutation. These specimens are
identified as ‘Caracas’. This indicates that the mutation would have occurred in
the Criollo variety introduced into the island, a conclusion confirmed by the
fact that red fruits occur, such as those of the tree in Plate 7c. Although
Cuatrecasas would have seen these specimens he ignored the connection with
Criollo when he created the subspecies sphaerocarpum to designate the
Amazonian varieties that have entirely green fruits. Consequently, it is
necessary to ignore Cuatrecasas’ proposed classification.
Local and regional names abound in cacao. One of the more important
sources of such names is Trinidad. At the Botanic Garden in Port-of-Spain a
collection of ‘named’ varieties was established in the late 19th century. The
Terminology Specific to Cacao 21

creation of the collection has some significance since seed from these ‘varieties’
was sent to countries such as Fiji, Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and Singapore and the
names may still be encountered in these places. The names applied to the
‘varieties’ are of interest in connection with nomenclature. They include:
‘Cundeamor’ (of different types) and ‘Criollo’ under the name ‘Ochroe’ with
red fruits. (‘Ochroe’ is the Trinidad equivalent of okra Hibiscus esculentus,
which suggests that the name was applied to a narrow elongate fruit with
prominent ridges.) Other names are ‘Forastero’ – red; ‘Cayenne’ – red and
yellow (small, elongate, perhaps having a smooth surface); ‘Verdilico’ – green
(perhaps correctly ‘Verde Liso’ = green/smooth); ‘Sangre Toro’ (= bull’s blood,
but this is ambiguous since the list has ‘only green’). Perhaps ‘Sangre Toro’
implies a name for something else, with a less ‘genteel’ association, for
example, being confused with the name ‘Cojón de Toro’ (= bull’s testicle).
The three types under the name Cundeamor include one whose fruits had
a smooth surface and another with a broad shoulder. Both of these diverge
from the present concept of the name and show that the concept that existed in
1880 was very different to that applied during the past decades. From the
separation of varieties in the groups called Cundeamor and Forastero it is
evident that these names referred to different types.
Although no accurate descriptions of the types in the Trinidad Botanic
Garden collection have been found, the details accompanying the variety
names permit some comparison to be made with types still existing in Trinidad.
The Trinidad Botanic Gardens’ reports refer to a set of paintings of the fruits of
these ‘varieties’, which had been made and kept for exhibition. Discovery of
the whereabouts of these paintings would provide a means of defining the
characteristics of the types concerned.
Later, another collection of Trinidad ‘varieties’ was made involving 18
named types. Planting material from them was supplied from this collection to
neighbouring countries. The 18 ‘varieties’ included ten Forastero of various
fruit colours. Four of these were ‘verrugosa’ (rough husk) and two were
‘Amelonado’. This demonstrates the large range of variability that occurred
within the concept of Forastero. Three of the other types were called ‘Creole’
but two of these types were described as ‘smooth’, which may indicate a
similarity to some of the Chuao population or that they did not belong to the
Criollo group. There is only one Cundeamor, there being no hint as to its
The differences in the names used in the two lists are symptomatic of the
confused state of nomenclature that existed. Various attempts at classifying this
variability were attempted. At that stage no consideration was given to the
origins of the Trinidad cacao populations. Also, since the subject of inheritance
was unknown, the genetics of the characters that distinguished the varieties
could not be applied in the development of classifications. Morris (1887) made
the first attempt to classify the cacao varieties in Trinidad and this influenced
the variety nomenclature followed by several authors. Cheesman (1944)
proposed an extended classification that included the Amazonian Region types
that had been added to the existing germplasm in Trinidad. It was in this
classification that the Amazonian varieties were included in the Forastero class.
22 Chapter 2

As will be described in Chapter 6, the introduction into Venezuela in the

1830s of planting material from Trinidad brought about a change in the
composition of the cacao populations in certain parts of that country, where the
cultivated types had exclusively belonged to the Criollo group. Either the
introduced types or the progenies descended from hybridization began to be
distinguished and given names.
Preuss (1901) provided an account of the names applied to different fruit
types under the general title of ‘Carúpano’ (the region closest to Trinidad where
the introduction process presumably started). The names are sufficiently
descriptive to enable some comparison to be made to the Trinidad varieties but
few of them have any significance as they do not appear in the literature and
may have fallen out of use. Perhaps one Venezuelan name is of interest since it
occurs in later literature. This is ‘Cojón de Toro’, which is somewhat descriptive
of the fruit shape that corresponds to the ‘Calabacillo’ named above. Another
name current in (parts of) Venezuela is ‘Legón’, which may be the same variety
or something related to it.
Another name that probably arose in Venezuela is ‘Trinitario’. Presumably
this name was applied to material introduced from Trinidad. Pittier (see
Schnee, 1960) reported that the word was used to designate the type planted
in eastern Venezuela, which would correspond to the original ‘Calabacillo’ of
Trinidad. A tree of this type in the Barlovento region of Venezuela is illustrated
in Plate 26c.
In the course of time the word ‘Trinitario’ came to designate the various
elements of the Trinidad populations, which could not be identified as Criollo
or any type recognizable as being of Amazon origin. In other words, the term
covers all of the products of hybridization and recombination through various
generations. In this sense it has the same connotation that ‘Forastero’ had
In some senses ‘Trinitario’ may be a valid designation for the components
of the diversity of phenotypic types of the Trinidad population prior to the more
recent introductions. Through the common parentage the offspring of planting
material that was supplied from Trinidad to several producing countries, in the
New World as well as the Old World, would also be included.
However, an unfortunate tendency has developed to label as ‘Trinitario’ all
genotypes of hybrid origin regardless of parentage and other genotypes that are
not attributable to other variety categories. In other words, the term is used as a
sort of mental waste bin for unclassifiable material. This policy is inappropriate
in that the expression is used to include varieties that are not related in any way
to the genotypes from which the Trinidad population evolved.
Among the regions in which specific variety or population names evolved
is the cacao area on the Pacific coast of Ecuador. In times past the cacao of the
region – at least in other countries – was identified as ‘Guayaquil’. Following
the introduction of other germplasm from about 1890 the name ‘Nacional’
came to be used to distinguish the indigenous varieties from the introductions
to which the name ‘Venezolano’ is usually applied. However, some farmers use
the term ‘Criollo’ for the indigenous varieties. Another term associated with the
Ecuadorian population is Arriba. Arriba is a Spanish word meaning ‘above’
Terminology Specific to Cacao 23

and refers to the region ‘above’ (north of) the part of Guayaquil. It is
synonymous with the area marked as ‘Guayas Basin’ on the map in Fig. 5. It is
a name used in the trade to distinguish the product of the region from those of
other areas in Ecuador. The variety concerned would have been the traditional
‘Guayaquil’ or ‘Nacional’, but Arriba is not a variety name.
In Jamaica at the beginning of the 20th century several names appear to
have been used for different varieties but it is probable that they are no longer
used. These names were given by Morris (1887) but no descriptions
accompany the list. The incorporation of the word ‘Spanish’ in some names
indicates that they identify descendants of the Criollo types cultivated during
the Spanish period. ‘San Domingo’ was given to another variety. This would
have been the ‘Amelonado’ type introduced from Haiti by the French settlers
who fled the country during the revolution of 1804.
In Brazil variety designations are not common and in rare cases names that
were applied to specific types can be found in the districts of the middle
Amazon where cacao is cultivated. The few references on the subject, such as
Le Cointe (1934), recognize two extreme types of the spectrum of diversity
based on fruit shapes. One was called ‘Jacaré’ (= Alligator) on account of the
elongate fruit with a rough husk. This name is equivalent to the ‘Lagarto’
(translated as ‘Alligator’) of Central America, where it is applied to the fruit of
the ‘Pentagonum’ with its knobby surface. Preuss’ (1901) description of the
cacao in Nicaragua suggests that the word ‘Lagarto’ was applied to any fruit
with a very rough surface. In the two regions the allusion to ‘Alligator’ implies a
similarity to the appearance of the fruits but by no means that the trees belong
to the same genetic population.
At this point the use by Pound (1938) of the term ‘lagarta’ for descriptions
of fruit shapes could be mentioned. It this context the word has no relation to
the Criollo ‘Lagarta’. His use is rather ambiguous and, as described in Chapter
5, the term was applied to elongate fruits regardless of the roughness of the
Another type in the range of fruit shapes referred to by Le Cointe (1934)
was called ‘Cabacinho’, which is the same as ‘Calabacillo’ and the name could
be applied to some of the varieties in the State of Bahia.
The other types introduced into Bahia and elsewhere from the Amazon
were distinguished according to the respective introductions. In Bahia they
were named ‘Comum’ (= common or usual) or from their origins ‘Para’ and
‘Maranhão’. The origins and characteristics of these types will be described
more fully in Chapter 6.
In Mexico (and, in the absence of indications as to the occurrence of such
varieties, these names may apply to other Central American countries) the
names ‘Guayaquil’ (descended from seed introduced from Ecuador) and
‘Ceilán’ or ‘Ceylán’ are found. Although the latter are described as being
cultivated no satisfactory definition has been found to enable the type to be
identified in relation to the other germplasm.
With regard to the varieties exported from the Amazon prior to the 19th
century the name ‘Martinique Créole’ was used, as previously mentioned, to
distinguish the first variety introduced into that island from the later introductions.
24 Chapter 2

In this volume this name will be retained to distinguish the variety concerned
from the Trinidad ‘Calabacillo’. As suggested later the ‘Martinique Créole’ was
probably the ancestor of the Amazonian type that is found in Costa Rica, to
which the name ‘Matina’ is given (name of place). A similar variety that was
introduced to Colombia in about 1890 is known there as ‘Pajarito’ (= little bird),
which may have been the same as the Trinidad ‘Calabacillo’; apparently, the
name was given on account of the small seeds.
The extent of the possible variety names, based on geographical, personal
and descriptive designations, is limitless but the above are those that are more
common in the literature and could be referred to in the text. However, a
number of distinct types have arisen in various populations and have received
designations based on the specific characters expressed in each genotype. Such
types include ‘Jaca’ (leaves resembling those of jackfruit), ‘Crinkled-leaf Dwarf ’
(leaf abnormality) and ‘Maracujá’ (flowers without staminodes, resulting from
their supposed similarity to the flowers of passion fruit; Plate 8c). There are
numerous other designations derived from location and personal names.
In addition to some cases of place names, usually found in abbreviated
forms, proper nouns are rare as variety names. A few examples of these are
‘Catongo’, ‘Almeida’ and ‘Mocorongo’, all three genotypes possessing the
anthocyanin inhibitor gene.
When the selection of individual trees began, an alpha-numeric system was
introduced to identify the individual selections. Some of the alphabetic
components of the identifiers are complete words such as the names of
locations. More commonly, the custom has developed to use abbreviations and
acronyms. A plethora of these is now in existence, the alphabetic components
referring to countries, locations, geographical features, institutions and
programmes, to cite but a few. The same system has been applied in the
identification of families resulting from inbreeding or hybridization. The
description of the meanings of the alphabetic components of variety or clone
names is beyond the scope of this book. Explanations of the meanings and
origins of these designations are to be found in the International Cocoa
Germplasm Database ( The reader who requires
details about any of the identifications that may be referred to in the text should
find the details in the appropriate publication of the database. However, to
enable readers who are unfamiliar with the alpha-numeric system of
nomenclature of cacao genotypes and families to obtain a notion of the
meanings of the abbreviations and acronyms, those of the genotypes named in
the book are listed in an Appendix with their derivations and origins.
3 The Indicators of Variability

An individual plant’s phenotype is a composite of the expressions of the

various organs of which it is composed. In the universe of plants that make up
the species each organ is observed to exhibit a variety of forms that differ
according to the individual plants. The variation in the phenotypic expressions
is the result of the action of the different alleles that occur in the genes that
control the specific characteristics and the total of the alleles make up the
plant’s genotype. The degree of variability that is observed in some organs is
exemplified by the vast array of forms and characters of the fruits that were
generated in the descendants of the hybrid between the Criollo variety
originally cultivated in Trinidad and the ‘Calabacillo’ introduction. The scale of
this variability attains significant importance when it is considered that the
complex population created derived from two genotypes. This would have
been especially important when account is taken of the fact that they would
have been homozygous, or nearly so, for all characters.
The range of variability exhibited in terms of the forms and colours
observed becomes larger and more complex with the exploration of new
populations. Studies carried out on the available resources or in the progenies
developed by inbreeding and hybridization show the extent to which the
genetic variability is developed.
As indicated in Chapter 2 a significant emphasis has been placed on the
appearance of the fruits for purposes of measuring variability and
differentiating the genotypes into varieties or populations. This emphasis on the
fruit characters has resulted in the variability expressed in the other organs of
the trees being ignored, except for rare examples in which differences or
specific attributes of one or more parts of the plants have been described.
Information about the expressions of the various organs of the plants has
been accumulated over many years of observation. The data obtained have
been important in widening the knowledge concerning all of the variable
characters exhibited by the genotypes observed. The knowledge acquired

© B.G.D. Bartley 2005. The Genetic Diversity of Cacao and its Utilization
(Basil G.D. Bartley) 25
26 Chapter 3

demonstrates that the individual genotypes and the populations to which they
belong are distinguished in many ways other than on the basis of fruit
characters alone.
Attention has been paid to determining the procedures for describing the
character expressions of the individual genotypes ever since the first attempts at
variety nomenclature and selection were made. In Chapter 2 it was stated that
the first known attempt to demonstrate the differences expressed in various
plants concerned the illustrations made of selected ‘varieties’ in Trinidad. The
subject of describing the distinguishing characteristics of cacao varieties has
been raised from time to time. The availability of an organized system of
descriptions of cacao genotypes became a necessity in order to identify the
large number of selections that had been made and were being distributed to
various countries. In the 1960s steps were taken to develop such a system on
the basis of investigations on the variations shown in certain characteristics.
The subsequent years witnessed a great expansion, not only in the quantity
of genetic variability that had become available, but also information about the
characters involved and their modes of expression. The first phase in the
development of the descriptors for cacao was concerned with the identification
of the selections that had been made and were exchanged between research
stations. The accumulation of a larger amount of information on the character
expressions from the extensive range of germplasm that was becoming
available prompted the development of a comprehensive list of the descriptors
that applied to cacao. This list involved the systematic arrangement of the
various organs of the plants and the expressions of the character states about
which observations had been made.
Since it deals mainly with the characteristics that are easily observed and
measured, the descriptor list that was published (Engels et al., 1980) does not
include some traits in which genetic variation occurs but which are not readily
determined. In general, these traits include those related to the composition of
the plant organs and others of a quantitative nature whose expression is
influenced by non-genetic factors. Among the traits in the latter category are
those involved with growth and productivity.
From the list of descriptors it can be appreciated that many elements
comprise the genetic variability shown by the genotypes that make up the
diversity. The list provides a guide to the individual traits that will be observed
in determining the constitution of a genotype and the variability among
genotypes. The knowledge contained in the descriptor list can be applied in all
stages of the genetic resources programme. A person who is involved in
collecting germplasm in a population of trees would use the list to make
observations on the individual trees from which the degree of heterogeneity in
the population would be estimated. This estimate would be used to determine
the sampling procedure to be adopted in order to obtain a representative
sample of the variability in the population.
During the management of a germplasm collection, observations of the
characters, or morphological markers, expressed in the accessions are essential
for purposes of identification. The description of the characteristics of the
individuals belonging to a population provides the means of recording the
Indicators of Variability 27

extent of variability in the population sampled and the differences among

In the following pages some of the more important attributes that have
been observed to produce the differences among plants will be described and
the various expressions that have been noted in each case will be discussed. It
should be appreciated that, given the fact that the process of observing the
variability is still developing, there will always be the possibility that other
expressions may be encountered as the range of diversity is enlarged. Another
point that should be understood is that several characters may occur in
conjunction to constitute the genotype of an individual. This is particularly the
case when the genes involved have a pleiotropic action in which the
expressions of several characters are the product of a single gene.

The Structure and Properties of a Cacao Tree

The knowledge concerning the structure and development of cacao trees is

essential to obtain a comprehension of the details presented in this chapter.
Although most readers may possess a basic knowledge of the subject it is
appreciated that others may not be familiar with the appearance of cacao trees
and the manner in which they grow. The following brief account of their
structure will set the scene for obtaining an understanding of the descriptions of
the expressions of the traits exhibited by cacao trees.
Germination is of the epigeal type with the cotyledons being raised above
the soil and the two cotyledonary leaves being opposite. Vertical, or orthotropic
growth, continues with successive new growth. The leaves on the main stem
are arranged in a spiral in a five-eighths phyllotaxy. These leaves differ from
those of the lateral branches by their long petioles. Additional vegetative buds
are contained in the axils of the cotyledonary nodes which may be stimulated
to develop if the terminal bud is suppressed.
At a certain height the terminal bud of the main stem ceases to be active
and is replaced by buds which form the lateral branches. These arise in whorls
usually consisting of five, unequal, branches which result from three successive
divisions of the terminal bud. Growth of the lateral branches continues through
elongation and successive new growths. The leaves of the lateral, or
plagiotropic, branches are arranged in a one-half phyllotaxy being alternate
and opposite. The large leaves have short petioles that may be thick with
prominent pulvini. Additional branches are formed from initials in the leaf
nodes of the lateral branches. The leaves normally are short-lived and their
shedding depends on climatic conditions. Adult trees may become almost
leafless under severe conditions.
In addition to the initial buds from which plagiotropic branches are
produced the leaf axils also possess buds which can give rise to vertical stems
which are similar to the main stem. These adventitious stems differ from the
main stem by having plagiotropic initials. They are also capable of producing
their own aerial adventitious roots when conditions are suitable for this to take
28 Chapter 3

Further vertical growth continues on the main stem by the activation of the
orthotropic buds in the leaf axils below the whorl of lateral branches. In the
course of time a further whorl of lateral branches is produced. Further growth
occurs with successive development of vertical stems and lateral branches. In
theory, there is no limit to the height a cacao tree can attain under natural
conditions when there is no competition from other vegetation and it is free
from mechanical and other damage. Such trees may present a symmetrical
development with the lateral branches of the succeeding whorls becoming
progressively shorter as the trees grow. On the other hand, when the canopy is
dense the lower branches may be shed, leaving an elongate main stem that
may attain a height of over 10 m.
Inflorescences are produced from all leaf axils. These are most commonly
found on old wood from which the leaves have been shed. At times,
inflorescences may be formed on new flushes where the leaves are still present.
An inflorescence normally produces many flowers in succession. Although
these appear to arise from the same spot the inflorescence is really a cyme, the
base of which is concealed below the bark. Sometimes the inflorescence is
extruded beyond the bark; in which case it is possible to observe its structure as
a modified branch with rudimentary leaves and stipules. Extrusion of the
inflorescence occurs under certain circumstances in trees of the Criollo group
but also may be seen in cases where the buds have been infested by pathogens
and pests. Flowering may take place throughout the year but the timing and
intensity may be controlled by climatic factors and production of fruits.
After fertilization of the flower the ovary develops into a fruit. In cacao,
embryogenesis follows an unusual pattern. The zygote develops for a few
divisions. After this it remains dormant for about 50 days after which the
normal process of fruit development is resumed.
The fruit is an indehiscent drupe which remains attached to the tree by its
peduncle after it matures. The husk of the fruit is woody of varying thickness
according to variety. The seeds are contained in the fruit in five rows according
to the five loculi in the ovary. Besides the embryo, the seed contains two
cotyledons which are convoluted. When the fruits become ripe the seeds are
enclosed in a white or yellow pulp which is produced from the ovary wall. The
seeds are recalcitrant, having no dormancy period, and germinate when they
are exposed to a moist environment.

Growth Habit

This heading refers in the most part to the characteristics seen in the
developing plants and young trees. When the plants are in the juvenile stage of
development their structure and growth characteristics are easier to observe
and measurements are made with greater accuracy than is possible in the case
of adult trees. The intrinsic characteristics of older trees are often indiscernible
owing to the alterations to their architecture and canopy form that result from
external factors. In cultivated fields, particularly, pruning and harvesting
practices and competition create significant changes in tree structure rendering
Indicators of Variability 29

it difficult to detect genetic differences. Most of the attributes of varieties

described in this section concern those of plants derived from seed propagation
or developed from orthotropic shoots. Plants propagated vegetatively from
plagiotropic branches do not form the natural architecture and the differences
between varieties are less distinct. However, in some cases some specific
characteristics may be observed in such plants.
The identification of stable genetic differences between plants in families
with regard to vegetative development in the early stages of juvenile growth is
usually subject to uncertainty because of the various factors that determine
growth. However, some varieties have exhibited marked differences among
their progenies in growth variables during early and later development.
Examples of these cases are shown in Plate 1a, b and c.
Differences in overall tree size at a given stage of development of the plants
can be measured by such attributes as trunk size and rate of growth,
comparative tree height and canopy size. Some of these attributes can exhibit a
considerable degree of intra- and inter-plant variability.
The height at which the first jorquette (whorl of plagiotropic branches) is
produced would normally depend on environmental conditions, such as light,
soil fertility and the age of a plant at establishment in the field. Consequently,
the determination of genetic effects regarding this characteristic could be
inconclusive. However, some genotypes have been prominent in their ability to
produce the first whorl of branches at heights well below 1.0 m. The
observations made on their progeny have shown that this trait is inherited.
Plate 18a shows a seedling plant with branching at about 50 cm from the
ground and exhibiting a high reproductive potential for a plant of this size.
Interest has been shown for a long time in the identification of genotypes with a
‘dwarf ’ habit that could be utilized as rootstocks for the purpose of reducing the
height of otherwise vigorous plants.
Significant and interesting disparities between individuals from different
populations regarding the angles at which the plagiotropic branches develop
from the whorl have become evident. The extreme branch angles known range
from 90° to almost vertical. Plate 1a and b shows plants with almost erect
branches and narrow canopies while Plate 1c shows a 90˚ branching habit. In
both cases the traits are inherited. The most outstanding case of specialized
branch development is a tree in which the branches are elongate and
geotropic, producing an effect in which the trunk is enclosed by the branches.
A growth expression that has been found only in Criollo populations is the
formation of a single plagiotropic branch instead of the normal five branches,
an example being shown in Plate 1d.
There are observable differences between genotypes that are probably
inherited with regard to such traits as the distance between internodes and the
number of plagiotropic branches per whorl. However, these expressions may
be subject to modification by environmental effects such as the cultural
treatments the plants receive. It is possible that the differences observed may
apply to a definite period of growth or be of a transitory nature.
All of the variations of growth factors combined with those of the leaves
produce remarkable differences between plants in the characteristics of the
30 Chapter 3

canopies. These are most evident in plants that have attained their adult
structure at the time reproduction starts; that is, prior to the changes that would
be brought about by cultivation practices. Canopy volume and density of
vegetation of different population groups are very noticeably variable as well as
the appearance of the foliage. The attributes of the genotypes in this respect
could have an important relationship to the reproductive capacity of the
individual genotypes.

Leaf Characters

One of the most obvious differences between plants that has been
encountered, becoming especially prominent as a distinguishing feature of
varieties, is the range of colours exhibited by the flush (young, developing)
leaves. The colours range from the lightest green (sometimes referred to as
white or unpigmented) to various shades of red. The light green shades are
most evident in certain Amazon populations but also are found in the Criollo
group. The red shades of flush leaves are produced by the presence of
anthocyanins in the tissues and are often associated with red fruits, as
expressions of the same allele, being more intense when the individual is
homozygous for the fruit colour allele.
A few examples of flush leaves without anthocyanin pigment are shown in
Plate 3, in which they are contrasted with leaves having red pigment from a
red-fruited genotype (Plate 3b). However, several genotypes with green fruits
also exhibit significant variation in the degree of intensity of the presence of
anthocyanin. The intensity of pigmentation produced by an individual is
subject to effects such as the age of the flush as it develops and environmental
factors. As a result casual observations may not detect the true expression of
pigmentation in the leaves of a given plant and it is likely that the position of
the genotype in the range of variation may not be correctly determined.
Few observations have been reported concerning the shape and texture of
the flush leaves. However, there is one notable character that appears in some
varieties, and that may be associated with a given range of populations. This
relates to the blades and pedicels of the flush leaves that are thick and soft,
producing a ‘velvety’ appearance.
On account of the dimorphic habit of cacao, differences in the
characteristics of the leaves of orthotropic and plagiotropic branches may exist
that are related to genetic effects but although these may be suspected their
identification may prove to be difficult. Differences in the appearance of the
leaf pedicel, such as the thickness of the pulvini, attributed to genetic effects
have been reported but this trait has not been sufficiently studied for the
existing observations to be applied for purposes of characterization.
Extremely large differences are found in the leaf blades of genotypes,
embracing all populations in the range of diversity. In terms of shape, leaf
blades vary from narrow elongate to broad. While the shape of most leaves is
elliptic, genotypes are found with obovate or ovate shaped leaves, which are
distinguished according to the position of the widest part of the blade. While
Indicators of Variability 31

the edges of most leaves are entire, certain genotypes are found whose
orthotropic leaves have serrated edges, such as that illustrated in Plate 4c,
which shows juvenile plants from the R. Japurá. Other plants from the same
area had leaves with noticeably indented edges. Additional variations based on
genetic differences occur in respect of the shape of the base of the leaves in
terms of the angles formed by the blade edges when they meet the petiole.
Apices may also exhibit significant variability. Figure 2 shows two distinct leaf
types from the range of variability exhibited in this organ.
As stated above, in genotypes with red fruits the flush leaves generally
have red pigment. This association is also expressed as pigment in the petiole
and leaf axil (known as axil spot) in developing leaves. In this way the presence
of red pigment alleles can be identified in young plants, since the petiole
pigment is normally absent in genotypes with green fruits. However, an
exception to this relationship was exhibited in another genotype with green
fruits from the R. Japurá (Plate 4b), the petioles of which were distinctly
Considerable variation also occurs in the texture of the blade. Some leaves
are smooth, thin (with the consistency of paper) and shiny, while at the other
extreme the blade is broad, thick and rough to the touch. Various combinations
of these characteristics can be used to differentiate varieties or are specific to
certain genotypes.
Several mutations have been identified and conserved. Many of these are
distinguished by possessing anomalous leaf characters. The divergent types
include crispate leaves such as those shown in Plate 6a, of which the ‘Crinkle
Leaf Dwarf ’ is another example and the almost circular leaves of ‘Jaca’ (Plate
4d and Fig. 50). Both leaf abnormalities have appeared in several genotypes.
The ‘Jaca’ leaf type mutation has occurred in at least three distinct populations
located in very distant regions. Each genotype has been preserved as
herbarium specimens or as living plants. A few examples of leaf abnormalities
or forms that have segregated in the progenies of various genotypes are

Fig. 2. Two contrasting leaf types represent the scale of variability encountered in
this organ.
32 Chapter 3

depicted in Plate 5. The range of genotypes that are characterized by leaves

that are very distinct is large and, as additional germplasm becomes known,
many more forms could be added.


The flower of cacao is a complex organ and possesses some features that make
it unique and distinctive. The entire complex of the reproductive organs and
processes of the species is especially important with regard to genotypic
Figure 3 illustrates the various organs of a typical flower, the relationships
among them and the names of the individual parts. The genera Theobroma
and Herrania are somewhat unique in possessing two unusual organs; the
infertile staminodes and the ligule attached to the petal pouch. Another feature
that is almost universally present refers to the coloured lines that occur in the
inside of the petal hoods. In cacao terms they are known as ‘guide-lines’ on the
assumption that they facilitate the orientation of the pollinating insects to reach
the anthers, in which case it may be more accurate to use the botanical term
‘nectar guides’.
Although cacao is notable for possessing the characteristic of cauliflory, not
all genotypes exhibit this trait. Members of some varieties seem to lack this
behaviour, producing their flowers entirely on the branches and, therefore, are
distinguished by the lack of fruits on the orthotropic shoots. Plate 2c depicts a
tall tree, which, on account of the pale flush leaves, appears to be related to the
populations of the Oriente of Ecuador, and does not show any signs of
flowering having taken place on the trunk. The most extreme form of fruit

Fig. 3. Sketch of a cacao flower with the names of the individual parts.
Indicators of Variability 33

distribution in the trees is that of certain genotypes that produce flowers and
fruits on the newest flushes, an example of which is shown in Plate 2d.
The intensity of flowering is observed to vary considerably according to the
variety. This trait may be influenced by environmental factors and certainly can
be influenced by the reproductive capacity of a tree as determined by its
compatibility status. Consequently, it is often not possible to attribute a genetic
cause to the differences that occur. However, there are some genotypes that
consistently produce smaller quantities of flowers during a given period.
Genotypic variation of this nature can be ascertained only through comparative
observations and when they are made over a period of time.
Differences between genotypes in regard to seasonal distribution of
flowering and fruiting have been demonstrated on the basis of observations
and data recording carried out during several years on a comparative basis.
Variation in the colour of the peduncle is noticeable, the range being green
or white to red. However, the intensity of pigmentation is subject to non-genetic
influences, such as the quality of light received, which make its determination
The flower buds exhibit considerable variation with regard to their shape
and pigmentation. The shapes are determined by the characteristics of the
sepals, which are discussed below, the narrow elongate sepals resulting in
elongate buds while the short sepals produce buds of a rounded shape.
Pigmentation varies according to the population concerned. Some buds are
entirely white while the buds of other genotypes exhibit differences in the
degree of pigment. In general, there appears to be no relationship between the
pigment expressed in the buds and the colours of the fruits of the same
genotypes. The buds of some varieties are notable in having pigment along the
joins of the sepals.
The flowers of different genotypes exhibit considerable diversity in respect
of their general appearance. Differences are notable among certain
populations, which often can be used to attribute a given plant or variety to the
population group to which it belongs. The most notable differences that are
observed concern size and colour. Plates 8 and 9 depict a few examples (out of
thousands of samples) to provide an idea of the range of variability that occurs
in the species. The over-all appearance of a flower is produced by the
combination of its individual parts. Variation in the sizes of the individual parts
resulting from conditions such as adverse climatic factors may produce
abnormal variations in flower size.
One of the most observable organs of the flower is the calyx. Frequently, in
an open flower some of the sepals are joined. This tendency may be associated
with certain genotypes but the variation is not yet fully understood. Sepals vary
with regard to size and shape, the former normally being correlated with the
genetic differences in total flower size. The shape of the calyx can be measured
as the ratio of length to the width at the widest part. The form of the apex
possibly has a major contribution to the length. The basic colour of a calyx is
white but various degrees of anthocyanin pigmentation may be superimposed
on it, on either the interior or exterior surfaces, or on both of them and also
distributed in relation to the adjacent edges of the sepals. One of the characters
34 Chapter 3

of the calyx that is most outstanding as regards genotypic differences is the

position of the sepals in relation to the other organs of the flower. The positions
vary from ‘reflexed’, in which the sepals are parallel to the peduncle (as in Plate
8b), to horizontal or curved slightly upwards forming a saucer shape.
The staminodes are specialized structures, characteristic of the genus
Theobroma, which have developed as sterile stamens, perhaps with a specific
function as the whorl of staminodes protects the gynoeceum. It is possible that
the ancestral plants of the genus possessed a whorl of ten stamens. Certain
genotypes, especially a few mutations, are notable for the absence of the
normal staminodes, each of which is replaced by a functional stamen as
depicted in Plate 8c. In such cases the stamens are exposed, a feature that is
also found in a few genotypes with a normal flower structure, this being an
additional factor in recognizing genotypic variability.
The staminodes of T. cacao are awl-shaped and present few variations in
terms of shape. However, variations in colour patterns occur according to the
variety to which the genotype belongs. There is one feature that is of interest in
connection with the variations of staminode characters and their relation to the
structure of populations. Most genotypes have flowers with erect staminodes. A
variation is the occurrence of staminodes that bend outwards along the upper
half of their length. This trait (centre of lower row of Plate 8d) is a constant
feature of certain varieties. In some plants there is a tendency for the
staminodes to be closed together at the extremity in a tent-like fashion. The
expression of the trait appears to be inconsistent and, at the present time, may
be considered to be less useful as an indicator of variability.
The petal presents some complexities related to its form and function. The
petal hood by itself does not appear to exhibit any notable variation in
appearance that can be measured. Some genotypes are distinctive regarding
the intensity of pigmentation that can be observed from the outside of the
flower. The guide-lines exhibit a significant amount of variability, which is
rather complicated to describe because of the diverse combinations of effects
that are found. Variability occurs in relation to the colour of the guide-lines,
which, in plants with a normal genetic mechanism, can range from pink (Plate
9c) to very dark red or purple. In addition to the intensity of colour there are
variations concerning the distribution of pigment along the guide-lines and the
differences between the inner and outer lines. The guide-lines also exhibit
variation in respect of their thickness.
Another characteristic feature of the genus is that most species have an
appendage to the top of the petal hood that is termed a ‘ligule’. The ligule is
usually a flat organ that is attached to the petal hood by a ribbon-like structure,
designated a ‘strap’. The strap is an organ that carries vascular tissues that may
be coloured and varying in their prominence. The length of the strap, when
considered in terms of the sizes of the other parts of the petal, may be seen to
differ among varieties, some varieties being notable on account of the long
straps in their flowers. Strap length may play a part in determining the
difference in the positions of the ligules in relation to the rest of the flower. The
positions of the ligules appear to be determined genetically; in some genotypes
they are pendulous, hanging between the sepals, in others they are held
Indicators of Variability 35

horizontally. The latter condition gives the flower the appearance of being
larger than flowers of types with pendulous ligules.
The scale of variability expressed in the ligules is fairly large, notable
differences being observed in terms of size, shape and colour. Most ligules are
flat organs but the variety-related differences in the shape attributes might be so
subtle as to require detailed observations to obtain adequate descriptions of
them. The general variation in ligule shape ranges from narrow elongate to one
in which the breadth is greater than the length. Not all varieties have flat ligules.
Notable exceptions are found in certain populations where the outer edges of
the ligules are curved upward, producing an appearance similar to that of a
The basic colour of the ligule is yellow and is expressed in different
varieties on a scale of tints. At one end are the ligules in which the shade of
yellow is so light that the colour could be described as being white. At the other
extreme the ligule colour is a dark yellow. Intermediate shades are encountered
that indicate the presence of anthocyanin pigment. Red pigmentation is
superimposed on the basic colour or in combination with it, depending on the
genotype being observed. In the case of genotypes in which pigmentation
occurs, the range of expressions varies from the flowers in which pigment is
confined to a few of the veins on the ligule surface, through increasing intensity
to the rare cases where the entire ligule blade is red.
The combinations of the different scales of pigmentation with the variation
in the base colour of the ligule result in variations in the appearances produced.
For example, a fairly intense red combined with dark yellow produces an effect
that, for lack of a precise name, can be described as a shade of bronze. A base
colour with a lighter shade of yellow combined with an intermediate intensity
of red produces an effect in the range of orange. In such cases, it is necessary
not only to attempt to describe the scale of the effect of the colour
combinations, but to describe the scale of each of the colour components
The presence of anthocyanin pigmentation in the stamen filament is one of
the most important indicators of genotypic and varietal differences. In some
populations only unpigmented filaments are found. In the varieties in which the
stamens possess pigmentation, a great deal of variability is exhibited in its
intensity and the patterns of its distribution. At one end of the range only slight
amounts of pigment occur and variations are expressed as to whether the
pigment is distributed evenly or irregularly. At the other end of the scale some
varieties are distinguished by having intensely pigmented stamens, some of
which are outstanding on account of the pigment being glossy in appearance.
Several varieties are notable for possessing specific expressions with regard to
the stamen colour states and on this basis they are easily identified.
The stamen pigmentation may be extended to the anthers and claims have
been made for determining genotypic differences on the basis of pigmentation
at the base of the anthers. However, this characteristic does not appear to be
sufficiently consistent to be useful in distinguishing genotypes.
Some of the anomalous character states that occur in the androeceum
have been described above and others probably occur. At least one genotype
36 Chapter 3

exists in which the stamens have been converted to a leaf-like structure; the
genotype, of course, is male sterile.
Because of the small size of the organ, differences in the shape of the ovary
are usually difficult to detect. It is possible that the shape of the ovary may be
related to the shape of the fruit of an individual genotype but definite
observations to determine if such a relationship exists have not been made.
The most notable variations in the ovaries are those relating to pigmentation in
the same manner as found in the other organs of the flower. Ovaries are
entirely white in colour or exhibit variations in the presence of pigment.
Variations in pigment expression include the presence of red coloration at the
ends of the ovary hairs, a collar of red at the base of the style or uniform
pigment throughout the ovary. To a certain degree pigment in the ovary is
determined by the allele that produces the red colour of some fruits. The
intensity of pigment varies according to the red-fruited genotype and its
homozygosity status.
The ovary of cacao contains a number of ovules, the fertilization of which
results in the production of the seeds in the fruits. The numbers of ovules per
ovary varies considerably and is conditioned by the genetic composition of the
plants belonging to a variety. Accordingly, it can be used as an indicator of the
variety or population group to which an individual belongs and the
relationships among populations. When the numbers of ovules are accurately
determined they are found to vary within small limits within a given genotype.
The ovule numbers determine the maximum numbers of seeds that can be
produced in a fruit. Maximum seed numbers counted per fruit have a range of
40 to 77 according to the genotype. Since the ovary is made up of five loculi
this works out to a range of eight to 16 ovules per loculus. It appears that some
genotypes resulting from mutation have lower numbers of ovules. The
determination of the correct ovule numbers is a somewhat tedious procedure
that requires a certain amount of skill and patience. Attempts have been made
to devise other methods of counting. All of the substitute methods lead to
inaccuracies in counting, which result in illogical situations in which genotypes
have been reported as having fewer ovules than the numbers of seeds counted
in the fruits.

The fruit characters have played an important role in differentiating individual
genotypes with regard to their position in the diversity of the species. Primarily,
the reason for the emphasis that has been placed on the fruits is a consequence
of the fruits being perhaps the most conspicuous organs of the plants, allied
with the fact that the fruits provide the usable product of the species. However,
the importance of the fruit as an indicator of diversity lies in the enormous
range of expressions of its parts and contents.
The most notable aspects of the fruits are those of shape and colour.
Shapes range from spherical (sometimes oblate – length less than diameter), as
in Plate 7a, to very narrow elongate, where the length:diameter ratio is >3
Indicators of Variability 37

(Plate 15a). In most cases the form of the apex of a fruit is important in
determining its measurable external length. Other dimensions being the same,
the relatively short fruits have rounded or obtuse apices while the elongate
fruits have attenuate apices. The characteristics of the base of a fruit also
influence the dimensions and the ratios resulting in specific values for the fruit
shapes of the varieties that possess these characters.
The surfaces of the fruits exhibit an ample diversity of expressions for
various aspects. Some of the variations in the characters involved in creating
the appearance of fruits can be specific to certain varieties. Most fruits have
superficial ridges that vary in their prominence, width and arrangement on the
fruit. Basically there are five pairs of ridges, each pair being associated with and
marking the locular divisions.
Considerable variation occurs among genotypes and varieties in terms of
the range of expressions relating to the pairing of the ridges. When there is no
space between ridges of a pair the fruit assumes a five-sided appearance. The
pentagonal shape of the cross section of a fruit of this type was the basis for the
name Pentagonum that was applied to some fruits (Plate 28a, b) as mentioned
in Chapter 2.
At the other end of the range of expressions of ridge types are the fruits in
which the distance within the pairs of ridges is equal to the distance between
the ridges of adjoining pairs. This results in the ten ridges of a fruit being
equidistant. Principally, in rounded fruits with imperceptible ridges the
appearance of the fruit surface is smooth. The extreme of the expressions of the
ridge traits is the occurrence of fruits that appear to have no ridges, such as
those in Plate 26d. Such visual appearances could be misleading since the
presence of ridges can be ascertained by touch. It should be pointed out that
the smoothness of the surface is not exclusive to fruits that are nearly spherical
in shape.
One specialized character of fruits of certain varieties is the covering of the
surfaces with small protuberances, or lenticels, that produces an appearance
that, in the absence of an adequate term describing this condition, has
been called ‘mealy’ or ‘pimply’. A more appropriate description would be
The illustrations that accompany this account of the diversity of cacao
provide examples of the many forms of variation of fruit shape and surface
characters that are encountered in the species. A striking demonstration of the
scale of variability that occurs in one producing country, Venezuela,
representing the segregation in fruit characters that was produced by
hybridization is to be found in an illustration in Pittier (1926).
Less visible attributes of the fruits concern those of the husk. Large
differences in thickness are observed. The husk also exhibits a significant range
of expressions regarding its hardness or rigidity, which are genetically
determined. The scale of hardness is determined by the degree of lignification
of the mesocarp. Some varieties possess husks of such hardness that rodents
have difficulty in penetrating to the interior of the fruit. At the other extreme,
some genotypes have husks that can be compressed by hand pressure and a
wire could be passed through the fruit without encountering resistance.
38 Chapter 3

As mentioned above, there is an enormous range of variability in respect of

fruit colours. The basic fruit colours are shades of green. These vary from light
green or whitish, for which reason it has been customary to describe the lack of
colour by the Spanish word blanco. The extreme shade is a very dark green
exemplified by the fruits in Plate 18a.
Red pigmentation due to anthocyanins is superimposed on the green base.
The expression and distribution of pigmentation on the fruit surface are
influenced by the amount of light that a fruit has received during development.
In the absence of firm evidence concerning the mechanisms by which
pigmentation is developed on the fruit surfaces, we may recognize the existence
of two types of pigment expression depending on the genetic constitution of the
genotype concerned. One type is produced by the action of a specific gene or
combination of genes responsible for the development of anthocyanin, which
are dominant in their effect. The other situation occurs in genotypes that are
homozygous for the recessive gene that is responsible for the basic green
colour. In these genotypes the pigmentation on the surface results from the
action of supplementary genes. The inheritance of these pigment patterns will
be described in Chapter 7.
The dominant gene for the expression of the red fruit colour occurs in
some populations of the Criollo group and is, therefore, inherited in the
offspring of hybrids with these genotypes. This gene has a single effect but the
expression of pigment in the fruits of a given genotype would be modified by
the intensity of the basic green colour of the surface, which is intrinsic to the
genotype concerned. The modifying effect would explain the amplitude of
shades and tints in plants that possess the pigment gene. The variation in
shades is also determined by the homozygosity status of the gene responsible
for pigmentation.
Considerable variability also exists with regard to the sizes of the fruits. The
actual sizes of the fruits of a genotype are influenced by several genetic and
non-genetic factors. In these circumstances the quantification of fruit size,
whether by measurement of the dimensions, weight or volume, is subject to
considerable error. However, real genetic differences can be detected when
fruits of different varieties are compared. The range of average fruit lengths
varies from 120 mm to 300 mm. In view of the lesser degree of variation in
fruit diameter and the fact that various details of the fruit shape are, as
described above, implicated in determining fruit length, this measurement is
not an exact indicator of size. Fruit weights are less reliable indicators of
variability on account of the uncontrollable non-genetic influences, such as the
variation in seed numbers and environmental effects during development,
which are responsible for the expression of this variable.
As the peduncles of the flowers vary in length according to the genotype
there is a similar degree of variability in respect of the peduncles of the fruits.
Perhaps, in fruits, the diameters of the peduncles provide more reliable
indicators of genotypic variability. The peduncles of some genotypes are long
and thin so that the fruits are pendulous. At the other extreme are those
genotypes whose peduncles are short and thick, as those of the tree shown in
Fig. 4, so that the fruits can be held horizontally.
Indicators of Variability 39

Fig. 4. Fruits with short peduncles. Note the scars left after the fruits have been


In relation to the sizes of the seeds considerable variation is also encountered.

However, seed size is determined by several non-genetic factors, thus it is
difficult to obtain accurate estimates of genetic values for this character.
Relative seed sizes can be estimated by weight or volume and also by the
measurement of their dimensions.
The weight of seeds in their ‘fresh’ condition in recently harvested fruits
provides a rough estimate of the sizes of the seeds since it is the value that is
most easily determined. However, the values obtained are subject to many
sources of variation, of which the number of seeds in a fruit, the time elapsed
between fertilization and maturity of the fruit and the length of time between
maturity and harvesting are a few of the most important factors. One of the
characteristics of the ‘fresh’ seeds that results in inaccurate estimates of the seed
weight of genotypes is that inherited differences exist among them regarding
the moisture content. This situation leads to seeds with high moisture contents
having low dry seed weights.
Accordingly, the most accurate indicator of seed variability is that based on
dry seeds, especially the cotyledons, where the variation among fruits of a
genotype is smaller than that from whole seeds. However, non-genetic factors
such as climate can determine the actual and relative values that can be
40 Chapter 3

measured. The seeds of some genotypes are very small, perhaps having
average weights of 0.5 g when dry and the largest weigh about 2.0 g.
The shapes of seed vary from almost spherical to flat (depth less than
breadth), being broad at the hilum and tapering towards the distal end. Some
varieties are prominent in possessing seeds that are described as cylindrical;
that is, having an almost circular cross section. It is possible that associations
exist between the fruit shape and the seed shape, a situation that may be
important in classifying the diversity.
The pulp surrounding the seed in its fresh state should not be ignored
as an indicator of variability. The colour of the pulp, perhaps occurring in
most varieties, is white and of such a nature as to make it impossible to
discern differences among genotypes. However, some varieties are
outstanding in possessing pulp of a yellow colour. The taste of the pulp of
genotypes belonging to different populations can reveal interesting variation
in this component of the fruit. A few genotypes are notable in possessing
pulps that have a sweet and pleasant taste. Other varieties, notably
members of the Criollo group, are notable for their acid or even
disagreeable pulp. The identification of such variations would be made on a
subjective basis and could depend on the observer assessing the trait in the
material concerned.

Other Discriminating Characteristics

One trait by which the different varieties are distinguished is the period of time
that elapses between fertilization of a flower and the initiation of maturity of the
fruit that develops. The known range of this period is in the order of 135–180
days. Genotypic distinctions are fairly stable but the exact length of the period
measured depends on the environmental conditions prevailing during the
periods of observations. The most accurate method of determining the length
of time to maturity is to produce fruits by artificial pollination; in these cases the
dates of fertilization can be known exactly.
Self-incompatibility is common in the species and occurs across a wide
range of genotypes. Individual genotypes and populations possess alleles that
determine the function of this character that are specific to them. As a more
detailed discussion of the subject of compatibility will be given in Chapter 7 it
will suffice to state here that the individual alleles and the states in which they
occur are some of the most important and useful indicators of inter-
population differences. In subsequent chapters it will be explained how the
determination of the self-incompatibility status in various populations may be
used to analyse the relationships among their members’ population and
obtain information about their origins. However, the identification of the
alleles and the determination of their states requires a considerable amount
of effort and, sometimes specialized, genetic and laboratory techniques. On
account of the specialized nature of such determinations the subject has not
received the attention it requires, resulting in the state of knowledge being
Indicators of Variability 41

Combinations of Descriptor States as Variability Indicators

It is obvious that a difference exists between the descriptors that are observed
on the trees and those that are measured on the organs after they have been
removed. The descriptors in the former group comprise the characteristics that
are observed on the trees in their natural conditions of occurrence, which give
an idea of the variability contained in a population. Regarding the other
descriptors an unfortunate notion persists among certain observers that only
some measurements need to be made on various organs in order to determine
the differences between genotypes and populations. This notion leads to
important characteristics being ignored. In order to obtain a comprehensive
picture of the diversity and the characterization of the individual elements of
which it is composed it is necessary to include all fonts of variation.
The fact is that the diversity will have to be described in terms of the
combinations of the different traits that are variously distributed throughout the
species. In this sense, each genotype is not a collection of statistics but an
interpretation of how the traits combine and interact with each other.
There is a general misunderstanding about the purposes for which certain
measurements are obtained. For example, the measurement of individual
dimensions of an organ is not the end of the matter. In the case of organs such
as leaves, sepals, ligules, fruits and seeds, length and breadth by themselves
have little meaning. The dimensions are determined with the objective of
obtaining the ratios from which the shape of the part or organ is based. It is
necessary to go further than this by including other attributes that make up the
shapes. In the case of the fruit, for example, the length:breadth ratio alone has
little meaning unless the apex characteristics are also considered.
The sizes of the individual parts of the flower are naturally related to its
over-all size so that individual measurements are of minor importance for the
purposes of comparison of genotypes. Hence, it will be logical to find that the
parts of a small flower would be smaller than the corresponding parts of a large
flower. The circumstances in which individual flower parts differ from the
normal range are those that could be considered to be important for
distinguishing between genotypes.
The variations in the values of the lengths of the staminodes and the
gynoeceum (ovary and pistil) may individually be indicators of diversity among
genotypes. However, it can be seen that the genotypes also differ with regard to
the comparative lengths of the two parts of the flower. Thus, the ratios of the
lengths of the gynoeceum and staminodes also serve to discriminate between
One attribute that is frequently estimated but that has no value in
determining the genetic differences among genotypes is the number of seeds
contained in fruits resulting from natural fertilization. Since the effects of natural
fertilization are random they lead to large variations among the fruits produced
by individual trees with regard to the numbers of seeds that develop in each
fruit. As explained above the ovule numbers determine the maximum seed
number that can be produced in a genotype’s fruits; hence the only valid basis
for determining genotypic differences is given by the maximum numbers of
42 Chapter 3

seeds, provided that the determinations of these characteristics are based on

sufficiently large samples.
The sizes of the seeds of genotypes representing the range of diversity of
the species are determined by various factors in addition to any direct genetic
effect. Non-genetic circumstances play an important role in determining the
seed size in a given sample of fruits of a genotype. For example, the availability
of moisture during the development of the fruits is directly related to the
weights of the seeds in fruits harvested in different periods. Other factors that
may determine seed size include the seed number, as determined by the
number of ovules of the genotype, and the shape and size of the individual
fruits. Genotypes with large fruits and low ovule–seed numbers tend to have
larger seeds than the genotypes having intrinsically small fruits and high ovule
numbers. Some association may be found between the shape of a fruit and the
shape and size of the seeds it contains but it does not hold in all varieties.
When the colours of the various parts of the plant are considered the
situation is quite complex. In some populations the colours of the cotyledons
determine the colours of the flush leaves in the plants that grow from them. For
example, white cotyledons produce plants with light green flush leaves and
pigmented flush leaves are found in plants that have grown from purple
cotyledons. This association is not generalized throughout the range of diversity
and varies according to the population concerned. Although one of the
assumed characteristics of the Criollo group is the possession of white
cotyledons, few of the plants belonging to this group have unpigmented flush
leaves. The expressions in the Criollo group probably are dissimilar to those of
the genotypes described above.
Another example of the relationship between cotyledon colour and flush
leaf pigment is the case of the population to which the clone ‘BE 2’ belongs. As
shown in Plate 9 the cotyledons of this genotype have a pink colour but the
leaves of their progeny are not pigmented. A few instances have been observed
where plants with unpigmented flush leaves developed from seeds with purple
Among the combinations connected with the mode of distribution of
anthocyanin pigment in the flower parts, are the notable relationships observed
of the expressions of pigmentation in the staminodes and the guide-lines.
Various combinations occur in this complex relationship, which include both
parts with similar shades of purple pigment (any differences being difficult to
detect), purple staminodes and pink guide-lines and both staminodes and
guide-lines being light purple or pink. The combinations expressed are also
related to the cotyledon–flush leaf pigment complexes. The genotype ‘BE 2’,
mentioned above, in addition to the pink cotyledon colour has flowers with
pink staminodes and guide-lines. Other genotypes with unpigmented flush
leaves and cotyledons have purple staminodes and guide-lines.
The allele producing the anthocyanin pigmentation, conspicuous in fruits,
that is, those derived from the Criollo group, has important effects in the
individuals that carry the allele. For one thing, the allele has pleiotropic effects.
The presence of the allele can be observed as pigmentation in the hypocotyls
of the germinating seeds and, as described above, in the pedicels of the leaves
Indicators of Variability 43

and as the ‘axil spot’ character, especially observable at the stage when the
flush leaves are hardening. The presence of pigment in the hypocotyls and
pedicels of a plant indicates that it will produce red fruits.
The pigmentation allele is frequently associated with the red coloration on
the inner surfaces of the sepals. Preuss (1901) was the first to refer to the effect
of the allele in the cotyledons of red-fruited trees of the Criollo group that are
slightly coloured, in contrast to the white cotyledons of green-fruited trees.
The anthocyanin pigment that occurs in the stamen filaments is almost
exclusive to genotypes with green fruits. This character is rarely observed in
red-fruited genotypes. In fact, only one definite case is known where this
combination is stable, a situation that could indicate an unknown origin of the
parents of the genotype in question.
The phenotypic expressions of genotypes possessing the pigmentation
allele are determined by the status of homozygosis in the particular genotype
and by its genetic background. In the plant parts in which the red pigment is
expressed it is likely to be more intense in the homozygous individuals than in
the heterozygous genotypes. However, other factors may modify the expression
to such an extent that the pigmentation is less readily observed and sometimes
may only be evident under certain conditions.
The allele producing red pigmentation is virtually confined to cultivated
populations and to varieties derived from these populations. In this respect the
presence of the allele is an indicator of the origin of populations derived from
hybridization with Criollo varieties. The amplitude of its effects is as yet
incompletely known and further observations, especially those based on
controlled breeding experiments, may lead to future discoveries about the
expression of anthocyanin pigmentation when the allele responsible is
combined with genes from other genetic backgrounds.
4 The Manifestation of the
Diversity and Its Conservation

Because of the extensive area over which the species occurs and the nature of
the trees growing under natural conditions characterization of the diversity is
virtually impossible to achieve. The best manner in which to study the diversity
is in situations where the genotypes can be adequately characterized and
compared so as to provide an ample vision of the differences among them. In
this way, study of the diversity would be effectively carried out as an integral
part of programmes directed at its conservation. Characterization of the
diversity is one of the stages that comprise a genetic resources conservation
programme as set out in Chapter 1.
In the present chapter the details of the procedures involved in conducting
genetic resources conservation programmes will be discussed. An under-
standing of how such programmes can be effectively carried out depends on
the appreciation of the various circumstances in which the species occurs and
the representation of the phenotypic variability in the forms that are specific to
the species.
The experience acquired during the 20th century through conservation
programmes conducted in the areas where the diversity occurs in natural and
cultivated situations has given us an ample knowledge about the species’ base
of diversity. In addition, programmes of selection, studies of inheritance and the
determination of the molecular structure of the basic genetic materials have
provided us with an insight into the nature of the diversity and the manner in
which it occurs and is distributed.
For the purposes of the description of the variability within and between the
various areas of occurrence it is necessary to adopt a definition of the
aggregation of the plants that exist in a determined area or location. A particular
aggregation of plants will be referred to as a ‘population’. The expression ‘sub-
population’ could be employed in certain circumstances to distinguish between
aggregations of plants within a given region, which, although possessing certain
common traits, also express characteristics that are specific to them. The term

© B.G.D. Bartley 2005. The Genetic Diversity of Cacao and its Utilization
44 (Basil G.D. Bartley)
The Manifestation of Diversity and Its Conservation 45

‘variety’ may be applied in the situations in which a population, or a component

of it, possesses distinctive individual characteristics that distinguish it from other
populations or aggregations of trees within the population concerned. In such
circumstances these varieties would be identified by a name that is related to its
location of occurrence or specific traits expressed.
The starting point in a genetic resources programme should be to identify
the areas and locations where cacao occurs. A study of the documentary
evidence of the existence of cacao within the area of interest for a conservation
programme is one method of determining the exact locations where the species
occurs. The sources of this evidence include travellers’ reports, official
documents, accounts of explorations (principally those related to natural
history), and histories of the regions concerned or locations within them. A
useful source of such information is Patiño (1963). Some of these documents
may provide information regarding the characteristics of the plants that exist in
specific areas. However, details of this nature that can be found in old accounts
are rare or, at most, provide little information of practical use. This is due to the
fact that most observers would not have been familiar with the species and
would not be able to describe differences among the plants in different locations.
Even naturalists who have visited several locations where different varieties of
cacao occur have not recognized and described the differences between them.
Collections of botanical specimens in herbaria constitute a potentially
useful source of information. Not only do the specimens provide details of
locations of cacao trees but often include some description of the tree from
which the material was collected and its environment. Where descriptions are
lacking, the characteristics of the collected material could be determined by
examination of the specimens. Collections made in a region over periods
spanning many years can also contribute to a compilation of the history of the
cacao populations of the region.

Expressions Displayed by Cacao Trees in Various Habitats

An understanding of the nature of the diverse situations in which cacao

populations are found, ranging from their primitive state to that in which they
are exploited by man, is fundamental to the development of the story of the
genetic diversity of the species. For this purpose the cacao populations can be
attributed to the following three basic categories, depending on the degree of
human involvement in their establishment:
1. Spontaneous – a situation in which the population had been established
and developed naturally.
2. Sub-spontaneous – this situation is defined as one in which the
establishment of the population has resulted from human action but where, at
the present time, there is no evidence of actual human involvement in its
development or exploitation.
3. Cultivated or domesticated – such populations are those formed by human
action and have been exploited continuously.
46 Chapter 4

The above classification implies that the spontaneous, or wild, populations

are those in which the primitive diversity has been created and perpetuated.
The treatment of the subject in this book is based on the premise that the
primitive diversity would be confined to the area of natural distribution of the
species in the Amazonian Region. Consequently, it is considered that the
diversity in the populations attributable to the other categories has been
derived from the primitive diversity. Alteration of the genetic composition of the
base populations may have occurred during the passage of time through
mutation, mixing of genetic elements from various primitive populations and
natural and artificial selection.
In practice it is often difficult to judge whether a given population is natural
or artificially derived, especially in situations such as in forests and recently
cleared lands.
Although claims have been made that certain populations encountered are
wild it is highly unlikely today to be able to categorically state that a given
population arose through natural development in prehistoric times. For one
thing we do not know exactly who were the original inhabitants of an area in
the natural distribution range of the species. The human distribution patterns in
the Amazon Basin and other regions have changed considerably since the
arrival of the Europeans. As a result, a cacao population encountered in a
given area in an, apparently, natural state may have been established by a tribe
that inhabited the area several centuries ago.
Even today, some tribes have the custom of planting a few cacao trees in
their villages. These trees remain in the locality after the family moves to
another location. Such abandoned plantings can be identified by the presence
of other useful species of plants and, especially, by the colonization of the area
by trees of the genus Cecropia.
However, it is a general rule that natural populations of cacao are found
only on soils of high fertility. As will be described in the discussion of the
diversity of the Amazonian Region much of the natural occurrence of the
species is found on alluvial soils along river banks. Where natural populations
occur at distances from watercourses and at higher elevations these are located
on naturally fertile soils, including, in the appropriate regions, soils that have
been derived from volcanic activity.
Populations have been observed that, from the absence of any historical
proof of human occupation and from the nature of the surrounding forest,
would have been expected to be wild. However, in those cases where the size
of the population is fairly large the appearance of the trees suggests that they
had, at one time, been exposed to a greater incidence of light than they would
have received had they developed under natural forest conditions. The
arrangement of the trees in these populations also seems to be non-random in
contrast with what would be expected if they had been established by natural
dispersal mechanisms.
One feature of sub-spontaneous populations is the fact that they are
composed of groups of small numbers of trees. These groups can be formed
from the survivors of the village plantings, as described above. Other means by
which such groups may have been formed include the accidental sowing, from
The Manifestation of Diversity and Its Conservation 47

fruits carried by the indigenous tribes during their migrations. One or at most a
few fruits may have been harvested in the home village or along the route for
some purpose; for example, to suck the pulp, the seeds being deposited at the
locations where the fruits were opened. Similar methods of accidental sowing
are attributed, perhaps in more recent times, to the collectors of natural
products, such as rubber (the latex of Hevea spp.), balata (the latex of balata,
Mimusops balata) and Brazil nuts (the seeds of Bertholletia excelsa). These
collectors, starting from a place where cacao was present (or passing through
one on their journeys) would take a fruit for similar reasons and, after the fruit
was opened, the seeds were allowed to fall on the ground where they
germinated if the conditions were suitable.
The small amounts of seed involved in these migrations would explain the
narrow variability encountered in situations where the human element was
responsible for the establishment of the isolated populations. Any heterogeneity
encountered would be derived from the fruits harvested from heterozygous
Various situations have developed since the European colonization of the
Amazon Basin and the commencement of the exploitation of cacao, that may
also have a bearing on the issue of spontaneous and sub-spontaneous
populations. Among the possibilities that should be considered is the deliberate
or accidental sowing in the areas where the natural populations were exploited
during the extractive period. (In current usage the term ‘extractive period’ refers
to the era in which the product of the natural occurrences of cacao was
harvested.) In addition, colonization of lands for the purpose of agriculture on
whatever scale where cacao was present may have involved leaving the
original trees (of the, perhaps, natural stands) and these populations expanded,
deliberately or accidentally. This process continues in modern times. In most of
these situations the seed used would have been derived from the existing
populations so that the genetic composition would have been maintained even
though some segregation may have occurred among the progenies if the parent
trees were heterozygous. Through the subsequent generation cycle populations
would have been created with variability of a greater scale than that which
would have been apparent in the parental natural populations.
The uncertainty of defining which populations are spontaneous or wild
presents certain difficulties regarding the methods employed in sampling the
diversity in conservation programmes in the regions where the primitive
diversity is expected to occur. The collector of the plant material needs to use
intuition as to whether the status of the target population can be defined as
wild. The mere fact that cacao trees are found in forests is no basis for claiming
that they belong to a wild population. Such claims have been made in cases
where, although the forest appears to be primitive, the area has been subjected
to human occupation in the past, during which time the forest has been able to
return to a natural state. In the R. Vaupés valley, an area of soils of lower
fertility, it was stated that it takes about 30 years for the forest to return to its
original state after a clearing has been abandoned. This means that, even if the
forest vegetation is in equilibrium, the cacao trees found in it may derive from
fairly recent plantings of introduced seed.
48 Chapter 4

Under natural conditions of development, the cacao trees in spontaneous

and sub-spontaneous situations present a variety of habits. The forms of the
individual trees that are found in such states result from the influence of various
factors. Some of these relate to the environment at the site of occurrence, such
as forest density and topography. The ages of the trees and the genetic
composition and density of the population as well as its past history contribute
to the various tree habits that are encountered.
When the forest is dense a young tree grows towards the source of light.
The result is that the trunks tend to be long and thin with long internodes. If
branching takes place the canopy formed is usually restricted in area. The
lateral location of the light source may cause the trunk to curve towards it
according to the positions of the neighbouring trees. This is a common feature
when certain varieties develop in some situations and may give the impression
that the cacao trees develop a ‘vine-like’ habit. The occurrence of trees
possessing this feature has been the subject of claims of finding a ‘new’ type of
cacao. An example of a tree in dense forest with an attenuated trunk and
weakly branched habit is depicted in Plate 2b. Some varieties also produce
very tall stems even under more open light conditions (Plate 2c).
While some trees have thin trunks even when they are fairly old, other
trees are encountered with tall trunks that have a large diameter. It has been
found that the growth of progenies descended from some very large trees has
been relatively slow. When such situations occur, it can be concluded that these
large trees may have taken several hundred years to reach their present size.
These examples prove the longevity of some of the cacao trees that are
encountered under spontaneous conditions, but they also show that the normal
types of tree habits cannot be implied from the appearance of the trees found
under natural conditions.
At the other end of the range of tree forms are those trees, or perhaps
better referred to as ‘stands’ (or thickets), that are composed of several stems.
This is the consequence of the natural propensity of most cacao trees to
produce suckers from their bases. The number of suckers found in a thicket can
vary enormously. Plate 2a shows a stand with relatively few stems but others
may have several dozen. Various mechanical causes such as the weight and
action of the growth of creepers (lianas) around the stems and fallen branches
and trunks of other trees cause the stems to bend forming an arch. This
condition initiates the development of more orthotropic shoots from the axillary
buds of the main stem, thus increasing the number of stems produced.
Similar situations also apply to older cultivated populations where the trees
have been raised under conditions in which they have received the minimum
of cultural care, multiple-stemmed stands developing for various reasons. One
cause of the existence of trees formed by many tillers (stems arising from the
base of a plant) is the practice of allowing them to occupy the open spaces
created by progressive reduction in the densities of the original population by
deaths and other factors.
From the point of view of collecting germplasm and the sampling procedures
to be adopted in the target populations the existence of multiple-stemmed stands
and natural vegetative reproduction brings two important problems. One
The Manifestation of Diversity and Its Conservation 49

problem concerns the fact that a ‘thicket’, which may appear to be a ‘tree’, could
be composed of two or more genotypes. In some cases the stand may have been
derived from the germination of several seeds. These seeds may derive from the
same fruit or from more than one fruit. In the first case the resulting trees would
be related but not necessarily phenotypically identical. In the second case, the
trees may have been established at various times. Thickets have been
encountered where an additional genotype has been added through seeds
brought by birds and monkeys germinating within the original stands.
Examples of genetically mixed stands of this type are found in cultivated
populations where the practice was to sow two or more seeds in a planting
hole. When the trunks representing the progenies of these seeds were allowed
to develop together genetically mixed stands resulted. Some of the most
obvious examples of this situation are to be found in countries such as
Ecuador, where it is common to find fields in which the seeds used for sowing
came from parent trees that had red and green fruits. Sowing of pairs of seeds
of contrasting colour genotypes produced stands in which the mixtures of
genotypes were easy to spot.
In those regions where there is no variability in fruit colour mixed stands
are not easily detected. This is especially the case when, on the occasion of a
visit to a population at a given location, not all of the trunks have fruits or
flowers on which differences between the various trunks can be observed;
sometimes these indicators are absent altogether. Consequently, when
propagating material is collected from several trunks of a stand and identified
as coming from a single tree the progenies obtained may be found to represent
two or more genotypes. Another consequence is that progenies of fruits
collected from one trunk may be unrelated to the progenies of budwood taken
from another trunk. The same situations apply, of course, to progenies of fruits
harvested from several trunks but not identified as being different at the time of
collection. The disregard for the use of the indicators of variability at the time of
collecting to determine whether the trunks belong to the same genotype results
in considerable problems in the identification and characterization of the
resulting accessions.
The second problem related to vegetative reproduction is the existence of a
situation that, in terms of the genetic constitution of the populations concerned,
is the opposite of the situations described above. There are two ways in which
plots of cacao, seemingly composed of various trees, may have developed from
a single individual, other than by means of seed. Where an individual tree has
produced numerous basal suckers these would develop into adult trees that
may, in time, become independent of the original stem. Subsequently, the
original trunk may disappear, leaving a gap between the trees that have
developed from the surviving suckers giving the appearance that they are
separate trees. Successive events of this nature affecting the older suckers will
result in the younger stems becoming spaced further apart. These will,
therefore, appear as individual plants but which belong to the same genotype
as the ancestral tree.
The other way in which separated trunks will be produced from the
original trunk applies to situations in which the arching trunks develop their
50 Chapter 4

own orthotropic shoots from their vegetative buds. In certain circumstances, for
example, when they are close to or touch the ground, the new shoots produce
their own roots, which will grow into the soil. Effectively these are new trees
and will become independent of the main trunk when the older part of the
‘mother’ trunk is severed or decomposes. Progressive reproduction of this kind
will, over many years, result in the establishment of many isolated trunks that
have a common ancestor.
The consequence of these effects is that in due course a plot will be
encountered that appears to be formed of various trunks but that will, however,
have identical genotypes. In terms of sampling populations produced in this
manner only one trunk will be necessary to provide a sample of the genotype.

The Influence of Ecological Conditions on the Nature of Cacao

Populations and their Genetic Constitutions

From the foregoing accounts of the appearances of the tree in the spontaneous
and sub-spontaneous states it would be evident that the species is distributed in
a wide range of sizes of the aggregations of trees in locations or areas. The
concept of ‘population’, as applied in this book, covers occurrences of solitary
trees to large areas containing many thousands of trees at high densities. In the
circumstances in which the species is encountered in an area distributed
sparsely as individual trees and small groups of trees it could be considered that
the aggregation of such trees comprises a population even though the
individuals may be genetically distinct. The large variability in population size
and situations in which the species occurs have an important influence in the
determination of the procedures that are adopted by genetic resources
programmes for the collecting and sampling of the diversity present in
individual cases.
Solitary trees that produce fruits are expected to be self-compatible and
they are almost always homozygous, or nearly so. Hence, collecting a small
sample of seeds would suffice to represent the genotype.
Large populations at one site or distributed over a larger area probably
contain some genetic variability and it is necessary to estimate the extent of the
variability by means of observations based on the appropriate indicators. The
sample size should be related to the apparent range of variability rather than
the population size and would theoretically be calculated with the objective of
obtaining a representative sample of the genetic variability. In practice,
however, there are usually limits to the quantity of material that can be
collected for reproduction and establishment. These will be considered in the
appropriate section.
Another factor that needs to be taken into account in characterizing a pop-
ulation concerns the ages of its individual components and their consanguinity.
In cacao, determination of the age of a tree under any circumstances is virtually
impossible. As described above, the natural reproduction that may take place
during the life of a tree would determine the ages of the individual stems
encountered. The consequence of this habit is that the particular stand may
The Manifestation of Diversity and Its Conservation 51

have occupied a space for as long as several centuries but the trunks that are
encountered may be relatively young.
It would be expected that a tree with an age of several decades would have
produced fruits from which the seeds would result in a generation of offspring
when they have germinated and the plants are established at the same site.
Since there is no alternation of generations in the species this will give rise to
populations that, at a given site, may be composed of individuals representing
several successive generations, descended from the same ancestor and
consisting of trees with a wide range of ages. This situation would be expected
to be the norm where large populations are encountered.
However, it must be said that, in the context of spontaneous and sub-
spontaneous populations, although quantities of seed may fall on the ground
from fruits opened by monkeys, rodents and birds, the occurrence of young
plants is rather rare. The only cases known to the author are those where the
forest has been cleared. The probable reasons for the absence of developing
seedlings in populations under natural vegetation cover are the difficulty of
germination and growth under heavy shade and the effects of seasonal
flooding. The development of populations composed of several generations
would, therefore, be the consequence of special circumstances, such as the
opening of the forest canopy by natural or human factors.
Although there may be little evidence of the simultaneous existence of
successive generations at a site, the picture may be otherwise when entire regions
are considered. Huber (1906a) described in detail the changes to the
environment that occur in valleys such as that of the R. Purús, which have
important consequences for the constitution of the cacao population in this
drainage system. As will be described in Chapter 5, this is one of the most
important regions of distribution of the diversity. The river is characterized by its
serpentine course, in which constant erosion of the river banks takes place along
certain stretches. At the same time building of new banks and beaches occurs
through the deposition of alluvium in other stretches. This action of the river has
taken place over several centuries as can be verified from the alternate strata of
timber and alluvium that are exposed when the high banks of the river and its
tributaries are eroded. The erosion results in the loss of older cacao trees from
one bank of the river but there has been successive colonization of the new banks
through germination of seeds from the old trees transported to the new locations.
The constant loss and renovation means that populations at different
locations along the river have been established during various periods of history
with trees at some locations being progenies of trees at other locations. The
composition of the new populations perhaps represents part of the diversity that
may have existed in the older populations, with additional variability being
created simultaneously as a consequence of mutation and recombination.
Consequently, individual trees of younger populations may express characteristics
that are not observed in the parent populations. The process of constant changes
to the course of the river has resulted in the formation of lakes, some at a
distance from the present course, on the banks of which cacao trees occur. These
may represent remnants of older populations but have not been considered in the
collecting activities undertaken so far.
52 Chapter 4

The large range of ecological situations in which spontaneous and sub-

spontaneous populations are encountered means that local ecological
circumstances have a profound influence on the ability of cacao plants to
colonize particular habitats. Consequently, the genetic compositions of the
populations found in certain habitats would differ according to the ecological
conditions specific to each habitat. In regions where the relief is hilly the areas
suitable for the establishment and maintenance of cacao are probably limited to
certain ecological niches where soil moisture can be maintained. The occurrences
are likely to be isolated and, therefore, composed of related individuals with little
genetic variability. It is most likely that human agents have been responsible for
the establishment of such populations with the consequence that the genetic
composition of a given population may be restricted.
In view of the fact that by far the most usual distribution of natural cacao
populations is along the river valleys, the effects of the large variety of
situations in determining the nature of the diversity have to be taken into
consideration. In addition to the variation in the ecological factors affecting
certain regions, the characteristics of the rivers can have an important bearing
on the composition of the diversity contained in the local populations. These
characteristics need to be considered in developing strategies for sampling the
diversity of individual river systems for the purposes of conservation.

Factors Involved in Sampling the Diversity in Various Populations

The riparian distribution of the species determines that access to the populations
is more likely to be by water. Even when roads exist in the target area they are
unlikely to provide access to more than limited areas of distribution. Roads and
trails are, of course, indispensable to the sampling of the diversity in those areas
where trees occur at distances from navigable watercourses.
Cacao populations along the narrower rivers appear to be more
homogeneous in their formation. Travel on these rivers is easier and, since the
cacao populations are closer at hand, collecting in such circumstances may be
very productive in terms of the population size that can be surveyed and the
quantity of material for propagation collected during a defined period of time.
The disadvantages presented by the smaller rivers are the increased likelihood
of obstructions and the adverse consequences of flash floods. Very small rivers,
such as the tributaries, present inconveniences in the form of obstructions by
fallen trees and their shallowness, which make passage difficult and onerous.
Accordingly, it is likely that exploration in these valleys will be less productive in
terms of the determination of diversity and its acquisition. The difficulties of
accessibility have resulted in lesser attention being given to the exploration of
small tributaries and areas distant from the river banks. As a result the total area
of distribution in a valley is imperfectly known and the impression is given that
cacao populations occur only on the banks of the major rivers.
At the other extreme are the very broad rivers, often several kilometres
wide. The cacao populations tend to be isolated and although probably having
similar genetic origins have developed individual variability. Among the main
The Manifestation of Diversity and Its Conservation 53

features of the large rivers is the presence of numerous islands. The populations
that exist on these islands are restricted in size and genetic composition and,
being obligate intra-breeders, contain specific elements of the diversity. From
the point of view of the operational side of collecting, large rivers imply that a
larger amount of time is spent on travelling, especially across rivers, resulting in
less time being available for surveying the diversity in the individual locations
and collecting samples of it. As a result, the productivity rate as measured by
the quantity of material collected during a specified time period would be lower
than that obtained on the narrower rivers. However, as will be explained during
the descriptions of the diversity already available for analysis, the lower
productivity obtained in sampling the variability in some of these areas is
compensated for by the existence of a more ample phenotypic diversity.
The above explanations concerning the situations in which natural cacao
populations are encountered demonstrate that diverse factors are responsible
for the nature and distribution of the genetic diversity that exists. All of these
factors must be taken into account in the planning and execution of the phases
of a conservation programme that are concerned with the acquisition of the
germplasm. On account of the varied specific situations in which the diversity
can occur it is inappropriate to establish rules regarding the operation of
collecting activities and sampling procedures. The collecting strategies must be
adapted to the particular conditions that exist in the individual target areas.
In addition to the factors that determine the manner in which the cacao
diversity is distributed the collecting programmes have, as a rule, to conform
to the resources and restrictions that are imposed by conditions that are
independent of the nature of the diversity. Owing to the fact that the
conservation of genetic resources is a developing subject it is a general rule that
collecting activities do not achieve the potential results because of the
inexperience of the persons to whom the collecting is entrusted. The influence
of resource availability on the planning of the collecting activities and their
efficiency in terms of the ability to capture the diversity of the target area can
be considered in two levels. One level is related to the actual operation of
collecting. The second level concerns the limits to the quantity of material that
can be collected imposed by the capacity of the station to which the material is
sent to effectively handle the potential quantities involved.
The above factors as determinants of the sampling strategies are also
related to the method of propagation that will be employed. In the case of
cacao both seed and vegetative propagating material can be used for
reproduction of the genotypes sampled. In either case it is important that the
destination station possesses adequate facilities for propagation and storage of
plants. This would be more uncertain for the use of vegetative propagation
since adequate planning is required to ensure that the facilities and details such
as ensuring the availability of rootstocks in sufficient quantities would be
established well in advance of the collecting activity.
Both methods of propagation have their advantages and disadvantages, as
well as functions, in the attainment of the objectives of the conservation of the
species’ germplasm. In fact, propagation plays an important role in determining
the successful outcome of any collecting activity. The application of either or
54 Chapter 4

both methods in a specific activity is regulated by various considerations. These

include, principally, the objectives of a programme, the resources at its disposal
in quantitative and qualitative terms, the condition of the trees encountered in
the target population and the physical conditions that exist in the area.
Theoretically, the most efficient manner of sampling the diversity of a
population is through the collecting of as many fruits as possible. It can be
assumed that each fruit produced by a tree is the product of fertilization, either
by its own pollen or by that of neighbouring trees. In this hypothetical situation
a fruit of a heterozygous genotype produced by self-fertilization would result in
a family that is heterogeneous for the genes it possesses. On the other hand,
the fruits resulting from hybridization would contain samples of genes from the
pollen parents. Consequently, they would provide a larger sample of the
population’s diversity. Thus, fewer numbers of individuals would suffice to
provide a representative sample of the genes in the population.
The above theory rests on various assumptions. First, that there is sufficient
heterogeneity in the population to provide an adequate gene pool. In this
respect the effectiveness of sampling is governed by the population size. It is
assumed that all, or most, of the individuals have fruits at a stage for
harvesting. Another assumption is that inter-fertilization occurs freely and at
random within the population.
In practice, these assumptions are never realized. Cacao trees in natural
forest habitats produce few fruits and, even when ripe fruits should be
available, they are frequently rendered useless on account of diseases and pests
and the depredations of animals and birds. Fruits are lost in some rivers owing
to flooding coinciding with the time of ripening. Where unaffected fruits are
available these can be out of reach of normal methods of harvesting. Another
aspect that is related to the ability to satisfactorily sample the populations’
diversity is that, frequently, few seeds are contained in the fruits.
The post-collection treatment of the seeds regarding maximizing the utility
of an activity is as important as the collecting itself. Cacao seeds are
recalcitrant; that is, they do not possess a dormancy period and germination
starts as soon as the seeds are exposed to moisture. Consequently, the life of a
seed outside a germinating medium may be as short as a few days. Seeds are
also sensitive to cold and lose their germinating ability at low temperatures,
which sometimes happens in the case of material transported by air.
Deterioration of the cotyledons occurs and this can be detected by an odour
similar to iodine.
The above problems can be mitigated and eliminated by certain
techniques. Seeds can remain viable in the fruits for a few weeks but may lose
some of the ability to germinate as time progresses. Methods for packing and
transporting the seeds out of the fruits in a condition that will result in a
satisfactory establishment rate are available. These require that a certain
amount of care is given to the seeds when they are unpacked on arrival at the
destination, especially when a long period in transit is involved. Protection from
cold is also a foregone essential.
When it is not possible to rely on the availability of fruits to obtain a
representative and random sample of the diversity that a population possesses,
The Manifestation of Diversity and Its Conservation 55

the alternative is to use vegetative propagation. Even when ripe fruits are
present vegetative propagation can be resorted to in order to reproduce and
conserve certain genotypes that exhibit interesting or valuable characteristics,
as an adjunct to the normal sampling process.
Several collecting programmes have been undertaken with the objectives
of obtaining selected germplasm that appears to possess desired traits such as
resistance to one or more pathogens. In such cases, involving specific
individuals, vegetative propagation may be the most effective manner for
conserving the desired traits. However, by their selective nature, these activities
do not consider, and do not achieve, the conservation of the genetic
composition of the population in its totality.
Although vegetative propagation would be an ideal tool for germplasm
conservation its use is fraught with certain problems that seriously affect the
contribution that it can make in this respect. The usual and economically most
effective method of vegetative propagation utilized in genetic resources
programmes is that of budding. This provides the easiest way of handling the
material collected in the field and is cost-effective in terms of the quantity of
material that can be transported to the propagation facilities.
The use of vegetative propagation in sampling the diversity present in a
given population implies that the proportion of trees sampled needs to be fairly
large. However, the usefulness of the method depends on the availability of
material in a condition that would guarantee adequate success in budding. The
problem is that this requirement is difficult to achieve in most populations that
are growing under natural conditions. Branches that would be collected for
budwood are sometimes beyond the reach of the collectors (as in the case of
tall trees with single trunks, where the canopy is high above ground; see Plate
2c). The growth patterns of the trees may result in suitable material being
unavailable at the time of collection. In addition, it is necessary to consider the
presence of pathogens on the branches, such as thread-blight and algae. These
factors demand that infected trees be rejected as sources of material that, in
addition to sanitary considerations, by impairing the success of propagation,
cause the loss of the genotypes and result in wastage of resources. On the other
hand, good success has been obtained in budding material that would appear
unsatisfactory according to the norms for budwood quality that are current on
the basis of experience.
The vegetative material for propagation is subject to a short useful life. This
means that, in addition to the problems of obtaining adequate material, it is
imperative to organize a collecting programme so that transport of material is
strictly controlled. On the receiving end the facilities for propagation have to be
adequate for the handling of the quantities of material that are received in each
shipment. This implies the availability of the rootstocks and the necessary
manpower to undertake the propagation in the shortest possible time and with
the greatest efficiency, in order to ensure the maximum benefits from the labour
and costs expended in collecting and transportation.
The general experience that has been gained from various collecting
activities is that the rate of success from budding is usually low. As a result its
use for obtaining representative samples of the diversity existing in a population
56 Chapter 4

is often debatable. Vegetative propagation can make some contribution

towards germplasm conservation when measures are taken to make the
process efficient on the basis of mitigating the losses that can occur. Many
factors need to be taken into consideration at all stages and decisions made
regarding the use of the technique according to the prevailing circumstances,
keeping in mind that the actual process of propagation is only one stage of the
entire germplasm conservation programme.
Vegetative propagation would be most successful when the target area is
located near a facility for propagation or a genetic resources centre. Such
circumstances permit collecting to be carried out in a target area on various
occasions during the periods when suitable material is available and can be
utilized to advantage. The collecting activities that have been conducted on a
casual basis with reliance entirely on vegetative propagation have in all cases
been unsuccessful in fulfilling their expectations because of the losses suffered
from natural causes. In addition to the limited numbers of trees that could be
sampled during any activity the proportions of genotypes established relative to
the original sample sizes have been low. The consequence is that the
opportunity to conserve specific components of the germplasm in the target
area is lost given that, in programmes conducted to date (with one exception),
no attempts have been made to recover lost genotypes by repeating the
The most effective manner of overcoming the restraints imposed by natural
conditions in obtaining representative samples of the diversity of a population
is that of collecting both fruits and budwood. This policy involves collecting
fruits and budwood from the trees that have ripe fruits and budwood at
random from trees without fruits. The concept was put into practice since the
inception in 1976 of the Brazilian Amazon Genetic Resources Programme. In
terms of the class of material collected the individual parent trees of a
population would be represented in the genetic resources centre by progenies
descended from seed alone, clones of the parent genotypes and other parents
represented by both their clones and their progenies from seed.
The combination of vegetative and seed propagation has several
advantages, not only with regard to the conservation aspect of the programme,
but, principally, concerning the characterization and evaluation of the diversity.
The procedure allows comparisons to be made between the phenotypes of the
adult trees occurring in natural habitats and those of the same genotypes in
their juvenile stage of development and to determine their response to other
habitats. The observations made on the developing clonal plants would reveal
important features related to plant habit, leaf characters and flowering
behaviour. These observations would be applied in the characterization of the
diversity contained in the populations in terms of the attributes exhibited by the
adult trees growing under natural conditions.
Seed progenies also provide the same information about the juvenile
growth characters. Among other advantages they are important in revealing the
existence of characters controlled by recessive genes and the presence of
mutations, an example of which is shown in Plate 31a. Some of these could be
valuable in breeding programmes but are not identifiable in the cloned
The Manifestation of Diversity and Its Conservation 57

genotypes. In practical terms the scale and nature of the intra- and inter-family
segregation in the progenies would be used to measure the homozygosity status
of the parents and the diversity contained in the population. This segregation,
considered together with the traits of the parents, contributes to the analysis of
the inheritance of the individual traits, both qualitative and quantitative. Analysis
of the quantitative traits may provide indications regarding such aspects as the
individual’s combining ability for yield components and their inheritance. The
knowledge could then be applied in the selection of genotypes of potential use
in the improvement process.
It has been the practice in cacao genetic resources programmes to organize
and conduct collecting activities specifically for the species. These activities
have been given the title of ‘expeditions’. The expression covers a multitude of
types of activities. These range from visits of a few days’ duration to a single
location in which a few items are collected to activities that last several months
or cover large areas of territory with the collection of large amounts of material.
However, it is not necessary that collecting of germplasm be undertaken solely
in this manner. Programmes that are based on the accumulation of as large a
sample of genotypes that will represent the diversity of one or more
populations, or of a particular area, could be conducted using other methods.
Collections can be made in association with botanical expeditions or similar
scientific activities.
Material can also be obtained through the services of persons resident or
working in the target area. Once the provider of these services understands the
objective of the programme and details of the procedures involved material
would be supplied at stages when conditions are suitable. Such methods
obviate the need for expensive activities and can provide an adequate supply
of material that, perhaps, would come closer to achieving the aims of sampling
the diversity of the area than would be possible from a single casual visit.
The effective operation of large programmes of collecting would depend
on the a priori availability of information about the target area and the cacao
populations that exist in it. The Brazilian programme was based on the
principle of undertaking a preliminary reconnaissance of a target area on which
the planning of the principal activity would be based. Although the aim of a
reconnaissance was to gather information about the occurrences of cacao and
conditions for exploration it was an established practice to collect some
specimens from trees in the area visited. This practice, in addition to
contributing to the conservation objective, is useful in providing some
preliminary information about the nature of the population concerned.

The Cultivated Populations: their Role in the Creation of

Diversity and its Conservation

Cultivated populations are also repositories of the genetic diversity of the

species. Some may be looked at from the point of view of constituting a
controlled stage of the development of the diversity. In accordance with the
propositions regarding the origin of the species’ diversity on which this work is
58 Chapter 4

based, all cultivated populations, regardless of the time that they have existed,
would ultimately be descended from the primitive diversity and, therefore, from
the diversity of the Amazonian Region.
The cultivated populations are derived from specific components of this
diversity and exhibit considerable variability in terms of the genetic material
they contain and the circumstances of their evolution. The extent of the
variability will become evident when the major regions of cultivation are
described in Chapter 6.
However, it will be found from the histories of the creation and evolution of
the populations cultivated in the individual areas that there are groups of such
populations that are descended from genetic material from the same sources
and are related through the exchange of varieties among them. From the point
of view of conservation of their resources the related populations should be
considered to belong to the same gene pools. Although conservation
programmes may be conducted in local populations those with the same
genetic background should be treated jointly as components of the same
portion of the species’ diversity.
With regard to the genetic composition of the cultivated populations there
are perhaps three basic situations that need to be considered from the point of
view of conservation. The simplest one is that in which a single homozygous
genotype is involved. In such cases no variability will be expected except for
the possibility of mutations. When these occur they will be expressed only in
the succeeding generations, if reproduction occurs.
Next in order of increasing complexity is the situation where the source
material concerns a single heterozygous genotype. The populations obtained
from it will exhibit a degree of variability depending on the nature of the
genotype. Subsequent generations will produce further evidence of variability
but all individuals will be closely related in spite of exhibiting a wider range of
phenotypic variability than that of the original source genotype.
The third situation refers to populations formed from introductions of
diversity from more than one source. In these complex situations there will be
enlarged variability resulting from hybridization among these varieties in the
subsequent generations. Concomitantly, segregation will be generated in the
descendants of the genotypes of the individual source varieties by self-
fertilization. The result of these two lines of reproduction will be the creation of
populations that are complex in terms of the genotypic combinations produced.
Cultivated populations have certain features that are advantageous for the
processes of acquiring samples of the diversity and its characterization and
conservation. The advantages of many cultivated populations include such
conditions as easier access and uniformity of age, density and tree habit. The
composition and appearance of cultivated populations are, of course,
dependent on the particular situation and history of each field. Several factors
operate in determining the phenotypic variability that is observed in individual
The relative uniformity contained in some cultivated populations and the
ease with which the comparative observations on the trees can be performed
makes the task of collecting much more reliable. In these circumstances the
The Manifestation of Diversity and Its Conservation 59

process of collecting samples of diversity implies a certain degree of selection

for specific characteristics displayed by the trees. At one end selection is
performed on the basis of the identification of certain specific traits that are
desirable in agronomic or commercial terms and, at the other end, for those
traits that are considered to represent the range of variability for other
characters that the population possesses.
The process of selection presupposes that there has been some form of
characterization based on the indicators of variability. In the past, ignorance
about the modes of inheritance and such aspects as the relationships between
phenotype and genotype and genotype–environment interaction meant that
selection would have been based on intuition. In more recent times attention
has been given to the development of the bases for making selection more
effective in terms of the results desired.
Although many different situations occur within the concept of ‘cultivation’
the establishment of cultivated populations that were formed up to the mid-
20th century, and certainly the older enterprises, would have resulted from the
introduction of small quantities of planting material. The material introduced
would have originated either in spontaneous populations or from an
intermediate stage of cultivation. Whatever the source of the planting material
that composes a field, it is probable that some degree of consanguinity will
occur in most of such assemblages of plants. However, it is not possible to
generalize on this subject and examples, based on their historical backgrounds,
of the genetic composition of cultivated fields will be presented in Chapter 6.
The different systems of sowing and cultivation practised in various
countries have an important bearing on the composition of cultivated fields.
The practice largely followed in Trinidad at the end of the 19th century, as
described by Preuss (1901), is a good example of the manner in which fields
would have been established in many growing regions. It would be
presumptuous to attribute the origin of this practice to Trinidad. The method
described involved using fruits harvested from selected trees. The seeds from
each fruit were sown in the same area, such as within the same row. Where
several fruits from an individual tree were used differences among the
progenies from the various fruits may have occurred because of uncontrolled
hybridization but they would all have been related. Hence, it would be
expected that neighbouring trees would exhibit similar phenotypes. This
situation can be observed in several of the fields formed in this manner when
careful comparisons are made between neighbouring trees. An example of how
the sowing of seeds from a single fruit in the same row produced plants having
the same phenotype was that of a row of trees having fruits of strikingly similar
appearance encountered in a field in Ecuador.
Mention was made previously of the practice of certain indigenous peoples
to plant a few cacao trees in or near their villages. This could be considered to
be the first natural stage of domestication of the species. Presumably, the seeds
for these plantings derived from spontaneous populations.
Within a given area the trees that occur in plantings formed in this manner
would probably be descended from previous plantings that were abandoned
and passed to the sub-spontaneous state. These sub-spontaneous individuals
60 Chapter 4

and their predecessors would form a lineage from perhaps a spontaneous

individual. In other words it may be possible to trace a link between the
individuals at one location and those of other populations. The linkage of these
populations is important in the context of the formation of new occurrences of
the species through the migrations of the indigenous inhabitants of the regions
concerned. The process of migration applies to both the Amazonian and
Circum-Caribbean Regions.
The establishment of cacao cultivation in the Amazonian Region, which
occurred after the species was discovered, involved, principally, the intentional
colonization of new areas or, possibly, the expansion of the areas occupied by
natural stands. The cultivated areas in the Region can be considered to be
another stage in the process of enlargement of the habitat range of the species
and its diversity.
As the seeds used in these plantings are descended from the spontaneous
occurrences it should be possible to relate the cultivated populations to their
parental varieties when the latter are identified. Even when the parental
varieties cannot be identified, for example, on account of their having
disappeared, the analysis of the diversity existing in the various cultivated
populations would constitute an important contribution to the understanding of
the primitive diversity of the Region. In this way collections of individual
genotypes under cultivation and their progenies form an integral part of the
conservation of the genetic resources of the Region.
The populations that have existed in the Circum-Caribbean Region and in
the secondary areas where the species occurred in pre-Columbian times and
those subsequently established through introductions are of similar importance
in the context of germplasm conservation. The hypothesis of a common origin
of the species implies that the cultivated populations outside the Amazonian
Region, although they may have existed for many centuries, owe their diversity
to descent from heterogeneous sources and mutations that occurred during the
period of their existence.
In some cases no documentary evidence exists regarding the sources of the
planting material used in establishing areas of cultivation. Where it is possible
to undertake an analysis of the variability of a population the origins of its
components may be conjectured on the basis of the observed characteristics
and their relationships to those of other varieties. An analysis of the
heterogeneity of a population would entail the identification of the primary or
ancient germplasm, the introduced variety or varieties, the hybrids formed
between them and the segregants produced by recombination in the
succeeding generations. However, owing to the fact that our knowledge of the
diversity of the species is far from complete it is not appropriate, at the present
time, to attempt to reach definitive conclusions on the subject.
There are several populations, such as those formed in more recent times in
the Old World, where some knowledge exists concerning the sources of the
varieties that were introduced. Even in these cases the characteristics, as well as
their origins, of the varieties grown in the source countries are often poorly
defined. The introduction of varieties possessing unique characteristics into areas
in which cultivation existed would be expected to result in contamination of the
The Manifestation of Diversity and Its Conservation 61

varieties that had been cultivated previously through hybridization and formation
of intermediate types. The hybrid generations would then provide the planting
material for subsequent cultivation. However, it is observed that during several
generations selection pressure for certain characteristics may result in individual
populations that do not exhibit the introduction’s characteristics although its
genes may be present in the hybrid progenies.

Practical Considerations in the Establishment and Conduct of

Conservation Activities

The contributions to germplasm conservation made during the 20th century in

the secondary areas of distribution have been principally by-products of
programmes of selection. In general, these have been based on predetermined
objectives in which attention was given to genotypes expressing certain criteria
regarding the traits sought as ideal for the formation of cultivars. Since we are
referring to selection programmes conducted in cultivated populations the
details regarding these programmes and their outcomes are described in the
introduction to Chapter 6.
Starting from the late 1940s germplasm from new sources was introduced
into the producing countries. Principally these were derived from the collections
made during the 1930s in the Amazon valley that are described in detail in
Chapter 5. These introductions had two effects, one of which was the
acceleration of the process of substitution of the ‘traditional’ populations in
some countries. The other effect was the release of new combinations of
genetic factors that governed the traits expressed in the Amazonian varieties
through reproduction in the subsequent generations, either by commercial
cultivation of the progenies or in the experimental improvement programmes.
However, in most cases, since the genotypes introduced were selected
members of the populations concerned, the range of germplasm involved was
a fraction of that contained in the source populations.
The cloned cultivars obtained in selection programmes, notably those
undertaken during the period from 1930 to 1950, have constituted the basis of
the origins of the concepts of germplasm collections created through the
accumulation of the genotypes from several countries. Much of the knowledge
on which the management of germplasm collections and the characterization
and evaluation of genotypes is based has developed from these collections of
clones. The first collection specifically established as a genetic resources
collection was that in Trinidad (Bartley and Chalmers, 1971). As will be
explained below, this germplasm collection was based on concepts of the
genetic resources that were far wider than those considered in the formation of
collections of clones that had, up to then, been considered to represent the
species’ diversity.
In accordance with the definition of the genetic resources established in
Chapter 1, the original Trinidad germplasm collection included genotypes from
as many sources as were available, including elements of what could be
considered to have been the primitive diversity. Also included were progenies
62 Chapter 4

selected from a wide range of families produced by controlled pollination. The

motive for including the progenies was based on the concept that they would
possess the same genes as the parent genotypes that had been transmitted to
their progeny and would be equal representatives of the diversity.
Natural reproduction involves various degrees of inbreeding and
hybridization and could proceed for various generations. Through these
processes the genes contained in the primitive diversity can be expressed in the
progeny of the individuals belonging to the original populations. The
observations made on these progenies are the means for determining the
genetic composition of the primitive and cultivated populations in which
characterization of the trees is not feasible. Therefore, the production and
maintenance of families of progenies is essential for describing the universe of
diversity of the species, in addition to their role in its conservation.
Consequently, it is essential that a genetic resources programme be based
on the principle of seeking for or producing the progenies that are derived from
the primitive elements of the diversity and that are equal components of it.
Hence, the collections of germplasm that are established within the genetic
resources conservation programmes must represent all of the individual
elements of the diversity regardless of their derivation.
The conservation of cacao germplasm, especially considering the threats of
extinction of the natural populations (by natural and human factors) and the
changes that occur in cultivated populations through the introduction of alien
varieties, is indispensable for providing the material for future improvement of
the crop. The most effective manner by which to guarantee its conservation is
through the accumulation of the diversity in specified locations. The function of
these collections goes far beyond the mere aim of conservation. Accumulation
of variability from various populations at a single site permits comparative
observations to be made from which to establish the distinguishing characters
of the individual populations. The availability of several varieties at the same
site enables the programme to use the individual genotypes for the production
of the inbred and hybrid progenies that will form the basis for collections of
genotypes that possess specific traits and characteristics. These progenies also
supply the genetic material that can be utilized in future improvement
programmes, the identification of the useful sources of breeding material being
based on the due characterization and evaluation of the components of a
germplasm collection.
In the formation and management of germplasm collections it is essential
to consider certain factors related to the nature of the species. The variability
shown by genotypes regarding their habits, tree architecture and growth rates
must be taken into account in planning the layout and establishment of the
accessions. In most cases, of course, characteristics of this nature would not be
recognized until the plants have been established in the field and are in the
development stages.
When the traits that are specific to the accessions have been identified
alterations to the planting schemes need to be made to provide optimal
conditions for the normal development of the accessions. Such alterations
include the use of spacing distances related to the architecture of each
The Manifestation of Diversity and Its Conservation 63

accession and the arrangement of the accessions in order to mitigate the effects
of competition resulting from large differences in tree sizes, whether within a
heterogeneous family or whether between accessions. Excessive competition is
a factor that inhibits expression of the specific characteristics of accessions,
especially those with slower growth rates or smaller tree sizes. The inhibition of
character expression caused by inadequate management and planning results
in accessions that possess desirable properties being given indifferent treatment.
When indifferent attention is paid to individual genotypes and families their
important characteristics are frequently overlooked with regard to their
utilization, and their future status in the gene banks may be put in jeopardy.
Since cacao populations can be found in a large range of habitats it may
be inferred that specific components of the variability have become adapted to
certain environments. The concept of centralizing the genetic resources in
specific locations usually results in accessions being brought to and established
in environments that differ substantially from those in which the populations
evolved. Therefore, the curators of the genetic resources centres need to be
aware that a specific variety may not be adapted to the conditions prevailing in
the collection that they manage. The consequences of placing plants in
environments to which they are not adapted are, again, the inhibition of
character expression or, worse, the loss of the accessions concerned.
There is a general lack of appreciation of the fact that a genetic resource
centre is not merely a farm on which cacao is cultivated. It is necessary to pay
attention to the specific needs of the individual accessions as they become
apparent from observations made on the plants and to take the measures
necessary to ensure their conservation and their ability to provide the desired
Considering the various undertakings in the field of the conservation of the
genetic resources of cacao it is a matter of regret that several of them, including
those that ought to be the most important, are situated in areas where con-
ditions are inappropriate for their intended purposes. Inadequate management
combined with, or resulting from, the unsuitable growing conditions prohibit
normal development and character expression. One alarming feature has been
the high rate of loss of plants.
The history of collecting cacao genetic resources is a long account of losses
of material at all stages from the transport of the material to the propagating
site to the years following establishment in the field. Some of these losses may
have been unavoidable; for example, those resulting from inferior quality of the
material for propagation. However, losses sustained in the field owing to
inadequate conditions, inexperienced management and lack of continuity of
the effort required for the maintenance of the collections, are deplorable. The
losses are regretted, not only on account of the failure to maintain material that
may no longer be available, but because the material collected often represents
considerable expenditure of the resources applied in its acquisition.
As regards the financial aspects of maintaining genetic resource collections
inadequate conditions demand greater inputs to achieve the results expected
from them. The resources for these inputs are inadequately provided. At the
same time, their unsatisfactory field performance results in the inability of the
64 Chapter 4

accessions to attain satisfactory levels of productivity, naturally resulting in

reduced income that would, under optimal growing conditions, be applied in
the maintenance of the collection.
Another great constraint regarding the functioning of genetic resource
centres is that they are usually limited in scope in relation to the extensive
genetic diversity that the species contains and the activities that they should
The most important factors concerned with the management of genetic
resource centres are related to the fact that cacao is a perennial tree species
with an indefinite longevity and a fairly long reproductive and generation cycle.
These characteristics imply that space is essential for the natural development
of each individual that would occupy the same site for an indefinite period of
time. In addition, the determination of the characteristics of genotypes and
their interrelationships will take several years before they are concluded. Also,
as mentioned above, slow growing and unproductive trees would not
contribute to the economic value of the collection. In this way, once a space is
attributed to an individual it is lost for use for the expansion of a collection
when additional accessions are acquired.
These factors demand that genetic resource centres be planned so that
sufficient space is available for the quantities of germplasm that may be
introduced. Space would also be required for establishing the families that
would be produced for purposes of characterization and evaluation as well as
those connected with the objectives of conservation. Obviously, it is necessary
that the centre be provided with adequate resources that would be needed in
order to function for an indefinite length of time, a matter that is frequently
Various measures can be adopted to mitigate the effects of the inherent
properties of the species and the needs of the genotypes, which influence the
procedures to be adopted in sampling the diversity. In order to apply these
measures effectively it is necessary to treat a germplasm collection as a
dynamic enterprise. All too often the attitude is taken that, once the accessions
are established in the field, that is the end of the matter and the trees are left to
their own devices, sometimes, unfortunately, to perish. All of the measures
require constant observation of the behaviour of the trees and the appropriate
actions taken when necessary. This demands a degree of flexibility in the
management of the collection’s resources. One underlying principle is that
optimal conditions of management and resources would enhance the
development of the plants and minimize losses. In turn, it will become possible
to maintain smaller numbers of plants and accelerate the other stages of the
conservation process. The fundamental condition underlying the preceding
principle is that any collection must be located in the environment that is
appropriate for its purposes.
Among the measures that can be taken to achieve effective use of space
and resources are: (i) using spacing in accordance with the growth habits of the
individual genotypes; (ii) grouping together genotypes with similar
characteristics; (iii) reducing the numbers of individuals in families of progenies
by propagating those representing the variability expressed in the family – in
The Manifestation of Diversity and Its Conservation 65

the case of families of homozygous parents a single progeny would be

sufficient; and (iv) re-propagating individuals at risk (e.g. those in unfavourable
situations) and replanting them in situations where they would benefit from
intensive care. The land made available would be used for establishing new
additions to the collection.
The genetic content of the genotypes that prove to be less easy to grow in
the prevailing circumstances, especially those that may be at risk of being lost,
may be preserved by hybridization with another variety and conservation of
the progenies produced. The most suitable genotypes to use as parents in this
procedure would be those that are self-compatible and homozygous, especially
those carrying recessive marker genes. Through the application of appropriate
breeding techniques the intrinsic characteristics of a genotype or variety to be
saved would be identified. The alleles responsible for the expression of the
characters would be recovered for conservation and use.
The matter of the sizes of families of progenies that should be included in
collections is a debatable question. What should be done depends on the
parent genotypes and the variability existing in the families resulting from the
collections. Accordingly, as mentioned above, a single inbred progeny of a
homozygous parent would be a sufficient representative of its genotype. On the
other hand, when extensive heterogeneity is concerned there may be no limit
to the numbers of plants that would represent the variability of the population
from which they may be derived. In Brazil it was observed that progenies
descended from different fruits of a parent tree exhibited variability in their
juvenile phase, which would indicate that the fruits derived from fertilization
with different pollen donors. Consequently, it was considered advantageous to
adopt the system of planting samples of the progenies of each fruit in order to
facilitate the identification of the contributions of the male parents.
In one undertaking comprising what should have been one of the most
important germplasm collections, the policy was adopted of planting a sample
of the progenies, the size of which was determined on the basis of an estimate
of the numbers of genes that would be represented. The calculations did not
take into account the specific circumstances of each population sampled during
collecting or the pollination dynamics of the species, as determined by the
compatibility status of the individuals comprising each sample. This theoretical
sampling may have produced the desired information about the populations if
the appropriate studies had been carried out on the progenies. In view of the
fact that the collection was established on land cleared from the forest with
some of the forest trees left to provide shade, conditions developed such that,
with the inadequate management that the collection received, significant
mortality occurred. Consequently, some of the families were irreparably lost. In
contrast with this story it should be emphasized that the most successful
collections have been those in which all of the progenies were established.
Some of the activities that constitute the stages of a genetic resources
conservation programme, as set out in Chapter 1, include the characterization
and evaluation of the accessions, either as single genotypes or as families. The
summary of the variability indicators in Chapter 3 gives an idea of the array of
items that could be considered in the characterization of the accessions. The
66 Chapter 4

detailed observations of the plants’ characters would constitute a formidable

undertaking when all of the available germplasm is considered. For this reason,
the quantity of such information available is limited and usually incomplete as
regards any population. Although some extensive characterization has been
undertaken and large amounts of data have been produced a great deal of it
remains unpublished.
In various parts of the text reference has been made to the recognition,
from the earliest times since variety collections were made, of the need for
descriptions of the varieties. The selection programmes undertaken in the
1940s and the subsequent exchanges of clones underlined the usefulness of
descriptions of these clones that would be available on a general basis
especially for the purposes of identification. The large volume of information
that subsequently became available from collecting and conservation activities
and improvement programmes led to the adoption of methods for recording
this information and making it universally available. The International Cocoa
Germplasm Database (ICGD) was set up about 1990 with the objective of
accomplishing this task. Various descriptions of the Database have been
published such as End et al. (1994).
The Database is constantly developing and growing in terms of the number
of genotypes included and the information about them, so that it has to be kept
up to date. Two printed versions have been published and two CD-ROMs later
produced as well as an online version which is updated. Several thousand
entries are involved including clones and families (the latter erroneously
included under the term ‘clone’). Data are presented according to an
established order of descriptors and it is possible to obtain lists of genotypes
that possess certain characteristics. However, the present organization does not
provide information on the distinguishing characteristics of genotypes and the
populations to which they belong in a manner that is easy for most users to
discern. Another drawback refers to the fact that no distinction is made
between observations recorded on parent trees and those of their progenies,
either clones or families. Another source of confusion relates to the entering of
completely different descriptions from two or more sources which is the result
of misidentification. The use of average values often hides the true
characteristics and there is little information given regarding inheritance. One
defect concerns the recording of information about the reaction of genotypes to
diseases. Absence of infection under certain circumstances is inferred as
‘resistance’, while subsequent infection (or susceptibility) on a given genotype is
On the whole there is a misunderstanding about the purpose of charac-
terization. The objective is not merely to gather data about all of the traits of a
genotype but to arrive at a description of its distinguishing characteristics and
those of the population to which it belongs.
Although much has been accomplished in a general manner of all stages of
the genetic resources conservation of cacao, the above discussion illustrates the
negative aspects or failures to conserve and adequately characterize the
populations that are known to exist. On account of this situation the
presentation of a comprehensive discussion of the species’ genetic diversity at
The Manifestation of Diversity and Its Conservation 67

this time is impracticable. In the following chapters as much as is possible of the

existing knowledge about the populations that comprise the diversity will be
presented with the intention of arriving at an understanding about its nature. It
is hoped that the views expressed above will encourage the establishment of
adequate programmes that will guarantee the conservation of the diversity and
the availability of the information that may be essential for the effective
utilization of its components.
5 The Foundations of the


In the introductory chapters the concept was advanced that the basic diversity
of the species originated in the Amazonian Region. In the first section of this
chapter the knowledge that has been acquired about the diversity that exists in
the Region will be summarized according to its component populations. The
evidence about the diversity will be interpreted on the basis of the observations
that have been made on the morphological characteristics of what may be
considered to be the primitive gene base and the variability that has been
derived from it.
Although the volume of information at our disposal probably represents
only a fraction of the total diversity, the magnitude of this complex subject is
such that the presentation of an analysis of the data is an enormous task. The
area drained by the R. Amazon alone covers over 7,000,000 km2 to which
another 10% perhaps has to be added to complete the region as defined in
Chapter 1. Over 1000 watercourses of various magnitudes make up the
hydrologic systems of the Region. On the basis of the hypothesis that each
component stream could represent a distinct cacao population the description
of each would be an impossible task within the confines of the present volume.
Although the Brazilian Genetic Resources Programme constitutes the major
activity of this type that has as yet been undertaken it is far from covering the
potential area of the distribution of the species. Further, the losses that have
occurred since collecting commenced result in less than half of the parent
genotypes sampled being available for study. Some of the diversity described
herein is known only to the author and is not included in the material that can
be found in the conserved state. The scope of the Brazilian Genetic Resources
Conservation Programme can be comprehended from the inventory of the
accessions established in the field up to 1985 (Almeida et al., 1987). A
considerable quantity of additional material was obtained in the succeeding

© B.G.D. Bartley 2005. The Genetic Diversity of Cacao and its Utilization
68 (Basil G.D. Bartley)
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 69

years, which is included in the summary of the results of the programme

provided by Almeida et al. (1995). A general picture of some of the
populations sampled may be obtained from Barriga et al. (undated).

Topics Related to the Diversity Applicable to its Description

and Analysis

To obtain a complete understanding of the global picture of cacao diversity and

its distribution it is necessary to establish some facts and dispel several false
concepts that have been adopted in the course of time by persons unfamiliar
with the Region. The principal subjects to consider in this respect are:
● It was realized early in the history of the attempts to collect cacao diversity
that, for the most part, the cacao populations on the tributary rivers
contained varieties that are unique to each river as regards their
phenotypic characteristics. The reasons for this geographical distribution
would be consistent with the fact, as explained in Chapter 4, that cacao
populations, whether spontaneous or cultivated, would be descended from
limited amounts of reproductive material and having a restricted gene base
as a consequence of differential adaptability and selection.
● Prior to the arrival of the Europeans the Region was not artificially partitioned
into national divisions or subdivisions. In other words the evolution of the
cacao diversity took place over the entire primary distribution area. For this
reason the description of the individual cacao populations and varieties must
be based on their distribution in the various drainage systems without
reference to past or present political divisions. However, individual countries
have conducted genetic resource programmes at national levels including the
formation of national collections. This situation demands that attention be
paid to these conservation efforts although the present treatment of the
subject would involve the interpretation of the results from sources of
information other than those relating to national programmes.
● Another aspect regarding the distribution of cacao populations that must
be considered is the fact that, previous to European colonization, the areas
of the occurrence of the species were occupied by indigenous peoples that,
in most cases, are not the same as those actually found in these areas.
Consequently, most of any human involvement in the dispersal of cacao
populations would have occurred in prehistoric times and little can be
attributed to the present distribution of Amerindian peoples.
● It is necessary to be clear about the fact that only part of the Amazon Basin
and the adjacent areas on its periphery was occupied by cacao at the start
of European colonization of the region. Since the 17th century large areas
in which cacao previously did not occur have been brought into
cultivation. Hence, it is important to recognize that there is a distinction
between the areas where the primary germplasm occurred in a,
presumably, spontaneous state and the secondary areas of cultivated
70 Chapter 5

● On the main R. Amazon the primary areas, that is, those existing prior to
European occupation, would appear to have been located west of the
mouths of the Tapajós and Trombetas rivers. It may be more correct to
define this area as embracing the region west of the mouths of the Madeira
and Negro rivers.
● There are, however, some few exceptions to this distribution pattern, such
as the island of Gurupá near the mouth of the Amazon on which,
according to early reports, a significantly large population of cacao existed
during the 17th century. The origins of such populations will be discussed
in the appropriate sections.
● The greater part of the primary cacao diversity would, therefore, be located
in the western and southwestern quadrant of the Region. Some of the
drainage basins to the east of the area defined above also appeared to
contain occurrences of cacao in pre-European times and were also
exploited during the extraction era but little is known about their varietal
status or the extent of cultivation along these rivers. North of the Japurá-
Caquetá drainage area the occurrences of cacao are relatively sparse. For
example, in the valley of the R. Negro environmental conditions were
found to be unfavourable for the development of cacao, except in isolated
patches. These circumstances make it improbable that there were any
significant natural occurrences of cacao in this valley. The exceptions to this
would be the R. Branco, a tributary of the R. Negro, and perhaps a couple
of other drainage systems that have not yet been explored and those
tributary streams that form the beginnings of the R. Orinoco.
● All secondary areas of occurrence would have been derived from planting
material obtained from the primary area. In view of this situation it is taken
for granted that the cacao diversity represented in the cultivated
populations would be part of that in the primary areas. The cultivated
populations would, by being representative of the varieties contained in the
primary populations, be repositories of the same genetic factors but, as a
consequence of recombination and mutation, may exhibit a wider range of
● It has become a custom to refer to Upper Amazon and Lower Amazon
regions. This tendency is derived from the use of the term ‘Upper Amazon’
to group together the varieties collected in 1937–1938 in the vicinity of the
town of Iquitos in Peru. The stretch of the river between its formation by
the confluence of the Rivers Ucayali and Marañon and the frontier with
Brazil was known as ‘Alto Amazonas’, from which the application of the
term originated. Obviously, the Amazon Basin has upper and lower
regions. However, the persons who attempt to divide its cacao diversity
into two sections are unable to define the dividing line between them,
either on the basis of geography or on specific distinctions in the
distribution of the species’ diversity. While the primary cacao diversity is
distributed within the geographical area that embraces the upper regions of
the river basin it occurs mostly in discreet areas as distinct genetic entities.
Therefore, it is somewhat meaningless to group these distinct varieties
under a single term that implies that they belong to a homogeneous area
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 71

as regards their diversity. On the other hand, because the cultivated

populations are usually located in the ‘Lower Amazon’ they would be
descended from the primary populations of the ‘Upper Amazon’ and,
therefore, would have the same genetic origins as some of the components
of the primary populations.
● Up to fairly recent times all cacao known in the Amazonian Region and
the varieties outside the region that are descended from the diversity in the
region have immature fruits of a green colour. In this respect the Amazonian
cacao appeared to be distinguished from that of the Circum-Caribbean
Region where the presence of red fruits constitutes one of the main
distinguishing features. However, as will be described below, the discoveries
made during the past few decades show that this distinction no longer applies.
● During the course of history cacao varieties have been exported from the
Amazonian Region to various destinations. The discrete nature of most of
these movements resulted in the formation of cultivated populations that
are composed of easily identifiable components of the diversity. In the
same way that the cultivated and sub-spontaneous populations in
the Amazonian Region provide indicators as to the characteristics of the
primary populations, the genetic bases of the extra-Amazonian populations
also contribute to the characterization of the primary diversity.

The Diversity in the Primary Distribution Area

Note: the river systems, on the basis of which the account of the Amazonian
Region is organized in this chapter, are shown in detailed maps of sections of
the region inserted in appropriate places in the text. The location and
orientation of these sections can be determined by reference to Fig. 1.

To set the scene for the presentation of the diversity in the Amazonian Region,
attention is drawn to the introduction of a new concept concerning what may
have an important bearing on the manner in which the diversity is distributed.
In the western and southwestern sectors of the Amazon Basin there are two
geographical zones, each of which contains the headwaters of several rivers
that radiate from them in various directions. These zones are shown as shaded
areas in the map in Fig. 5 and an appreciation of the situation can be made
from them. It is considered that these zones have an important bearing on the
origins of the diversity and its dispersal.
The zone in the western sector is located in the eastern foothills of the
Andes within Ecuador and is identified by the letter ‘A’ in Fig. 5. As described
previously this zone will be known as the ‘Equatorial Oriental Piedmont’.
The zone located in the southwestern sector embraces parts of
southeastern Peru and the adjacent border areas of Brazil and Bolivia. It is in
this zone that many of the major drainage systems commence. As will be
described later these drainage systems are important sources of the diversity in
view of the abundant presence of cacao in them and the scale of variability
72 Chapter 5



ra m bios

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Up an o
o ra



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Fig. 5. Map of the southwestern section of the Amazonian Region. The shaded
areas indicate the locations of the focal zones of divergence: A, the Equatorial
Oriental Piedmont; B, the Province of Caravaya.

occurring in these populations. The zone is defined by the letter ‘B’ and will be
called the ‘Province of Caravaya’. This is the name that was used in the past
for the region and has its core in the range of hills with this name.
In accordance with the principles set out above it is intended to describe
the cacao populations in the area defined as the primary area of the evolution
and distribution of the species’ diversity on the basis of the separate drainage
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 73

systems of which the Region is composed. It should be emphasized that any

attempt to describe the entire cacao diversity is naturally hampered by the
absence or paucity of information concerning certain drainage systems in the
areas. There is an additional problem to be considered with regard to the
largely unknown movements of planting material between areas. The mixtures
of varieties that have resulted from the introduction of foreign germplasm into
the drainage systems that will be described produce difficulties in determining
the natural status of each of the elements that are to be found in the areas
comprising the Region.
For the purposes of facilitating the presentation of the distribution of the
species according to the individual drainage systems a classification of these
would be of considerable help. Such a classification would enable the reader
who is not familiar with the geography of the Amazonian Region to understand
the distributions of the river systems and their interrelationships. The drainage
systems of the Amazon Basin and adjoining areas in Brazil were classified in
this way and this classification was used to describe the spatial distribution of
the individual populations and the descriptions of their characteristics. This
classification is to be found in Almeida et al. (1987). A similar classification
system for the entire Amazonian Region would be essential in obtaining a clear
conception of the distribution of the species in the Region. The system of
classification involves the attribution of hierarchical levels of the relationship of
each watercourse in the main valley, of which it is a component.
In addition to the complexes of tributaries to the main river, the fact that
some of the principal tributaries are major drainage systems in their own right
both regarding their lengths, which can reach 2000 km or more, their individual
properties must be taken into account. Along large rivers more than one variety
could occur, in contrast to the smaller tributaries where single varieties would be
more usual. This variability could be associated with the various minor
tributaries in which specific components of the germplasm may exist. In some
circumstances the varieties that are encountered on the second-order tributaries
differ from those on the main tributaries. There is also the possibility of the
occurrence of gradients in the genetic composition of the population along the
length of a drainage basin. In addition, the germplasm existing at the confluence
of rivers could represent a composite of the varieties of each river or a
predominance of the varieties that occur in either river system.
If there is a natural tendency for the germplasm existing in the secondary
drainage basins to flow towards the main drainage basins of which they are
components the latter could function as receptors of this germplasm.
Consequently, it would be expected that the diversity of a main drainage
system might be larger than that of the individual tributaries, not only from the
flow of their germplasm but resulting from hybridization and recombination.

The River Ucayali drainage system

It is appropriate to begin an interpretation of the Amazon cacao diversity with

this system for two reasons. First is that the location of the headwaters of the
74 Chapter 5

system is considered to be the source of the R. Amazon. The second is that

much of the upper regions drained by the system was occupied by ‘savage’
Indians who were, from the earliest European contacts, given the name of
‘Chuncho’. It was in the land of the ‘Chunchos’ that the first recorded contact of
Europeans with South American cacao occurred, as mentioned in Chapter 1.
The relevant passage from Cieza de Leon’s (1923) account of the exploration
of the ‘River of the Chunchos’ by Pedro de Anzures (Peranzures) describing his
return to Tacana states: ‘Working their way with the usual hard labour, at last
they found a quantity of cacao which was a great help. For three days they
marched through forests thick with these cacao trees…’.
This leaves no doubt as to the extent and antiquity of cacao in this valley
(as well as on the upper tributaries of the Madeira drainage system that are
near to the stretches of the Ucayali system, at the same latitudes, which were
also explored on this expedition). It is for this reason that the cacao that could
be considered to be native to the Upper Ucayali is identified as ‘Cacao
Chuncho’. Apparently, the identification of true native cacao in its original
habitat is hampered owing to the introduction and cultivation of other varieties
that has proceeded during the past decades. The title of ‘Criollo’ in the sense of
‘native’ is also applied to the primitive variety.
One of the features of the Ucayali system is that individual stretches of the
main river receive different names as it successively unites with its tributaries.
The first (and most southerly) of the components of the system in which cacao
apparently occurs is the R. Vilcanota that joins the R. Urubamba at about 12°
50 S, both rivers being within the Province of Caravaya as shown in Fig. 5.
Cacao plantations are found at altitudes above 1500 m. In addition to the
extreme southern latitude the environmental conditions would be very different
to those on the banks of the R. Amazon near the Equator.
The available descriptions of ‘Cacao Chuncho’ are somewhat confusing
since the name is variously applied. It is possible that some variability exists in
populations that can be considered to be of ‘native’ origin. Since the trees would
be very old they can reach considerable heights. The fruits are described as
having a short broad shape with a short acute apex, the surface being rough.
The pulp surrounding the seeds has a pleasant sweet taste. The cotyledons are
dark purple in colour. This variety appears to differ from another (presumably
also native to the region) called ‘Cacao Comun’. The descriptions of this variety
indicate that the fruits are smaller than those of the ‘Chuncho’ variety, the shape
being more rounded. The fruit surface is smooth or slightly rough and the husk
thin (F. Coral, unpublished personal observations, 1987). The small fruit size
would be consistent with the incidence of low temperatures and diurnal and
seasonal fluctuations.
The R. Ucayali is formed by the uniting of the R. Urubamba with,
successively, the Apurimac, Ene and Tambo rivers. Much of the Apurimac runs
through a deep gorge and it would be unlikely that, even though some cacao may
occur in the valley, such as that in San Francisco, the areas are probably restricted
in size. As far as I know, no botanical specimens have been collected in the valley.
The Indians on the R. Tambo (the last stretch of the valley), who belong to the
tribe of its left-bank tributary, the Solipa, are reported as using cacao.
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 75

The R. Ucayali (Fig. 5) has several tributaries that flow into the left bank
(coming from the Andes). One of the tributaries just below the confluence of
the Urubamba and Tambo rivers is the Perené. The report of Clark (1891),
which provides information of the natural resources of this valley for a
proposed colonization scheme, contains the following details about the cacao
of the area:
Trees were found 50 feet high with a diameter of 18 inches to 3 feet above
ground… So far as I could ascertain, there is found wild only one variety, the fruit
of which when immature, is of a greenish colour, turning when fully ripe into an
orange yellow. The pods, which are about 8 inches long, are deeply fluted or
ribbed, and contain from 27 to 30 seeds of a triangular shape and of deep rose or
purple colour.
In no case did I find the plant cultivated. The natives, however, collect the
beans and prepare a sort of cocoa from them.
The R. Ucayali was explored by F.J. Pound (1938) during his collecting
mission to Peru in 1937 and 1938 and on his second visit (Pound, 1943). His
reports give details of the cacao varieties seen from the R. Pachitea (Fig. 5) to
the confluence of the R. Ucayali with the R. Marañon. Observations were made
on scattered occurrences of cacao trees. The impression given from the
statements in the report is that no attempt was made to penetrate areas further
from the river banks or to explore the tributaries of the Ucayali except the R.
Pachitea. The idea that the density of the cacao population seen on the river
was low does not agree with information given in other sources.
Huber (1906b) records a visit to an area below the town of Contamana,
situated on the right bank of the R. Ucayali, which he considered to be
between this river and the R. Tapiche. The cacao population seen was reported
to have been fairly extensive and considered to be truly wild. Unfortunately,
Huber did not describe the variety or compare it with those he knew on the
main R. Amazon but a herbarium specimen from this population exists. In the
area of the R. Sarayacu, further downstream, the cacao population would have
been equally large because, during the post-independence period, the mission
was maintained solely on the sale to Brazil of the cacao harvested.
In the 1943 report Pound made it clear, however, that the varieties seen on
the R. Ucayali differed from those on the Marañon and Alto Amazonas rivers.
The conclusion was that the fruit colour of the Ucayali cacao was a darker
green than that seen on the other rivers. He described a ‘central’ (i.e. more
commonly occurring) type that would be dark green in colour, elongate in
shape and having a slightly rough surface. These fruits possessed a short but
blunt apex and were without the basal constriction. Evidently, there was a
degree of variability, with trees having fruits with a rougher surface. Other fruits
were described as having smooth surfaces and five furrows.
As Pound had a specific objective for his mission (the search for genotypes
resistant to Crinipellis perniciosa) he did not collect samples of all of the types
encountered. Only one collection was made at a location somewhere between
the towns of Contamana and Pucallpa and consisted of progenies from the
fruits harvested from one or more trees. The family of progenies was identified
with the name ‘Scavina’. During his stay in Peru in 1943 Pound revisited the
76 Chapter 5

area and collected material for propagation from a tree presumably belonging
to the same group, the resulting clone being identified as ‘P 31’.
If we can take Pound’s word that this tree and its descendants represent the
most common cacao type of the river, they provide a basis for analysing the
diversity that has been described by other sources or from samples obtained
during subsequent collections. The progenies that comprised the family were
few in number, possibly because of the small quantities of seed contained in the
fruits or because of a high mortality rate after introduction to Trinidad. At the
present time the family contains some 13 genotypes. These are similar in most
respects but differences among them are apparent in such phenotypic characters
as leaf shape, some having broader leaves than the majority of the progenies.
The trees grown from seed exhibit little variation with regard to their vegetative
characters. They tend to have longish erect stems and relatively narrow canopies
with dark green leaves, on which basis they are distinguishable from the other
varieties. Although the canopies appear to be narrow and compact these
genotypes tend to develop long terminal flushes and the compactness results
from a tendency to produce many small branches from the nodes. There is also
little variation in the flowers, the main feature of which is the lighter yellow ligule
and lack of pigment in the stamens.
The fruit colour is a dark green. Under certain conditions some pigment
may be expressed. The surface is slightly rough but the ridges are not
noticeably pronounced. The apex is usually acute with a rounded end or
nipple-like. The seeds are small, cylindrical in shape and very dark purple in
colour. The variety is notable on account of the fact that all the progenies are
self-incompatible but some are compatible with other members resulting from
the existence of several self-incompatibility alleles. Some members of the
‘Scavina’ family are compatible with ‘P 31’ and others incompatible with it. It is
concluded from this situation that ‘P 31’ is the parent of some of the ‘Scavina’
genotypes but not of all of them. A situation of this type would have arisen in a
stand of several stems, derived from more than one seed, of which ‘P 31’ was
one but that some of the fruits were collected from other trunks comprising the
clump or from neighbouring trees. The fruits of ‘P 31’ are compared with those
of one of the ‘Scavina’ progenies in Fig. 6.
The fact that the ‘Scavina’ family has received greater attention than
most other cacao varieties provided an opportunity to study in depth some of
the specific characteristics associated with the variety. One of these concerns
the self-incompatibility status of all the genotypes belonging to the family. It
was in this group of genotypes that the independent action of two or more
alleles was identified. This situation has profound effects on the breeding
behaviour of the genotypes but it also can be used to determine the
relationships between the members of the family, confirming the conclusion,
derived from the variations in phenotypic expressions, that they are
descended from different parents.
Another intrinsic characteristic that was first revealed in these genotypes is
a shorter developmental period for the fruits from fertilization to maturity than
that occurring in other populations. This period was found to be about 130
days. The short development period may be related to the small seed size and
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 77

Fig. 6. Fruits of ‘P 31’ and ‘SCA 6’.

one other important trait that has significant consequences concerning the
commercial value of the products derived from the family. The trait in question
is the higher moisture content of the fresh seeds, both in the pulp and in the
cotyledons. As a result the ratio of dry seed weight to ‘fresh’ seed weight is
significantly lower than that of other varieties, a factor that results in erroneous
overestimation of the productivity of the genotypes and their progenies. The
pulp is also notable for its sweet taste and the commercial product for its ‘floral’
One of the more notable intrinsic characteristics of the ‘Scavina’ family is
the appearance of dwarf segregants in inbred progenies of the clones,
progenies from hybrids among them and sib-crosses within the F1 generation
(Bartley, 1967). The dwarf offspring are distinguishable in the juvenile stage of
development as show in Fig. 7. The dwarfing character may persist when the
plants reach the adult stage and are recognizably different to the normal plants.
The above characteristics of the ‘central’ type of the R. Ucayali valley are
important measures for determining the scale of diversity in the valley and
identifying the foreign germplasm that may have been introduced. The
evidence that a greater degree of variability is to be found in the area of
Contamana than that represented by the ‘central’ type is given by the existence
of genotypes such as the clone ‘U 10’ whose fruits are shown in Fig. 8. The
notable characteristics of this genotype are the large size, the smooth surface
and the blunt apex.
More recent collecting activities involved populations between the towns of
Contamana and Pucallpa on the R. Ucayali and some of its left-bank
tributaries. Also explored was part of the R. Pachitea (Fig. 5), one of the more
important of the tributaries of the Ucayali that joins the river a short distance
south of Pucallpa. The general impression obtained from the available
information (F. Coral, unpublished data, 1987) is that cacao is fairly common
in the area and that the range of diversity is fairly large. However, since the
78 Chapter 5

Fig. 7. Dwarf progenies from inter-SCA crosses compared with a normal plant at
6 months of age.

Fig. 8. Peru, R. Ucayali population fruits of the clone ‘U 10’ from the Contamana
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 79

details of the types collected are scanty, an analysis of the variability will not be
attempted until further information becomes available.
The R. Pachitea has been the target of various colonization schemes. In the
19th century a German colony was established on one of the tributaries, the R.
Pozuzo, and cacao was one of the crops exploited. Apparently, the colony still
exists but details are lacking about its cacao involvement.
Collections have also been made between the towns of Contamana and
Requena but like those referred to in the previous paragraph the details of the
characteristics of the genotypes are insufficient to obtain a satisfactory picture
of the diversity along this stretch of the valley. One of these genotypes, a clone
named ‘U 18’ shown in Fig. 9, shows some affinity to the ‘Scavina’ type but
the ridges of the fruits are more pronounced than those of the variants
described by Pound (1938).
In 1973 a few genotypes were collected in the vicinity of the town of
Requena and the lower reaches of the R. Tapiche. This river is virtually the only
right-bank tributary of the Ucayali and is one of the longest. It has some
importance in the story of the species’ dispersal on account of its source being
located near the Brazil–Peru boundary. The town of Requena is situated near
the mouth of the R. Tapiche and it can be considered that the cacao population
sampled near it has the same origin. Further collections were made in 1987 but
these have yet to be analysed.
The 1973 collections were identified as ‘UCA’ (= Ucayali) and ‘TAP’ (=
Tapiche) for the respective areas. On account of the adverse conditions existing
at the time of the visit the details of the original collections were not recorded
(W.S. Chalmers, unpublished report of a visit to Ecuador, Peru and Brazil,

Fig. 9. Peru, R. Ucayali varieties: fruits of ‘U 18’ from near the town of Requena.
80 Chapter 5

1 March–14 April, 1973). It has been possible to record some observations on

the few surviving clones and families. As occurred with most of the samples
from the valley, trees were selected principally with regard to the absence of
infection by Crinipellis perniciosa so that they are not expected to represent the
diversity that occurs in the area.
The report on this mission (W.S. Chalmers, unpublished report, 1973)
states that the fruits seen on the R. Tapiche had five pairs (each pair close) of
pronounced ridges and the surfaces were very rugose and light green (blanco)
in colour. The apex was very short and nipple-like, the husk being fairly soft.
This description could apply to the fruits of the genotype depicted in Fig. 9.
The clones from some of the parent trees indicate that the ‘Tapiche’ types
belonging to one location may represent two varieties, although some of the
differences may be due to contamination. In general, the fruits have a narrow
elongate shape with prominent, paired ridges but some differences in surface
roughness and gloss are apparent. There was one distinct type with small broad
elongate fruits with an acute apex and less pronounced ridges. One of the
above genotypes appears to differ from the others in possessing very large
seeds. Only one of the R. Tapiche seed progenies appears to have survived,
this being descended from the parent identified as ‘TAP 1’. The fruit of this tree,
as shown in Plate 13a, is of small size with a short broad shape. The surface is
somewhat rough. Although the tree habit and some fruit characters indicate an
affinity to the ‘Scavina’ family the genotype differs in possessing rather large
seeds and, most importantly, pigmented stamens.
On the same occasion that the first collections on the R. Tapiche were
made, a search for cacao was undertaken in and around the town of Requena
(W.S. Chalmers, unpublished report, 1973), where it appears that cacao was
relatively rare. Although no trees were encountered in the forest near the town,
evidently cultivated trees of relatively recent plantings were located in back
gardens in the town. The three trees sampled in this area could, therefore, be
considered to belong to cultivated and probably introduced varieties. The fruits
of the few samples collected on one farm were described as having ridges in
close pairs (fruit shape not described), the surface slightly rough or smooth,
husk soft and the apex nipple-like. One of the parent trees was noted as
possessing broad leaves. In general, these genotypes possessed some
similarities to the R. Tapiche types but differed in the fruit surfaces being less
rough and exhibiting some pigment.
The observations made on the few seed progenies from these samples
indicate that, although the families showed some differences, in general the
fruits were small with a rough surface. These families did not include the parent
tree with smooth fruits. Some similarity with the ‘Scavina’ (or central) type
described by Pound (1938) was noted. The similarity of the fruits of the ‘UCA’
progenies to those from the R. Juruá was also noted. However, the ‘UCA’ trees
differ in having stamens with intense pigmentation. Although the report
indicated the presence of trees in the town gardens that differed from those
seen on the R. Tapiche, possessing fruits with a more pronounced basal
constriction, the only tree sampled did not have fruits that would relate it to the
other trees.
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 81

No descriptions of cacao varieties along the stretch of the R. Ucayali from

just below Requena to its confluence with the R. Marañon have been found. It
is probable that the area is fairly densely populated and that much of the
cacao that occurs is cultivated from introduced varieties. The information
contained in the report of the collections made in 1987 refers to the presence,
in areas close to Requena, of cacao trees with fruits similar to the ‘Nacional’
variety of Ecuador. Although these observations can only be verified by
personal observations and comparisons of the varieties concerned, the
possibility of some introgression of varieties from the R. Marañon basin could
be considered.

The River Marañon Drainage system (Fig. 5)

Historically the formation of the R. Amazon as known by this name has been
considered to begin from the junction of the Ucayali and Marañon rivers.
Accordingly, the latter is equally important as a component of cacao
germplasm of the Amazon Basin. Cacao would have existed along the river
from ancient times. La Condamine (1745) descended the R. Chinchipé at the
start of his journey down the R. Amazon and, arriving at its confluence with
the R. Marañon, described that both banks of the latter (and presumably
those of the R. Chinchipé) were covered with wild cacao trees. He added that
the native inhabitants valued cacao as much as gold and that its quality was
not inferior to that of the cultivated type (i.e. the product of the Ecuadorian
littoral). Hence, the commercial exploitation of these stands would have
commenced and cultivation probably undertaken subsequently. The towns of
Jaén and Bagúa are situated in the area described and constituted an
important production entity. Unfortunately, the traditional varieties of this
area have not been described in a way that can be used to relate them to
other varieties.

The River Huallaga

There is only one important right-bank tributary of the Marañon river. This is
the R. Huallaga (Fig. 5) on which cacao would probably have existed from
prehistoric times but has also been the scene of cultivation, at least from the
18th century. The Jesuits had their regional headquarters at La Laguna near
the mouth of the Huallaga. They were great promoters of trade in cacao.
Initially, this would have involved the product obtained from exploitation of
natural populations and later, from cultivated areas. The absence of sufficient
information about the cacaos of the Huallaga does not permit a reliable
analysis of the natural populations to be made.
Pound surveyed the lower part of the R. Huallaga from Yurimaguas to its
mouth and the observations contained in his report (Pound, 1938) are virtually
the only source of information available about the varieties present in the
valley. However, the descriptions contain several vague terms that are
unhelpful in identifying the characteristics of these varieties. For this reason and
82 Chapter 5

the fact that they contain references that are important with regard to other
varieties it is pertinent to reproduce the following descriptions to which
appropriate comments have been added.
After stating that the cacao around Yurimaguas ‘was quite distinct from the
cacao of the R. Marañon’, Pound wrote:
The bulk of the trees found were large and tall, some being well over 50 feet high.
The pods belonged to two classes, one a normal green long warty type without
pronounced bottleneck or conspicuously long point while the other was a shorter
but broader super-green type.
The first type recalled at once the ‘Nacional’ cacao of Ecuador and probably
this population belongs to the same strain particularly since both the habit of the
trees and the pod characteristics conform. The cotyledons of the beans too were
much paler than those from the Rio Marañon ‘lagarta’ types although not so pale
as the Arriba Nacional beans from Los Rios in Ecuador.
One of the cases of ambiguity in the description is that concerning the fruit
colour. I suppose that, on the basis of the currently proposed system of colour
descriptors, ‘normal green’ and ‘super-green’ would be translated as
‘intermediate green’ and ‘dark green’, respectively. The cacao of the R.
Marañon referred to would be that which Pound encountered in the Parinari
area, which will be described later. During the succeeding descriptions it will be
necessary to refer to Pound’s use of the term lagarta, which implies a very
different meaning to that normally associated with the word. In the context of
his usage the term appears to be applied to elongate fruits, regardless of the
roughness of the fruit surface. The description ‘long warty type’ would conform
to other authors’ concepts of the term lagarta.
To my mind the first type described would refer to the criollo type of the
Upper Ucayali system and the second to the Ecuador ‘Nacional’, a variety that
is referred to later.
One of the principal tributaries of the R. Huallaga is the R. Moyobamba.
This stream is one on which cacao appears to be present in significant
quantities, but again the information about it is insufficient to obtain a concept
of the variety situation. Pound (1938) stated that the reason for his visit to
Yurimaguas ‘was to examine the cacao there which was reputed to be similar to
a high quality cacao growing near Moyobamba in a valley of the Cordilleras to
the West and also similar to the cacao near Cuzco in the headwaters of this
same river.’
The above account is confusing since it assumes that the variety referred to
was growing in the headwaters of the R. Huallaga, while later on he refers to
Urubamba, which, as we already know, is part of the Ucayali system. However,
the statements made in this regard confirm that it should be the ‘long warty
type’ that is present in the valley of the R. Moyobamba and ‘the other’ is the
type similar to the Ecuador ‘Nacional’. One herbarium specimen (R.S.
Matthews, No. 1653) dating from 1835 (i.e. probably before any change in the
population on the river had become effective) has small leaves.
When he surveyed the flora of Peru in the late 18th century Hípólito Ruíz
(Lopez and Cuatrecasas, 1953) referred to the cacao near the town of Cuchero
(perhaps the present day Tingo Maria or in its vicinity) on the R. Huallaga,
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 83

indicating the possibilities of cultivation of the crop. Ruiz recognized that the
cacao he encountered near Guayaquil on a subsequent visit to Ecuador
differed from that seen in Peru by giving a specific name to his herbarium
specimen of the Ecuador variety. The two types described by Pound (1938) are
therefore distinct. If they had been present in the same area for a long period of
time it would be expected that some hybrids between these types would have
been produced.
The establishment of relationships of these types is important in assigning
the varieties selected in the Huallaga valley in recent years to their respective

The Upper River Marañon

Although the upper R. Marañon flows in a northerly direction more or less
parallel to the Huallaga and Ucayali rivers it is probable that much of its course
is through mountainous terrain unsuitable for cacao. However, towards the end
of the course before it flows eastwards, the cacao of the Jaén and Bagúa region
occupies both banks of the river as described by La Condamine. As mentioned
above, virtually no information about the cacao in this region is available. The
upper Marañon valley may have had some importance in prehistoric times in
view of the location in it of more advanced indigenous cultures.
After beginning its easterly course the R. Marañon is successively
augmented by several tributaries that join it on its left bank. Nearly all of these
tributaries have their sources in the Equatorial Oriental Piedmont but in the
lower courses they flow through Peruvian territory. Herein lies a problem with
regard to the description of the cacao populations of these rivers. Although a
satisfactory basis for describing the varieties that exist in Ecuador is at our
disposal there is no supplementary data from Peru that will enable us to obtain
a complete picture of the population structure and sequence of varieties of each
river. Similarly, the population situation on the lower course of the R. Marañon
and its relationship to the varieties on the tributaries is unknown at the present
time. The same applies to the area where the border between the two countries
has been in dispute, a situation that has prevented exploration in what may be
a key area for the dissemination of the diversity in the region. Consequently, it
will only be possible to describe the diversity existing in those areas of Ecuador
from which collections of living and herbarium material have been made and
descriptive information is available.
The cacao varieties that occur within the radius of the Equatorial Oriental
Piedmont possess one common feature. This is the occurrence of trees that
have flush leaves lacking anthocyanin pigment, a trait that is genetically
associated with seeds whose cotyledons also lack pigment. A citation in Patiño
(1963) suggested that the presence of unpigmented cotyledons was known in
the past. It was for this reason that the early documents referring to cacao in
the region equated the variety encountered with that of the colonial Kingdom
of New Spain. This latter country is present day Mexico, where, as will be
described in the discussion of the Circum-Caribbean Region, the varieties
belonging to the Criollo group were exclusively cultivated. Several travellers to
84 Chapter 5

the Equatorial Oriental Piedmont have referred to the combination of

unpigmented cotyledons and flush leaves that distinguishes the cacao of this
area. The first living specimens from this region were collected in 1948 from
near the headwaters of the R. Pastaza. These specimens still exist and have had
some important applications in the development of new cultivars.
The first of the tributaries that enters the R. Marañon at the point where it
changes its general direction to the east is the R. Chinchipé. Although this river
has its source in Ecuador it flows through Peru for most of its course. It is a
shorter river than the other rivers that will be described but virtually nothing is
known about the presence of cacao in the valley, except for the reference in La
Condamine (1745).

The Zamora–Santiago valley

The next principal tributary entering the R. Marañon on the left bank is the R.
Santiago. Within Ecuador this river is formed by the junction of the R. Zamora
and the drainage system that flows from the north, which starts from the source
of the R. Upano. From the map of the region in Fig. 5 it will be appreciated that
the Zamora–Santiago drainage system is complicated and not easy to describe.
It consists of innumerable small tributaries with different names for each river
course. Various specimens have been collected from some of these streams
and, owing to the relief and separation of the valleys, it is possible that local
strains of the general population are present. The result would be a complex
population structure for the drainage system in which appreciable genetic
diversity may be encountered.
The complexity of the drainage system in terms of the distribution of cacao
and the fact that the specimens that have been collected have not been
adequately characterized and analysed renders it impossible to describe the
apparently ample diversity in this system in its entirety. The phenotypic
variation observable is depicted by some of the examples given in Plate 10. On
the whole this variability is extremely interesting and deserves to be studied in
greater detail than the superficial observations made so far.
The northernmost section of the Zamora–Santiago drainage system mainly
involves the R. Upano. The river commences by flowing in a northerly direction
then turns back to flow towards the south. The source and upper course of the
R. Upano lie within the Piedmont area and at the point of the change in
direction are close to the source of the R. Pastaza.
The R. Upano and other rivers of the same system that flow through the
foothills of the Andes are usually confined to deep valleys surrounded by land
at fairly high elevations. On account of this topographical feature cacao is
found at various elevations from the floors of the valleys to the high plateaus of
the surrounding hills at elevations ranging from 200 m to over 1200 m.
In 1961 (K.D. Doak, unpublished, details given in Soria, 1970), a
collecting traverse was made along the Upano river from north to south.
Unfortunately, the material collected was subjected to neglect with the result
that no analysis was made of the variability in the population of this river. The
collection established has not been in a condition to provide the information
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 85

that should be obtained from it. The most frequent characteristic of the
genotypes from the upper course of the R. Upano is the combination of
unpigmented cotyledons and flush leaves with fruits that are short and broad
although having fairly rough surfaces. The few surviving specimens from the
southern end of the traverse near the confluence with the R. Zamora exhibit an
evident shift in phenotypic expressions.
Subsequent collections in this drainage system confirm the existence of the
gradient in variety characteristics, the populations in the southern sector of the
Zamora valley differing in many respects from those of the R. Upano. Although
there is the tendency for the combination of white cotyledons and unpigmented
flush leaves to occur this is less frequent. The Zamora valley populations show
a greater degree of diversity, with some trees being homozygous for pigmented
cotyledons, trees of greater vigour being present in some localities and, in rare
instances, anthocyanin pigmentation occurring in the fruits. The range of fruit
shapes and other features is also greater than found elsewhere. The presence of
trees with fruits bearing a strong resemblance to the traditional types of the
Pacific littoral is a notable feature of the populations of the drainage system.
Several trees have fruits with almost smooth surfaces and apices that are more
rounded than those of the varieties that occur in the northern segment of the
system. What is evident from the progenies is that the populations may contain
a much larger degree of diversity than can be gauged from the characters of the
parent trees.
The genotypes collected on the R. Santiago between its origin from the
confluence of the Zamora and Namangoza (continuation of the Upano valley)
rivers and the Peruvian frontier possess traits that are very distinct. The plants
from these collections that the author was able to examine were still small and
too poorly developed for any reliable observations to be made. Few fruits were
acquired at the time of collection and these provide insufficient data on which
to base a reliable evaluation of the diversity of this population. However, some
of the specimens, such as that in Plate 10d, produced large fruits with seeds
that were as large as those of any other variety known. It would be interesting
to determine whether the cacao in the Peruvian section of the river possesses
these same outstanding traits.

The River Morona area

The next tributary system to the east is that of the R. Morona (Fig. 5). The
river and some of its tributaries have their sources in Ecuadorian territory but
it is difficult to ascertain the exact situation on account of the area falling in
the zone of conflict and perhaps not very well known. The only specimens
known from the Ecuadorian segment of the drainage system were a few from
Taisha on the R. Panguientza, one of the streams that form the R. Cangaime,
the major source of the R. Morona. The cacao population appears to be
sparse. Establishment of the progenies was poor and virtually no information
has been available about its characteristics. There is one preserved fruit
belonging to a herbarium specimen (Cazalet and Pennington, no. 4653,
1962) from the same area, which is green in colour, small in size (perhaps
86 Chapter 5

partially developed) with a rough surface. The cotyledon colour appears to

have been uniformly white. Thus, the population of the area could be
considered to be part of the general population of the rivers that radiate from
the Equatorial Oriental Piedmont.
Pound (1938) stopped on the R. Morona on his journey to the R. Huallaga.
The location visited was not specified but it is assumed that it was not far from
the mouth of the river. In fact, although the material derived from his
collections was identified as ‘Morona’ (acronym ‘MO’), Pound wrote: ‘…in the
region of the Rio Morona’. This implies that the material may not have been
collected on the R. Morona. It is also significant that the list of the collections
sent to Trinidad from the expedition does not include any reference to R.
Morona but the following entry can be found ‘Ecuador Nacional – introduced
from Peru 1938’ that is not mentioned elsewhere in the report. From his
account it can be inferred that the population seen was fairly homogeneous
with regard to the phenotypic characters, as may be inferred by the brief
description of the fruit shape as being ‘short oval’.
The lack of specific descriptions of the other tree characters and details
about the material collected renders the evaluation of the surviving progenies
very difficult. The progenies established in Trinidad, which bear the acronym
‘MO’, have numerical identifiers up to 130. A quantity of this magnitude would
have been obtained from at least three fruits and these collected from more
than one tree. Whether more than one parent tree was concerned is unknown.
The resulting situation is that we do not know if all of the progenies are
descended from the trees at one location or at several.
The author undertook a study of the 37 ‘MO’ progenies that survived in
the 1960s. The data are incomplete with regard to several of these genotypes.
Thus, the basis for a complete evaluation of the group is lacking. Most of the
genotypes possess short broad fruits with length:diameter ratios under 2.0. Five
genotypes had ratios in the range of 1.5–1.7. On the other hand, a few
genotypes were notable in possessing elongate fruits with acute apices. There
was also a degree of variation with regard to the fruit surface, which was
generally rough with prominent ridges. Several genotypes are noted as having
traces of surface pigment that could be more evident in some of the fruits. One
feature that characterizes this group is that of a fruit surface with an appearance
that has been described as ‘mealy’ (or ‘granular’ as stated in Chapter 3).
Although this trait was first described in the ‘MO’ progenies it also appears in
other populations, as will be described later. On the whole this group of
genotypes exhibits a significant degree of variability that indicates that the base
population was not as homogeneous as the description implied. The short
broad fruits have phenotypes that are similar to those of the Ecuador
‘Nacional’, hence the confusion in terms. Some of the genotypes are weak, as
regards their growth, and the combination of the light cotyledon colour and
light green flush leaves also has been observed. The group of genotypes
segregates for an incompatibility reaction, the determination of the degrees of
fertilization among the genotypes possibly offering a means of allocating them
to the families to which they belong according to descent from the respective
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 87

The River Pastaza drainage system

This is the next most important system in the sequence of left-bank tributaries
of the R. Marañon. This system also has its sources in the Equatorial Oriental
Piedmont. Little is known about the cacao populations throughout the whole
course of the R. Pastaza. Although this river was one of the main lines of
communication between Quito and the Marañon it was not an easy artery for
travel and possibly little attention was paid to the flora along the river banks.
However, a volcanic eruption in 1698 sent a lahar down the river, destroying
the vegetation in its path. Consequently, the vegetation along the system would
have been formed during the succeeding decades, a situation which, in
addition to the nature of the terrain, may have resulted in a sparse cacao
population and of recent formation.
The only specimens representing the Ecuadorian segment of the system
resulted from two collecting activities confined to the vicinity of Montalvo on
the R. Bobonaza, a left-bank tributary of the Pastaza. It appears that cacao was
not common in the area and the specimens collected do not provide sufficient
data for evaluating this population. It would be assumed that the fruit
characteristics do not differ from those of the nearby R. Napo tributaries to the
north. However, the specimens from the first group were descended from
parent trees described as being very large, the fruits of some of them having a
degree of red pigment. The few fruits collected suggest that they may attain a
large size when they contain a larger quantity of seeds. The seed size is
outstandingly large but those described from the original fruits had pigmented
cotyledons. The pigment perhaps is associated with the pigment on the fruit

The River Tigre drainage system

The most easterly of the major tributaries of the R. Marañon and the one
nearest the junction with the R. Ucayali is that comprising the R. Tigre
drainage system. Within Ecuador the system is formed by two larger streams,
the R. Corrientes and the R. Conambo, which join to form the R. Tigre, the
entire course of which is within Peruvian territory. The only specimens from
this valley comprise ten trees sampled in a restricted area on the R. Conambo
near its junction with the R. Corrientes (Allen, 1987). Although the original
description of the fruits from these trees lists them as having a green colour,
in fact all of the cloned progenies that were established have red fruits, as
evident in Plate 12b. This is an important discovery. The place where these
specimens were collected is not far from the Montalvo location on the R.
Bobonaza, suggesting a possible link regarding the distribution of red
From the observations made on the samples obtained in the valleys of the
tributaries of the R. Marañon discussed up to this point it appears that the
frequency of occurrence of trees with fruits that have smooth or nearly smooth
surfaces is higher than that of the R. Napo system.
88 Chapter 5

The Parinari area

At this stage it would be appropriate to insert the information regarding the

cacao population examined by Pound (1938) in the area on the left bank of the
Marañon River, lying between the mouths of the R. Pastaza and the R. Tigre.
This area was also affected by the lahar (flow of volcanic debris mixed with
water) that destroyed the forests along the R. Pastaza in 1698 and it could be
assumed that the vegetation in the area that we are concerned with had evolved
following the disaster. Consequently, it is probable that the age of the cacao
population examined by Pound in 1937 would have been a little more than 200
years at the most. Herndon (Herndon and Gibbon, 1853) travelled down the R.
Marañon and included in his report a quotation of Castelnau to the effect that
‘Cocoa, recently introduced into these two provinces, gives its fruit at the end of
three or four years, at most.’ We may infer that the presence of cultivated cacao,
as opposed to the populations that we may suppose to have existed in the
natural state, may date from as recently as the beginning of the 19th century.
The traverse of the R. Marañon that Pound made was from east to west; that
is, in the opposite direction to this description of the cacao populations of the
river. The descriptions given in his report (Pound, 1938) need to be considered in
the light of the terminology used for the descriptors, which differs from that in
current usage or from the terms used in this book. An additional problem
regarding the descriptions is that those applied to the R. Marañon cacaos are
based on definitions established in previous sections of the report. Hence, it is
necessary to interpret the descriptions of the R. Marañon varieties in more
specific terms. The specific descriptions can be verified in comparison with those
of the progenies descended from the parent trees sampled during the traverse.
In no case in the account of the R. Marañon is there an indication as to
whether any of the genotypes seen could be considered as belonging to a
‘native’ regional variety or how representative they were of the regional
diversity. Certainly, the material that survives from the collections differs from
the cacao varieties seen elsewhere in the drainage system. It would be logical to
suppose that the trees seen belonged to cultivated populations descended from
imported planting material, probably introduced from Brazil. Hence, we have
to look at these populations with reference to others that will be encountered
during our survey of the diversity of the Amazonian Region.
As in much of the other information in his report Pound (1938) does not
provide enough detail to give the reader a sufficiently accurate picture of the
situation on the river or about the material he collected. The only material
collected (as fruits) on the river is identified as being from a location called
Parinari, the progenies of which are usually identified by the acronym ‘PA’.
With regard to defining the area there is a degree of uncertainty concerning the
exact location of the parent population. The report suggests that the area of
Parinari was located below the mouth of the R. Tigre, when in fact all places
bearing this name are above this mouth. Neither are we informed about the
other locations he visited on the R. Marañon. In relation to the Parinari
specimens we are in the dark as to whether the parent trees that provided the
material occurred at a single site or whether they were at various sites. Details
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 89

of this nature are basic to the understanding of the relationships between the
parent trees and, therefore, of their progenies.
In common with all of the material resulting from this expedition the
progenies attributable to a particular area were mixed at the time of planting.
This means that their individual identifications do not provide any clues
regarding the families that are descended from the individual parents and,
therefore, how an individual progeny is related to the others. Consequently, this
unsatisfactory identification situation and the scanty details about the original
population hamper the genetic analysis of the group of progenies and the
understanding of what may be considered to have been the representative
cacao population of the lower course of the R. Marañon. It is important to
understand this point because Pound (1938) referred to the cacao type, of
which the Parinari population is our standard, on the basis of possessing
‘lagarta’-shaped fruits, as being less frequent as he proceeded upstream. The
type with short and broad fruits of the upper course became progressively more
frequent until it was the only type present. A sample of fruits from the R.
Marañon with shorter and broader shapes is illustrated in Fig. 10.
On the assumption that Pound’s word ‘lagarta’ specifically implies an
elongate fruit shape with an acute apex the various fruit types described by him
can be translated as follows:
(i) Shape elongate, basal constriction, apex acute, surface smooth, colour
light green;
(ii) Shape elongate, basal constriction, apex acute, surface smooth, colour
dark green;
(iii) Shape elongate, basal constriction, apex acute, surface rough, colour
light green;
(iv) Shape elongate, basal constriction, apex acute, surface rough, colour
dark green;
(v) Shape elongate, basal constriction absent, apex blunt, surface smooth,
colour light green;
(vi) Shape elongate, basal constriction absent, apex blunt, surface smooth,
colour dark green;
(vii) Shape elongate, basal constriction absent, apex blunt, surface rough,
colour light green;
(viii) Shape elongate, basal constriction absent, apex blunt, surface rough,
colour dark green;
(ix) Shape short and broad, basal constriction absent, apex blunt, surface
smooth, colour variable.
The interpretation of the descriptions indicates that the trees having
elongate-shaped fruits were the most frequent. However, it is apparent that, if it
could be considered to be a single entity, the population concerned possessed a
significant degree of variability. The progenies of these trees in general conform
to the above categories of fruit types. On this basis the cloned ‘PA’ progenies
could be divided into fruit type classes and those within each class considered
to be descendants of the same parent. For example, ‘PA 285’ could be assigned
to fruit type class (ii).
90 Chapter 5

Fig. 10. Peru, fruits of a variety from the R. Marañon.

The clones ‘PA 81’ and ‘PA 150’ may belong to class (viii) and their
relationship is augmented by common features, such as their greater vigour,
which sets them apart from the other clones. However, there are other traits
besides those of the fruits that are basic features of the population or contribute
to the variability among its components. It must be taken into account that the
attributes that are observed in the progenies are the products of the actions of
the genes that determine the expressions of these attributes.
On the basis of the observations made on some of the progenies it could
be concluded that among the common features are the white flowers with no
stamen pigment or this being very slight. Cotyledon colours appear to be
uniformly dark purple. One feature that is common among the progenies is the
tendency to produce a higher proportion of aborted seeds than found in other
The scale of variation in the fruit characters is exemplified by the
segregation that occurred in the hybrid of ‘PA 148’ and ‘PA 16’. Although the
fruit of these clones appears to be similar, those of the progenies exhibit
significant variability as shown in the specimens in Fig. 11.
The progeny clones exhibited a considerable range of expressions for other
characters. Owing to the size of the sample represented by the progeny clones it is
not possible to determine and describe the entire range of diversity present in the
group. References to some of the more outstanding genotypes and the contrasts
among them would serve to illustrate the scale of variability that is known.
For example, ‘PA 13’ has an elongate rough fruit corresponding to class
(viii) (see Fig. 12) but is distinguished by having a low branching habit and
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 91

Fig. 11. A sample of fruit types segregating in the cross of ‘PA 148’ and ‘PA 16’. The
fruits of the parents are shown in the bottom row: left, ‘PA 148’; right, ‘PA 16’.

dense canopy with long, dark green leaves. The clone ‘PA 107’ shares some of
these traits. On the other hand, ‘PA 15’ forms a vigorous tree with small leaves
and has a short, dark green fruit. The main feature of ‘PA 285’, besides being
distinguished by the oddly shaped elongate fruit with an acute apex having a
tendency to curve, concerns the horizontal branching system. The trait appears
to be dominant and, perhaps, sets this genotype in a category distinct from the
other known descendants of the ‘Parinari’ parents.
One procedure that has been adopted to determine the genetic
relationships among the cloned progenies is to identify the incompatibility
alleles that they possess. The 26 ‘PA’ clones that exist in Brazil have been
classified in this way. All have been shown to be self-incompatible. Through the
inter-fertilizations among the clones (e.g. Yamada et al., 1982, 1996) it has
been possible to place them in four groups on the basis of the possession of
what is presumed to be a common incompatibility allele. In this way the
similarities between such pairs of clones as ‘PA 81’ and ‘PA 150’ and between
‘PA 30’ and the genotype identified as ‘PA 121’ that are suspected on the basis
of other observations have been confirmed.
92 Chapter 5

Fig. 12. Peru, R. Marañon: fruits of ‘PA 13’ (0.31)

During the 1960s a programme of inter-crosses among the ‘PA’ clones

existing at that time was carried out in the original planting in Trinidad. The
programme involved 101 genotypes among the 143 that existed at the time to
which the group acronym ‘PA’ had been assigned. The analysis of the results
would be valuable in order to complete the study of the inter-genotype
relationships but the data and conditions to analyse them have not been made
available. The only data from this study that are at our disposal are provided
by the lists of compatible crosses obtained and established in the field. A few of
these combinations confirm the results obtained in Brazil and the remainder
indicate which of the clones may not be related by the absence of common
incompatibility alleles.
One result from the inbreeding of some of the ‘PA’ clones in Brazil and
their F1 progenies was the discovery of segregation in the inbred families of
plants with yellow leaves markedly different to the normal leaves, as shown in
Plate 31c. The gene producing the abnormal leaves has a lethal effect resulting
in mortality of the individuals carrying the gene after a few weeks. The
condition was present in progenies of ‘PA 30’ and the genotype identified as
‘PA 121’. The possession of the same gene in both genotypes indicated that
they are related, a fact that confirmed their common descent postulated on the
basis of the possession of the same incompatibility allele. This finding provides
a tool for determining which other clones are related to them.
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 93

The River Amazon from the Ucayali to the mouth of the River Javarí

For various reasons it is convenient to divide the course of the R. Amazon into
segments. One obvious reason being its length, which involves the traverse of
several ecological zones, as shown in Fig. 1.
The first segment, see Fig. 5, that will be discussed in the section concerns
the course of the river that flows through Peruvian territory. The segment is also
important in terms of features that are peculiar to it.
From the confluence of the Ucayali and Marañon rivers the occurrence of
cacao continues in what appears to be a more or less continuous sequence
until the mouth of the R. Napo. This segment has received a certain amount of
attention with several collections of living material obtained during various
activities. One of the most important was that carried out by Pound (1938,
1943) in the vicinity of the city of Iquitos. In the first report Pound described the
existence of a variety he called ‘Criollo de la montagne’, an unfortunate
mixture of languages for what should have been written in Spanish as ‘Criollo
de la montaña’. In spite of the fact that Pound attempted to dispel any
suggestion of a connection of this ‘variety’ with others in the Criollo group,
readers of the report who are unfamiliar with the sense of the name have
interpreted the term in ways beyond what it represents. In simple words the
term is translated as ‘native of the forest’. The term, therefore, refers to a variety
(or varieties) that existed before cacao was cultivated in the area.
The ‘Criollo de la montaña’ was described as having fruits that were light
green in colour on which some red pigmentation was superimposed, and an
elongate shape with a rough surface, the cotyledon colour being dark purple.
In presenting the above description Pound made it perfectly clear that this
variety was not related to any of the other varieties he encountered along the
banks of the river. It represented a type that was common on the R. Napo and
areas to the north. These observations on the ‘Criollo de la montaña’ have two
significant implications.
First is that the variety belongs to the complex of populations that occur in the
area bounded by the Marañon and Amazon rivers and including those of the R.
Napo valley. The knowledge at our disposal about the cacao populations in this
area would permit us to place the ‘Criollo de la montaña’ in its proper perspective.
The second implication is that the cacao types that are found along the
banks of the R. Amazon in its initial course are cultivated and are not native to
the region. They would, therefore, have been introduced from another region.
They are not related in any way to the native varieties of the Ucayali and
Marañon rivers. The most probable source of the original planting material
would be some area in Brazil with which the original (such as the missionaries)
and later settlers had trading and other relationships. Soria (1965) mentioned
that farmers in the area north of Iquitos had imported seed from Brazil. It
would seem that much of the native cacao within reach of the rivers had
disappeared by 1964 and the trees shown to him that were called ‘native’ were
remnants of former cultivated varieties, most of which had similar origins.
Three examples of fruit types from a location just below the junction of the
R. Ucayali and the R. Marañon are shown in Fig. 13 demonstrating the range
94 Chapter 5

Fig. 13. Peru, R. Amazonas: three distinct fruit types from a location below the
confluence of the R. Marañon and R. Ucayali, demonstrating the scale of variability
present in the cacao populations of the region.

of variability encountered in the area. The characteristics of the fruit on the left
indicate a possible origin in the R. Napo.
The above conclusion complemented by the knowledge gathered during
various breeding activities, which indicate its validity, can be applied to dismiss
the supposition that the genotypes derived from the various collections made in
the Iquitos area belong to what have come to be known as ‘Upper Amazon’
varieties. The suggestion that these varieties differ from those that occur in
Brazil is unacceptable on this basis because no attempt has been made to
compare them with the diversity present on the lower course of the R. Amazon.
The collecting activities undertaken were restricted to specific locations in
the area. Therefore, they would represent the variety introduced to the specific
farm and should never be construed as being representative of the diversity of
the region.
As referred to above, the first collections of cacao in the area were made by
Pound, first in 1937 and 1938 and later in 1943. The material collected derives
from two areas. One was the strip of land between the final course of the R.
Nanay and the banks of the R. Amazon. Here the trees at the time differed
greatly in size on account of differences in age. It was inferred that the very
large trees belonged to one variety, which was considered to represent the
earliest planting established. These trees produced fruits that are distinctive and
fairly uniform in their characteristics. In 1937 fruits were collected from several
trees of this type and the progenies were grouped under the denomination
‘Nanay’ or the acronym ‘NA’. Material for vegetative propagation was obtained
from several trees belonging to the type in 1943, as well as from other types of
the area. The resulting clones, although possessing some of the characteristics
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 95

described by Pound (1943), exhibit a certain degree of variability, some

individuals having distinctive characters.
The characters of the fruits of the type (referred to as the ‘central’ – more
or less – type) as described in the report are: fruit colour ‘half blanco’ (i.e.
lighter green), without pigmentation; long oval in shape without basal
constriction and having a rounded apex and a slightly rough surface. Pound
proposed naming the common variety ‘Nanay’ and apparently 14 trees of this
type were the parents of some of the progenies that are identified with the
acronym ‘NA’. The majority probably conform to this description. Probably the
clones resulting from the selections made in 1943, identified as ‘P’, would
include representatives of the type. It would be expected that among these
clones, which derive from trees in the Nanay location, the majority would
belong to the type designated ‘Nanay’. However, among the 22 clones from
this location few actually correspond to the description. The clones ‘P 11’, ‘P
16’ and ‘P 19’ may be taken to represent this ‘central’ type. However, as
mentioned above and from observations made on a few of the progenies,
enough variability exists to conclude that the original population was not as
uniform as the report suggests.
The report of the 1937–1938 collecting activity (Pound, 1938) is clear
about the fact that trees exhibiting variation for other characters also occurred
at the Nanay location, some of these being attributed to subsequent
introductions. The characters of the fruits of these trees ranged from ‘short,
oval, smooth half blanco unpigmented’ to ‘elongate, more warty, more blanco’
and it was stated that these occurred ‘more frequently’. Although the fact is not
specified in the report the ‘NA’ progenies would also have been descended
from trees with ‘long, generally warty pods with a pronounced bottle neck and
a conspicuous point’. Pound stated that this type of fruit would be called
‘Lagarta’ or ‘Parinari’ as it was the ‘central’ type in the Parinari region.
In summary, the genotypes descended from the trees at the Nanay location
possess a large range of diversity. The large number of individual genotypes
involved has precluded their complete evaluation and characterization, the
knowledge about the group being confined to a small proportion of genotypes
that have by chance or their outstanding traits been used in breeding. The 22
‘P’ clones from the 1943 collection may be considered to represent the basic
variability that is presumed to have occurred at the location. These include the
almost spherical fruits of ‘P 30’ to elongate fruits with a rough surface, such as
‘P 4’. The latter may be a hybrid descended from the ‘Criollo de la montaña’. It
is not possible to confirm that any of these clones resemble the progenies
descended from the trees at the Parinari location on the R. Marañon, except for
a similarity of the ‘P 4’ and ‘PA 13’ fruits.
Although there may be a preponderance of genotypes that are descended
from the ‘P’ clones with characteristics of the ‘central’ type, there is significant
variability in the aggregate of progenies from the collecting activity of 1937 and
1938, identified as ‘NA’. The range includes outstanding genotypes such as
‘NA 277’, which is a vigorous tree possessing several distinct traits. It is possible
that a few progenies are descended from ‘P 4’, obviously one of the parents,
which would have transmitted its elongate rough fruits to its descendants. The
96 Chapter 5

varieties attributable to the Nanay location mostly have small seeds with dark
purple cotyledons. The most constant feature of the group is the possession of
stamen filaments that are intensely pigmented. The progenies identified as ‘NA’
could be attributed to the families descended from their respective parents,
including the ‘P’ clones, on the basis of their incompatibility relationships, if the
data from the studies carried out in Trinidad were suitably analysed.
The other location visited by Pound on both occasions is that of the island
in the R. Amazon in front of the city of Iquitos. He reported that the varieties
grown on the island differed from those occurring at the Nanay location. Two
types were singled out for attention and from which fruits were collected in
1937–1938. Presumably, the parent trees were collected as material for
vegetative propagation in 1943. The resulting clones are included in the ‘P’
series and named ‘Island’. The seeds derived from the original collection were
mixed and established in Trinidad with the identification of ‘IMC’. As a result, it
is not possible to tell exactly which ‘IMC’ clones are progenies of the respective
‘P’ parents.
On the basis of similarities of their fruit and flower characters to those of
the parent trees some of the ‘IMC’ clones can be ascribed to the respective
families. The fruit of the parent, ‘P 18’, was described as being the main type
seen on the island, ‘a very large lagarta calabacillo which was completely oval

Fig. 14. Peru, R. Nanay: fruits of a genotype from this river.

The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 97

in shape and very smooth.’ The use of the word calabacillo is puzzling since
there is nothing in the description to relate it to the meaning generally applied
to the word. It is possible that the connotation in the description refers to the
smooth surface but this would be a redundancy. When Lagarta and Calabacillo
are translated as elongate and smooth, respectively, the description is better
understood. The majority of the ‘IMC’ clones conform to this description of the
The parent and its progenies are notable for the flower characters. They
are of a fairly large size compared with the other types in the region and are
readily distinguished by their coloration. This is due principally to the pig-
mentation of the stamens, the appearance of which is specific to the variety,
and the coloration of the surrounding organs.
Another significant feature concerns the high ovule numbers. The ovule
number determined in the parent ‘P 18’ is 74 and most of the progenies with
similar fruits have numbers above 65. The highest seed number that has been
found in fruits of an ‘IMC’ clone is 77. The ‘IMC’ family was the first such
variety known to have ovule and seed numbers of this magnitude. This
attribute is probably responsible for the predominance of the ‘P 18’ progenies
in the ‘IMC’ group. Within the family, variability is exhibited with regard to
other fruit characters such as the thickness of the husk. In addition, a significant
degree of variability is observed in some of the progenies of intra-family crosses
with segregants having fruits with distinctive shapes and flowers with intense
pigmentation. The few studies of the compatibility system in the family indicate
that a mechanism that is specific to the family may be involved. The intra-
family diversity that is encountered would be due either to the heterozygous
status of the parent tree or resulting from fertilization from other trees in the
source population.
The other parent tree from the island, ‘P 21’, could have belonged to
another type described in the report. The more probable candidate is the type
described as having ‘equally large pods, somewhat warty at the stem
(peduncle) end but smooth and round like Calabacillo at the apex.’ (In this
case the term ‘Calabacillo’ may have been correctly applied.) A few ‘IMC’
clones conform to this description being conspicuous by their smaller fruits with
a short and broad shape. Seed numbers are lower than those of the genotypes
that appear to belong to the ‘P 18’ family, the flowers being less pigmented and
the fruit husks generally harder. If the two types were growing in proximity the
possibility may exist of some of the ‘IMC’ clones being hybrids between them.
As with the other locations on the R. Amazon and the R. Marañon, from
which living material was collected, the ‘Island’ population could have
developed from more than one introduction.
There have been two subsequent collecting activities in this stretch of the
R. Amazon and the results of these should be examined in comparison with
those of the 1937 activity. Chalmers visited three sites above Iquitos, from two
of which some living plants survived but with such small samples that
determination of the populations’ diversity is unreliable (W.S. Chalmers,
unpublished report, 1973). The general description of the cacao in the area
indicates that the plantings were recent and the variability substantial for the
98 Chapter 5

small population sizes. Mention was made of the presence of trees with fruits
having a ‘characteristic minute slightly rough, minutely pimpled surface’. The
fruit shape is not described nor whether any of the material collected had fruits
of this type. The surface described recalls that of the fruits from the R. Morona
The population at a location situated higher up the river appears to have
had a measure of variability and some trees possess fruits approaching the
‘Parinari’ genotypes in appearance as well as flowers with unpigmented
stamens. However, their fruits differed in possessing hard husks. The progenies
of one parent sampled possess fruits that are elongate in shape with a basal
constriction, a description that may correspond to Pound’s lagarta type. Only
one specimen came from another location lower down the river. The fruits of
its progenies appear to have phenotypes similar to the ‘Nanay’ type and the
flowers also have intensely pigmented stamens.
Chalmers also visited the island and collected from four trees (W.S.
Chalmers, unpublished report, 1973). Although the collector reported ‘The
general pod type was almost identical to ‘IMC 67’’ and described the stamens
as being pigmented, only one specimen with these characteristics appears to
have been collected and this is not represented in the surviving collection. The
parent trees of the other three specimens from the location had unpigmented
stamens. The conclusions about the characteristics of these trees are hampered
by doubtful identification of the clones and/or their progenies. The fruits of the
parent tree of one specimen were described as having hard husks but the
progenies’ fruits are rather different from those described. The observations on
the few extant progenies indicate that they resemble the ‘central’ type on the R.
Ucayali. Presumably they derive from an introduction made after 1937, from
the upper reaches of the river.
The banks of the R. Amazon between the mouths of the R. Nanay and the
R. Napo and along a road from Iquitos to the banks of the R. Nanay were
subjected to a superficial visit (Soria, 1965). The locations visited on the R.
Amazon include the one formed from seeds introduced from Brazil. The
relevant report describes seeing ‘wild’ cacao trees but, since none appears to
have been related to the ‘Criollo de la montaña’, it can be assumed that such
trees, from which material was collected, were remnants of former cultivation.
The vague descriptions do not allow a definitive assessment of the population
structure to be made but the general fruit characters described and the
pigmented stamens of the flowers indicate that some of the trees were related
to Pound’s ‘Nanay’ type. The collector reported seeing large fruits similar to the
Island type, ‘P 18’. It is not known if any of the progenies of these trees survive.
This collecting activity included the first mention of cacao exclusively within the
R. Nanay drainage system although the location may not have been very
distant from the banks of the R. Amazon. Although the forests of the R. Nanay
have been explored by botanists no herbarium specimens of cacao have been
The segment of the R. Amazon between the mouths of the R. Napo and
the R. Javarí is virtually unknown with regard to the existence of cacao. The
section is remarkable for the absence of major tributaries of the Amazon. The
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 99

paucity of information and absence of specimens is expected not to be an

indication that this section marks a gap in the distribution of the species. During
the colonial period missionaries were active and they would have exploited the
produce as they did in other regions. However, in more recent times logging
and the cultivation of sugarcane became the primary activities and it is
probable that the forests along the river banks in which the species occurred
had been destroyed. The only botanical reference to cacao in Peruvian territory
in the lower part of the segment is the collection of specimens from Caballo
Cocha, near the Colombian ‘Trapezium’. This is the name is given to the area
of Colombia that was created to give the country a port on the R. Amazon.
Also at this level there is an island called ‘Cacao’, where the species could have
existed as is found on other islands with this name. Collections of herbarium
specimens and reports of cacao in the Colombian territory perhaps could
provide a greater amount of information than is available in the Peruvian
territory in this section.
The extent of deforestation on the banks of the R. Amazon in Colombia,
which probably resulted in the extinction of bygone cacao populations, was
referred to by Soria (1970) when he reported on his visit to the area in 1969.
The descriptions of the few trees seen are too vague to serve to obtain a notion
of the basic features. Apparently, some variability was observed but, since the
material collected did not survive, we have no means of confirming the
observations reported.

The River Napo drainage system (see Fig. 5)

The R. Napo is the major tributary of the R. Amazon in this section of the river,
joining it on its left bank. In common with the other left-bank tributaries of the
R. Marañon and R. Amazon, the course of the R. Napo is divided between
Ecuador (occupying the upper course) and Peru, the greater length of the
valley belonging to the latter. Since 1949 when the first variety collections were
made in the R. Napo valley a significant amount of effort has been expended
in collecting and conserving the germplasm contained in the Ecuadorian
section. On the other hand, no effort has been made in Peru, with the
exception of some oblique information concerning varieties said to have
originated in the Peruvian section.
In Ecuador two major conservation programmes have been undertaken.
The first was that under the Trinidad–Ecuador Cooperative Programme
(TECP), which was conducted from 1967 to 1973. The second programme
was funded by the London Cocoa Terminal Market Association and referred to
as the London Cocoa Trade Amazon Project (LCTAP), which operated
effectively between 1979 and 1986. The information acquired during and after
the collecting activities could be analysed to obtain a comprehensive record of
the diversity in the Napo valley. Although many of the basic observations made
during the LCTAP have been described (Allen, 1987) no similar analysis has
been produced with regard to the TECP. In view of this lack, the absence of
studies on the products of the collections and the fact that the collections have
100 Chapter 5

been subjected to considerable losses it is not possible to obtain a picture that

adequately describes the range and composition of the diversity. The situation
is regrettable as the population contains some extremely important components
in addition to the contribution that they can make to areas of research, such as
Like all of the tributaries described above, the R. Napo drainage system
originates in the Equatorial Oriental Piedmont. From its source the R. Napo first
flows in a generally northerly direction and then towards the southeast. As a
consequence of the location of its sources the R. Napo cacao population shares
the same basic distinguishing characteristics as the tributaries of the R.
Marañon system that have been described. The most notable characteristic, of
course, is the presence of white cotyledons associated with light green flush
leaves. It appears that this trait is predominant at least as far as below the
junction with the R. Coca, a left-bank tributary of the R. Napo. At the end of
the 19th century Tyler (1894) reported that on the R. Curaray, a lower tributary
of the R. Napo (the course of which is divided between Ecuador and Peru),
there were ‘immense plantations of wild white cacao’. Hence, it is probable that
cacao with this gene was amply distributed throughout the eastern foothills of
the Andes.
Most of the genotypes possessing the ‘white’ gene are plants of relatively
inferior vigour, low survival ability and adaptability in other environments.
They are also more difficult to propagate. Consequently, the losses sustained in
collections of this type, being higher than those of more vigorous genotypes,
result in a bias in the sense that the collections from the region that have
survived contain a lower representation of white cotyledon genotypes than may
actually be the case.
The presence of trees with fruits containing purple cotyledons has been
recorded from most areas of the valley but it is difficult to estimate the
distribution of such trees and to make inferences as to their status and origins.
The published data, such as those reported from the LCTAP programme
(Allen, 1987), contain means of observations of various fruits. Thus, in cases
where the fruits contained seeds with pigmented cotyledons, it is impossible to
judge the genotype of a given parent tree in order to estimate the extent of
homozygosity for either colour phenotype.
The situation on the R. Curaray is an example. If, at the time of Tyler’s
(1894) journey down the R. Napo, the cacao population consisted entirely of
trees with white cotyledons, the presence of purple cotyledons on the river at
the end of the 20th century would probably (excluding mutation) be the result
of introduction of other varieties. Presumably, these introductions and their
hybrid progenies could be distinguished from the native variety. The presence
of trees with red fruits could be ascribed, for the most part, as resulting from the
introduction of other varieties to the region, many of which carry alleles
producing purple cotyledons. However, if native red-fruited varieties exist in the
region these would constitute a complicating factor. The TECP reports on the
R. Curaray population (the river is shown in Figs 5 and 21) drew attention to
the existence in the area of introduced varieties but this appears to have been
ignored in the LCTAP sampling of this population. The existence of such
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 101

situations inhibits the proper analysis of the distribution of the factors

responsible for the absence of pigmentation. However, observations on some
collections, such as those made sequentially downstream along the R. Napo up
to the frontier with Peru, indicate that the expression of purple cotyledons or
mixtures of degrees of pigmentation increases along the course of the river.
Although genotypes with white cotyledons may comprise a large
proportion of the population, a significant range of variability is expressed for
other characters. While some trees have a bushy habit, which is noticeable
when they are young, this is infrequent. In some valleys, such as that of the R.
Payamino, the trees possess a distinctive habit that consists of a tall stem with a
relatively small canopy (Plate 11a). On account of this habit one of the features
of the R. Napo varieties is the tendency for the flowers and fruits to be
produced entirely, or nearly always, on the plagiotropic branches in the
canopy. This situation makes the fruits inaccessible for harvesting and,
therefore, collecting. Plate 2c shows a tree that appeared to belong to this type,
on the trunk of which there were no signs of flowers and fruits having been
Besides this singular, essentially ramiflorous, flowering habit the Napo
population tends to produce flowers that are predominantly without pigment
except for the staminodes and guide-lines. Generally, the peduncles are green
in colour and the buds are white and sometimes green on the outer surfaces of
the calyx. Also, the shape of the buds tends to be elongate, ending in an
attenuate apex on account of the sepals being narrowly elongate. Some of the
flowers have guide-lines that are pale in colour but this trait is not necessarily
associated with the pale flush leaves. Some uncertainty exists regarding the
extent to which pigmentation of the stamens occurs. Some descendants of
Napo genotypes have pigmented stamens although the trait has not generally
been recorded. Flower characters were not recorded in the LCTAP.
The variability of fruit types is fairly expressive. The occurrence of fruits
with a high degree of surface roughness (as shown by the fruit type depicted in
Fig. 15) is one of the principal features of cacao genotypes in the Napo valley.
The most outstanding of these genotypes, which seems to be unique to the
region, is that with the broad fruits depicted in Plate 11b. The broader fruits
with length:diameter ratios of 1.5 or less are often associated with low seed
number contents. Some genotypes have fruits that are more elongate and
similarly distinguished by rough surfaces (Plate 11c). The fruit depicted in Plate
11d may be mistaken for another type but this particular fruit is distinguished
by having a very thick husk. However, elongate fruits with less rough surfaces
are perhaps more common. It has not been possible to relate the specific fruit
types to any particular region, although it would be expected that, if the
populations of specific areas are composed of related genotypes, the trees in
them would possess similar fruits.
The Napo valley populations exhibit an ample range of seed sizes, varying
from very small to some of the largest seeds in the species. Some of the large
seeds could be attributed to the fact that the fruits in which they occur under
natural conditions contain few seeds. The low seed numbers would result from
the combined effects of low ovule numbers and self- and cross-incompatibility
102 Chapter 5

Fig. 15. Ecuador, R. Napo system: fruits of the accession ‘COCA 3370’.

that accounts for the low fertilization rates observed. The fact that the seed
numbers reported do not exceed 59 indicates that ovule numbers are not likely
to be much above this figure. However, it is necessary to conduct detailed
investigations of the progeny of the collections to verify the observations from
the naturally occurring individuals.
The R. Aguarico (see Figs 5 and 21) is the principal left-bank tributary of
the R. Napo and one that has seen the greatest human activity since colonial
times, as it was the most important transportation route from the cordillera to
the R. Amazon. Much of the course of the R. Aguarico runs close to that of the
R. Putumayo drainage system and observations on cacao varieties of both
rivers indicate that some overlap of genes has occurred. For this reason it is
possible to find genotypes from the R. Aguarico that possess characters that
resemble those of genotypes occurring in the Putumayo system and,
consequently, differing from those of the remainder of the Napo system. There
were few specimens from the Aguarico valley attributable to LCTAP. Several
specimens were collected in the watershed between the Napo and Aguarico
rivers but the locations of these with regard to each valley are not well defined.
More detailed information about the cacao populations of the Aguarico valley
is obtainable from the TECP reports but considerable effort is required to
collate the data and observations in order to obtain a coherent picture of the
cacao population of the valley. The area sampled was relatively small and the
results, therefore, cannot be used to make inferences about the characteristics
of the population of the entire valley. It would seem that the white cotyledon
character almost exclusively occurs in the native genotypes of the sample area,
except for the intrusion of a slight pigmentation that occurs to a small degree.
Allen (1988) undertook an analysis of the observations on the genotypes
collected during the LCTAP programme in the populations derived from the
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 103

Equatorial Oriental Piedmont. In this analysis the genotypes attributable to the

R. Napo drainage system were compared to those from the tributaries of the R.
Marañon. On the basis of the descriptors used it was concluded that no
differences could be detected. This inference is not corroborated by the
author’s own observations. The comparisons reported in Allen (1988) were not
based on all of the characteristics that differentiate the populations in the two
regions. It is possible that a more detailed analysis of the data may reveal the
true differences among the various populations.
Since the principal feature that distinguishes the populations that contain
descendants of the Equatorial Oriental Piedmont is the association of
unpigmented flush leaves and unpigmented cotyledons, the knowledge of the
distribution of these characters is basic to the determination of the differences
among the local population in the region. The acquisition of this knowledge
depends on an understanding of the mode of inheritance of these linked
character expressions. On this basis, the genotypes can be attributed to the
individuals in the populations and the frequency of the occurrence of each of the
three genotypes in the local populations may be calculated. These frequencies
will then be combined to obtain a picture of how the character combination is
spatially distributed in each region.
In the R. Napo valley, the homozygous recessive genotype is predominant.
In some local populations the frequency of its occurrence is almost 100%. It is
possible that in other populations where there is introgression from the R.
Putumayo germplasm, the heterozygous genotype occurs with a higher
frequency than in the adjacent R. Napo populations.
With regard to the populations within the R. Marañon drainage system, it is
probable that the homozygous recessive genotype occurs with high frequency
(also around 100%) in the extreme tributaries, such as the R. Upano. The
frequency of this genotype decreases in the populations nearer the R. Marañon
where the homozygous dominant genotype would predominate.

Fig. 16. Ecuador, R. Napo system: fruits of two genotypes from the R. Aguarico.
104 Chapter 5

As stated previously, no information is available regarding the cacao

population along the R. Napo in its passage through Peruvian territory. Tyler’s
description of the cacao variety of the R. Curaray probably relates to the area
along the final course of the river that is within Peru. Pound (1938) travelled up
part of the lower course of the R. Napo and observed that cacao occurred
sparsely in the area visited. He concluded the account of his contact with the R.
Napo as follows:
In the montagne (forest) around the Napo Experimental Station (at Santa Clotilde)
quite a number of small stunted cacao trees were found, most of which were
flushing crimson showing that the population of the montagne belongs to the
variety ‘criollo de la montagne’…

The only conclusion that can be drawn from this statement is that the light
green flush leaf character was absent or occurred at low frequency. The
absence of fruits inhibited the determination of the variety so that Pound’s
conclusion would be a mere supposition.
Our only knowledge about the Peruvian R. Napo varieties is derived from
descendants of material obtained through two chance contacts, in both cases
the material resulting from Pound’s activities. The first case concerns a planting
of trees in the Nanay area descended from seeds said to have been brought
from an unspecified locality on the R. Napo (Pound, 1943). He described the
‘Napo variety’ trees as distinguishable from those of the ‘Nanay’ type by being
more vigorous and by possessing what is called a ‘weeping habit’ of the
branches; that is, the tendency for the branches to grow horizontally and curve
towards the ground. Unfortunately, the account gives no information about the
fruit and seed characters of the trees or about such traits as the flush leaf colour.
From 27 trees of the ‘Napo variety’ seen at the site seven individuals were
selected and budwood from them sent to Trinidad for reproduction together
with the other clones identified as ‘P’.
The author carried out some studies on the resulting clones in Trinidad but
the lack of access to the data obtained together with the paucity of data from
other sources about their characteristics does not allow more than a superficial
description of the variety to be produced. This situation prevents the characters
of these ‘Napo’ progenies from being compared to those of the populations
sampled since 1948. All of the ‘P’ clones said to belong to the ‘Napo variety’
are self-incompatible. They produce fruits that are of small size, with an
elongate shape having an apex that is inclined to be attenuate, the surface
being somewhat rough. One of the distinguishing features of the progenies is
the fairly intense coloration on the petal ligule.
The other group of progenies apparently attributable to Pound’s journey
along the lower R. Napo in 1938 (Pound, 1938) resulted from a fruit he gave to
the Experiment Station at Palmira, Colombia, according to information in
Patiño (1963). The clones of the progenies from this fruit were assigned the
group denomination ‘SPA’, in Colombia, and several of them have been
introduced into various germplasm collections. Data of various degrees of
usefulness have been produced about the clones in the collections. The
accumulation of these observations (excluding genotypes identified with the
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 105

same acronym but alien to the population) permits a fairly complete

description of the family’s composition to be obtained.
In spite of the stated origin of the fruit, its source is a mystery since Pound
stated that he did not see fruits on the ‘native’ trees he encountered at Santa
Clotilde on the R. Napo. The possibility is that the fruit was obtained from a
tree in the experimental planting. Consequently, the determination of the
relationship of the parent tree to the R. Napo populations is a subject that is
involved in the characterization of the family.
Most members of the family possess fruits of a similar shape and other
characters with some variation. Fruits of two members of the family are
depicted in Plate 18d, showing the broad and elongate shape, the slightly
rough surface and apex that is bluntly acute. The basic fruit colour is green but
this varies in intensity from intermediate to dark. The flowers of the known
progenies have a basic white colour but segregation is observed with regard to
the stamen pigment, which is absent in some progenies but intense in others.
The intensity of stamen pigment may be linked to the fruit colour.
The most distinctive characteristics of this family reside in the habit consisting
of a large branch angle, resulting in spreading canopies in orthotropic plants, and
distinctive leaves. On the basis of this characteristic they may be related to the
‘Napo variety’ from the Nanay peninsula. The leaf blades are broad with a rough
appearance that makes these genotypes readily recognizable. The typical form of
the leaves of the family may be appreciated in Fig. 17. Inbred progenies obtained
from selfing or sib-crossing segregate for flush leaf colour from white to red.
When these clones are combined with genotypes carrying the anthocyanin
inhibitor gene, seeds with white cotyledons are obtained indicating that these
genotypes are heterozygous for white cotyledons. These two characters provide a
basis for attributing the family to a R. Napo origin.

Fig. 17. Peru, R. Napo: the broad thick-textured leaves that are characteristic of the
‘SPA’ family.
106 Chapter 5

However, members of the family appear to possess an incompatibility

allele that acts in the same manner as the allele found in the ‘P 18’ family from
the Island at Iquitos. On this basis it may be suspected that these families are
related. In fact, Pound (1943) must have come to this conclusion when he
wrote, ‘It is not improbable that the original group of disease-free trees located
in 1938 in Nanay has some connection with a chance introduction from the

The Solimões drainage system

The name ‘Solimões’ is applied particularly in Brazil to identify the stretch of

the R. Amazon from the place where it enters Brazilian territory at the mouth of
the right-bank tributary, the R. Javarí, to its confluences with the R. Negro and
R. Madeira (Fig. 18). The exact definition of the stretch of the R. Amazon to
which the name could be applied is uncertain since it could also be considered
as starting from the mouth of the R. Napo where the R. Amazon begins its
eastward direction.
For our purposes the separation of this section of the R. Amazon from the
remainder of the system has a particular significance. The Solimões is the
region of the river basin that receives the most important tributaries, not only
on account of the large drainage basins that some of them occupy but that
some of the most extensive populations occur on them. Accordingly, it is of
fundamental importance to our survey of the diversity of the species. In this
discussion it is intended to demonstrate the fact that the Solimões itself is the
repository of perhaps the most extensive genetic variability that is amplified
many times when all of its tributaries are included in the system. The
importance of the region resides not only in the amplitude of the diversity but
also in the fact that some of the most valuable genetic material for purposes of
improvement of the species is to be found in this basin.
The Solimões region was probably the most important source, in
quantitative terms, of the cacao harvested during the long period of
exploitation of the Amazon’s cacao production by the extractive process. It is
probable, also, that the region supplied a greater part of the planting material
from which cultivated populations were formed. The analysis of the existing
variability in the Solimões basin, therefore, is important in understanding the
origin and composition of the cultivated populations in the Amazon Basin and
those in other countries that have imported varieties from the region.
The documentation concerning the region that dates from the extractive
period provides much information about the distribution of the cacao
populations and the quantities produced, leaving no doubt as to the expressive
occurrence of the species along the Solimões. Martius visited part of the
Solimões during the exploration of the Amazon in 1816 (Spix and Martius,
1828). He wrote enthusiastically about the abundance of cacao on the
Solimões and its major tributary, the Japurá. Among other matters Martius
refers to the custom of the Indians in pre-colonial times to plant cacao in the
vicinity of their settlements.
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 107

Fig. 18. Map of the south central sector of the Amazonian Region showing the R. Solimões
and the drainage systems of its southern tributaries and the drainage system of the
R. Madeira.
108 Chapter 5

Besides this information virtually no attention has been paid to the cacao
populations of the Solimões drainage system until fairly recently. Pound (1938)
referred to the river when he travelled up it on his way to Peru but he gave an
exceedingly inaccurate description of the variety situation that he was able to
observe. However, some years later, in Pound (1945), he corrected the
inadequate description given in the 1938 report by stating:

In the middle Amazon which stretches from the Rio Negro to the Rio Ucayali the
central type changes perceptibly. The pods are still completely unpigmented but
longer and more corrugated and often definitely warty. Sometimes a pronounced
bottle neck appears. The shell may be thicker and the pod approaches the
cundeamor type in places. The seeds though still relatively small and uniformly
purple in colour are plumper than those of the lower Amazon.

The word ‘shell’ used here corresponds to the term ‘fruit husk’ used in this
Although a few specimens derive from a visit to the middle Solimões in
1971 and a reconnaissance of the same area in 1981 the knowledge of the
scale of occurrence and the diversity of the varieties along the river only
became a reality in 1982. The collecting activities accomplished in 1982 and
1983 resulted in the acquisition of a large quantity of very variable material.
However, the entire length of the river has not yet been explored for the
purpose of conserving its genetic resources.
One collecting activity concentrated on the stretch of the river from the
frontier with Peru up to a point just below the mouth of the R. Putumayo/Içá.
The material collected in this zone exhibits an ample degree of variability, some
of the unusual types observed in the progeny being depicted in Plate 15. The
characteristics of much of the cacao in the area include fruits of an elongate
shape with high ridges and thick husks. Also present are varieties with short
and broad fruits of the shape that is considered to represent the traditional
variety of Ecuador.
An important feature of the cacao populations along the course of the river
from Tabatinga to the mouth of the R. Putumayo is the occurrence of trees with
pigmented fruits of various types (Plate 12d, e). Included in the range of
diversity are fruits with phenotypes similar to those encountered on the upper
R. Putumayo basin that have been sampled by the programmes carried out in
Lower down the Solimões sampling of the diversity was conducted between
the lake of Tefé to below the mouths of the R. Caquetá/Japurá. On the north
bank of the Solimões this river and the Japurá (as it is named in Brazil) run close
together and are connected by a network of canals, which breaks the land into
numerous islands, as is apparent in Fig. 18. The area thus takes the form of a
delta of the R. Japurá, in which it is impossible to define the course of the river.
This situation results in the development of isolated occurrences of cacao, which
individually may comprise specific varieties with their own characteristics
depending on the mode of their formation and evolution.
Since the area linking the valleys concerned is undefined it is necessary to
treat the cacao populations in the ‘delta’ region as belonging to an integral
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 109

geographical entity and they will be described in the respective part of the
discussion of the R. Japurá.
The stretch of the Solimões, the populations of which have been sampled,
contains genotypes with diverse characteristics and Plates 16, 17 and 18
present a few examples of them. Variability is expressed in terms of tree habit
ranging from plants that produce the first whorl of plagiotropic branches at a
low height (Plate 18a) to those reaching heights that are usual for the species.
Leaf characters vary considerably, the most notable variation being
encountered with regard to leaf shapes that range from narrow elongate to
broad and rough in texture.
The variability of the fruits is notable. Although the collection report gives
the impression that most of the parent trees had fruits that were elongate in
shape, it was found that the aggregate of genotypes covers a multitude of
combinations of the various component characteristics. It could be concluded,
from the observations on the clones established, that the occurrence of
identical genotypes is rare, even within the same locality. At one extreme of the
range of shapes are several parent trees with spherical fruits. The samples from
the vicinity of Tefé have short fruits with almost parallel sides that are similar to
the Ecuador ‘Nacional’ fruits. Fruits of a type similar to that of the ‘SPA’ family
(Plate 18d) appear to be common (see Estampa 7D in Barriga et al., undated).
Among the most interesting types of fruits from the area is one that is
found in segregants in the progenies of one variety that has the typical
Pentagona characteristics. The fruit is shown in Plate 17a, where it is compared
to the large heavy fruits that are more typical of those of the family. The fruit of
the parent tree of the family (Plate 17b) is also large with ridges arranged in
close pairs. The close pairing of the ridges is more pronounced in the
developing stage, the cross sections of which approach those of the pentagonal
character. In addition to this family another parent tree was recorded as having
fruits with the Pentagona characteristics. The progeny, the fruit of one of which
is shown in Plate 17c, did not segregate for fruits of the pentagonal type.
Another feature of these populations is the presence of genotypes carrying
the anthocyanin inhibitor gene. One of these genotypes is notable for its poor
growth and very small fruits. The genotype has the additional abnormality in
that, in both the parent clone and its obviously selfed progeny, seed numbers
are very low, perhaps not exceeding one-third of the ovule number. In common
with other cacao genotypes that express the same phenomenon the low seed
numbers can be attributed to a sterility mechanism that has to be determined.
One of the features of the varieties of the Solimões is the occurrence of
naturally produced fruits with high seed numbers, indicating that ovule
numbers could be as high as 65. Although there was a wide range of seed sizes
and numbers, in general the latter tended to be considerably higher than those
obtained in the R. Napo populations, even admitting that the largest fruits
would have been selected during collection. Some of the Solimões fruits
weighed over 1200 g.
The conclusion that is reached from the analysis of the variability expressed in
the cacao population of the sample area is that it is of such magnitude that it may
be composed of a mixture of varieties from different origins. It could be apposite to
110 Chapter 5

conceive of the Solimões basin as the recipient of genes from the populations that
inhabit its numerous and extensive tributaries. The concept will be better
appreciated when the respective cacao populations are described. The range of
variability precludes the presentation of a detailed account in this work. The
diversity present in the Solimões sector merits a special publication after its whole
length has been surveyed and when it has been comprehensively analysed.

The River Javarí drainage system (Fig. 5)

This is the first drainage system that can be considered to be part of the
Solimões basin. The R. Javarí joins the R. Amazon on the right bank and forms
the border between Peru and Brazil. In common with most of the other systems
in Peru little is known about the cacao germplasm that occurs in the side of the
valley in that country, except for a few uninformative herbarium specimens that
probably were collected from near the mouth of the river. It would, however, be
expected that the germplasm occurring on the Peruvian side would be the
same as that found in Brazil.
The extent of the occurrence of cacao in the valley is a matter that has
been the subject of conflicting reports and it is uncertain whether the species is
distributed throughout the valley. The Brazilian Genetic Resources Programme
collected on the R. Javarí, up to the mouth of the right-bank tributary, the R.
Curuçá, and on the latter river. Also explored were the right-bank tributary, the
R. Itaquai and its tributary, the R. Quixito.
The human population of the region has been sparse and its remoteness
perhaps resulted in the cacao population escaping exploitation during the
extractive period. Consequently, the population of the Javarí valley can be
considered to be of spontaneous origin and not likely to have been subjected to
human interference. From its particular characteristics this population appears
to have arisen independently of the other populations of the Solimões basin.
From all accounts the cacao population density is rather high.
The accessions from the Itaquai/Quixito valley possess several features that
indicate that the cacao variety is unique in its composition. The plants are
generally slow-growing in the juvenile phase. The flowers are very distinct on
account of their delicate, open, appearance and an almost complete absence of
pigment. The delicate appearance is produced by a combination of long ligule
straps and very pale yellow (almost white) ligules that are long and narrow. The
fruits are also unusual. They were described (P.F.R. Machado, personal
communication) as being notable for a bluish tinge on the surface as shown in
the photographs in ‘Estampa’ (Plate 6) in Barriga et al. (undated). In fact, none
of the progenies has exhibited this fruit colour. The fruit colour is really a very
light green enhanced by the almost smooth but slightly granular surface; the
shape approaches spherical with inconspicuous, very close-paired ridges. An
example of a typical fruit is shown in Plate 16a.
One of the other features of the cacao of the Javarí valley is the occurrence
of flush leaves without anthocyanin pigment (Plate 3e). The shade of whiteness
of these leaves appears to differ from that of the unpigmented leaves of the R.
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 111

Napo population. In the area of the confluence of the R. Curuçá with the R.
Javarí more elongate fruits are encountered. The most interesting finding
connected with the population in the area is that several of the families produce
fruits with notable red pigment on the surface. It has not been possible to
ascertain whether the pigment results from the action of a specific allele that is
related to the allele that controls the anthocyanin pigment in the Criollo group.
Since some of the families are composed entirely of trees with red fruits that are
elongate in shape, such as those of the tree shown in Plate 12a, it may be
supposed that a specific allele is present in the population that results in the
expression of fruit pigmentation. In contrast to the pleiotropic effect of the
pigment allele in the Criollo group genotypes and their descendants the Javarí
allele appears not to produce a noticeable pigmentation in the leaf pedicels.
The absence of pedicel pigment may be associated with the action of the
specific allele for absence of pigment in the flush leaves.
This important finding has a precedent in the discovery by R.L. Froes
(personal communication) of trees with red fruits on the R. Jandiatuba, another
right-bank tributary of the Solimões, this being the next valley to the east of the
R. Quixito (see map in Fig. 5). The region involved, perhaps, is the birthplace
of types that are in several respects similar to the genotypes of the Criollo
group. However, it should be emphasized that there is no intention to suggest
that there is a relationship between them.
One of the genotypes from the same location as a family with red-fruited
trees had flowers that were deeply pigmented. Thus, the presence of
anthocyanin pigment may be fairly common in the area that is at the junction
of the R. Javarí and R. Curuçá.
Unfortunately, the unsatisfactory conditions under which the R. Javarí
genotypes were established and the lack of continuity of the observations that
the population deserves have prevented the material from being adequately
The subsequent tributaries of the Solimões, the R. Jandiatuba (as
mentioned above) and the R. Jutaí are known to be valleys where the species
occurs. Although some scarce information regarding the properties of the
populations is available, owing to the lack of specific collecting activities and
exploration of these rivers having been undertaken their cacao populations will
not be described.

The River Juruá drainage system

The R. Juruá and its tributaries form probably the second most important
drainage system on the south of the Solimões. The situation and upper and
lower courses of the drainage system are shown in the maps in Figs 5 and 18,
respectively. The valley has been important as an area of exploitation of its
natural rubber resources since the late 19th century but, although cacao is
mentioned in some accounts, it is not known for the existence of the species.
The long period of rubber exploitation may have had some effect on the
distribution and genetic diversity of cacao in the valley.
112 Chapter 5

Like most of the southern tributaries of the Solimões the R. Juruá has its
sources in Peru in the Province of Caravaya but nothing is known about the
cacao existing in that country. Equally, since the course of the river in the State
of Amazonas was not considered to be a priority area for conservation the
cacao population of most of the drainage system is unknown. The only
surviving specimens from the R. Juruá itself were collected in 1967 from the
vicinity of the town of Cruzeiro do Sul, situated near the northern boundary of
the State of Acre.
The fruits of some of these specimens are shown in Plate 13b; all of them
derive from a small area along the R. Juruá below Cruzeiro do Sul. It is an area
where the principal activity is related to rubber collecting and where there has
been evident alteration in the course of the river, through erosion and
simultaneous rebuilding of the banks. The specimens concerned belong,
basically, to a single variety although differences among the genotypes are
evident. Although most of the parent trees were extremely large (having some
of the largest trunks seen by the author) the resulting clones are relatively slow-
growing, developing into trees that are small in size. The difference between the
sizes of the naturally occurring trees and their cloned progeny indicates the
longevity of the former or the high fertility of the soil.
At the time of collection it was very noticeable that the fruits and vegetative
characteristics of the cloned progeny resembled in certain respects those of the
‘Scavina’ variety from the R. Ucayali. Unfortunately, the material collected
from the trees that most resembled the ‘Scavina’ type was lost in propagation.
Among the comparative traits is the tendency to produce narrow crowns when
grown from orthotropic shoots and the propensity to reproduce in this way.
The location of the area of collection on the R. Juruá is relatively close to the
corresponding area on the R. Ucayali. The Juruá location is also connected to
the R. Ucayali system through its tributary, the R. Moa, whose headwaters are
close to the source of the R. Tapiche. This situation would indicate a possible
means of interchange between the two drainage systems by Indian tribes or
during the exploitation of rubber on these rivers.
Chandless explored the R. Juruá in the mid-19th century and mentioned
the presence of cacao on the river. In Chandless (1869) he referred to the fact
that the Indians on the upper R. Purús had contacts with the R. Ucayali and the
Sarayacu; they even knew Moyobamba. He also mentioned that the
connection with the R. Ucayali was through the R. Juruá. If these contacts
included exchange of cacao this would explain the presence of similar varieties
on the Juruá and Ucayali rivers and their respective tributaries.
The most uniform characters of the genotypes collected are found in the
flowers. In particular, the petal ligules are distinguished by their shape in which
the edges are curved upwards to form a ‘spoon-shaped’ organ. These ligules
are also light yellow in colour with traces of pigment along the veins.
The fact that the genotypes resulting from the 1967 collections appear to
be related and distinctive should not be interpreted that they are representative
of all the native cacao varieties of the R. Juruá. The fruits illustrated in Plate
13c and Fig. 19 indicate that the diversity is somewhat larger with other
varieties being present. The fruits in these illustrations were from trees in
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 113

Fig. 19. Brazil, R. Juruá system: a sample of the fruit types from the upper River Juruá
drainage system, from genotypes other than those represented in living collections.

locations on the R. Moa and upstream from Cruzeiro do Sul, the samples of
which were unsuccessfully established.

The River Tarauacá sub-drainage system

The R. Tarauacá (Fig. 5) is a major right-bank tributary of the R. Juruá, and its
cacao population, as well as that of its tributary the R. Envira, deserves special
consideration on account of its peculiar and potentially useful characteristics.
The area of the valley that was sampled lies entirely within the State of Acre
and includes the R. Envira, a tributary of the R. Tarauacá that joins the latter on
its right bank. In contrast to the conception of cacao being distributed along the
river banks the report of the collecting activity (P.F.R. Machado, unpublished
data, 1981, Relatório da Expedição Botânica para Coleta de Cacau Silvestre
nos Rios Tarauacá e Envira, no Estado do Acre) refers to stands of cacao
occurring on the banks of small streams and in locations some distance from
the rivers.
One of the outstanding features of the germplasm encountered is the
development from orthotropic shoots of branches at a small angle from the
trunk producing narrow canopies with sparse foliage (Plate 1a and 1b). The
trees of this variety are readily distinguished by possessing leaves that are fairly
thick in texture but have a peculiar yellowish tinge that is difficult to define.
Segregation for flush leaf pigment occurs with leaves without pigment
being frequent. So far, it has not been possible to identify any individual parent
genotypes that are homozygous for this characteristic, which would be inherited
114 Chapter 5

as a recessive trait. As no special characteristics of the flowers have been

observed it could be possible that the non-pigment character is inherited in the
same way as that of the R. Napo population. The occurrence of non-pigmented
cotyledons has not been recorded, precluding the determination of the
relationship of cotyledon colours with flush leaf pigmentation.
Although the trees apparently possess poor growth traits they are capable
of producing large crops of fruits in relation to their size. In spite of the apparent
uniformity of the vegetative traits the population exhibits a significant degree of
variability in relation to fruit characters, examples of the extreme fruit shapes
being shown in Plate 14. The common distinguishing fruit characters are the
expression of surface pigment and the granular appearance of the surfaces
owing to their being covered with slight protuberances. The fruits are small in
size but, since the husks are thin, the ratio of seed weight:total fruit weight tends
to be considerably higher than that found in other varieties. This characteristic
compensates for the small fruit size and confers on the genotypes a potential
importance in economic terms. The small fruits are the consequence of the
very small seeds they contain.
Few of the parent trees sampled survived transportation and propagation,
a situation that precludes a definitive assessment of the properties of the
population. From the surviving genotypes it appears that on the R. Tarauacá
the majority of the trees have fruits that are short, broad in shape with rounded
or slightly pointed apices. On the other hand most of the R. Envira genotypes
produce fruits that are elongate in shape, although a few genotypes have fruits
that are short and broad in shape. Several fruits contained more than 55 seeds.
From this result it could be supposed that ovule numbers could be as high as
60, or even more. The only characteristic that the R. Tarauacá variety seems to
share with the genotypes from the main R. Juruá is the extremely soft husk of
the fruits, due probably to the absence of the woody mesocarp.
The observations on the flowers did not reveal any distinctive
characteristics although pigmented ligules occur. There is segregation of ligule
shape and size and also with regard to the position of the sepals, in which
horizontal and reflexed sepals are found.

The River Purús drainage system

The R. Purús is the most easterly of the tributaries that join the Solimões on its
right bank. With a length of 3148 km the R. Purús’ drainage system covers a
large land area. The drainage system is delineated in Fig. 5 and Fig. 18 and it
can be seen that, in common with the other tributaries of the Solimões that
have been described, the sources of the Purús and its major tributaries lie
within Peruvian territory in the Province of Caravaya. Although several
accounts provide details on the occurrence of the species in the headwaters
region of the valley, one of which refers to a forest of cacao just south of the
frontier with Brazil, no information is available about the variety situation in
Peru. Accounts of the Amazon valley during the early period of colonization
provide the knowledge that the tribes that inhabited the valley at that time had
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 115

the custom of eating cacao seeds. Exactly what was involved was not described
but it is evident that cacao played a role in the lives of these people. This role
may have had an important influence on the distribution of the species in the
The upper reaches of the Purús valley have received significant interest in
terms of the development of its natural resources, the initial phase being related
to the exploitation of rubber. For this reason, the region has been the subject of
the attention of botanists and ecologists. The upper Purús valley lies in an area
of alluvial soils that are considered to be among the most fertile in the Amazon
Basin. This fact makes the region particularly vulnerable to agricultural
development and consequent erosion of the natural vegetable resources
contained in the once primeval forest.
The R. Purús is noted for its meandering course and this feature has
resulted in its having undergone incessant changes through the concomitant
effects of erosion of its banks and formation of new land areas. The
consequences of this situation regarding the development and constitution of
the cacao populations were explained in Chapter 4.
The first noteworthy account of cacao on the R. Purús was given by Huber
(1906a), who described it as existing as mainly spontaneous populations and
indicated that some variability was to be encountered among the stands of
cacao. One of the noteworthy features of the cacao population of the upper
Purús valley is that much of the cacao is to be found in large areas in which an
occurrence may comprise several thousand trees. The formation of such
extensive populations could be attributed to their establishment on new land
where competition from other vegetation would be lower than that in
established forest. Alternatively, such populations may have resulted directly
from, or been influenced by, human activity either by the indigenous
inhabitants or the new settlers who began to arrive during the 19th century.
On account of the pressure on the cacao habitats due to development
efforts the upper Purús valley was considered to be a priority region for
conservation of its resources. Several collecting activities have been undertaken
over a period of years. The first activity, which took place in 1965 in the vicinity
of the Acre State capital of Rio Branco, demonstrated the potentially enormous
genetic variability that occurs in the region.
The magnitude of the diversity has been confirmed by the subsequent
conservation efforts undertaken in the valley. The R. Purús and its tributaries
have been explored in an area bounded by the mouth of the R. Chandless, the
headwaters of the R. Acre on the east and as far north (downstream) to and
including the left-bank tributary of the R. Pauini. Several hundreds of parent
trees were sampled during these activities and are represented by large
numbers of progenies. The specimens obtained perhaps represent only a
fraction of the diversity the region contains since the Purús population appears
to be the numerically largest that can be encountered even though the exact
magnitude of the variability has yet to be determined.
Some idea of the range of variability of fruit types may be obtained from
Plate 19a and b, the former being a composite of some genotypes, which
derive from the parent trees collected on the R. Acre in 1965. Although the 18
116 Chapter 5

Fig. 20. Brazil, R. Purús system: fruits of ‘RB 34’ or ‘RB 35’ showing the equidistant

surviving genotypes were obtained from only six sites the scale of variation
within and between sites is obvious. The extent of diversity, as expressed in all
parts of the plants, is so large that it is impossible at the present time to identify
specific characteristics of the populations that inhabit the various stretches of
the main river and its tributaries.
On the R. Iaco, another tributary of the R. Purús, the range of fruit
characters is equally large, examples of the extreme types being shown in Plate
19c and d. Although most of the fruits that were collected on this river were
short and broad, those of the cloned parent trees that lacked fruits at the time
of sampling and the progenies of the seed collections are more frequently
elongate with rough surfaces. Some of the segregants in the families produce
fruits that possess characteristics not far removed from those used to define the
fruits of the genotypes of the Criollo group, especially the specimens from near
the headwaters of the valley.
Several characteristics are found in the flowers of members of the Purús
population that can be considered to be specific to the cacao of the drainage
system. The flowers are fairly large in size and present an appearance of
thickness, or compactness, in most of the floral parts. The ligules are broad, held
in a horizontal position and are darker yellow in colour with some pigment. The
notable feature is the intense, bright pigmentation of the stamen filaments,
which, qualitatively, differs from those of other known varieties. Although this
combination of floral characters appears to be specific to the upper Purús region
it is by no means generalized in the area. Some trees possess flowers that are
pigmented only in the staminodes and guide-lines. The observations on the R.
Pauini specimens indicate that the flowers of these trees are less pigmented than
the flowers of genotypes belonging to populations upstream. On the other hand,
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 117

the specimens obtained from the R. Purús between the mouths of the R. Acre
and the R. Pauini are distinguished by the greater pigmentation of the petal
ligules that are often entirely red in colour. The degree of ligule pigment is
perhaps the most intense in the species. However, the occurrence of other
genotypes on the same sector of the R. Purús having the same pattern of flower
pigmentation as those of the R. Pauini suggests that such pigmentation may be
expressed to a lesser degree as the river is descended.
Certain genotypes are notable for their tree architecture and habit.
Although ‘RB 29’ possesses very small fruits it is capable of developing into
very large trees. Another genotype produces very short flushes but has a
tendency for abundant flower production, the flowers being very red owing to
the intense pigmentation of the ligules. The genotypes from the vicinity of
Brasileia, near the headwaters of the R. Acre, appear to produce weaker plants
than most of the other specimens from the valley.
One feature of the population that was in some ways unexpected was the
appearance of families segregating for trees with unpigmented flush leaves. The
trait was observed to occur in only a few families. However, in contrast with the
populations on other rivers, where genotypes having unpigmented flush leaves
are usually less vigorous than their sibs with pigmented flush leaves, the R.
Purús genotypes with unpigmented leaves stand out as being taller than their
normal relatives.
Leaf types also vary considerably from large, broad, thick blades to those
that are elongate with a fine papery texture. Another feature of the population
is the sweet taste of the pulp and the strong aroma of the dried seeds, even
when unfermented. Some specimens have fruits with phenotypes superficially
similar to the R. Juruá specimens in Plate 13b but they differ considerably in
regard to the flower characters.
In summary, the variability contained in the cacao population of the R.
Purús is extremely large. The limitations that circumstances have imposed on
the characterization of the numerous samples obtained in the valley have made
it impossible to obtain an adequate profile of the ample variability revealed by
the observations performed so far.
In terms of its genetic variation the cacao population of the R. Purús from
the mouth of the R. Pauini to the several mouths by which it flows into the
Solimões is unknown either from herbarium specimens or from collections of
living material. From all accounts the occurrence of cacao near the mouths of
the R. Purús is extensive. Above its mouths the river meanders through a large
flood plain where conditions may be inappropriate for the existence of large
cacao populations and, for this reason, the river was virtually unknown during
the era when extraction of cacao from natural populations was practised.

The River Putumayo drainage system

We can now turn our attention to the tributaries that join the Solimões on its
northern banks. The R. Putumayo, most of the course of which is shown in
Fig. 21, is an important river that has its source in the Colombian Andes and
118 Chapter 5



Coca ri c


Javarí í


Fig. 21. Map of northwestern South America. The approximate limit of the Amazonian
Region is shown, including the northwestern tributaries of the R. Amazon and western
tributaries of the R. Orinoco. To the west of the line marking the limit of the Amazonian
Region the areas of original cultivation of Criollo varieties and the major zones of cultivation
in Colombia and Ecuador are shown.
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 119

flows in a southeasterly direction towards the R. Amazon. In geographical terms

the origins of the river are derived from several sub-Andean streams that join to
form the main river when it enters the Amazonian plain. Several of these
tributaries are adjacent to the upper streams of the R. Caquetá system and the
possibility of some common origin of the cacao populations near the foothills
of the Andes may be considered.
According to Patiño (1963) documentary sources attest to the occurrence
of natural cacao populations in the upper regions of the Putumayo valley as
late as the 19th century. More recent explorations of the region indicate that
there has been a significant degree of introduction of planting material of other
varieties used to establish cultivated fields. For this reason it is difficult to
determine to what extent the cacao trees may be derived from the original
In spite of the size of the area of the system and the potential importance
that the cacao population may have regarding the species’ diversity, the
knowledge about the cacao varieties contained in it is extremely sparse. The
areas that have been sampled and the numbers of specimens that are available
for study constitute a small fraction of the total area of the valley.
Although he would have travelled along part of the R. Putumayo on his
journey to Colombia in 1938, Pound (1938) does not describe the cacao of the
river in the report. He would have made some observations since, on other
occasions, he does refer to the existence of ‘cacao de monte’ on the river with
the implication that the Putumayo cacao was the same as that on the Peruvian
stretch of the R. Napo. Subsequent collecting activities have shown that this
conclusion is without foundation.
This may be an opportunity to explain the meaning and application of the
term ‘Criollo de monte’, which Pound previously translated as ‘Criollo de la
montagne’, which was mentioned earlier. Although from his statements, we
may be led to believe that the entire region between, and including, the R.
Napo and R. Caquetá systems was populated by a single variety, his other
descriptions made it clear that an expressive degree of variability occurred. The
fact is that the term ‘Criollo de monte’ would be employed by the inhabitants
of a locality to indicate cacao trees that existed prior to their settlement of the
site. Therefore, the term would apply to the particular local genotypes
irrespective of their relationships to the genotypes that occur in other locations.
For the purposes of germplasm conservation the first survey of the
population of the R. Putumayo was carried out by the Anglo-Colombian Cacao
Collecting Expedition in 1953 (Baker et al., 1954). It was evident at that time
that intrusions of varieties from the zones of cultivation had taken place in the
headwaters region of the valley and that it was impossible to determine what
native varieties, if any, existed. For this reason it would be appropriate to ignore
the area of the Andean foothills for the purpose of determining the place of the
sub-Andean cacao populations in the range of variability specific to the valley.
Because of the absence of undamaged fruits no living specimens were
collected in the valley by the 1953 expedition, with the result that no progenies
were available to study the genetics of the populations encountered. Lack of
access to the original records and photographs hampers the adequate
120 Chapter 5

interpretation of the observations made during the survey and to relate them to
the genotypes sampled during subsequent collecting activities.
Cacao was seen in apparently small populations near the town of Puerto
Asis in the upper reaches of the valley. The common type was described as
having fruits of small size, oval in shape with a very rough surface, the colour
being very light green with traces of surface pigment, and the cotyledons
purple. Soria (1970) reported, on the basis of a short visit, that cacao was
scarce in the area.
The LCTAP collected a few specimens in stands of cacao below Puerto
Asis on the R. Putumayo, the area sampled being between the mouth of the
tributary, the R. Piñuna Negra, and the mouth of the R. Sucumbios. It was
recorded (Allen, 1987) that some of the cacao trees seen on this stretch differed
from those lower down the river. The former possessed fruits that were small in
size, with smooth, slightly pigmented surfaces with small seeds having dark
purple cotyledons. The small fruits would have been the consequence of low
seed numbers, a single specimen from closer to Puerto Asis having elongate
fruits with many seeds. However, the progenies of this parent tree have small
fruits similar to those belonging to the general sample. The combined features
of the LCTAP specimens correspond to those described by the 1953
expedition, except for the roughness of the fruit surface, this perhaps being a
case of a local variation.
The main conservation activities have taken place along the major
tributary of the R. Putumayo, the R. Sucumbios or San Miguel (see map in Fig.
21), and on the adjoining stretch of the main river as far downstream as Puerto
Leguizamo. This activity relates to the fact that the lower course of the R.
Sucumbios flows entirely through Ecuadorian territory and, therefore, within
the area of action of the TECP and the LCTAP. There are two significant
features to be considered regarding this area that may have an important
bearing on the composition of the cacao populations. One is that the valley of
the R. Sucumbios is situated a short distance to the north of the R. Aguarico, a
part of the R. Napo system. The other feature is that further downstream from
the mouth of the R. Sucumbios, in the area of Puerto Leguizamo, the R.
Putumayo is separated from the R. Caquetá by a distance of only 25 km.
Since, in both instances, the primitive distribution of cacao was not strictly
confined to the banks of the rivers concerned it is probable that similar
populations occur in both cases. For this reason, instead of treating the R.
Putumayo cacao varieties as separate entities, they must be considered as
components of the diversity contained in a larger area.
The 1953 expedition explored part of the R. Sucumbios as well as on the
main river. The conclusion was reached that the cacao in the area was
genuinely spontaneous, considering that, at the time of the expedition, the
forest would have been relatively undisturbed and not subject to the
development activities that made a large impact on the region after 1960. For
this reason, there would be a greater guarantee that the observations made
describe trees that represented the original population.
The main features of the trees encountered in the vicinity of Puerto Nuevo
included the leaf shape being narrowly elongate with long slender petioles.
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 121

The flush leaves were pinkish in colour. The flowers were normally white in
colour except for the guide-lines. Two types of fruits were seen, apparently
occurring together. One class of fruit had an oval shape with an almost
smooth surface, no basal constriction and a blunt apex. There were
indications of surface pigmentation. The fruits belonging to the second class
were larger in size with a length of about 220 mm, the surface being very
rough, with a blunt but tapering apex. Several of the fruits of both types had
large seeds with pale purple and white cotyledons with the former apparently
being more frequent. Presumably, the photograph of a fruit from the R.
Sucumbios (San Miguel) in Baker et al. (1954) depicts a genotype belonging
to the second class. This fruit would be similar to that of one of the progenies
of the TECP collections shown in Plate 11b. Similar fruits occur in parts of the
R. Napo system indicating a general distribution of the combination of
features throughout a wider area. The cacao type found upstream from Puerto
Nuevo differed slightly from that of the trees at this site but the surface
pigmentation appeared to be absent.
The R. Sucumbios population was sampled by the TECP on various
occasions at several locations, including the area near Puerto Nuevo. These
locations were also sampled by LCTAP. Although the combined programmes
collected from a large number of trees the information provided about the
nature of the populations is rather scanty. The number of available clones and
progenies of the parent trees is very small. In addition, the sample sizes of the
progenies are insignificant. The combined efforts do not permit us to arrive at
satisfactory conclusions about the nature of the population on the river or
regarding its relationships to other populations. At least, it appears that some of
the trees sampled possess characteristics similar to those described by the 1953
On the other hand, a detailed study of the genotypes from the R.
Sucumbios may reveal the existence of a significant range of variability. The
tree depicted in Plate 12c differs substantially from the description of the parent
tree. One of the genotypes from the TECP attributed to the valley possesses
smallish fruits that are distinguished by having ridges that occur in very close
pairs, albeit with a distinct division between them, and a wide flat area between
the pairs. This gives the fruits an appearance similar to that of a pentagonal
shape. There is also a very wide range of seed sizes, some being exceptionally
As planted trees the collections from the R. Sucumbios contrast significantly
with the trees of most of the R. Napo genotypes in terms of tree habit and leaf
characters. The R. Sucumbios plants are shorter with thicker trunks and their
canopies are denser and wider than the R. Napo trees, which have tall straight
trunks and narrow canopies. The contrast is also noticeable with regard to the
normally pigmented flush leaves of the R. Sucumbios genotypes compared
with the green flush leaves of the Napo and other populations from the
Equatorial Oriental Piedmont.
The LCTAP also carried out a survey of the stretch of the R. Putumayo
below the confluence with the R. Sucumbios up to Puerto Rodriguez, a
distance that involves the joint boundary between Ecuador and Colombia.
122 Chapter 5

Some idea of the population of the area had been obtained previously by the
TECP through observations of trees encountered on the R. Sucumbios that
were derived from seed introduced from Puerto Rodriguez. The fruits of these
types are normally green in colour and elongate in shape. Segregation for
cotyledon pigment is an additional feature, accompanied by pigmented flush
leaves. Allen (1988) found that the R. Putumayo genotypes differed from those
of the R. Napo population.
The populations of the stretch of the R. Putumayo and the R. Sucumbios
between longitudes 75° W and 77° W contain genotypes whose fruits are
elongate with rough and pigmented surfaces and possessing seeds that, while
having white or slightly tinged cotyledons, produce plants whose flush leaves
are pigmented. Such combinations of characters are reminiscent of those
considered to distinguish the genotypes ascribed to the Criollo group.
However, no connection between the two groups is suggested, until the
relationship has been adequately investigated.
Soria (1970) explored the part of the R. Putumayo near the mouth of the
R. Cuembi and found that the original (the primitive forest has probably
disappeared) cacao population was extensive and wild. Of the trees seen, the
fruits were described as globose in shape (near spherical) with ‘deep whitish
green ridges and a slight bottleneck’.
The Anglo-Colombian Cacao Collecting Expedition stopped lower
downstream at Puerto Leguizamo, where environmental conditions apparently
differed from those of the region around the R. Sucumbios. For this reason
cacao was not found in Colombian territory, although other Theobroma were
encountered. An excursion was made on the right bank of the R. Putumayo in
Peru. This yielded several trees, which, although spontaneous, were of small
size. The fruits of these trees differed considerably from those seen at the
previous locations. The fruits were small, apparently of a light green colour and
had a tendency to be pentagonal in shape. The apex was blunt and there was a
marked basal constriction. The surface was fairly smooth and the husk soft with
a thin mesocarp. The cotyledon colour was pale. Hence, at this point of the
river there was a significant shift in both vegetative and fruit characters from the
upriver populations.
Between this location and the frontier with Brazil nothing is known about
the cacao populations. It may be expected that considerable alterations
occurred to the composition of the forest during the period of exploitation of
the rubber resources since it was on the Peruvian side that the ‘Putumayo
Scandal’1 took place, with the resulting damage to the environment.

1 The ‘Scandal’ was related to the activities of a Peruvian company which, at the
beginning of the 20th century, exploited the rubber on a large concession between
the R. Napo and the R. Putumayo. The principal concerns were the atrocities
committed against the native inhabitants who were forced to work for the company.
The other concern was the policy of the company to fell the rubber trees in order to
obtain the highest yield of latex in the short term. In this way, the capacity for future
production of rubber was destroyed. The policy would have resulted in alterations to
the forest flora.
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 123

When the R. Putumayo enters Brazil it receives the name ‘Içá’ (but for
purposes of uniformity the name Putumayo will be used for the entire system).
The entire course of the river in Brazil (Figs 18 and 21) was worked during the
Brazilian Genetic Resources Programme. In the course of this activity several
representative samples were obtained of the existing trees at 28 sites, the
progenies of which were established in the field.
At the location nearest the frontier with Colombia the genotypes were
distinguished by possessing unpigmented flush leaves. On account of this
character being common in the areas already described, it may be presumed
that this is the principal feature of the entire system. However, among the
Brazilian specimens variability for other traits has been observed. Some of
these specimens are remarkable for possessing significantly less pigmentation in
the staminodes combined with pale guide-lines. In general, the flowers of these
specimens are delicate in appearance, similar to those of the flowers from the
Javarí system. In some genotypes cotyledons are white. However, details of
fruits are lacking in the available information about these genotypes except the
indication that the apices of the fruits tend to be mamillate.
The specimens obtained near the mouth of the river possess thick leaves
with relatively sparse canopies. The flush leaves are uniformly pigmented. The
flowers are white in colour with reflexed sepals and short staminodes. The fruits
of these genotypes are elongate but ovate in shape and the surface essentially
smooth in texture. Such genotypes perhaps belong to the diversity present on
the Solimões.
In the intermediate stretch of the R. Içá, a greater degree of variability is
observed. The trees in this area are possibly descendants of hybridization
between the genotypes that are found at the extreme ends of the valley. All of the
surviving genotypes possess pigmented flush leaves, although the intensity of
pigment varies between them. Variability is expressed with regard to tree habit
with some genotypes having a ‘weeping’ canopy. Here the fruits are small, dark
green in colour, with an elongate shape and a fairly rough surface, having the
closely paired ridges somewhat reminiscent of the fruit types from the middle
stretch of the R. Putumayo. The relationship between these types and some of
the specimens collected from higher up the river is manifested in the sharp-
edged, close-paired ridges and extremely thin husks of the fruits. Plate 16d shows
a progeny of one of the families from the intermediate stretch of the river that has
fruits with a rectangular shape. Fruits with similar shapes are occasionally found
in specimens from the Solimões, otherwise there is a suggestion of characters
associated with some members of the Criollo group. Another member of the
same family has characteristics of the fruits and other parts of the tree that are
typically associated with those of the Criollo group, including pigmentation on
the fruit surface. With regard to the flowers some of these genotypes are unique
in that the guide-lines tend to be more prominently pigmented especially with
regard to the greater visibility of the central guide-lines.
It should be noted that Barriga et al. (undated) refer to specimens from this
river possessing fruits with a bluish surface, similar to those of the R. Curuçá.
The specimens concerned are not specified and the observations recorded do
not confirm the existence of such a characteristic.
124 Chapter 5

The River Caquetá/Japurá drainage system

This is another river the course of which is shared between Colombia and
Brazil with different names being used in each country, Caquetá in Colombia
and Japurá in Brazil, for the upper and lower courses of the river, respectively.
The drainage system is shown in Figs 21 and 18. On account of the fact that
this river flows almost parallel to and not far from the main course of the R.
Putumayo, there are no major tributaries joining the Caquetá on its right bank.
Similar to the main R. Caquetá its two major left-bank tributaries, the R.
Orteguaza and the R. Caguán, arise on the eastern flanks of the Andes. While
there is no record of cacao on the main R. Caquetá in the piedmont the species
appears to have been abundantly distributed on its tributaries. The historical
reports on the initiatives that were taken for the exploitation of the cacao
resources and references concerning planting of the species for cultivation
indicate that some planting material was introduced into the region, especially
on the R. Caguán. The native, locally occurring, germplasm may also have
been utilized in the formation of new cultivations.
No information has been found regarding the existence of cacao on the R.
Caquetá above its confluence with the R. Orteguaza. In the region of its
headwaters the R. Caquetá is close to the headwaters of the tributaries of the
upper R. Putumayo. Details about the cacao population of the R. Orteguaza
are also scanty and not possible to confirm for lack of representative specimens
and illustrations. The river was visited by Pound, and his report (Pound, 1938)
contains a brief description of his observations on the cacao that was seen to
occur fairly frequently in the forests. Unfortunately, the account is impaired by
mistakes in the place names and the use of the term ‘Criollo de la montagne’.
The inappropriate terminology used requires that the descriptions of the cacao
seen be translated into a form that makes them intelligible to most readers. On
this basis it may be concluded that the common fruit type had an elongate
shape with an obtuse apex, the surface being somewhat rough with indications
of pigment. Near Florencia (which he called Venezia) the trees of a sub-
spontaneous population had elongate fruits with a basal constriction and an
attenuate apex. The surface was rough and apparently distinctly pigmented.
The cotyledon colour was pale purple. The description suggests that the cross-
section of the fruit was pentagonal.
The stretch of the R. Caquetá between the mouths of the R. Orteguaza and
R. Caguán was briefly explored by the Anglo-Colombian Cacao Collecting
Expedition in 1953 (Baker et al., 1954). Although several native stands of
cacao were seen, no material was collected for lack of ripe fruits. The basic
colour of the fruits seen was a very light green with a dull crimson flush on the
upper part exposed to light. The surface had five ridges in very close pairs,
which were prominent, producing a rough appearance. Presumably the fruit
shape was elongate with a blunt acute apex. Basically, this type compares with
the fruit described by Pound on the R. Orteguaza and it may be concluded that
the same variety is distributed throughout the upper valley of the R. Caquetá.
The 1953 expedition had previously explored the R. Caguán from San
Vicente to its mouth. Cacao was common in the forest, usually found as slender
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 125

trees located near the river bank in the upper stretch of the river but, further
downstream where the low lying lands are subject to flooding, cacao occurred
only on higher ground. It appeared that the cacao along the R. Caguán
belonged to a single variety. The fruit of this type (shown in Fig. 22) was
described as being relatively small, the shape being elongate and elliptic, with a
tendency for the shoulder to be broad. Although some fruits with more
pronounced ridges were encountered, more commonly, the surfaces were fairly
smooth with shallow furrows and thin husks. The cotyledons of the seeds were
dark purple in colour. The distinguishing feature of the R. Caguán type was the
intensity of red pigment on the fruit surface although the presence of pigment
was determined by exposure.
It would appear that a single cacao variety (with some unimportant
variation) inhabits the R. Caquetá valley above the confluence with the R.
Virtually nothing is known about the existence of cacao along the R.
Caquetá from the mouth of the R. Caguán to the Falls of Araracuara except for
indications that the indigenous tribes prepared a drink from the roasted seeds.
On the other hand, the course of the R. Caquetá/Japurá below Araracuara
has received significant notice both from travellers’ accounts and by germplasm
conservation activities. Martius (Spix and Martius, 1828) journeyed along the
river and gave the following picture of the situation: ‘In certain places,

Fig. 22. Colombia, R. Caquetá drainage system: fruits of a tree on the R. Caguán.
126 Chapter 5

particularly in the humid, low-lying and sultry river banks, cacao and
salsaparilla abound in an extraordinary manner… On all sides one passes with
pleasure beneath the shady canopies of the first, where the soil is not too
swampy…’. He also referred to the existence in the upper reaches of the river
of the rich woods of cacao left by the Indians; a suggestion that the species was
established by them.
Most of our knowledge about the distribution of cacao below the Falls of
Araracuara (which form a natural break in the navigation of the river and,
therefore, influencing the characteristics of the cacao populations) comes from a
collecting activity (known as the Expedición Botánica Caquetá) carried out in
1984 (Ocampo, 1985; Allen, 1987). This comprised a survey of the banks of the
river from Araracuara to the frontier with Brazil. Although data of fruit and seed
characters of the specimens collected are given in Allen (1987) little attention
was paid to descriptions of the individual parent genotypes, especially with
regard to the other parts of the plants, thus leaving an incomplete picture of the
variability encountered. In 1992 the author carried out a survey of the material
established at the Napo experimental station in Ecuador and the analysis of the
observations made provides the basis for the following descriptions.
The fruits of a few representatives from some of the more distinctive
families (which are illustrated in Plates 20 and 21) provide a conception of the
constitution of the local populations. Since the examples come from individual
progenies, possibly resulting from recombination and segregation, they do not
necessarily reproduce the characteristics of the parent genotypes. Only a few of
the parent trees sampled were reproduced as cloned progenies and the minimal
size of most samples of seed progenies rendered their evaluation unreliable.
The insignificant quantity of surviving progenies from this collecting activity,
although providing some indication of the scale of variability, does not permit a
definitive assessment of it to be made. This situation applies particularly to the
determination of the spatial distribution of the genotypes and their differences
and relationships throughout the stretch of the river that was surveyed.
The specimens from the locations immediately below the Falls of
Araracuara appear to belong to a single variety. The usual fruit type is shown in
Plate 20a and c. The common features of the specimens are the small fruits
with small to medium-sized seeds. The fruits are distinctive in their narrowly
elongate shape and the long acute, essentially mamillate, apex that ends in a
blunt point. The basic fruit colour is a light green on which a fairly intense red
pigmentation may be superimposed. (In this regard this observation differs
from that of Allen (1987), who recorded that the fruits from the same trees
were not pigmented.) The ridges occur in close pairs that are relatively
prominent, the effect producing a pentagonal shape in cross-section. The
progenies of the parent trees from these locations vary in respect of their
vegetative characters, probably as a result of the conditions under which they
are grown. Some of the more outstanding trees that, probably, have developed
normally have produced thick trunks. The height of the first whorl of
plagiotropic branches ranges from very low to high and spreading branches are
common. Some of the progenies produce flowers that are distinctly pigmented
in contrast to the white colour that is more frequent. The author is of the
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 127

opinion that the variety of cacao that occurs in the area below Araracuara is
related to that on the parallel stretch of the R. Putumayo.
Similar fruits were encountered at locations further downstream except for
a tendency for the appearance of smoother surfaces. The fruits in Plate 20d
resemble basically those of the variety encountered on the R. Caguán as
described above. However, with regard to the other plant characteristics a
marked shift begins to appear.
A gradation continues as the river is descended with trees being larger in
size and a corresponding increase, although small, in fruit and seed sizes. There
is a tendency for the fruits to be broader in shape than those from locations
higher up the river. However, there is one common feature throughout in the
stretch of the river above La Pedrera, in that the basic fruit colour is light green
and the flush leaves are lightly pigmented.
Between the extremes of the sites situated between Araracuara and La
Pedrera there was one where a number of trees were found with larger fruits,
for which reason several specimens were collected at this location. Examples of
the general type of fruits produced by their progeny are shown in Plate 20c.
These fruits were significantly smaller than those harvested from the parent
trees but the seed size tended to be larger than that of the other specimens
from the same area. The variability observed in the progenies indicates that the
parent trees probably were hybrids between the extreme types occurring in the
area explored. Possibly, they derive from seed introduced from the lower part
of the river and planted at the location.
Most of the specimens from the stretch of the river above La Pedrera have
fruits with long acute or attenuate apices or a shape tapering from the middle
of the fruits. These apices are frequently pentagonal in cross-section.
Specimens were obtained from six trees on an island a short distance above
La Pedrera. The records of the collections indicate that the fruits of these trees
were of a large size. However, none of the few surviving progenies of these fruits
produces fruits that are anywhere as large as suggested by the collection data
from the parent trees. The common features that were possible to observe on the
progenies that survived in 1992 were the large flowers and the narrow elongate
fruits, the surfaces of which were smooth or slightly rough. It was assumed that
the parents of the progenies belonged to a single variety but that this was of a
hybrid nature judging from the variability of the other plant traits. From the
progeny specimen with the highest number of existing plants one tree stood out
because its fruits had a decidedly pentagonal form (Plate 21a), the shape being
very narrow elongate and the surface essentially smooth. In the same family it
was observed that the mature leaves of some trees had a whitish appearance, the
denomination ‘albino’ being applicable to this character. The presence of a
character of this nature may be responsible for the low establishment rate of the
progenies and the poor growth of the plants in the field. The ‘albino’ effect may
be associated with the seeds with light purple cotyledons that were recorded at
the time of the collection but the proportion of these is unknown.
The Anglo-Colombian Cacao Collecting Expedition (Baker et al., 1954)
also explored the R. Caquetá in the vicinity of La Pedrera and the tributary, the
R. Apaporis, which joins the R. Caquetá just above the frontier. As described in
128 Chapter 5

Baker et al. (1954), the species was found to occur at low frequency along the
R. Apaporis and it was considered that the trees were not of spontaneous
origin. The population around the La Pedrera location comprised very large
and probably old trees. The impression given by the report is that, on the basis
of the fruit characters, it was composed of a single variety. The fruits were
described as being of a ‘pronounced Amelonado type, with a smooth white-
base surface’. The husks were very thick and many fruits contained few seeds.
The cotyledon colour of these was uniformly dark purple.
Only two trees were sampled for their fruits. Their progeny, of which the
fruits of one individual of each are depicted in Plate 21b and c, exhibit
characteristics that differ from the description and illustration of the type in
Baker et al. (1954). The family to which the genotype in Plate 21c belongs is
distinguished by having a yellow pulp (like that of some of the Theobroma
species) and ovule numbers about 65. The specimen in Plate 21b is somewhat
different. Both of these types appeared to be fairly homozygous. The fruit
illustrated in Plate 21d belonged to a genotype collected in 1984 and some
resemblance to the fruit in Plate 21c is evident. The specimens from the later
collecting activity indicate that the population nearer the frontier is more
heterogeneous with individual genotypes differing from these two families.
The cacao populations along the entire course of the river from La Pedrera
to the Japurá ‘Delta’ and the adjacent stretch of the Solimões have been
sampled in one way or another. The river and, especially, the Delta area is very
wide and occupied by numerous islands. This situation is propitious for the
formation of isolated populations derived from successive plantings, as indicated
by Martius (Spix and Martius, 1828). An attempt was made to determine
whether varietal differences in relation to sites did exist. At some sites the cacao
populations definitely appeared to belong to specific varieties. However, the
limited sizes of the samples that represented most locations prevented definitive
conclusions from being obtained. As a result any generalizations on the subject
could be merely speculative. One associated problem resulted from the manner
in which the progenies obtained during the Brazilian programme were
established. Although the quantity of samples obtained was large and the
diversity indicated by the descriptions of the parent trees was apparently
extensive the establishment of the progenies in scattered plots hampered their
adequate characterization, rendering the studies incomplete.
The specimens from the stretch of the river immediately below La Pedrera
manifest the same attributes of habit that are found in those previously described.
These characteristics combine to form trees with thick trunks, the first whorl of
plagiotropic branches produced at a low height and these developed in a
horizontal position. In some families of progenies the combination of these
characters produces a situation in which the planting can be almost impenetrable.
The populations on the Caquetá/Japurá system possess a number of unique
features in terms of their vegetative characters. Some of these result from the
variability in leaf forms. Plate 4c shows an example of a leaf with a distinctly
serrated edge, produced in plants of specimens from below the mouth of the R.
Apaporis. In some of these plants the leaves are indented to a greater degree than
that shown, the result being a leaf blade with a shape approaching that of the
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 129

species of Quercus. The progenies obtained from self-fertilized fruits of one

genotype from the river segregated into four distinct leaf shapes. At the other end
of the river several different plant types possessing, among other attributes, very
particular leaf types as illustrated in Plates 5a and 5b, occur among the progenies.
Variation in the shapes of normal leaf blades is also very evident (Plate 6b).
In common with the varieties on the higher stretches of the river, marked
variability is observed in the pigmentation of the flush leaves. The range of
colourless to definitely pigmented is exemplified by the family of progenies
illustrated in Plate 4a. One notable feature of some of the juvenile plants was the
occurrence of strong anthocyanin pigment in the stems, petioles (Plate 4b) and,
sometimes, leaf blades in genotypes with green fruits. Previously, pigmentation
of this nature had been associated with descendants of red-fruited trees of the
Criollo group as a pleiotropic effect, as will be discussed in a subsequent section.
The mature leaves present ample variability in terms of shape and size.
Reference will be made below to the similarity of the fruits of some specimens
to those of the ‘SPA’ family, described under the R. Napo system. In the same
way specimens from the R. Japurá have leaves with the same broad shape and
undulating surface as the leaves of the ‘SPA’ family.
Flower forms, as applied to the entire stretch of the river below Araracuara,
vary considerably in virtually all aspects. Most evident is the extreme variation
in colours. In some genotypes the flowers are almost colourless with very light
yellow ligules while, at the other extreme, intense pigment occurs in all parts.
It was a pity that more specimens were not collected in 1952 since the
subsequent collecting programme carried out in 1984 in the area between La
Pedrera and the border with Brazil yielded some interesting specimens, the exact
characters of which are unfortunately unknown. Several of the fruits collected were
of small size. However, the more outstanding genotypes have large fruits of a
broad elongate shape with the surface being predominately rough. The similarity
with the families collected in 1952 extends to the high seed numbers. The fruits of
a few genotypes resemble those of the trees with fruits having outstandingly rough
surfaces that occur in the R. Napo system. On the other hand, fruits of small size
with smooth surfaces also occur. Some of the progenies produce fruits that are
notable on account of having very large seeds. It would seem that a common
characteristic of the fruits of the area is the thick and hard husks.
A review of the photographs of fruits of the parent trees, from which
specimens were obtained by the Brazilian programme, called attention to the
occurrence of fruits with shapes and coloration similar to those of the ‘SPA’
family described under the R. Napo system (Plate 18d). However, the
Caquetá/Japurá fruits with this phenotype illustrated in Estampa (Plate) 7D in
Barriga et al. (undated) may differ in having a combination of an almost
cylindrical shape and a slight surface roughness. In the whole of the region
concerned fruit shapes otherwise vary considerably. The range of shapes
includes fruits that are almost spherical, some of these being of a size larger
than the near spherical or short and broad fruits from other populations. At the
other extreme the shape is very narrow elongate. The description of at least
one of the genotypes with narrow elongate fruits corresponds to that of the
fruits from the area below Araracuara (as shown in Plate 20c).
130 Chapter 5

Taking all of the variability indicators together the area included in the
Caquetá/Japurá and Solimões contains probably the greatest diversity in the
species, at least in phenotypic terms. In this region practically all the known
variations can be found or produced through breeding.
So far no collecting or survey has been undertaken of the cacao populations
existing on the stretch of the Solimões below the ‘Delta’ of the R. Japurá.
Historical records and travellers’ accounts indicate that large cacao populations
occurred in some locations, such as on an island named ‘Cacao’.

The River Negro Drainage System

In the geographical sense and for the purposes of the survey of the cacao
diversity the R. Negro marks the end of the Solimões system. Figure 23 gives
an idea of the extent and disposition of the R. Negro drainage system and the
connections of its tributaries to other drainage systems. The situation in the
river itself is completely different to that of the rivers described so far. The R.
Negro, as indicated by the name, is a black water river on account of its course
running through geological systems whose ecological conditions are generally
unsuitable for cacao. Although the R. Negro system flows almost parallel to that
of the R. Caquetá/Japurá system there is nothing to compare the two systems.
A brief visit was paid in 1952, during the Anglo-Colombian Cacao
Collecting Expedition, to the R. Guainía, the stream considered to be the
headwaters of the R. Negro, and it was reported that the species was absent
from the area. In some ways this absence is surprising on account of the
proximity to the upper R. Orinoco where the presence of cacao has been
known since the end of the 18th century as will be mentioned in the discussion
of the Orinoco system.
The R. Negro is considered to start where the R. Guainía is joined by the
Casiquiare Canal. This is the waterway that connects the R. Negro and R.
Orinoco systems. The 1952 visit to the area around the mouth of the
Casiquiare Canal did not produce any positive results regarding the
characteristics of the cacao in the area. Sanchez and Jaffé (1989) reported on a
few collections made during a Venezuelan collecting initiative in the area of the
confluence of the rivers. With regard to these it is convenient to consider the
specimens from the Casiquiare Canal as belonging to the R. Negro population.
Only data on fruits and seeds are given in the paper although it is
suggested that the characteristics of the leaves and flowers do not differ from
those of the specimens from the Upper R. Orinoco collected during the same
initiative, which will be described in the appropriate section. The fruits are of a
small or intermediate size and have a broad elongate shape, the
length:diameter ratio being approximately 1.8–2.0. The fruit surface is slightly
rough. The seeds of the specimens from the R. Negro are very small in size, but
the specimens from the Casiquiare Canal appear to possess larger seeds.
Although no conclusive evidence is provided by the small sample sizes on
which the data are based, the apparently large differences in seed size suggest
that two genotypes may be present in the area even though they come from
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity



Boa Vista

pé s



Javari i
ta ´

a cá



co Rio Bronco

Fig. 23. Map of the eastern Amazon Basin and the adjoining peripheral areas included in the Amazonian Region. The

major areas of cultivation are shown in grey, which includes the area defined as the Amazon Extension Zone.
132 Chapter 5

nearby locations. In all specimens the cotyledon colours are described as

having a uniform intermediate purple hue.
The R. Vaupés is the major right-bank tributary of the R. Negro. On this
river (Figs 21 and 23), also with black waters and flowing through rocky
terrain, cacao occurs infrequently as a few trees normally associated with
existing or former settlements. Hence, it would be considered that such
occurrences are derived from rudimentary cultivation, the trees perhaps
descended from the same, unknown, source. The impression was gained that
they belonged to a single variety reproduced in successive generations as new
plantings were established. No details of the features of this variety are
available but memory indicates that the fruits were dark green in colour, with a
small to medium size, broader elongate in shape with slightly rough surfaces.
This type was also found in a sub-spontaneous form or semi-cultivated in the
vicinity of the settlement of Yavareté, having small seeds with dark purple
The R. Papurí, which is the largest right-bank tributary of the Rio Vaupés,
provided material of a very different character. A few occurrences of cacao
were found in isolated locations and apparently established from seed
introduced from unknown sources. One occurrence consisted of many trees
whose origins may have been ancient. The separate trunks seen may have
been products of seeds germinating in the same locality or through natural
vegetative propagation by suckers that had rooted.
Three trees were sampled on the R. Papurí, one of which, cultivated, had
larger fruits with large seeds. This would be the specimen attributed to the river
as illustrated in Baker et al. (1954) but which was not established later. Another
specimen turned out to be homozygous and has played a role in research. The
fruit (Plate 25c) is exceptional in some respects with the marked basal
constriction and darker green colour on an almost smooth surface. The third
specimen is also homozygous and proved to be unique in that the first whorl of
plagiotropic branches was produced uniformly at about 60 cm from ground
level. The cotyledons of the seeds have an intermediate purple pigmentation,
for which reason the type was utilized in studies of the inheritance of cotyledon
The occurrence of such unique, homozygous and self-compatible
genotypes in such a small area suggests that that they originated from parent
populations in diverse locations and possessing the same genotypes. These
populations have not been encountered so far and it is interesting to speculate
on the locations in which they may be found. A connection between the R.
Papurí and the R. Apaporis is known to exist and the possibility that these
cacao varieties may occur on the upper reaches of the latter should be
considered. It should be emphasized that these populations existed on the
Colombian side of the river; there is no information on any occurrences on the
Brazilian side.
From the mouth of the R. Papurí to its confluence with the R. Amazon, the
R. Negro, as previously stated, is not considered to be a region where cacao
occurs spontaneously. During the phase of colonization of the river from about
the mid-18th century, which had the objective of discouraging possible Spanish
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 133

invasion and to secure Portuguese sovereignty, cacao was one of the crops
planted near the settlements that were established. These plantations, in
general, were not successful. It is possible that some remnants of them may
survive but the river has not been explored with regard to the existence of
cacao and the genotypes that may be represented by the survivors. No
information is available concerning the source of the planting materials used
but it may be surmised that they had a narrow genetic variability, probably of a
type with fruits of a short and broad shape.
The proximity of the R. Negro and R. Caquetá/Japurá systems would
suggest the possibility of transfer of cacao germplasm from the latter along the
connecting tributaries of these rivers, which are known to have been transit
routes in the migrations of the indigenous tribes. However, the lack of any
investigations on these tributaries has prevented this possibility from being

The River Branco Drainage System

The R. Branco is the largest left-bank tributary of the R. Negro and, as the
name suggests, is a white-water river. Consequently, the cacao situation on the
R. Branco (the position of which may be ascertained from the map in Fig. 23)
represents a marked contrast to that presumed to apply to the R. Negro. Since
the earliest times of exploration and colonization the magnitude of the cacao
populations along the river, especially on the lower reaches above its mouths,
has been the subject of much admiration. Unfortunately, the nature of the
genetic diversity along the river is scarcely known. The only investigation
carried out on the river took place in 1976 during a reconnaissance of the
valley. The period of the survey did not coincide with the period of fruit
production and this prevented the composition of the population from being
determined. A few specimens survive from those collected during the survey
and all possess sufficiently unique characteristics to conclude that the
genotypes belong to populations that are distinct from those encountered in
other regions.
The specimens involved are depicted in Plate 22. The fruits in Plate 22a
and e were obtained from the only two trees growing in the same location,
both probably descendants of seed from two distinct sources. A large savannah
separates the location from the main occurrences of cacao in the valley to the
south from where, presumably, the seed originated. The fruit shown in Plate
22e, although having a short and broad shape, was remarkable on account of
the suggestion of an almost pentagonal appearance. The flowers of this
genotype are small and white with partially reflexed sepals. The tree whose fruit
is represented in Plate 22a was isolated from that described, and well developed
with a thick trunk and an extensive spreading canopy. Although some cacao
specialists may consider the type to be a ‘common Amelonado’ and, therefore,
homozygous, the constitution of the tree is heterozygous. One factor that it
carries in the heterozygous state is the anthocyanin inhibitor gene. Some of its
progenies (Plate 22b) are similar to the parent and also possess the
anthocyanin inhibitor gene.
134 Chapter 5

A third specimen consists of progenies from a young, planted and isolated

tree that was reported to be a descendant of a fruit from the naturally occurring
cacao populations along the river. The fruit of the tree was outstanding in the
fact that its shape was roughly pentagonal. The progenies (two of which are
illustrated in Plate 22c and d) exhibit a certain degree of variability, suggesting
that their parent was heterozygous. They generally have fairly close-paired
ridges and surfaces of intermediate roughness. The flowers of the parent tree
and those of the progenies are distinctive, being of small size and well
Several other occurrences of cacao were sampled but specimens of these
did not survive. These occurrences include stands of more than 1000 trees. The
few representatives of the valley’s population that were seen can hardly be
considered to provide a comprehensive view of the variability. The
observations recorded on the few trees examined frequently refer to
anthocyanin pigmentation at the base of the ligule that may be considered to
be a unique character of the population. The tendency for the fruits to have
close-paired ridges and a short acute apex with a blunt point also appears to be
Cacao is reported to occur on the R. Jauaperi, a tributary of the R. Negro,
closely adjacent to and southeast of the R. Branco, but no details are available.
As a consequence of the presumed absence of spontaneous occurrences of
cacao on the R. Negro, the valley of the R. Branco and, possibly, the other
tributaries that join it on its left bank are isolated from the mainstream cacao
variability. Therefore, it may be expected that distinct varieties have evolved in
them or that these are related to the R. Orinoco populations through the
connections by the headwaters of the two systems. The R. Branco, through its
tributary, the R. Takutú, may be considered to be the gateway to the Guianas.

The River Madeira drainage system

The system, shown in its entirety in Fig. 18, is one of the largest and most
important of the tributaries of the R. Amazon in terms of cacao variability. The
name, R. Madeira, is given to the stretch of the river that starts approximately
at the present-day frontier between Bolivia and Brazil. Accordingly, the name is
applied only within Brazil, where the river flows in a northerly direction until it
joins the R. Amazon on its right bank through several mouths. The Madeira is
formed by a complex of several rivers that converge to form the R. Mamoré,
before the start of the R. Madeira. Two of these rivers form part of the division
between Bolivia and Brazil. In order to obtain an understanding of its cacao
diversity it is important to perceive the pre-Madeira section of the system as
being a vast inverted funnel as the various tributaries converge in the flood
plain of the lower part of the system. The longest of the rivers that form the R.
Madeira is the R. Bení (Fig. 18). The R. Bení has its source at about 15° S and
until it joins the R. Mamoré has a length of 1600 km. The length of the R.
Madeira and part of the R. Mamoré is estimated at 3500 km; thus the length of
the system is over 5000 km.
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 135

The existence of cacao along the upper R. Bení has been known for a long
time, especially in the valleys in the ‘Yungas’, as the region of the foothills of
the Andes is called. However, it is not known if these cacao populations are
native to the region. Since the species occurs in isolated valleys it is possible
that variations in types may exist. Although these populations have been
subjected to superficial collecting nothing is known about the specific
characteristics of the trees. The only description of the cacao of the region may
be obtained from Soria (1965), who visited the area near the town of Santa
Ana. The location was stated to be east of the town and, therefore, on the right
bank of the river further from the Andean foothills. This area is situated at
about 15° 31 S, perhaps the southern extremity of the distribution range of the
species in the Amazon Basin.
The description provides some significant information and is worth
reproducing at this point (with some adjustment to the original translation in
order to conform to the terminology used in this volume):

Some farmers of the region stated that they find native cacao plants there, but it is
more likely that these plants are survivors of old plantations and not wild cacao…
However, the information given by the agronomists who work in the lower,
typically tropical region of ‘Bajo (lower) Bení’, near Trinidad, and on the banks of
the Mamoré River, indicates that in these areas there are forests of native cacao.
Apparently, the cacao cultivated in the ‘Alto (upper) Bení’ is exactly like that of the
native cacao found in the ‘Bajo Bení’.
On the basis of the (few) fruits observed, the local variety can be classified as
an Amazonian amelonado with very small fruits…of a dark green colour when
young, elongate, with a short apex, slightly rough, (possessing) 10 superficial ridges
and a thin husk. The shape of the flower bud varies from slightly round to elongate,
but the petal ligule is always wide, orangey-red in colour, the base of the style being
red and the stamen filaments unpigmented. These characteristics are general in all
the populations. The cotyledon colour is purple and the seed size very small.

Towards the east of the ‘Yungas’ the plains known as the ‘Llanos de los
Moxos’ were a significant provider of cacao for consumption in other parts of
Bolivia and elsewhere. The Jesuit missionaries are considered to have been
responsible for creating the plantations, using seed introduced from near Brazil.
The plantations were abandoned when the Jesuits were expelled and the trees
that are found in the area in what may appear to be virgin forest would be the
survivors of the cultivated fields and not native to the region, as confirmed by
Soria’s (1965) account above. No descriptions of these trees have been
Cacao has been found in most of the valleys of tributaries of the R. Bení as
the river is descended. The most cited area is that near the town of Apolo
(Apolobamba), from which herbarium specimens were collected in the early
20th century (Otto Buchtien, No. 187, 1907). The distance between the R.
Bení and the foothills of the Andes increases as the river’s course progresses.
The most northerly of the tributaries of the R. Bení is the R. Madre de Dios
(Fig. 18) and this also seems to be the largest and most important stream in the
western segment of the drainage system.
136 Chapter 5

The R. Madre de Dios and some of its principal tributaries have their
sources in Peru within the Province of Caravaya (Fig. 5). Therefore, their
headwaters are located near those of the drainage systems of the R. Purús, R.
Juruá and Urubamba/Vilcanota. From the point of view of the distribution of
cacao diversity this fact is important since the area involved could be the
genesis of common variability factors in the valleys through gene flow by one
means or another.
According to the descriptions of the area the cultivation, or exploitation of
the wild stands, of cacao started soon after the conquest of Peru, centred on the
town of Paucartambo. This was the only area of the land of the ‘Chunchos’
from which ancient descriptions are available. However, constant attacks by the
Indians resulted in the abandonment of the early settlements. For this reason, a
similar situation arises as that described for the Upper R. Bení, in which it is
now impossible to determine whether occurrences of cacao are native to these
valleys or whether they are sub-spontaneous remnants of former cultivation.
However, it is assumed that the planting material used to establish cultivated
fields would have been obtained from the local natural varieties. Taking into
consideration the small area of the Province of Caravaya the prospect arises of
human factors being involved in the transfer of genetic material between the
The upper half of the valley of the R. Madre de Dios lies within the borders
of Peru. Extensive botanical collecting has taken place in this area during recent
years and, judging from the number of cacao specimens available, the cacao
population appears to be extensive on this river and its tributary, the R.
Tambopata. Without the opportunity to examine the specimens no descriptions
can be made since the information accompanying the specimens provides few
clues as to the nature of the individual trees. With regard to the course of the
river in Bolivia the situation is quite different since no information is available
from that country.
The other principal waterway forming the R. Madeira is the R. Mamoré,
which drains the flood plain to the east of the R. Bení. The R. Mamoré basin
probably drains a larger area and differs in character from the latter. Since the
R. Mamoré drains the Llanos de los Moxos the cacao encountered along its
middle course probably belongs to the variety cultivated by the Jesuits. The R.
Chaparé is a left-bank tributary of the R. Mamoré and is perhaps the
southernmost, at 16° S, of the rivers in which cacao occurs in the valley. The
cultivation of cacao on the R. Chaparé may be due to the fact that this river
was the principal access of the commerce of cacao from the Mamoré through
Cochabamba. Further north is the town of Trinidad (due east of Apolo), a
centre for cacao, as referred to in Soria (1965) and it may be assumed that the
cacao varieties in the region conform to the description given in this report.
However, an evaluation of the population would be necessary to determine if
other variability exists that is not generally noticed.
Further north, prior to the confluence of the R. Mamoré and the R. Bení to
form the R. Madeira, the former is joined by a major tributary that forms the
frontier between Bolivia and Brazil. This has the name R. Guaporé in Brazil
and R. Iténez in Bolivia (see map in Fig. 18). One tributary of the R. Guaporé
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 137

in Brazil, called the R. Branco, according to personal information, has extensive

stands of cacao in the valley and a significant amount of cocoa is obtained for
sale in Bolivia. At approximately 61˚ W this valley would be the most easterly
point of the distribution of the species in the Madeira valley. Most reports
indicate that cacao is very common in the R. Guaporé valley and was
cultivated in the missions during the 17th century.
On the whole, the R. Mamoré appeared to be one of the areas of greatest
abundance of cacao as reported by Herndon and Gibbon (1854) and was the
basis of a considerable trade. One of the features of the herbarium specimens
of cacao from the upper Madeira basin that have been examined seems to be
the occurrence of large narrow leaves (Williams, R.S., No. 806, 1901).
Herndon and Gibbon (1854) wrote ‘The largest cacao leaf that I could find
measured one foot six and a half inches in length and five inches and three-
quarters in breadth.’ (This is a very narrow elongate shape.)
After the mouth of the R. Guaporé, the R. Mamoré continues to form the
Brazil–Bolivia frontier until its meeting with the R. Bení. Cacao is also reported
to be abundant in this area. Specimens were obtained from a small number of
trees in an unspecified locality in Brazil. No information accompanied the
specimens regarding the circumstances in the locality or about the
characteristics of the parent trees. Hence, it is not possible to determine the
status of the population sampled but it is assumed that the trees belonged to a
variety that could be considered to be native to the area.
The few observations that could be made on the four families of progenies
that were established indicate that there were large differences in growth rates
and vegetative characters, which would be more as a response to unsatisfactory
growing conditions and management than to intrinsic variability. As a result an
unbalanced picture of their characteristics is available, which inhibits a true
account of their nature to be obtained. The trees themselves differed from the
neighbouring varieties with regard to their general appearance; normally
canopies were relatively thin, even in the vigorous progenies. There appears to
be little variability with regard to fruit characters, the fruits being of small size.
Figure 24 shows the fruits typical of this sample. They have a darker green
colour, a broad elongate shape with parallel sides and blunt apices. The
furrows are shallow in close pairs with an almost smooth surface. The fruits are
also similar with regard to the very thin husks and small seeds. The most
common feature of all progenies concerns the flowers, which are basically
white with the petals having ligules of a deep yellow colour with a broad shape,
the edges being curved upwards into a spoon-shape. In some respects these
progenies do not differ from the types described by Soria (1965).
To the west of the course of the R. Madeira, as formed by the meeting of
the Bení and Mamoré rivers, there are several tributaries flowing from west to
east almost parallel with and close to each other. It is reported that in the valley
of at least one of these rivers, the R. Ortón, cacao was very abundant. The
most northerly of these streams is the R. Abunã, which also forms the limits of
Bolivia and Brazil. Cacao does not appear to be very common along this river
but a few specimens were obtained in Brazil. Because of the proximity to the R.
Acre tributary of the R. Purús there is a tendency for the R. Abunã types to
138 Chapter 5

Fig. 24. Brazil, R. Madeira drainage system: fruit type of the small sample from a
population on the right bank of the R. Guaporé.

possess some of the characters of the Purús system diversity, particularly the
specific type of stamen pigment. The three specimens collected in 1967 along
the watershed of the R. Acre and two tributaries of the R. Madeira, the R.
Abunã and R. Iquiri, from three apparently isolated sites, differ significantly in
almost all respects. The parent trees were some of the largest ever encountered,
indicating that their establishment (natural or artificial) probably occurred at a
very early date.
With regard to the R. Madeira itself, the upper course is characterized by
several rapids and falls that have discouraged exploration although information
is available concerning the presence of cacao along this stretch of the river.

The River Jí-Paraná and River Jamarí Drainage Systems

The most important of the tributaries of the R. Madeira, with regard to cacao is
the R. Jí-Paraná, which joins the main river on its right bank at about 8° S
latitude. As shown in Fig. 18, the R. Jamarí is another, shorter tributary of the
R. Madeira, the valley of which runs almost parallel to the middle course of the
R. Jí-Paraná and is located a short distance to the south. Because of the
circumstances in which cacao is distributed in the area and the conservation
activities that have been undertaken, it is convenient to deal with both valleys
as a single entity. The cacao populations in these drainage systems were known
from the period of extraction of the produce of the natural stands. At this time
the cacao that occurred in the R. Jamarí valley was considered to be the most
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 139

appreciated in terms of its quality, a fact that gives the population a special
significance with regard to its place in the diversity of the species.
The sources of the R. Jí-Paraná lie in the open lands of the Chapada de
Parecís, located to the southeast, which separate it from the R. Guaporé. There
is a distinct divide between the open plains of the Parecís and the forests of the
R. Jí-Paraná. The divide is located at about 13° S, 62° W and, therefore, marks
the extremity of the distribution range of cacao. The other extremity of the
principal range of natural cacao distribution in the valley may be taken to occur
at about 10° S.
The area of cacao considered in this case possesses some important and
distinguishing characteristics. One is that the area is somewhat isolated from
the mainstream cacao diversity, except for the connection with the R. Madeira
and the sources of other rivers that flow northwards, also into the R. Madeira or
into the R. Tapajós, about which nothing is known in this regard. The other
feature of the relatively small area concerned is that the topography is
somewhat hilly. This is in sharp contrast to the other main drainage systems
that have been described previously. The area contains patches of soils of
higher fertility and, consequently, there are no limitations as to the type of
terrain on which cacao can be established. As a result, cacao can be found at
distances from watercourses and even near the summits of the hills.
Consequently, the distribution of cacao is almost continuous. The species
can also occur in agglomerations of trees of high density in areas occupying
several hectares. The general conditions prevailing in the drainage system are
propitious for an even spread of genetic materials. Owing to the pressure on
the land of the valley for colonization and the threat to the perpetuation of the
cacao population considerable effort has been expended over several years to
conserve as much as possible of the diversity that circumstances have
permitted. Coverage has been given to collecting specimens of trees in a wide
range of localities and environmental conditions.
The sample obtained so far includes some 500 individual parent trees
conserved as their clones or seed progenies. This large sample cannot be
described succinctly in a suitable way. In addition to the size and diversity of
the population, the task of description is hampered by the fact that the
specimens are located in two distinct stations with no recent results of
equivalent characterization that embrace the entire range of specimens being
available. In addition, no studies of inheritance or utilization of the germplasm
have been carried out. One of the questions that would arise concerns the
possibility of the existence of local variability. Some evidence of location
differences has been observed in terms of agronomic traits but there appear to
be no fundamental divisions in the range of fruit characters.
Within a certain range of traits the cacao population of the river systems
involved exhibits an appreciable degree of variability. The fruit types shown in
Plate 24 are only a few examples of what may be considered to represent the
diversity of the region. On first contact the Jí-Paraná/Jamarí population appears
to be distinct on account of the elongate leaves that are dark green with a
smooth and glossy appearance. How well this description fits the whole
population is as yet unclear. Flower types show variability; among the frequent
140 Chapter 5

characters that occur in the population are deep yellow ligules with significant
anthocyanin pigment producing a bronze-like effect.
Although fruits of near-spherical shape occur, sometimes of small size,
these are uncommon, but often inherited as a dominant character. The most
usual shape is narrower elongate with or without surface roughness. The most
outstanding fruit character is that of a gloss on the fruit surface, a character that
also occurs in some parts of the R. Purús system. Surface pigment does occur
as in the example in Plate 24c. The lack of adequate characterization of the
specimens does not allow a definitive judgement to be made on the subject
but, considering the ranges of seed numbers obtained in the naturally fertilized
fruits sampled, the ovule numbers do not surpass 50. If higher numbers occur
these are likely to be in rare instances. If low ovule numbers are more common
this character would distinguish the cacao of the region from the surrounding
populations in which high numbers occur.
Although cacao was, and perhaps still is, common along the length of the
R. Madeira proper from the rapids to its mouths, the populations have not
been subjected to collecting and characterization. The main river was a very
important source of the product during the extraction era and details are
available of the exact locations of the various places where the species
occurred. The Jesuits established one of their most important missions just
above the mouths of the R. Madeira and the cacao harvested in the area was
an important source of revenue for them. It may be considered that this area
was one of the sources of planting material for the cacao farms cultivated by
the Order nearer the mouths of Amazon and Tocantins rivers. Like the main
river the lower tributaries of the R. Madeira, such as the R. Aripuaná system,
have not yet been sampled for the diversity of any cacao that exists on them.
The author has not found any information about the presence of cacao on
these rivers.

The River Tapajós drainage system (Fig. 23)

The Tapajós River is the most easterly of the great tributaries of the R. Amazon
that flow more or less parallel to each other on the south side of the basin.
Although various accounts of the earliest travellers along the river in the 18th
century refer to the occurrence of cacao along the tributaries of the upper
Tapajós, these have not been confirmed with regard to the present situation.
The river itself is mainly a black water river broken by several natural barriers,
because of which the existence of substantial amounts of natural stands of
cacao would not be expected. Various attempts at cultivation were made in the
past so some sub-spontaneous occurrences may be encountered. The scarcity
of cacao in the valley would be evident from the information given by Herndon
and Gibbon (1854) to the effect that the Mundurucú tribe, who inhabited parts
of the valley, made an annual journey to the R. Madeira to collect cacao during
the harvest season on that river. It is more than likely that any natural stands of
cacao along some of the tributaries have vanished, as the forest was destroyed
in recent decades as a result of gold prospecting.
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 141

The only specimens of what may be considered to be naturally occurring

cacao in the system are derived from a few trees on the R. Teles Pires in the
vicinity of the town of Alta Floresta (State of Mato Grosso) which were sampled
when the area was being opened up to agricultural development. From the size
of the cacao trees it would seem that they had existed for a long time. The four
specimens that represent the population show little variability and appear to
belong to the same genotype. The importance of this population is that it is
located at what may be the extremity of the distribution range of the Tapajós
system. However, nothing is known about the Juruena-Arinos valley, the other
stream that joins the R. Teles Pires to form the R. Tapajós. In addition, since the
entire length of the R. Teles Pires has not been explored, it is improper to
suggest that this isolated variety is representative of the diversity in the valley.
The principal distinguishing feature of this variety concerns the leaf, which
is of a type not yet found elsewhere, the nearest populations with leaf types
having similar features are those of the R. Jí-Paraná system. The leaves of the
upper Tapajós variety are narrow elongate, very dark green in colour with the
leaf blades being thick and hard with a smooth, glossy surface. These are
shown in Fig. 25. Although the parent trees were large and tall their progenies
are slow-growing and the first whorl of plagiotropic branches is formed at a low
height. The comparative insignificance of the plants has resulted in little
attention being given to them. The fruit is short and broad in shape with a
rounded apex, the surface being fairly smooth with low ridges.
In the middle Tapajós valley a few specimens derive from a plantation,
probably established in recent years, at some distance from the right bank of
the river. These specimens, perhaps, are descendants of a single fruit, as they
possess some similar traits and may not represent any native population
connected with the system. The trees are similar although possessing some
variability. The fruit is normally broad and slightly elongate in shape with the

Fig. 25. Brazil, R. Tapajós drainage system: the distinctive leaves of the population
on the R. Teles Pires.
142 Chapter 5

short acute apex that is common in the lands along the stretch of the R.
Amazon in the vicinity of the mouth of the R. Tapajós.
Further downstream the R. Tapajós is joined on the left bank by a short
tributary, the R. Cupari. The cacao population could be at least 200 years old
as its existence had been reported in the first half of the 19th century. A
number of specimens were obtained from this population but no opportunity
has been provided to characterize the families that were obtained. The fruits
collected from the parent trees were usually elongate in shape with
intermediate surface roughness. The important characteristic noted concerned
the frequent occurrence of seed numbers above 60, combined with fairly large
Several occurrences of cacao in the stretch of the river above its mouth are
mentioned in documents dating from the earliest period of European
occupation. It is not clear whether these stands were native or established by
man and, since they have not been studied, no information can be given about
One interesting case concerns a small area at the top of the escarpment
overlooking the right bank of the R. Tapajós near its mouth. The site was
previously occupied by a tribe of Indians; the evidence for this is shown by the
soil being of the type known as ‘terra preta do Indio’ and by the quantity of
artefacts that occur. These facts suggest that the Indians were responsible for
the establishment of the cacao plantation. Among the trees on the original site
three were selected on the basis of their reactions to diseases. Each of these
genotypes is unique in the spectrum of diversity. The most outstanding
genotype is vigorous, with small leaves produced on short branches. Its fruit is
very short but broad, with a peculiar apex. Another genotype is interesting on
account of the delicate flowers of a pinkish coloration. All three genotypes have
been used as parents in breeding programmes. The first type mentioned is self-
compatible and its progeny indicate that it is homozygous for its distinctive
Progenies derived from natural pollination of some of the trees at the site
were established there. Several selections were made in this population on the
basis of absence of symptoms of Witches’ broom disease. Most of these
selections belong to a similar type, the fruit shape being short and very broad,
with a very short acute apex. Another selection is outstanding on account of its
greater vigour and large broad leaves of thick texture. The fruit of this genotype
is broad and elongate, with a similar appearance to the fruit from the R.
Caquetá (illustrated in Plate 21d). Figure 26 depicts trees of the genotype, as
the clone ‘CAB 40’.
Before leaving the R. Tapajós system it is pertinent to refer to one variety
probably selected on a plantation situated either near the mouth of the river or
on the R. Amazon just below the confluence of the rivers, the exact location
being unrecorded. The variety was designated ‘Mocorongo’ (a name applied to
the inhabitants of the area) and is represented in germplasm collections by two
cloned genotypes that are similar in all respects. Although the genotypes were
found to be self-incompatible they possess a superior productive capacity and
adaptability to unfavourable conditions. The fruits are dark green in colour and
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 143

Fig. 26. Brazil, near R. Tapajós: trees of the clone ‘CAB 40’.

broad elongate in shape with an obtuse apex. The fruit shape tends to be
dominant in crosses with narrow elongate fruits, the progenies of these
manifesting a small degree of surface pigment, not evident in the parents. The
husk of the fruit is very woody, so much so that there is a tendency for
germination to take place when the fruits are apparently just ripe. Both
genotypes carry the anthocyanin inhibitor gene in the heterozygous condition.
In spite of the apparent self-incompatibility the occurrence of seeds with white
cotyledons from self-fertilization is common. From these it has been possible to
establish lines that are homozygous for the recessive allele and that are,
apparently, homozygous for other morphological traits.

The River Amazon drainage system

In dividing the Amazon Basin into segments the original name given to the
stretch of the river from the confluence of the Solimões with the Negro and
Madeira rivers to its mouth applies in this case. In some circumstances the
terms ‘Middle Amazon’ and ‘Lower Amazon’ are applied to the respective
portions of the river as geographical entities. However, the terms are applied
indiscriminately by persons not familiar with the hydrology of the river, in a
variety of meanings for indicating regions of cacao distribution. Since these
applications do not exactly define the areas involved they result in considerable
144 Chapter 5

confusion and inaccuracy concerning the specific origins of the genotypes to

which the term is used.
The section of the river to which the name Amazon is given differs from the
previously described sections of the river in several respects, both with regard to
the geographical circumstances as well as in relation to the distribution of the
cacao populations. The course of the R. Amazon and the various districts
where the species is cultivated are shown in the map of the central and eastern
sectors of the basin in Fig. 23, the districts being indicated by the shaded areas.
One aspect that must be considered when describing the cacao
populations of the region is the fact that it was in this section that the cultivation
of cacao started in the years immediately following the ‘discovery’ of the tree in
the Amazon Basin in the 17th century. For this reason it is nearly always
impossible to determine the spontaneous status of an individual cacao tree
found at a particular location.
The best manner to explain the situation that occurs is to reproduce the
words of Jacques Huber when he described the cacao of the region at the
beginning of the 20th century. During this period the cacao enterprises would
have been at their maximum development and not affected by the rubber
boom. Huber (1906a) wrote:
It is generally admitted that Theobroma cacao L. grows spontaneously in the
Amazon region, but up to the present day, one scarcely knows the approximate area
of its distribution nor the special conditions under which it is found. With regard to
the first question it is noticeable that it has never been found in an indubitably native
state neither to the north nor south of the Amazon downstream from the mouth of
the Tapajós. It is true that the 18th century historical documents mention the cacao
tree as growing spontaneously in the islands at the mouth of the Amazon, notably
on the island of Gurupá, and that Martius indicated that cacao was present in the
riverain forests of the Amazon near Santarém. However, as important areas of cacao
have been cultivated for a long period along the length of the main river from
Santarém to the mouth of the Rio Negro, at the present time it is rather difficult to
decide whether the occurrences are spontaneous or sub-spontaneous.
However, it is probably not impossible that the primitive ‘cultivations’ of this
zone may have their origin in the natural ‘cacauais’ and that, at least a part of the
cacao trees presently cultivated are the descendants of spontaneous trees found in
these parts by the first agricultural colonists.
Whereas, along the lower course of the Amazon the native condition of the
cacao tree is rather doubtful, it is another matter with regard to the middle and
upper reaches of the river, as well as to the large tributaries: Madeira, Purús, Juruá,
Ucayali to the south and the Japurá and others to the north. In these rivers, at least
in their upper reaches, the cacao tree has never been cultivated by the whites and,
since the Indians of the Amazon do not attach any importance to cacao, it could be
considered that no attempt was made to cultivate it on their part.
Where suitable conditions exist for the development of the plants, cacao can
be found along the length of the river in populations of a wide range of sizes.
This also applies to several of the tributaries (of which the River Tapajós has
been treated separately) and sometimes cacao trees may be encountered in the
forest in locations at some distance from watercourses. While there are a few
areas where cultivation definitely has been practised, and still is, based on
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 145

planting material from the region it is difficult to determine the status of other
occurrences. Some of these could be ascribed to a sub-spontaneous state as
survivors from previous attempts at cultivation. It is thought that some of the
individuals or groups of individuals may derive from chance sowing of seeds
from fruits harvested from cultivated trees that were carried by rubber and
balata tappers and Brazil nut and Tonka bean collectors. (Tonka bean is the
name given to the seeds of Dipteryx odorata, which have been collected for a
long time for the extraction of an essential oil used in perfumery.) In these cases
it should be possible to relate the genotypes to those forming the plantations in
the same area, provided that the genetic constitution of these is adequately
known. Because of the possibility that some of the germplasm occurring in them
may be derived from previous spontaneous occurrences in the same districts the
respective cultivated populations along the banks of the R. Amazon will be
discussed in the following sections as components of the ancient diversity.
At the present time a few of the areas in which cacao has been traditionally
cultivated have been subjected to examination and collecting for the purposes
of germplasm conservation. It must be emphasized that this account deals
exclusively with the populations that have been constituted from varieties
native to the Amazon Region.

The island of Careiro

The island is situated in the R. Amazon just below its confluence with the R.
Negro. Because of its situation, as is the case of many other similar islands, the
island of Careiro has suffered during its history from constant erosion and
rebuilding and, consequently, has undergone significant changes in its shape.
Therefore, this situation, combined with the effects of seasonal flooding, has
resulted in the area cultivated at any given time being unstable. It is probable
that, as would apply to the surrounding areas on river banks, cacao is not
native to the island. The planting of cacao probably would have commenced at
the end of the 18th century. The island was an important producer during the
middle of the 19th century according to travellers’ descriptions. Some of the
cacao areas referred to in the reports have since disappeared or are
considerably depleted compared to their situation during the 19th century. At
the present time the remnants of these plantations exist usually as scattered
trees in a variety of conditions and are not exploited commercially.
The planting material that formed the original plantings probably was
introduced from nearby regions such as the Solimões, the delta of the R.
Japurá or the mouths of the R. Madeira. Some of the trees may derive from a
programme of distribution of progenies from ‘selected’ individuals carried out
during the 1930s, the details of which in terms of varieties and destinations
have not been obtained.
Collecting activities for germplasm conservation have been conducted on
several occasions. These resulted in a total of 17 individual genotypes established
in gene banks. The interesting aspect of the specimens obtained is that they
represent the same number of completely different genotypes with few phenotypic
similarities among them. Most of the clones resulting from the collections have
146 Chapter 5

been subjected to use in improvement programmes and, accordingly, more

information regarding their genetic composition and inheritance is available than
is the case with much of the germplasm from the Amazon Basin. These specimens
from Careiro suggest that the island contains what is perhaps one of the greatest
concentrations of diversity to be found in a small area. In the probable event that
these genotypes are descended from other Amazonian populations they would
provide a basis for typifying the populations concerned.
The fruits of nine of these genotypes are shown in Plate 23. Several of the
genotypes possess high ovule numbers the most important of which is ‘MA 15’
(Plate 23b) with 65 ovules per ovary. Although the fruits of ‘MA 12’ and ‘MA
15’ appear to be similar the plants are distinct from each other. Fruits similar to
those of ‘MA 15’ occur among the specimens from the R. Japurá. ‘CA 2’ is
distinguished by having large seeds, in which respect it is similar to some of the
selected genotypes from the Circum-Caribbean Region. The clone ‘CA 2’ also
differs on account of its relatively inferior vegetative development and sparse
canopy. ‘CA 5’ and ‘CA 6’ develop into plants of low height. While this trait is
constant in their progenies a small degree of heterozygosity is displayed with
regard to the fruit characters.
‘CA 3’ is one of the more interesting genotypes. Although it is effectively
self-compatible, fruits resulting from self-fertilization consistently contain few
seeds indicating, as has been found in other genotypes from various origins,
that some mechanism operates that inhibits the normal development of the
seeds. In addition, the plants that develop are dwarfed. Plate 31b compares the
dwarf progenies (on the left) with the normal plants that develop from cross-
fertilization. In time, the dwarf plants develop normally and when adults show
normal fruiting behaviour. The inbred plants inherit the narrow elongate leaf of
the parent, which is one of its distinguishing characteristics.
Another outstanding genotype is ‘CA 4’ with its strange, very narrow
elongate fruit. The elongate shape is transmitted to the progenies obtained
from self-fertilization as shown in Plate 23d, but segregation for other fruit
characteristics evidently occurs. The dominance of the elongate fruit character
also appears in hybrid progeny of the clone and these are remarkable on
account of their enhanced vigour. The selection ‘CAB 45’ differs from all the
others in its almost spherical fruit, the surface of which is essentially smooth,
the colour being a lighter green with noticeable pigmentation.
‘MA 16’ was collected because of an unusual characteristic that has not
been encountered elsewhere. This trait concerns the transformation of the
stamens into leaf-like organs that are markedly pigmented. As a result the
genotype is male-sterile. The ovary is functional and fruits develop normally
but as they usually contain a lower number of seeds (perhaps half of the ovules
develop into normal seeds) the resulting elongate fruit shape is similar to what
is considered typical of fruits of the Criollo group.

The Itacoatiara region

It appears that at some time in the early 18th century attempts at cultivating
cacao were made in the area of the town of Silves, established by the early
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 147

colonists of the Amazon Basin. This area is situated on the left bank of the R.
Amazon some distance below the confluence with the R. Negro. Although the
extent of the existence of cacao in the vicinity of Silves is unknown, the area
near the neighbouring (upriver) town of Itacoatiara had developed a certain
importance as a producer of cacao. The origins of the cacao varieties existing
in the area have not been determined but, in view of its position near the
mouths of the R. Madeira, it may be expected that some seed may have been
obtained from this river. The author has no personal knowledge of the area.
However, the progenies derived from a large sample of seeds from fruits
harvested at random from unselected trees provide some indications as to the
genetic constitution of the population.
A few selections were made in this sample of progenies. Their fruits ranged
in shape from almost spherical with a dark green colour to elongate and broad
of a large size and with a somewhat rough surface. An example of the fruits
with the narrower elongate shape is that of the clone ‘CAB 56’, shown in Fig.
27. Although this fruit is similar to that shown in Plate 21d it has smaller seeds.
One of the last collecting activities carried out in Brazil obtained some
specimens from the original fields. To date no observations have been available
from these samples since they were established at a location that has not been
visited since they were planted. The data from the parent trees sampled are
summarized in Almeida et al. (1995). These observations reinforce the
impression regarding the extensive diversity contained in the population in
terms of quantitative fruit and seed characters that was apparent in the first
sample. However, no information is provided about the qualitative traits of the
trees and their products.
The planting material used for establishing the cacao farms in the
beginning of the colonization of the R. Negro perhaps derived from these

Fig. 27. Brazil, R. Amazon: fruits of one of the genotypes occurring in the
Itacoatiara region (0.27).
148 Chapter 5

Further east from Itacoatiara is the R. Uatamã. The cacao population

appeared to be rather sparse and a few specimens were obtained on the upper
valley of this river. However, the complete characterization of these specimens
has been impeded on account of the low vigour and adaptability of the plants.
Most of the fruit characters conform to those of the types that are considered to
be typical of the Amazonian Region cacaos but they differ by possessing high
ovule numbers. The flowers seem to be distinguished by possessing very red
buds due to intense pigmentation on the outer surface of the sepals while the
remaining parts of the flowers are not pigmented. The extent of the distribution
of cacao on the R. Uatamã, especially near its junction with the R. Amazon,
has not been determined.

The Parintins region (sub-Madeira)

As described in the account of the R. Madeira drainage system, this river joins
the R. Amazon through several channels, forming in effect a wide delta shown
in Fig. 23. Below the easternmost channels on the right bank of the R. Amazon
there is a complex network of waterways and islands formed by the numerous
small tributaries of the latter. Cacao occurs throughout this region. Possibly,
much of the diversity encountered resulted from the flow of genes from the R.
Madeira varieties. Therefore, it could be considered that the populations
occurring below its mouth are the same as those in the river valley itself and
were at one time established naturally. However, in this area several patches of
cultivation occur in association with ancient and more recent villages.
One of the towns that has had a long association with the cultivation of
cacao is that of Parintins, situated at the mouth of the easternmost Madeira
channel. Cacao farming would have been established in the area from at least
the beginning of the 19th century. A large sample of the variability existing in
these farms was collected during the Brazilian conservation programme. The
number of parent trees from which specimens were obtained exceeded 120
and comprised both vegetative and seminal propagating material from nearly
all of the parents.
Observations on the specimens during their juvenile and early adult phases
indicated that there was a range of reaction to the growing conditions in terms
of vegetative development. This situation prejudiced the gathering of data from
the less-developed genotypes regarding the character expressions of the flowers
and fruits. Consequently, the lack of conditions to determine the relationships
between vegetative development and other traits preclude any conclusions to
be described concerning the appearance and composition of the varieties
Among the more precocious specimens the majority appeared to possess
elongate fruits with the surface roughness ranging from slight to intermediate.
Many of the specimens possess the short acute, pointed apex that is a feature
of much of the cacao along the middle course of the R. Amazon. Figure 28
shows the fruits from two trees which will give an idea of the principal
characteristics encountered in the area. The data of the fruits sampled indicate
a large range of traits similar to those obtained in the Itacoatiara sample.
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 149

Fig. 28. Brazil, R. Amazon: examples of the fruit types of the Parintins region.

Among the traits observed in this sample are trees with high ovule numbers as
well as large seeds.
One of the specimens of progenies contained an interesting segregation in
the developing seedlings for a combination of small very narrow leaves and a
white colour (Plate 31a). The fact that a few of the narrow-leafed plants had
leaves that were green in colour indicates that more than one gene is involved
in the expression of the mutation. The genotype of the parent tree was not
determined but it is assumed that it is heterozygous for the factors that produce
the mutation.
It is unfortunate that circumstances prevented the continuation to their
conclusion of the observations that were being made on this large sample,
which appears to possess several important features. Since the Parintins area is
situated in a zone whose geographical characteristics were explained at the
beginning of the section, the cacao population sampled should be considered
in the context of its place in a wider area of distribution.

The Óbidos-Alenquer region

The area along the left bank of the R. Amazon between the mouth of the R.
Trombetas and to the east of the town of Alenquer (Fig. 23) is, perhaps, the
most important region in which the cultivation of cacao developed. The area
lies across the R. Amazon from the mouth of the R. Tapajós and it would be
plausible to expect that the cacao varieties found near the mouth of this river
150 Chapter 5

and along the right bank of the Amazon below it are related to those cultivated
in the district.
There is a consensus of opinion (such as that expressed by Huber, 1906a)
among persons with knowledge of the cacao situation that the extent of the
natural distribution of the species along the R. Amazon is delineated by a line
drawn between the mouths of the R. Tapajós and the R. Trombetas. Although
the town of Óbidos is situated at the mouth of the R. Trombetas no reports of
cacao on this river have been found, except those in the vicinity of the town
where cacao has been cultivated.
The only occurrence of cacao in the region to which any claim of
spontaneity has been made is that along a tributary of the R. Amazon located
below the town of Óbidos, called the Rio Branco (no connection with the other
rivers of this name cited previously). In 1965 the R. Branco was visited during a
collecting activity and specimens were obtained from five trees found in the
valley. The description of the population made in situ (Vello, F. and Medeiros,
A.G., undated, unpublished mimeographed document, Expedição Botânica à
Amazônia Brasileira, 16 pp.) indicates that a single variety is involved, the trees
encountered varying in age or size. The fruits of this variety were described as
having a light green colour when unripe and an ‘Amelonado’ shape (that is,
short and broad to spherical) with size varying from small to large. The
variation in fruit size may be attributed to the variability in seed numbers from
natural fertilization and other factors commonly encountered in similar
situations. The principal interest in this variety was that the trees had light green
flush leaves and the seeds were found to have white cotyledons, it being
claimed that all of the specimens had these characteristics. It could be
concluded that the characteristics observed were the result of the action of the
anthocyanin inhibitor gene but this hypothesis cannot be confirmed because of
the lack of data on the flowers and the fact that only one specimen survived.
As far as can be determined this specimen (identified as ‘OB 52’) does not
express the traits associated with absence of pigment and no seeds with white
cotyledons have been found. If the surviving genotype is correctly ascribed to
the population then it may be concluded that the basic cotyledon colour is
purple and the anthocyanin inhibitor gene was carried by some of the other
trees. As will be shown in the following paragraphs this situation is common
throughout the region under examination.
The existing knowledge of the diversity within the Óbidos-Alenquer region
comes from specimens collected in the vicinity of the town of Alenquer.
Most of the parent trees involved were sampled in the area bordered by the R.
Curuá to the west and the R. Maicuru on the east and inland for several
kilometres. Records relating to the area provide precise locations of the original
plantations that were established. Many of these were located on river banks and
islands as well as on the shores of a large lake. Such locations were subject to
flooding during the seasonal periods of high water levels. However, since patches
of red soils of high fertility occur at distances up to about 50 km from the
backwater of the R. Amazon, cacao was also planted in these isolated areas.
Plantations also occur on less fertile, sometimes sandy, soils where the cacao may
be subject to near-drought conditions. This large variability in ecological conditions
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 151

may be unique in the Amazon Basin and has a certain impact on the nature of the
diversity in view of the degrees of selection pressure for adaptability that would
have occurred over the centuries during which the species was cultivated.
Many of the original plantings have disappeared as interest in cacao
declined and the crop was substituted by pastures and other activities. The
extent of the original distribution may be judged from the isolated survivors
that are found in the pastures and river-bank sites (similar situations being
encountered throughout the basin). On the other hand, some attempts at
establishing new fields have been made during the past 30 years using seed
from the older plantings (in contrast to the fields created with introduced
planting material).
After a preliminary survey of the area made in 1976 a more extensive
sampling activity took place in 1977. The results of this activity were very
encouraging and further specimens were obtained in 1985 and 1986. These
specimens were characterized and evaluated and a preliminary synopsis of the
results were presented by Bartley et al. (1988), which provides an idea of the
scale of diversity created during the evolution of cultivation in the area.
The fields or remnants of populations that formed the older cultivations, or
their descendants, vary fairly considerably with regard to their constitution. In
some cases in what are very old plantings, as judged from the size of the trees,
the variability is significant. In other fields, of newer or surviving plantings, the
variability tends to be narrower with genotypic variation being specific to
individual locations or farms.
Taking all of the available specimens (comprising parent trees and their
progenies) together as representative of the region a large degree of variability is
expressed for all plant characters, notably with regard to growth factors, leaves
and fruits. The genotypes show marked differences in tree size and growth rates.
Leaves vary considerably with regard to shape, from lanceolate to broad elliptic.
The leaves of one genotype are sickle-shaped and curled. Fruit shapes vary from
almost spherical to very narrow elongate, the elongate shape perhaps being
more frequent in some localities. Figure 29 is a composite image of several fruits
from the specimens acquired and demonstrates the ample range of variability
for their characteristics. Fruit colours range from very light green to dark green,
the latter apparently associated with some of the short and broad fruits. One tree
was encountered with very noticeable anthocyanin pigment on the surface and
progenies of other parental genotypes segregate for fruits with pigmented
surfaces, such as the fruit second from right in the lower row of Fig. 29.
As mentioned above, the anthocyanin inhibitor gene is common in the
region, being encountered in genotypes that differ with regard to other
characters. An example of one of these trees is shown in Plate 32b, the fruit
having the typical short acute apex but a fairly large size.
The variability encountered within the fairly small sample from the region
indicates the probability that the planting material derived from various
sources. These are, of course, unrecorded. Considering the area once occupied
by cacao it may be assumed that introductions of seed into the region were
made at various periods but also some plantings were developed or enlarged
by using seed from the existing plantings. One field was visited in 1977, which
152 Chapter 5

Fig. 29. Brazil, R. Amazon: a collection of fruit types from the Alenquer district to
show the range of variability.

had been established a few years earlier and where the trees were commencing
production. Several specimens were obtained from this field on account of the
high level of production and because the variety concerned differed from those
that had been seen in other fields. This variety has fruits with a broad elongate
shape and which are distinguished by being broader near the base (peduncle
end), as well as the surface being rougher than the other types.
This variety, which possesses traits unique for the region, is similar to some
of the genotypes occurring in the Solimões and R. Japurá delta region. Several
of the genotypes with elongate fruits exhibiting surface pigment resemble those
of progenies of crosses between the ‘Parinari’ types from the R. Marañon. One
of the progenies from the first collections has combined leaf and fruit characters
that are virtually indistinguishable from those of the progenies of one of the
‘PA’ clones.
Production records from the Óbidos-Alenquer region indicate that during
the first decades of the 20th century, when the effects of the slump caused by
the competition with rubber were not yet pronounced, average net yields were
among some of the highest known at that time. The performance of many of
the specimens obtained attests to the potential productive capacity of the
diversity that the region’s germplasm possesses.

The ‘Lower Amazon’

For the purposes of this account this title is being applied to the stretch of the R.
Amazon starting below the mouth of the R. Maicuru and ending at the island of
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 153

Marajó. This term embraces what is a recognized geographical entity. It must be

emphasized that the title is not being employed in the sense in which it has
been customarily, and erroneously, applied in attempts to classify the species’
diversity. It is also necessary to point out that the region is not especially
important in terms of the quantity of cacao that may occur. Little, if anything, is
known about the composition, nature and origins of the occurrences of the
species that have been reported.
These reports indicate that certain areas of cacao are associated with the
towns on the left bank of the R. Amazon below Alenquer but these reports
have not been substantiated through personal examination.
The R. Xingú (Fig. 23) is the remaining major tributary of the R. Amazon,
also draining lands to the south of the basin, which has not been discussed so
far. There are virtually no reports of the existence of cacao in this drainage
system and it could be assumed that it does not belong to the natural
distribution area of the species. The only occurrence of cacao in the valley that
has been verified is one in an area of colonization situated about 15 km to the
north of the town of Altamira. It is probable that the trees seen were progenies
of seeds from a single fruit introduced from an unspecified source. This group
of trees was unique in that some had fruits with an entirely smooth surface
without indications of ridges. The specimen obtained possesses some
superficial ridges on a dark green surface. The characteristics of the parent
genotype (the clone ‘CAB 47’) may be appreciated from the fruit at the top of
Fig. 30. The fruits of some of its progeny are shown in the bottom row. From
their resemblance of the fruit of the parent its homozygous nature may be
deduced as well as the probability that it is self-compatible. This genotype
appears to be distinct from any variety encountered. It is one example of a
genotype that would be descended from a population that evolved in isolation.

Fig. 30. Brazil, R. Xingú: (top) fruit of the accession ‘CAB 47’ and (bottom) fruits of
some of its inbred progeny to demonstrate their uniformity.
154 Chapter 5

The Xingú drainage system includes one major tributary, the R. Irirí, which
flows from the southwest. Again, the existence of cacao in this valley has not
been confirmed. However, the opportunity was taken to acquire some
specimens from a small group of trees that were reported as being grown from
seeds of a fruit brought from an unknown Indian village along the river. The
existence of cultivated cacao in Indian villages along the R. Irirí is possible on
account of the proximity to the R. Tapajós. The trees in the group exhibited a
degree of variability and had fruits of an intermediate green colour, were of
intermediate size and had a broader elongate shape.

The left-bank tributaries of the River Amazon

The remaining tributaries of the R. Amazon of importance with regard to the
distribution of cacao are the R. Parú and the R. Jarí, both on the left bank of
the river (Fig. 23). The 17th-century description of the town of Almeirim
situated at the mouth of the R. Parú, the westernmost of these rivers, reported
that the inhabitants made annual excursions up the river to gather the cacao
produced. The exact location of the cacao populations is as yet unknown but,
in view of the nature of the terrain through which the river runs, it is unlikely
that there are large concentrations of trees along its banks. It is probable that
the major populations would be found near the headwaters of the river and, in
terms of their variety composition, fall within the distribution area that includes
the Guiana Shield, which will be discussed in the succeeding section.
Cacao was also known to exist in the valley of the R. Jarí. This river also
has its sources in the range of the Guiana Shield, which separates the waters
that flow into the Atlantic to the north from those that flow into the R. Amazon.
It also forms the border between the Brazilian States of Pará and Amapá. A few
specimens were collected in 1968 on lands on the left bank of the river in the
latter State. Four locations were sampled, providing 12 specimens of the parent
trees of which ten exist. It was reported (F. Vello and L.F. da Silva, unpublished
manuscript, CEPLAC, Brazil, Relatório de Viagem à Região Amazônica,
Comunicado Técnico No. 22, 19 pp.) that cacao was abundant in the area and
occurred in locations distant from watercourses, the area surveyed surrounding
a small range of hills called the ‘Serra de Tigre’. The inadequate attention paid
to the individuals after their establishment in the field resulted in uncertainties
regarding their identities and a lack of observations on their development. The
specimens were resuscitated and identified as best as was possible from the
original descriptions.
The clones derived from these specimens may be separated into four
groups on the basis of their growth characters, the distinctions being related to
the respective locations of the parent trees. Fruits of two of the types are
depicted in Plate 26a. A third type has narrower elongate fruits, differing
essentially from the two types illustrated. It may be assumed that the cacao of
the region contains two basic fruit types, one having a short and broad shape
and the other with a broad elongate shape with ridges that are arranged in
closer pairs. Within these fruit types there are distinct differences with regard to
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 155

leaf and flower characters. Leaf shapes include some with elongate blades. One
of the more unusual flower characters is the combination of purple staminodes
with light red (pink) guide-lines. Variation is observed with regard to the
intensity of anthocyanin pigment of the cotyledons, some genotypes being
homozygous for intermediate shades of purple pigment.

The northern perimeter of the Amazon Basin – Upper Orinoco

and Guianas

The intention in this section is to describe the cacao populations that occur in
the areas on the periphery of the Amazon Basin, which are considered to form
part of the Amazonian Region as defined in Chapter 1. As shown in Fig. 23,
some of the areas included in this Guiana/Orinoco region have direct fluvial
connections with the rivers of the Amazon Basin. One of these is the Casiquiare
Canal, which connects the Rio Negro drainage system with the Upper Orinoco,
as described in the discussion of the former drainage system, in which the
constitution of the cacao population of the area is discussed.
The other connection is located to the east of the Orinoco valley through the
R. Takutú (or Tacutú), one of the rivers that form the R. Branco tributary of the
R. Negro. As stated in the appropriate section, the R. Takutú forms part of the
boundary between Brazil and the country of Guyana. The remaining areas
concerned in this section are not geographically part of the R. Amazon system but
in most cases the cacao populations are distributed on both sides of the watersheds.
One of the problems regarding the description of the cacao diversity in this
extensive area is that, although information of the occurrence of the species
throughout the region is available, there is a paucity of information regarding
the characteristics of the genotypes that exist at each of the locations. The
available details are limited to a few of the locations where specimens have
been collected and characterized. Consequently, the state of the knowledge
about individual populations in the countries that belong to this section of the
Amazonian Region is uneven and prevents us from obtaining a comprehensive
picture of the genetic variability that exists in it.
Several rivers flow into the R. Orinoco on its left bank from their sources in
the Andes (Fig. 21). Reports of the existence of cacao on some of these rivers
have been published but, in view of the absence of the mention of cacao in the
reports during the earliest period of European occupation, it could be
conjectured that such occurrences are cultivated areas established during more
recent times. Most of these rivers drain the open lands known as the ‘Llanos’,
where conditions would be unsuitable for the support of cacao except for small
patches. In any case no information is available regarding the varieties that
occur on these rivers since the possibility exists that the planting material was
introduced from the cultivated areas in other parts of Colombia and, therefore,
are not necessarily related to the varieties of the Amazonian Region.
The one tributary of the R. Orinoco that is of interest for our purposes is
the R. Guaviare, the most southerly of its left-bank tributaries. The watershed
between the R. Guaviare and the R. Vaupés marks the separation of the
156 Chapter 5

R. Orinoco drainage system from the Amazon Basin. The R. Guaviare has one
long tributary that joins it on its right bank just above its confluence with the R.
Orinoco. This is the R. Inirida, part of which was explored by the Anglo-
Colombian Cacao Collecting Expedition, but no signs of cacao were seen. It
would be expected that any cacao encountered on the R. Guaviare would not
be related to the varieties in the R. Caquetá/Japurá system, unless through the
region where the two river systems have their headwaters. Extensive areas of
cacao have been known to exist on the R. Guaviare for a long time and, on this
account, the river has enjoyed a certain reputation. The cacao of the Guaviare
system is also known as ‘Amanaven’, the name of a branch of the river where
the principal stands of cacao occur near its confluence with the R. Orinoco.
From published descriptions of the cacao of the region it may be concluded
that this population comprised a single variety on account of the apparent lack
of variability expressed.
A specimen fruit from this population was acquired by the Anglo-
Colombian Cacao Collecting Expedition. The progenies established have been
subjected to detailed study and use in breeding programmes on account of the
interesting and valuable characters of the genotype. The plants have broad
leaves that are of a smaller size with a wavy appearance and a hard texture.
The flowers are unique and easily recognizable on account of the strongly
pigmented guide-lines that are visible from the exterior of the petal pouch, thus
giving it a red appearance rarely found in other varieties. The fruit is short and
broad in shape with a fairly smooth surface. The most outstanding character is
the hard husk of the fruit, the mesocarp of which is lignified to such a degree
that rodents find it difficult to gnaw into it. The seeds are of relatively small size
and have dark purple cotyledons. The genotype is self-compatible, hence the
ability to reproduce itself. No variants from this genotype are known.
The origins and botanical status of the genotype are unknown. Although
the trees abound in the forests and appear to be spontaneous it is probable that
the population derives from cultivation established as long as 300 years ago.
The plantings would have been abandoned, leaving them in a sub-
spontaneous state, during which they expanded through natural multiplication.
The logical assumption would be that the original planting material was
brought from the cacao occurrences in the upper Orinoco valley but the
absence of sufficient knowledge about these and their history precludes the
confirmation of this association.
Further to the east lie the headwaters of the R. Orinoco. It will be assumed
that, for the purposes of this treatment of the diversity of the area, the natural
distribution of the species encompasses all the land above the falls at San
Fernando de Atabapo. Prior to the arrival of the Europeans cacao had been
growing in the valleys of the right-bank tributaries of the R. Orinoco. Patiño
(1963) reproduced the information contained in reports by several members of
the commission sent, in the latter half of the 18th century, to establish the
boundary between the possessions of Spain and Portugal. These reports
described the existence of sizeable populations of cacao on the upper R.
Orinoco and some of its tributaries, such as the R. Padamo. Claims were made
that the fruits and seeds were of larger size (than an unspecified variety) but it
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 157

was also stated that the seeds were ‘slightly smaller than those of the cacao of
the Caracas variety’. This same variety was that encountered in the region by
von Humboldt (1821), who, as stated in Chapter 1, was the first to observe the
differences between the upper Orinoco cacao and that of Caracas. However,
naturalists who visited the region subsequently do not mention the presence of
these populations of cacao. Also the populations are not mentioned by the
geographical surveys carried out in the 20th century.

The River Orinoco drainage system

Only in the past 20 years has any attention been paid to the cacao of the upper
R. Orinoco region and collections made of living material that provide the
opportunity to know the characteristics of the populations. The available
information is based on collecting activities that were undertaken by Lanaud
(1986) and Sanchez and Jaffé (1989). The reports provide us with an
interesting picture of the situation in the region. Overall, specimens were
obtained from several locations in the wide area occupied by the various
tributaries that flow into the R. Orinoco as well as some along the Casiquiare
Canal. A few of the populations were sampled by both collecting activities and
confirmed the existence of the large populations of cacao, mentioned in the
18th-century reports. Also encountered were plantations established with seed
obtained from the, possibly, natural populations.
The collecting activity reported by Lanaud (1986) took place principally
around the Cerro La Esmeralda and it was found that the natural stands of cacao
were located in swampy terrain. It would appear that the presence of cacao
stands in environments that are waterlogged for all or part of a year is a normal
feature of the dispersal of cacao in the Guiana/Orinoco region. Obviously the
process of establishing secondary stands using seed from the local trees has been
practised over a considerable period so that it becomes impossible to determine
whether a particular occurrence is spontaneous or sub-spontaneous.
The above reports give very sketchy information regarding the characteristics
of the individual parent trees that were sampled and, therefore, lack the specific
details that would provide a basis for determining the constitution of the
populations. Although Sanchez and Jaffé (1989) refer to the apparent uniformity
of the trees observed with regard to their vegetative, floral and fruit characters
from which it could be inferred that all of the individuals sampled belonged to the
same variety, they do not describe the characteristics observed. Accordingly, the
reports do not provide a basis for determining the position of the variety in the
spectrum of the species’ diversity.
Although living specimens from these locations have been established no
information about them has been made available that would provide a more
acceptable characterization of the variety than is furnished by the collection
data. The author had the opportunity to observe the flowers of the only
progeny genotype available from the specimens of Lanaud (1986). These are
of small size with short sepals. The stamens are not pigmented. The most
distinguishing character was the intense pigmentation of the guide-lines, which
make them easily visible from the exterior of the petal hood. It would be
158 Chapter 5

recalled that this character also distinguishes the variety of the R. Guaviare. The
petal strap is also intensely pigmented.
Most of the information that is provided relates to the characteristics of the
fruits and the seeds. The combination of the data contained in the two reports
indicates that the fruits observed in the R. Orinoco system were green in colour
and had a broad elongate shape, the length:diameter ratios of the fruits with
higher seed numbers being in the range of 1.6–1.8. The fruit surface was
almost smooth with low ridges. All fruits appear to be of small size. The colour
of the cotyledons was uniformly light purple. Lanaud (1986) reported that one
fruit contained some seeds with apparently white cotyledons. The possible
explanation for this is that the parent tree possessed the anthocyanin inhibitor
gene, but this has not been confirmed from the progenies of the specimens that
were established. Another observation made was that the husk, although
apparently thin, was lignified. This characteristic would also link the variety
with that on the R. Guaviare.
One of the locations where cacao was encountered was a native village
situated almost at the headwaters of the R. Orinoco. This location is close to the
frontier with Brazil. Sanchez and Jaffé (1989) suggested that the Yanomami,
who currently are dispersed over a large area embracing the upper R. Orinoco
valley and adjacent parts of Brazilian Amazonia in the States of Roraima and
Amazonas, was the only tribe that knew cacao prior to the arrival of the
Europeans. In the State of Roraima the R. Catrimani, a right-bank tributary of
the R. Branco system, which was described above, has its source at a short
distance from that of the R. Orinoco. Similarly, the source of the R. Demini is
just south of that of the R. Orinoco. This river is a left-bank tributary of the R.
Negro, situated to the northwest (upriver) of the mouth of the R. Branco. These
circumstances lead to the possibility that cacao from the R. Orinoco may also
be encountered in these rivers, having been transported by the Indians towards
the south and east. Conversely, the R. Orinoco variety may have originated on
the R. Negro tributaries, as Sanchez and Jaffé (1989) suggested that the variety
found in the upper R. Orinoco would have been introduced. However, the
proof of such a hypothesis would depend on finding the same unique genotype
in the R. Negro system.

The rivers that flow into the Atlantic Ocean

As mentioned above, the R. Takutú (see position in map in Fig. 23), as a
formative stream of the R. Branco, forms part of the border between Brazil and
the country now known as Guyana. In fact it can be considered to be the
baseline for all of the cacao that occurs to the east in the Guianas and north of
the hills that separate them from Brazil.
In Guyana itself cacao occurs sporadically in certain locations, some of
which appear to have fairly ancient origins. The first reference to cacao in the
south of the country was made in 1763, at the time of the Dutch Essequibo
and Demerara colonies (Harris and de Villiers, 1911). It is to be noted that this
report predates the Spanish accounts of cacao in the upper R. Orinoco valley.
The cacao referred to was described as follows:
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 159

Up in Rupununi [the R. Rupununi is a major tributary of the R. Essequibo draining

a large area of the south of Guyana] there are found whole woods of cacao, some
of which has been brought down on various occasions, and found to be as good as
any other, and of which the monkeys and other animals now get the benefit.
The account did not state whether this cacao differed from that which was
being cultivated near the coast at the time. The fact that the presence of cacao
was reported in the plural indicates that there were several occurrences known
at the time and it could be assumed that a similar variety was concerned.
However, it is not possible to relate such occurrences to those encountered
during explorations made since the beginning of the 19th century or mentioned
in other documents.
The problem with attempting to identify natural and perhaps ancient
populations of cacao in the south of Guyana and determine the extent of their
distribution is that, since the establishment of the Dutch colonies, introduced
varieties have been cultivated in other parts of the country. Interest in the crop
has undergone cycles of activity and decline with many plantations being
abandoned at various times. This resulted in the farms reverting to forest and
creating a situation in which it may be difficult to distinguish between the
spontaneous and the formerly cultivated populations. The identification could be
made worse in cases where planting material from the pre-European populations
was used in the cultivated areas. The consequence of this situation is that very
confusing signals are given concerning the spontaneous or sub-spontaneous
status of the various occurrences of cacao that have been encountered.
Accordingly, all reports of such occurrences must be analysed in this context.
The first report of a specific occurrence of cacao in the south of Guyana
was made by Robert Schomburgk (1836). During his journey up the R.
Essequibo he arrived at an offshoot of the river called Primoss Inlet (3° 50 N,
57° 52 W). The inlet was the beginning of a path used by the Indians
connecting the R. Essequibo to the R. Courantyne (and, therefore, the upper
reaches of the R. Berbice). His account contains two references to cacao. In
one case, Schomburgk wrote, ‘We found a lime tree in bearing, and a number
of cocoa-trees, hog plums, etc. This proved that its former possessor had,
unlike the Indians in general, planted and raised useful trees.’
Later Schomburgk added:
While penetrating through the woods in search of the path, we saw numerous
cocoa-trees (Theobroma cacao) loaded with fruit in all stages. They extended more
than a mile from the river’s bank, and though they were overshaded by larger trees,
they had reached, nevertheless, a height of from 30 to 40 feet; and from the
luxurious growth, and numerous fruit, proved that the plant was satisfied with the
soil. It is not to be doubted that the trees were originally planted by the Indians; but
from their number, and distance from the river, I judged that they were propagated
by animals. When the fruit has reached its maturity, it falls to the ground, and is
eagerly sought by the peccary or bush hog.
In the following year Schomburgk (1837) ascended the R. Berbice and
found the Indian path that led him back to the cacao population at Primoss
Inlet and the R. Essequibo. In this report he makes it clear that the land was
marshy during the rainy season. Unfortunately, no description was given of the
160 Chapter 5

fruits in this account. Reference was also made to an abandoned settlement

called Cumaka, 3 miles below the Primoss Inlet on the R. Essequibo. According
to Schomburgk the Indians considered the path to have existed for a long time
when the area was more densely inhabited. From this information it could be
assumed that the establishment of cacao in the locality would have been
associated with the movement of the inhabitants of the upper reaches of the
rivers, probably before the arrival of the Europeans.
In recent years the locality of Primoss Inlet has been visited and some
studies undertaken (Watkins et al., undated; Jennings et al., 1999). The
population was estimated to contain about 350 trees. The conditions at the
time of the survey were unfavourable for making reliable observations so that
any attempt at describing the population would be provisional. The initial
impression is that the population consists of trees with very similar traits but
that some variants may be present. It would be expected that the population
derived from seed of a single fruit brought to the site at some time in the past.
As yet it is not possible to state whether it is related to any of the other
populations scattered throughout the distribution area described in this section.
The leaves appear to be of a fairly small size, with a broad shape and a
crinkled surface. The fruits in general are of small size and their shape falls in
the range of short and broad to broad elongate. All fruits are green in colour
having a smooth surface texture with low ridges that are in nearly equidistant
pairs. It was reported that the husk is hard. The seeds apparently are of small
size. One interesting feature of the seeds is the apparent occurrence of
cotyledons in which pigmentation is unevenly distributed; in overall terms the
expression of anthocyanin would be in the intermediate class.
As described by Myers (1930), Schomburgk also encountered cacao in the
valley of the R. Quitaro (or R. Guidari) to the west of Primoss Inlet. This river is
a tributary of the R. Rupununi and, therefore, may be within the area of the
occurrence of cacao in the R. Rupununi region described in the Dutch reports.
Schomburgk stated that the cacao abounded in the numerous swamps: ‘It is
remarkable that cacao in its wild state is only found in swampy, or, at best,
moist situations.’ Of the characteristics of the trees he added:
The trees which I observed, although of a peculiar growth, almost shrubby, and the
trunk less developed than in large forest trees, often attained a height of 50 feet.
The capsules were large (previously described as ‘melon-shaped’ of a green
colour), and contained from 60 to 70 seeds, which were larger than in the
cultivated kind, but not so thick.

The significant aspect of this description is that of the high seed numbers,
which, if correct, differentiate this variety from the others found in the region.
The other significant detail of this account is that Schomburgk ascribed the
binomial Theobroma bicolor to this population and others in the region.
Although this binomial is applied to another species he probably used this
name to distinguish the populations he encountered in the south of Guyana
from the Criollo derived types that were cultivated.
Since the surveys of Schomburgk, many years passed without further
information becoming available about the spontaneous or sub-spontaneous
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 161

cacao populations in the southern Guianas distribution region. The discovery

of apparently spontaneously occurring cacao in the south of Surinam, which
will be discussed in due course, was followed by a visit by Myers to the area
and interest in the general existence of similar populations in Guyana. As a
result, Myers (1930) summarized the information regarding the existence of
cacao in southern Guyana and reports of cacao populations in other parts of
the country. He pointed out that no specimens from these populations existed.
In 1932 Myers himself had the opportunity to rectify this lack of up-to-date
knowledge and representative specimens of the cacao populations, as
described in Myers (1934). In this paper he referred to additional information
regarding the occurrence of cacao near the head of the R. Essequibo valley.
Acting on the report of the finding of a previously unknown cacao population
in the Kanuku Mountains, Myers made a journey to the site. When this
population was reached it was found that it extended along the valley of a
stream but it was possible to examine only a few trees. The trees were large and
it was concluded that they were very old. They had long and spreading
branches, one branch was 45 feet (14.6 m) long – probably an effect of the
shade. Although flowers and young fruits were seen no description was given
of them. The lack of sound ripe fruits precluded the collection of living material
for propagation. The exact location and name of the stream was not given, but
it may be assumed that it may have been a tributary of the R. Rupununi.
Myers appears to have returned to the region a few years later as there is a
herbarium specimen of T. cacao attributed to him from December 1935, but no
written information accompanies it. The location in which the specimen was
collected is given as the Mataruki river, Upper Essequibo, British Guiana. The
specimen is described as being from a small riparian tree, a fact that may
indicate that the location is not the same as that visited in 1932. The leaves of
the specimen are large and fairly broad. There appears to be no accompanying
fruit specimen.
A few years later another occurrence of cacao was reported to the east of
the above area. This was in the Marudi mountains in the south and southeast
of the Pakaraima range. The report stated:
There was also what had evidently once been a cocoa plantation, now half
smothered with secondary bush but there were a few pods on the trees. The cocoa
was of an unusual type, unlike the forastero, and may have been introduced from
the Amazon Basin. The pods were of a pale green colour ripening to pale yellow
with a remarkable glazed surface.

It was also observed that the symptoms of witches’ broom disease on these
trees differed considerably from those usually found elsewhere.
Two cacao populations situated in the Marudi mountains were studied by
Jennings et al. (1999). One of these populations consisted of a single tree,
presumably a remnant of a cultivated field in which the other trees had been
destroyed, but its characteristics were not described. The other population was
somewhat larger and 76 individuals were studied. The fruits of these trees were
described as being light green in colour and, therefore, the population may be
the same as that discovered previously. They were of a small size, with an
162 Chapter 5

almost spherical shape with low ridges and possessing what was described as a
slightly mamillate apex. The lack of information about the other characteristics
of the trees and their fruits as well as the inability to propagate from them
precludes any attempt to classify the variety concerned. It is assumed that the
population is composed of a homogeneous variety that is distinct from the
others described from the region.
In view of the fact that several other reports of cacao populations in the
south of Guyana have been made, but, as yet, unsubstantiated, indicates that
there is considerable scope for discovering additions to the known germplasm
from the country. It must be emphasized that, in spite of the existence of
details about the locations at which the populations described above occur,
none of these genetic resources has been conserved and adequately studied.
From the scanty descriptions that are available concerning the characteristics
of the populations that have been encountered, it could be concluded that
several varieties may be involved, all of which are homogeneous in
constitution. In the light of these circumstances it may be appropriate to
consider that different varieties have been introduced from various sources
over a long period of time.
The same sources of information, including herbarium specimens, indicate
that spontaneous or sub-spontaneous populations of cacao exist in the valley of
the R. Courantyne, which forms the boundary between Guyana and Surinam
to the east. The sources of information would originate in both countries and,
especially, would be connected with the cultivation of cacao in the latter
country and the exchange of planting material between the two countries that
is referred to in several documents. However, no specific information is
available regarding the characteristics of the varieties that occur in the valley.
As far as Surinam is concerned there is only one substantiated report of the
occurrence of cacao and this, in fact, proved to have been given considerable
attention as the first genuine case of a spontaneous population in the
Amazonian Region. The population was discovered in 1923 by G. Stahel on
the Mamaboen Creek, a secondary or tertiary tributary of the R. Coppename
(Fig. 23) in the south of Surinam. Myers later visited the same population and
his report (Myers, 1930) contains all the details of its discovery. This cacao
population was found to contain a large number of trees and appeared to
belong to a single homogeneous variety. Figure 31, from a photograph taken at
the time Stahel visited the site, illustrates the characteristics of the fruits of the
Mamaboen Creek population, which also occurred on marshy land.
Progenies from seed of the genotype were established in the Agricultural
Experimental Station at Paramaribo. Later, seed from these progenies was
supplied to the Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture in Trinidad, where the
plants were incorporated into the ‘Museum Collection’ and identified as ‘M 8’.
These plants would represent the second generation from the original trees.
The clone developed as ‘M 8’ received a degree of attention; first, on account
of its origin and, second, because of its homozygous status, which set it off from
the mostly heterozygous genotypes that formed the bulk of the germplasm
available for research at the beginning of the improvement programme. The
genotype is self-compatible and this factor, combined with the homozygosity,
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 163

Fig. 31. Surinam, R. Coppename valley: the fruit of the variety found on the
Mamaboen Creek of the R. Coppename.

offered opportunities for research on the genetics of cacao that the other
available germplasm did not provide so readily.
From the point of view of the characteristics of the genotype, most features
are described as being intermediate in status. The cotyledon colour is classed
as a less intense purple than had been encountered in many of the genotypes
from the Amazonian Region. The plants are also in the lower vigour category.
One of the more consistent findings was the frequent occurrence of twin
embryos in single ovules in several of the fruits. The normal maximum ovule
number is 50.
Although it would be expected that cacao would occur within the upper
valleys of some of the other rivers to the east of the R. Coppename, no reports
of the presence of the species have been found.

The River Oiapoque and adjacent drainage systems

However, further towards the east the R. Maroni forms the border between
Surinam and French Guiana. The upper tributaries of the river and those
belonging to the upper R. Oiapoque (Oyapok in French) system have been
known since the beginning of the 18th century (principally in French Guiana
territory) to possess significant areas of cacao. The history of the discovery of
the cacao populations of southern French Guiana was reviewed by Froidevaux
(1894). There is little doubt that the original occurrences of cacao were largely
164 Chapter 5

of spontaneous origin and were distributed over a considerable area. The R.

Oiapoque drainage system is shown in Fig. 23.
With reference to the size of the cacao population in the valley of the R.
Camopi, one of the tributaries of the R. Oiapoque, Froidevaux cites the
following statement made by one of the explorers of the region:
Le nombre des cacaoyers est indefini; l’entendûe du terrain qu’ils occupent est
immense, l’on sait que la culture ne change la qualité du fruit et qu’il n’y a point de
differences pour la boite entre la cacao naturel avec celui qu’ont a cultivé; celui des
Espagnols et des Portugais n’est produit generalment que par les arbres qui
croissent naturellement dans differentes parties de l’Amerique meridionale. [The
number of cacao trees is unlimited (unknown), the extent of the terrain which they
occupy is immense, it is known that the cultivation does not alter the quality of the
fruit and that no differences are observed between the natural cacao and that
cultivated, that of the Spaniards and the Portuguese is usually produced on trees
which grow naturally in different parts of South America.]
Evidently the author knew something about the exploitation of the species
in other parts of South America but did not distinguish the genotypes of the R.
Camopi from those of the other regions. He proposed that the Camopi
population could be exploited based on an estimated 50,000 trees and a yield
of 2 lbs of cocoa per tree, which would compensate for the difficulties in
transportation. The proposal was acted upon, the cacao produced being
exploited during some time but this was eventually discontinued for various
To place the region of presumably spontaneous occurrences of cacao in its
proper geographical perspective, it is necessary to recognize that the area
where the boundaries of Brazil, French Guiana and Surinam meet is another
focal point in which are located the sources of rivers that flow towards the
north and east into the Atlantic Ocean and towards the south into the R.
Amazon. This situation may have an important bearing on the formation of the
populations and the dispersal of germplasm within the area drained by these
The major effort in the conservation of the germplasm of the region as
considered within this context has taken place in the populations that occur in
the south of French Guiana. This effort commenced only in 1986 although
surveys of the area made some years previously provided information about
some of the characteristics of the cacao genotypes of which the population was
composed. Subsequent collecting, principally in the upper R. Oiapoque, and
on its tributaries such as the R. Camopi, resulted in accumulating a sizeable
collection of germplasm that has been established in field collections. The
details of the first collecting activities are given in Lachenaud and Sallée (1993)
and later activities described by Lachenaud et al. (1997).
For purposes of consistency and agreement with the usage in geographical
literature the name Oiapoque will be used instead of the French spelling of
Oyapok (or Oyapock).
Some of the fruit types encountered during these activities, particularly
those on the upper R. Camopi and upper R. Oiapoque, are illustrated in
Lachenaud and Sallée (1993). These provide a means of assessing the scale of
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 165

variability that is exhibited in these populations. These samples indicate the

existence of two basic fruit types. One type appears to have a short and broad
shape with a rounded apex and a smooth surface with the length:diameter
ratio of the order of 1.5 or 1.6. The other fruit shape is more elongate with a
degree of surface roughness and a short, acute apex. In Lachenaud et al.
(1997) the second type is named ‘Forme Guyanaise’ and stated to have a
length:diameter ratio of 2.0–2.2. In either case the fruits collected from the
parent trees appeared to have been of a relatively small size. The seed numbers
of the contents were low but the seed sizes apparently fairly large.
Lachenaud et al. (1999) studied the flowers from the specimens resulting
from the various locations at which the established genotypes derive. The
principal characteristic that appears to have distinguished the descendants of
the specimens from the various localities was the shape of the petal ligule. The
paper contains sketches of the ligule shapes encountered. A ligule of
intermediate width with an acute apex appears to be the most common feature
of the R. Camopi germplasm, although some of the specimens from a few of
the other localities showed a wide range of shapes. Very broad ligules were
found in only one site, an occurrence that perhaps distinguishes it as being
genetically different from the other sites sampled; why this should be the case
in this area is not immediately apparent. The specimens from the Kérindioutou
area of the R. Oiapoque were distinguished from the others by their very
narrow ligules.
Ovule numbers in all of the specimens from these activities appear not to
exceed 50, which probably accounts for the low seed numbers obtained.
Although the fresh seed weights seem to be fairly large the dry weights are
relatively smaller.
Most of the parent trees sampled in the R. Camopi area are represented as
families of progenies. The data published so far are confined to family averages
and do not provide any information as to the variability within families or the
associations among the attributes measured on the parent trees and those of
the families.
The specimens that have been observed by the author are, in the case of
the R. Camopi and, perhaps, the location at the French Guiana–Brazil border,
individual plants from some of the families. Several of these progenies have
produced fruits that differ from the descriptions of the fruits of their parents.
This situation indicates a possible greater variability than can be conjectured
from the collection data and a certain degree of hybridization. The fruits of the
progenies that are available for examination are predominately of the narrower
elongate high-ridged and rough-surfaced type regardless of the shapes of the
parents’ fruits. These results may be explained by the dominance of the
characters of the elongate fruit type. This would be consistent with the
populations concerned being constituted by two varieties, of which the
elongate fruit type was a more recent introduction.
The observations on the floral characteristics as reported by Lachenaud et
al. (1999) do not include some of the more important features of these
populations. Although some variation in this respect appears to occur, the
flowers are generally of a small size, a conclusion confirmed by the data in
166 Chapter 5

Lachenaud et al. (1999). The staminodes are mostly short so that they are only
slightly longer than the gynoeceums. One interesting feature of the flowers is
the tendency for the pigmentation of the basal part of the guide-lines to be
significantly darker than the remainder in which the distribution of pigment is
interrupted. The heavy pigmentation at the base of the guide-lines produces an
intense coloration of the corolla ring, producing a contrast with the remainder
of the flower. The petal ligules of most of these specimens are light yellow in
colour and the presence of pigmented veins is common.
In the artificial conditions under which the plants that are observed are
growing the plagiotropic branches tend to be long with the spaces between the
nodes at marked distances. Mostly, the leaves appear to be narrower elongate
in shape with a finer texture. The characteristics of these leaves are shown in
Fig. 32. In contrast, the plants from the R. Kérindioutou produce leaves that are
rough on the under-surfaces of the blades.
One additional item related to the populations on the R. Oiapoque that is
of considerable interest concerns the report in Lachenaud et al. (1997) of their
exploration of the R. Euleupousing. This is a short tributary on the left bank of
the R. Oiapoque below the R. Camopi. The cacao population was considered
by the authors to be isolated from other occurrences of cacao. It was found that
the fruits had pigmented surfaces and seeds with pale purple cotyledons. These
traits make the variety distinct from the others in the region.
The reports of the collecting activities in French Guiana tend to produce
claims regarding the uniqueness of the cacao populations that have been

Fig. 32. French Guiana, R. Oiapoque valley: the narrow elongate leaves evidenced
in genotypes from near the source of the river.
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 167

sampled. The truth is that they belong to a much larger area of distribution,
especially that of the Brazilian State of Amapá, which borders on the south of
the area sampled. The R. Oiapoque also forms part of the frontier between the
two countries. Populations of cacao are known to exist in significant sizes
immediately south of the frontier. There are other aggregations of trees in other
parts of Amapá. These include a sizeable plantation established by the Jesuits
on the R. Araguary. However, no details about these populations are available
and no samples from them exist in living collections.
Similarly, the French Guiana populations are contiguous to those of the
upper R. Parú and upper R. Jarí, which have been referred to previously in the
discussion of the distribution of cacao along the R. Amazon. Since the eastern
part of the R. Jarí belongs to the State of Amapá, the whole valley also falls
within what is one contiguous distribution area. Until sufficient information is at
our disposal regarding the Amapá cacao populations it would be premature to
accept the claims made that the varieties collected in French Guiana belong to
a separate and unique assemblage of cacao genotypes. The observations made
on the French Guiana genotypes may provide an indication of the scale of
variability and characteristics that may be applicable to the entire population of
the distribution area defined above, if it is genetically homogeneous, a
hypothesis that remains to be proved.
In common with the other occurrences along the southern extension of the
Guianas and the headwaters of the drainage systems the upper R. Oiapoque
populations are usually found in marshy terrain or along river banks that are
subjected to flooding. It may be admitted that at least some of the populations
in the Guianas may have been established spontaneously. However, it is a fact
that a part of the cacao in the area was subjected to human exploitation during
a long period. Therefore, the possibility must be considered that human
activities of an accidental, if not deliberate, nature, may have been responsible
for the establishment of part of the existing populations.
The position of the R. Oiapoque germplasm in the spectrum of the species’
diversity would be determined through the acquisition of knowledge about its
relationship to the other populations inhabiting the area between the R.
Oiapoque and the R. Amazon, such as those of the R. Jarí. This area would
naturally include the, as yet, unknown cacao population of the island of Gurupá
and the varieties existing on the adjacent shores of the river. This is the point that
we can consider as being the easternmost limit of the distribution of the species in
the Amazon Basin when the Europeans arrived on the American continent.


In accordance with the discussion of the subject in previous chapters the

spontaneous origin of the populations in the Region, as defined in Chapter 1, is
debatable. However, even though the diversity that existed in pre-Columbian
times did not emerge from spontaneous origins in the region, it is appropriate
to consider it separately from the Amazonian Region on account of the special
characteristics of the varieties that it comprises. The fact that cacao was
168 Chapter 5

cultivated, or occurred in other forms, in the Region prior to the arrival of the
Europeans in the New World is undisputed. It is also necessary to take into
account the importance of the Region as a producer of cacao. In the first
instance this involved, primarily, consumption by the original inhabitants and
later as an important, and sometimes the only, supplier of cocoa when the
product became an object of consumption outside the Region.
The basic distribution area of cacao in the Circum-Caribbean Region as we
can conceive as existing in the pre-colonization period could be divided into
three geographical zones. One of these comprises the area in the north of the
South American mainland, which appears to have been located to the west
and southwest of the Lake of Maracaibo in what originally came under the
government of Nueva Granada. It is essential to understand that prior to the
independence of the countries in northwestern South America and the
formation of the present day states the entire region was under a single
government. Therefore, the pre-Columbian distribution of cacao and the
development of cultivation before independence apply to the whole of the
Reino de Nueva Granada and this fact needs to be appreciated in order to
dispel any misconceptions regarding the role of the individual countries.
The other distribution areas that are components of the Region are those
that occur in Mesoamerica (Mexico and Central America), for which we should
consider a possible southern limit of the pre-Columbian distribution as the
southern shores of Lake Nicaragua and the rivers that empty into it. These
distribution areas are divided by the central cordilleras into a Pacific coastal
zone and an eastern or Caribbean seaboard zone. It is intended to give a
separate description of the situation in each zone on the assumption that their
formation may have involved genetic elements from different sources or
different evolutionary paths.
In view of the fact that virtually no reliable descriptions exist regarding the
characteristics of the cacao varieties that existed in these zones at the time of
the arrival of the Europeans, any attempt to describe the nature of the
populations that inhabited each area would be speculative. It would be possible
to arrive at a general picture of the situation as it may have existed by means of
the genetic analysis of the present-day varieties that are presumed to be
descendants of the pre-Columbian populations.
The difficulties that are presented in the determination of the nature of the
parental varieties are based on two situations. One is that, through the
expansion of the areas of cultivation in order to meet the increasing demand
for cocoa, the definition of the primary distribution areas has become blurred.
Although the varieties established in the areas into which cultivation expanded
would be descendants of the primary diversity they need not necessarily reflect
the variability that existed in the parental populations. It would be expected
that, on the one hand, variability may have been increased through mutation
and recombination and, on the other hand, alterations in the genetic base
would have resulted from natural and directed selection in the long period
during which the expansion took place.
The other aspect that affects the diversity existing in the present day
populations in the Region is related to the importation of other varieties,
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 169

particularly those associated with the Amazonian Region, either in their original
form or as the products of hybridization. It will be demonstrated in subsequent
discussions of the composition of the present day cultivated populations and
inheritance that it is sometimes impossible to distinguish, on the basis of
phenotypic characteristics, between the prototype varieties and descendants of
their hybrids that possess similar features.
While the areas in which the prototype Criollo populations are distributed
have undergone substantial changes in their structure, principally on account of
the superior qualities of imported germplasm, it is important to consider the
fact that some of the basic diversity has been conserved in other countries. This
conservation has come about owing to the importation of varieties from the
Criollo populations, primarily to satisfy interests relating to product quality. The
scant attention paid to the descendants of these introductions by the persons
involved in research on the Criollo diversity is regrettable.
The basic situation regarding the genetic diversity of cacao in the three
distribution zones is that the archetypal varieties possess several common
features. It is because of this situation that it is appropriate to consider the
populations of the Circum-Caribbean Region as a genetic entity. In accordance
with the definition given in Chapter 2 the title of Criollo will be used
throughout the book to identify the populations and individual genotypes that
may be assumed to belong to this variety concept.
In common with most of the concepts concerning cacao diversity, that of
Criollo is subject to different interpretations based on the information available
to, or on the whims of, the persons who propose to identify the components of
this section of the species’ diversity. The subject of an acceptable definition of a
‘variety’ within the concept of Criollo has preoccupied many persons since
studies of cacao varieties began in the second half of the 19th century. J.H.
Hart set out to define the concept in an article discussing the characteristics of
Criollo (Hart, 1908). Perhaps this article and similar publications defining the
common varieties that existed in Trinidad during that period, as will be
described in the discussion of the evolution of the cacao populations of that
island, form the basis of the concept that has been used since then. Various
other authors, such as Cheesman (1944), have dealt with the subject and
evolved additional interpretations from their own experience or other sources
of information.
With regard to the characteristics that are applied to define the varieties
that belong to the Criollo group, it is commonly assumed its members have
elongate fruits with long acute or attenuate apices. Other characteristics
included in the definition are the rough and ridged surface, a thin or soft husk
and large seeds with white cotyledons (Bailey, 1947).
The principal characteristic of the varieties that may be attributed to the
concept of Criollo, which is common to all distribution zones and which
distinguishes them from the previously held notion of an Amazonian variety, is
the presence of anthocyanin pigment in the fruits. The factors that produce this
character have pleiotropic effects on the pigmentation of other organs of the
plants. The main effect associated with red fruits is the presence of pigment in
the leaf axils and pulvini, which is normally expressed in the leaves of
170 Chapter 5

developing flushes. It is to be expected that these factors also produce the

development of anthocyanin pigment in the flush leaves, but the expression of
flush leaf pigment is not exclusive to genotypes with red fruits. Some variations
in pigment of flower parts are associated with the presence of the fruit pigment
factors. However, the penetrance of the pigment factors may depend on other
genes carried by particular genotypes that result in variations in the intensity of
pigment and the homozygosity status of the loci concerned. Other factors
include the reaction of the genotypes to environmental conditions, such as the
intensity of light. The presence of the fruit pigment factor also has an influence
on the level of pigment in the cotyledons (an expression that is not usually
appreciated). This relationship will be explained in the section of Chapter 7 that
deals with the inheritance of these expressions. Additionally, the presence of the
allele responsible for the pigmentation in the fruits is exhibited as pigmentation
in the hypocotyls of the germinating seeds.
However, it is necessary to emphasize that, as demonstrated in the
discussion of the Amazonian Region populations, fruit pigmentation also occurs
in those populations, sometimes to a significant degree. Accordingly, the red
fruit phenotype is not exclusive to the Criollo populations but in the absence of
studies of the inheritance of the Amazonian phenotypes it would be premature
to suggest any relationship between the phenotypic appearances of the
varieties from the two Regions.
An understanding of the nature of the pigment expressions in the Circum-
Caribbean aboriginal varieties is important in recognizing their contribution to the
ancestry of many hybrid genotypes. On this basis it can be concluded that, apart
from other evidence, the ancestor of any genotype possessing red fruits would be
a red-fruited Criollo genotype even though it exhibits other traits that may be
completely different from any of the Criollo traits (for an example, see Fig. 36).
Research on the system of reproductive compatibility that operates in cacao
conducted during the second half of the 20th century revealed that the Criollo
genotypes used in breeding programmes possibly possessed a genetic
mechanism that differed from the Amazonian Region genotypes with which they
had been combined in hybridization. The research on this subject has lacked the
continuity of effort required in order to elucidate the genetic differences between
the two groups of diversity involved. Further details on the subject will be
provided in the discussion of the inheritance of the compatibility systems.
The other trait that appears to occur exclusively in varieties belonging to
the Criollo populations is that in which the plants do not form the normal whorl
of five plagiotropic branches (jorquette) from the terminal buds of the
orthotropic stems but, instead, a single plagiotropic branch. So far, this trait has
not been recorded in the Amazonian populations.
Flowers of many Criollo genotypes are often of large size. In these flowers
the appearance is that of laxity with the presence of long straps connecting the
petal hoods to the ligules. However, such characters are not universally
expressed and it is possible to encounter genotypes that undoubtedly
correspond to the Criollo group but that produce very small flowers.
One feature that previously was considered to be unique to some of the
Criollo populations is the formation of fruits with the arrangement of the ridges
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 171

in the fruit form known as ‘Pentagona’. However, as has been demonstrated,

this character also occurs in the Amazonian populations and can no longer be
considered a unique characteristic of the Criollo group. In fact, the character
does not occur uniformly in all of the Criollo populations, in which case it is not
specific to the group.
Other features that have in the past been considered as specific to the
Criollo populations include the soft husk of the fruits, large seed size and
unpigmented cotyledons. The large seed size is not universally encountered. It
is usually associated with genotypes having large fruits and low ovule or seed
numbers. In these cases the negative correlation between seed numbers and
seed weights applies. The high seed weights are not transmitted to the hybrid
progenies of such genotypes in the same way that the factors carried by
Amazonian varieties with seed weights of similar magnitude are transmitted to
their progenies. It has been shown in the discussion of the Amazonian Region
diversity that in certain populations genotypes can be encountered whose
phenotypes express all of these traits, either singly or in combination.
The subject of seed weights and seed numbers in the populations
belonging to the Criollo group involves the general occurrence of low ovule
numbers. These probably never exceed 50 and it seems likely, although no
reliable data have been obtained that will show the range of ovule numbers,
that some varieties have numbers inferior to 40. Low ovule numbers would set
serious limitations on the reproductive capacity of the genotypes concerned,
decreasing their aptitude for use for commercial purposes.
It is evident that a considerable degree of genetic variability occurs in the
archetypal varieties of the Circum-Caribbean Region when taken as a whole.
The variability expressed by genotypes that could be ascribed to these varieties,
or to their relatives with similar phenotypes, renders it inappropriate to consider
all of these varieties as being strictly related. Cheesman (1944) suggested that it
would be inappropriate to apply the term ‘variety’ to these populations and
suggested that the term ‘Criollo group’ would serve the purpose. He proceeded
to describe the characteristics of the types of the regional populations known to
him and made it abundantly clear that the diversity was so marked that no
definition of the group name would be satisfactory.
However, in spite of this evidence, Cuatrecasas (1964), in his monograph
of the genus Theobroma, presented a definition of the cacao types attributable
to the concept of Criollo. This definition, which has no botanical basis, is
unfortunate in the sense that some persons assume that only genotypes that
exhibit the traits so defined belong to the group. Unfortunately, as a result of
the unnecessary adherence to the narrow definition, given by Cuatrecasas,
which is based on fruit characters only, a tendency exists to disregard other
genotypes that are also members of the Criollo group but which do not exhibit
the characters covered by his definition.
In the following sections an attempt will be made to describe the history and
variety situation in each of the distribution zones. It is necessary to take into
consideration the paucity of reliable details concerning the prototype genetic
materials that formerly constituted the cultivated and sub-spontaneous populations
of the Region. This situation prevents the development of a comprehensive and
172 Chapter 5

accurate description of the situation in each zone. In addition, it should be

appreciated that much of the available information is derived from sources that
involve personal interpretations based on observations made in a limited range of
the populations belonging to a given distribution zone.
Further, much of the personal knowledge about the diversity of the Region
is based on material introduced into other countries where the genotypes have
been subjected to investigation of one kind or another. It can never be assumed
that these genotypes represent the true range of the diversity concerned. From
the author’s point of view the personal knowledge of the populations in their
native habitats is fragmentary or lacking, as is the case of the Mesoamerican
populations. Consequently, it not claimed that the following account is correct
or complete. It is intended to provide the best interpretation of the information
available, including the author’s own experience.

Distribution Zone A: Northern South America

The origins of the cacao populations that developed in the zone are unknown
and this lack of knowledge also applies to the location and area of dispersal of
the primary source of the germplasm that formed the basis of the plantations
that evolved. The species is not referred to in the reports of the earliest
European explorations of the shores of South America. If it did occur in the
zone at that time it would not have been identified as ‘cacao’ by the Spaniards
and others who arrived in the region without them having been acquainted
with the plant in Mesoamerica. Again, it is not known exactly when interest in
cultivation and the beginnings of the cacao trade with Europe began.
It may be supposed that the existence of cacao dates from well before the
arrival of the Europeans and, also, that the plant was used by the indigenous
inhabitants. Information culled from various documents concerning the early
history of cacao in the region is presented by Patiño (1963), who also
summarized the history of the expansion of cultivation in Venezuela. Ciferri and
Ciferri (1950) also described some of the history of cacao in the sub-Andean
region of Venezuela including its subsequent distribution. The position of the
sub-Andean area and the regions to which cultivation spread in the colonial era
are shown in the map in Fig. 33.
From these reports it can be concluded that the area of occurrence of the
prototype Criollo population during the pre-Columbian period would have
been located to the southwest of the Lake of Maracaibo. It is likely that its
original distribution may have been confined to the northern foothills of the
Venezuelan Andean range as far as the Sierra de los Motilones. It would appear
that it was in this area that the species was first exploited and that the planting
material for establishing the subsequent cultivated fields was derived from this
However, Hernández (1968) stated that the historical records suggested
that the Indians would have cultivated cacao in the river valleys on the
southern flanks of the Venezuelan Andes. If ancient indigenous cultivation had
existed in the area, it is likely that these trees provided the planting material
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity
Fig. 33. Map of the northern South American section of the Circum-Caribbean Region with the principal zones of occurrences of the primary
and cultivated populations.

174 Chapter 5

used for the plantations subsequently established during the colonial era. Fairly
large areas of cacao are known to exist on the foothills of the Cordillera
Oriental in the upper valley of the R. Sarare. Several historical references
relating to the occurrence of cacao along this river were cited by Patiño (1963).
The above area would be situated on the logical route by which cacao may
have migrated by land from the Amazonian Region along the eastern foothills
of the Andes. Hernández (1968) mentioned the possibility that the cacao
occurring in the Lake Maracaibo area could have been introduced from
Mesoamerica. Pittier (1934) had previously expressed the same opinion but
without citing the evidence to back his suggestion.
In the current work it is not the intention to debate the subject of the
origins of the cacao populations in the zone. The objective is to present the
details that will enable us to construct an idea of the genetic structure of the
primary population from an analysis of the characteristics of such remnants of
the original cultivated populations that can be identified as being descended
from it. The only aspect of the knowledge that can be gained from the
cultivated genotypes that would provide a concept of the primary population is
the fact that both red and green fruits occur. This indicates that the population
would have been genetically heterogeneous.
The first attempts to cultivate the plant would have taken place at short
distances from the localities in which the primary population was encountered.
On the basis of this conjecture the oldest plantations would be found around the
shores of the Lake of Maracaibo and in the valleys in the foothills of the
Venezuelan Andes. Several visitors to the region reported on the extent of the
plantations and the trade that was carried on. In their survey of the cacao
plantations in the zone Ciferri and Ciferri (1950) described the varieties observed
in some localities as well as indicating the principal areas of production. They
suggested that the missionaries would have been the most important promoters
of cultivation, as is repeated elsewhere in South America. Among other
observations they refer to localities in which the majority of the trees had green
fruits in contrast to the predominance of red fruits in other areas. From the other
details given in the report of the survey it would be concluded that, from the
genetic point of view, a certain amount of variability is to be found in the zone.
Some confusion is apparent in the report, caused by speculations as to the origins
of the types that differed from those that were usually encountered.
The cultivated fields that were first established would have been located in
isolated areas, such as narrow river valleys, in situations favourable for the
evolution of distinct varieties according to the origin and genetic composition of
seeds used in each case. These distinctions would have been the consequence
of the hypothetical heterogeneity in the primary population and the probability
that small samples of seed were involved, perhaps from a single tree or from
adjacent related trees. For example, a plantation established with seed from a
tree with green fruits would be likely to produce a population in which green
fruits might have predominated, especially if the population sampled mainly
consisted of trees with green fruits. On the other hand, if the sample had been
taken from a tree that was homozygous for red fruits the resulting population
would have consisted entirely of trees with red fruits. These examples are basic
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 175

to the understanding of the genetic composition of the Criollo varieties that

evolved throughout Venezuela and Colombia during the existence of the
Viceroyalty of Nueva Granada.
After the Ciferris’ survey of the sub-Andean region no further investigations
appear to have been carried out until the last quarter of the 20th century, when
a programme was undertaken with the objective of conserving samples of the
gene base of the surviving Criollo varieties. This programme is important in the
context of the areas in which the diversity was sampled, probably being in
proximity to the region where the primary diversity existed.
The results of the programme, based on the initial observations, were
summarized in Reyes et al. (1993). In this summary the varieties of the area are
designated as Criollo Andino. The sub-Andean region is probably the one
cacao-producing region in Venezuela that is least affected by contamination by
introduced genetic material (that is, until the arrival of recent introductions),
implying the continued existence of fields containing the original varieties. With
regard to the characteristics of these varieties the information contained in the
summary indicates that considerable differences occur involving almost all the
observable characters of the fruits of the trees that were sampled. It would
appear that the main criterion for considering a tree to belong to the Criollo
group was the occurrence of fruits entirely containing seeds with white or
slightly pigmented cotyledons. There is the rather frequent occurrence of fruits
with very narrow elongate shapes, the diameters of which were often less than
70 mm. Fruit surfaces varied from smooth with low ridges to rough with high
ridges. Significant variation was also recorded for the thickness of the husk. It
was alleged that trees with fruits with a ‘pentagonal’ shape had been
discovered but the corresponding illustrations given do not support this claim;
the fruits concerned appear to be distorted and not comparable with similar
types from Mesoamerica. However, since some of these genotypes are reported
as being called locally ‘four ridges’ it is possible that variations in fruit shape
and other characters do exist. Fruit colours ranged from light green to very
deep red. Several specimens were recorded as having a slight blush of
anthocyanin pigment on a light green base colour.
It could be assumed that the specimens collected belonged to the Criollo
group of varieties, as judged on the basis of fruit and seed attributes, but this
needs to be confirmed by observations on the progenies and by studies of their
inheritance. No details have been provided regarding the vegetative and floral
characteristics of the specimens that were collected, the number of these being
insignificant in terms of the size and importance of the cacao populations of the
It should be noted that, in addition to these specimens, some genotypes
from the area have been preserved in other countries. This has come about
through the introduction, from various growing areas of Venezuela, of seeds in
order to reproduce the varieties for which the country was famed under the
trade name of ‘Caracas’ on the basis of its quality. One such introduction was
established in the Dominican Republic from seed brought from the State of
Mérida at the beginning of the 20th century. The progenies have been
maintained intact and form a homogeneous variety entirely of trees with green
176 Chapter 5

fruits of the type in Plate 29c. These fruits have a relatively smooth surface and
appear to be self-compatible. The progenies descended from these trees are
also uniform in their characteristics. Similar varieties, whose origin is attributed
to seed obtained from the State of Mérida, occur in isolated plantings in Puerto
Rico. The fruits are green in colour with slightly rough surfaces and are also,
probably, self-compatible. Hence, these populations would represent the pure
form of Criollo present in the respective source locations.
To the north of the sub-Andean region and west of the Lake of Maracaibo
there is an area in which cacao is cultivated that is of special interest for two
reasons. First is that the cacao that is traded with the name of ‘Maracaibo’ has
been specially favoured for its quality. The second reason concerns the
occurrence of a ‘variety’ that is distinctive in its characteristics.
This variety may have been distributed throughout the plains between the
Andean foothills and the lake but it appears that the cacao of this area has
declined to such an extent that it has virtually disappeared. At the present time
the variety, as far as is known, is confined to the valleys of the Rivers Catatumbo
and Encontrados in a rather unique environmental situation. The lower reaches
of these rivers would have been marshy and subject to flooding so that special
measures were taken to ensure the continued existence of the plantations.
In Chapter 6 reference will be made, in the descriptions of the cultivated
populations of South America, to the area of cultivation that existed in the
upper reaches of the Catatumbo valley in which the particular variety may
have existed. For this reason and for simplicity it is proposed to apply the term
‘Catatumbo region’ for the distribution of the renowned variety on the western
shores of the Lake of Maracaibo. The relationship of the R. Catatumbo to the
Lake is shown in Fig. 33.
The variety of interest is distinguished by the fact that the fruits have a smooth
surface that is glossy when of a red colour. This appearance has led to the variety
or, perhaps more correctly, phenotype being given the name of ‘Porcelana’ (=
‘Porcelain’. It has been the practice to apply the term to any fruit that has a smooth
and glossy surface so that it is probably more accurate to use a designation such as
‘Catatumbo Porcelana’ to distinguish the particular variety). On account of the fact
that the fruit shape differs from that of the usual conception of Criollo the status of
the variety caused some confusion regarding its classification.
However, the author (Bartley, 1964a) recognized that the ‘Porcelana’ fruit
type was a phenotypic expression within the Criollo range. The variety
possesses a somewhat poor degree of adaptability and the plants develop
adequately only in optimal environmental conditions. It has become
particularly adapted to the special conditions that occur in the Catatumbo
region’s flood plain. Although a few specimens representing the type variety
exist in some germplasm collections no studies on the inheritance of their
characteristics have been conducted to provide a notion of its place within the
Criollo group. On account of the segregation that appears to occur in families
of progenies of the ‘Porcelana’ type it could be suggested that the phenotype
results from a particular combination of factors in the recessive state.
When the lower Catatumbo region was surveyed it was supposed that the
term ‘Porcelana’ had been associated with trees having green-coloured fruits.
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 177

However, it was found that, in certain properties, the populations mainly

comprised trees with red fruits. The estimated ratios of segregation implied that
the parent trees would have been heterozygous for the red colour. The green
fruits have a lighter green base colour on which a slight trace of anthocyanin
pigment is superimposed. It was found, as occurs with almost all varieties in the
Criollo group, that the green fruits contained seeds with cotyledons that were
uniformly unpigmented. Where red-coloured fruits were concerned a light pink
coloration was observed in some cotyledons, the proportions of these to white
cotyledons depending on the homozygous status of the individual trees. The
fruits of trees in the Catatumbo region are illustrated in Plate 28c and d. It may
be concluded that the term ‘Porcelana’ may be applied more appropriately to
the red fruits than to the green fruits.
Another character in which segregation was observed was in the branching
habit. Some trees had the normal whorl of five plagiotropic branches while
others exhibited the characteristic single plagiotropic branch system that occurs
in most varieties of the Criollo group.
To complete the account of the Catatumbo flood plain cacao population it
is necessary to emphasize that the ‘Porcelana’ type is not the only variety that
can be encountered. Trees were observed that had the rough elongate fruits
that perhaps belong to the sub-Andean types. It is also important to note that
trees of apparently greater age exist in nearby areas with large elongate green
fruits. These trees appear to have survived from a population that was more
generally distributed throughout the zone that encompasses the Lake of
Maracaibo drainage system and the Venezuelan Andes.
The Anglo-Colombian Cacao Collecting Expedition surveyed the area in
Colombia west of the border with Venezuela, which belongs to the upper valleys
of rivers comprising the Catatumbo region that is being considered, for the
purposes of this account, as a specific distribution region. In the area concerned
the only type found in the river valleys consisted of trees in what was probably a
sub-spontaneous state, with large elongate green-coloured fruits similar to those
seen in the area west of the Lake of Maracaibo. The expedition also encountered
a type in the forests on the range of hills that forms the border between the
countries, the fruit of which (illustrated in Baker et al., 1954) was dark red in
colour with a smooth surface. Such a tree could be related to the ‘Porcelana’ type
through migration downstream on one of the rivers of the region.
To the north of the Catatumbo region cacao cultivation was extended along
the foothills of the Sierra de Perijá. Although no details are available regarding
the present situation in the area in terms of the cacao population and diversity to
be found, the area has been demarcated as an area of high frequency of Criollo
genotypes. These plantations would have been established with seed from the
sub-Andean population and later abandoned. Specimens have been obtained
from trees in the forest but no descriptions of them are available.
To the southeast of the Venezuelan Andean range cacao was cultivated in
what is now the State of Barinas. The area around the towns of Barinas and
Pedraza was an important producer of cacao in the 17th century but declined
in more recent times. Plantations were established on the slopes of the range
and sub-spontaneous remnants of these can be encountered as attested by
178 Chapter 5

herbarium specimens collected in the area. All of these specimens appear to

have been collected from trees with green fruits but possessing other Criollo
characteristics. (For example, see L.J. Dorr, No. 7864, 1992, from the Estado
Barinas, Districto Pedraza, Trail from Mesa de Canagua to Pozo Negro, with
green fruits.) The seed for the plantations was most likely to have originated
from the population on the northern Andean slopes.
The region to the west of the Lake of Maracaibo in Colombia, especially that
along the Caribbean coast, is of considerable interest on account of the varieties
of cacao that are found there. The northern foothills of the Sierra Nevada de
Santa Marta, in an area approximately defined from Dibulla in the east to the
suburbs of the city of Santa Marta, are noted for the significant presence of cacao
that is a feature of the forest (Fig. 33). The first published description of the cacao
of the area resulted from a survey of the area carried out by Robert Thomson
(1894) and is noteworthy because of the details contained in the report. The
population is of special interest on account of its size, the area of distribution
covering several hundred square kilometres, perhaps larger than any contiguous
area of cacao that existed in the colonial period.
The most appropriate manner to describe that variety is to reproduce the
description given by Thomson (1894):
The matured cacao trees attain a height of from 35 to 45 feet, with slender trunks
devoid of branches to within a few feet of the top; and these trunks are as straight
as those of a palm tree. All the mazorcas (pods) with few exceptions are borne
among the sparsely foliaged branches at the summit…
Among the cacao trees there is no variation whatever in the general form and
size of the fruit. The predominating colour is yellow, though mazorcas of a reddish
hue are not uncommon. It is interesting to note that the seeds in section are
perfectly white. All are undoubtedly one true specific type.
The above report stimulated some interest in various quarters regarding
what was known as ‘Cacao Peñon’ (in the sense of ‘cacao of the hills’) but no
practical use of the variety seems to have been made as a result of Thomson’s
information, except for a few plantings in the area. Thomson (1894) reported
that small plantings existed at the time at about 1000 m altitude exposed to full
sunlight with the capacity to produce satisfactory yields. Such plants had a
different appearance to those encountered under dense forest shade. However,
notice must have been taken of Thomson’s report on this unique variety
because de Wildeman (1908) refers to cacao of a type called ‘Peñon’, which
was being imported into France at the beginning of the 20th century.
The same area was visited by the Anglo-Colombian Cacao Collecting
Expedition and the observations recorded confirm most of the details described
in the above report. A sample of the fruits seen is illustrated in Baker et al. (1954)
attesting to the divergence of the fruit type from the usual definition of Criollo.
Unfortunately, no living specimens of this unique variety were obtained to enable
its characteristics to be adequately known. The origin of a distinctive variety that
is essentially uniform in genetic terms and distributed in a specific area on a large
scale is a matter for considerable speculation. The questions regarding its origin
devolve upon the possibility of introduction by the former inhabitants of the
Sierra Nevada when they migrated from the south or during the colonization
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 179

period from an unknown source. The Lake Maracaibo region does not appear to
be the source of the seeds involved in the establishment of this area of cacao.
In the valleys of the western and southwestern slopes of the Sierra Nevada
cacao also occurs cultivated in isolated pockets. These occurrences are derived
from plantings made during the last two decades of the 19th century and
during a later phase. They seem to belong to a variety whose genetic
constitution similarly appears to be homogeneous but distinct from that along
the northern foothills. The variety is composed of trees with red- and green-
coloured fruits that are small in size with a very narrow elongate shape. The
fruit surface is very rough. It was stated that the seeds used in the more recent
plantings were introduced from the area of Don Diego on the west of the Sierra
Nevada coast. If this information is correct it would appear that the cacao of
the northern foothills is composed of two distinct varieties belonging to the
Criollo group. Some plantations of cacao are known to have existed at the
western end of the northern foothills during the beginning of the 19th century.
These would have derived either from introduced types or the more ancient
population along the coast.
From its beginnings in the sub-Andean region of western Venezuela cacao
was transported east and northwards to form the basis for cultivated areas that
extended as far east as the area around Cumaná and Carúpano (the Pária
Peninsula) including the area of Nueva Barcelona as described by Humboldt
(1821). The town of San Felipe was the centre of an important production
area, mostly carried out by the missions according to historical accounts.
However, nothing is known about the varieties cultivated during the period
prior to the introduction of new germplasm.
The most important areas that developed during this expansion period
were the valleys along the Caribbean coast that lie, mainly, in the State of
Aragua and the Districto Federal. The most important valleys mentioned are
shown in Fig. 33. Considerable attention was paid to these valleys, perhaps on
account of the proximity to Caracas, which made them popular among visitors
from abroad. The impression has been given that the production of these
valleys constituted the product commercialized under the name of ‘Caracas’
but, in fact, cacao from all regions including the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
massif was exported under this title.
On account of the familiarity with the valleys near Caracas some details
about the constitution of the cacao populations are available through accounts
of visitors and samples obtained from them. In addition, the fame of these
plantations resulted in the exportation of genetic material to several producing
countries in the Americas and in the Old World. As a result the cacao varieties
of the valleys are better known than those cultivated elsewhere in Venezuela.
Since the valleys along the coast would have been isolated from each other
populations may have developed in the individual valleys with their own
attributes as a result of natural and artificial selection.
The valley of Ocumare de la Costa, which is the most westerly of the
important valleys, was, probably on account of the ease of access and its port,
the area best known to visitors. The first of these visits was made in 1853
(Lisboa, 1866). This author visited the Hacienda Santa Rosa and stated that
180 Chapter 5

two varieties were cultivated, one of them named ‘Colorado’ was said to be
native to the country and would have been a member of the Criollo group with
red fruits. It is interesting to note that the author called the other variety Preta
(= black), which would have been his translation of Criollo since this word, in
the respective forms, is generically applied in the Caribbean and Brazil to
persons of African origin. The characteristics of this variety are not described
but it was stated that it had been introduced from Trinidad. This account is
intriguing in that it suggests, if the author reported the information correctly,
that the title Criollo was not applied to the Venezuelan varieties at that time.
One of the more reliable descriptions of Criollo cacao in the coastal
valleys, prior to large-scale contamination (this was already taking place as the
above report indicated) by foreign germplasm, was given by Preuss (1901).
This account requires some editing and interpretation owing to repetitive
statements and the fact that his observations would have been influenced by
the information acquired in the countries he had visited previously. The
descriptions given of the varieties in the coastal valleys of the State of Aragua
refer to the places Preuss visited, and may not be entirely accurate regarding all
the situations in the region at the time. Preuss would have stayed in the
Ocumare area as his book contains a photograph of the hacienda in this valley
that belonged to a Señor Fonseca.
In his description Preuss stated that three varieties were recognized on the
basis of the fruit surface colour. These were: ‘Cacao Legítimo’ with dark red
fruits; ‘Cacao Amarillo’ with yellow (green when immature) fruits; and ‘Cacao
Mestizo’. The last type would have had fruits of a green base colour with traces
of red pigment. Their hybrid nature is indicated by the name and such trees
were probably second-generation progenies where the anthocyanin pigment
was diluted and expressed by factors of low penetrance. The red-fruited trees
constituted 99% of the populations seen. The extremely low presence of green-
based fruits may be ascribed to later introductions to the area. These trees
would have been authentic members of the Criollo group as they had purely
white cotyledons, indicating that such trees would have been self-compatible.
From the statements made with regard to the seed characters it could be
inferred that the cotyledons of the genotypes with red fruits had a noticeable
degree of purple pigment. The shape of the seeds was described as having an
elliptic and almost round cross-section. The Criollo trees were distinguished by
their apparent vigour or height but having sparse and open canopies and small
leaves. The fruits were described as being of intermediate size, with deep
furrows, an asymmetrical shape and a thin husk. Preuss’ impression was that
the base of the fruit was broad without constriction. The acute apex of the fruit
was slightly curved so that it pointed towards the trunk.
Later Stahel visited Ocumare in 1923 and wrote an account of his visit to a
hacienda named ‘Guayabita’ (Stahel, 1924). Here, about 50% of the population
consisted of ‘pure (Legítimo) Criollo’ trees, derived from seed brought from the
Chuao valley.
Although Preuss’ description gave the impression that the ‘Cacao Legítimo’
was very uniform as regards the phenotypic characteristics, there is little doubt
that significant variability existed within the cacao population in the area
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 181

considered as a whole. The author visited the Chuao valley in 1961. The valley
was considered to have been the least affected by introduced germplasm and
the fact that the population was composed mainly of genotypes belonging to
the Criollo group was confirmed. Also, it was evident that red-fruited types
predominated, as was the case previously in Ocumare, the estimated
proportion being 75%, most of the trees with green fruits being descended from
foreign varieties. Plate 29a shows a field of progenies of genuine Criollo trees
from the Chuao valley. Nearly all of the trees in this sample of the germplasm
in the valley had red fruits but their shapes varied considerably, some having
essentially smooth surfaces. There was a significant proportion of trees with the
single plagiotropic branch character but even in these genotypes the trees
attained heights taller than those of other varieties of comparable age.
One of the local varieties that had been picked out as possessing ‘repute’
was one from the Ocumare valley, described as belonging to ‘the celebrated
Ocumare estate’, although which one of those named above is a matter for
conjecture. However, it may be assumed from the account of Stahel’s (1924)
visit to the valley that this estate may have been the Santa Rosa, which he also
visited. The variety concerned was first established in Trinidad at the beginning
of the 20th century. From these plants seeds that were reputed to represent this
type were sent to other countries, including the former West African colonies,
where plants were established under the name of ‘Ocumare’.
If the variety introduced into West Africa came from either of the farms
mentioned above, from what is known about the fruit type, the progeny would
have been fairly uniform having a red fruit with a broad and short shape. The
fruit shape and general characteristics of the drawing of Venezuela-Criollo in
Preuss (1901) resembled those of the ‘Ocumare variety’. While the reports
quoted above indicated that fairly large-sized seeds would have been the norm,
those of the progeny seem to have been rather smaller in size. Since the seeds
would have been produced in naturally pollinated fruits, in what perhaps had
been a mixed population, it is possible that they were hybrids. However, the
resulting progenies turned out to be poorly adapted to the new environments.
The only extant illustration of cacao from the Carúpano area, dating from
the last half of the 18th century, shows a fruit of a light red colour, ovoid in
shape, with a pronounced apex and a rough surface, but no accompanying
information concerning its location is known.

Distribution Zone B: the Pacific Coast of Mesoamerica

The treatment of the complex of populations that are found in this zone cannot
be accurate and will be at best sketchy in view of the author’s lack of personal
knowledge of the situation in the field, which prevents him from analysing the
populations competently. In addition, a considerable problem has to be faced
in this respect by the absence of reliable descriptions of the varieties cultivated
during the historical period and of authentic specimens and illustrations of the
archetypal varieties that existed prior to the introduction of genotypes from
other origins.
182 Chapter 5

The principal areas of pre-Columbian cultivation, which belong in this

distribution zone, extend from a northern limit on the R. Tonalá in the State of
Chiapas, Mexico, to a southern limit located to the south of Lake Nicaragua.
These areas are actually confined to a narrow strip along the western foothills of
the Sierra Madre and the Central Cordillera. Formerly, as was specially the case in
Guatemala, cultivation was practised in a few areas further inland, such as around
Lake Atitlán, but it is likely that these have declined to insignificant importance.
These areas of cultivation do not by any means constitute a homogeneous region
since cultivation was practised in isolated valleys and sites where conditions were
suitable for the crop and the needs of the human inhabitants. The locations of the
cultivated areas in the zone can be seen in Fig. 34.
Other areas of minor importance occur along the Pacific coast to the
northwest of the limit of the main area of cultivation. One of these is at the
Isthmus of Tehuantepec, where it seems that cacao is grown on a communal
basis by the indigenous inhabitants. There was also a sizeable area of
cultivation further west in the vicinity of Omotepec (Tecuanapa) on the border
of the States of Guerrero and Oaxaca.
The most northerly section of the main Pacific coast distribution region is
that of the Province of Soconusco. This section was the most reputed producer
of cacao in the pre-colonization period and was the main supplier to the Aztec
kingdom, a situation that continued for some time after the arrival of the
Europeans. For various reasons the area declined in importance although the
name ‘Soconusco’ remained as the standard for a superior quality product.
During the centuries of Spanish occupation Soconusco was a Province of the
Kingdom of Guatemala, being occupied by Mexico after independence. For
this reason it is inappropriate to consider the region, from the point of view of
the constitution of the cacao population, as being Mexican but as an integral
part of the cacao population of northwest Guatemala.
The paucity of information regarding the characteristics of the cacao varieties
that were present in the region during pre-conquest times or about developments
during the colonial period, does not provide any basis for analysing the diversity
existing in pre-Columbian times. The first known description of cacao in
Soconusco derives from observations made during Friar Alonso Ponce’s journey
through Mexico and Central America in about 1586 (Anon, 1966). The tree and
its product were described in comparison with trees known to the Spaniards. The
account mentioned two varieties based on the existence of trees with fruits that
were longish and others being round with pointed ends. This suggests that some
variation in fruit shape existed in a range from elongate to short and broad. The
seed number in average-sized fruits was 28–30.
In his treatment of the Criollo group varieties Cheesman (1944) gave the
impression that the predominant fruit colour in the population he saw in
Soconusco (as part of the State of Chiapas, Mexico) was green, this for all
purposes being a very light shade of green. The only specimens from the area
comprise several selections made on a farm at the southeastern end of
Soconusco, the cacao population of which appears to have consisted of trees
from a single origin. The genotypes concerned exhibit little variability although
segregating for fruit colour, and some of them are so alike that it is difficult to
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity
Fig. 34. The Mesoamerican section of the Circum-Caribbean Region showing some of the major areas of pre-

Columbian and present-day cultivation.
184 Chapter 5

distinguish between them on the basis of their phenotypes. It is suggested,

perhaps because of the occurrence of seeds with pigmented cotyledons, that this
population originated from hybridization. However, progenies obtained by
inbreeding from some of these genotypes do not segregate for any known non-
Criollo genotypes. In fact the progenies of seeds with white cotyledons possess
all of the characteristics conforming to the current definition of the Criollo group.
In addition, trees having fruits of the ‘Pentagonum’ type, which similarly
exhibit all of the characteristics of Criollo genotypes, were encountered in the
same area. Fruits of one of these genotypes are shown in Plate 28b. The
genotype is homozygous for anthocyanin pigmentation (the fruits illustrated
appear to be green – resulting from exposure to low light intensities) as well as
for slightly pink cotyledons. It also has the single plagiotropic branch gene.
Production of the aboriginal varieties in the principal zones of Guatemala
(such as Suchitepequez, Mazatenango and Escuintla) has virtually disappeared
owing to several factors, including the introduction of hardier varieties of cacao.
As stated above these zones could be treated as extensions of the Soconusco
Province and the cacao diversity would be the same. The existence of variability
in fruit forms within these populations (at the stage when the introduced varieties
would not have become generally established) was noted by Bernoulli (1869),
who described three fruit forms to which he gave species status. The fruit form
considered to be typical of the Criollo was identified as Theobroma cacao. A type
with fruits having smooth surfaces was denominated Theobroma leiocarpa and
the third form with ‘pentagonal’ shaped fruits was called Theobroma pentagona.
As noted in Chapter 2 the term leiocarpa (-um) has caused some confusion
among names attributed to cacao varieties but there is no doubt from the
drawing in Bernoulli’s paper that the type also belongs to the Criollo group.
Preuss (1901) also described the cacao situation in Guatemala as it would
have been at the time of his visit and found a significant degree of variability in the
composition of the populations that he saw. The descriptions do not show clearly
the extent of the influence of the germplasm that had been introduced from
Ecuador some 40 years previously. One of the varieties seen was said to have
possessed fruits with smooth surfaces without ridges – similar to the ‘Calabacillo’ of
Trinidad. Since Preuss wrote that all of the types seen had white cotyledons, this
variety probably was the same as Bernoulli’s ‘leiocarpa’. At the other end of the
range of shapes were fruits that were very elongate with acute apices and very
rough surfaces – corresponding to Bernoulli’s illustration of T. cacao. On the basis
of Preuss’ statement that all of the types he saw had seeds with white cotyledons it
could be concluded that they belonged to the Criollo group. Among the variety
names used the term ‘Lagarto’ occurs. The term was picked up during his stay in
Nicaragua, prior to visiting El Salvador and Guatemala. The term will be
explained when the Nicaraguan varieties are described.
Even by the 1930s it was reported that the occurrence of trees identifiable
as belonging the Criollo group on the western slopes of Guatemala was rare. A
programme of selection in Guatemalan cacao farms was carried out in the
1940s. Of these selections known to the author only one genotype represents
the aboriginal varieties. This genotype has a green fruit with a broad shape and
is self-compatible. Progenies of this genotype, obtained by self-fertilization,
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 185

segregate for all the characteristics that are found in the group, including the
single plagiotropic branch habit and pentagonal-shaped fruits. Most of these
progenies produced fruits of green colour that have shapes identical to the fruit
of T. leiocarpa, illustrated in Bernoulli (1869), as well as the smooth surface.
The next country in the sequence of cacao producers is El Salvador. This
country was also part of the Kingdom of Guatemala prior to independence and
it could be assumed that there is a common thread among them in terms of the
germplasm that was traditionally cultivated. This supposition cannot be
confirmed, however, since no information exists regarding the varieties in that
country. There were two main areas involved, Izalco and Sonsonate in the
north and San Miguel in the south. Cultivation extended to other areas in the
interior of the country. Several of the older areas were destroyed by volcanic
eruptions and vestiges of cacao material on these sites have been revealed by
archaeological investigations. The report of the journey by Friar Alonso Ponce
in 1586 (Anon, 1966) described the production in the area of fruits of
Crescentia cujete that were exported to Mexico to make the cups used by the
Mexicans to drink the cacao beverage. In this report it was stated that they
resembled the fruits of cacao. Since the C. cujete fruits tend to be round in
shape with very smooth surfaces the description may be interpreted as
suggesting that cacao varieties were present with the same characteristics.
On the other hand, Preuss (1901) had the opportunity of seeing cacao in El
Salvador, including the Sonsonate region. On one property visited in the
highlands the population comprised trees with red and green fruits that had very
rough surfaces. In his description of another property located west of Sonsonate,
he referred to the presence of a variety having fruits of the ‘Lagarto’ type and
another similar to Criollo. The reason for the distinction was unexplained but it
is probable that the fruits of the former type had very rough surfaces. Both red-
and green-coloured fruits were present. The Salvadorean cacao had the
characteristic of possessing seeds that were of small size but plump and rounded
in shape. Preuss also noted the association between fruit surface colour and the
presence or absence of pigment in the cotyledons. The preceding descriptions
indicated that the composition of the populations seen would have been similar
to those encountered in other zones of the distribution region.
Just further south of the San Miguel cacao area of El Salvador is the
coastal region of Nicaragua situated to the west of Lake Nicaragua. Oviedo y
Valdez spent some time in this area and he was the first person during the post-
conquest period to give a comprehensive description of cacao, its cultivation
and uses (Oviedo y Valdez, 1855). In this account he states that the
Chorotegas, the original inhabitants of the region, did not cultivate cacao. The
Nahuatl-speaking Nicarao tribe were the only cultivators of cacao. Therefore, it
could be concluded that this tribe had migrated to the region from an origin
related to the Mexicans and would have brought the planting material with
them, probably in the form of fruits from which the seeds were extracted for
planting. The system of cultivation and the uses would likewise have been
introduced with them. The variety described by Oviedo y Valdez would have
derived from the diversity that existed in the sub-region, unless it was
introduced from the Caribbean coastal region.
186 Chapter 5

Oviedo y Valdez (1855) states that the names given to the fruits were
‘coco’ or ‘cacao’ or ‘cacaguat’, information of possible use in identifying the
origin of the tribe. Presuming that the planting material employed derived from
a few fruits (or even a single fruit) from a given plantation it would be expected
that the progenies, from which fairly large areas of cultivation were developed,
would have comprised a single type with a narrow genetic base. In Oviedo y
Valdez’s account (author’s interpretation of the Spanish used) the colour of the
fruits was described as green, partially tinted with red. The fruit size was given
as a hand’s breadth in length and the diameter that of a man’s wrist – in the
largest fruits. There are four rows of seeds numbering about 20–30. A sketch of
a cacao plantation is appended to the volume concerned, this being referred to
in the text. It can be concluded that, if the sketch was made at the time the
work was written, it would be the oldest historical illustration known of the
From the above description it may be inferred that the fruit characteristics
of the variety were uniform, the shape being narrow elongate. From the details
regarding the fruit colour it appears that the original fruit(s) was/were
heterozygous for the colour combination.
Although several persons who had spent time in Nicaragua refer to cacao
in their writings, the first observer who could be considered to have had the
ability to provide a competent assessment of the cacao varieties was J.H. Hart,
who worked in Trinidad at the time. Hart (1893) reported on the visit he paid
to Nicaragua in 1893. He noted that, at the time of the visit, the cacao
population was very heterogeneous with fruit types occurring that were similar
to those of the complex that occurred in Trinidad. However, it appeared that,
regardless of the external fruit characters, the seeds were larger and ‘fuller’ than
those in the Trinidad population. The cotyledons were all white or slightly
tinged with a purple colour. This range of expression was associated with the
colour of the fruits.
The fruit type that caught Hart’s fancy was the one that was not present in
Trinidad, namely, the one called ‘Alligator’. The specific characteristics that
differentiate this fruit type from the others were described in detail, as follows:
The Alligator cacao has, however, only five ribs, and instead of these being the
prominences between the indented lines they are actually that portion which carries
the indented line itself raised and formed into a prominent rib, at the same time
showing the indented line down the full length of each rib.
Hart’s (1893) report, therefore, indicated that although the individual trees
that comprised the populations he observed were heterogeneous in terms of
external fruit characters, they were all related to the general concept of Criollo
through the possession of the genes responsible for the presence of
unpigmented cotyledons.
Hart took samples with him to Trinidad, as seedling plants (presumably
from seeds with white or slightly pigmented cotyledons) of the ‘native’
Nicaraguan varieties that he itemized as:
Best Nicaraguan variety ‘Nicaraguan Creole’ – 150 plants.
‘Alligator variety’ – 75 plants.
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 187

The plants from these samples that were established in Trinidad, and their
descendants, constitute much of the present knowledge about the Nicaraguan
population as it existed at the end of the 19th century. Before discussing these
samples further it is necessary to emphasize that other varieties had been
introduced into Nicaragua from Trinidad prior to 1893, and that the
introductions’ performance was superior to that of the ‘native’ varieties. The
importance of the presence of the introduced varieties concerns the possibility
that some of the plants, of which the samples were made, since they resulted
from natural fertilization, had been contaminated by foreign pollen.
The observations of Hart were augmented by those of Preuss (1901),
whose account of his visit to Nicaragua helps us to place the cacao of the
country in relation to the regional diversity. It is obvious from Preuss’ report
that conditions in the area were marginally favourable for satisfactory cacao
cultivation and the total population at the time was relatively insignificant. He
added that several varieties were cultivated, of which two could be considered
to have been indigenous. The main variety was called ‘Cacao del Pais’, which
would be the equivalent of Hart’s ‘Nicaraguan Creole’ belonging to the Criollo
group and including the type named ‘Lagarto’. The ‘Lagarto’ is synonymous
with the ‘Alligator’ described above and both names derive from the knobby
appearance of the fruit surface. In some cases this phenotype is associated with
the ‘Pentagonum’ fruit type but Preuss mentions that ‘Lagarto’ was also applied
to fruits with similar surface protuberances other than those with the
‘Pentagonum’ fruit shape. There is no doubt that this type is merely a variant of
the traditional Criollo variety.
The trees of the ‘Cacao del Pais’ had small leaves and canopies with sparse
foliage. They produced fruits having both red and green colours, with the
cotyledons of the red fruits being pigmented and those of the green fruits
unpigmented. The husks of the fruits were very thin. Preuss found that, in
many respects, the Nicaraguan variety was similar to those seen in Venezuela
except for a more attenuate apex to the fruits and seeds of considerably larger
size, as well as being larger than the seeds of other varieties known to him. The
Criollo variety was less productive and less adapted to the conditions than the
introduced varieties.
Preuss went on to describe the population cultivated on a small property
near Matagalpa, where he observed a significant degree of variability in the
fruit characters. These phenotypes ranged from a small fruit with a smooth
surface of a green colour with an acute apex to various kinds of elongate fruits
of red and green colour and rough surfaces. However, all types had large seeds
with white or light purple cotyledons and thin fruit husks. If this population
derived from the ‘Cacao del Pais’ the variability would indicate that the trees of
the variety of this name would have been, at least in part, heterozygous. The
fruit with the smooth surface may have corresponded to Bernoulli’s leiocarpa
fruit as illustrated in his paper. A Guatemalan population similar to the one in
which Bernoulli found the variants he described is a possible source of the
diversity observed at this location. Or, to extend the argument further, the same
type having round fruits and smooth surfaces with pointed apices described as
occurring in Soconusco was distributed throughout the region.
188 Chapter 5

Once Hart’s sample of plants had established the novelty of the ‘Alligator’
type and the expectation that, being an authentic member of the Criollo group,
its cultivation would improve the quality of the Trinidad cacao population,
considerable efforts were made to disseminate the variety in the island. These
efforts were not restricted to Trinidad and seed from the descendants was
exported to several countries in the Caribbean and the emerging Old World
producers. The fact that the progenies of the plants established from the
introduced sample exhibited the same characteristics as the parents
demonstrated that the type was essentially homozygous for the characters that
produced the ‘Alligator’ phenotype. Since it is obvious that the plants that
comprised the introduced sample had fruits of green colour all known
progenies possess this trait.
The plantings formed from the first descendants of the ‘Alligator’ sample
performed erratically under Trinidad conditions and few appear to have
succeeded. Certainly no pure stands are recorded as existing 30 years later.
Since all of these plantings had green fruits the inference was that the
Nicaraguan population was composed entirely of green-fruited trees. However,
Hart had mentioned in later publications that the ‘Nicaraguan Creole’
contained plants with red fruits. Presumably seed from such of the trees of this
sample that had been established were also distributed. However, in the
absence of details concerning the sites of these plantings it is difficult to
distinguish such individuals from those that would be related to the varieties
that originated in Venezuela and their descendants.
When the first programme of selection of individual trees in the
populations of Trinidad and Tobago was carried out one of the criteria was the
seed size. The progenies of the Nicaraguan introductions involving two or more
generations from the parents, which comprised the original sample, possessed
seeds that were significantly larger than those of the other components of the
base germplasm. As a consequence of the preference for the large seeds the
Nicaraguan genotypes make up a considerable proportion of the first series of
selections. Subsequently, other genotypes were chosen within these lines and
added to the resulting assemblage of selections.
Most of the selections that are descendants of the Nicaraguan varieties
were chosen on the basis of vigour as well as their seed size, and they would
have been the genotypes that were better adapted to the conditions prevailing
in Trinidad. Several of the selections were outstanding in terms of production
and, consequently, received a great deal of attention both for purposes of
cultivation and use in the breeding programme and they continue to be
important components of many germplasm collections. These selected clones,
on the whole, although all have fruits of a green colour, segregate for white and
purple cotyledons of a range of intensity. For this reason it has been suspected
that these clones are of hybrid descent. However, all of the clones in this
category are self-incompatible and possess the genetic mechanism for the trait
associated with the Criollo group. The descendants of inbreeding or
hybridization with self-compatible genotypes derived from the Nicaraguan
introductions, segregate for the ‘Pentagonum’ fruit type and the single-branch
habit. They also exhibit the deterioration, as they get older, of the vegetative
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 189

parts of the trees that is a feature of the genotypes belonging to the Criollo
The selections made in Trinidad include one clone (‘ICS 38’) with the
typical ‘Pentagonum’ fruit type but, in contrast to the narrower fruits of other
genotypes, those of this clone are broad and shorter in shape and the
‘knobby’ surface is more pronounced. Another clone of the same origin that
has been subjected to study and evaluation is ‘ICS 45’. This genotype is
more typical of the Nicaraguan population as described and is self-
compatible. The inbred progeny segregate for a variety of fruit shapes and
characters ranging from elongate fruits with smooth surfaces to the
‘Pentagonum’ type. All of the progenies have seeds with white cotyledons.
Most genotypes of Nicaraguan Criollo descent have fruits with a darker green
surface colour than is the case with the populations in the northern zones of
the distribution region.
The situation in Costa Rica differs from that in the other countries in this
distribution zone on account of its small size and essentially narrow shape.
Here, except for the plains in the north of the country, conditions for growing
cacao are limited to narrow strips inland from the shores of the Caribbean Sea
and the Pacific Ocean. For this reason it is convenient to consider the two
growing zones together.
Oviedo y Valdez (1855) does not mention the occurrence of cacao in
western Costa Rica and references to the species in documents from the
colonial era are very ambiguous about the subject. It may be assumed that
cacao was not present in pre-Columbian times except along the rivers that
drain into the south of Lake Nicaragua and perhaps in the district of Talamanca
in the southeast of the country where Criollo varieties are still found. The
question whether cacao was native to Costa Rica was discussed by Pittier
(1902b) but he did not arrive at any definite conclusion.
Pittier (1902a) described the Criollo varieties grown at that time and
indicated that trees with red fruits were most common. He mentioned an
unusual type that was called ‘La Palma’, the name presumably being given on
account of the possession of the single plagiotropic branch habit. The
description of the fruits agrees in every detail with that of the Costa Rican
‘Pentagonum’ type in Plate 28a.

Distribution Zone C: the Eastern Sector of Mesoamerica

Similar to the situation that applies to the Pacific coastal areas the absence of
reliable information about the varieties that are encountered in the zone
hinders the ability to arrive at an analysis of the aboriginal cacao populations in
this zone. Whatever information is available in published records does not
provide the detailed characterization or observations that are required to make
a satisfactory and complete analysis of the populations concerned.
For the purposes of this account the cacao populations that existed in the
Eastern Sector in the pre-Columbian era in Mesoamerica are considered to
have been distributed in the plains between the eastern foothills of the Sierra
190 Chapter 5

Madre and the Caribbean Sea. The northern limit of cultivation could, perhaps,
be situated near the Tascalan capital of Cempoala (certainly in the State of
Veracruz) and the southern limit the region around Lake Izabal. Cempoala is
included since it is the place where the use of cacao is first mentioned in Díaz
del Castillo’s (1908) history of the conquest of Mexico by Cortés, but it is likely
that the seeds used by the Tascalans were imported.
Cacao cultivation in the Lake Izabal region was described in some detail by
Cortés in his fifth letter to the King of Spain, the text of which is appended to
Díaz del Castillo (1908). This region is located in Guatemala near the border
with Honduras and the entire region also embraces the neighbouring areas of
the latter country, such as the valley of the R. Chamelecon. Although the Lake
Izabal region appeared to have been important during the 16th century cacao
disappeared in time and was substituted by sugarcane following the invasions
by pirates.
In addition to these main areas, cacao was cultivated to some degree in
other areas. The coastal region of the Caribbean, in what is now Belize, and
which, in some way, is a continuation of the Lake Izabal region also has
remnants of the cacao plantations established by the Mayas. In the same letter
(in Díaz del Castillo, 1908) Cortés also recorded that during his march to
Guatemala he visited some cacao farms in the area of what is now southern
The first notice of cacao in the region, as reported by Oviedo y Valdez
(1855), is contained in the account of the voyage made in 1510 by Alonso
Pinzón along the Caribbean coast of Yucatán to Guatemala. Alonso Pinzón
described the production of cacao in the Chetumal region of southeastern
Yucatán. The region concerned is most likely to have included the valleys of
the rivers New and Hondo, the latter forming the border between Mexico and
Belize. Although the Chetumal region was noted as a major producer of cacao
in the Maya era it has not been possible to obtain information concerning the
present day situation.
Alonso Pinzón was unable to land on the coast south of Chetumal.
Otherwise he would probably have encountered the continuation of cultivation
in the valleys to the south. Among these, in the sequence, is that of the R.
Sibún, where specimens have been collected dating from the 19th century. In
the same sequence would follow the valley of the R. Toledo, which is one of the
rivers draining the Maya Mountains in the hinterland of Belize. Through
historical records and studies by archaeologists a few of the sites where cacao
occurred are known. Some of the reports from more recent times refer to cacao
trees lost in the forests. These would be remnants of the original cultivated
varieties around which the forest would have regenerated. During the past
centuries the cacao trees may have been exploited by the inhabitants who
occupied the territory during intermittent periods.
From the scanty information available from previous reports on the Belize
cacao and more recent collecting activities it can be concluded that the
populations at such sites were composed of genotypes that could be attributed
to the Criollo group in the broad sense of the term. However, it is evident that
a certain degree of variability occurs in the sub-spontaneous populations of the
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 191

region taken together, but it is not possible at this stage to describe distinctions
among local populations. Fruit colours include both red and green. Most fruits
seen in illustrations are elongate in shape but variability occurs with regard to
their diameters and to the shape of the basal half.
A brief description of a sample from ‘indigenous’ cacao in Belize (British
Honduras) given by Hart (1910) sums up the characteristics of this cacao
population as it applies to the material collected in recent years. In his
description Hart wrote that the trees grew in the forest and were very prolific.
The fruits were light green in colour but some had a pinkish surface. They had
a length of 5 inches and a diameter of 3 inches. The seeds had light purple
One of the first persons to give some idea of the cacao populations in the
south of Belize was Gillett (1949), who made some useful comparisons with
other cacao types. He described trees with fruits that, although elongate, had a
more obtuse apex than that considered to be generally characteristic of the
Criollo group varieties. Some fruits were of very large size and narrow
elongate in shape. Husk thickness seemed to vary considerably between the
varieties that were seen at various sites, some of the fruits having very thick
husks. He also came across trees with unusual vegetative features. Gillett
(1949) stated that the varieties seen appeared to be similar to some of the
types he observed in Grenada. In Chapter 6 the Criollo element of the cacao
population of that island will be described as probably originating from
Additional information about the constitution of the cacao population is
derived from a few herbarium specimens, some of which were collected in the
19th century and presumably prior to any introductions. One of these sources
refers to cacao trees growing in apparently virgin forest which had red fruits
with a smooth surface (cf. G.R. Proctor, No. 36134, 1976, Belize, Toledo
District, Columbia Forest Reserve). However, the specimen examined possesses
other characteristics on the basis of which it appears to belong to the Criollo
group. The specimens resulting from recent conservation activities have not
been characterized to a sufficient degree to provide a satisfactory basis for
analysis of the diversity.
With the decline in importance of the cacao populations that were
cultivated at the time of the conquest along the Caribbean coast and its
hinterland, the major area of the occurrence of cacao lies further north,
principally in the Mexican State of Tabasco and the zones contiguous to it. For
the purposes of dealing with the cacao populations it is convenient to consider
their area of distribution as a single ecological zone with the title of the ‘Tabasco
region’ or Gulf of Mexico hinterland. The area covered by these names is
shown in Fig. 34. In pre-Columbian times, when cultivation was practised by
the Mayas, the crop would have been planted throughout the region without
the political divisions that exist today.
For the purposes of defining the distribution of cacao cultivation the
ecological zone would cover the lower stretches of the R. Grijalva and inland
from the coast and the entire drainage system of the R. Usumacinta. Therefore,
the distribution area goes beyond the borders of Mexico and includes parts of
192 Chapter 5

Guatemala, especially the Departments of Alto Verapaz and the Petén. In view
of the possibility that some cultivation of cacao may have been carried out in
the Yucatán Peninsula in ancient times, especially prior to the great drought
that is considered to have affected the area around AD 700, the vestiges of the
original populations should be included.
Coe and Coe (1996) proposed that the Olmecs were the first people to
prepare the drink made with cacao beans, known as chocolate. If this
conclusion is correct, there are two possibilities to explain the presence of cacao
in the region during the Olmec period: either the species was present when the
Olmecs began to occupy the hinterland of Tabasco and Veracruz; or they
introduced it to the region. Cultivation of the species by the succeeding Maya
tribes would have continued through the centuries until the area was colonized
and later by their successors. Such cultivations must have been established
throughout the Usumacinta drainage system to supply the numerous
ceremonial centres that are to be found in it.
In accordance with what is known about the agricultural systems
traditionally practised cacao plantings would have been confined to the ponds,
or ‘aguadas’, scattered throughout the lower reaches of the valleys and also in
the ‘cenotes’ or subterranean water holes found to the north in Yucatán. The
report of the visit to Soconusco made in 1586 (Anon, 1966) also refers to the
small, scattered cacao farms in the lower Yucatán and hints that in comparison
with the Soconusco area production was low. Unfortunately, at this time it has
not been possible to consult the part of the report that deals exclusively with
the Yucatán and Tabasco region.
In terms of the distribution of variability in the population the possible
consequences of this system of cultivation may have been the creation of
isolated pockets of variability derived from small quantities of planting material,
and maintained over several generations. This is in keeping with Martínez’
(1912) statement that the cacao cultivation in the region, up to the stage when
expansion of cultivation was promoted, was carried out in properties with small
numbers of trees, the maximum perhaps being 1000 trees. The seeds utilized in
the continuous process of replanting and expansion of cultivation produced by
the small and isolated producers must have descended from the original
varieties through many generations of inbreeding that would have occurred
during the centuries since the establishment of the crop in the region. The
consequence of this situation would be the existence at the present time of
populations or varieties that are distinct but individually composed of
homozygous individuals.
The fact that, at the time of colonization, cacao cultivation was based on a
range of varieties is emphasized by the description of cacao in ‘New Spain’
given by Hernández (1959). This account of the natural history of Mexico is
said to have been written in the period between 1571 and 1576 (less than 50
years after Cortés expedition and, therefore, referring to an unaltered state of
the cacao populations). It would be pertinent to assume that the description
related to the cacao of the Tabasco region. The general description of the
species refers to the fruit having an oblong shape (in appearance compared to
a ‘large melon’), ridged and of a red colour.
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 193

Four varieties were described, these being:

1. ‘Quauhcacáhoatl’, which had the largest trees as well as the largest fruits.
2. ‘Mecacacáhoatl’, the trees of which were of average height and size and
having smaller fruits than the previous class.
3. ‘Xochicacáhoatl’, the trees being smaller than the preceding classes and
with smaller fruits, the seeds being red on the outside but the interior
(cotyledons) similar to the others.
4. ‘Tlalacacáhoatl’, that is to say ‘small’ (trees) and also giving the smallest
fruits, but of the same colour as the preceding types.
He added that all of these varieties had the same characteristics and were
used for the same purposes except that the last class would be more
appropriately restricted to preparing drinks while the others would also serve as
Although the classification of cacao variability described by Hernández has
been cited innumerable times no attempt appears to have been made to
compare the varieties that exist at present to the descriptions in this book.
Hence, it would be an interesting exercise to relate the existing varieties that
can be identified as descendants of the aboriginal Criollo to the four classes
Martínez (1912) gave a summarized classification of the cacao varieties
that were recognized by specific names in the State of Tabasco. These varieties
obviously included some that were introduced, without specifying which
varieties belonged to each origin. From this classification it may be concluded
that, at the beginning of the 20th century, the scale of variability existent in the
region was significant. The main classification of the types that could be
attributed to the Criollo group indicates that the population was made up of
trees with both red- and green-coloured fruits as well as differences in surface
rugosity. There were also differences in the intensity of anthocyanin pigment in
the red fruits. From the weights given in the descriptions of the various fruit
types, some of the ‘variety’ classes produced fruits of a very large size.
However, the weight of fresh seed contents of the fruits appeared to have been
the same regardless of the colour/surface roughness class. It is interesting to
observe that the weight of seed contents of the fruits with a dark red colour was
significantly lower than that of the other types that comprised the same
Martínez (1912) also included a type named as ‘Cacao Lagarto’. This was
described as having fruits that were broad with very rough surfaces, of a small
size and with colours ranging from light green to dark red. Elsewhere he relates
this type to the ‘Pentagonum’, stating that it had been introduced from Central
America and that it was grown only as a curiosity. In other words, the
‘Pentagonum’ type is not a natural element of the diversity of the Caribbean
zone. A coloured drawing of the type in the article shows a very dark red fruit.
The author goes on to deduce from the observations made that the largest
fruits were those of the green and rough class while the trees with red fruits
having rough surfaces were the most productive. He also stated that the
farmers tended to select the parents from which they obtained seed for planting
194 Chapter 5

on the basis of fruit colour and not on productivity. Selection based on this
criterion would lead to the formation of fields in which one colour or the other
would predominate, resulting in populations that would have appeared to be
homogeneous. Although the preferred fruit colour was not indicated it could be
presumed that preference was given to the red fruits. There would have been
unconscious selection for higher productivity if the relationship stated above
had been true.
Preuss (1901) did not visit Tabasco but was able to analyse a sample of
fruits sent to him. These were very large in size and green in colour. They were
distinguished by their very rough surfaces with high ridges and exceptionally
thick husks. The cotyledons were white but it appeared that, in spite of the
large fruits, the seeds were smaller than those of the other Mesoamerican
varieties seen by him. The fruits in this sample may not have represented the
principal type grown in the Tabasco region as they could have been specially
selected but there was no doubt that the variety differed substantially from
those cultivated in the Pacific zone.
The extensive variability of the cacao populations in the Tabasco region at
the time of his visit with regard to the elements that could be attributed to the
Criollo, or prototype, diversity, was pointed out by Soria (1961). In an
abandoned plantation on the R. Teapa, he observed all forms of fruits and
seeds in a population composed entirely of genotypes with white cotyledons.
The most common feature was the acute apex, some of the fruits exhibiting the
curved apex associated with many of the types belonging to the Criollo group.
Also frequent was the soft, or fragile, husk regardless of the thickness. In
addition, trees having rounded fruits occurred but whose seeds had white
cotyledons. In the absence of an exact description of these fruits it is not
possible to relate them to any other variety, but, as will be explained in the
discussion of the cultivated populations of the Mesoamerican zones, there are
other genotypes that possess similar combinations of characters. Similar
descriptions of trees in the same area were reported by López-Baez et al.
Soria (1961) gave a fuller description of the characteristics of the Criollo
genotypes, stating that it was easy to distinguish them from the introduced
varieties by their appearance. The Criollo type trees were of small size with
rounded canopies and inferior growth. The leaves were small and ovate in
shape, with a thick texture, the colour being light green. The flowers were
distinguished by their very wide ligules that had a dark yellow colour and by
the lighter shade of purple colour in the staminodes.
During the last decades of the 20th century interest has been focused on
the cacao populations that inhabit the forested area of the R. Usumacinta
drainage system. Historical accounts of the area to the west of the river make it
clear that until fairly recent times it was untouched in terms of development
because of the savage opposition to outsiders by the inhabitants, the Lacandon
tribe, after which the area in Mexico is named. The location of the Lacandon
area may be determined from Fig. 34. In practice, the cacao distribution area
extends into the Petén on the east of the river in Guatemala where the species
was exploited by the Carib Indians brought to the east coast in the late 18th
The Foundations of Cacao Diversity 195

century. As explained in the introduction to this section the Lacandon/Petén

region abounds with sites of Maya occupation and for this reason it must be
accepted that the cacao was once cultivated in it and that its occurrence in a
seemingly ‘wild’ state is sub-spontaneous.
The first useful description of the diversity encountered in these sub-
spontaneous cacao populations was provided by López et al. (1989). The fruits
of the trees seen in occurrences of low density were described as ovoid in
shape and their size as being small to average. The husks were thin with not
very rough surfaces that were green in colour. All seeds had white cotyledons.
On the basis of their ability to produce fruits in their low density and isolated
state they were considered to be self-compatible. These observations of the
fruits were confirmed by the information provided by H.C. Evans (personal
communication), who visited the region in 1999. Some of the fruit types seen
are depicted in Plate 30a. At the location at which these fruits were harvested
segregation occurred for fruit colour from dark green to dark red even though it
appears that there was little variability regarding their shape. The most striking
features of the particular sample are the shiny surface with the absence of
pronounced rugosity as well as the shape that is broader near the base.
Trees at another location seemed to produce only green-coloured fruits that
ripen to an unusual shade of yellow. Again, the fruit size was small and the
husks slightly rough and thin. The trees producing this type of fruit, growing
under heavy forest shade, developed into thin tall trunks with sparse branching.
The description of the trees as well as their fruit characters is strikingly similar to
the description of the ‘Cacao Peñon’ of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in
Colombia, described in the section on the South American range of the
Circum-Caribbean Region.
Although the above observations made in the plains of the R. Usumacinta
system indicate that a fairly uniform variety is distributed in the area it remains
to determine whether it occurs in the region to the south below the headwaters
of the rivers that form the R. Usumacinta drainage system. These sources lie in
hilly terrain located principally in Guatemala, in the Departments of Alta
Verapaz and Petén. Although various reports refer to cacao having been
planted in this area as far back as the 17th century there is no information
about its existence prior to the advent of the missionaries or the sources of the
seeds used in planting. In the light of the topographical conditions it is probable
that whatever occurrences of cacao may be encountered would consist of
small, isolated populations. Indications concerning the cacao varieties that
compose these populations are lacking. The only information that provides any
clues on the subject is obtained from a report of a rather superficial collecting
activity that produced few specimens carried out in the Alta Verapaz
Department described by Rivera de León (1986). The scarcity of cacao in the
areas surveyed is evident as well as the isolation of the fields.
All of the six specimens described possess characteristics that place them in
the range of the Criollo group, the seeds having white cotyledons. The
description of the fruit of one specimen suggests that the tree may be related to
the ‘Lacandon’ variety. The other trees sampled appear to have had rather
similar fruits but of another type. Some were of a small size but their shape was
196 Chapter 5

narrow and elongate. All were described as possessing acute apices that were
curved in the manner considered as being one of the features of the varieties
composing the traditional Mesoamerican populations.
With the disappearance of the areas of cacao cultivation in the R. Polochic
drainage system, including Lake Izabal, no means are available of knowing the
variety situation in the border region of Guatemala and Honduras. Although
the species had been cultivated during certain periods in the various zones of
Honduras no details about the origins and characteristics of the cacao
populations have been found. It may be pertinent to consider the genotypes
found in the upper valleys of the R. Usumacinta system as relics of the original
R. Polochic populations.
Only recently has it been possible to become acquainted with a genotype
belonging to the Criollo group that occurs in southeastern Honduras in the
valley of the R. Patuca. That such a variety is indigenous to the valley is
questionable since the historical records refer to the valley being occupied by
foreign pirates during various periods. In addition, the indigenous tribe that
inhabits the valley at the present time belongs to a Chibcha-speaking group.
This situation combined with the apparently homogeneous status of the variety
raises the possibility of its introduction from the South American mainland. The
colour of the genotype’s fruits is a darker shade of green and their shape is
broader elongate. The appearance of the fruits is similar to those of the variety
from Mérida found in the Dominican Republic or the original variety of western
Nicaragua. The seeds have white cotyledons and this trait is associated with
light green flush leaves. Although there are indications of segregation for the
single plagiotropic branch character this has not been proven so far. The
genotype differs from most of the other varieties ascribable to the Criollo group
in producing small flowers.
From the above account it can be deduced that a small number of samples
have been collected among the populations in the Caribbean Coastal Zone.
Consequently, they constitute a poor representation of the variability that
existed in the zone when its history began. These collected genotypes are
absent in genetic resources centres and other institutions where they can be
analysed in breeding programmes and their genetic constitutions determined.
As a result we are unable to determine the composition of the populations to
which they belong and attribute them to their place in the spectrum of the
diversity. In spite of the variability expressed in the aggregation of the varieties
ascribed to the Criollo group it may be pertinent to point out that these differ
from those in the Pacific Coastal Zone by the absence of the natural occurrence
of the ‘Pentagonum’ fruit type. A degree of association with the northern South
American genotypes appears to exist. This association may not have occurred
entirely as a result of migration of the species in prehistoric times. The
possibility cannot be discarded of cacao from the Lake Maracaibo Sub-Andean
area being introduced into Mesoamerica during the period when the ‘Caracas’
type made up the bulk of the cacao that was commercialized.
6 The Cultivated Populations as
Secondary Depositories of the


The origins of the domestication of cacao are unknown but evidently of

considerable antiquity. From the references to the subject in Chapter 5 the
logical conclusion is that domestication would have begun in the natural
distribution range as the inhabitants began to discover uses for the plant. The
initial spread of domestication would have taken place within this range. It has
been made clear that the present distribution of the diversity involves
spontaneous and domesticated populations whose status we are unable to
determine. In the course of time, as the inhabitants migrated to other areas, the
species was extended to regions of the Americas beyond the range of
spontaneous occurrence. Further expansion occurred some time after the
conquest both within the Americas and the tropical regions of the Eastern
Hemisphere. The map in Fig. 35 demonstrates how this expansion took place
with indications of the movements of planting material that are known or
presumed to have occurred.
Because of the difficulty in distinguishing the spontaneous occurrences in
the natural distribution range from those that derive from human intervention,
it was necessary to deal with all of the variability encountered in the locations
within the range of natural distribution as being directly derived from the
primitive diversity. This applies to the populations in which cultivation was
known (or presumed) to have been practised within the areas concerned, some
of which continue to be exploited in modern times.
Because of the ample variability in the conditions and circumstances in
which cultivation has been practised it is impossible to generalize on the
processes involved in the development of these populations. The basic factors
that are concerned in the creation and development of cultivated populations
and their genetic constitutions were discussed in Chapter 4. In this context it is
worthwhile reiterating that the genetic composition of any individual secondary

© B.G.D. Bartley 2005. The Genetic Diversity of Cacao and its Utilization
(Basil G.D. Bartley) 197
Fig. 35. Map of the world showing the principal routes of the movement of cacao germplasm within the American continent and islands and
from the American continent to the Eastern Hemisphere. 1. 1660–1670, Mexico to Philippines; 2. 1664, Amazon to Martinique; 3. Philippines
to Indonesian Archipelago; 4. 1757, Amazon to Trinidad; 5. Early 19th century, Indonesian Archipelago to Ceylon; 6. 18th and 19th centuries,
Amazon to southeastern Brazil; 7. 1822, Brazil to Príncipe; 8. 1840s, Dublin to Sierra Leone; 9. 1861, Ecuador to Guatemala; 10. 1880/1881
Trinidad (via England) to Ceylon; 11. 1883, Trinidad (via England) to Fiji; 12. 1892/1893, Trinidad to Nicaragua, Nicaragua to Trinidad; 13.

Chapter 6
1898, Trinidad to Costa Rica and Colombia; 14. 1890, Venezuela to Ecuador; 15. 1930s Ecuador to Costa Rica and Panama; 16. 1880s
Trinidad, Venezuela and Ecuador to São Tomé; 17. 1899, Trinidad, Venezuela, Ecuador and Central America to Cameroon; 18. End of 19th
century, Indonesian Archipelago to Samoa.
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 199

population would depend on that of the source population and that the
secondary populations would consist of descendants of small samples from the
source populations.
The cultivated populations have been developed in various ways with
regard to the genetic materials from which they have been constituted. The
simplest situations involve a single variety, which, if composed of
homozygous individuals, would result in homogeneous populations. If the
individuals introduced to a given area are heterozygous the resulting
population would be heterogeneous, comprising individuals that differ
genetically from each other. In the cases where another variety has been
introduced into an area in which a variety already existed hybridization
would occur between them. Material for planting taken from the hybrid
population would consist of the types descended from inbreeding in either
variety as well as the hybrid progenies.
In some cases the genetic composition of a cultivated population may
have been the result of material introduced from more than one source
population, subsequent introductions being added to the variety planted when
the original cultivation was established. Some examples will be encountered
where several varieties were introduced on a single occasion. Where these
varieties were planted promiscuously they would have provided planting
material of a highly heterogeneous nature, resulting from the various
combinations among the individual varieties. Many of the complex
populations produced from multiple introductions were formed during the
early part of the 20th century as a consequence in the rapid expansion of the
demand for cocoa. Such populations have genetic structures with more ample
diversity than those of the original cultivated varieties and the source
populations. In addition to the greater diversity of the genetic components and
the products of recombination from interbreeding among them, the cultivated
populations formed in this manner usually contain larger numbers of
individual genotypes than the source populations.
It is necessary to take into consideration the fact that all of the cultivated
populations established prior to the use of seed from controlled pollination
would have been created with seeds from fruits produced by natural, random
fertilization. The genetic composition of the planting material would depend on
the structure of the field in which the fruits were produced and the outcome of
the reproductive processes involved. When it is present, self-incompatibility
would be one of the most important factors determining the mating systems
that occur. The seeds obtained from a given parent tree may or may not be
derived from self-fertilization; but they could also result from hybridization with
any of the neighbouring trees. Consequently, the various possible mating
systems that function in the specific circumstances would produce a mixture of
genotypes from the available sources.
The introduction of planting material in the form of seed, regardless of the
historical period in which a specified transfer would have taken place, had
several consequences. One was the possibility that, as mentioned above, the
phenotypic expressions of the progenies may have differed substantially from
those of the parental trees in the source populations. This would have
200 Chapter 6

happened especially in the situations in which the source population had been
stable and heterozygous in constitution. Additional introductions into areas
where the species was already being cultivated would, in time, result in hybrids
being produced between the original and introduced varieties. The
recombination occurring in the descendants of the hybrids during the
subsequent generations would produce genotypes substantially different
genetically from the parental varieties but possibly having phenotypic ranges
encompassing those of the parents.
In the outline of the situation in the basic populations, attention was
given to the role of mutation in producing the diversity of the species. The
same process applies to the cultivated populations. In the first instance
recessive mutations that are not expressed in the base populations will appear
in the progenies comprising the subsequent generations. Mutations would
also be produced in individual genotypes of these generations. Since many of
the cultivated populations involve large numbers of individuals, larger than
many base populations, as well as successive generations of reproduction
they provide fertile grounds for mutation. Mutations are more easily
distinguished in the populations that are composed of nearly homozygous
genotypes. More often than not such mutations consist of types that have
unusual, frequently deleterious or useless for practical purposes, attributes.
However, they do indicate that mutation may be a potent factor in creating
diversity and have an application in the determination of the inheritance
mechanisms of the species. Mutations affecting attributes of agronomic or
commercial interest, especially those involving quantitative characters where
small genetic effects operate, are more difficult to detect on account of the
large effects of environmental factors in determining the expressions of
individual alleles.
One consequence of introductions of new varieties has been the partial
or total elimination of the native varieties in their original state during the
course of time as a result of the aggressiveness and better adaptability of the
introduced varieties. In these circumstances the decline of the native
varieties is attributable to both natural and artificial selection. The native
varieties could be maintained in the face of the adaptive superiority of the
introduced germplasm by means of directed selection for the purpose of
maintaining any specific attributes that they may possess. There may also be
examples of germplasm having been introduced on the basis of the
possession of specific characteristics but, owing to poor adaptability to the
new environment or through neglect and lack of interest in them, they failed
to be established.
The utilization of the diversity that evolved in the individual cultivated
populations as they became established depends to a great degree on the
manner in which they were constituted. While it is possible that many of the
populations of heterogeneous genetic constitution, which have provided most
of the genotypes used in basic improvement, derive from random
recombination, it should be considered that this is not always the case. The
practice of establishing plantations from seed obtained from a single individual,
as described by Preuss (1901), was explained in Chapter 4. The result of this
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 201

practice would be the formation of fields containing trees that are related by
descent or, at least, groups of trees within which there would be a degree of
However, in cases where the parent trees of the seeds used belonged to
heterogeneous populations genetic variability would have occurred among the
progenies, the scale of which would have depended on the genotypes of the
parents and factors such as cross-fertilization. During the course of time
additional variability may have been added through the planting of other types
for the purposes of replacing stands that had not survived owing to mortality
and other causes. Since this was a normal practice some alteration of the
constitution of the original groupings would have occurred.
The application of intentional or random selection can be observed in
many examples, either involving rows of trees with outstandingly similar
characters or in successive plantings descended from a single ancestor in
several generations or sites. In the latter the sequence of the occurrence of a
given type may be easy to trace. Thus, the procedure described by Preuss
(1901) is not exclusive to Trinidad but occurs in several other situations and
applies to most of the cultivated cacao populations that evolved up to and
including the first decades of the 20th century.
The first attempts at propagation by vegetative means were made at the
beginning of the 20th century. The basis of the concept was that the
improvement of the existing heterogeneous populations should be achieved
through identification, selection and reproduction of the best genotypes.
Once the methods of propagation were established the concept became a
practical reality when selection programmes were undertaken. These were
carried out in most producing countries during the following decades and
resulted in the availability of many selected genotypes as clones that were
initially destined for application in the improvement of the local populations.
A stage was reached when proposals were advanced to encourage the
exchange of the selections between the countries involved and their
distribution to other countries in which such selection programmes had not
been conducted. These activities led to the creation of clone collections
composed of a wider range of germplasm than was available in the
individual countries.
The history of the selection programmes was described by Bartley (1995),
who discussed the consequences of the application of the results. From the
results of the utilization and study of the selections it could be concluded that
they were exceedingly superficial in their concepts and effectuation. The lack of
application of genetic principles was very evident. Consequently, apart from a
small proportion of effectively superior genotypes, few of the selections that
were made have been utilized as cultivars or in improvement programmes and
a very significant number of selections are maintained in germplasm or clone
collections as museum pieces.
Because the criteria used in these selection programmes were limited to a
few chosen traits the resulting selections cannot in any way be considered to
represent the diversity of the populations from which they derive. Many of the
selection operations were conducted in a limited number of chosen farms
202 Chapter 6

where the populations would probably have been composed of related

The practical application of the concept of single plant selection as a
method for improving the level of performance of the cultivated populations
took place around 1930. Accordingly, that year will be taken as the benchmark
for describing the genetic diversity on which the individual selection
programmes were based. The adoption of 1930 as the date is convenient but
may not be generally applicable in all circumstances since there may be
individual cases in which the base populations were evolving after 1930. The
selection programmes that were adopted were variable with regard to their
scope and the countries and regions involved. In Peru no attempts at selection
in local populations were made until 1986 and this to some extent was carried
out in fields that had been established with recently introduced germplasm. The
only local varieties adopted as cultivars prior to this period were those from the
collections made in 1938 and 1943 as described in Chapter 5. Bolivia is an
unknown factor in the utilization of local germplasm. Selection in Brazil, the
most important source of diversity, was conducted later than in the other major
cacao producers of Latin America.
The story of systematic selection of ‘superior’ genotypes in the producing
countries outside the Americas is very different since in many of them the
cultivated populations were being established after 1940. In any case all of
these populations are derived from germplasm introduced from the base
populations of the Americas. Consequently, the populations that evolved or
were established in several countries and regions must be considered in relation
to the specific sources of germplasm.



Ecuador – Pacific littoral zone

The classic population

The cacao populations that occur in the humid lands of Ecuador bordering
the Pacific Ocean that occupy the coastal valleys to the west of the Andes are
of special interest for several reasons. They, perhaps, comprise the oldest
populations cultivated for commercial purposes outside the Circum-
Caribbean Region, exportation of the produce having been introduced as
early as the 17th century. This product developed a certain position in
commerce on account of its special flavour characteristics. Primarily, because
of these qualities the variety that was cultivated gained a certain interest for
introduction to other countries for the purposes of improving their
germplasm. The interest in the Guayaquil cacao applied especially to the
Mesoamerican producers where the native populations were in decline and
seed from Ecuador was introduced officially from 1861 to counteract this
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 203

The populations that were cultivated up to the end of the 19th century
are considered in general terms as belonging to a single variety with a small
genetic range. It would seem that the 17th-century cultivation was centred in
the valley of the R. Baba. From there it would have spread along the coast
and towards the north. The northern section of the distribution range
involves mainly the Guayas Basin (Fig. 5) and to some extent smaller areas
in the Province of Manabí. At least until the 19th century the island of Puná,
at the mouth of the R. Guayas estuary, was a significant producer until
unfavourable environmental conditions led to the disappearance of the
Following the introduction of foreign germplasm near the end of the
19th century, as will be described later, the name ‘Nacional’ was introduced
to identify the variety that had existed previously. The use of this term
implies that a single variety with a uniform genetic composition was
concerned. (Some farmers apply the term ‘Criollo’ to the varieties they
recognize to be the traditional ones; this is perhaps a more appropriate
manner of identifying them.) The fruit type of the variety to which the name
‘Nacional’ is mostly applied is illustrated in Plate 27a. The occurrence of
large areas of such a uniform variety, which had been brought into
cultivation in relatively recent times, is consistent with their origin from trees
at a single location and reproduction of the same narrow range of genotypes
during successive generations.
The emphasis given to this type masks the possibility that other varieties
may have been present in the ancestral population. Even in the type to which
the name ‘Nacional’ is applied, variability occurs with regard to certain
concealed attributes, such as compatibility.
Plate 27b shows the fruits from a plantation of trees that were claimed to
the author as representing the genuine ‘Nacional’ variety. These fruits, in
addition to being rather broader than the type in Plate 27a, had very thick
husks. Preuss (1901), who studied the Ecuador cacao situation prior to any
influence of introduced germplasm, indicated that the feature that
distinguished the variety seen from other fruits with the same general
characteristics was the thick husks. Although this feature is more commonly
encountered, trees are found whose fruits have the same general
appearance of the ‘Nacional’ variety but are distinguished by their thin
husks. In addition, the impression was obtained from visual observations
that the types grown in the south of the region differed from those
encountered in the Guayas Basin and other areas. Plate 27c shows a fruit of
a type grown in the Province of Manabí, stated to have been brought from
the area of Balao, in the south of the Province of Guayas, and named the
‘Balao’ type.
The occurrence of other varieties, considered to be within the concept of
‘Nacional’, was observed by Pound (1938), who was in a position to obtain a
wider picture of the situation in the region than is possible at the present time.
In this respect he refers to the presence in the Balao zone of ‘an unduly large
proportion of full white-based calabacillo trees (blanco calabacillo) together
with other types higher in the quality scale also with this full white pod colour.’
204 Chapter 6

The ‘full white pod colour’ translated into the scale of the basic fruit surface
colour refers to a very light green. Later, Pound wrote that the ‘Nacional’
cacao of the Balao zone was ‘distinctly more “blanco” than in the Arriba
(Guayas Basin) zone, and many of the “blanco” trees have distinctly smoother
pods than types occurring further north,’ attributing the presence of such types
to, possibly, a more recent introduction. Also, some of the earliest illustrations
of cacao in the Ecuadorian littoral depict fruits that are more elongate than the
type in Plate 27a, but possessing similarities with regard to other fruit
The complete lack of knowledge about the true range of variability within
the classic Ecuadorian cacao population, a situation resulting from the low level
of attention given to research on the subject, is an impediment to the ability to
define the variability expressed in the concept of ‘Nacional’. The possibility that
variability did, and does, exist in the population precludes the discussion of the
characteristics of its component elements. The descriptions given in the
literature confuse the real distinguishing features of the varieties concerned with
their attribution of terms used to classify the type such as Amelonado and
The type to which the variety name ‘Nacional’ is usually attributed has a
fruit of a green colour with a fairly large size. The base of the fruit is slightly
constricted and the surface somewhat rough. As mentioned above, there is a
tendency for the husks to be thick. The features that differentiate the ‘Nacional’
type from the other varieties with fruits of similar characteristics are the larger
size of seeds and the intermediate purple pigment of the cotyledons. The
flowers of genotypes with affinities to the ‘Nacional’ type frequently are
distinguished by having reflexed sepals and staminodes that bend outwards
near their extremities.
Pastorelly et al. (1994) reported the results of investigations on some
traits of a group of trees identified as belonging to the ‘Nacional’ concept. It
was found that only 25% of the individuals could be considered to be self-
incompatible, a result consistent with random segregation in the progenies
of a self-incompatible parent. There was a strong correlation between the
self-compatibility status of an individual and its level of fruit production. This
would suggest that trees selected for reproduction on the basis of yield
would result in the creation of plantings composed of self-compatible
In this book the discussion of the population in the Ecuadorian littoral that
appears to contain a narrow range of variability is based on the proposition
that the variety is not spontaneous to the region. This implies the need to
determine its probable origin. Admittedly, the population must have existed for
several centuries prior to the arrival of the Europeans, but the date of its
introduction would never be known. There is no evidence that the species and
its product played any part in the lives of the inhabitants of the coast during the
Chorrera phase of the Valdivia culture (2000 BC).
The most probable source of the material from which the cacao population
of the Ecuadorian littoral zone derives would be the foothills of the Andes
drained by the tributaries of the upper River Marañon. Pound (1938) noted the
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 205

similarity of the fruits encountered in some parts of the upper River Marañon
valley to those of the ‘Nacional’ type, as referred to in the discussion of the
River Marañon populations. The recent collections made on some of these
tributaries reinforce these observations and reveal the existence of genotypes
with fruits having a close similarity to those of the ‘Nacional’ type. The
phenotypic similarities may be recognized by the comparison of the examples
of fruits from the two areas in Plates 10 and 27. It has to be noted that those
shown in Plate 10 do not include all of the fruits observed on genotypes from
the upper River Marañon system, some of which bear a closer resemblance to
the varieties of the littoral zone.
It could be argued that the diversity within the classic populations of the
Ecuadorian littoral zone might have evolved from various introductions from
the upper River Marañon tributaries made on several occasions. The type
possessing fruits with a smooth surface, which Pound (1938) referred to as
blanco calabacillo, may have been one of these introductions that contributed
the large seed size found in genotypes with similar fruits that belong to the
cacao populations of the valleys of Ecuadorian Amazonia.
The study of Lerceteau et al. (1997) of selected genotypes attributed to the
‘Nacional’ population revealed that, in terms of the phenotypes characterized,
some of the genotypes from the south of the zone diverged in what would be a
secondary population from the Province of Manabí. However, the paper does
not indicate the traits that are involved in producing the differences.

Foreign germplasm
The cacao population that existed in the Ecuadorian littoral zone in 1930
contained a strong element of germplasm that was descended from
introductions made during the previous 50 years. The history of these
introductions, in common with that of the classic varieties, is based on
extremely scanty and nebulous information. It is taken that the first of these
introductions was made ‘about 1890’ but this does not exclude the
possibility of planting material having been introduced by unrecorded
private initiatives independently of the material said to have been
introduced about 1890.
A degree of confusion concerning the origin and characteristics of the
source population ensues from the lack of reliable information regarding the
germplasm involved in the introduction of about 1890. Some authors (e.g.
Pound, 1938) give the origin of the seeds as ‘Trinidad’. Although it is recorded
that one of the Ecuadorian proprietors visited the island in 1894 it is not stated
whether he took any fruits or seed with him. Certainly, such material does not
seem to have been provided from the official variety collection (this will be
described in the discussion of the cacao population of the island) but it may
have been obtained from a private farm.
However, it is evident that no planting material had been introduced from
Trinidad prior to the end of 1894, which leaves the alternative source of the
introduction as Venezuela. Van Isschot (1900), in his survey of the situation in
Ecuador, stated that ‘several’ farmers had introduced Criollo from Venezuela,
206 Chapter 6

the source of his information being one of the persons responsible for
introducing this material.
This statement confirms the likelihood of an origin other than Trinidad,
which is to be found in the use of the term ‘Venezolano’ to designate all
genotypes that did not belong to the classic population. It could be assumed
that the original plantings of this introduction were established on the farms
belonging to the proprietor mentioned above. The connection of these
plantings to varieties that existed in Venezuela at the time was made by Preuss
(1901), who stated that he came across ‘only the inferior varieties, Carúpano
and Trinitario’, the descriptions of the respective varieties being found in the
reference to his account of the situation in Venezuela. Preuss, who was the
earliest writer to observe the planted introductions, gave the origins as
Venezuela and Trinidad and that (as would be supposed) small quantities were
Later observers of the Ecuador populations who were familiar with the
Trinidad scene, such as Stell (1933), concluded that the genotypes that were
claimed to be descendants of the ‘Venezolano’ introduction bore little
resemblance to the types known in Trinidad. Stell was concerned with
identifying the trees that were not infected with Crinipellis perniciosa (Stahel)
Singer at the time of his survey. Among four ‘varieties’ found to be in this
category, two have some association with the Venezuelan varieties described by
Preuss (1901), being named ‘Cojón de Toro’ and ‘Zambo’ (perhaps the same as
‘Sambito’ mentioned by Preuss).
Stell (1933) also referred to the presence in Ecuador of a variety named
‘Soconusco’. This suggests that an introduction had been made from Central
America, but details of this and the characteristics of the plants established are
not described. If this introduction consisted of fruits from trees belonging to the
Criollo group the progenies may not have been distinguishable from the
descendants of members of the group (or hybrids) among the Venezuelan
At the present time it is unlikely that any of the survivors or direct
descendants of the introductions can be identified as such.
It is known that, in addition to the above introductions described in the
reports cited, certain properties introduced planting material from Colombia.
The origins of these introductions were unspecified and no details are available
regarding their variety status.
In summary, the lack of the requisite details prevents a satisfactory analysis
of the introduced germplasm from being made and only some deductions
regarding the possible genotypes involved can be made on the basis of the
segregation occurring in progenies of hybrids with the ‘Nacional’ variety. The
one certain factor related to the introductions is the fact that they added genes
for anthocyanin pigmentation to a population that had been entirely composed
of individuals with green fruits. The analysis of the introductions and their
hybrids is also complicated by the possibility of unrecorded introductions having
been made from the eastern foothills of the Andes. The relative contributions of
germplasm from Venezuela, Trinidad and Central America and that from the
Oriental Amazonian region will be discussed in the following section.
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 207

The compound population

By the beginning of the 20th century the basis had been set to convert one of
the more homogeneous cultivated cacao populations then in existence to one
with a very diverse genetic base. The intermixing of sources of germplasm was
given an impetus from about 1920, when two of the major diseases of cacao
in the Americas made their appearance and attention was focused on the
introduced varieties as sources of resistance. At the time all reproduction
involved the use of seed from uncontrolled hybridization and inbreeding. After
the discovery of the occurrence of Crinipellis perniciosa, a search was made
for trees that escaped infection, these being called ‘refractario trees’, in an
effort to reduce the level of susceptibility. Nurseries were planted with seeds
from these trees and the seedlings that, likewise, escaped infection were
distributed in their thousands to various farms. A consequence of the
production of seeds from uncontrolled fertilization was the creation of an
extensive array of recombinant genotypes that were disseminated on a large
scale. In this way, the creation of the complex population was accelerated. In
some areas the original plantings of the ‘Nacional’ types continued to exist
and are still encountered, especially on account of the interest that was
maintained in the quality product for which the variety was renowned. The
present populations would consist of a large segment of hybrids between the
‘Nacional’ types and their descendants. At the other extreme there are
genotypes that appear to possess nearly all of the attributes that are associated
with the introduced varieties.
The links between the original plantations, on which the introductions were
established, and the modern populations have been largely broken because the
farms in which the former varieties and their first generation hybrids were
established have been converted to the cultivation of bananas and other crops.
There was also a period of replanting with varieties introduced in the
expectation of resistance to Crinipellis perniciosa, which was mostly unfulfilled.
Some of these plantings may still be found (contributing additional sources of
diversity) but most were, presumably, abandoned in favour of more lucrative
activities, including the substitution of cacao by other crops.
Although the widespread cultivation of the new germplasm by the larger
properties was instrumental in accelerating the amplification of the genetic base
their subsequent abandonment of cacao cultivation contributed to the loss of
part of the diversity that had been created. Another factor that contributed to
this loss was the substitution of elements of the base population by selected
foreign genotypes, which began to be introduced, starting from the late 1940s,
and by the promotion of cultivation of selections made in the local populations
in the same decade. In spite of these trends, interest in the pre-1940 gene pool
was kept alive, especially by small farmers, who continued to use planting
material descended from it. This practice still continues.
As a result it is possible to encounter throughout the littoral zone areas
cultivated with genotypes that owe their origin to the ‘Nacional’ and ‘Venezolano’
variety groups but arising from casual reproduction. The local populations that
owe their derivation from this gene pool exist in a variety of circumstances,
208 Chapter 6

being formed from diverse origins and exhibiting wide variation regarding
their genetic composition. In the region-wide context it is possible to encounter
local populations made up of more closely related individuals, evidently
obtained from a single source genotype. At the other end of the scale
extremely wide phenotypic variability is found. In some areas, such as the
cacao developments near Malimpia, it seems that each tree has its own
characteristics, certainly exhibiting combinations of fruit shapes, surfaces and
colours not found in other countries.
Contrasting examples of the various groupings of ‘varieties’ that are found
on individual farms are shown in Fig. 36. The fruits illustrated were harvested
from two properties in a small area in the south of the littoral zone. The fruits in
the top row are of unmistakable Criollo ancestry. Those in the bottom row,
besides the almost spherical shape, were distinguished by the very glossy and
smooth surfaces. However, in the latter, the presence of red fruits indicates the
descent of the variety from a Criollo ancestor. Neither group shows any traces
of descent from a ‘Nacional’ ancestor.
As it possesses a more distinctive phenotype the presence of individuals
descended from the ‘Nacional’ group is often marked, with the genotypes
having fruits showing most of the salient features of this variety but with evident
traces of traits from other varieties. Trees belonging to this category would owe
their origin to segregants in the F2 and later generations of the hybrid
genotypes or to backcrosses of these with the ‘Nacional’ genotypes.
Accordingly, local populations occur in which all or most of the individuals
have fruit phenotypes similar to that depicted in Plate 27a, a condition perhaps
more common in the south of the region. Lerceteau et al. (1997) indicated how
such genotypes classified as being similar to the ‘Nacional’ type actually differ
from it in their morphological and molecular characteristics.
The presence of genotypes directly attributable to any Criollo element of
the variety complex is difficult to detect. It has to be remembered that neither
Preuss (1901) nor Stell (1933) observed genotypes attributable to the Criollo
group in the ‘Venezolano’ complex. However, the reference to ‘Soconusco’ as
being present in the 1930s suggests a possible source of Criollo genes in
addition to those in the hybrid forms in the ‘Venezolano’ introduction. Some
individuals have been observed that have fruits with an elongate, narrow
shape, rough surfaces and attenuate apices that tend to be curved. It may be
inferred that, when such fruits are red in colour, the genotype may be
descended from an individual belonging to the Criollo group (such as the fruits
in the top row of Fig. 36). As stated earlier, it could be taken for granted that
any genotype with red fruits or a member of a family in which segregation for
red fruits occurs is descended from the ‘Venezolano’ introductions. In these
families considerable variation occurs with regard to other characters, probably
a consequence of breeding for the several generations that comprise the
successive stages of the dispersal of germplasm from this source.
In contrast with the genotypes with green fruits that manifest a close
relationship with the ‘Nacional’ types similar relationships are less evident in
the case of red-fruited genotypes. Many trees with red fruits are encountered
that do not show any indication of descent from Criollo genotypes. An
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 209

Fig. 36. Fruits from two farms in the south of the Pacific littoral zone of Ecuador. Top
row, types exhibiting distinct Criollo ancestry; bottom row, fruits with a contrasting
shape but also probably descended from Criollo.

example of such situations is that of individuals seen in the Province of

Esmeraldas said to be descended from fruits of a type grown in the Province of
Manabí (see Fig. 21). These progenies are so similar that it was inferred that
they were essentially homozygous but they all had dark red fruits with a short,
broad shape and smooth surfaces. This variety shows no indications of descent
from the Criollo group or similarity to genotypes derived from this source
found in other countries. Similar types occur elsewhere in Ecuador, belonging
to generations not far removed from the original genotypes that were
introduced. Therefore, it can be inferred that the introductions from Venezuela,
in addition to possible elements belonging to the Criollo group, included
descendants of the hybrids that had been introduced from Trinidad. (These
210 Chapter 6

introductions will be described later in this chapter.) The hybrid genotypes may
have lost most of the characteristics of their Criollo ancestors and, therefore,
were distant from them.
The subject of the degree to which genes from the Criollo group may be
present in the germplasm introduced into Ecuador would depend to some
degree on the appearance of the features of the fruits associated with the
group. These features would include characteristics involving fruit shape,
surface roughness, husk hardness and cotyledon pigmentation, in addition to
fruit colour. However, it is now evident, as can be concluded from the
description of the populations that occur in the Ecuadorian Amazonian
region, that genotypes are present that exhibit phenotypes which are
considered to be typical features of the Criollo group. The traits for which
these populations are distinguished are fruit surface roughness and
unpigmented cotyledons.
Progenies of hybrids with the River Napo genotypes produce fruits that
have elongate shapes and very rough surfaces, which can, if taken out of
context, be confused with the individuals belonging to the Criollo group.
However, it cannot be claimed at this stage, since the subject has not been
investigated, that the same genes are responsible for the phenotypic
expressions common to both groups. The ambiguity concerning the ancestry of
individuals expressing these characteristics applies principally to trees with
green-coloured fruits, since the trees with red-coloured fruits could be assumed
to possess genes from a Criollo ancestor.
One type of fruit that is found almost universally in populations of mixed
ancestry has a short, broad shape with an apex that is short acute or slightly
rounded and a smooth surface of a green colour. It could be assumed that fruits
of this type, the trees of which need not necessarily be related, derive either
from the blanco calabacillo described by Pound (1938) or the ‘Cojón de Toro’
of Stell (1933) – unless they are different names for the same variety. These
types exhibit a range of seed sizes, some being very small.
A large proportion of the knowledge about the diversity resulting from the
hybridization of the ‘Nacional’ with ‘Venezolano’ and other introduced varieties
is based on obscure collections and progenies descended from material
exported to other countries.
What could probably be the first accumulation of Ecuador germplasm is to
be found in the section called ‘La Buseta’, which contains a collection of
varieties created by the United Fruit Company (UFCo) at its farm, ‘Tenguel’
(shown in Fig. 21). The origin of this collection could be contemporary with
Pound’s survey of the littoral zone in 1937. Its existence was unnoticed until
fairly recently and no information is available regarding its formation and the
varieties represented. It would appear that the collection was established in an
area that originally was planted with the ‘Nacional’ variety. The varieties
observed by the author appear to have been planted in progeny rows but,
since no complete survey had been carried out, it is not possible to report on
the entire collection of varieties other than those seen.
Among the types seen was a row of trees that appeared to be uniform with
regard to their fruit characteristics, the most outstanding being the narrow
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 211

elongate shape, a very light green colour and a rough surface. The fruit size was
also relatively large as were the seeds, the cotyledons of which had a light to
intermediate purple pigment. The pigment of the flower stamens and the high
seed numbers indicate a possible origin from the Ecuadorian Amazon. Another
outstanding type had rather large fruits of a dark red colour and an almost
smooth surface, the trees being rather vigorous. Apparently, this genotype
caught the attention of the managers of the collection early. Seeds were supplied
to other countries, where the outstanding features of the progenies were noticed.
Thus, selections made within the families have provided genotypes of which
some use has been made in breeding programmes. The progeny of the
genotype are also outstanding for the dark green leaves, which tend to have a
narrow elongate shape, and the intensely pigmented flowers. However, this
variety has a practical disadvantage in that the husk is extremely thick, which
results in a low ratio of seed weight to fruit weight.
Another of the varieties in the collection at the Tenguel farm is a family
whose offspring possess several common features, among which are the fruits
of a dark green colour and a broad elongate shape. In some individuals there is
a trace of pigment on the surface. The ridges are fairly well marked and of
intermediate roughness. The appearance of the fruits suggests a relationship to
the ‘Nacional’ varieties but it is evident that they are the products of
hybridization. The members of the family would have been outstanding as they
developed and several of them have been selected and cloned and have been
used as cultivars and parents in hybridization. The genotypes concerned are
outstanding with regard to their large seed size and on this account it has been
claimed that they are related to the Criollo group. The greater probability, in
the light of the recently acquired knowledge of the diversity in the Marañon and
Napo systems, is that an ancestor from these populations is involved. The
genotypes are self- and inter-compatible and their progeny segregate for trees
that have short, broad fruits with smooth surfaces; hence related to Pound’s
‘blanco calabacillo’.
In the late 1930s (as far as can be deduced) the collection at the Tenguel
farm was used to supply planting material to the cacao enterprises of the UFCo
in Costa Rica and Panama. (A few selected types were also sent to Trinidad at
the same time, a fact that needs to be recorded in view of references to these
varieties in the literature.) Further information about this transfer will be given
when the situation in Costa Rica is described.
The selections that derive from the UFCo enterprises, including those
clones and families of progenies planted in Ecuador, should be considered to
be of hybrid constitution. As far as can be determined the base germplasm
does not include any pure ‘Nacional’ genotypes. In general, this germplasm
exhibits a significant degree of variability. The most commonly occurring
genotypes are those with green fruits. Some of the trees in this category have
fruits similar to the ‘Balao’ type while other genotypes have fruits of a shape
that is short and broad with fairly prominent ridges. One interesting feature that
is found in the Ecuador-derived genotypes is the short height of several of the
genotypes, a characteristic often associated with leaves of smaller size and a
thick, hard texture.
212 Chapter 6

Other privately conducted programmes aimed at the genetic improvement

in this hybrid complex were carried out in the 1930s. These include research
conducted at the Hacienda Clementina, a large foreign-owned farm. Some of
this work was related to the search for resistance to diseases and Pound (1938)
gave a few details about the programme. It would appear that the genetic base
involved was narrow, being confined to some lines of hybrid progenies.
However, some of the more outstanding genotypes selected possess features
akin to those of the ‘Nacional’ genotypes but differing in respect of the low
height that the plants develop.
The other main aggregation representing the diversity that was present in
the Ecuadorian littoral in the 1930s is that comprising the offspring of some 70
trees established in Trinidad, these being derived from the selection programme
carried out in 1937 and described by Pound (1938). The total quantity of
genotypes established in Trinidad amounted to over 1400 individuals from
most of the 70 trees involved. The number of genotypes in existence at the
time of writing is a fraction of the original number and it is possible that several
families have disappeared in the course of time.
The descendants of the 1937 introduction are considered to be a sample of
the hybrid germplasm that developed in Ecuador. However, although they have
existed for about 60 years, relatively little has been done with regard to
characterizing the individuals in relation to the families to which they belong. Few
individual genotypes have been studied or used in breeding programmes. As a
result, as was the case for the UFCo collections, it is inappropriate to attempt to
describe the germplasm represented. A large proportion of the genotypes
belonging to this collection derives from the work conducted at the Hacienda
Clementina. The possibility of the existence of the parents of some of the families
that were established in Trinidad, which belong to the UFCo and Clementina
programmes, provides an opportunity for studies of parent–progeny relationships.
The total collection embraces a diverse range of types. No pure ‘Nacional’
individuals are known. However, some types do indicate a close relationship to
the variety, especially with regard to fruit shape and colour characters and the
thick husks. On the other hand, many individuals have red fruits; their
‘Venezolano’ ancestry, of course, being undisputed, but there is considerable
variation in this category of genotypes. Some of the genotypes are outstanding
as possessing very large flowers (perhaps the largest known in the species), of
which an example is included in Plate 8a. The possible introgression of genes
from the Criollo group can be postulated from the presence of plants with
leaves of a lighter green colour with a soft, velvety texture.
The foundation of an organized improvement programme in the region,
under the control of the Estación Experimental Tropical, Pichilingue, during the
1940s included the selection of individual trees along the lines established in
Trinidad. The programme could be considered as a sequel to those already
undertaken by the UFCo and the Hacienda Clementina. An extensive and
diverse area of the region was sampled, with trees in several farms being
included. The variability range of the resulting collection of selections is fairly
large and included genotypes attributed to the ‘Nacional’ variety on the basis of
phenotypes as well as hybrids.
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 213

One of the interesting features of the programme is the fact that several
individuals were selected in each of several properties. This would provide a
basis for determining the composition of each population with regard to the
scale of the variability it contained. The selections also included some of those
made by the UFCo and the Hacienda Clementina, which were referred to
above. Some of the selections from other farms show affinities to them and
constitute a group of genotypes with similar traits, which, in addition to the
green colour and shape of the fruits, include the large seed size.
The Estación Experimental Tropical, Pichilingue germplasm collection that
resulted, as it concerns the regional diversity, has not been adequately studied,
besides having been subjected to a loss of a significant proportion of the initial
collection. Consequently, the diversity contained is imperfectly known. Among
the genotypes that have been observed are a few, perhaps related, types with
fruits that have a short and apparently near spherical shape except for the fact
that the ridges are very prominent, perhaps the highest known in the species
for fruits of this shape.
In summary, the diversity contained in the cacao population that evolved
in the Ecuador littoral zone during the first half of the 20th century is extensive.
After all, it is the melting pot of several of the basic sources of germplasm,
combining that from the western sector of the Amazonian Region with
elements of the Circum-Caribbean Region, which also, as will be discussed
later, contain elements of the eastern Amazon gene pool. The population
provides excellent opportunities for studying the contributions of these sources
of genes as well as the inheritance of their characteristics.

Brazil – the Amazon Extension Zone

The area to which this title will be applied is located to the southeast of the
region of the natural distribution of the species in the Amazon valley, which was
dealt with in Chapter 5. Its approximate extent is demarcated in the maps in
Fig. 1 and Fig. 23. Although the zone may appear to be part of the Amazonian
Region and is included in it because it possesses the same forest cover, in fact it
does not belong geographically to the Amazon Basin.
In reality a large part of the Amazon Extension Zone belongs to the River
Tocantins drainage system, which is independent of the Amazon Basin. Except
for the lands bordering the rivers that receive alluvium from flooding and
backwash from the R. Amazon, soils are poor in nutrients and structure. As a
result, they are generally unsuitable for the natural establishment of cacao
populations and, for this reason, cannot be considered to be areas where the
species evolved naturally. The extension zone also includes lands to the east of
the River Tocantins system and its mouth, which belong to other systems and
where cacao has been introduced into cultivation on a minor scale.
Although millions of cacao trees probably exist in the area it must be
considered, in terms of the distribution of the species, to be an artificially
created extension to the Amazonian Region. Consequently, all of the
germplasm encountered in the area would have been introduced from the
214 Chapter 6

populations that occur in the natural area of distribution. Our ability to

determine the origins of the varieties encountered in the southeastern segment
is hampered by the paucity of the knowledge about the characteristics of the
diversity contained in it as well as by the fact that the natural distribution area
has not been completely surveyed.
The area covered by the cacao populations of the Amazon Extension Zone
is large and ill defined. The structure of the diversity in the zone, which has
accumulated since the first plantations were established, can be considered to
be relatively stable. This is one reason why efforts at its conservation have not
yet been made on a systematic basis. Another reason for the task being
delayed is that the populations concerned are accessible to the centre for the
Amazonian genetic resources established in the zone. Consequently, the
knowledge about the diversity that exists in the extended region is extremely
scanty, only an insignificant proportion of the genotypes having been sampled
for conservation and characterization.
However, in view of their immediate presence a visual assessment of the
component genotypes of the populations contained in it indicates that ample
genetic variability appears to be represented. Probably, the range of variability
that can be observed has been constructed in stages during the 400 years that
have elapsed since its foundations were established and the first intentional
introductions of planting materials arrived. As will be seen, the situations in
which cacao genotypes are found in the area vary considerably. These
situations range from solitary trees planted in back gardens in the towns to the
larger conglomerations on farms where the species has been cultivated for
commercial purposes. In some instances records of the attempts to establish
cultivation are available. Some of these are still exploited; others have been
abandoned for various reasons, including the fact that the prevailing conditions
are inadequate to support these undertakings.
The first attempts at cultivation in the area would have been made
about 1660, associated with the process of colonization by Europeans, and
suitable crops to support the incipient agriculture were being sought. At the
time the hinterland was undeveloped except for the activities of the
missionaries. It is very likely that the first commercial cultivation of cacao
would have been established by the Jesuits, who had a cacao farm on the
R. Mojú, known to have been in full operation at the beginning of the 18th
century. Since the Jesuits were deeply involved in the exploitation of cacao
during the extractive phase it is likely that the planting material for the R.
Mojú farm would have been brought from one of the other missions. The
mission at the mouth of the R. Madeira, where cacao was an important
source of revenue, based on the ample populations of the species that
existed, is one probable source. The Jesuits also had a cacao farm on the
left bank of the R. Amazon below Óbidos within the area of cultivation that
Other missionaries were also involved in cultivation. The Carmelites had a
farm on the island of Marajó, the planting material possibly originating from the
Solimões sector, where the order had been assigned the responsibilities for the
missionary work.
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 215

The largest and most important area of commercial cultivation in the

extended region is located just above the mouth of the R. Tocantins, the centre
of the area being the town of Cametá, which gives its name to the cacao-
growing zone. In this region cacao cultivation is confined to the banks of the
river and the islands where alluvial soils occur. The Cametá area has perhaps
been the largest producer in the Amazon since the start of the history of the
commercial production of cacao and from where the first significant quantities
exported date from the last quarter of the 18th century.
In spite of the importance of the Cametá area no attempts have yet been
made to evaluate the genetic resources that exist in it. Some slight knowledge
of the situation has been gained by observations on the varieties said to have
been introduced as seed in other areas that have taken up cultivation in more
recent times, as will be mentioned in due course.
The only samples of the R. Tocantins cacao populations that are
available for evaluation come from a few trees that derive from an attempt
made in 1979 to conserve that germplasm that existed in the area south of
the Tucuruí hydroelectric dam. Since the cacao plantations would have been
located on the banks of the river they would have been lost when the lake
was formed.
The nine genotypes selected on three sites were multiplied in the form of
seed progenies but three of them were propagated vegetatively. They appear to
belong to a single variety and are distinctive on account of their vegetative
habit. The height of the seedling trees is kept low and they have relatively
small, open canopies formed of horizontal branches with a tendency to
geotropism. The fruits are of fairly large size, either short, broad or broad
elongate in shape, the latter tapering towards the apex. The flowers that are
white in colour are unusual because the guide-lines’ colour is less intense than
that of the staminodes. Segregation for compatibility occurs and also for
cotyledon pigment ranging from pale purple to dark purple.
The dissimilarity of the pigmentation of the guide-lines and staminodes
and the segregation for cotyledon colour constitute some of the special features
found in the populations of the zone. It is usual to encounter genotypes that
have pale-coloured guide-lines or staminodes, or both expressions combined.
Pale green (unpigmented) flush leaves are also frequent. Sometimes, plants
with this trait are produced from pale purple cotyledons. However, cases are
known of dark purple cotyledons producing progenies that uniformly have
non-pigmented flush leaves. The combinations of pigment distribution are
reminiscent of the situation in the R. Napo and R. Zamora drainage systems
but the eastern Amazonian genotypes differ from the populations on these
systems in many respects. In particular, the pigment distribution patterns
observed in genotypes from the zone seem to be produced by factors acting
independently, while the similar expressions of variability in the eastern Andean
varieties would be the result of pleiotropic gene action.
One striking example of the associations of pigment variations in the
leaves, flowers and cotyledons is that of the clone ‘BE 2’. This plant has pale
green flush leaves that are associated with a pink colour of the staminodes and
guide-lines (Plates 9c and d). The cotyledons of this genotype are uniformly of
216 Chapter 6

a pink colour, somewhat reminiscent of the shade found in some members of

the R. Zamora drainage system varieties. Another genotype from the same
area, but having narrow elongate fruits, has pale flush leaves associated with
white cotyledons. The clone ‘BE 2’ has another distinguishing feature in the
broad leaves with an undulating surface.
Among the other varieties that are encountered in the Amazon Extension
Zone are those that possess fruits that are almost spherical in shape with
smooth surfaces. Some of these genotypes have very hard husks. A similar
type with small fruits but having a more elongate shape and some surface
roughness is also common. However, although such types are prominent in the
population it should not be assumed that all of the trees belong to two varieties
with the same fruit characteristics. Segregation occurs for other traits, such as
the hardness of the fruit husk (mentioned above), fruit surface colour and the
shapes of the leaves. Some of the genotypes in this category that have been
studied appear to be homozygous for the characters by which they are
It has been the custom to typify the zone as one having a population
consisting of a single variety, the fruits of which possess the characteristics
described above. This concept has been based on the varieties from the region
(or supposedly attributed to it) that have been transported to other regions. The
above examples show that this concept is a fallacy based on inaccurate
knowledge of the composition of the germplasm of the zone.
In addition to the types already described, other outstanding varieties could
be mentioned. Along the lower reaches of the R. Mojú and R. Acará (adjacent
to the mouth of the R. Tocantins) the predominant fruit type has a broad
elongate shape with a noticeable degree of surface roughness. Although these
characters are specific to the variety, variability is also encountered for other
traits, such as the taste of the pulp. Genotypes with fruit phenotypes so similar
that it is difficult to distinguish between them differ considerably with regard to
their breeding behaviour.
One unique fruit type was found among progenies raised from seed at
Tomé-Açu among those reputedly brought from the Cametá area. When first
seen it was recognized as unusual on account of close paired ridges, suggesting
a similarity to the ‘Pentagonum’ fruit shape (Plate 25a). The progenies, from
natural fertilization, of this genotype segregate for several fruit shapes but all of
them have the same dark green colour. The fruits of some of the progenies are
very narrow elongate in shape, as shown in Plate 25b. The flowers of this
family are also distinguishable by the red colour of the sepals.
Other trees on the same farm produce fruits that have broader shapes and
perhaps resemble the similar fruits in the progeny of the type of Plate 25a. One
of these genotypes has non-pigmented flush leaves and flowers with pink
staminodes and guide-lines.
In 1937 F.J. Pound had the opportunity to visit some of the plantations
near the city of Belém and also the Cametá area. He probably saw a limited
range of the diversity but his comments and descriptions (Pound, 1938) give
some indications of the variety composition of these populations, from which
the following remarks have been extracted:
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 217

The principal type of cacao tree occurring around Belém produced an

unpigmented half blanco pod, usually with a bottle neck, a long oval body, slightly
or normally warty with a definite but not pronounced point.
There was a good deal of tree to tree variation about this central type. Some
trees bore pods which were greenish and others pods which were full blanco. Some
bore smooth pods and others warty pods while in shape some pod types were
short and quite devoid of a point like the ‘Amelonado’ of Surinam. However with
all this variation no pods were pigmented.
In all types the beans possessed very dark purple cotyledons. This population
for convenience will be referred to hereafter as the ‘Para’ type. It appears to be a
hybrid mixture between an Amelonado type like that in Surinam and what will be
described later as the warty ‘largarta’ type.

The importance of these statements is that they establish that the

populations of the region are composed of a heterogeneous mixture of
varieties. Pound stated that the cacao seen in the Cametá area was similar to
that described for the Belém area. His description strongly refutes the concepts
held in certain quarters that the cacao of the region belongs to one variety with
rounded fruits having smooth surfaces. With regard to the above extract,
several comments are necessary to clarify the statements made:

1. The name ‘Para’, which he used to denominate the ‘central type’, has no
connection with the variety name ‘Para’ used in the State of Bahia, which will
be referred to in the following section.
2. Presumably, the ‘Amelonado’ of Surinam refers to the variety that inhabited
the Mamaboen Creek, which was described in Chapter 5, and not the variety
cultivated on the coast of that country.
3. The word largarta (as copied from the original) is the same as that spelled
lagarta elsewhere in the report, that is, a fruit with a rough surface, presumably
with an elongate shape.

As far as can be ascertained cacao was never cultivated in the area lying
between the upper reaches of the R. Guamá, in eastern Pará State, and the
westernmost of the rivers that flow into the bay of São Luis in the State of
Maranhão (see Figs 23 and 38). In the early days of Portuguese occupation the
entire area was governed from Maranhão. The first recorded plantings of cacao
in the present State of Maranhão were made with the initiative of a Jesuit
missionary who took a canoe-load of fruits from Pará to the Order’s property in
Maranhão. Apparently, from this shipment, 2000 plants were established,
probably near the town of Viana on the R. Pindaré. However, correspondence
dating from the same period indicates that one of the settlers, who had visited
Mexico, also started planting cacao in the area.
Whatever the origins of the attempts at cultivation may have been, the idea
spread to other parts of the State that offered suitable conditions. The forested
areas that were in the colonized zone are small in extent and limited to near the
coast around the capital city and adjoining the State of Pará. In general,
environmental conditions are not very favourable for commercial production.
The cacao tree has to contend with heavy soils, in which it has to compete with
the dense root system of the ‘Babaçu’ palm. In addition, the area is characterized
218 Chapter 6

by well-marked very wet and prolonged very dry seasons. As a result there are no
extensive areas of cacao and what survives from the original introduction occurs
in small stands in scattered localities.
It has been possible to study some of these areas and collect samples of the
genotypes. A comprehensive characterization of the specimens obtained has
not yet been obtained but it appears that all the trees concerned belong to the
same variety (as a consequence of the limited quantity of material introduced
and inbreeding) and that this variety, perhaps, conforms to the ‘central type’
described by Pound. The fruits, of the type depicted in Fig. 37, are of
intermediate size, dark green in colour, the shape being broad elongate with a
slight acute apex and low ridges, which are slightly rough. The cotyledon colour
is dark purple but of a lighter shade. The ovule number appears to be 55. The
flowers are white in colour and the stamens are not pigmented. All the
specimens obtained seem to have one common and apparently unique feature
in that the plants from vegetative propagation using plagiotropic branches
readily produce orthotropic shoots when in the juvenile stage.
Several of the areas investigated are located on the coast of the estuary to
the east of the island of São Luis, formed by the rivers Itapecuru and Munim.
The location of Icatú, situated nearest the mouth of the estuary, appears to be
the most easterly of the areas where cacao cultivation was attempted.
Pound (1938) suggested that the variety he called the ‘central type’ might
be related to the germplasm of the Guianas. Since we know something about
the variability that exists in the valley of the R. Jarí, it could be speculated that

Fig. 37. Brazil, Amazon Extension Zone: fruits of the variety cultivated at Icatú at its
eastern extremity (0.27).
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 219

some of the types found in the extended region were introduced from an area
comprising this valley and all lands south of the Cayenne–Brazil border. This
area would include the island of Gurupá and the banks of the R. Amazon in its
vicinity. However, since the cacao populations of this area are not yet known,
such a relationship cannot be confirmed. It is likely that the cacao population of
the island of Gurupá could provide a key to determining the origin of much of
the variability encountered in the zone.
The foregoing account of the cultivated populations of the Amazonian
Region demonstrates the extensive diversity that is encountered. That the
ample range of diversity had been recognized earlier than Pound’s visit can be
shown by the classification made by Paul Le Cointe (1934), who was one of
the closest observers of the scene in the days when the populations were not
contaminated by introduced varieties. The classification referred to, perhaps,
was based on the varieties of the Óbidos-Alenquer area but it would also apply
to the other areas where varieties possessing similar characteristics occur. The
importance of the classification is that it emphasizes the diverse nature of the
populations that comprised the cultivated populations of the Amazonian
Region. Four variety types were described based mainly on fruit characters.
(The names attributed to them were probably adapted from those found in the
literature available at the time with the Portuguese equivalents and are not
necessarily the locally used names.)
These types are:
1. Crioulo [term related to Criollo? Not in sense of ‘native’]. [Fruits] most
voluminous, shape usually ‘oblong’ with well-marked ridges. ‘Beautiful fruits’.
[Largest seeds – average weight 1.26 g.] However, seed numbers recorded are
high. This is sparsely dispersed [confined to certain localities?]. (Perhaps the
clone ‘CA 4’ in Plate 23c belongs to this class.)
2. Jacaré [‘Alligator’, equal to Pound’s lagarta, which is derived from the
name used in Central America?]. Most common type, elongate, sometimes with
the apex curved; always has a well-pronounced constriction below the base,
which also is somewhat curved [asymmetrical?]; husk thick, very rough with
deep furrows; [dimensions] up to 23 cm in length and 8 cm in diameter;
average seed weight 0.95 g.
3. Amelonado [partly in the sense of the customary use of the term]. [Fruit]
shape ovoid; [dimensions] length 18 cm, diameter 9–10 cm; surface smooth;
ridges slightly prominent; seeds well developed, more rounded; average seed
weight 1.0 g.
4. Cabacinho [equivalent to Calabacillo]. [Fruit] almost rounded and smooth;
ridges almost imperceptible, [dimensions]: length 11.5 cm, diameter 8.5 cm;
seeds small and very bitter; tree vigorous; average seed weight 0.6 g.
Le Cointe added that the cacao of the Amazon Basin generally had fruits
with thick husks and small seeds in which the colour of the cotyledons was dark
purple. The knowledge that has been acquired about the cultivated populations
of the Amazon shows that within each of the above classes a significant degree
of variability occurs and that the generalizations do not hold true.
220 Chapter 6

Brazil – the Extra-Amazon Cultivation

Not many years had elapsed after cultivation of the species had begun in the
Amazonian Region when suggestions were made regarding its introduction to
other parts of Brazil, which possessed environmental conditions similar to those
of its native habitat. Whether any action was taken at the time (the end of the
17th century) is unclear. The claim is made (as far as the author is aware based
on undocumented evidence) that the first introduction of cacao to the coastal
provinces was made in 1746. This resulted in the establishment of a plantation
on the R. Pardo in the south of the State of Bahia.
Since the most extensive cultivation of cacao in Brazil developed in the
State of Bahia, most attention has been focused on its cacao populations.
However, during the 18th century the species was experimented with all along
the coast from Pernambuco in the north and at least as far as Rio de Janeiro
in the south. The States in which some cacao cultivation is practised are
shown in Fig. 38 and from which their relationship to the Amazon Extension
Zone and the lower part of the Amazon Basin can be appreciated. During the
period of experimentation with cacao cultivation the development of these
parts of Brazil was largely confined to the coastal areas, penetration into the
interior being possible along the rivers that flowed into the sea where colonies
had been established. Even then, some rivers had remained untouched until
decades later.
The descendants of some of the earlier plantations, as well as those created
in the 19th and 20th centuries, may still be encountered. All of these
experiments would have involved the introduction of seed from the Amazon
Basin. It is probable that these undertakings involved independent
introductions from unspecified sources, although the possibility of some
exchange among the new locations must be considered. Consequently, the
extra-Amazonian enterprises constitute an additional reservoir of the diversity
contained in the region and an opportunity for the development of new
combinations of genes.
However, except for the research conducted on the genetic bases of the
cacao populations of the State of Bahia, and to a minor extent those of the
adjacent State of Espírito Santo, these reservoirs of diversity have remained
What resulted from the putative plantation of cacao on the R. Pardo has
never been recorded, in spite of claims made to the effect that trees of the
original variety still exist. Zehntner (1914) refers to the oldest tree on the farm
supposed to be that on which the 1746 introduction was planted. It would be
plausible to imagine that other trees on the same property are descended from
the original introduction. Collections have been made of the genotypes
concerned and it is hoped that their status will be clarified in due course. In the
context of this matter attention would be given to an article published in 1789
on the agricultural possibilities of the district of Ilhéus, which refers to cacao as
a potential crop as if it did not already occur in the area. Some cacao trees
existed in the area at the time it was visited by Spix and Martius in 1818, but,
apparently, only a few trees were seen. Spix and Martius (1828, vol. II)
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 221

Fig. 38. Map of eastern Brazil with the States in which cacao is cultivated (indicated
by their acronyms as defined in the area to the bottom right of the map) and their
relationship to the Amazonian Region.
222 Chapter 6

described the flora at the mouth of the R. das Contas (to the north of Ilhéus)
and wrote:
…Und wir fanden hier, wie in Camamú, nur einige Stämme, deren gesundes
Aussehen allerdings die Zweckmässigkeit das Cacaobaumes in diesen Gegenden
bewärte. (…and we have found here, such as in Camamú, a few trees of cacao
whose healthy appearance shows, of course, that they are well suited to the area.)

The authors would not have been able to describe varieties since it would
be several more months before they became familiar with the plant in the
Amazon Basin. It would have been just prior to their visit that the German
colony had been established in the area of Ilhéus, which appears to have
stimulated the cultivation of cacao.
The Ilhéus area was not the only part of the State of Bahia in which the
cultivation had been ventured. Planting would have been tried in Salvador as
trees may be found in gardens in the city. The areas that encircle the bay,
normally cultivated with sugarcane, are, also, with certain limitations on
account of the nature of the soils and tendencies for long dry seasons,
potentially suitable for the crop. For this reason references to cacao in the area
are encountered. The agricultural school at São Bento must have had adult
cacao trees in 1882 to be used for instruction on cultivation practices.
One writer (Leal, 1893) mentions seeing attempts at planting cacao in
districts to the south of Salvador, where the conditions are considered to be less
suitable. In spite of successive attempts results were unsatisfactory since,
although the trees ‘prospered magnificently’ yields were low. This situation
could be attributed to the use of self-incompatible genotypes whose flowers
would not have been pollinated because of the absence of suitable pollinating
agents in the new environments.
The most useful history and description of the varieties of cacao that were
cultivated at the beginning of the 20th century in the zone fanning out from the
port of Ilhéus is that of Zehntner (1914). This shows the manner in which the
original introduction provided planting material for some of the other farms on
which the crop was established. Information was included regarding the origins
of the cacao plantations south of the Ilhéus zone in the river valleys as far as,
and including, the R. Jéquitinhonha. He states that the oldest trees at Una
dated from 1809 and that material from these was used for plantings on the
other rivers, such as the R. Pardo. The statement raises questions concerning
the relationship of these trees to the supposed 1746 planting and whether, if
the latter trees existed, they did not provide seed for planting in the
neighbouring properties. The plantation system in the south of the State of
Bahia had developed by 1849. Export of cocoa from the region was taking
place on a small scale by 1835.
From the information presented by Zehntner it could be assumed that a
single variety was involved during the first century of the establishment of the
crop in the region. It is suggested that this variety was that to which the name
‘Comum’ (= common) was given. Probably, as seems to have been the
practice in other cacao growing regions, the name was applied to distinguish
the variety from those introduced at later periods, in addition to implying its
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 223

extensive distribution. Successive generations of reproduction of the same

variety would have resulted in the formation of stands consisting of
homozygous individuals that were self-compatible.
Although the variety name ‘Comum’ is associated with the type of fruit,
exceptionally for variety descriptions at the time, Zehntner (1914) described in
detail the characteristics of the trees’ habits and leaves as well as their cultural
requirements. The fruits were described as being large and elliptic in shape,
tending to be cylindrical in the middle. The apex was short acute and straight
and a tendency for a constriction at the base was evident. The fruit surface had
fairly pronounced ridges and varied from being rough (which was more
frequent) to smooth. Seed numbers reached 50.
The trees of the ‘Comum’ variety were distinguished from those introduced
later by their vigour, height and size, possessing leaves that were broad at the
petiole end, the blades being undulating and thick textured.
The subsequent introductions are attributed to a German colonist named
Steiger, who would have brought seed from various trees when he travelled on
the R. Amazon. The exact details of these introductions are unknown. In 1859
Steiger had a planting of cacao on his farm. However, Zehntner (1914)
supposed that the varieties whose introduction is attributed to Steiger arrived
between 1874 and 1876 and seeds from them were used to form a plantation,
which eventually numbered 20,000 trees.
The origin of the seeds introduced was given as ‘Pará’. Although the name
‘Pará’ is that of the State at the mouth of the R. Amazon, previously it applied
to all of the Brazilian territory falling within the basin. This means that the seeds
would have been obtained at various locations in an extremely large area. The
description of the descendants of the introduction divides them into two distinct
One of the varieties was named ‘Maranhão’ and two forms were
recognized. The derivation of the name is somewhat confusing. The name itself
is that of the first Portuguese colony, as stated in the previous section, and
continues to be the name of the State in which the colony had been
established. However, the knowledge regarding the cacao varieties present in
the State of Maranhão indicates that it is unlikely that a corresponding variety
exists there. The possibility is that a misinterpretation of the name became
current and that the actual source of the variety was the R. Marañon in Peru,
the population of which was described in Chapter 5.
Zehntner (1914) described two types to which the name ‘Maranhão’ was
attributed. One of these was called ‘Maranhão Rugoso’ (the adjective means
‘rough’). He stated that the fruits of this type were similar to those of the
‘Comum’ variety but were more variable with regard to their shape. This was
slightly more narrow and elongate with an attenuate apex. It would appear that
the type was not adapted to some conditions, probably where drainage was
poor. When grown in more favourable environmental circumstances it was as
good as the ‘Comum’ type and the characteristics of the surface roughness and
the high ridges were most evident.
It is apposite at this juncture to mention that seeds of the ‘Maranhão’ type
(perhaps from the original planting in Bahia) had been introduced into Trinidad
224 Chapter 6

in the 1930s. The trees seen at an age of about 25 years were vigorous and tall
with elongate rough fruits. The productive capacity appeared to be low and little
attention was paid to this sample. It was not possible to locate these trees in
1983 and it could be presumed that this potentially valuable germplasm had
been destroyed.
The other type belonging to the ‘Maranhão’ group is the one that Zehntner
referred to as ‘Maranhão Liso’ (smooth ‘Maranhão’) but which, evidently, was
given various names by the farmers. These suggest that the concept covered
several variations in the progeny of the original introduction. In this regard he
explained that the fruits varied greatly in terms of length, the range including
the longest fruits that he had encountered. The fruits of medium length had the
general shape of the ‘Maranhão Rugoso’ except for the smooth surface with
almost imperceptible ridges but maintaining the basal constriction.
On the other hand, the elongate fruits have more extended bases and
apices, producing an effect in that the sides of their midsections appear to be
parallel. According to Zehntner some farmers gave the variety the name of
‘Maranhão Melão’ (melon shaped). Such fruits tended to have thicker husks
than the other variants. From his samples of this type he obtained maximum
seed numbers of 57, which place the type in the group of varieties with high
ovule numbers and suggest a relationship to genotypes such as ‘MA 12’ (Plate
23b). The experiences with trees of this type indicated that productivity levels
were low in some situations but were observed to be potentially high in others.
The third main group of varieties that existed in Bahia (and the second
group of Steiger’s introduction) was given the name of ‘Pará’. As stated above,
this name could apply to any of the components of the Amazonian Region
populations covering the extensive distribution area that was described in
Chapter 5. The typical fruit lacks a basal constriction and the shape is relatively
wider and more rounded than the ‘Comum’ variety. The fruit surface is smooth
and the ridges insignificant. In general, the fruit size is smaller than that of the
other varieties, regardless of whether they are spherical or more elongate in
shape. The small, broad and short fruits with their smooth surfaces resemble
those of the fruits of the passion fruit (Passiflora sp.), of which varieties of a yellow
colour are produced in Brazil. On account of this resemblance, Zehntner added
the word Maracujá (= passion fruit) to the classification of the ‘Pará’ type.
Among the interesting comparisons made by Zehntner in the description of
the ‘Pará’ group is that with the genotype known in Java with the designation
of ‘Suriname’. As will be seen later, the cacao cultivation in Surinam appeared
to have been based in the early period on a similar variety to which the name
‘Porcelaine’ had been applied on account of the smooth husked fruit and with
which Zehntner probably had become familiar in Java, where he worked prior
to going to Brazil.
The ‘Maranhão’ and ‘Pará’ types were distinguished from the ‘Comum’
types, not only by the fruit characters, but also by the habits of the trees. In
contrast to the erect habit of ‘Comum’ Steiger’s introductions and their
descendants produced wide canopies with long branches that tended to curve
towards the ground. The cork on the branches was smoother and the leaves
larger with the base narrower than that of the ‘Comum’ type.
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 225

Zehntner provides data on samples of fruits harvested on various

properties that are grouped according to the concepts established relating to
the variety names. From these data it can be concluded that significant
variability occurred among samples to which the same variety names were
attributed, the variability depending on the locations at which the samples were
produced. Thus, the fruit dimensions of some ‘Maranhão’ samples do not differ
from those of some ‘Comum’ samples, the distinctions probably being based
on other features of the fruits. The main distinctions concern the fruit shapes as
measured by the length:diameter ratios. These are, in ascending order: ‘Pará’
(small) – 1.45; ‘Pará’ (Special) – 1.55; ‘Comum’ – 1.64; ‘Maranhão Rugoso’ –
1.72; ‘Maranhão Liso’ (average size) – 1.78; ‘Maranhão Liso’ (large) – 2.00.
The largest seeds on a fresh weight basis were recorded in the ‘Pará’ (Special)
category and the smallest in the ‘Maranhão Rugoso’ group. The first of the
varieties listed would be named in Portuguese Parazinho (=small Pará).
The classification of the varieties into the above groups shows the scale of
variability in the Bahia population and that attempts at classifying the varieties
by other authors result in over-simplification of the situation. Admitting that it
would be possible to encounter trees that would be descended directly from the
original introductions as named, it is more likely that a certain degree of
heterogeneity would have been developed, starting from the nature of the
parent trees and their populations. If Steiger’s original planting of cacao as seen
in 1859 was of the ‘Comum’ type and the later introductions were planted in
the same area, hybridization between the three ‘varieties’ would have occurred.
The fruits supplied from Steiger’s farm to other properties probably included
those resulting from mating among the different varieties in addition to those
produced by intra-variety fertilization. Consequently, some of the individual
populations that developed were heterogeneous in content but contained
individuals that were homozygous. An example of this situation was the farm
on which the original ‘SIC’ selections were made. Other farms that received
only a single variety derived from inbreeding would have developed
homogeneous populations with the degree of homozygosity being enhanced in
the succeeding generations.
This probability would account for the present status of the Bahia cacao
population as it evolved since the latter half of the 20th century. On the one
hand, the population contains trees that possess characteristics that conform to
the descriptions of any one of the variety groups and that are essentially, if not
entirely, homozygous. These individual genotypes would be the result of
several generations of inbreeding. On the other hand, mere observation of the
populations of certain farms indicates that phenotypic variability can be very
large. This range of variability includes trees with characteristics that differ
considerably from those of the attributes of the named types.
In 1980 a survey of the traditional cacao populations in the R.
Jéquitinhonha system revealed the existence of genotypes that did not fall
within the accepted range of the variability dispersed in the Ilhéus zone. The
existence of other varieties, albeit equally from the Amazonian Region, is
attributed to the introduction of other types by the cacao farmers of the valley.
These would have been maintained in the original form on account of the poor
226 Chapter 6

communications between this area and the Ilhéus area, which existed until
about 50 years ago.
The variability expressed in the populations that evolved in Bahia,
therefore, is significantly larger than that of the varieties considered by custom
to have constituted the basis of the local population. The range of fruit shapes
and other characteristics that are expressed in the total population
encompasses many of the types that can be encountered in the Amazonian
Region. From the data collected by Zehntner we know that genotypes occur
with ovule numbers of 65 or more, but the maximum number found in the
other types is 55. The seed size does not appear to vary to the extent that
definite distinctions can be identified, although certain genotypes do have
seeds that are larger than the normal range, these being independent of the
fruit shape or of the variety to which they can be classified on the basis of the
information given by Zehntner (1914).
It is normally accepted that the genotypes in this population are self-
compatible. However, in view of findings elsewhere there is a possibility that,
owing to the fact that only a few genotypes have been tested for their
compatibility status, other trees may be found to be self-incompatible. The
varieties are known to be uniform with regard to the dark purple cotyledon
colour, with the exception of those possessing the anthocyanin inhibitor gene,
but, again, the entire diversity range has not been analysed for this character.
As indicated above, the wide range of phenotypic expressions does not
permit all of the genotypes to be assigned to the three (or four, if the
‘Maranhão Rugoso’ and ‘Maranhão Liso’ are treated as separate varieties)
groups described. The fruit illustrated in Plate 7d is presently classified as
‘Comum’ but, in addition to differing from the description given by Zehntner, it
is probably closer to the large ‘Pará’ type. The almost spherical, smooth walled
fruit in Plate 7a may be classed as ‘Pará’ but differs from the normal type of
this variety by the very thick husk, which quite likely is the result of low seed
numbers. In fact, the variability in husk thickness is noticeable and thick husks
were possibly a feature of the large fruits assigned to the ‘Pará’ group in
Zehntner’s account with the title of ‘Special’ as shown by the low ratio of seed
weight to total fruit weight.
The knowledge that the cacao populations of the State of Bahia represent
a significant range of diversity leads to the elucidation of the origins of the
varieties involved and their relationships to the components of the diversity that
existed in the Amazonian Region. However, owing to the incomplete
knowledge of the Amazonian diversity and the fact that few individuals have
personal contacts with the range of variability in the Region it would be
presumptuous to imagine that the subject would be adequately treated at the
present time.
It would seem that the ‘variety’ called ‘Comum’, as described by Zehntner,
may be similar to Pound’s (1938) ‘central type’ in the Cametá area. The
complex in Steiger’s introduction that was designated as ‘Pará’ contains fruit
types that are common in many places of the lower reaches of the R. Amazon.
Some phenotypes in the complex resemble those of genotypes that are known
from the State of Pará. If it is admitted that the name Maranhão may really
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 227

refer to the R. Marañon, then it will be necessary to seek a relationship with the
varieties that are known from that river. For example, the rough fruits could be
considered to relate phenotypically to the genotype ‘PA 150’. However, if
Steiger obtained the fruits of the ‘variety’ he introduced with the name
‘Maranhão’ from parental trees belonging to populations in the State of Pará, it
is possible that they were descendants of varieties from the R. Marañon that
had been introduced to the particular location and were named for their origin
on this river. Some of the genotypes to which the title ‘Maranhão’ could be
applied would compare with Le Cointe’s Crioulo, especially if the ovule
numbers were in the same range.
The large scale on which cacao was planted in the southern municipalities
of the State of Bahia, which involved various generations of reproduction,
provided ample opportunities for the occurrence of mutations. In the course of
time several mutations have been observed on account of the ease of
identifying them in populations that are essentially homozygous. Most of the
mutant genotypes are outstanding on account of the unusual characteristics
they possess rather than on economically valuable traits. Reference was made
previously in this section to the similarity of the variability expressed in the
Bahia population to genotypes that occur in the Amazonian Region. From this
it may be inferred that some of the fruits obtained in the region were from trees
that were heterozygous for some of the loci in their genotypes.
It was evident that the ability to mutate was recognized in the earliest
plantings in Bahia. Zehntner (1914) singled out the appearance of an
abnormality that had been named ‘Folha de Louro’ (bayleaf), characterized by
plants that were slow growing and of small stature, the leaves being dark green
in colour and very small. Plants with similar characteristics are encountered in
various Amazonian populations. Among the better-known mutations are those
that possess the anthocyanin inhibitor allele, which, as referred to in Chapter 5,
is common throughout the Amazonian Region. The genotypes carrying this
allele, which are familiar to students of the genetics of the species, are those
named ‘Catongo’ and ‘Almeida’, but the allele is present in other components
of the Bahia population, which are very different to the two named with regard
to their other characteristics.
One of the most remarkable of the mutant genotypes discovered in Bahia
is one that is named ‘Maracujá’. The genotype’s name is not connected with
the same name that was applied to Steiger’s ‘Pará’ introduction but to the
resemblance of the flower to those of the genus Passiflora. In this genotype the
sterile staminodes are replaced by normal stamens, the latter producing fertile
pollen. The significance of the ‘Maracujá’ mutant is that it would represent
what would have been a wild type ancestor of the genus Theobroma that had
ten fertile stamens. The flower type is illustrated in Plate 8c from a progeny in
which the mutant character is combined with that of ‘Catongo’. The gene has
other expressions that include fruits with a smooth surface on a glossy bright
green colour, a thick husk and abnormally low seed numbers.
Another mutant genotype that is important to mention is the one named
‘Jaca’ (from the smooth entire broad leaves of the jackfruit tree). This mutant
(Plate 4d) shows some relationship to the ‘Maracujá’ mutant in its flower
228 Chapter 6

characters. One of its main features is the predominance of whorls of three

plagiotropic branches (instead of the five branches of normal T. cacao), as
shown in Fig. 50. The possession of this trait shows an interesting affinity with
all of the other Theobroma species whose architecture is formed by three
plagiotropic branches.
Cacao is also cultivated to a minor extent in the State of Espírito Santo,
located immediately to the south of the cacao growing region of Bahia, and
similarly restricted to the coastal areas. The history of the introduction and
cultivation in Espírito Santo is not very well known, which means that it is
impossible to determine the genetic constitution of the population that was
established. Apparently, the first attempts at cultivation were made at least in
the latter half of the 18th century. According to the history of the State, cacao
was being exported in 1822 at a time when cultivation in Bahia was
insignificant. Production appears to have been carried out initially in the
northern part of the State, principally in the valley of the R. São Matéus.
Unfortunately, no survey of the cacao population in the valley has been
conducted, a situation that, therefore, prohibits a description being made. It
would be assumed that the establishment of cultivation in the valley would
have taken place independently from that in the valleys in the State of Bahia.
In later decades attempts at cultivation were made in the valleys in the
centre and south of Espírito Santo. These included unsuccessful attempts made
in the municipality of Cachoeira de Itapemirim prior to 1885. The central area
in the drainage system of the R. Doce developed into the most important
producing zone in the State. Although publications refer to the commencement
of cultivation in 1895 it is probable that plantations existed prior to this year.
The same sources also mention that the varieties planted were the same as
those introduced into Bahia, which is a probability in certain respects since
plantations of trees with similar types can be observed; but the relationships
have not been verified. The trees in the field depicted in Fig. 39 may be
descendants of one of the components of the Bahia population.
The trees in some of the cacao plantations in the R. Doce valley that
derived from these introductions were observed to have fruit types that are not
found in the State of Bahia. Some of the genotypes with fruits that differ from
those that form the basic population of Bahia are represented among the
selections made in the State of Espírito Santo. The fruits are broad in shape
with a dark green colour and a more prominently ridged surface. There is a
tendency for the apex to end in a short point. It was discovered that some of
the selected genotypes were self-incompatible. The self-incompatible genotypes
differ from the types usually considered to belong to the Bahia population by
producing larger fruits whose surfaces tend to be smoother. They also have
larger seeds than the other selections from Espírito Santo and most of the
Bahia genotypes. In general, the Espírito Santo selections of the dark green
fruit variety tend to be more productive than many of the Bahia selections.
The existence of self-incompatibility in the Espírito Santo population
indicates the presence of a variety element that perhaps does not occur in
Bahia, as far as is known. The alleles controlling the self-incompatibility reaction
have not been determined as yet, a situation that precludes the determination of
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 229

Fig. 39. Brazil, State of Espírito Santo: a cacao plantation in a remote area
established about 60 years previously, to show the variety cultivated.

the relationship of the genotypes that carry the alleles to other Amazonian
genotypes. It is accepted that the Espírito Santo population would have been
established from introductions descended from the Amazonian Region
germplasm. This germplasm would have included components of the varieties
that comprise the Bahia population. However, in view of the fact that the
available selections represent only a small part of the potential variability in the
State of Espírito Santo, it is impossible to guess at the degree of influence of the
Bahia varieties until the variability that existed in the State has been adequately
Although the cultivation of cacao in the States of Bahia and Espírito Santo
is almost entirely based on the germplasm of the Amazonian Region, it is
interesting to refer to the presence in the area of germplasm with Criollo
ancestry. The background to the acquisition of the varieties concerned was
described by Zehntner (1914). In his article he stated that he had directed the
importation of ‘some plants’ from Ceylon of the varieties belonging to
Venezuelan (‘Caracas’) and Nicaraguan types. (The Nicaraguan type
mentioned would refer to the ‘Pentagona’ variety that had been introduced
into Ceylon a few years earlier from Trinidad.) These plants were established in
1907 in the orchard of the Agricultural Institute (presumably the school in São
Bento, referred to earlier). The purpose of the introduction relates to the desire
to produce cocoa of high quality in Bahia instead of the product exported from
the State, which was considered to belong to the lower quality standards.
230 Chapter 6

The number of plants introduced and established is not recorded. Bondar

(1924, 1929) wrote a summary of the history of the introduction in which he
indicated that only one plant survived. Some second-generation progenies of
this plant were planted in the Botanic Garden in Salvador and their progenies
established in the Experimental Station of ‘Agua Preta’ belonging to the
Instituto de Cacau da Bahia. Seeds from this generation were distributed to
various farms with the objective of promoting the cultivation of what were
presumed to be varieties that would produce cacao of superior quality.
However, these varieties were never planted on a large enough scale to make
any impact on the genetic constitution of the Bahia cacao population.
The story of the introduction is a remarkable one from the point of view of
the genetics of the variety concerned. The study of the diversity exhibited in
their third or fourth generation progenies provides an insight into the complex
heterozygous nature of the plants in the source population, that of Ceylon (Sri
Lanka), the history of which will be discussed in due course.
Some of the progenies at the ‘Agua Preta’ experimental station were
selected and the resulting clones maintained in the germplasm bank of the
Centro de Pesquisas do Cacau. The eight genotypes from the fourth generation
and two from the third generation exhibit a remarkable degree of variability.
They include individuals that are obviously descended from the Criollo
ancestors but possessing distinctive traits in terms of leaf shape, plant habit, lax
branches and fruits of an unusual green colour with a relatively smooth surface.
At the other end of the range of variability are two almost identical genotypes
with a short height and broad, dark green leaves with a thick and hard texture.
The fruits of these types are dark red in colour, small in size and nearly
spherical in shape with prominent ridges.
It is possible that the progenies of the second generation of the plant that
survived the introduction may have resulted from hybridization with one of
the other varieties at the location but this is not evident in the segregation
observed in the subsequent generations. If the second-generation progenies
resulted from self-fertilization it could be concluded that the parent tree was
self-compatible and heterozygous for the red fruit colour. Accordingly, the
plant would have been descended from what was classed in the source
country as the ‘Caracas’ variety or Venezuelan Criollo. Perhaps the plants
obtained from Sri Lanka had resulted from hybridization with any of the other
varieties supplied from Trinidad.
An interesting mutation would have occurred within this introduced family.
It is entirely sterile but produces a few small, red, parthenocarpic fruits. On
account of their resemblance to chilli peppers the mutant is called ‘Pimenta’.


Cacao cultivation in the coastal belt of the Guianas, the extent of the area is
shown in Fig. 23, has a fairly long history and provides a unique situation in
which parts of each of the countries in the region fall within the natural
distribution range of the Amazonian Region. The coastal belt, however, on
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 231

account of the lack of evidence of the prehistorical occurrence of the species,

can be considered to lie outside of the natural range.
Surinam is an example of such a situation and worth referring to on
account of its history of cacao production and its relative importance in this
respect. The evolution of the cacao diversity since the first attempts at
cultivation would serve as an example of the trends that occurred in similar
circumstances. The country has a minor importance as a contributor of the
germplasm that exists in some Old World producers through the exportation of
a few varieties. It is also interesting from the point of view of variety adaptation
to unique growing circumstances and the cultivation methods that were
developed to overcome environmental conditions that were, for practical
purposes, unsuitable for cultivation.
As far as is known the cacao industry of Surinam was based on a single
variety. The origins of cultivation in the coastal plains and the rivers in the
hinterland probably date from the late 17th century. It is the opinion of the
author that the seeds used to establish the first plantations had been brought by
the Jews who settled in Surinam following their expulsion from Pará. As will be
described in the relevant section a similar event led to the introduction of cacao
to Martinique. Apparently, at the end of the 18th century, the export trade in
cacao was in the hands of the Jewish community in Surinam.
The conclusion regarding the variety first cultivated derives from the
account of Bartelink (1884), who called it ‘the indigenous variety’, which
contains the following information: ‘Surinam cacao is the ordinary yellow sort
and is planted everywhere. In a cacao field many different varieties of cacao,
sometimes even as many as 20, are found. The best sort, however, is the so-
called Porcelain cacao, distinguished by a thin smooth shell and the fullness of
its beans.’ The variety, also referred to as ‘Suriname’ in his account, was
described by Preuss (1901) as having fruits whose colour, when unripe, was
light green, with a shape that was very short and probably tending to be
spherical with a rounded apex. The surface of the fruit was essentially smooth.
In 1885 fruits of this variety were sent to Guyana on the basis of a very
favourable recommendation that referred to it as being ‘esteemed for its good
The name ‘Porcelain’ used in the Surinam context should not be confused
with the ‘Porcelana’ of the Maracaibo cacao variety although there may be
some similarity regarding the phenotypic appearance, but the Surinam type
definitely belongs to the Amazonian Region. Since varieties with similar fruits
can be found in Pará it would be possible to determine which type was the
ancestor of the Surinam variety. Preuss (1901) indicated that the Surinam
variety resembled the ‘Forastero’ of Trinidad and that its descendants in
Venezuela were classed as ‘Carúpano’.
The Surinam variety would have been essentially uniform in respect of its
genetic constitution. It does not appear to be related to the genotype inhabiting
the area of the Mamaboen Creek of the River Coppename that was described
in Chapter 5. The only specimen of Theobroma cacao in the Carl Linnaeus
herbarium was collected by Dahlberg about 1770. Only leaves have been seen,
these having a rather thick texture.
232 Chapter 6

Bartelink (1884) stated that the first introductions of ‘Caracas’ cacao,

obviously belonging to the Venezuelan Criollo group and containing genotypes
with red fruits, had been made in 1845. Presumably the planting material was
obtained from Venezuela, possibly from a specific location but could also have
been related to similar varieties whose cultivation would have been established
during the period of the Dutch colonies of Essequibo and Demerara. These
introduced types began to enter into cultivation. Again, we can refer to
Preuss’ (1901) observations that indicate that two types would have been
One of these types was called Alligator, the name presumably being given
on account of the rough surface. The fruit colour of this type was green when
unripe and its shape was very narrow elongate with an attenuate apex.
Preuss related the fruit type to that called Cundeamor in Venezuela and
Trinidad but this may not have been wholly accurate. Evidently, this variety
belonged to the green-fruited component of the Venezuelan Criollo group, the
separate name indicating an origin distinct to that of the other variety named
The main distinguishing feature of the ‘Caracas’ variety was the
preponderance of red fruits. The fruit characters of this variety would have
been similar to those of the Alligator type, but apparently with more
pronounced ridges. The other features of the fruits mentioned were the thick
husk and the large placenta. Preuss observed that the trees given this name in
Surinam differed from those named ‘Caracas’ in Venezuela. It would seem that,
even at the time of Preuss’ visit to the country, the introduced varieties did not
comprise a significant proportion of the cacao population as he remarked that
their introduction would improve the quality of the produce.
Where the two varieties had been planted together, hybridization would
have taken place since Bartelink referred to the degeneration of the ‘Caracas’
types by fertilization with the ‘native’ variety. No real study of the cacao
population that evolved in Surinam has been made and descriptions of
genotypes are non-existent. In 1900 a report was put out about the discovery
of a ‘new cacao variety’ on a farm on the R. Nickerie that had very large fruits,
measuring 300 mm in length but nothing more seems to have happened to this
type. Even the programme of selection of superior trees conducted in 1914 and
1915 provided no descriptions of the trees that were selected. It is expected that
the populations that evolved up to about 1950 were substituted by imported
varieties except for a few selections.
In the report of his visit to Ocumare de la Costa, Stahel (1924) stated that
he had made arrangements for seed from one of the farms to be sent to
Surinam. No mention of the establishment of such an introduction has been
found. However, one of the selections made some years later is obviously
descended from the Venezuelan Criollo, with red fruits and a smooth surface
similar to those of the Chuao types.
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 233



Since the original populations associated with the Circum-Caribbean Region

have existed for a very long time their germplasm was discussed in Chapter 5
as being indigenous to the Region; although, based on the knowledge that we
have about them, we may infer that they were entirely cultivated. It was
concluded that all of the germplasm involved belonged to a group of varieties
with common characteristics and possibly a common origin to which the name
Criollo would be applied. Since the mid-19th century considerable changes
have taken place in the composition of the germplasm cultivated in the Region.
In this chapter an attempt will be made to describe the modern status of the
populations that have evolved in the areas where the varieties of the Criollo
group were exclusively grown in the past.
During the past 500 years two lines of population development have
occurred in the Circum-Caribbean Region. In the historical sequence the first
stage was the expansion of cultivation of the Criollo varieties into regions
outside the pre-Columbian distribution areas. This process took place over a
period of time and would have resulted from the initiatives of European
colonizers to satisfy the demand for cocoa to meet their own needs as well as
for export. The other aspect of the development of the modern cacao
populations in the Region concerns the subsequent alteration (or adulteration)
of the original genetic base through the introduction of germplasm belonging to
the Amazonian Region diversity.
The areas that are considered for the purpose of this account as belonging
to the Circum-Caribbean Region or coming under its influence in terms of the
initial germplasm base of their populations are those in which planting material
derived from the Criollo group was exclusively involved. The geographical
nature of the Region differs markedly from that of the Amazonian Region,
where the distribution range is essentially contiguous, by the fact that the cacao
areas are discontinuous and isolated. This situation resulted in the formation of
populations whose genetic composition may be differentiated because they
evolved from disparate germplasm bases and by separate processes. However,
the common factor is the ancestral Criollo diversity base.
Although regional and local differences can be observed between most of
the populations it is also necessary to take into consideration the movement of
germplasm between the locations. As will be seen some sources of germplasm
have contributed to the composition of many of the cultivated populations that
were present in the mid-20th century. These contributions would be expected to
result in similarities in the genetic composition of these populations. However,
the differences in the range of genotypes that are observed occur because the
introductions to the individual locations would have involved specific parts of
the germplasm base of the source populations. The introductions also occurred
at different stages and their effect on the compositions of the local populations
would have been determined by the rates of distribution of the introduced
varieties and the number of generations involved as well as by selection.
234 Chapter 6

The variability that was created in the Region as it concerns the ‘modern’
population situation compared with the ancestral germplasm base resulted from
the addition of germplasm from the Amazonian Region that commenced in the
17th century. Although the intrusion of Amazonian genes took various forms
from more than one source the consequences were a tendency for a shift in the
genetic complexes in the producing areas, especially those in the major
producing countries. The effects of the introgression of the foreign genes became
more pronounced in time as selection for the superior adaptability of these
varieties and their hybrids resulted in a tendency for the traditional populations
to be substituted by them. This process continues in spite of efforts to conserve
the traditional varieties on the basis of their special quality characteristics.
The heterogeneous nature of cacao cultivation in the Region results in
difficulties in attempting to describe the formation of their populations.
Certainly, no single history can be described for the Region as a whole.
Accordingly, it will be necessary to deal with the producing areas individually,
as far as circumstances justify their inclusion in this account, in relation to the
influences that the germplasm from specific areas has had on the diversity
found in other components of the Region. These influences extend beyond the
Region to the other areas of the western hemisphere (as described for some of
secondary producers in South America) and especially to the Old World.

The Caribbean Islands and Northern South America

Although some claims have been made for the existence of spontaneous
populations of cacao on some of the West Indian islands, the early literature
concerning their natural history makes it clear that the species was not present
on any island in the pre-Columbian era. In view of this situation the Caribbean
islands cannot be considered to belong to the ancient distribution area of the
Circum-Caribbean Region. However, the development of cacao cultivation on
the islands during the past 500 years is integrally linked with that of the
mainland. Figure 40 shows the relationships among the islands and with the
mainland countries in the Region.

Trinidad and Tobago

The choice of this country to open the description of the diversity that occurs in
the Circum-Caribbean Region is based on the contribution that its cacao
population has made to the diversity that has evolved in much of the Region.
In many respects its influence is a consequence of the active research carried
out on the species that commenced in the latter half of the 19th century.
Although the two islands have been governed together for over a century they
actually have different histories as far as cacao is concerned.
Cacao cultivation was practised only on the island of Trinidad when it was
under Spanish rule since the early days of the colonization of the New World.
The origins of the species on the island are unknown but, although claims are
made that it was indigenous (that is, existing prior to the arrival of the
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity
Fig. 40. Map of the Caribbean Sea with the island chain and its relationship to the mainland of Central and South

236 Chapter 6

Europeans), no proof of these claims is available. The most likely scenario is

the introduction from Venezuela during the early era of the establishment of the
Spanish colony of samples of the same population that was found in the west
of the country and which was carried eastwards to form the cultivations
established along the coast of Venezuela.
There is no doubt that cacao was present early in the history of the island
as it already occurred on the hills at the beginning of the 17th century.
Presumably, since the principal activity was the production of tobacco, little
attention was paid to the species at that time. It was likely that the crop
received more attention as the trade of ‘Caracas’ cacao increased. Trinidad
cacao may have entered into the trade under the name of ‘Caraquilla’,
exported from the West Indies towards the end of the 17th century, this being
considered in Spain as being of inferior quality to the ‘Caracas’ product.
However, from our standpoint it is not possible to tell exactly what varieties
composed the original Trinidad cacao population.
Only in the first decade of the 20th century was any evidence discovered
of the existence of types that may have belonged to the original Criollo
population. The fruit of this type is shown in Fig. 41 and it was described as
having seeds with white cotyledons. Apparently, the surface was smooth and
the husk thin, characteristics that relate it to some of the types belonging to the
diversity present in the coastal valleys of Venezuela. Other trees were described
as having rough fruits but all could be related to the Criollo population of
Venezuela, especially on account of the red pigment.
A phenomenon, generally referred to as a ‘blast’, but the cause of which is
not exactly known, affected the West Indies from Trinidad to Jamaica in 1727.
This resulted in the destruction of, or serious damage to, the cacao plantations
and a decline in cultivation. It seems that no attempt was made to resuscitate
cultivation using the remnants of the original Criollo population, probably
because of the miserable state the island was in at the time. The situation

Fig. 41. The fruit of the genotype considered to be a survivor of the original Criollo
population cultivated in Trinidad, which was found in 1908.
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 237

continued for many years until priests of the Capuchin order, who had recently
arrived in Trinidad, introduced seeds of another variety in 1757. Although
some authors have referred to the origin of this variety as being the R. Orinoco,
this seems unlikely, as no similar type is known from this valley. The more
plausible source of the seed would be the R. Amazon.
Another possible source is the variety with similar characteristics that would
have been grown on the island of Hispaniola, which in turn was derived from
the type already established on Martinique. Even if this alternative did not
apply to the 1757 introduction, the Hispaniola variety may also have arrived,
in the same manner as happened in Jamaica, with the French settlers who fled
from Haiti prior to the rebellion and settled in Trinidad.
The better adaptability of the new variety to the local conditions led to its
adoption as a basis for expanding cultivation, which may have coincided with
the arrival of the French. Hybridization between the introduced type and the
remnants of the former Criollo-based population probably occurred. However,
it is likely also that, during the succeeding years, other introductions of Criollo
from Venezuela were made, since a close relationship between the territories
was maintained with cacao farmers owning properties in both places. At least
one, subsequent, importation from Venezuela is known to have occurred. This
was of the type referred to as ‘Ocumare’, probably introduced at the beginning
of the 20th century.
Regardless of whatever introductions from Venezuela may have taken
place, hybridization would have produced the same results owing to similar
gene bases being involved. The hybridization gave rise, after various generations
of replanting, especially when the newer plantations were established in the
latter years of the 19th century, of a large variety of combinations. The extent of
segregation from the recombination created a population in which a great array
of phenotypes can be found, but in which it is sometimes possible to recognize
the contributions of the parental varieties. As mentioned previously the presence
of red-fruited trees would indicate that they had Criollo ancestors.
Another importation from Venezuela concerns a true Criollo that was
planted in a progeny row in the Botanic Garden of Tobago. One of the
selections made in the 1930s is of one of these progenies. It is heterozygous for
the red fruit colour and self-compatible. Seeds from this plot had been
distributed for planting in Tobago.
Apparently, a certain degree of selection was practised during the
formation of new fields. On the one hand, preference was given to maintaining
the Criollo variety on account of its quality features. On the other hand, the
Amazonian type was favoured because of its superior adaptation to conditions
that were less adequate for the Criollo variety and also on account of its higher
yield potential. As a result the situation arose where the composition of the
populations on different farms differed according to the preferences in the
choice of the planting material.
The range of phenotypic variability created led to the determination of the
manner in which the various types could be identified. Presumably, the variety
that was cultivated exclusively prior to 1757 was recognized by the name
Criollo and this would have applied to the similar varieties in Venezuela. It
238 Chapter 6

would be expected that the proper differentiating designation of the Amazonian

variety would have been Forastero. However, instead, this variety became
known as Calabacillo on the basis of its fruit shape. It would appear that the
hybrid types were named Forastero, as described by Hart (in Bailey, 1947),
who gave the characteristics as ‘the roughly corrugated pod, containing large
flattish seeds of a purplish colour.’ Hart mentioned that the type he called
Forastero was that introduced from South America but, in reality, the hybrid
form is the one described.
Sometime before 1880 a collection of cacao varieties had been
established in Trinidad to which certain names had been attributed. The
details of this collection are not entirely known but it would appear that it
contained at least 16 types. Descriptions of these have not been encountered
but it is known that a set of paintings of the selected varieties was produced
with the intention of reproducing them in a book. However, this idea did not
reach fruition and it is not known if any of the paintings still exist. The
collection of types provided the basis for the seeds supplied to various
colonies in the British Empire from 1880. Some idea of the phenotypes of the
‘varieties’ in the collection can be obtained from the list of the named types
included in these shipments.
In Chapter 2 the names of the ‘varieties’ in this collection were discussed
and the descriptions are repeated here in order to complete the picture of the
situation. The names used include ‘Ochroe’ (the Trinidad name for Hibiscus
esculentus), which would imply a fruit probably of a green colour, with a narrow
elongate shape and pronounced ridges. Another ‘variety’ had the name
‘Verdilico’, the fruit of which appears to have had a green colour and a smooth
surface. The name ‘Sangre Toro’ suggests that the fruit colour was dark red. Also
included was a type named ‘Five-grooved Cundeamor’, which suggests that the
fruit shape may have been similar to what is called the ‘Pentagonum’ type.
It is not known on what basis these varieties were named. Other writers
who described the forms of fruit types in Trinidad gave other names to them.
When Preuss (1901) visited Trinidad he observed that no two growers used the
same names for trees producing fruits with the same characteristics. He also
discussed the meanings of the names Criollo and Forastero, being inclined to
disagree with Hart’s definition of these terms. It is evident that the names that
were given in Trinidad did not apply to those used in other cacao populations,
particularly the Central American varieties.
Another collection of cacao ‘varieties’ was established in Trinidad after the
shipments that were made in the 1880s. The names of the 18 types that
comprised this collection mainly contained the word Forastero but these were
primarily differentiated on the basis of fruit colour. The condition of the surface
and husk thickness were used as well; the Forastero types had rough surfaces
and the list also included red and yellow Amelonado types. The fruits of the
types to which the term Creole (perhaps this refers to Criollo) was attached
were, with one exception, described as having smooth surfaces.
In 1893, Hart introduced from Nicaragua samples of seed of the ‘Alligator’
or ‘Pentagonum’ type and the ‘Cacao del Pais’. (These types are discussed in
detail in the account of the cacao of the country in Chapter 5.) Considerable
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 239

efforts were made to promote the growing of the ‘Alligator’ type on the basis
of the concept that it would result in a product with the best quality. However,
these efforts met with varying success and it would seem that, in the long
term, none of the plantings survived in the original form. The only example of
an ‘Alligator’ type fruit that has survived has a shape that is rather broader
than that of the original sample brought to Trinidad and the fruits of its
Various plantings of descendants of the other types that were introduced
from Nicaragua were made. From their greater vigour and the presence of
purple cotyledons it may be presumed that the individuals are of hybrid
descent but they segregate for the ‘Pentagonum’ fruit type and the single
plagiotropic branch character. On account of their vigour and large seeds
several of these genotypes entered into the first group of selections. Although
these genotypes comprise a significant proportion of the first selections made in
Trinidad the contribution of the descendants of the introductions from
Nicaragua to the variability that subsequently evolved is small.
Although the most simplistic scenario for the creation of the large
phenotypic diversity that exists in Trinidad is that it derived from two basic
types with a minor contribution of the introduction from Nicaragua, germplasm
from other sources could also be considered to explain some of the variability
that was created. Among the genotypes that are known and studied are ones
that have red fruits of a short broad shape, the progenies of which, derived
from self-fertilization, do not show any indication of inheritance from a Criollo
ancestor. On the other hand, genotypes are encountered whose traits are
essentially Criollo in nature but differ from other known Criollo genotypes in
possessing specific growth habits and leaves of thick texture.
In addition to the large range of combinations of characters that resulted
from the process of hybridization and recombination over many generations,
several noteworthy individuals have been identified that have arisen from
mutation. Among these is one named the ‘Crinkle-leaf Dwarf ’, in which the
leaves are puckered similar to those shown in Plate 6a and the plants are short.
Another remarkable type has an almost spherical fruit with a smooth surface
without notable ridges and an unusual green colour (Plate 26d). This
combination of characters appears to be caused by a single dominant allele.
However, the same genotype possesses another inherited feature resulting from
the action of a recessive gene, which produces short plants with white leaves
and is lethal in its effect.
The history of cacao on the island of Tobago is not well known. It would
seem that an attempt was made to establish the species on the island during
the time of the Dutch colonies. This experiment may have been the origin of a
group of plants found on the island in 1910, of which the type evidently
belonged to the Criollo group but the fruit had a distinct mamillate apex.
Interest in cultivation of cacao would have begun following the British
occupation and began to be promoted at the beginning of the 20th century.
Accordingly, the composition of the population would have been similar to that
of Trinidad with the exception of a few areas on which descendants of the
Nicaraguan introductions were planted.
240 Chapter 6

Venezuela (see Fig. 33 for the locations named)

Since the 19th century the cacao population of Venezuela has undergone a
profound change that involved the alteration of what was essentially a single
variety of the Criollo group with a special reputation for the quality of its
produce to one in which introduced germplasm has had a significant influence.
The source of the introduced germplasm was Trinidad, as the nearest country
with relations to Venezuela. Patiño (1963) stated that the first introduction was
made in 1831. Evidently the type differed from the variety cultivated at the
time and, therefore, it may be assumed that it was the Amazonian or
‘Calabacillo’ variety.
There are some areas of Venezuela where the ‘Calabacillo’ type is cultivated
almost exclusively. Pittier stated that, in these districts, the name ‘Trinitario’ was
applied to this variety (see Schnee, 1960). An example of the variety concerned
from an area where it predominates is depicted in Plate 26c and it may be
supposed that it belongs to the same type that was introduced into Trinidad in
1757. The trees seen in Venezuela had flowers with pigment on the stamens. It
is not known whether this also applies to the same variety in Trinidad but trees
that may be descended from the latter have pigmented stamens.
The first introductions from Trinidad would have been made into the areas
of Venezuela nearest to the island, such as the peninsula of Pária. Here the
introduced variety would have hybridized with the local type and, in time,
supplanted the Criollo and also spread to lands to which the Criollo was not
It would also be supposed that later introductions would have included the
hybrid forms produced in Trinidad. These introductions spread to other parts of
Venezuela so that the original varieties gradually were supplemented or
replaced as they died out. The scene in Venezuela is of a situation similar to
that which occurred in Trinidad, except that there is a greater presence of
Criollo germplasm, partly as components of the original populations and partly
in the hybrid descendants.
Accordingly, various scenarios may be envisaged concerning the
composition of individual regional populations. One example of the situations
that may have occurred is that of the Hacienda Guayabita in Ocumare de la
Costa as described by Stahel (1924). In addition to a Criollo population
mentioned in Chapter 5, there were trees with Amelonado and Calabacillo
fruits. Stahel stated that he found the fruits of the former type had larger seeds
than he had encountered in other fruits of the same shape. The planting
procedure used was to sow five seeds in each hole and leave only the largest of
the plants that developed. The consequence of this practice was that there was
a tendency for the ‘Amelonado’ or hybrid progenies to constitute a larger
proportion of the new plantings.
Once such populations consisting of mixtures of the Criollo and foreign
germplasm and the F1 hybrids had been formed the seed produced by the
hybrids used to establish the subsequent generations would include individuals
resulting from backcrosses to the parental types as well as the segregant F2
families. The progenies of the backcrosses to Criollo individuals would have
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 241

phenotypes similar to these parents but differing in terms of traits such as tree
vigour. At the same time future generations resulting from inbreeding among
the individuals of the first generation hybrid would exhibit an extensive
diversity of phenotypes as a consequence of recombination.
When Preuss (1901) visited Venezuela he described the cacao diversity that
had evolved in the district of Carúpano, which probably included the peninsula
of Pária. Here the cacao was also referred to as ‘Trinitario’ and various forms
were recognized, to which names were given. All of these forms would have
arisen through hybridization with varieties introduced from Trinidad but with
different degrees of intermixing and breeding within the local populations.
A survey of the cacao populations of Venezuela was carried out by Ciferri
and Ciferri (1949, 1950), perhaps in the 1940s, which provides some idea of
the variability that existed in the various regions of the country.
In view of the fact that cacao is grown in the country in several separated
geographical regions the degree of influence of the varieties introduced from
Trinidad and the survival of the ancestral Criollo germplasm varies according to
the region concerned. It is also necessary to take into consideration the number
of generations involved in the background of the planting material used to
establish individual fields. Consequently, there cannot be a generalized concept
of the genetic composition of the cacao cultivated in the country. Each region
needs to be treated individually (and in some cases this applies to individual
farms) according to the history of the evolution of the present day populations.
In some regions there is a greater presence of Criollo genotypes or hybrids
possessing Criollo-like characteristics. In other regions the populations consist
of individuals that are similar to those found in Trinidad but that may differ
from them in certain respects. In general, the gene base in Venezuela would be
the same as that in Trinidad.


Cultivated cacao in Colombia, in contrast to the native populations in the parts

of the country within the Amazonian Region, as shown in Fig. 21, is found
mainly in the river valleys and slopes within the Andean ranges. No evidence
has been found for the existence of cacao in these valleys in pre-Columbian
times and it can be considered that all the cacao found in them has been
introduced and cultivated by man.
Although the Circum-Caribbean Region delimited in the map in Fig. 1
includes only the northern areas of Colombia, much of the cacao cultivated in
the country occurs in zones outside this Region. For reasons that will be
explained subsequently, it is convenient to deal with all of the areas in which
the crop has been established as an extension to the Circum-Caribbean Region
on the basis of the common genetic background and evolution of the modern
populations. In this respect, it should be remembered that the cacao in the
foothills of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, whether native or cultivated,
was described in Chapter 5 on the assumption that it is a continuation of the
cacao of the Lake Maracaibo region.
242 Chapter 6

Patiño (1963) has described some of the history of the establishment of

cacao cultivation in the various zones of Colombia. The earliest attempt at
cultivation of any importance could be attributed to the region of San Faustino
in the east of the country. The area concerned was located in the upper reaches
of the R. Catatumbo, just north of Cúcuta, straddling what would become the
border between Venezuela and Colombia. It appears that cacao was cultivated
here before the end of the 17th century and, in terms of the planting material,
would be expected to be a continuation of the population in the foothills of the
Venezuelan Andes. The San Faustino area was, during the peak of its era,
perhaps the most important contributor to the cocoa exported as ‘Caracas’ but
it was also a large supplier of the demand in the Cartagena area. The forgotten
chapter of the era of cacao cultivation around San Faustino was described in a
document by Casimiro Isaru, edited by Fernández Duro (1890). Cultivation
was abandoned when the town was destroyed by an earthquake in 1784, after
which indigo began to be grown.
It is suggested that the cultivation of cacao that started in San Faustino
shifted to the west with its establishment in the Department of Santander in the
valleys near Bucaramanga, mostly around San Vicente. The first attempts at
growing the crop in the area would have been made with seed from the San
Faustino region or otherwise derived from the populations in the foothills of the
Venezuelan Andes. Some relics of these Criollo varieties were still to be found
in the region in the 1950s although the population structure had changed
during the 20th century.
The varieties from the western slopes of the eastern Cordillera would have
been introduced into other regions of Colombia, providing the origins of
cultivation in the Antioquia region, where cacao gained a considerable
importance as a part of the diet in the form of the beverage made from its seeds.
It would be assumed that the cacao grown along the R. Magdalena, reported by
various authors, especially in the 19th century, would have owed its origins to
the same source as that of the Bucaramanga area but no descriptions of the
types cultivated have been encountered. Cacao fields did occur as well along
the route from the R. Magdalena to Medellin. The crop was also established in
other parts of Antioquia, principally on the lower slopes of the hills bordering the
R. Cauca and in places on the banks of the river. These would have constituted
the main centres of production. Cultivation would have spread up the river to
Cartago, which was an important cacao area at the end of the 19th century, and
then to the region of the R. Cauca valley centred on the city of Cali.
In all of these areas types derived from the Criollo populations originating in
the Venezuelan Andean foothills would have been used to form the first
plantations. However, owing to the changes in the composition of the cultivated
populations in these areas, which occurred since the end of the 19th century, it
is not possible to give an accurate account of the nature of the Criollo varieties.
Some of the genotypes that can be ascribed to the group do appear to resemble
those of the Venezuelan types, especially the trees with green-coloured fruits and
the single plagiotropic branch character is also a feature of them.
It has been considered that, in general, the Colombian Criollo populations
differ from those of the other members of the group in several respects
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 243

(Cheesman, 1944). In view of the absence of details regarding the characteristics

of the populations it would be imprudent to attempt to define the attributes that
distinguish the Colombian populations from others of the Criollo group unless
all population groupings have been subjected to proper analysis. The distinctive
characteristics of the cacao in the upper R. Cauca valley would most probably
have resulted from selection that occurred during the process of the movement
into these regions from the sources of the planting material.
Although all cacao originally cultivated in the areas mentioned above
belonged to the Criollo group the genetic composition of the populations
began to change in the 1890s through the introduction of other varieties. The
history of these introductions is somewhat ill defined but they were probably
motivated by the decline in the production in Antioquia that occurred in the
late 19th century. The decline in Antioquian production could be attributed to
mortality resulting from an unidentified disease which was prevalent at the end
of the 19th century. One source of the foreign varieties is attributed to a Señor
Patin, who, about 1890, according to Garcia (1954), introduced several types
as seed. The name ‘Pajarito’ is associated with this introduction, being given on
account of the small fruits with small seeds. On this basis, it is assumed that
actually one variety was concerned that was relatively homogeneous. The
variety may have been brought from Trinidad or one of the other West Indian
islands and appears to be the ‘Calabacillo’ type found on these islands.
A few years later Robert Thomson brought several barrels of fruits from
Trinidad and established the resulting plants on his farm, located on the left bank
of the R. Cauca, in Antioquia. No information was provided as to the origin and
nature of the varieties making up the consignment. It is assumed that, in time,
seed from the progenies of the fruits was distributed to other farms in the area.
The resulting populations are similar in most respects to that created in Trinidad.
However, it would be impossible to determine through casual observation which
of the trees that exist are the descendants of Thomson’s introduction and which
derived from hybrids between the surviving Criollo trees and the ‘Pajarito’.
Although Garcia (1954) indicated that the ‘Pajarito’ was the most common
type grown in the Cauca valley in Antioquia, this did not seem to be the case
when the author visited the area in 1953, the hybrid varieties being more
prominent. However, the ‘Pajarito’ appears to have been widely transported to
other regions of Colombia. In the Sinú valley to the north of the R. Cauca cacao
zone Criollo genotypes were grown in the early days when cacao was established
and cultivated by the French, who settled on the river. In more recent times these
plantations seem to have been substituted by the ‘Pajarito’ variety, which occurs
even in the indigenous settlements. The ‘Pajarito’ would also have become the
principal variety cultivated in the cacao area in the vicinity of Bucaramanga.
The ‘Pajarito’ also introgressed into the upper R. Cauca area in the
Departments of Valle and Cauca, as Garcia (1954) described the hybrids
formed with the original Criollo genotypes. Apparently, the trees regarded as
belonging to the original ‘Pajarito’ type could be found as rare specimens.
Another important cacao producing area is located in the upper reaches of
the R. Magdalena valley in the Departments of Huíla and Tolima. The map in
Fig. 21 gives the location of the upper R. Magdalena valley and the
244 Chapter 6

Department of Huíla. The cacao area of the Department of Tolima is situated

to the north of Huíla. The proximity of the area to the headwaters of the R.
Caguán and R. Guaviare is evident, although they are separated by the Eastern
Cordillera. Since the author has no personal knowledge of the situation in this
zone, information about the variety situation has to be interpreted from other
reports. The brief accounts given by Pound (1938, 1945) following a visit he
paid to the area in 1938 probably provide an accurate picture of the situation
at the time.
In Pound (1938) he wrote:
Cacao was first encountered fairly high up in this warm valley and at many places
between Guadelupe and Neiva where sufficient soil had accumulated near the
streams, fairly large areas of cacao have been planted within the past 20 years. The
type was altogether different from that encountered in the valley of the Orteguaza.
It is impossible to tell whether cacao was indigenous to this area or whether all
had been introduced. Local people speak of this type as ‘criollo’ or ‘real’. The trees
growing in these small plantations were all mixed and at first sight the population
was mistaken for the Trinitario complex. More detailed examination showed that
the types could be separated into two groups. One group included Venezuelan
criollo-type pods, some pigmented and others not, while the other consisted of a
miscellaneous mixture of mostly unpigmented forastero types. There was not the
continuous series which is found in the Trinitario complex. The ‘criollo’ types were
not all pure in the now accepted sense for many showed tinted beans.

In the second paper, Pound (1945) added the following information about
the variety’s characteristics:
…the salient type is equally divided between unpigmented and partially pigmented
pods of a cundeamor strain, i.e., with rather thick shells [husks], corrugated
surfaces and no particularly noticeable Criollo point. The beans are large and
plump but rarely pure white in colour. In fact, this population has a great deal in
common with the Trinitario cocoa of the lower Orinoco except that there are few
small Calabacillo type pods. The cocoa is spoken of as ‘cacao del pais’ and grows
readily at altitudes of 3,000–4,000 ft above sea level.

He added the observation that ‘This cacao in my opinion forms a link

between the Criollo de la Montagne on the southern side of the Cordilleras and
the more distinct andean types to the north’.
A single fruit from an individual tree in the Garzon area was described by
the Anglo-Colombian Cacao Collecting Expedition, the notes of which stated
that it was a Criollo type of a large size, the length/diameter ratio being 2.42.
The husk was very rough and of a green colour with red streaks on the ridges.
The fruit had a straight apex (the Criollo-type apex referred to by Pound tends
to curve towards the trunk of the tree) and sharp and there was a basal
constriction. The husk was thick with a fairly hard mesocarp. The seeds were
very large, the estimated average dry seed weight being of the order of 1.5 g
which places the variety in the range of the R. Napo varieties, all of the
cotyledons being purple (but the shade was not indicated).
The only information about this population available from Colombia was
given by Garcia (1954) who stated that true members of the Criollo group were
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 245

rare, these being referred to as ‘Real’ (=Royal), but they were not described or
compared with other members of the group which inhabited other zones in the
The remaining varieties would have been classed as hybrids but these
seem to have differed basically from those in the upper R. Cauca valley. These
differences were noted as relating to the shape of the fruits and the larger seeds
of the R. Magdalena zone. Within the zone, differences were observed
regarding the floral characteristics of the types grown. The types that inhabit the
upper (southern) part of the zone appear to flower less profusely than those to
the north of the zone. It was assumed that the difference was indicative of the
predominance of self-compatibility in the south and that of self-incompatibility
in the north.
It would appear that the upper R. Magdalena valley was one of the
principal suppliers of cocoa to Antioquia before the crop was established in the
latter region. This suggests that cultivation in the Huíla region would have been
fairly ancient. One of the interesting questions is whether any germplasm from
the upper valleys of the R. Caquetá and R. Putumayo, which are fairly close to
the Huíla region, had been introduced to it. The answer to this question would
be available only if the cacao population had been adequately analysed with
regard to the variety situation.
In the lowlands along the Pacific coast, in the southwest of Colombia, there
is an area in which cacao has been cultivated since at least the beginning of the
19th century. The plantations appear to occupy the lower reaches of the valleys
of the Mira and Patia rivers in the Department of Nariño (Fig. 21). Little is
known about the composition of the cacao population except for a
classification of the varieties in Garcia (1954), in which the types Pajarito and
Antillano (the latter name probably given to the descendants of the
introduction from Trinidad) are featured. The classification also includes a type
called locally Cacao Antigo (old cacao), which indicates that it would have
existed before the introduced varieties arrived. The fruit type is described as
Amelonado, that is, a short broad green fruit. If it happened that this variety
was that first cultivated the implication is that its origin was distinct from the
other non-Amazonian varieties in Colombia.
A sample of the germplasm from the R. Patia has been available for
analysis. The sample probably derived from a plantation made at the
beginning of the 20th century. A large range of variability was encountered in
the progenies of the fruits collected with segregation for red and green fruits
occurring as well as for such characteristics as plant habit. These progenies
showed that Criollo group characters were prominent with some individuals
perhaps being direct descendants of Criollo trees in the upper R. Cauca valley.
To the south of the Colombian Department of Nariño lies the Province of
Esmeraldas in Ecuador (Figs 5 and 21). Most of the Esmeraldas coastal zone
where cacao occurs belongs to the same ecological and cultural region as the
Tumaco area and, therefore, will be considered as an integral part of this
specific region. Until fairly recently the Esmeraldas coastal region was
effectively isolated from the remainder of the cacao growing zones of Ecuador
and the knowledge about its cacao population has become imperfectly known
246 Chapter 6

only during the past few decades. It is known that cacao occurred in
Esmeraldas in the mid-18th century. The variety originally grown in Esmeraldas
belongs to the Criollo group. Red and green-coloured fruits occur that are
elongate in shape with a rough surface, as shown in Plate 30b and c. In
common with many types of the Criollo group the trees tend to grow very tall
with relatively sparse canopies. Since it has not been possible to maintain the
variety in other environments no comparative studies have been carried out to
determine its position in the Criollo group. The origin of the variety is
unknown. It may have been introduced from Mexico or Central America but
appears to differ from the types known from these regions. The name
Marascumbo is associated with cacao of the Esmeraldas Province but it is not
certain whether the name refers to the Criollo variety or to Theobroma gileri, a
species that is endemic to the area.
The Esmeraldas Criollo is found occasionally in mixed plantations with a
variety having green fruits that are fairly small, short broad in shape with a
relatively smooth surface. This type appears to be homozygous and perhaps is
the same Cacao Antigo or the Pajarito of the Tumaco region. In the mixed fields
trees that are hybrids between the two types can be recognized on account of
exhibiting the characteristics of the parental types.


The development of cacao cultivation in Guyana (formerly British Guiana) is

interesting and complicated although the country never achieved any
importance as a producer. Although the country technically lies outside the
Circum-Caribbean Region (the situation may be appreciated from Figs 1 and
33), it is discussed in this section on account of the origin of the varieties
originally cultivated in the country. Apparently the country was not colonized
until the Dutch colony of Essequibo was founded near the end of the 17th
century. Presumably the first attempts at cultivation took place about that time
or early in the 18th century. Later cultivation spread to the R. Demerara. Part
of the history of cultivation was described by Storm van s’Gravesand (Harris
and de Villiers, 1911), who played an important role in promoting its
cultivation. At the time the colony of Berbice was under a different
administration and although cacao was also planted there details of the
establishment of cultivation in the valley are lacking. Cultivation was confined
to the river banks in an area not far from the sea.
No descriptions or illustrations of the varieties that may be assigned to this
period are available to provide a reasonable idea of the types grown. It may be
presumed that the varieties had been introduced from Venezuela and,
therefore, belonged to the Criollo group. However, the descriptions of the
cacao trees that survived in the regenerated forests after cultivation had been
abandoned near the mouth of the R. Berbice raise doubts as to whether they
belonged to a pure Criollo, similar to the types that had been cultivated in the
valleys of Aragua. Among the varieties mentioned is one called ‘Golden
Caracas’. What this refers to is unclear. It is possible that the variety was a
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 247

green-fruited Criollo. The Dutch colony maintained fairly close contacts with
settlements of the R. Orinoco and material from the plantations in Barinas and
along the R. Apure may have been introduced. In the Orinoco Delta, which is
the area in Venezuela nearest Guyana, green-fruited Criollo types are
encountered. These are somewhat variable in their characteristics but they
possess seeds with white cotyledons.
The cacao that was found in the grounds of an abandoned mission station
on the R. Berbice, located a short distance from its mouth, was described by
Dash (1929). The trees were very large and appeared to be fairly
homogeneous. They were identified as belonging to the variety ‘formerly
known as Golden Caracas, probably the best cacao in the world’. All of the
trees had fruits of a yellow (green when unripe) colour. However, there was
some variation in the surface characteristics, some being smooth, but the husks
were thin. The fruits appeared to be of intermediate size and broad ovate in
shape with definite acute apices. The variety would belong to the Criollo group
but differing from the normal concept of Venezuelan Criollo. This would be
especially important in view of the fact that the cotyledon colour was purple.
During a phase of resurgence of interest in the cultivation of cacao in the
country, during the last two decades of the 19th century, varieties of cacao
were introduced from Trinidad. Also introduced were quantities of seed of the
Surinam ‘Porcelaine’. However, at the beginning of the 20th century a
significant proportion of the trees on the farms were identifiable as Criollo. At
this time a set of paintings of different types based on their fruit phenotypes
was produced. Some of these paintings were taken to the UK in the expectation
that names would be applied to the types illustrated but no further reference
has been found and their present location has not been discovered.
The cacao population grown in the North-west District seems to have
evolved separately from that of the R. Essequibo and R. Demerara. Schomburgk
indicated that the fruits were different by giving them the same ‘species’ title that
he gave to the varieties that he found in the south of Guyana. The variety he
knew was perhaps related to the varieties cultivated in the region of the R.
Orinoco Delta, which borders the North-west District. Later introductions from
Grenada were reported. It has not been possible to obtain details of the variety
originally grown in the district. It appears to be affected to a lesser degree by the
pathogen Crinipellis perniciosa than the other varieties in the country.

The Lesser Antilles

All of the major islands (see Fig. 40 for their locations and relationships) that
make up the chain on the windward side of the Caribbean Sea have cultivated
cacao during the past 200 or 300 years. In most cases the history of the
establishment of the crop on each of the islands is vague and this leads to
conflicting accounts regarding the origins and varieties of the cacao populations
on the individual islands. The history and evolution of the crop on the island of
Trinidad has been described and this island has had an important influence on
the creation of the present populations on some of the other islands.
248 Chapter 6

The general features of the islands as regards the development of the cacao
populations include the fact that their areas are generally small and the growing
of cacao is limited to certain areas with suitable environmental conditions or
lands available after utilization for other crops. Since the areas occupied by
cacao are limited in size individual populations are numerically small. Most of
the islands are characterized by their hilly terrain, which provides suitable
conditions for the cultivation of cacao, especially because of the protection
afforded by the hills.
All islands suffer from the effects of periodical hurricanes and other natural
disasters, which have had an important effect on the longevity and profitability
of cacao growing. Consequently, cacao growing on the islands has been
affected by cycles of decline and regeneration. The latter has often prompted
the introduction of new planting material, in which case there has been a
stimulus for growing what were considered to be the varieties, such as that of
‘Caracas’, that were considered to produce a higher quality product. The
populations that have resulted from the waves of introduction have a large
component of hybrid types.
The most important key to what may be the germplasm on which
cultivation on most islands is based is Martinique. Although reports exist that
mention cacao being found in the forests at an earlier date the main effort of
cultivation could be attributed to a Benjamin Da Costa, who is said to have
brought seeds with him around 1660 when the Portuguese Jews were expelled
from Pará. This introduction would have occurred just about the time that
interest in the cultivation of cacao in Pará was beginning. The variety is
unmistakably of Amazonian origin and if the quantity of seeds (such as from a
single fruit) was small, the resulting plantings would have been homogeneous
in constitution and given rise to homozygous individuals in the succeeding
generations. It was reported that Martinique experienced the same ‘blast’ that
affected Trinidad in 1727. This resulted in a decline in the cacao population but
the Amazonian type probably withstood the effects of the phenomenon.
The variety situation on Martinique was referred to by Guérin (1896), who
indicated that the varieties were similar to those described for Guadeloupe. The
principal variety, presumably descended from the introduction attributed to Da
Costa, was called Créole and, evidently, this variety and similar types form the
bulk of the cacao on Martinique. A later report on the situation in Martinique
stated that Criollo, ‘Amelonado’ and ‘Calabacillo’ varieties could be found on
the island.
In some ways the situation on the island of Guadeloupe mirrors that
found on Martinique. It would appear that, at the beginning of the 18th
century, a small number of cacao trees could be found on the island. The
history includes a claim for the existence of cacao when the French arrived in
1635. The preparation of a cacao beverage by the aboriginal inhabitants
similar to that used in Central America could be attributed to their origin on the
mainland or contacts with the mainland tribes. Alternatively, the early
establishment of cacao on the island could be attributed to Spaniards who may
have settled on the island prior to the arrival of the French. However, during
the early years of French settlement cacao does not appear to have been
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 249

cultivated and the history of subsequent exploitation appears to have been

marked by considerable changes in interest and activity.
The variety composition of the cacao cultivated up to and during the 19th
century is not known but, presumably, the original plantings may have been
based on types belonging to the Criollo group. The Martinique ‘Créole’ variety
would have been introduced at some stage, perhaps before 1857.
A classification of the cacao varieties that were to be found on Guadeloupe
at the end of the 19th century was given by Guérin (1896). This account is of
interest because of the illustrations of some of the varieties involved. From
these it can be confirmed that the ‘Créole’ variety has a short broad fruit and is
the same as the ‘Calabacillo’ in other countries. The Criollo element was also
represented by the variety called ‘Margariteno’. Another variation of the
Venezuelan Criollo differed from the former type, which had large leaves, in
having small leaves. Both types had red-coloured fruits. It would be expected
that the other varieties described were hybrids of the Criollo types with the
‘Créole’, unless they were derived from some seed imported from Trinidad.
The hybrid types were described as having large fruits and segregating for red
and green colours. During the 1890s a further consignment of seed was
introduced from Venezuela. It is not known whether any of the Criollo or
hybrid varieties still exist but it is evident that the ‘Créole’ predominated in the
cultivations that existed in the early 20th century. From the descriptions it could
be concluded that some variability existed in the ‘Créole’ variety with fruit
apices being rounded or having a slight point. From the description, one of the
fruit types of green colour and a rounded shape would appear to have had a
slightly rough surface.
Although cacao has played an important role in the economic life of
Grenada its history does not seem to have been recorded. During the period of
French occupation of the island the presence of the species is not mentioned.
From reports of the occurrence of old trees on abandoned farms in the 1880s it
could be assumed that some cacao had been planted before the island was
ceded to the British in 1763. Cultivation on Grenada appears to have started
about the middle of the 19th century. As with all of the islands already
described the population structure is based on the presence of the Amazonian
variety or ‘Calabacillo’ and Criollo from Venezuela.
The ‘Calabacillo’ is found in some circumstances in virtually pure
populations. It is likely to have been introduced from Martinique. Alternatively,
these cultivations may be based on the ‘Calabacillo’ variety of Trinidad. The
Criollo of Venezuela is evident in some areas and its influence is marked by the
presence of red fruits. Fields have been seen that comprised trees whose
characteristics showed a strong affinity to Criollo, in which variability for
phenotypic characters was so large that it appeared that no two trees were
alike. In the development of plantations at the end of the 19th century the
planting of Criollo was discouraged and the planting of ‘Forastero’ or hybrid
varieties was emphasized. Trinidad probably was the source of the seed for
these plantings but some natural hybrids between the ‘Calabacillo’ and Criollo
would have been produced in Grenada since genotypes occur with red fruits
that do not resemble the Trinidad ‘Forastero’ descendants. Other varieties can
250 Chapter 6

be encountered, occurring in small groups, whose distinctive characteristics

indicate that they may derive from introductions from other sources. Also,
some genotypes with elongate green fruits classifiable as Criollo are found in a
few locations that may be progenies of the varieties introduced into Trinidad
from Nicaragua.
On the Diamond Estate, trees with the type of fruit illustrated in Fig. 42
occur in sufficient numbers to form a readily recognizable element of the
population. The light green colour of the immature fruits distinguish the type
from other varieties in Grenada and elsewhere. The ripe fruits are attractive on
account of their rich yellow colour.
St Lucia has a small cacao industry but of relative importance in terms of
the area available for its cultivation. The early period of settlement of the island
was marked by changes in possession between the French and the British.
From the distribution of the species on the island it would be possible to
conclude that the initial attempts at growing the crop occurred during the
period of French occupation, perhaps during the 18th century. The present
cacao population exhibits a great range of variability. This is distributed in
isolated areas and the individual populations often possess a specific portion of
the genetic variability.

Fig. 42. Grenada: the fruit of a variety grown on the Diamond Estate (0.429).
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 251

In some farms the ‘Calabacillo’ types are frequent and they are also found
scattered in other areas. These types probably were introduced from
Martinique, being the first variety planted on St Lucia. In other locations trees
related to the Criollo group occur. Plate 29d shows the fruit type in a group of
trees that is unmistakably descended from Criollo but the trees are notable for
their compact canopies and the fairly small leaves of hard texture (Plate 29e).
At one location a large range of variability was encountered, encompassing
many different combinations of characters. Several of the trees had fruit types
similar to those of the more recent introductions to Costa Rica.
In other locations the trees were derived from seed introduced from
Trinidad, possibly from the collection made prior to the 1880s. As a result of
the several introductions of planting material the present population generally
comprises a range of hybrids, either between the ‘Calabacillo’ and Criollo types
from the earliest introductions or belonging to later importation of seed. On
account of the various circumstances in which the individual plantations were
formed, the variability exhibited in St Lucia is extremely interesting from the
point of view of analysing the evolution of the various varietal complexes.
The island of Dominica, like most of the other islands, was the scene of
changes of ownership during the 17th and 18th centuries between the British
and French. From about the mid-19th century cacao began to be an important
element of the economy of the island. Various periods of activity resulted from
cycles of interest that were accompanied by resuscitation of old farms or by
expansion. At the end of the 19th century a research and development
programme, which was established at the Botanic Gardens, contributed greatly
to the present genetic base of the cacao population through the introduction of
planting material from other countries.
In common with the other islands the first attempts at growing cacao on
Dominica probably were made during the period of French occupation in the
18th century but were not of any great significance. A report made in 1886
describes the finding of a few old trees in an abandoned settlement in the
centre of the island. These had perhaps survived the hurricanes that scourged
the islands and that also have had an influence on the prosperity of cacao
cultivation. The oldest trees on the island belong to the variety named
‘Calabacillo’, which would be the same as the ‘Créole’ of Martinique and
planted during the French occupation of Dominica as the islands are
neighbours. Although various introductions of other varieties were made from
about the mid-19th century the ‘Calabacillo’ has survived the longest. The
variety occurs in some localities in an almost pure state, covering fairly large
areas. The fruits depicted in Plate 26b were harvested in one of these areas; the
fruit on the right is an example of the principal type. Only one tree was seen to
have fruits of a more elongate shape. This is shown on the left but decidedly
belongs to the same variety.
About 1846 planting material was imported from Trinidad, comprising
samples of the Criollo and ‘Forastero’ hybrid types on that island. A further
introduction of Trinidad varieties was made at the beginning of the 20th
century, which involved seed of the 18 types maintained at the experiment
station in Trinidad. Seed from these introduced varieties was distributed to
252 Chapter 6

various properties as part of an effort to improve the quality of the island’s

produce. Consequently, the cacao populations on some farms comprise hybrid
types similar to those in Trinidad. It is probable that some genotypes having
characteristics similar to those associated with the Criollo group may be found
but it is more likely that pure Criollo trees would not have survived on account
of their delicate nature and susceptibility to diseases.
Near the end of the 19th century Dominica received seeds of the
collections made in Nicaragua by Hart. The ‘Alligator’ or ‘Pentagonum’ type
progenies were used in experiments on propagation by budding and the
resulting plants were fruiting by 1912. However, no trace of any trees of this
type has been recorded and it is presumed that the variety was lost.
In 1892 seeds and fruits were introduced from the island of Montserrat of
what was considered to be a special variety with exceptional characteristics. It
has not been possible to obtain details about the origin and attributes of the
Montserrat variety. The lack of this information precludes the determination of
the trees on Dominica that may be descended from the variety. The variety
may be related to a Criollo type or hybrid. Some plantations on Dominica
have vigorous trees that have short fruits with a rough surface, which differ
from the hybrid ‘Forastero’ types but would also be descended from Criollo
because of segregation for red-coloured fruits. The robustness of the trees and
their yielding capacity would have made them suitable material for the few
selections made in Dominica.

The Greater Antilles

The largest of the islands is that of Hispaniola, which is divided between Haiti
and the Dominican Republic. In the past the island was totally under Spanish
domination and the origins of the cacao population would have applied to the
whole island. Cultivation probably started soon after the island was discovered
and the planting material introduced from the Atlantic coast cacao areas of
Mesoamerica. Nowadays it is impossible to tell if any remnants of the original
introductions may be found, since similar types would have been imported at
various subsequent periods.
Later, the island came under the domination of the French and this would
have been the cause of the introduction of the Martinique ‘Créole’ to the
island. This variety became the most prominent element in the composition of
the population as is to be seen in the Dominican Republic. Some introductions
of Criollo types from Venezuela were made at various times by several people.
The Suchard family was involved in a cacao farm in the region of Samaná, in
which the intention was, apparently, to grow the Venezuelan Criollo but this
was later abandoned. Among other examples of Criollo are progenies of a
variety from Mérida, brought to the island at the beginning of the 20th century.
The variety has green-coloured fruits that are illustrated in Plate 29c. Trees with
fruits of the type in Plate 29b occur on the same farm and possibly are hybrids
with the Criollo or represent another variety of the group, but neither is
distributed elsewhere in the country.
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 253

It is not known to what extent other Criollo types either from Venezuela or
Mesoamerica entered into the composition of the cacao population but they
are found on other farms and are represented among the selections made in
the Dominican Republic, mainly on account of the larger seeds. In addition, it
is reported that introductions from Trinidad and Ecuador have been made as
well as the hybrid types from Venezuela, identified as Carúpano. As a
consequence of the several introductions of different varieties a wide range of
fruit and tree types is encountered. Among this variety of types genotypes have
been seen that differ markedly from those of the hybrid populations in other
Two examples from the extensive variation which may be encountered on
individual farms are depicted in Fig. 43. The two contrasting fruit types represent
only a part of the variability that exists on one small farm.
Ciferri (1929) published an extensive classification of the fruit types in the
Dominican Republic and the varieties they represented. The classification is
based on the dimensions of the fruits, husk thickness and seed numbers. The
fruit types were divided according to fruit surface colour. Various local names
for the fruit types are given. This is the most comprehensive description of the
fruit types that would exist in populations derived from the Criollo and
‘Calabacillo’ origins and their hybrids. The classification is too complicated to
undertake an analysis in terms of the origins and relationships among the
phenotypes and to relate the names of those used in other countries. The same
author (Ciferri, 1933) published another classification that is accompanied by
illustrations of some of the varieties distinguished on the basis of their
characteristics. The classification includes a variety that appears to be restricted
to a certain locality, which he found difficult to name. The trees of this variety
were vigorous and the fruits of a green colour and of a large size. The
description indicates that these trees may belong to the cacao ‘Nacional’ of

Fig. 43. Dominican Republic: fruits of two trees on a farm exemplifying the
variability of the population cultivated.
254 Chapter 6

Ecuador. Evidently, Ciferri found a range of genotypes that he attributed to the

Criollo group, principally related to the Venezuelan types, that exhibited a
diversity of characteristics, but they are usually related on the basis of
possessing red-coloured fruits. The cacao population of the Dominican
Republic deserves to be better known but the lack of a research programme
and interest in the subject has resulted in little attention being paid to the
determination of the country’s genetic resources.
During recent years some trees belonging to the population in the Republic
have been selected and cloned. The criteria appeared to be based on the
possession of Criollo characteristics. Some selections produce very weak trees
but there are several with remarkably large seeds.
In the case of Jamaica it is known that cacao was planted on the island
when it was ruled by Spain. The first plantings would have been established
soon after the island was occupied by the Spanish with planting material
brought from the Atlantic coast of Mesoamerica. These plantings would have
remained when the island was captured by the British and were those seen by
Sir Hans Sloane, who recorded his observations on the situation during his stay
in Jamaica (Sloane, 1707). Unfortunately, the varieties were not described but
the specimen collected by him is the oldest herbarium specimen of the species.
The fruit that is depicted in this specimen has a broad but rather short shape.
Sloane saw the cacao after the island had suffered a ‘blast’, probably a
hurricane, that destroyed most of the existing plantations and only a few trees
In the early days of the British occupation of the island, cultivation of
cacao was neglected but, later, various attempts were made to continue
growing the crop. Seed would have been imported from Venezuela since
Barham (cited by Lunan, 1814) referred to plantations being formed by trees of
the ‘Caracas’ variety. Later, some of the French who fled from Hispaniola after
the uprising in 1804 went to Jamaica and took fruits of the ‘Créole’ variety with
them. Although few of these plantations seemed to have survived at the end of
the 19th century the names attributed to various varieties (Morris, 1887) that
existed at that time attest to the diversity that was available. The ‘Créole’ was
known as ‘Santo Domingo’ and the word ‘Spanish’ forming part of the names
of other varieties is an indication of their origin and use in the first cultivation
An article on the growing of Criollo cacao in Jamaica (Anon, 1904)
classifies the varieties at that time into three groups. The Criollo was described
as having narrow elongate fruits with a ‘wrinkled’ surface of a red, yellow or
grey colour. A type called ‘Forastero’ had fruits that were large with a smooth
surface and thick husks; their seeds were said to have been larger than those of
the Criollo and had pink cotyledons. The author suggests that this variety had
come from the Amazon Basin. The colour of the fruits was not described but
they were presumably red. The third type was called ‘Calabacillo’, the fruit of
which was smaller and had a smooth surface, the cotyledons being dark
purple. Trees of the last type can be seen in sub-spontaneous situations and
their survival could be attributed to their greater general adaptability to most
conditions than the other groups. Hybrids between these types also occurred.
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 255

According to Morris (1887) a large quantity of fruits was imported from

Trinidad that produced between 20,000 and 30,000 plants. The manner of
distribution of these plants was not recorded. One property in the centre of the
island had planted what appeared to be a variety of uniform characteristics,
probably a hybrid type. Possibly there were other, unrecorded, introductions
from Trinidad in later years.
Cuba has a long history of cacao cultivation that would have been started
soon after the settlement of the island by the Spaniards and their contacts with
the species on the mainland but no records of this are available to mention
here. Cultivation appears to be restricted to an area in the east of the island. It
would be expected that the first plants derived from trees on the mainland,
either on the coast of Mexico or that of the Gulf of Honduras. However, no
descriptions have been found of the varieties that were grown in the past or
those that are grown at the present time.
Although Puerto Rico is not known as a cacao producer, attempts at
cultivation had been made at various times. According to Barrett (1925) the
plant was first introduced to the island in 1626. These attempts failed to
establish any permanent cultivation, mainly on account of competition from
other crops. Most of the attempts at growing cacao in Puerto Rico appear to
have been based on seed from Venezuela. At the end of the 17th century seed
was imported from Trujillo in Venezuela. Barrett (1925) referred to the
existence of a few plantings that seem to have been composed of introduced
hybrid and ‘Calabacillo’ types with red and green fruits. Among the
descendants of previous introductions is a variety that belongs to the Criollo
group and appears to be relatively homozygous, the trees being self-compatible
with green fruits and white cotyledons. The basic characteristics of the fruits of
this variety are similar to those of the type in Plate 26c that occurs in the
Dominican Republic.


The Caribbean coast and its hinterland

The only significant addition to the germplasm represented by the varieties that
were grown before the arrival of the Spanish is a genotype of Amazonian
origin. This is probably the same as the Martinique ‘Créole’. It appears to have
been distributed along almost the entire length of the coast from Panama
northwards and in the interior of some countries. The introduction of this type
was perhaps due to the pirates who were based in the Caribbean islands and to
the workers from those islands who were brought to the mainland. In some
countries, such as Nicaragua, Criollo types seem to be absent from the coastal
regions so that the ‘Créole’ is the only variety that was established in the area.
Costa Rica is one country where the development of the cultivated cacao
population differs from that which took place in other countries. Whether the
species existed in Costa Rica in pre-Spanish times appears to be a matter to be
decided since the records of the first contacts of the Spanish are not clear on
256 Chapter 6

this point. Stahel (1924) referred to the growing of a green-fruited Criollo that
was decimated by disease and mentioned that trees of a similar type were to be
found growing ‘wild’ on the peninsula of Nicoya. It is likely that he was
referring to the extension of the Nicaraguan cacao varieties as described in
Chapter 5 but some cacao varieties may have been introduced from other
Central American countries. These varieties would have formed the first
plantations along the Atlantic coast.
Later, the Martinique ‘Créole’ had been introduced. It is the practice to
identify this variety with the name ‘Matina’, the place where it was first grown
(Fig. 34). The variety has been maintained in its original form and has the
same characteristics as the ‘Créole’. The fruit colour is green and the surface
smooth or slightly rough, the trees being self-compatible. Figure 44 depicts the
fruit of one of the progenies identified as ‘Matina’ from fruits introduced into
Trinidad as representatives of this variety. The tree depicted appears to be
homozygous. It should be compared with the fruits in Plate 26b. It would
appear that some variability in phenotypic expressions exists within the concept
of ‘Matina’ although homozygosity seems to be the rule.
In 1898 a quantity of fruits was imported from Trinidad by a grower and seed
from the progenies raised distributed to other farms (Pittier, 1902a). The type of
material involved was not recorded and neither was the location of the farm or

Fig. 44. A specimen of the progeny grown in Trinidad from fruits introduced as the
variety ‘Matina’. The tree depicted is homozygous.
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 257

those of the farms that received seed from it. The result of this introduction would
be the existence in some areas of genotypes similar to those in Trinidad.
Most of our current knowledge of the variety situation in Costa Rica is
connected with the undertakings of the UFCo. When the company began to
cultivate cacao on a large scale the material used in the plantations was the
‘Matina’ variety. Apparently, later plantings were made using a variety that had
fruits of an elongate shape and having a green colour with a relatively smooth
surface. However, it would seem that some hybrids with Criollo types were also
In the 1930s the company introduced several types from its property in
Ecuador, presumably from the collection of varieties at the La Buseta section
mentioned in the description of the Ecuador germplasm. A part of the material
comprising this introduction was also established at the UFCo’s cacao
plantations in the Bocas del Toro area of Panama, just south of the border with
Costa Rica. Some of the genotypes that are known to derive from these
plantations resemble varieties seen at La Buseta as well as others with clear
phenotypic similarities to the hybrids descended from the ‘Nacional’ variety.
From its nature the introduction from Ecuador embraces a significant diversity
that includes genotypes that would be genetically similar to those in Trinidad.
The ‘Créole’ type appears to have been established along the coast of
Honduras at a fairly early date, such as during the 18th century. As far as can be
determined this variety is known in Honduras as ‘Cacao del Indio’. It is in this
area that genotypes have been located that possess the anthocyanin inhibitor
gene. The production of white cotyledons by the genotypes that carry this gene
has led to the mistaken notion that they belong to the Criollo group.
Hybridization between the Amazonian variety and the original Criollo varieties
must have occurred soon after the introduction of the former as is shown by the
existence of types having red fruits that have a short, broad shape and smooth
surfaces. These types apparently are quite common in the neighbouring areas of
Guatemala, where they have replaced the Criollo varieties.
In spite of the size of the cacao population on the Atlantic side of Mexico
the situation regarding the constitution of the present population is rather
obscure. As mentioned in Chapter 5 the information available is scanty and the
author lacks personal knowledge of the scene. From the work of Martínez
(1912) it can be assumed that during that period most, if not all, of the cacao
population was constituted of types belonging to the Criollo group. The variant
types described by this author, which he described as Amelonado and
Calabacillo, would have been variants of the Criollo with different fruit
characters, since they apparently had red fruits.
In his report of a brief visit Soria (1961) found that the situation had
changed since the period described by Martínez (1912). By 1961, the
traditional Criollo varieties had been replaced to a large extent by an
introduced type, or hybrids between it and Criollo. The name given to the
introduced type was ‘Ceylán’ and it had entered into the composition of most
of the populations at that time. The populations were described as being a
mixture of the native Criollo with an Amelonado of high productivity, the fruits
of which were of a small size and light green in colour.
258 Chapter 6

In various reports the variety is identified by several names. One of these is

‘Costa Rica’ and it may be inferred from this and the description of the fruits
that the variety is the same as the ‘Matina’.
According to Soria the story of the introduced variety involved the
introduction into Tabasco of seeds from Soconusco in 1930. The astonishing
performance of the progenies resulted in great interest being taken in the new
variety and this led to it being widely distributed. Since the plants of the new
variety had been planted within fields of Criollo, hybridization occurred
between the two types with the result that the subsequent generations would
have been composed of mixtures of mating systems involving hybridization
and inbreeding. The procedure would have mirrored that described in the case
of Venezuela following the introduction of the Trinidad varieties. Consequently,
the populations contain individuals that exhibit most of the Criollo
characteristics as a result of various generations of backcrossing.
Soria (1961) also referred to the presence in the region of trees with
‘Amelonado’ type fruits with seeds having white cotyledons. Apart from the
probability of segregation these trees would most probably be progenies of the
‘Matina’ variety, which carry the anthocyanin inhibitor gene. They would be
similar to the trees of this type that are found in Guatemala and Honduras,
indicating a connection between the two areas.

The Pacific coastal zones

Cacao cultivation in Nicaragua would have received the first alteration to the
traditional Criollo-based population through the introduction, prior to 1893, of
planting material from Trinidad. In that year J.H. Hart (1893) took seeds and
plants to Nicaragua but discovered that material from Trinidad had been
imported prior to his visit. The details of the germplasm involved were not
indicated but it could be assumed that the material taken by Hart derived from
the collection of types that had been established in Trinidad. These
introductions would have resulted in populations containing individuals with
the same characteristics as the Trinidad population, as well as exhibiting a large
range of phenotypes, as has been reported to occur in farms near the border
with Costa Rica. If the germplasm introduced into Nicaragua spread into the
neighbouring areas of Costa Rica, especially hybrids of the Trinidad types with
Criollo, the variability in this country would have been amplified. Also, there
would have been a tendency for the genetic constitutions of the populations in
the two countries to be similar.
After decades of attempting to prevent cacao from Ecuador entering the
country, either to supply local demand or for trans-shipment to Europe, the
importation of seed into Guatemala from Ecuador was sanctioned in 1861 in
order to resuscitate the declining production in the former country. In time the
influence of the Ecuador germplasm resulted in the almost total extinction of
the pure forms of the Criollo varieties that had been grown during the previous
centuries. The result of the introduction of planting material from Ecuador,
which would have been entirely of the ‘Nacional’ type, was the development of
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 259

a hybrid population. The population that developed would have been basically
similar to the hybrids that were formed in Ecuador after 1890 following the
introduction of the ‘Venezolano’ varieties.
In the absence of personal knowledge of the Guatemalan population or of
any analysis made of the situation resulting from the introduction of non-
Criollo genes, it is not possible to describe the population that had developed.
Among the questions that are pertinent in this case is whether any ‘Nacional’
individuals remain from the introduction. The few genotypes that are known
outside the country are mainly distinctive in having fruits with relatively smooth
surfaces, a situation that would not be expected from the two groups of parents
involved, unless the Criollos with smooth fruits were the parents of these
In Mexico the story appears to be somewhat different. Although it may be
suspected that the ‘Nacional’ type would have spread to the western coast of
Mexico, the report of Soria (1961) gave a different picture of events. In this
account he gave the names of introduced varieties in Soconusco as Guayaquil
and Patastillo. The last name is applied to typical Amelonados that are possibly
nearer to Calabacillos. Such types may derive from the variability within the
concept of ‘Nacional’, such as the Balao type. In addition, there are types
called Sánchez and Costa Rica. Such types would be descendants of
introductions of the Martinique ‘Créole’ and its congener in Costa Rica, the
‘Matina’ type. This type would have hybridized with the Criollo forming hybrid
populations of various types known as Injerto.
From the above accounts it can be assumed that the populations that have
developed in the Circum-Caribbean Region have the same genetic bases but,
on account of the isolation of the individual units, different results have been
produced in terms of the phenotypic characteristics of the populations that are



In the introduction to this chapter it was indicated that there had been a
considerable movement of cacao germplasm from the western hemisphere to the
Old World as various attempts were made to establish the crop in other regions.
This movement took various forms as cultivation was taken up in different
countries. Figure 35 shows some of the principal routes by which cacao arrived in
various countries and gives an idea of the scale and nature of the movement of
germplasm that took place in the establishment of new areas of cultivation.
The first attempt to plant cacao outside the American continent is
attributed to the introduction of a plant from Mexico into the Philippines in
1670. From that period interest in growing the crop developed and various
countries commenced planting cacao. The growth of the plantings in the Old
World was gradual until the end of the 19th century when the process of
expansion of cultivation became more rapid, especially in Africa. As will be
apparent from the following descriptions of the development of cultivation in
260 Chapter 6

individual areas, the germplasm introduced was generally derived from a few
sources and with limited genetic content. Some variability developed as a result
of mutation and during the later periods from hybridization following the
addition of other germplasm.

South Asian and Pacific Region

The oldest record of cacao being introduced outside the Americas is that
described by Blanco (1837), which deals with the arrival of the species in the
Philippines through the Manila galleons that made the crossing of the Pacific
from the port of Acapulco in Mexico. The date of the introduction is given as
1670, although other authors put the date at a few years earlier. According to
this account a single plant was brought to the Philippines. This plant probably
came from the area then called Tecuanapa, to the southeast of Acapulco.
Blanco stated that this plant was the origin of most of the cacao found in the
country during the first half of the 19th century. The crews of the Manila
galleons carried cacao seeds with them regularly to make the cacao beverage
or chocolate. It is likely that attempts had been made to bring fruits and seeds
to the Philippines on previous voyages but the seeds did not survive the
journey across the Pacific.
The cacao that was cultivated in the Philippines during the first two
centuries following the first introduction belonged entirely to the Mesoamerican
Criollo group. If it was true that a single plant was introduced then it would
have been heterozygous for fruit colour as red and green fruits occur in the
present population and the plant would have been self-compatible. However, it
is probable that further introductions were made from Mexico (and Guatemala)
on other occasions. These would explain the presence of self-incompatibility in
the present population. Owing to the absence of personal knowledge of the
Philippine cacao varieties and the scanty information available in the literature,
a description of their characteristics will not be attempted. It appears that within
the elements that can be considered as belonging to the Criollo group some
phenotypic variation occurs. The Philippine cacao diversity was also
augmented by additional introductions as reference is made in more recent
publications of the presence of Amelonado genotypes, and this may include
hybrid types. As a result, a degree of hybridization would have taken place.
Figure 45 shows the connection between the Philippine group of islands
and those of the Indonesian Archipelago. Thus, it is probable that the
introduction of cacao into some of the latter group would have been the
second stage in the dispersal of the Criollo variety into the region. It seems that
the crop was first adopted in some of the small islands to the east of the
archipelago and the transported to the larger islands to the west, the movement
taking place in stages. As in other situations, smaller amounts of planting
material would have been involved which represented parts of whatever
variability that existed in the islands that supplied the planting materials.
By the mid-19th century a sufficient quantity of cacao was being produced
on the island of Ambon to provide for local consumption. The connection with
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity



P a c i f i c O c e a n


LANKA Kuala Kota
Lumpur Kinabalu







SI Jakarta Ambon
JAVA Rabaul
LAG Port
I n d i a n O c e a n



Fig. 45. Map of South Asia and the Western Pacific Region: the countries in which cacao cultivation is practised are

identified, from which a comprehension of their relationships can be obtained.
262 Chapter 6

the Philippines (or going back to Mesoamerica) is evident in the preparation of

cakes of the cocoa mass in a manner similar to that in the Philippines, called
champorado, a term that originated in Guatemala.
The Criollo from the Philippines and Indonesia probably is responsible for
the first cacao varieties that were present in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) at the
beginning of the 19th century. Cacao appears to have arrived on the island of
Mauritius fairly early, perhaps at the beginning of the 18th century. In turn,
cacao from Mauritius was involved in the implantation of the crop on
Madagascar and probably on the island of Réunion in the west of the Indian
Ocean. By the end of the 19th century cacao had been planted in Thailand
and India and was beginning to be cultivated in the islands of the Pacific in
addition to as far south as northern Australia.
The most important producer in the Southeast Asia region at the beginning
of the 20th century was Java. According to Toxopeus and Giesberger (1983)
the first encouragement to plant cacao on the island was made in 1778 and
plantings were made in the following year. Although the origin of the planting
material is not known it may be assumed that it came from the Philippines. The
authors suggest that cacao existed in Java at an earlier date, perhaps
established between 1750 and 1778. Development of cultivation appears to
have been slow and did not reach any significant area.
The same authors summarize descriptions of the variety that was grown to
which the name ‘Java Criollo’ was given. The type described was stated to be
very constant in its characteristics, probably on account of its descent from a
single relatively homozygous source. The predominant fruit colour was red and
the main feature of the shape was its broad shoulder. The fruit surface was very
rough. The above description agrees with that given by van Nooten (1863) and
the accompanying illustration. The latter shows a fruit with a thick husk.
Toxopeus and Giesberger (1983) mentioned that some trees had red fruits with
smooth surfaces and relatively broader shapes. These trees perhaps belonged
to the variation referred to in some accounts of the cacao in Java as ‘Java
During the mid-19th century a variety was identified that had green-
coloured fruits and unpigmented flowers and flush leaves. This was known as
‘Witte Cacao’ (white cacao), also referred to as ‘variety alba’, and would have
resulted from a mutation to the anthocyanin inhibitor gene. Toxopeus and
Giesberger (1983) referred to trees with green fruits that had smooth surfaces
and low ridges. Presumably all of the trees with green fruits (owing to the
inhibition of the synthesis of the anthocyanin pigment) possessed this gene.
The description of ‘Witte Cacao’ was published by van Nooten (1863) and the
accompanying illustration is reproduced in Plate 32a; it is the first example of
the action of the anthocyanin inhibitor gene.
Two plants were introduced from Venezuela in 1888, presumably of the
‘Caracas’ type, and one of these survived to be multiplied through its seeds.
The fruits of this tree were light green in colour and had a smooth surface.
They would have differed from the variety being grown in Java at that time by
possessing a conspicuous basal constriction. The progenies of the tree
produced a wide range of variability in which the presence of red fruits
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 263

indicated that hybridization with the original Criollo had taken place. Several
abnormal types apparently were also produced. The introduced genotype itself
would have been a hybrid between the Venezuelan Criollo and the Trinidad
varieties as indicated by the segregation for white and purple cotyledons.
It appears to the author that the ‘Caracas’ type introduced in 1888 came
from Ceylon. The origins of the varieties cultivated on that island, prior to those
sent from Trinidad from 1880, will be discussed later and it will be seen that
material identified as ‘Caracas Criollo’ had been introduced into Ceylon.
However, since the plants that had been introduced into Ceylon from Trinidad
would have reached the adult stage the possibility should be considered that
the seeds introduced into Java came from one of these types, identified as
Forastero, which had Criollo characteristics.
Another source of information, from an earlier date, is that of Roepke
(1917). In general, the information given above coincides with Roepke’s
descriptions. The photographs in both publications give an idea of the principal
fruit types that existed. Roepke (1917) gave the following classification of the
cacao population as it existed at that time, which on the basis of fruit
characteristics, could be divided into four groups, i.e.
Fruits of red colour, rough surfaces – ‘Java Criollo’.
Fruits of green colour, rough surfaces – ‘Witte Criollo’.
Fruits of red colour, smooth surfaces – ‘Java Porcelaine’.
Fruits of green colour, smooth surfaces – ‘Witte Porcelaine’.
The ‘Witte Criollo’ appeared infrequently. It seems that the term ‘Witte’ was
applied to genotypes with green fruits rather than on the basis of producing
seeds with white cotyledons.
It appears that some introductions of what was called ‘Forastero’ were
made about 1886, both on an official basis and as private initiatives. Therefore,
it may be concluded that more than one introduction had been made. No
details of the types have been found but it would appear that the origin of the
planting material would have been Ceylon. In this case it is probable that the
types introduced would have been the progenies of the material sent from
Trinidad and named ‘Forastero’.
The literature on Java cacao refers to the introduction of varieties from
Surinam but it is not known to what extent they influenced the cultivated
germplasm. The Surinam ‘Porcelaine’ may have been included among these
varieties. References to ‘variety’ names related to several agricultural properties
indicate the degree of variability that may have existed in the island’s cacao
The next most important cacao producer in Asia would have been Sri
Lanka, which gained a certain reputation for the quality of the product during
the period when the island was named Ceylon. According to Wright (1907)
cacao trees existed in the Botanic Garden in 1819. These probably were
descendants of the variety established in the Philippines and perhaps
introduced from those islands or from Java.
Planting material was obtained from Trinidad in 1834–1835. It could be
assumed that this material formed the basis of the plantations that were
264 Chapter 6

established about 1840. Wright (1907) stated that seed was introduced from
Venezuela during the period between 1866 and 1876; presumably several
introductions were made from this source but no details as to the specific
origins were given. One of these introductions was made in 1873 and involved
what were supposed to have belonged to the ‘Caracas’ variety but it was found
that they did not possess the characteristics expected. A Mr Tyler is said to have
introduced seeds from Trinidad in 1866 and, on account of the successful
establishment and productivity of the trees that were established, seeds from
them were obtained by other farms, from 1877 onwards.
In 1880 and 1881 plants of 11 of the ‘varieties’ in the collection
established in Trinidad were sent to Ceylon. The types were made up of
those named ‘Cundeamor’, ‘Forastero’, ‘Criollo’, ‘Cayenne’, ‘Verdilico’ and
‘Sangre Toro’, which are described in the section relating to Trinidad. The
shipment represented the range of variability among the hybrid population
that had evolved in Trinidad. It was made clear that since the plants had
been derived from seed from naturally pollinated fruits no claim could be
made that any of the plants belonged to a specific variety. In fact, it was
concluded that all of the material established in Ceylon appeared to belong
to a single variety, which was identified as ‘Forastero’. In 1895 plants of the
Nicaraguan varieties, including the ‘Pentagonum’ type, introduced into
Trinidad by Hart, were received. Since only plants were involved in the
shipments sent from Trinidad at the end of the 19th century, it could be taken
for granted that those established in Ceylon may provide an understanding of
the varieties in Trinidad that bore the names by which the plants are
A few years before 1894 fruits were received from Grenada. The details of
this shipment with regard to the type involved and the results after
establishment are not known. Apparently, this introduction was made to a
certain property and the trees established perhaps did not become part of the
population structure that developed elsewhere on the island.
Among the varieties mentioned by Wright (1907) is an ‘Amelonado’ with
green fruits. This type probably represents the same variety introduced from
Trinidad, where it would have been named ‘Calabacillo’.
An interesting contribution to the knowledge of the varieties that existed
in Ceylon at the time was that of Stockdale (1928). In this report he
reproduced the results of a study of the fruit types produced in progenies
(from natural pollination) of a single tree. The paper is important in that the
names given to these types are those of the varieties sent from Trinidad and,
therefore, it provides a basis for relating the fruit types to the names given in
Trinidad. One type illustrated shows a ‘Trinidad Amelonado’, while another
is named ‘Porcelaine Amelonado’, the fruits of which appear to have a red
colour and which would probably be called ‘Calabacillo’ in the present day
nomenclature system. However, this suggests a relationship with the use of
the name in Java for a similar fruit type. The fairly high percentage of seeds
with pale pigmentation in the trees whose fruits were classified as
‘Porcelaine’ indicates the degree of descent from the Criollo varieties that
were present.
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 265

For a long time Ceylon was renowned for its product and it was considered
that this was due to cultivation on a large scale of a variety that came to be
known as ‘Old Red Ceylon’. One correspondent considered that the variety
was descended from the introduction from Trinidad in 1834–1835 and
represented a form of the Venezuelan Criollo.
Ratnam (1961) reviewed the introduction of cacao into South India and its
subsequent history. This stated that the first consignment of cacao seeds came
from Ambon Island and was received in Madras in 1798. By the mid-19th
century the descendants of the few trees raised from the original introduction
had been distributed to various other localities in South India. Perhaps the best
known of these plantations is one near Coimbatore, which had been described
as consisting of a pure Criollo type. This type undoubtedly is related to the
variety introduced into the Philippines and later to Ambon. The article also
refers to seedling plants of the ‘Pentagonum’ type having been sent from
Guatemala in 1873 but it was not clear whether any results were obtained but,
in any case, there was no long-term survival.
Cacao seems to have been planted in Peninsular Malaysia at least before
1777 but the crop did not gain importance in cultivation until recent times. The
first record of a cacao plant in Peninsular Malaysia refers to a tree in Malacca.
The material that comprises the herbarium specimen from the town, attributed
to Chris Smith and dated 1796, may be from this tree. A survey of the
occurrences of cacao carried out in the late 1940s (E.A. Rosenquist, personal
communication; Rosenquist, 1950) showed that almost all of the trees planted
in scattered small areas belonged to the Criollo group. Although it was stated
that some of the planting material had been obtained from Ceylon the
presence of the ‘white cacao’ mutant indicates that a proportion of the trees
would have been derived from the Java population, or another island in the
Moving to the east of the Philippines, the most important producers of
cacao were on the islands of the Samoa group and in Papua New Guinea,
cultivation having been introduced to these territories when they were German
colonies. Cultivation started in Samoa in 1883 with plants introduced from
Ceylon. Presumably, these belonged to the Criollo group, as the material sent
from Trinidad in 1880 would not have been able to produce plants for the
purpose. In 1884 plants were introduced from Java, again of the Criollo group.
Wohltmann (1904) gave an interesting account of one of the varieties whose
descendants were being planted, presumably from one of the above sources.
This was introduced in 1883 and 1884 and the following extract from the
report is reproduced as follows:
It is always known in Samoa as ‘Criollo’, but it quite unlike the ‘Criollo’ of Trinidad,
surpassing it in quality; it is also unlike the ‘Forastero’ cacao. In fruit, nibs and form
of tree it most nearly resembles the cacao of Guatemala and Colombia.

The description is accompanied by illustrations of two fruits, which

probably represent the variation in the Criollo that was cultivated at the
beginning of the 20th century. One fruit is described as being dark red in colour
and had a larger size. The other fruit was smaller and of a lighter red colour, its
266 Chapter 6

apex being more pointed. It is likely that the relationship of the Samoan Criollo
to the Guatemalan (Soconusco) and Colombian types was made by Preuss.
This would apply to the cacao that had been introduced into the Philippines
from Mexico and to the cacao introduced from the former to the other
countries in Asia and the Pacific, of which Samoa was about the last in the line.
When he referred to the Trinidad Criollo he may have mistaken the variety for
the Venezuelan Criollo.
It would appear that the cacao that was planted in the early years of
development entirely consisted of red-fruited trees. Wohltmann (1904) referred
to the introduction of varieties with green fruits. The characteristics and origin
of these types are unknown. Possibly, they were introduced from Ceylon and,
in that case, were progenies of some of the varieties sent from Trinidad.
During the next decade the situation changed. When Demandt (1914)
wrote about the cacao industry in Samoa, the Forastero had been firmly
established and, apparently, was known as ‘Ceylon-Cacao’. Demandt described
the fruits of the Forastero as having an elongate shape and surfaces that were
smoother than those of the Criollo types. These would have been similar to the
‘Verdilico’ of the Trinidad collection and probably included the green-fruited
type mentioned by Wohltmann. By the time Demandt (1914) wrote, the Criollo
variety had been pushed into the background (as he described the situation)
and was found only in the older fields. Hybrids had been produced between
the Criollo and Forastero and preference was given for using planting material
of these.
After Demandt wrote, World War I resulted in the cessation of the German
colony and the Samoan archipelago was split into two administrations. The
development of cacao cultivation was practically unnoticed since 1914. It was
stated that in Western Samoa the policy was adopted of planting only green-
fruited types, thus selecting against the types belonging to the Criollo
component. The only genotype from Samoa known outside the island has a
green fruit and possesses a distinctive leaf form that may indicate an origin in
Ecuador. However, the genotype possesses characteristics that relate it to the
Criollo but it is very different to any of the plants of hybrid origin that are
known elsewhere.
Cacao cultivation in Papua New Guinea commenced at the beginning of
the 20th century. As this territory was also a German colony at the time the
most probable sources of planting material would have been the same as those
of the types introduced into Samoa. Therefore, the first plantings would have
consisted of the same Criollo types and this is evident in the genotypes that are
known outside the country. It would have been expected that later attempts
would have involved the Forastero varieties that had been established in
Samoa. Other introductions probably were made but not recorded. Ceylon,
once again, is a likely source of other types but the Criollo continued to be the
predominant element in the constitution of the cultivated population. It is
known that a variety with green fruits that are short and broad in shape and
apparently homozygous occurs on the island of Bougainville. The variety may
be ascribed to an introduction of the ‘West African Amelonado’ but it differs
from it in certain respects.
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 267

Fiji is a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean where experiments with cacao
cultivation were undertaken during the last two decades of the 19th century. It
would appear that the first consignment of seed was received in 1883 and
consisted of some of the same varieties that had been sent from Trinidad to
Ceylon through the Royal Botanic Gardens in England. Although only 20 years
had passed Anon (1903) reported that the trees were growing wild in the forest
and that the records of the plantation had been lost. The report stated that
most of the seeds of these trees had purple cotyledons. It is probable that
mostly the hybrid types survived except for rare individuals with light coloured
cotyledons. The report described one of these trees in terms that are worth
including here:
we have one dwarf tree the leaves of which are very much smaller than any others.
This tree carries a small yellow pod deeply furrowed and pointed, the bean when
cut is much lighter than any others, in fact is a pink colour.
Harvey and Harwood (1958) reported that the plantation consisted of two
types, namely, ‘Five-grooved Yellow Prolific’ and ‘Sangre Toro’, from which
seeds were distributed for planting. They stated, ‘Excellent drawings of these
original introductions enable them to be classified as Forastero, type
Amelonado, and Criollo, respectively.’ Whether these were correctly classified is
a matter of conjecture, especially since the original list has ‘Five-grooved
Cundeamor’ as described in the section on Trinidad and Tobago. Later the
authors refer to the presence of ‘a Cundeamor tree’, which is classified as
Forastero. However, it should be noted and emphasized that, if the
‘Amelonado’ in this case had been sent from Trinidad, it is not the same variety
as the ‘West African Amelonado’.
During the period after 1948 clones were introduced from Trinidad, Papua
New Guinea, Western Samoa and Grenada and seeds from Papua New
Guinea and Western Samoa. However, it was decided to concentrate on
growing the ‘Amelonado’ and ‘Cundeamor’ types. It was found that there was a
strong element of ‘Criollo’ types on the island of Vanua Levu.
A later account by Vernon (1971) gave a different picture of the variety
situation in the Fiji archipelago. In it he stated:
It appears that the planting material used was largely either pure Criollo or
Trinitario (using this term to mean any cocoa of part Criollo ancestry).
Contemporary and subsequent references to ‘Forastero’ material were almost
certainly based on pod-character classification… The main sources of this material
were Ceylon, Java and Samoa.
The Criollo and ‘Trinitario’ material would have belonged to the selections
referred to by Harvey and Harwood (1958) as being introduced from
neighbouring countries, whose populations are described above. This account
highlights the differences in the concepts regarding the classification of varieties
by various persons. Later introductions included the ‘West African Amelonado’,
which would have introduced a complicating factor in the identification of
types denominated ‘Amelonado’.
268 Chapter 6


While the Asiatic and Oceanic attempts at cultivating cacao were based on the
initial introduction of Criollo varieties that were distributed widely, the history of
the origins of cacao in West Africa is quite different. In this region the first material
introduced was of Amazonian origin. Although there are indications that previous
attempts at introducing cacao to the colony of São Tomé and Príncipe had been
made it is generally conceded that the cacao industry of these islands is based on
plants established on the island of Príncipe in 1822. The source of the seeds that
constituted this introduction is generally taken to be the State of Bahia in Brazil. If
this had been the case the most likely source of the seeds would have been in the
vicinity of the city of Salvador. However, there are two other possible areas from
which the fruit transported to Príncipe could have come but the exact place has
yet to be determined. These areas are the northern part of the State of Espírito
Santo and the State of Rio de Janeiro, cacao having been present in both States
at the time as described under the extra-Amazonian cultivated areas.
A single fruit probably was concerned in the first introduction since it has
been stated that the original planting consisted of 30 plants. After some time
the progenies of these trees provided seed for planting in other areas of the
island and by 1840 small quantities of cacao were being exported. In the 1850s
the cultivation spread to São Tomé, the main island of the group. Even at the
present time homogeneous plantings of this variety are still to be found on the
island. These would be the result of several generations of inbreeding. The
variety as it is known is self-compatible and homozygous. It could be related to
the variety in Bahia called ‘Comum’, described under the cacao varieties
cultivated in the State but it has not been possible to match the São Tomé
‘Creoulo’ to any other variety in Bahia.
The São Tomé ‘Creoulo’, as depicted in Fig. 46 was taken to other West
African countries, either directly or through the island of Fernando Pó, in
subsequent years and became the basis for the cacao produced in most of the
countries on the continent. Because of its important position in these countries
it became known as ‘West African Amelonado’. From West Africa this variety
has been introduced into most of the cacao growing countries in Africa, South
Asia and Oceania.
About 1880 (as far as can be determined) other varieties were introduced
into São Tomé from Ecuador, Trinidad and Venezuela. The varieties that
comprised this introduction were established in progeny rows and some records
were kept of their performance. Unfortunately, it has not been possible to see
the original planting or find the records of the data.
Seed from this collection of introduced varieties was distributed to several
farms on the islands during a period in which active expansion of cultivation
was taking place. Since the seed used would have resulted from natural
fertilization most of the plantings that were established would have been
formed by hybrids among the varieties and later between these and the original
‘Creoulo’. From these beginnings the São Tomé and Príncipe cacao population
developed a wide range of phenotypic variability. Basically, the variability is
similar to that found in Trinidad except for the possible differences resulting
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 269

Fig. 46. An early photograph of cacao trees on the island of São Tomé, presumably
depecting the São Tomé ‘Creoulo’.

from the effect of the ‘Creoulo’ as compared with the ‘Calabacillo’ and the
influence of the Ecuador ‘Nacional’.
Johnson (1912) described the situation regarding the São Tomé varieties at
the beginning of the 20th century in a book that includes photographs of the
fruits of the more outstanding types. The conception of the characteristics of
these varieties is enhanced by the existence of collections of dried specimens of
the fruits. Johnson described a type with red fruits that had a smooth surface.
This type would represent the Criollo introduced from Venezuela as ‘Caracas’.
However, other specimens have fruits whose shape is narrow elongate but the
ridges are very pronounced. The objective of producing a product similar in
quality to that of the Venezuelan ‘Caracas’ prompted some farms to prefer the
Criollo types, but it is likely that most of the plants for these derived from
hybridization. It has not been possible to identify any of the existing trees as
belonging to a genuine ‘Caracas’ variety but the connections with it are to be
found in trees that possess most of the Criollo traits.
The presence of any representatives of the Ecuador ‘Nacional’ variety
would be difficult to distinguish from some of the hybrid combinations that
occur. However, trees can be found that possess characteristics that differ from
those of the Amazonian  Criollo hybrids and have a stronger resemblance to
types found in Ecuador, especially in those genotypes that have fruits of a
green colour. The principal confirmation of the existence of cacao of the
‘Guayaquil’ variety is its inclusion in the sketches in Chalot (1901).
270 Chapter 6

The São Tomé diversity includes one exceptional type that, according to
information provided, had been introduced especially and established in an
isolated area. The fruits of this type are depicted in Plate 7b. In some respects
these fruits do not differ phenotypically from those of the São Tomé ‘Creoulo’.
Although it appears that segregation occurred for fruit colour the type is
homozygous for other traits and it is possible to produce families of trees that
are homozygous but differ only with regard to fruit colour. The origin of this
variety is a mystery since it is unlikely to have been developed from the Criollo
genotypes even after several generations of inbreeding and no other similar
variety is known, which would be the source of the seeds imported.
The São Tomé population contains several genotypes that possess
characteristics that are probably unknown in other countries. These include
individuals with very large fruits, the surfaces of which are slightly ridged and
smooth. Since the fruit colour is red in these cases the trees are obviously
descended from the Venezuelan Criollo that was introduced. Other genotypes
with green fruits appear to be hybrids but their progenies from self-fertilization
reveal that they are homozygous for their visible characteristics. Also, among
the individual genotypes with fruits of the ‘Amelonado’ shape a certain degree
of variability can be discerned when they have been carefully examined.
The production of mutant genotypes is also observable in the population.
The most outstanding of these is the genotype locally called ‘Laranja’, which is
depicted in Plate 7c. This mutant became universally known when Chevalier
(1908) gave it the specific epithet of Theobroma sphaerocarpa. The mutation
probably arises in a variety of types in São Tomé but no similar genotype has
been reported in other countries. Another mutation produced trees with thick
trunks and short broad green fruits that have a distinctive short pointed apex.
Another feature of this genotype is the peduncle that is so short that the fruits
on the trunk are kept erect in contrast to the hanging fruits of the normal cacao
trees (see Fig. 4). Female sterility also occurs. Another genotype encountered
carries a gene that, when the recessive allele is in the homozygous state,
segregates for progenies with yellow leaves but its effect is lethal.
The map of West Africa in Fig. 47 shows the position of the islands of São
Tomé and Príncipe. From this it is possible to recognize the role played by these
islands as the central point from which the other territories along the coast
obtained the planting material for the establishment of their cacao cultivation.
All of the countries in the area have cultivated cacao to a greater or lesser
extent and the evolution of the germplasm in most of these countries will be
described in the following pages.
As mentioned above, the first African territory to benefit from the cacao that
had been introduced to São Tomé would have been the island of Fernando Pó
(Malabo – Equatorial Guinea). The first date mentioned for the establishment of
cacao on Fernando Pó is 1854 using seeds from São Tomé or Príncipe. A few
years later one of the persons to whom a concession had been granted brought
400 fruits from São Tomé. The variety exclusively cultivated in the early years
would have been the São Tomé ‘Creoulo’. Other shipments would have followed,
eventually including the varieties imported into São Tomé about 1880. There
was a close relationship between the agricultural enterprises on the two islands.
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity
Freetown N
i ger
Sherbro G
O IN Ibadan
Kumasi TO BEN

i ge


Atlantic Ocean





Fig. 47. Map of the cacao growing regions in West Africa.
272 Chapter 6

The first recorded attempt to grow cacao in Cameroon is connected with a

shipment made in 1876 containing 13 plants from the Royal Botanic Gardens
(probably from Trinidad) to a British missionary on the Cameroon Mountain.
Presumably these plants were established in the country but the location of the
first planting is unknown and so, too, is the role they may have played in the
development of cultivation in Cameroon. The varieties received are also
unknown but their connection with the collection that had been established In
Trinidad may be assumed, although the date is earlier than the first shipments
from the variety collection.
When Cameroon became a colony of Germany cacao cultivation already
existed and was planted by the natives. As in other parts of West Africa,
planting material had been obtained from São Tomé or from Fernando Pó by
the Baptist missionaries, according to the information given by Preuss (1901).
The plantations formed by the natives or the missionaries are the likely sources
of the fruits taken to Ghana by the Basel missionaries in 1889. After he took
over the Botanic Garden at Victoria, Preuss introduced some of the ‘better’
varieties that had been established in São Tomé. According to a report written
about 1904 he also set out to acquire the varieties cultivated in other countries
and established them in the Victoria Botanic Garden.
Gosselin (1895) referred to the introduction of 332 plants from Trinidad.
Presumably these included the ‘Forastero’ of which Preuss (1901) wrote that it
gave the best product.
It was the failure to obtain a satisfactory product from the initial plantings
that resulted in the journey Preuss undertook to South and Central America in
1899–1900. Hence, the progenies of the material provided from São Tomé
would have been in production prior to 1899. The journey of Preuss (1901), in
addition to the study of the agricultural systems employed in the countries he
visited, involved the acquisition of planting material for establishment in
Cameroon. This was collected as fruits and plants at the various places he
visited and shipped to the Botanic Garden in Victoria or to Berlin. Preuss
(1901) summarized the various shipments involved with the sources of the
varieties and the quantities concerned.
The information regarding the condition of the plants after establishment at
Victoria and the use to which they had been put is scanty. The 1904 report
mentioned above refers to the collection of varieties occupying an area of 15 ha
and containing specimens of ‘Forastero’, ‘Criollo’, ‘Puerto-Cabello’, ‘Soconusco’,
‘Venezuela’, ‘La Guaira’, ‘Maracaibo’, ‘Guayaquil’, ‘Nueva Granada’ (Colombia)
and ‘Suriname’ besides the cacaos from São Tomé and other varieties from
Trinidad. Some of these were planted separately in blocks. The other varieties, for
example, ‘Soconusco’ and ‘Guayaquil’, were planted mixed with the type known
in Cameroon as ‘Victoria-Kakao’. Presumably this was the ‘Caracas’ variety
introduced from São Tomé since it was stated that the ‘Maracaibo’, ‘La Guaira’
and ‘Puerto-Cabello’ were identical with the ‘Victoria-Kakao’.
However, regarding these varieties, Preuss (1901) wrote that several of the
types acquired did not correspond with the true varieties. For example, he
found that the specimens identified as ‘La Guaira’ belonged to the ‘Cojón de
Toro’ instead of the Criollo expected. The misidentifications especially
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 273

concerned the types named ‘Criollo’ and ‘Soconusco’. In some cases the
identifications of the varieties were incorrect but it is possible that he may have
referred to the quality expected of the cocoa produced. The 1904 report stated
that although the best variety should have been the ‘Criollo’ it grew slowly and
was unproductive.
In this way Cameroon had established the most diverse collection of cacao
varieties that existed at the beginning of the 20th century.
The outbreak of World War I probably put a stop to the publication of
results concerning the development and production of the different varieties so
it is not known what planting materials were supplied from the Victoria Garden.
It may be imagined that seeds from naturally pollinated fruits from the mixed
planting of the ‘Victoria-Kakao’ were distributed.
Another West African country in which the initial efforts at cacao cultivation
gave promising results was Gabon. The variety cultivated in the early years was
the São Tomé ‘Creoulo’, from which a satisfactory product was obtained. In
order to have varieties of superior quality the preferred types were imported
from Cameroon in 1898. Chalot (1901) listed the names of several of these
varieties, such as ‘Soconusco’, ‘Guayaquil’, ‘Forastero’, ‘Criollo’, ‘Surinam’,
‘Venezuela’, ‘Caracas’ and ‘Victoria’. Also mentioned were nine ‘species’ from
Trinidad; perhaps these were the plants that were introduced in 1893. The list
gives an idea of the range of variability and diversity of origins of the germplasm
that existed in Cameroon prior to Preuss’ journey and probably includes the
types that had been imported from São Tomé.
A later account of cacao in Gabon (Congo Française) by Chalot and Luc
(1906) listed the varieties that were present in the experimental garden of
Libreville with data on fruit and seed characters, the list containing 22 items but
apparently the number of distinct varieties and origins was 19. The fruits and
seeds were also described and accompanied by outline drawings of the fruits.
Regrettably, the existence and knowledge of these varieties at the present time is
unknown on account of the absence of an evaluation of them. The information
provided in the article provides an excellent manner by which the basic
differences among the varieties that were the most sought after at the end of the
19th century may be appreciated. It is interesting to note that among the types
identified as originating in Trinidad several had short broad fruits but these were
usually inferior in performance to the São Tomé ‘Creoulo’ or ‘Amelonado’.
Further south from Gabon the former Portuguese colony of Angola made
its first experiments with cacao about 1860, utilizing seeds from São Tomé.
These would have been of the ‘Creoulo’ variety, which continues to be the
most common in the areas where the species was successfully established.
Cacao planting was also attempted in what became the Belgian Congo. A
satisfactory history of cacao cultivation in the colony and an analysis of the
varieties grown are not available. According to de Wildeman (1908) a German
agronomist made the first planting in 1884. With regard to the varieties used de
Wildeman stated that seeds were obtained from São Tomé, Venezuela and
Colombia. The inclusion of Colombia is curious, since this country has not
been mentioned as a supplier of planting material and it would be interesting to
know from where such seeds were obtained. Possibly, this refers to the variety
274 Chapter 6

‘Peñon’, that is, the Criollo from the foothills of the Sierra Nevada de Santa
Marta. De Wildeman mentions this variety in another part of his book, with
regard to the trade with its product.
The history of the establishment of cacao cultivation in the British West
African colonies follows a somewhat different line to that of the territories
described above. In both the Gold Coast (Ghana) and Nigeria the origins of
cultivation were based on the importation of seed from São Tomé, which, at
the time, would have been exclusively of the ‘Creoulo’ variety. At least this
variety was the one predominantly grown during a period stretching over more
than six decades. Various versions regarding the first introduction of the species
into Ghana have been made. According to an account published by the Basel
missionaries there was an unsuccessful attempt to grow cacao made in 1857
with seed brought from Surinam. From material, whose date of introduction
was stated to have been 1861, only one tree was alive in 1864. The story was
that this tree descended from seed that had been brought from Liberia but
there is no record of cacao existing in Liberia at the time. If cacao in production
did exist at Harper its establishment there would date from before 1850. There
was the possibility, of course, of a planting at Harper being made from seed
brought from Príncipe since labour from Liberia used to be contracted to work
in São Tomé and Príncipe.
Unlike Cameroon no attempts appear to have been made to introduce
other varieties until about 1900, with the exception of a single plant whose
origin is unknown, sent in 1890 and which died in transit. The introductions
made at the beginning of the 20th century seem to have had the purpose of
providing varieties that were considered to give the higher quality products.
The first variety introduced was the ‘Pentagonum’ or ‘Alligator’ (that had been
introduced into Trinidad from Nicaragua), which consisted of plants grown
from seeds in Trinidad sent to Ghana in 1900. On account of its inferior
development the variety did not prosper in the new environment. However,
one plant differed from the others and survived. This was named ‘Cundeamor’
on account of its resemblance of its fruits to those of the trees with this name
shipped from Trinidad to Ceylon in 1880. The genotype was a result of
hybridization with an unknown parent in Trinidad, this perhaps being another
member of the sample of Nicaraguan varieties. While the ‘Alligator’ plants
disappeared during the following years the ‘Cundeamor’ was maintained in the
form of its progenies.
In 1900 or 1901 small numbers of plants were sent to Ghana through the
Royal Botanic Gardens in England of which no details are available about their
establishment. The shipments included plants identified as a ‘Red Forastero’
and a ‘Criollo’ as well as a ‘White Variety’, the origin of which was recorded as
Jamaica. A later report refers to a ‘White Variety’ of the ‘Caracas’ type that may
have been successfully established.
The next dispatch of plants from Trinidad to the Aburi Botanic Garden in
Ghana was made in 1903 and comprised a variety called ‘Ocumare’, the origin
of which is described in the account relating to Trinidad. Although the records
sometimes refer only to Criollo it appears that the shipment comprised a
‘Trinidad Criollo’ and a ‘Nicaraguan Criollo’. Trees were seen at the Aburi
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 275

Garden in 1990 that resembled the descendants of the Nicaraguan Criollo,

which are conserved in Trinidad. Later records refer to ‘Red Criollo’ and
‘Yellow Criollo’, which would agree with the Trinidad (perhaps a sample of the
‘Caracas’ variety introduced into Trinidad) and Nicaraguan types, respectively.
The progenies of the ‘Ocumare’ variety were all red-fruited although there was,
apparently, some segregation for the intensity of pigmentation. These trees and
the ‘Red Criollo’ from Trinidad would be the ancestors of most of the red-
fruited trees that occur in the country.
During the subsequent years planting material, probably mostly as seed
from natural pollination, was distributed to the agricultural stations and private
farmers. The populations derived from the original introductions would most
likely have been produced by hybridization, either within the varieties or
between them. It was later found that most of the trees from these introductions
were self-incompatible. This situation would have resulted in hybridization
taking place only with the self-compatible individuals in the introduction plots
or with the self-compatible ‘Amelonado’.
The large scale on which the ‘West African Amelonado’ was planted in
Ghana should have resulted in the appearance of mutants but few have been
reported and conserved. The reason for this situation could be ascribed to the
absence of searches for mutant individuals. The level of knowledge among the
farmers and the system of cultivation practised would have prevented the
occurrence of unusual trees from being identified. Among the few mutant types
that have been reported is one that carries a gene for what was termed an
‘albino leaf ’ character. In the literature reference is found of the occurrence of a
genotype that produced seeds with white cotyledons. These seeds may have
been the expression of the anthocyanin inhibitor gene but it seems that the
genotype was not preserved.
Cultivation in Nigeria developed independently from that in the Gold
Coast and, from the point of view of the germplasm, presents a different
picture. The situation is more complex especially since, at the time that the crop
was being introduced about 1880, colonization was taking place under
separate administrations, each of which pursued its own policies.
Consequently, regional differences in the genetic composition of the
populations created may have evolved. Verification of this hypothesis is
impossible owing to the absence of descriptions of how the varieties were
distributed and an analysis of the structure of the populations.
In general, the common basis of the germplasm in Nigeria in the three
regions was the São Tomé ‘Creoulo’ that was imported in the form of fairly
large quantities of seed from São Tomé or from Fernando Pó. This variety
constituted virtually all of the planting material cultivated at the middle of the
20th century.
The most active area as regards the introduction of genetic types seems to
have been in the Niger Delta region. This was administered, from 1884, under
the Niger Protectorate, which included the States of Benin (mid-Western) and
Cross Rivers. The economic development of the region was entrusted to the
Royal Niger Company, which fostered the introduction of plantation crops and
established agricultural stations for this purpose. The first experiments with
276 Chapter 6

cacao would have been established at the beginning of the administration of

the Niger Protectorate. In 1899, one, or two, shipments of cacao plants were
made by the Royal Botanic Gardens in England. These probably were plants
that had been kept from the shipments made to Ceylon in previous years or
progenies of fruits produced by them. No details were given of the varieties
In 1900 six plants of the ‘Pentagonum’ type were received at the Old
Calabar Station. They would have been part of the same shipment that had
been supplied to the Aburi Garden in the Gold Coast at that time. No
information was provided about the outcome of this shipment, which could
have also included plants from outcrossing in the same way as occurred in the
Gold Coast. In 1905, six plants of other types were sent to the Old Calabar
Station from Trinidad. Later, a request from the Old Calabar Station to Trinidad
for the supply of improved varieties led to the sending in 1909 of a barrel
containing 60 fruits of the Forastero type. With regard to this shipment the
information was given that fruits from the Old Calabar Station had been
identified 10 years previously as Forastero from trees bearing this type of fruit
that occurred in quantity on the Station. It is likely that genotypes with similar
fruits, belonging to the more recent introductions to that island, had been
introduced from São Tomé with one of the imports of seed from that source.
No information has been discovered regarding the outcome of the above
introductions and the extent to which material that survived from them had
been distributed to farmers in the region and which may be found at the
present time.
The first planting of cacao in the Lagos Colony is reported to have taken
place in 1882 and consisted of 1500 plants. The seed from which the plants
were raised was probably introduced from São Tomé and there were regular
imports from that source at least up to 1889. By 1893 a plantation of cacao
whose origin was given as plants ‘introduced from Fernando Pó some years
ago’ was exporting several tons of cocoa. One or more shipments of plants to
Lagos were made from the Royal Botanic Gardens in England in 1887 and
1888. Again, these may have been derived from the plants that had been sent
from Trinidad in 1880 and 1881 destined for Ceylon. One of these shipments
contained three plants. A single plant was sent to Forcados in 1905.
With regard to the Lagos Colony no indication is given as to the location
where the introductions were established or the results obtained and their
utilization in terms of distribution to farmers.
Later, it was reported that varieties of cacao had been introduced from
other West African countries, the probable sources being Ghana and
Cameroon. The research station that had been established at Moor Plantation
near Ibadan started a programme of selection in the cacao populations in the
southern States of Nigeria. The first activity in this regard concerned the
detailed study of 49 selected trees of the yellow-fruited ‘Forastero’ variety. It is
likely that these trees belonged to the ‘West African Amelonado’ as they were
self-compatible. Trees producing seeds with light coloured cotyledons were
identified among the other introductions but these were found to be mostly
self- and cross-incompatible, a situation which would have indicated the
Cultivated Populations as Depositories of Diversity 277

presence of Criollo germplasm. Reports of the results of experimental work

carried out prior to 1938 describe the varieties used as ‘Red Forastero’ and
‘Yellow Forastero’ as well as red- and yellow-podded (fruited) ‘Amelonado’.
This indicates that red-fruited varieties had been introduced at some time, the
presence of the red ‘Amelonado’ suggesting a similarity to the same type in São
Sierra Leone is a country where a small amount of cacao is cultivated. It
can be seen from Fig. 47 that Sierra Leone is situated on the extreme west of
the West African cacao belt. This is an area of transition to drier climates and,
consequently, the area suitable for cacao is limited. The history of the
introduction of cacao into Sierra Leone is rather different from that of the other
British colonies and, in fact, it may be the first territory on the African mainland
in which cacao was established (Howes, 1946). A shipment of young cacao
plants was sent from the West Indies to the Glasnevin Botanic Garden in
Dublin, Republic of Ireland, for shipment to West Africa. It is suggested that the
destination of these was Sierra Leone. Apparently, cacao plants had existed in
the garden for several years previously but it has not been possible to
determine their origin or the variety. Also, the location of the establishment of
the plants in Sierra Leone was not recorded. It has been reported that a few
very old trees are to be found in Sherbro.
Sixty plants were sent in 1902 from Trinidad to Sierra Leone of varieties
named as ‘Ceylon Red’, ‘Nicaraguan Criollo’, ‘Forastero’ and T. pentagona (the
first had been introduced into Trinidad a few years earlier) and the shipment
also contained 1000 seeds of a unspecified variety that had been requested.
The outcome of this shipment also was not recorded, but it is probable that
survival of the plants was poor under the unsatisfactory conditions.
Newland (1916) had a photograph of a plantation of very large trees that
appeared to belong to a single variety, this resembling the São Tomé ‘Creoulo’.
The same book has an appendix containing advice for farmers by H. Hamel-
Smith, in which it is stated that the growing of ‘fancy varieties’ along the West
African coast should be avoided. The type that was grown in São Tomé and
Cameroon was recommended as the best for the purpose.
It is interesting to note that several Sierra Leonians were among the
principal cacao farmers in Fernando Pó at the end of the 19th century. Hence,
this island could well have been the source of some of the plants in Sierra
A certain amount of cacao has been cultivated in Liberia although the
quantity appears to be small. If the report that the Basel missionaries had
brought fruits from Cape Palmas in 1861 could be verified it would show that
the origins of cultivation in Liberia were fairly old and possibly predated the
introduction into Sierra Leone. It has proved impossible to obtain any
information about the varieties cultivated in Liberia but the possibility occurs
that some planting material may have been introduced from São Tomé during
the period when Liberians were contracted to work on the plantations on the
In East Africa conditions would seem to be generally unfavourable for
cacao and several attempts to establish the crop did not lead to any great
278 Chapter 6

success. The oldest planting appears to have been in Zanzibar where in 1891 it
was possible to obtain ripe fruits. These trees probably would have been
obtained from a place such as Mauritius and were descendants of the Criollo
introduced into the Philippines from Mexico. However, this plantation in
Zanzibar stimulated the idea of establishing the crop in the, then, British
Central Africa, now Malawi, and 100 fruits were imported from Grenada in
1895. However, no further information about the outcome of this importation
has been found but it probably did not have any success.
The German East Africa colony started experimenting with cacao towards
the end of the 19th century. Plantations were established in Usumbara at an
altitude of about 2000 m (in what is now probably Burundi). The planting
material perhaps came from Cameroon and it was recorded that the Forastero
cacao had been planted.
In 1901 the British colony of Uganda made its first experimental planting
of cacao at the Botanic Station of Entebbe. This experiment was made with
young plants obtained from the Royal Botanic Gardens in England. These
would have been the same varieties that had been distributed to other British
colonies during the previous decade, descended from the plants sent from
Trinidad in 1880/1881. In 1911 yield data were given for the first planting from
red and yellow ‘varieties’ of Forastero and red and yellow ‘varieties’ of
Calabacillo. The Forastero, in this case, would apply to the progenies of hybrids
with Criollo. Segregation would have occurred among their progenies so that
as reported two years later, ‘We have in Uganda only “Forastero” types ranging
from a high type approaching “Criollo” to a low type approaching
“Calabacillo”.’ (The same segregation would have occurred in the other
countries that had received material of the same type from the same source.)
On a final note, the confusion regarding the concepts that concerned the
application of ‘variety’ names is very evident in the above account.
7 The Genetics of the Diversity

An outline of the extent to which the diversity of the species can be recognized
on the basis of the large number of morphological markers that are exhibited
by the various populations was presented in Chapter 3. The knowledge of the
inheritance of the attributes of the populations and varieties would be an
important tool in the determination of the genetic structure of these populations
and, consequently, the relationships between them. However, at present, this
knowledge is limited to a few characters that have been analysed or observed
in some depth.
Various causes are responsible for this situation. One is that many of the
character expressions have become known only during the past few years. The
specimens in which these traits are expressed are still in the development stage;
accordingly only observations made on a casual basis provide information
regarding their characteristics. Although breeding programmes have generated
a large number of families through inbreeding and hybridization, analysis of the
segregation that occurs in the many characters in these families has not been
undertaken or, if at all, in an incomplete manner. Among the factors
responsible for this situation are that the families are represented by small
numbers of individuals, a situation that does not permit reliable conclusions to
be arrived at from the analyses of the data. Also, as a consequence of the
nature of the species, it may take a long time to carry out the necessary
observations in order to obtain a reliable basis for analysis. One of the principal
causes of the absence of adequate knowledge of the inheritance of the species
is the fact that most breeding programmes are conducted by persons with
limited concepts of the subject or lacking an interest in the determination of the
inheritance of the character expressions.
In view of the inadequate knowledge of the inheritance in the species this
account will be restricted to describing the genetic mechanisms that control the
expressions of the characters about which some knowledge is available. It
should be emphasized that most of the studies on inheritance that have been

© B.G.D. Bartley 2005. The Genetic Diversity of Cacao and its Utilization
(Basil G.D. Bartley) 279
280 Chapter 7

conducted so far have been based on a limited number of individual

genotypes. As a result it is not always possible to extrapolate the results
obtained from the characters of a given population to predict the likely situation
in another, perhaps unrelated, population whose individuals may exhibit
similar phenotypic expressions.
The phenotypic expressions of several characters are subject to the
influence of non-genetic factors, some of which could be of significant
importance. These effects have not been studied to any degree and the
absence of knowledge about the reactions of some characters to various
environments precludes an analysis of the extent to which non-genetic
factors are involved in the expressions of the phenotypes observed or their

Plant Colours

The coloration of the various organs of the cacao plants is often the most
visible indicator of variability. Therefore, since these colour expressions are the
easiest to observe the knowledge of the mechanisms of their inheritance is the
most developed. Although the phenotypic expressions of colours of specific
organs may be controlled by genes that are specific for the organ concerned,
the situation is complicated by the action of genes with pleiotropic effects or
linkages, as will be explained below.

Fruit colour

The basic colour of cacao fruits is green. This character exhibits an ample range
of variability, with shades of green varying from very light green (called blanco
= white, by some authors) to dark green, the fruits in Plate 18a being an
example of the latter. In the families in which segregation has been observed
the darker shades of green are dominant to the lighter ones, but it is not known
whether this applies universally to all combinations involving parental
genotypes that differ with regard to the shade of green.
Superimposed on the base green colour are various degrees of red
pigment. The usual source of red pigment is that found in members of the
Criollo group. In this case a single gene appears to be responsible for the
phenotypes descended from the group with the red pigment being dominant to
the state in which it is absent. However, when this gene is present a wide range
of phenotypic expressions is observed in terms of the intensity of the pigment
and the manner in which it is distributed in the epidermis of the fruits. These
phenotypic expressions are partially related to the genotypes of the individuals
concerned. When the individuals have similar genetic backgrounds the
homozygous genotypes would be expected to express a greater intensity of
pigment than the heterozygous genotypes. The intensity of pigment would be
influenced by the status of the base green colour. In some cases a dark red
surface pigment may result from enhancement of the pigment effect when the
The Genetics of Cacao Diversity 281

base colour is dark green while in other cases the dark green base may inhibit
the full expression of the pigment gene.
In individuals descended from the Criollo group the pigmentation could vary
from a light red or pink, or with an effect that is barely visible, to a very dark red
that is almost purple in intensity. The latter degree of expression would probably
be more intense than that found in the Criollo genotypes in which the gene is
intrinsic. Such situations lead to the possibility that other genes may be involved
in the range of red pigment observed through a modification of the expression of
the pigment gene in the Criollo genotypes or by the presence of factors that limit
the synthesis of the anthocyanin pigment. Detailed studies of such situations have
not been made to elucidate these hypotheses. It may also be conceived that two
loci are involved. One locus would carry alleles that determine the intensity of the
green colour. The other locus would be involved in the expression of the red
pigmentation with various alleles determining the expressions of pigmentation in
a sequence of dominance, the recessive allele being an amorph.
Various genotypes from different populations of the Amazonian Region
produce fruits with varying degrees of surface pigmentation and varying
expressions of it. The low frequency with which such genotypes occur,
pigmentation often being expressed in progenies of genotypes with green fruits,
indicates that the pigment expression may result from a combination of various
factors, the inheritance of which has not been studied. Nearly all of the
genotypes with superficial pigment do not express the same effects on other
plant characters as the red-fruited gene.

Hypocotyl pigment

One of the pleiotropic effects of the fruit pigment gene is the development of
pigment in the hypocotyls of the emerging radicles following germination of the
seeds, as observed in vitro. In this case the dominant expression of the gene is
well marked and provides an easy procedure for determining the fruit colours
of the individuals that will develop in segregating families.

Flush leaf colour

This character exhibits considerable variability in respect of its expression and

is, in many cases, related to the fruit colour. At one end of the scale are the
genotypes in which no anthocyanin pigment is developed in the young leaves.
Descriptions of the populations that contain genotypes with such phenotypes
(as found in the chapters that summarize the nature of the diversity) indicate
that differences exist with regard to the manner in which the phenotypes are
expressed. Such a situation suggests that different genetic mechanisms may be
involved according to the populations concerned. As will be seen below there
could be a relationship between cotyledon colours and flush leaf colours in
such populations but each of them has to be considered individually as
explained in the examples that are described. However, in general, it may be
282 Chapter 7

concluded that the expression of non-pigmented flush leaves is due to recessive

alleles when the genotypes concerned are homozygous for these alleles.
In the populations derived from the Equatorial Oriental Piedmont there is
a clear association of the non-pigmented cotyledons with the non-pigmented
flush leaves, from which it may be inferred that the character is due to a
single recessive allele. However, the mode of inheritance of the character
may not be as simple as it appears. When individuals with non-pigmented
flush leaves are crossed with those having pigmented flush leaves their F1
progenies produce pigmented flush leaves. This result would be expected if
the non-pigmentation was due to the action of a single recessive allele.
However, combinations of the F1 progenies with other pigmented genotypes
segregate for non-pigmented flush leaves as though the character is inherited
from a dominant allele.
Similar situations may occur with genotypes in the Amazon Extension
Zone, which produce pale green flush leaves. However, other genotypes from
the zone exhibit other expressions in which the pale green flush leaves are
produced from seeds with purple or pink cotyledons. Hence, in these cases the
absence of pigment in the flush leaves is inherited independently of the
cotyledon colours. Genotypes from the R. Envira population also produce non-
pigmented flush leaves, the character similarly being determined by a single
recessive allele. No seeds with white cotyledons were reported in the collection
data and none was found in the fruits of the progenies with non-pigmented
flush leaves. It may be concluded that, in this case, the cotyledon and flush leaf
pigment expressions are inherited independently.
Other genotypes with green fruits have flush leaves containing varying
degrees of anthocyanin pigment. The gene that confers the red pigment to the
fruit surface also confers pigment to the flush leaves. The genotypes involved
would show enhanced intensity of pigment in comparison with the green-
fruited genotypes belonging to the same families. In such situations the red-
fruited gene would be dominant. The action of this gene also results as
pigmentation being expressed in the pedicels of the young leaves and in the
adjacent axillary node, which persists for a few days after the flush leaves have
hardened. This character has been called ‘axil-spot’ and is useful for
identification purposes and, when observed in young plants, for determining
the fruit colours of the plants that will develop. The character is, of course, the
result of the action of the same gene that produces pigment in the hypocotyls
and is supplementary to it. However, it should be pointed out that, as depicted
in Plate 4b, some green-fruited genotypes also show pigment in the leaf
Pigmentation of the flush leaves is a normal occurrence in genotypes with
green fruits and varies in intensity. Hence the character is inherited
independently of the fruit colour. Even in the Equatorial Oriental Piedmont
genotypes the flush leaves of the plants that develop from the pigmented
cotyledons are intensely pigmented. Variation in the degree of intensity of
pigment occurs and it would be necessary to study the differences in the
expressions resulting from the influence of the gene that produced pigment on
the fruit surfaces.
The Genetics of Cacao Diversity 283

Although it would be expected that all genotypes possessing the gene

producing pigment on the fruit surface would develop pigmented flush leaves,
a case has been recently observed where plants with red fruits have
unpigmented flush leaves. The occurrence of this combination needs to be
investigated as well as the system of inheritance involved, which may be due to
genes whose effects are, as yet, unknown.

Cotyledon colours

The cotyledons present a complex situation regarding the nature of their

pigmentation. This varies from white (lack, or inhibition of the synthesis of
anthocyanin pigment) to varying shades of pink, violet or purple. In some
cotyledons various degrees of mottling are encountered, resulting from mixing
of pigment in the cells of the cotyledons. Also involved in the determination of
the specific expressions of this character are the presence of the gene producing
pigment on the fruit surfaces and the association of factors linking cotyledon
pigment and flush leaf pigment.
In the situations in which there is a simple effect of pigmented cotyledons
versus those in which anthocyanin is absent the gene producing the pigment is
dominant to the non-pigmented genotypes. Wellensiek (1931) observed the
cotyledon colours in open-pollinated fruits of trees that were heterozygous for
the trait and found that, in most cases, there was a segregation ratio of three
purple cotyledons to one white cotyledon. On this basis he concluded that a
single gene was involved. However, in fact, a range of shades of purple
pigment was observed and the pigmented class was the total of the cotyledons
with pigment.
The expression of a range of shades of pigment is common in hybrid
families descended from genotypes belonging to the Criollo group, such as that
found by Wellensiek. In most cases this situation applies to the progenies of
red-fruited Criollo genotypes, where, as referred to in Chapter 5, the allele
controlling fruit colour is expressed as a slight pigmentation in the cotyledons.
The genetic factors responsible for the various levels of pigment expression
have still to be determined in those situations where the expression of
cotyledon colour is not confused by the factors influencing fruit pigmentation;
that is, when only green-fruited genotypes are concerned. One of the problems
involved concerns the accuracy with which the pigment expression can be
determined, which is particularly important in view of the gradations of
pigment expressions within fruits. Another matter refers to the effects that non-
genetic factors have in determining the degree of pigment in a given cotyledon.
Bartley (1964b) discussed some of the findings from a diallel mating
system involving inter-crossing genotypes homozygous for various levels of
pigment expression. The results showed that genotypes with intermediate levels
of pigment produced the same result as genotypes with intense pigmentation
when crossed with genotypes having non-pigmented cotyledons.
When green-fruited ‘Criollo’ genotypes were crossed with the ‘Catongo’
genotype (carrying the anthocyanin inhibitor gene) the progeny seeds had
284 Chapter 7

cotyledons with some degree of pigment. In contrast, the progeny of crosses

between ‘Catongo’ and other genotypes with purple cotyledons produced the
same intensity of pigment in all of the seeds as was exhibited in crosses
between ‘Catongo’ and ‘Criollo’ genotypes with white cotyledons.
The cross between ‘Catongo’ and the clone ‘SPA 17’, which is presumed to
belong to the lower R. Napo population, segregated into equal proportions of
light purple and dark purple cotyledons. The plants of the progeny from the
lightly pigmented cotyledons produced light green flush leaves while those from
the dark purple cotyledons produced pigmented flush leaves. From this result it
may be concluded that ‘SPA 17’ is heterozygous for the recessive gene of the
R. Napo population that is responsible for the non-pigmented cotyledons and
flush leaves.
The combination of ‘BE 2’, which produces pink cotyledons (Plate 9d),
and ‘Catongo’ resulted in seeds that had the same pigment expression as ‘BE
2’. In this case it appears that the pink cotyledon expression of ‘BE 2’ is
produced by a dominant gene. However, the results of hybridization of ‘BE 2’
with trees homozygous for dark purple cotyledons are not available to
determine the relationships among these genotypes.

Flower colours

The flower is a complex organ that shows different colour expressions in its
component parts and also a variety of combinations where two or more parts
are concerned. Consequently, it is necessary to consider both the pigment
expressions in the individual parts as well as the possible genetic relationships
among the parts, in addition to the relationships with the expressions of
pigment factors in other plant organs. So far, very few studies of the inheritance
of pigment characters in the flowers have been conducted. The results of
studies carried out to date are difficult to interpret on account of the complexity
of the subject as well as the fact that not all of the expressions have been
adequately identified. An analysis of these observations will not be undertaken
at this time owing to the complexity of flower expressions and the inter-
relationships of the characteristics of the various flower parts.
Many genotypes with green fruits have sepals that lack anthocyanin
pigment. Other varieties possessing the anthocyanin-free allele show various
expressions of pigment in this organ. These expressions are usually specific to
given varieties and populations indicating the possible existence of different
genes responsible for the expressions in individual cases. One of these cases
concerns varieties that show conspicuous red pigment on the external edges of
the sepals (observed where they join in the unopened buds). Genotypes with
red fruits produce pigment on the inner surfaces of the sepals, but the intensity
of pigment varies according to the homozygosity status of the genotype. Hence,
the pigmentation of the inner surface of the sepals would be the result of action
of a dominant allele linked to fruit colour. However, there are green-fruited
genotypes that also have sepals pigmented on the inner surface, which
indicates the existence of different genetic mechanisms acting independently.
The Genetics of Cacao Diversity 285

The pigmentation of the staminodes and the guide-lines on the inner

surface of the petal pouch presents some interesting situations. Plates 8a and
9a contain examples of flowers where both of these organs have the same
shade of dark purple pigment and Plate 9c is an example of a case where the
colour of both organs is pink. However, in other genotypes the shades in the
individual parts may appear in various combinations. Examples of the
combinations that occur are dark staminodes with pink guide-lines or light
coloured staminodes with dark purple guide-lines. Evidently, the genetics of
pigmentation in these cases is somewhat complicated but not enough data are
available to reach any conclusions as to the mechanisms involved.
The pigment of the stamen filaments is a sufficiently distinctive character to
be of considerable value in the identification of genotypes belonging to distinct
populations. The differences among the populations are quite marked, some of
them showing distinctive pigment intensities and patterns. At one end of the
scale are populations in which no pigment is visible and at the other end are
genotypes, such as those from the R. Purús system, in which the pigment is
intense and very evident. Here, again, although efforts have been made to
study the segregation of the character in the progenies of some genotypes not
enough data have been collected to obtain a definitive idea of the mode of
inheritance. Bartley (1964b) summarized some of the observations made of the
segregation that occurred in several crosses. It would seem that, in the group of
clones identified as ‘IMC’, the distinctive pigment of the stamens is inherited as
a partial dominant. In the absence of observations on the parental genotypes,
interpretation of the incomplete analysis of the segregation occurring in the
hybrids derived from its progenies would be premature.
In most examples the flowers of red-fruited genotypes, even those resulting
from hybridization with genotypes with pigmented stamens, do not exhibit
colour in the stamens. In such cases it would appear that the allele that confers
the red pigment to the fruits (and other organs) inhibits the expression of the
stamen pigment. However, at least one genotype is known with red fruit
surface colour and stamens that are distinctly pigmented.

The anthocyanin inhibitor gene

The presence of this gene in the homozygous condition is recognized by the

absence of anthocyanin pigment in all organs of the genotypes that carry this
allele. Hence, when the allele is present in the homozygous state the genotypes
that possess the allele for fruit surface colour produce fruits that are green. This
would be the case of the genotype illustrated in Plate 32a, which is the oldest
known example of the effect of the gene, the illustration having been published
by van Nooten (1863). Although there are some well-known genotypes from
the Amazonian Region that carry the allele it occurs fairly frequently. It is found
in heterozygous individuals belonging to a wide range of varieties and also
occurs in Central America.
The allele responsible for the mutation is recessive and, consequently, only
detectable in the cotyledons and progenies of the heterozygous individuals whose
286 Chapter 7

fruits have been self-fertilized. The penetrance of the allele may not be complete
since a few progenies have been observed with slight surface pigment of the fruits
and also is observed as slight coloration of the cotyledons. While combinations of
plants carrying the gene with those producing dark purple cotyledons have seeds
with cotyledons of the same shade, the seeds produced in crosses between the
mutant type and green-fruited Criollo genotypes with white cotyledons are light
purple in colour. This result indicates that one of the parents has a cotyledon
colour expression that is partially dominant (Bartley, 1964b).
It would appear that the absence of anthocyanin pigment in any plant
organ, or combination of organs, would be the result of genes that block the
action of the enzymes responsible for the synthesis of anthocyanins. Although
the analyses of segregation of pigmented/non-pigmented plants may indicate
that single genes are involved in any particular process, it is probable that the
expressions observed are the result of the involvement of the whole genotype
of an individual. So far no studies appear to have been undertaken to
determine whether there is a relationship between the shade of purple pigment
in the cotyledon and the shade of flush leaf colour; excepting, of course, the
association between non-pigmented cotyledons and flush leaves in certain

Fruit Shape

The overall fruit shape is a composition of various effects that influence the
appearance of a given fruit. Accordingly, the fruit shape needs to be broken
down into its various components. In particular the length of the fruit is
determined to a large degree by the nature of its apex. Longer fruits usually
possess long acute or attenuate apices whereas short fruits are generally the
result of having short acute or rounded apices. However, there are exceptions
to these relationships.
Progenies of crosses between genotypes of the Criollo group with elongate
fruits and Amazonian types with short fruits produce elongate fruits. This
explains why the hybrid descendants of Criollo genotypes tend to resemble the
parents belonging to the Criollo group and are, therefore, difficult to distinguish
from the Criollo parents. The progenies of combinations of Criollo hybrid
genotypes with those having short broad fruits segregate for a range of fruit
types including short broad fruits and elongate fruits. The inheritance of the
elongate fruits of the Criollo genotypes appears to be the result of the action of
a single dominant allele.
It would appear that the greater frequency of elongate fruits in some
populations is due to the dominance of alleles producing longer fruits. The
hybrids of the elongate-fruited genotype ‘MA 15’ with homozygous genotypes
of the variety shown in Plate 7d produce fruits that are uniformly of
intermediate length. However, there are other exceptions to the possible
generalized dominance of elongate fruits.
In Fig. 48 two examples are presented that illustrate the influence of
different parents on the characteristics of the fruits of their F1 progenies. The
The Genetics of Cacao Diversity 287

Fig. 48. Demonstration of the influence of the parents on the characteristics of the
fruits of their hybrid progenies. (Top) ‘MA 15’  ‘Mocorongo’; (bottom) ‘Mocorongo’
 ‘CA 6’. The parents are depicted in Plate 23.

fruits of ‘MA 15’  ‘Mocorongo’ are shorter than those of ‘MA 15’. It may be
inferred that the fruit length of ‘Mocorongo’ is dominant to that of ‘MA 15’. On
the other hand, the smooth surface of the F1 is probably inherited from ‘MA
15’. In contrast, the short, broad shape of the F1 of ‘Mocorongo’ and ‘CA 6’
indicates that the fruit shape of the latter is dominant. The prominent ridges
with a tendency for surface pigmentation are probably inherited from
‘Mocorongo’. Some surface pigment is developed in progenies of ‘Mocorongo’,
presumably in the individuals lacking the anthocyanin inhibitor allele.
The segregation for fruit shapes in the F1 generation of the combination
‘PA 16’ and ‘PA 148’, shown in Fig. 11, presents a different picture with the
fruits of the progenies tending to be more elongate than those of the parents.
288 Chapter 7

Fruit Husk Characters

The hardness of the mesocarp layer of the fruit husk is one character that is
intriguing for the geneticist. The very hard mesocarp of fruits of the R. Guaviare
variety (which is homozygous for the character) appears to be dominant to the
less woody mesocarps of other varieties with which it has been hybridized. At
least the dominance is partial if not always complete, indicating that a single
gene would be involved.
On the other hand, the very soft husks of the R. Juruá system’s specimens
(in which the mesocarp is absent) give every indication of being dominant.
Hybridization between the two extreme types has not been attempted so far.
Some genotypes with thick husks tend to transmit this character to their
progeny. The subject of the inheritance of husk thickness has not been studied
in detail although a quantity of data would be available for analysis. The
character presents some difficulties in measuring owing to the variability with
regard to the characteristics of the ridges and fruit diameter; these leading to
the need to define the quantitative aspects of husk thickness in order to
estimate it objectively.

The ‘Pentagonum’ Fruit Shape

The low rate of incidence of fruits with the ‘Pentagonum’ shape among
progenies of heterozygous members of the Criollo group indicates that the fruit
shape is the result of the combination of action of several recessive factors
when they occur in the homozygous state. On account of this situation it would
be expected that families could be produced from genotypes bearing the
character that are homogeneous for it. This would have occurred in the
progenies of the ‘Pentagonum’ trees introduced into Trinidad as well as their
descendants from seed exported to other countries.

Leaf Characters

The extensive variability encountered in the various expressions of the leaf

characteristics provides excellent opportunities for studies of inheritance of
the individual characteristics. However, the leaf is another complex organ
and insufficient attention has been paid to the studies of the genetics of its
components. An attempt was made to study the inheritance of leaf shape in
crosses between genotypes with narrow elongate leaf blades and those with
broad leaves. The data obtained were not completely analysed but indicated
that, in the parent genotypes used, the narrow shape was dominant. In the
case of the narrow-leaf genotype ‘CA 3’, whose inbred progenies are shown
in Plate 31b, there is some segregation for shape but narrow leaves
Leaf texture and thickness is another outstanding character worthy of
study. The thick, hard leaves of ‘ICS 89’ were shown to be dominant over the
The Genetics of Cacao Diversity 289

finer leaves of the other parents with which it was hybridized on the basis of
subjective observations but, again, data are not available from the range of
parents used in combinations with this genotype.

Dwarfs in the ‘Scavina’ Family

Progenies of crosses between some of the members of the family denominated

‘Scavina’ (‘SCA’) originating on the R. Ucayali in Peru (described in Chapter 5)
segregate for dwarf plants in varying proportions (Fig. 7). Similar genotypes
were obtained in crosses between F1 individuals in hybrids with ‘SCA 6’ as a
parent and in backcrosses of the resulting F2 families to a ‘SCA’ clone.
Bartley (1967) reported the proportions of dwarf segregants obtained in
some of these combinations. The proportions of the dwarf progenies obtained
were as high as 25% in some combinations but the low frequency in most
combinations indicated that perhaps the character was the result of the
combination of recessive alleles at two loci when both were in the homozygous
state. No studies were made of the behaviour of progenies obtained from the
dwarf genotypes. The lack of this information prevented definite conclusions
from being reached regarding the genetic mechanism involved. The dwarf
character persists during the juvenile phase of plant development but in the
course of time the plants reach a more normal stature but are still
distinguishable from the normal genotypes. The appearance of this character is
one example of the existence in the genetic composition of cacao genotypes of
traits that are of little practical use but may have an effect on the breeding
ability of the parent genotypes.

Leaf Abnormalities of Lethal Effect

Among the deleterious characters encountered in the production of advanced

generations from cacao genotypes are various manifestations of abnormalities
in their leaves. These abnormalities are identifiable in the early stages of
development of the seedling progenies and take the form of alterations of leaf
size and shape and various colour effects. The progenies that exhibit these
characters die during the first months of growth. Some examples of these
characters are shown in Plate 31a and c. The fact that these abnormalities
occur in various forms in genotypes belonging to different populations indicates
that they arise from individual mutations specific to the populations or
genotypes. Most of these abnormalities are due to the action of single alleles
that are recessive.
The appearance of segregants with yellow leaves in self-fertilized progenies of
clones from the Parinari region of the R. Marañon was mentioned in Chapter 5.
The allele was also lethal in its effect. The character was named ‘Luteus-PA’ and
the results obtained in the progenies were reported by Bartley et al. (1983). The
ratios obtained indicate that, in this case, more than a single locus was involved.
Since various genotypes from this population carry the factors responsible for the
290 Chapter 7

expression of the character it could be used as a tool for determining the

relationships among the genotypes that belong to the population.

Compatibility and Reproduction

The discovery of the occurrence of self-incompatibility in the species was

followed by intensive investigations to determine the causes of the condition
and the genetic mechanism involved. The condition has important
consequences for the improvement of the species as well as an influence on the
reproductive capacity of the self-incompatible individuals. The present
knowledge of the genetic mechanism is based on the work of Cope (1962) and
the consequences of the various situations involving the possible mating
systems were summarized by Bartley and Cope (1973).
The mechanism by which incompatibility occurs in cacao was found to
take place in the ovary of the flower during fertilization. At the time that the
mechanism was discovered the species was unique in this respect. The
incompatibility could be described as a rejection by the egg nucleus of a male
gamete carrying the same incompatibility allele as the female gamete. When
non-fusion of gametes occurs in a proportion of the ovules the development of
the ovary is halted, causing the flower to abort.
The studies carried out showed that a series of alleles was involved of
which one had a neutral effect, in which case the rejection mechanism did not
function in the egg cells when the gametes were identical. This allele is the self-
compatibility allele. When a particular flower is fertilized by pollen gametes
carrying the neutral allele all egg nuclei are compatibly fertilized and normal
fruit development occurs.
The alleles that are involved in incompatible fertilizations were found to
exist in several states according to the dominance relationships between pairs
of alleles. This situation is illustrated by the following sequence of dominance,
the alleles being identified by letters:
The signs > and = indicate complete dominance between the pairs of
alleles and co-dominance, or independent action, respectively, and 0 the self-
compatibility allele.
The genotypes obtained from various combinations of alleles can be
determined by cytological examination of the ovules after fertilization or by the
segregation that occurs in the progenies of the families obtained in subsequent
The various situations that can occur in individual self-incompatible
genotypes are:
1. In the case of a genotype such as a0 self-fertilization results in the
occurrence of non-fusion in 25% of the ovules. When the genotype is fertilized
by a 00 genotype 50% of the progenies will be self-compatible and 50% self-
The Genetics of Cacao Diversity 291

2. When the genotype possesses two incompatibility alleles of which one is

dominant, for example, the type ab, the action of the recessive allele is
cancelled and a b male gamete will fuse with a b female gamete. In this case
the proportion of non-fusion alleles will be 25% but when the genotype is
fertilized by a 00 genotype all progenies will be self-incompatible, 50% of these
being compatible with the ab parent.
3. In the genotypes carrying two co-dominant alleles, for example, cd, the
male gametes will not fuse with the corresponding female gametes, leading
to a proportion of 50% of the ovules in which no fusion occurs. The product
of fertilization of this genotype with the 00 genotype will result in 100%
of the progeny being self-incompatible and also incompatible with the cd

The above examples show how the genotypes that determine whether an
individual is self-compatible or self-incompatible produce various situations
that determine the ability of self-incompatible genotypes to inter-cross. In the
populations in which only one incompatibility allele is present all self-
incompatible genotypes are cross-incompatible. Where more than one self-
incompatible allele is present genotypes possessing the same dominant allele
are cross-incompatible but are cross-compatible with genotypes carrying
other incompatibility alleles. This situation provides for the possibility of
genotypes occurring that have various combinations of alleles and of
hybridization among self-incompatible genotypes even if the self-compatible
allele is absent.
Genotypes that are homozygous for the self-compatibility allele are self-
compatible and cross-compatible with all other genotypes regardless of whether
they carry any self-incompatibility alleles.
Among the populations studied a number of alleles have been identified
and many of these are specific to the populations in which they occur. Because
of this situation the compatibility/incompatibility relationships between
populations and also within them are useful tools for differentiating among
populations and identifying individual genotypes. An example of a study in
which the incompatibility relationships have been used to assign genotypes to
related groups in a particular set is that reported by Yamada et al. (1982,
1996). The next step would be the determination of the genotypes through the
analysis of the progeny of inter-crosses. The use of the determination of
incompatibility genotypes and their relationships for establishing inter- and
intra-population diversity has not received the attention it deserves on account
of the effort required.
The incompatibility mechanism in cacao is not an insurmountable barrier
to obtaining inbred progenies from self-incompatible genotypes. Since in any
mating system fusion occurs in at least 50% of the ovules any technique that
overcomes the abscission mechanism can be utilized to produce seeds resulting
from self-fertilization. One technique involves mixing compatible pollen and
pollen of the genotypes that it is intended to self-fertilize. The value of
obtaining self-compatible progenies in this manner depends on whether the
genotype concerned is heterozygous for the self-compatibility allele.
292 Chapter 7

In spite of the apparently numerous alleles that have been identified in the
populations in which the incompatibility status has been studied, the concepts
related to the subject are fairly easy to understand. However, the matter is not
so simple since other possibilities of determination of self-incompatibility have
been identified. In the case of the genotype ‘IMC 67’ the segregation of self-
compatible and self-incompatible progenies of crosses of the genotype (which
is self-incompatible) with self-compatible genotypes was found not to produce
the expected ratios. The genotype appears to combine with the genotype that
is understood to be its female parent and it also is compatible with some of its
F1 progeny. This situation indicates that ‘IMC 67’ possesses a compatibility
allele that behaves differently to the allele of this type in other genotypes.
Another deviation from the expected norm was discovered when a self-
compatible genotype of the Criollo group was hybridized with a self-compatible
genotype of another population or origin. It was found that, in this cross, all of
the F1 progenies were self-incompatible. On the basis of studies of the zygote
reactions of the progenies and those of other generations of the combination
an explanation of this behaviour was proposed that involved the action of two
modifying genes (which we may name A and B). In this case one of the parents
should be homozygous for one dominant gene, with the other gene in the
recessive state (that is AAbb). The genotype of the other parent would have the
dominant and recessive genes in a reversed state (aaBB). Consequently, when
both genes are in the heterozygous state, as occurs in the progeny, the
individuals are self-incompatible. The same results are obtained when other
genotypes of the Criollo group that are self-compatible are fertilized by self-
compatible genotypes from the Amazonian Region populations.
Situations of this nature have significant implications for the determination
of the incompatibility/compatibility relationships of varieties that have been
derived from hybridization with members of the Criollo group. The exact effects
of this situation have not been adequately investigated, especially on account of
the small scale on which the Criollo group has been involved in breeding. All
genotypes in which this situation has been encountered belong to the Central
American Criollo populations, since the situation in pure Criollo genotypes from
northern South America has not been investigated. On the basis of the findings
observed it may be supposed that the Central American Criollo genotypes
possess a gene that distinguishes them from the Amazonian Region populations.
Besides the incompatibility situation several other mechanisms appear to
act in cacao that influence fruit development and productivity. One such
mechanism concerns the production of what are known as ‘male trees’, that is,
individuals whose gynoeceum is sterile and, consequently, unable to form
fruits. Since the androeceum is fertile the pollen from the flowers can fertilize
other genotypes and the progenies obtained seem to behave normally.
Although the actual genetic mechanism has not been fully investigated it would
be assumed that the female sterility is caused by the action of a homozygous
recessive gene. This condition is infrequent but has been observed to occur in
several populations.
Another situation is one that involves individuals that produce fruits with
low numbers of seeds. In some of these individuals the number of seeds rarely
The Genetics of Cacao Diversity 293

exceeds half of that of the ovules. The same results are obtained from cross-
fertilization as well as from self-fertilization. The likely explanation for the
incomplete seed content is the action of factors during the development of the
zygotes which causes the abortion of a proportion of them. Studies were
initiated on one of the genotypes that show this abnormality to determine the
cause of the abortion of the zygotes and the genetic mechanisms responsible.
The procedure included the establishment of progenies resulting from self-
fertilization and crosses with normal genotypes. However, these studies have
not been concluded, for which reason it is premature to discuss the
mechanisms involved. It seems that, from the nature of the abnormality,
cytoplasmic factors should be considered. The individuals known to behave in
this manner belong to the Amazonian Region populations.
A special case concerns the clone ‘CA 3’, which is distinguished by its
narrow elongate leaves and also possesses a relatively high productive capacity.
The clone produces a low proportion of fruits when self-pollinated. The fruits
produced contain few normal seeds; the highest number obtained per fruit is
seven. The resulting plants develop slowly and present a dwarf appearance
when young, as shown in Plate 31b, in which the self-pollinated seedlings are
compared with normal plants derived from cross-pollination of ‘CA 3’.
However, the selfed progeny produce the elongate leaves of the parent. They
eventually develop into normal plants with a short stature but their productive
capacity is similar to that of the parent. Although investigations into the
mechanisms concerned were initiated in the progenies they were not
In all of the cases where barriers to the normal mechanisms of fruit or seed
production occur the genotypes depend on cross-fertilization to ensure the
formation of normal fruits. The identification of genotypes with similar
abnormal behaviour is subject to uncertainties owing to the vagaries of the
pollination events and the absence of information regarding their ovule

Ovule Number

The descriptions of the various populations refer to the extent to which they
vary with regard to the number of ovules in the ovaries of their flowers. The
highest number encountered is of the order of 80 and it appears that numbers
as low as 30 may be found, especially in some mutant genotypes. The data
obtained from progenies of hybrids between individuals belonging to
populations that are distinguished by having different ovule numbers indicate
that the higher numbers are dominant to the lower numbers in each
combination. These results may be interpreted on the basis of a series of
multiple alleles being responsible for the differences and that each allele may
add one number to the number of ovules in each loculus in a sequence of
dominance. There are suggestions from some data that heterosis for this
character may occur but these need to be verified. The ovule number character
is a distinguishing feature of several populations. The higher numbers are
294 Chapter 7

found in genotypes from the Amazonian Region and the lowest numbers (with
the exception of some mutants) are encountered in the Criollo group.


Occasionally, seeds are encountered that contain more than one embryo.
Where two embryos occur they will give rise to twin plants. It is shown by
cytological examination that some ovaries have one or more ovules containing
two egg sacs. The egg sacs are fertilized by separate male gametes, often
producing two distinct genotypes, an example of which is illustrated in Plate
32c. In this case the parent genotype was homozygous for the anthocyanin
inhibitor gene, one egg sac being self-fertilized while the other was fertilized
with pollen from a tree with the dominant cotyledon colour. While the
occurrence of twin embryos has been noted to be more common in some
genotypes the lack of information resulting from inadequate observations
prevents the determination of the genetic situation involved.
At the present time there is little evidence to link the occurrence of
polyembryony to any particular populations or any set of gene action. The only
examples of seeds containing multiple embryos were found in trees belonging
to the Ecuador ‘Nacional’ variety or descendants of it, several seeds in each
fruit being polyembryonic. Plate 32d shows the developing plants from some of
these seeds. The occurrence of polyembryony in the population in which the
seeds were produced appeared to be influenced by seasonal factors, which
means that the determination of genetic effects may be difficult to establish.
Double embryos have been found mainly in genotypes belonging to the
Amazonian Region populations. One of the more consistent producers of twin
embryos and one in which more than two twin embryos have been found in
each fruit is the variety from the R. Coppename valley in Surinam.

Seed Size

Although seed size is an attribute that is very important in improvement since it

is a component of fruit size and, therefore, of the yielding ability of cultivars, its
inheritance is poorly known. The inheritance of the seed size of the large array
of genotypes used in improvement programmes could be determined from the
analysis of the large number of hybrid combinations and inbred lines that have
been produced. However, only one serious study of the inheritance of this
attribute has been carried out (Bartley, 1965). The study concerned the
determination of seed size in progenies of the clones ‘SCA 6’ and ‘P 12’
combined with ‘ICS 6’, the self-compatible genotype possessing the largest
seeds known at the time. The determinations were based on fruits obtained by
artificial fertilization to the large seeded parent (that is, a backcross mating
system was used). The comparative frequency distributions for the variable,
average dry seed weight, for the two crosses, are presented in Fig. 49. These
results may be interpreted as showing that the small seed size of ‘SCA 6’ is
The Genetics of Cacao Diversity 295

Fig. 49. Frequency distributions of average dry weights per seed (unadjusted) of
the offpring of the crosses ‘ICS 6’  ‘SCA 12’ and ‘ICS 6’  ‘P 12’ to show the
inheritance of the seed sizes of these parents. Graph based on data by Bartley

inherited as a dominant to the large seeds of ‘ICS 6’ and that segregation in the
cross is transgressive. In the case of ‘P 12’ the dominance of the smaller seed
size is less noticeable although a tendency for this can be detected. In another
study, the seed sizes of the progenies of the F1 of ‘SCA 6’ and ‘ICS 6’ were
compared to those of one of the F2 families derived from this cross. In the latter
there was a general increase in seed size but the mean of the family was lower
than the median value of the seed sizes of the parents.

The inheritance systems of a few of the mutations that have been identified in
cacao have been worked out. The majority of the mutations known result from
single recessive genes and become apparent when they are present in the
homozygous state. As a result, although the mutation rate may be fairly high,
the presence of such mutations may remain undetected in normal genotypes
owing to their existence in the heterozygous condition.
The genotype known as ‘Crinkle-leaf Dwarf ’ (identified as ‘M 253’), the
leaves of which are similar in appearance to that of the genotype illustrated in
Plate 6a, was found to be the result of a single recessive gene with pleiotropic
effects with which a low level of seed formation and a high rate of zygote
abortion were associated (Bartley, 1964b). In the third generation progenies of
hybrids with normal plants the ‘Crinkle Leaf ’ character is combined in plants
with normal growth. Hence, although the dwarfing character appears to be
296 Chapter 7

produced by the same gene as the leaf character, the two characters would be
inherited from two genes with close linkage, giving the effect of being produced
by a single gene.
The ‘Jaca’ genotype, named from its leaf shape (Plate 4d), is the result of
the action of a recessive gene. The characteristics of the genotype include the
tendency to produce three plagiotropic branches instead of five, as may be
noted in Fig. 50, and a possible abnormality in the flower. The inheritance of
these traits has not been investigated.
Occasionally, various abnormalities occur in cacao plants, which may be
the result of non-genetic factors and could be of a transitory nature. Plate 6c
shows a chimaera that developed from the base of a plant. It was impossible to
reproduce this chimaera and since no flowers and fruits have been formed the
determination of the origin of the shoot has not been possible. Another
abnormality is the appearance of fasciated stems, sometimes of large
proportions, that are localized in their occurrence and probably owe their origin
to imbalances produced by non-genetic factors. The development of the
fasciation would take place during the formation of the zygote in the form of
multiple-fused terminal buds. Some plants, apparently belonging to certain
populations, produce abnormal development of the whorl of plagiotropic
branches in the form of repeated branching and multiple branches.

Fig. 50. Tree of the ‘Jaca’ mutation showing the leaf shape and three-branched habit.
The Genetics of Cacao Diversity 297

Under certain conditions parthenocarpic fruits are produced, the numbers

of which range from a few to many fruits per tree. Parthenocarpy occurs mainly
in self-incompatible genotypes and varieties, some being particularly prone to
this disorder. However, except for the association with self-incompatibility no
genetic causes of parthenocarpy can be identified since the production of such
fruits cannot be considered to be a permanent feature of the varieties in which
it occurs.
8 The Relationships among

The distinguishing features of the naturally distributed populations described in

the previous chapters were based on the observed differences in the
morphological characteristics of their component genotypes. However, an
analysis of the relationships among the populations depends on the availability
of an integral picture of the genetic composition of each population based on
the genotypes of the individuals that belong to it. Since an individual genotype
comprises many genes, some of which may occur in other populations, the
individuals that appear to belong to distinct populations may have common
DNA compositions. The determination of the common and different genetic
elements in the individual populations is important with regard to under-
standing their origins and the manner in which they diverge.
Taking into consideration the nature of the species the analysis of the
relationships among the populations would be an impossible task if we had to
depend on the study of the observed variation of the morphological markers.
During the past two decades the molecular biology techniques that have been
developed have been applied to the determination of the genetic constitution
of the genotypes by means of the analysis of their DNA profiles. The analytical
procedures have evolved from the identification of the allelic differences using
isozyme markers. Since then attention has shifted to the use of other genetic
markers such as restriction fragment length polymorphic DNA, random
amplified polymorphic DNA and satellite markers.
A considerable number of genotypes have been assayed using these
techniques and this has provided us with an idea of how some of the genotypes
are related or can be placed into groups. A summary of the results obtained
from earlier analyses using molecular markers is given by Lanaud et al. (1999).
However, other groups have undertaken similar analyses with genotypes
belonging to several sources from natural and cultivated populations.
It is not the intention at this time to analyse all of these results in detail in
terms of the techniques used but it would be pertinent to point out some

© B.G.D. Bartley 2005. The Genetic Diversity of Cacao and its Utilization
298 (Basil G.D. Bartley)
The Relationships among Populations 299

aspects of this work as it relates to the subject of this chapter. One difficulty is
that several authors have reported on the relationships between the genotypes
used in their studies without naming the genotypes. This prevents a serious
analysis of the results being made. For example, we may cite the work of
Ronning and Schnell (1994) and Whitkus et al. (1998) in which the unnamed
genotypes were allocated to hypothetical ‘population’ groups. The authors of
these studies lacked the knowledge of the origins and relationships of the
genotypes analysed. Results of this nature are found in reports of other
investigations and, for our purposes, have no application whatever in
unravelling the inter-population relationships.
Another aspect to be considered is that the sets of genotypes analysed vary
according to the study conducted. The results obtained in a given set of
genotypes analysed, in terms of the relationships among them, are determined
by the genotypes that are included in the set. This leads to the situation in
which the relationships between two genotypes or between two populations
may be presented in different ways, making it difficult to interpret the results for
this purpose. Similarly, it is difficult to extrapolate the relationships between
populations analysed in various studies in which two or more genotypes may
be common to more than one analysis but a different set of other genotypes
were included in the individual studies. For example, the studies of Marita
(1998) and Sounigo (2001) included the same members of the series ‘PA’ and
‘IMC’. The position of these genotypes in the plots depended on their
relationships to the genotypes from other populations, of which a different set
was analysed in each case. The situation in these studies is such that
comparison of the relationships within and between the respective series is
difficult because of the manner in which the results are presented. Hence, the
determination of genotypic relationships is hampered by the lack of uniformity
in the presentation of the results.
It is probable that some degree of divergence in the results obtained occurs
owing to the differences in the numbers of molecular markers used in various
analyses. There may also be a lack of uniformity in the markers used for a
given set of genotypes. Other sources of variation in the degree of association
among genotypes are the differences in techniques and the possible
misidentification of the samples as well as of the plants from which they were
By and large the genotypes analysed in most of the studies conducted so
far belong to the selections made in cultivated populations. As demonstrated in
Chapter 6, the majority of the selections were made among the progenies
resulting from hybridization between a restricted range of Amazonian
germplasm and members of the Criollo group from various populations. It is
necessary to emphasize that in no case do the selections cover the range of
variability present in the hybrid populations in the regions in which the
selections were made. Since the ancestral populations of most of these regions
were attributed to the Criollo group some genotypes belonging to the group
may have entered unintentionally, through misclassification of their variety
status, into the sets of genotypes analysed. The relationships among the
selections would be confused since they are individually products of various
300 Chapter 8

degrees of hybridization and recombination and, consequently, have genetic

constitutions that are specific to the individual genotypes.
A second group of genotypes that have been subjected to analysis relate to
the Amazonian populations constituted by the progenies of the collections
made in Peru. The range of the variability contained in each of the groups of
progenies that has been analysed in these studies has been limited to a few
genotypes. Presumably, genotypes from this origin were classified by Cruz et al.
(1995) as South American ‘wild’ varieties, but as the genotypes attributed to
this class were not named, verification of this claim is not possible.
The above is one example of the situation that applies to several of the
earlier analyses that were undertaken by institutions in countries outside the
areas where the crop is distributed. Since the specimens analysed would have
been supplied to the laboratories in which the analyses were conducted the
persons who carried out the analyses had no knowledge of the veracity of the
identifications of the plants from which the samples were obtained. In addition,
judging from the interpretations of the results, the information supplied
regarding the origins, classifications and relationships of the genotypes was
often of dubious quality. In the cases of analyses undertaken by persons who
have no knowledge of the diversity of the species and no contact with the
plants in the field, conditions do not exist for relating the genotypes sampled to
their characteristics. In some ways, such a situation may be beneficial since it
could lead to unbiased conclusions when the current concepts of variety
classification are ignored.
There is a tendency for some authors to interpret their results in a way to
prove certain pre-established theories regarding the position of the material
analysed in the scheme of the diversity. In view of this situation it is necessary
to adopt unbiased interpretations according to the indications revealed by the
morphological differences among and within populations.
Among the information that can be obtained from the analysis of the
molecular markers is that relating to the degree of heterozygosity of each
genotype, based on the numbers of polymorphic loci that are determined in its
genetic composition. Such information is a valuable aid in determining whether
a genotype derives from hybridization and the extent of genetic variability that
a population possesses. Some disparities in the values obtained from genotypes
that have been analysed several times may be attributed to the differences in
the numbers of molecular markers and the techniques used. The degree of
heterozygosity is presented as the proportion of polymorphic loci to the total
number of loci determined in the analysis of the genotype. However, the results
do not tell us which loci are heterozygous nor the characters involved. Although
progress has been made in mapping the cacao genome with regard to
assigning the molecular markers to their relative positions on the chromosomes,
the relationships of the loci related to the expressions of the morphological
markers have not been determined.
For our purposes the most useful study is that of Marita (1998) since it
includes several populations of the Amazonian Region that are not discussed in
other studies. In order to interpret the results it is necessary to know which
samples were misidentified and adjust the population groupings accordingly.
The Relationships among Populations 301

The genotypes derived from artificially produced hybrids should be eliminated

in order to remove their influence on the distribution patterns of the genotypes
that are relevant to our objectives. Also, it is essential to have a conception of
the geographical origins of the populations in order to understand the patterns
of the distribution of the variability within the populations sampled and the
relationships among them. It is necessary to take into account the fact that, with
regard to the Amazonian Region’s populations, only genotypes from the parent
trees were analysed. As explained in Chapter 4, the collections made in the
populations sampled included progenies from other trees (as well as from some
of the same parental genotypes) and these progenies would represent a much
wider range of the variability contained in a population. Consequently, it
should be appreciated that the variability shown for the individual populations
may be only a fraction of the total variability exhibited by their components.
We may start our analysis of the relationships between the populations of
the Amazonian Region with the drainage systems that radiate from the
Province of Caravaya. The study of Marita (1998) is important in that it
analyses various populations on these drainage systems. The most extreme of
these populations is that of the valley of the R. Urubamba and its source
tributaries. Unfortunately, we do not have any information about the primary
varieties in the area. The primary germplasm may be connected with that
occurring in the upper R. Bení valley and forming part of a dispersal pattern
along the eastern foothills of the Andes.
It would seem that the variety that could be considered to be indigenous to
the R. Urubamba does not extend through the valley of the R. Ucayali. Here,
the principal type known is that identified as ‘Scavina’, which is represented by
a few progenies. The multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) plot shows the ‘Scavina’
genotypes forming a dispersed group at one corner of the plot (other
misidentified members of the family need to be included). The uniqueness of
the type is confirmed by other results, such as those of Charters and Wilkinson
(2000), who also placed this group at the extreme end of the dendrogram. Two
of the three genotypes resulting from more recent collecting activities (analysed
by Marita, 1998), from the same area, could be considered as belonging to the
same range of variability as the ‘Scavina’ type. These few genotypes perhaps
do not represent the entire diversity of the area and, certainly, the phenotypes
of the newer accessions differ from those of the ‘Scavina’ type. The remaining
genotype was located downstream from the ‘Scavina’ location and appears to
belong to another variety.
As speculated in the account of the genotypes from the R. Juruá valley,
they are related to the ‘Scavina’ type but some of them show a degree of
divergence from the ‘Scavina’ type indicating that they contain other factors.
Pires et al. (2001) stated that ‘SCA 6’ and ‘SCA 12’ possess ten unique bands
and found that some of the R. Juruá genotypes possess some of the same
unique bands. The number of bands found in each genotype varied in the
same way as those encountered in the ‘SCA’ genotypes. It is not stated whether
this situation applies to the newer genotypes from the R. Ucayali.
The statements made by Chandless (1868) regarding the connections
between the R. Juruá and the R. Ucayali leave no doubt as to the probability
302 Chapter 8

that the same variety was exchanged across these river systems as well as along
their tributaries by which the exchange would have taken place.
If this exchange did take place the pertinent question is, ‘on which river did
the variety originate?’ Judging from the enormous size of some of the trees
seen on the R. Juruá, it may be supposed that these trees are older than the
trees on the R. Ucayali. However, the small sizes of the samples from these
rivers do not provide an adequate basis for answering the question. Further
investigations would be necessary which would include a survey of all the
cacao occurrences along the Rivers Moa and Tapiche.
The study shows that the populations from the other drainage systems
arising in the Province of Caravaya form discrete groups in which the genetic
distance from the R. Ucayali types increases as they progress towards the east.
Although the samples analysed by Marita represent only a portion of the
variability that exists in the populations of the R. Purús and R. Madeira
drainage systems, nevertheless, the results indicate that a significant degree of
diversity may be found in them. In addition, in this analysis, no attempt has
been made to determine the extent to which sub-populations, or distinct
varieties, occur along the course of the rivers or on their various tributaries.
The only specimen from the R. Envira system was located within the range
of the R. Purús population. This situation may be expected on account of the
proximity of the R. Envira to the upper reaches of the R. Purús system although
the phenotypes of the R. Envira population are very different to those of the R.
Purús. It is suspected that the sample analysed is of a misidentified genotype
from the R. Purús. It would be important to determine the degree of relationship
between the genotypes occurring near the headwaters of the R. Acre and those
of the western tributaries of the R. Madeira, the courses of which run close to the
upper reaches of the R. Acre and sometimes parallel with it.
The R. Jamarí/R. Ji-Paraná population, on the basis of the morphological
characteristics and the results of the analyses of samples used in the study of
Marita (1998), is distinct from the diversity of the R. Purús. The types known
from the R. Guaporé also appear to be unrelated to those of the R. Jamarí/R.
Ji-Paraná populations. However, comparisons are unreliable since the number
of samples analysed from the R. Jamarí/R. Ji-Paraná population is small
relative to the number of genotypes which represent a sample of its diversity. In
this sense no valid conclusions can be reached about its diversity until samples
from the various localities have been analysed. No analysis has been attempted
of the diversity that has been collected in the southeastern extremity of the R.
Ji-Paraná valley that constitutes the boundary of the natural range of
distribution of the species.
At this point it is in order to refer to some analyses undertaken in France
on genotypes from the Brazilian Amazon, some of which are summarized in
Lanaud et al. (1999). The samples involved were from single genotypes
representing different drainage systems. As such they do not offer any
information regarding the variability within each drainage system. Few of these
specimens are actually mentioned in the results and they are usually identified
as a group with the title of ‘Forastero du Brésil’. For a person unfamiliar with
the geographical background the results would be difficult to follow since many
The Relationships among Populations 303

of the location names are erroneously spelled. It can be concluded that these
samples show a significant range of variability. The most outstanding is the
sample from the R. Japurá. For our purposes the results need to be studied in
greater detail than that presented in the publications.
As explained in Chapter 5, the region defined as the Equatorial Oriental
Piedmont is an area from which river systems diverge towards the south and
east towards the R. Marañon, and others belonging to the R. Napo drainage
system flow towards the east to join the R. Amazon. It was postulated, on the
basis of the characteristics observed in genotypes from both drainage systems,
that there were distinct shifts in the diversity that evolved in either system.
However, as far as can be judged from the available information, molecular
analyses have been performed on only a few specimens from these systems.
Some of the collections made in Ecuador were analysed by Sounigo et al.
(2001) and the principal component analysis (PCA) presented indicates that
the total diversity could be fairly wide, although the small number of samples is
insufficient to permit any conclusions on the matter to be made. If the possible
exchanges in the identifications of the samples are considered it would appear
that some of the R. Marañon genotypes differ from the R. Napo genotypes.
The few specimens from the R. Sucumbios diverge slightly from the R. Napo
genotypes and are at a further distance from the R. Marañon specimens.
Sounigo et al. (2001) also compared the progenies collected by Pound
(1938) in the area of the R. Morona. As might be expected most of the
genotypes coincide with those from the samples from the collection made in
Ecuador on the R. Marañon tributaries, of which the R. Morona is one.
The phenotypes of some of the R. Morona progenies resemble the cacao
‘Nacional’ of Ecuador. However, no comparative analyses of samples from the
upper R. Marañon valley with those of the traditional variety of the Ecuador
littoral have been made. According to the results obtained by Crouzillat et al.
(2001) the samples of the cacao ‘Nacional’ analysed by them formed a distinct
group from the other genotypes studied. The latter included the hybrids with
the ‘Nacional’ and the comparison was also reported by Lerceteau et al.
(1997). If a comparison is made of the relative positions of the ‘Parinari’
genotypes and those from other locations in the R. Marañon system, as
reported in Sounigo et al. (2001), with those of the relationship of the few
‘Parinari’ specimens and the ‘Nacional’ given in Crouzillat et al. (2001), it may
be possible to conceive that the cacao ‘Nacional’ falls within the range of the
variability of the R. Marañon genotypes.
Several studies have been carried out on genotypes belonging to the group
of progenies identified as ‘PA’ but different genotypes were analysed in the
individual studies. The two studies mentioned above indicate that some of
these genotypes are related to the populations from the upper R. Marañon.
However, since these genotypes represent progenies of seven, perhaps
genotypically distinct parents, significant variability may be expected in the
group. The analysis of the variability within the group would include assigning
the individual genotypes to their parents.
In Chapter 5 it was explained how the compatibility relationships could be
used to group the genotypes according to their respective families. The analysis
304 Chapter 8

of the DNA would be superimposed on the classifications obtained. In order to

do this it is necessary to examine the general results of the analysis of the
diversity. It would appear that the genotypes exhibit a large degree of variability
among them but, since few genotypes are common to all studies, direct
comparisons would be based on insufficient data. The PCA presented in
Sounigo et al. (2001) show that the ‘PA’ genotypes analysed are dispersed in
the PCA but they fall in areas separated from the other groups analysed. In the
results obtained by Marita (1998) the distribution of the genotypes is more
What is common to all studies is that a small group of genotypes, perhaps
related to the clone ‘PA 13’, are distinct and bear a closer relationship to the
genotypes from the upper R. Marañon than to the other ‘PA’ genotypes. On the
basis of their phenotypes the relationship of these genotypes to the type Pound
(1938) referred to as ‘Criollo de la Montagne’ may be considered. In this case it
would be expected that their genetic constitution included elements of the
diversity from the Equatorial Oriental Piedmont. Most of the remaining
genotypes analysed by Sounigo et al. (2001) could be considered as belonging
to four groups on the basis of similarities among them. It may be possible to
assign the compatibility alleles to these groups but this depends on the analysis
being undertaken of a larger number of genotypes.
The analyses of Marita (1998) involved a set of these genotypes that
differed in most cases from those of the work of Sounigo et al. (2001). Several
of the genotypes were found to fall within the diversity pattern of the genotypes
from the Solimões/R. Japurá area. This situation suggests that some of the
‘Parinari’ population would be derived from the same source as the diversity
occurring in the Solimões area.
The few specimens from the Solimões/Japurá area analysed by Marita
(1998) were placed into a fairly homogeneous group, which would be distinct
from the other populations previously described except for the relation to some
of the ‘Parinari’ genotypes. The size of the sample probably does not reflect the
genetic variability that occurs in the area, as evidenced by the phenotypic
variability observed in the parents as well as in the families of their progenies.
Besides the ‘Parinari’ genotypes referred to above several genotypes belonging
to the variety groups that originated near the town of Iquitos in Peru also show
affinities to the diversity of the Solimões/R. Japurá area.
The population of the R. Javarí system with its unique characteristics was
represented by a single genotype (Marita, 1998). This appeared to be distinct
from the Solimões/Japurá populations and forms a separate entity with some
affinities to the R. Juruá types, although there is a wide difference between
them on the basis of their phenotypic expressions.
Of special interest are the genotypes from the island of Careiro. As would
be expected they are widely distributed in the MDS plot. Some of these
genotypes are associated with those of the Solimões/Japurá specimens, which
may indicate that the seed used for establishing the fields on the island came
from further up the river. Whether the other genotypes included derive from
the same area would have to be determined by the analysis of a larger sample
of the Solimões population.
The Relationships among Populations 305

Sounigo et al. (2001) included in the populations sampled some genotypes

from the R. Oiapoque population. A gradient of diversity was shown to occur
among genotypes collected along the river, with the R. Camopi specimens at
one end of the distribution range. Although it would appear that the R.
Oiapoque specimens belong to a distinct population it is surprising to note that
those from the more easterly portion of the river were found to correspond with
the specimens from the R. Napo and R. Marañon populations. This situation
may be construed as indicating a link between the populations from the
extremities of the Amazonian Region, but the real situation may be otherwise.
However, a few of the genotypes from the R. Camopi area were included in
the study of Marita (1998). The results confirmed that they appear to form a
homogeneous group. Lanaud et al. (1999) found that all of the individuals
analysed were homozygous, on which basis it can be concluded that the
population has a narrow genetic base. Marita’s study showed that, in comparison
with the entire range of diversity, the R. Camopi specimens are not really a
uniquely distinct group but that they are related to the R. Jarí specimens, illustrated
in Plate 26a, as well as to the germplasm that exists in the State of Bahia.
Charters and Wilkinson (2000) also found that the R. Oiapoque specimens
that they analysed fell into a distinct group but that this appeared to be most
related to the ‘Parinari’ specimens they analysed. In fact, the position of the R.
Oiapoque specimens may be interpreted as lying between those of the ‘Nanay’
and ‘Parinari’ groups.
A significant number of genotypes that had been selected in the cultivated
population in the States of Bahia and Espírito Santo in Brazil were included in
the analyses of Marita (1998). As expected from the knowledge of the
consanguinity between these genotypes, virtually no differences were found
between most of them. However, the distribution patterns within this group
indicate that some genotypes may derive from distinctly different parents when
this group is subjected to a more detailed analysis. The specimens in this group
were not individually identified on the MDS plot but they include two
genotypes from the Alenquer–Óbidos district. This result indicates a possible
origin of the Bahia population from the latter area. The specimens included in
Marita’s analysis do not include any descendants attributable to the ‘Maranhão’
origin, for which reason the position of this ‘variety’ remains undetermined.
The various sets of genotypes that were analysed in the several studies
summarized in Lanaud et al. (1999) included a few specimens from the upper
R. Orinoco. Although it was stated that this population was considered to be
one of four ‘poles’ on which the diversity is structured, the actual position of
the population is ambiguous. The results could be interpreted in various ways
since it is variously combined with other genotypes depending on the method
of analysis used and the sets of genotypes in which they are compared. It
would be expected that the population of the upper R. Orinoco would be
homogeneous with, perhaps, a low level of heterozygosity. However, the small
sample size analysed does not provide a sufficient basis to reach a convincing
conclusion as to the position of these genotypes in the scheme of diversity.
Since the ‘West African Amelonado’ is derived from a genotype of the
Amazonian Region, whose source is unknown, the determination of its
306 Chapter 8

relationship to the putative populations in the areas of Brazil where the crop is
cultivated would be of considerable interest. However, the only comparisons
that have been made involve a few trees selected in the Ivory Coast from
populations that presumably belong to the ‘Amelonado’ and an insufficient
number of genotypes from the Bahia population. While a degree of association
among the two groups is indicated, the results do not enable a conclusion on
the matter to be reached.
The determination of the relationships among the various populations that
belong to the Criollo group have been ignored until recently, when it has been
the object of some research (Motamayor et al., 2002). In this case the
genotypes that form the basis of the study were chosen as representatives of the
‘ancient’ varieties found in the various areas of occurrence; that is, varieties
suspected of being contaminated by foreign germplasm were excluded. The
principal comparisons were made between varieties from the foothills of the
Venezuelan Andean range, the foothills of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
and genotypes from southern Mexico. The latter were supposed to represent
the Mesoamerican cultivated populations. It was concluded that all of the
specimens were related on the basis of being homozygous or nearly so. In this
sense the analyses confirm the conclusion reached nearly a century ago that
there was a relationship between the northern South American Criollo and
those cultivated in Mesoamerica, a conclusion verified by Cheesman (1944).
However, in spite of the title of the paper, no Mesoamerican genotypes are
specifically mentioned (neither are those from the Sierra Nevada de Santa
Marta). It is difficult to accept the conclusion that no genetic differences occur
among the genotypes from the two areas. Although it was found that most of
the genotypes were homozygous, no evidence was provided as to whether they
were homozygous for the same alleles. The fact that some of the genotypes
exhibited a small degree of heterozygosity indicates that some loci would have
been polymorphic. In substance, the complete information regarding the
genetic composition of each genotype according to its location is required in
order to provide a convincing analysis of the constitution of the genotypes
belonging to each population.
The genotypes from southern Mexico included a sample of the diversity
from the Lacandon forest. Here, the suggestion of close affinities within the
population based on the homozygosity of the genotypes does not agree with
the existence of variability as shown by the illustrations in Plate 30a. The
conclusions of Motamayor et al. (2002) in this respect differ from the results of
Whitkus et al. (1998), where a higher level of polymorphic bands (12%) was
found in the specimens from the area.
Crouzillat et al. (2001) analysed a fairly large number of genotypes from
the Mexican populations as well as a few from Guatemala. It would appear that
no definite attempt was made to determine whether the genotypes were
genuine members of the Criollo group. However, a few specimens were found
to have zero, or a low level, of heterozygosity and it could be assumed that
these might be considered to be Criollo genotypes, although the trees were
cultivated. The remaining genotypes showed a high level of heterozygosity and
they could be considered as being derived from hybridization. In these cases, it
The Relationships among Populations 307

would be interesting to differentiate between the hybrids that are descended

from the Ecuadorian introduction and the genotypes whose parentage involves
the introduction that we may consider to derive from the ‘Matina’ variety.
Many of these hybrid genotypes were considered to possess the same genetic
constitution and, since the Guatemalan selections were found to be similar, it
may be considered probable that they contain genes from the Ecuador
The set of genotypes analysed by Marita (1998) included several of the
genotypes selected in Mexico that were analysed by Crouzillat et al. (2001) and
it was also found that these genotypes formed a group in which it was difficult
to distinguish between them. However, other genotypes, particularly those
descended from the Nicaraguan Criollo population, were included in the group
as well as others from Costa Rica and one Criollo genotype from Colombia.
Several of the genotypes with Venezuelan Criollo ancestry occurred in scattered
positions around the Mexican genotypes. There is not enough evidence to
draw a definite conclusion from the genotypes analysed but it would appear
that the descendants of the hybrids between the Venezuelan Criollo and the
‘Calabacillo’ introduced into Trinidad differ from the hybrids formed in the
Mexican population.
The presence of non-Criollo elements in the composition of individuals
possessing Criollo-like phenotypes, but which are suspected of being
descended from hybrids, should be capable of detection. Similarly, it should be
possible to identify the individuals belonging to the Criollo group that do not
exhibit all of the characteristics that are commonly used to define which
genotypes can be attributed to the group.
The relationship between the ‘Matina’ variety and the genotypes from the
Amazonian Region cultivated in Brazil is suggested by the results of Marita (1998)
but this is subject to confirmation. Several genotypes of the variety named
‘Martinique Créole’ (whose fruit type is depicted in Plate 26b) from Dominica,
Martinique and Guadeloupe were analysed by Charters and Wilkinson (2000).
They were found to belong to the same grouping as the selections from the
Bahia, Brazil, cultivated population, thus indicating a similar origin.
As mentioned in the introduction to the chapter a large proportion of the
genotypes that have been subjected to the analysis of their genetic content by
the use of molecular markers consists of those selected in cultivated
populations, mainly in South and Central America. These selected clones are
usually identified by acronyms that indicate the country or institution in which
the selection programmes were conducted.
To undertake an analysis of the relationships among these genotypes it is
necessary to appreciate that the selections that are identified by a given
acronym do not belong to any specific group since they derive from various
origins and backgrounds. There is a general lack of understanding of this fact
among the authors of the studies in which such genotypes were analysed. It is a
fallacy to consider that all of the selections bearing the same acronym are
related and to classify them as belonging to a ‘Group’ called ‘Trinitario’ which is
anything but the truth. This tendency results in difficulties in interpreting the
results of the studies in terms of the relationships among the selections. To do
308 Chapter 8

this it is necessary to classify the selections made within each programme in

accordance with their origins and pedigrees. The genotypes within each set can
then be compared and, subsequently, comparisons made between sets. Where
several selections were made within the population cultivated on a farm (such
as was done in Ecuador) these should be grouped together and compared with
the sets of selections from other farms.
Although the analysis of the molecular markers has provided some
information of value in determining the genetic constitution of the populations
and the relationships among them there are several questions that remain to be
answered. Perhaps the applications of the newer procedures in the field would
supply answers to the areas where ambiguities have been found. Obviously,
there are several populations from which living material exists, which have not
been included in the analyses performed so far and the determinations of these
would provide a means of completing the picture of the diversity. Among the
populations that have not been included in the analysis of their genotypes are
those from the R. Içá (lower R. Putumayo), the Parintins area (lower R.
Madeira) and the cultivated population of the Óbidos–Alenquer district. Of
particular importance are the varieties cultivated in the Amazon Extension
Zone, where, apart from very few specimens, no genotypes have been
analysed. The determination of the origins of these varieties, and those of the
other types in areas where cultivation is practised in the Amazonian Region, is
of special interest.
Of course, the populations that are not represented in living collections
and, therefore, do not provide specimens for the determination of their DNA
constitute an unknown element in the picture of the diversity.
Another phase in the study of the inter-population relationships would be
the analysis of the genotypes from inbred and hybrid descendants. The analysis
of these families would contribute to the identification of the loci involved in
the expressions of the distinguishing characteristics of the populations and the
action of their alleles.
9 The Utilization of the Genetic

The knowledge of the diversity of the species and the understanding of the
origins, evolution and characteristics of its component elements are by
themselves matters of considerable interest and scientific value. The acquisition
of this knowledge is complementary to the process involved in the conservation
of this diversity since it is facilitated by the availability of specimens of the
populations in a form that permits detailed observations to be carried out.
However, the main justification for the efforts in the conservation of the genetic
resources is the application of the variability of character expressions contained
in the diversity for improvement of the varieties that are cultivated as a source
of income for the growers.
In this chapter we shall examine the needs of the growers of the crop and
the manner in which the diversity has been used for its genetic improvement as
well as the prospects for the development of cultivars to be used in the future.

Principles and Procedures Applied to Cacao Improvement

Related to the Specific Properties of the Species

In its natural state cacao is reproduced sexually by the production of fruits that
contain a fairly high number of seeds. In some cases, especially under natural
growing conditions, as described in Chapter 4, the trees are able to reproduce
vegetatively by means of the production of roots from the adventitious shoots
that arise in certain circumstances. In such a manner a genotype has the
capacity to enlarge its presence in its environment. At the beginning of the 20th
century efforts were made to develop artificial methods of vegetative
reproduction following the system by which temperate fruit species were being
reproduced. In cacao, artificial vegetative propagation has become an
established process. The availability of two reasonably easy methods of
reproduction has important advantages both from the point of view of

© B.G.D. Bartley 2005. The Genetic Diversity of Cacao and its Utilization
(Basil G.D. Bartley) 309
310 Chapter 9

conservation of the individual genotypes that constitute the diversity as well as

in the processes of genetic improvement.
In general, the great advances that have been made during the past 50
years in the accumulation of knowledge of the diversity and its conservation in
genetic resources programmes have not been accompanied by the same rate of
its utilization in improvement programmes. Some of the reasons for this
disparity are related to the nature of the species. However, the main obstacles
to progress are the inadequate approaches to the organization and execution of
improvement programmes and their adaptation to the needs of the producers.
These aspects result in the existence of constraints regarding the ability to
obtain an adequate utilization of the resources that are available. The subject of
the adequacy of the research on improvement is described in greater detail in
the summary of the history of cacao genetic improvement in Bartley (1995).
At the outset it is appropriate to describe some of the conditions that affect
the ability to utilize the diversity in improvement programmes. One basic fact is
that the species is a perennial tree. This means that several years are required
for an individual tree to reach the adult productive stage. Consequently, the
generation cycle is prolonged, which implies that any activities related to
improvement must be on a long-term basis. The nature of the tree requires that
each individual occupies a relatively large area and, in order for meaningful
results to be obtained, the effective conduct of an improvement programme
demands that a sufficient area of land should be available. These factors have
important effects on the continuity of research on variety development since
they determine the attractiveness of the research to human resources regarding
the conditions for achieving results. In order for a programme to function
adequately the time and space factors must be taken into account in the
provision of financial and other resources that will guarantee the effective
operation that will lead to the attainment of a programme’s objectives.
The above aspects have a considerable bearing on how the diversity can
be used. In the preceding chapters the ample diversity that exists in the species
has been described. During the last half of the 20th century a large proportion
of this variability became available for use in improvement programmes. It is
probable that the diversity is much larger than the existing facilities and
resources allocated to research and development can provide for the utilization
of more than a fraction of it.
The availability of both sexual and vegetative methods of reproduction
provides the breeder with a choice of the type of cultivars that can be
developed. The trees that develop from reproduction by seed form a natural
architecture. Since the quantities of seed contained in the fruits can be
relatively large and modest numbers of trees are required to establish a given
area, the production of the planting material is relatively easy under adequate
conditions of management.
The reproduction of clone cultivars by vegetative propagation is somewhat
more costly, usually requiring the application of special procedures, especially
when large quantities of planting material are needed. Vegetative reproduction
provides the advantage of being able to fix individual genotypes regardless of
their genetic composition. The important application of vegetative reproduction
Utilization of the Genetic Resources 311

in the improvement process is in the selection and reproduction of the superior

individuals in heterogeneous populations and their maintenance as clones.
From the point of view of cultivar development the degree of heterozygosity of
an individual genotype is unimportant and clones can be selected from
individual trees whose pedigrees may involve several parents. The tendency,
especially when few alternatives are available, to form monoclonal cultivations
may be a disadvantage in terms of effects of diseases and pests; but clones are
no different from seed-produced varieties consisting of single genotypes.
Another disadvantage that applies to clones is the lack of the flexibility
necessary to counteract unfavourable circumstances and react to changes in
environmental and cultural conditions.
Although it is easy to establish improvement programmes, one aspect
concerning the future use of the cultivars that may be developed has to be
taken into consideration. This concerns the fact that, since cacao is a long-lived
perennial species, the incentives to replace existing varieties with other
cultivars, which may have superior qualities, are frequently lacking. From the
conceptual standpoint clones are easier to develop than seed-reproduced
cultivars since they do not necessarily require any predetermined processes of
development and are immediately obtainable.
Every individual genotype that comprises the diversity has a potential use
in an improvement programme and in the development of cultivars. In
addition to its capability to be selected as a clone, in which form it may be a
potential cultivar, it can be used as a parent in the development of seed-
propagated cultivars or the formation of populations on which further breeding
activities may be based.
In the previous chapters mention was made of homozygous varieties that,
being sexually reproduced, formed the basis of the cultivation practised in
several countries during many decades, and even centuries in some cases. In
situations where two distinct varieties occurred, usually as a consequence of
introduction, hybridization between them would have produced a generation
of offspring that were heterozygous but forming a homogeneous population.
When such homogeneous sources of planting material are available there is
little distinction between seed and vegetatively reproduced genotypes, the
advantages of either type depending on practical considerations regarding the
production of the planting material and management of the resulting fields.
In practical terms all improvement programmes whose purpose is to
develop cultivars designed to provide the growers with determined advantages,
such as better returns, would be based on the formulation of desired objectives
and criteria. These objectives would comprise those sought in the cultivars,
such as adaptation to the specific environments in which they are grown,
higher yields, efficiency in cultivation on the basis of reduced management
costs and elimination of factors that affect performance, such as the proneness
to diseases and pests.
Consequently, the use of any genotype in the improvement process would
depend on its possession of the characteristics that would satisfy the intended
purposes in terms of the criteria required in the cultivars to be created. In some
instances the attributes that are sought may be discerned in a genotype by its
312 Chapter 9

phenotypic expression. However, the genotype may possess useful attributes

that are controlled by recessive alleles and, therefore, are not immediately
identifiable. In addition, the objectives or attributes that are sought in a
breeding programme are subject to change in such situations as the
appearance of new diseases and pests and alterations in cultivation practices
and industrial requirements. For these reasons no genotype should be
discarded merely on the basis of its phenotype.
The first step in determining the role that a genotype or population can
play in an improvement programme is to identify the characteristics that it
possesses in terms of its genetic composition. Once the potentially useful
characters that a genotype possesses have been identified, their application in
variety improvement would be enhanced by the knowledge of the mode of
inheritance of the loci that determine the expressions of their characters. This
knowledge can be acquired by several means but can be obtained most
effectively during the process of breeding in programmes that have been
designed so that the information can be obtained concomitantly with the
actions taken in the improvement process.
Since the possibility of reproducing individual trees by vegetative
propagation is at the disposal of the plant breeder this may be applied at any
stage of the breeding programme. In this way the process of improvement is
facilitated since it can be based on individual genotypes selected according to
the attributes they express. These attributes should be related to the criteria
desired in the intended programme, rather than to family or population. The
use of single genotypes selected in families is important in reducing the quantity
of individual genotypes that need to be maintained at each stage of the
improvement process.
With the aid of vegetative reproduction several alternative procedures for
the utilization of any given element of the diversity become feasible. In addition
to the objectives of the improvement programmes it is necessary to decide
which form of cultivar is desired for the particular circumstances that prevail.
The production of cultivars as clones is relatively straightforward since all that is
required is to produce genotypes that combine the desired attributes in any
possible manner and to evaluate them in terms of their performance and other
attributes. On the basis of the results of the evaluation, the genotypes that best
meet the requirements will be selected for reproduction as cultivars. There is no
limit to the sources of genetic materials that can be combined to produce clone
cultivars, but the process of their formation would be facilitated by the
availability of knowledge about the characteristics possessed by the elements of
the diversity and their modes of inheritance.
On the other hand, production of cultivars to be reproduced by seed
requires that greater attention be paid to details of the fundamental principles
of genetics. In the survey of principles and methods that follows it is assumed
that the source genotypes and parents are maintained and reproduced in
quantity in the form of progenies of clones. The exception may be made in the
case of homozygous self-compatible genotypes, which will be reproduced in
their progenies from self-fertilized fruits.
In the utilization of any given component genotype of the diversity the
Utilization of the Genetic Resources 313

breeder is faced with three choices, one of which is the evaluation of its
potential as a clone cultivar. The choices concerned with the use of seed
reproduction are the production of families obtained by inbreeding or its
employment as a parent in the development of hybrid cultivars. In addition to
their potential use as cultivars, seed-reproduced families also provide new
combinations in which individuals may be selected on the basis of their own
traits with the aim of reproducing them as clones.
The development of cultivars by inbreeding can be employed effectively if
the parental genotypes possess the requisite characteristics and are relatively
homozygous for the desired attributes. In some instances families produced by
inbreeding could provide a greater degree of adaptability when they are
heterozygous for certain traits.
Cacao improvement methods that have developed during the past few
decades have been restricted to the production of cultivars formed by single-
cross hybrids by mating selected parents. This process has become an accepted
procedure in cultivar development. This stage has involved the use of cloned
parents that were selected on the basis of their assumed performance without
sufficient attention being paid to their genetic constitutions. The consequence
of this procedure has been the production of hybrid ‘cultivars’ that are often
highly heterozygous in nature with average performances below the level of the
best individuals that segregate in the hybrid families.
Future development of hybrid cultivars will require the use of parents
specifically selected for the purpose. It is for this reason that the matter of
the determination of the genetic constitution of all genotypes that are
available assumes importance. In addition to the determination of the
genetic content of genotypes by the application of molecular biology tech-
niques, two possible procedures can be used. One is the use of inbreeding
by self-fertilization and observations of the segregation that occurs for the
properties exhibited in the resulting families. The other is by mating the
candidate genotypes with tester parents that have been selected on the basis
of possessing characteristics that will enable the genetic constitutions of the
genotypes to be determined.
The employment of inbreeding, either by self-fertilization or by sib-mating,
allows for the expression of deleterious and undesirable traits that result from
the action of recessive alleles. The expression of these traits in the progeny may
place a heterozygous genotype at a disadvantage when it is used as a parent.
As indicated in the previous chapters the presence of deleterious factors is
common in most cacao populations. In the first generation of inbreeding the
genes causing deleterious and undesirable characters will be identified and
eliminated. The remaining members of the family will contain individuals that
are homozygous for the normal type and others that are heterozygous for the
recessive allele in the ratio of 1:2. A second generation of inbreeding of each
individual in the family will be needed to identify the homozygous and
heterozygous genotypes, respectively. This will permit the heterozygous
segregants to be eliminated, leaving the homozygous individuals on which
selection will be practised for the desired traits. The more promising genotypes
could be maintained as clones for further use.
314 Chapter 9

Hybridization with selected tester genotypes permits the breeder to detect

in the F1 generation the dominance status of the characteristics of the
candidate genotype. The most useful tester parents are those that are
homozygous, or relatively so, and those whose breeding behaviour with regard
to the desired characters is known. On the basis of the results obtained from the
test crosses, the candidate genotypes will be selected for use as parents in
future cycles of improvement involving the development and use of hybrid
cultivars. In addition, the most promising test crosses may themselves be
suitable cultivars and reproduced accordingly, thus saving a step in the
application of the superior genotype for the purpose. Of course, the potential
parents could be combined with other genotypes in the formation of hybrid
It is necessary to take into consideration the fact that, in addition to the
physical and natural circumstances of the species, the existence of
incompatibility would play an important role in the determination of the
procedures to which a given genotype would be subjected. Since
incompatibility is common in the species it would constitute an important
obstacle to the ability to use many genotypes in the breeding process. For a
start, self-incompatible genotypes would not, in theory, be inbred by self-
fertilization. Their utilization in hybridization would also be prevented in cases
where both parents have the same incompatibility alleles. Families of hybrids
between self-incompatible genotypes would consist of various proportions of
self- and cross-incompatible progenies according to the genotypes of the
parents. The various mating systems that apply to genotypes carrying different
incompatibility alleles and the consequences that occur in the subsequent
generations were worked out and presented by Bartley and Cope (1973).
As explained in Chapter 7 the incompatibility system of cacao is not a
complete barrier to obtaining families resulting from self-fertilization. Various
techniques could be used to overcome the restrictions of incompatibility
although the procedures may entail the use of greater resources to obtain
families of sufficient size that would permit selection to be carried out. Bartley
and Cope (1973) described the techniques that may be applied in the
production of inbred progeny from self-incompatible genotypes. Presumably,
the same techniques could be used to produce hybrids between genotypes that
carry the same incompatibility alleles.
The most reliable method involves the application of pollen from Herrania
sp. at the same time as pollen from the genotype is applied to the flowers of the
tree which is a candidate for inbreeding. This method can be used for all
genotypes. The egg nuclei fertilized by Herrania gametes result in seeds that do
not contain cotyledons and have thick testas. Thus they can be readily
identified and eliminated leaving the S1 seeds to be used to form the inbred
families. The number of normal seeds obtained would vary according to the
genetic status of the incompatibility loci for each genotype. The proportion of
these seeds could be very low which implies that large numbers of pollinations
may be required to obtain families of sufficient size.
However, not all research stations and germplasm collections are likely to
have plants of Herrania species available and alternative methods need to be
Utilization of the Genetic Resources 315

investigated. In the case of genotypes with green coloured fruits one technique
is to use the pollen from self-compatible genotypes which are homozygous for
the red fruit colour. All seeds obtained will be normal consisting of a mixture
of self-fertilized and hybrid seeds. The latter may be identified during
germination by the presence of pigment in the hypocotyls or by the
pigmentation of the petioles in the young plants. To employ this technique it is
necessary to obtain the genotypes with the marker characters or produce them
by breeding.
In the case of red-fruited genotypes the procedures may be more
complicated. Here it will be necessary to use the genotypes that carry easily
identifiable recessive genes in the homozygous condition as the marker parents.
One character which is suitable for the purpose is the anthocyanin inhibitor
gene and its use is described as an example. Fruits resulting from a mixture of
the candidate genotype’s pollen and that of the genotype with the marker gene
will contain normal seeds which may have pigmented cotyledons of varying
degrees. All seeds would have to be sown and when the progeny trees reach
the adult stage they should be backcrossed to the genotype carrying the marker
gene. The trees which produce white cotyledons, or progenies with
unpigmented leaves, will be those resulting from hybridization and the
progenies whose fruits contain seeds entirely with the characteristics of the
candidate genotypes would belong to the S1 generation.
Because of the influence of self- and cross-incompatibility on the actions
that may be applied in the utilization of most elements of the diversity
breeders, geneticists and curators of gene banks would be faced sooner or
later with the task of determining the compatibility status of the available
genotypes. In the populations in which self-incompatibility is found to occur
the determination of the individual alleles and the frequency of their
occurrence will constitute an aspect of the research on population structure.
The knowledge acquired concerning the genetic constitution of the individual
genotypes and their relationships would make it possible to plan the utilization
of the diversity in a feasible manner by allowing the resources to be used more
Up to the present time the utilization of the genetic resources has been
undertaken, with few exceptions, on a casual basis and in a mostly unscientific
manner. Selection programmes have been pursued without any definite
objectives, with the result that ‘gene banks’ that are no more than clone
collections are occupied with cloned genotypes that are duplicates or for which
the curators have no idea about their potential value. Similarly, when the
notion of hybrid cultivars was established, the attitude seems to have been that
the production of these combinations was an end in itself. However, the state of
understanding of the subject of improvement resulted in a lack of
comprehension of the fact that the hybrids produced could be merely the first
step in the process of variety improvement and the utilization of the genes
carried by the genotypes comprising the basic diversity. Several procedures and
tools can be applied to use the genetic factors carried by the progenies of the
hybrid families that have been shown to have the capacity to contribute to the
development of cultivars.
316 Chapter 9

Practical Applications for the Exploitation of Specific Traits

Exhibited by the Diversity

One of the best ways to illustrate how these procedures could be applied in
specific circumstances is to describe the actions taken in some programmes or
those that are possible from currently existing families.
One of the most active lines of research has concerned the genotypes
belonging to the group named ‘Scavina’, which originated on the R. Ucayali
in Peru. Some of these genotypes were observed to be free of infection by the
pathogen Crinipellis perniciosa. However, the commercial utilization of these
genotypes as clone cultivars was not feasible on account of their possessing
other undesirable characteristics, which included the fact that they carry
specific self-incompatibility alleles. The next phase was to overcome the
undesirable qualities of the ‘SCA’ genotypes by mating them with others that
possessed superior agronomic qualities. From these hybrid combinations it
became apparent that variation occurred among the ‘Scavina’ genotypes with
regard to their reactions to the pathogen although they appeared to be
phenotypically similar. Also, although the hybrids possessed excellent
productive potential they exhibited other characteristics that reduced their
fitness as cultivars.
The principal factor that affects the productive capacity of the hybrids is the
fact that all progenies are self-incompatible. A programme of inbreeding
starting from the F1 generation produced by mating a self-compatible genotype
with the clone ‘SCA 6’, considered to possess the highest level of resistance to
the disease, was undertaken. This programme had the objective of producing
families of homozygous individuals that would combine the best attributes of
both parents.
The first barrier to be overcome was the consequences of the self-
incompatibility status of ‘SCA 6’, which carries two co-dominant incompatibility
alleles. Although the F1 progenies obtained by mating to self-compatible parents
are self-incompatible, they segregate for two genotypes (each carrying one of
the self-incompatibility alleles) where the individuals with the same genotype are
inter-incompatible but compatible with individuals of the other genotype. This
knowledge was applied to produce the F2 generation by mating selected
individuals belonging to the opposite genotypes in the F1 families. The families
of the F2 generations segregate for self-compatible individuals in the proportion
of 25%. These individuals would constitute the material on which further
inbreeding would be conducted, a procedure that could be continued for as long
as required, with selection being practised to isolate the genotypes that possess
the desired characteristics.
An additional adverse consequence of the constitution of the ‘SCA’ parent
was the production in the subsequent generations of fruits with small seeds.
The dominance of the small seed size characteristic of genotypes of the ‘SCA’
group was demonstrated in Chapter 7. In addition, the progenies produced in
advanced generations of crosses involving ‘SCA’ parents, segregate for several
undesirable growth traits, such as the ‘dwarfing’ character. This character was
also described in Chapter 7. This situation resulted in a large proportion of the
Utilization of the Genetic Resources 317

progenies being discarded and required that large families be produced in

order to obtain a sufficient number of individuals that could be selected as
potential parents. The products of the lines with potential for cultivation would
be utilized as inbred cultivars, clones based on selection or as parents in other
lines of cultivar development.
In the specific programme described above the principal criterion sought
was a superior reaction to the disease in question. The isolation of individuals
with this characteristic would involve the evaluation of the reactions of the
individuals in each generation of the programme and the use of those with the
potential in this respect to form the succeeding generations.
Similar procedures could be used in other populations in which self-
incompatibility is present but where individual genotypes with potentially useful
characteristics, excluding the specific disease problem, may be encountered but
which are not themselves suitable for use as cultivars.
An alternative procedure in such circumstances involves backcrossing F1
individuals to the self-compatible, large seeded tester parent. This method has
been used with satisfactory results as it permits the more rapid fixation of the
tester parent’s genes. The progenies of the first backcross generation selected
for the desired ‘SCA 6’ characters could be employed in a further programme
of backcrossing or by sib-crossing, followed by a sequence of inbreeding
according to the potential exhibited by each individual in terms of achieving
the objectives of the programme.
Among the more recent contributions to the programme of conservation of
the diversity that offer potential for the development of cultivars is that of the
system of the R. Purús. F1 hybrids involving several genotypes from the
populations in this system show that they possess an above average combining
ability for fruit production that could be used to advantage. This ability is
exhibited throughout the genotypes tested regardless of their individual
performance as clones.
On account of the small seed size associated with these populations the
most beneficial method of utilizing the genes present in the R. Purús genotypes
would involve backcrossing F1 individuals to a self-compatible tester parent that
has the ability to transmit its large seed size to its progenies. Inter-crossing
among the selected progenies of the backcross would produce a population in
which selection for the desired traits would be practised. This selection would
involve determining the combining ability of individual genotypes of potential
value in order to select those to be used as parents. The compatibility situation
in the R. Purús populations is virtually unknown. Once this is determined it
may be possible to conduct a programme of reciprocal recurrent selection in
which the same, or similar genotypes, would be employed in parallel mating
systems using backcrossing.
The availability of an ample range of diversity provides the plant breeder
with the opportunity to identify and utilize specific traits that are expressed by
incorporating the genotypes that exhibit these traits in the improvement
programmes. A trait that has a potential application in the development of new
systems of cultivation is the narrow canopy architecture of genotypes from the
R. Tarauacá (as shown in Plate 1a and b). If the expression of this trait is
318 Chapter 9

genetically determined it would be possible to use it to develop cultivars that

could be planted at high densities, in which the apparent efficiency of the
plants in terms of fruit production related to canopy size would be an additional
Hybrids between genotypes from this population and with others of
‘normal’ architecture and habit develop into plants with an intermediate
canopy size with fruits that are larger than the R. Tarauacá genotypes. Figure
51 shows a plot of one of the F1 families descended from ‘CAB 182’. This is
another specimen from the R. Tarauacá population similar to those depicted in
Plate 1a and b. While the F1 hybrids may serve adequately as cultivars, further
improvement may be achieved by a programme of reciprocal recurrent
selection to develop clones that would be used as cultivars and as parents of
seed reproduced varieties.
This is one example of an F1 family that would serve as the precursor to a
process of improvement through which a new trait could be incorporated into
the development of cultivars. The results from the crosses involving the
elements from the R. Tarauacá population suggest that they provide conditions
for this purpose. Various avenues are available to accomplish the objective.
Inbreeding in the F1 generation, either by self-fertilization or by sib-mating,
whether or not self-incompatiblity is present, would create new combinations of
genotypes with the desired architecture and improved agronomic qualities. An
alternative would be backcrossing to the parent with normal architecture in
order to concentrate the factors for its attributes.

Fig. 51. The effect of the tree habit of the variety from the R. Tarauacá (see Plate 1)
as shown by the progenies of the cross ‘CAB 25’  ‘CAB 182’.
Utilization of the Genetic Resources 319

During the 1960s, to implement concepts that had been advanced, I began
to investigate the possibility of creating varieties whose characteristics of growth
and architecture could be adapted to management by the application of
specific cultural practices. The basic objective of this line of research was the
reduction of management costs by reducing the inputs needed.
Among the avenues of research that presented themselves was the
exploitation of the wide variability shown for tree architecture and habit to
develop varieties of plants with low height. Such trees would be more efficient
to manage compared with the large vigorous trees that are outstanding but
frequently of low productive ability. This concept does not involve the use of
the genotypes with the lowest heights and growth rates but those that are
adequate for sustained development and production by possessing
architectural features that facilitate cultural practices. Trees of low height with
compact canopies offer a special advantage in the control of disease and pests.
Such varieties would, of course, incorporate the other characteristics that are
desirable for economic cultivation.
The first attempt to investigate the potential for the development of lines of
trees with low stature involved mating the clone ‘M 252’ with ‘ICS 6’. ‘M 252’
was identified many years ago as being a plant that developed a limited height.
In retrospect it seems that the height is limited because of the inhibition of the
vegetative initials in the orthotropic stem which would produce vertical
extension growth. The plants of ‘M 252’ are not weak as they develop vigorous
basal suckers quite readilty. The fruit has a green colour and is of medium to
small size.
Figure 52 depicts a progeny of the cross, the photograph being taken
about 15 years after its establishment. The contrast between the height of this
plant and the trees in the background of the same age is evident. The height of

Fig. 52. Demonstration of the dominance of the dwarfing habit of the clone ‘M 252’
as shown by a (approx.) 15-year-old tree of the cross ‘M 252’  ‘ICS 6’.
320 Chapter 9

the plant illustrated is perhaps too low for it to be utilized as a cultivar but it is a
step along the way to developing genotypes possessing similar characteristics.
The encouraging feature of the plant was the large size of the fruits. The
elongate shape probably was inherited from a Criollo ancestor of ‘M 252’.
The two aspects described above introduce another choice with regard to
the type of cultivars that should be produced, a choice that has not been
considered until recently. Eventually, a decision will have to be taken, especially
in the breeding programmes that have a wide range of the diversity at their
disposal, concerning the systems of cultivation that are most appropriate to
obtain the best results from certain genotypes. Simply speaking, this boils down
to choosing whether cultivars should be developed for specific cultural systems
or whether the cultural systems have to be developed in order to take the best
advantage of the specific habits of the genotypes.
Cacao is a species that has the intrinsic capability of producing flowers and
fruits throughout the year. However, in most environments various factors may
operate to limit fruiting, either entirely or partially, to certain seasons. In tropical
environments seasonal effects may not be exactly defined. In spite of the
environmental control of flowering and fruiting patterns, a degree of variability
in this respect has been expressed over the range of diversity. For various
reasons the cultivation of genotypes with the capacity to fruit outside the
normal seasonal patterns in given environments may have some advantages.
These include the ability to escape infection from fungal diseases and insect
infestations as well as economic benefits resulting from lengthening the
harvesting periods. Although some genotypes with such tendencies have been
identified the incorporation of these characteristics has not been undertaken on
account of the absence of conditions to make observations over the time
period necessary to establish the existence of the traits.
The differential periodicity in the availability of mature fruits may be related
to the differences between genotypes and populations with regard to the period
that elapses between fertilization and the onset of maturity. In the diversity that
is known there is a range of about 40 days in the length of the maturity period.
These differences may have important consequences in terms of the reactions
of varieties to diseases affecting the fruits and the development of traits such as
seed size but the effects of the variability of this character have not been
The traits that are of fundamental importance in the selection of cultivars
for commercial production are those related to their yielding capacity. Basically,
the yield of an individual or variety is measured in terms of the weight of seeds
produced at the marketable stage. The yield is a function of two main
components, namely, the numbers of fruits harvested per tree and the average
weight of the marketable seeds contained in the fruits. The latter, in turn, has
two components: the numbers of seeds per fruit; and the mean dry weight of
the seeds. These components have relatively high heritabilities under normal
circumstances and it is possible to select successfully for each component
individually. The numbers of seeds produced by given genotypes are limited by
the numbers of ovules contained in the ovaries of the flowers. Since ovule
numbers show a wide range of variability this character is important because
Utilization of the Genetic Resources 321

the maximization of seed content per fruit depends on the combination of high
seed numbers (from genotypes with high ovule numbers) and seeds with large
dry weights. Hence, the development of high yielding cultivars would be based
on the identification of the genotypes with the highest values for these
However, selection for these traits is not straightforward, as genetic and
environmental associations between the components have to be considered.
Within certain ranges the association of seed weight with seed number tends to
be negative. Similarly, over the potential range of fruit production a negative
correlation may be encountered between fruit numbers per tree and the
weights of their seed contents.
Although the attainment of high production levels is one of the main
objectives of improvement programmes, high yields are not necessarily
advantageous by themselves if the achievement of this goal is obtainable only
by the application of expensive inputs. The attainment of economically viable
levels of production on a commercial scale requires that the cultivars also must
possess attributes that will give the growers returns that will be lucrative under
most conditions. While selecting the varieties that would have the highest
fitness for cultivation it is necessary to consider those that exhibit the highest
productive efficiency. Within this concept the traits that would be considered as
related to efficiency are those concerned with the relationship between fruit
production and the architecture and physiological characteristics of the trees.
The higher the ratio of fruits to canopy size and trunk diameter the greater the
physiological efficiency of the trees. As described above the architecture could
have important effects on the costs of management of a variety in cultivation.
Another index of efficiency relates to harvesting costs in terms of the relation
between the weight of commercial product per fruit and the total weight of the
fruits at harvest. Accordingly, the characteristics connected with the efficiency of
production should be taken into consideration during the process of evaluation
of the performance of the genotypes and varieties.
Besides the prospects of enriching the improvement programmes by
seizing the opportunities the ample diversity presents in terms of introducing
the specific characteristics that may be beneficial to cultivation, there are many
ways in which the diversity may be used to produce cultivars. In general,
improvement programmes conducted since breeding of cacao began have
been limited in scope by the restricted range of germplasm that has been
available. As described above and in Chapter 4 much of the germplasm
available has consisted of the selections made with their use as clones in view.
It was these clones that provided the parents for the development of hybrid
cultivars when this concept was introduced.
Few breeding programmes have gone beyond the production of single
cross hybrids using the clones from the first cycle of selection and those from a
few of the genotypes from the collection activities carried out in Peru in
1937–1938. In rare cases selections have been made in these hybrids with the
intention of using them to develop advanced lines and combinations. Various
procedures are available in which the characteristics that individual genotypes
of these progenies possess can be employed in the development of cultivars.
322 Chapter 9

These include triple crosses and double crosses, as well as backcrosses, in

addition to the possible use of inbred lines. As mentioned at the beginning of
the chapter, the families developed at any stage can also be subjected to
selection to use the most outstanding and suitable individuals as clones, either
as cultivars or as parents in further cycles of breeding.
One additional method involves the improvement of populations. In some
ways the rather nebulous concept of ‘germplasm enhancement’ is a corollary to
population improvement. It is understood that the concept relates to the
manipulation of the germplasm contained in a given population in order to
concentrate the most advantageous genes in a smaller number of genotypes.
However, no procedures for doing this have been defined.
Any procedures that will be undertaken with this objective in mind have to
consider such factors as the size of the population, the presence and
distribution of incompatibility and the homozygosity status of its component
individuals. Obviously, as explained previously, no progress can be expected if
the population is composed of individuals that are homozygous for the
desirable traits, which is, for example, apparently the case of the Mexican
Criollo population.
The populations that are extremely heterogeneous and large would require
a great deal of effort to produce any significant gain through the random
combination of genotypes compared with that involving selected individual
One application of the concept of population improvement is in the raising
of levels of performance and fitness of cultivated populations that are
heterogeneous in genetic content. It is envisaged that a programme of this
nature would be conducted on a long-term basis and would involve several
generations of selection and hybridization. The procedure concerns the inter-
crossing of the most desirable phenotypes in the base population to produce
large populations. In the first generation cycle of the programme, selection of
the most desirable phenotypes would be carried out and these hybridized
among themselves. The process would be repeated in the subsequent cycles of
the programme. Observations would be recorded on the traits exhibited by the
individuals comprising the families produced from each combination during the
successive cycles, regardless of the manner in which the composite population
is established. The analysis of these observations would provide information
about the inheritance of the characters contributed by each selected parent,
which would be used in the process of improving the performance level of the
base population. The application of the procedure envisages the use of the
plants produced in each generation in the cultivation system.
With the ample diversity now known to be present in the species the
breeding programmes would be supplied with a wider genetic base. The
procedures for utilization of the individual genotypes would be determined by
their possession of the characteristics that satisfy the criteria sought for
commercial purposes. Fundamentally, it is the genotypes and their intrinsic
attributes that will determine the suitable breeding methods to be applied in
individual circumstances.
10 Epilogue

Closing Remarks

The review of the present knowledge about the diversity of cacao presented in
this work leads us to certain clear conclusions.
The first is that the cultivated populations, excluding those in the
Amazonian Region and the eastern coast of Brazil, have evolved from a narrow
genetic base, although they exhibit considerable variability with regard to their
morphological characteristics. In this case we are considering the populations
that had been created prior to 1950, which were mainly constituted by the
remnants of the Criollo populations and hybrids between them and certain
elements of the Amazonian Region’s germplasm. Depending on the localities in
which the hybrid populations had been established and the histories of their
evolution their genetic constitution would vary according to the proportions of
genes contributed by each of the base varieties from which they had evolved.
Interpretation of the molecular analyses of the Criollo populations,
presented in Motamayor et al. (2002), leads to the conclusion that the genetic
difference between these populations is virtually non-existent. If we accept this
interpretation (albeit with reservations) then it does not matter which source of
germplasm from the Circum-Caribbean Region contributed to the formation of
the cultivated populations. From this evidence it may be concluded that, in
spite of the historical importance of the Criollo group varieties, they represent
an insignificant proportion of the total diversity in the species.
Similarly, there would have been minor genetic differences between two
genotypes from the Amazonian Region, which were introduced into the Circum-
Caribbean Region, namely the Trinidad ‘Calabacillo’ and the Martinique
‘Créole’ or ‘Matina’. Also belonging to the same genetic background is the
‘West African Amelonado’, which, although it was cultivated on a large scale,
became a component of hybrids with Criollo genotypes at a later period and to
a lesser degree, principally in São Tomé and Cameroon.

© B.G.D. Bartley 2005. The Genetic Diversity of Cacao and its Utilization
(Basil G.D. Bartley) 323
324 Chapter 10

The position of the Ecuador ‘Nacional’ is rather different since the hybrid
populations that involve the genes from this source have been restricted to
Ecuador itself and certain areas of Mesoamerica. The exception to this situation
would be the possible hybridization involving ‘Nacional’ genotypes that were
introduced into São Tomé and Cameroon. The resulting hybrids would be
difficult to distinguish from those that involved the ‘West African Amelonado’
and hybrid types from Trinidad. The results of the DNA analyses performed
indicate that the ‘Nacional’ variety is genetically distant from the Amazonian
Region genotypes that were parents of the hybrid populations produced in
countries such as Trinidad. Accordingly, the hybrids between the ‘Nacional’
and members of the Criollo group would not be genetically equivalent to the
hybrids between the Criollo and the specific Amazonian genotypes. Therefore,
they cannot be classified under the same term that is applied to the hybrids of
the type originally formed in Trinidad and that made a major contribution to
the variability in other cultivated populations.
It is abundantly clear that nearly all of the naturally occurring diversity of
the species is to be found in the Amazonian Region, as defined in this book.
However, this finding has to take into consideration the fact that our knowledge
of the diversity is still incomplete. Even in the Brazilian Amazon, where the
greatest activity has taken place, it is estimated that about 20% of the potential
diversity has been explored. In Peru and Colombia a great deal more needs to
be done to conserve the diversity that exists in those countries, especially in the
areas that will be mentioned in due course.
As far as Bolivia is concerned, information on the diversity occurring in
that country is virtually non-existent. Even if samples of the diversity in the
various populations are available they have not been studied or analysed to the
stage where conclusions can be reached regarding their position in the
spectrum of the diversity.
The second finding is one that has become apparent from the explorations
realized during the past 30 years and is that the major populations of naturally
occurring diversity are located in the southwestern segment of the Amazonian
Region. All of these populations are distributed along drainage systems that have
their sources in what we have termed the ‘Province of Caravaya’. Not only do
each of these populations represent an ample diversity but they differ markedly
with regard to their genetic structure. We will not be able to determine how this
individuality of the populations evolved until we are able to examine those that
are distributed in the region of the headwaters of the rivers that lie in Peru.
The principle that the diversity in the Amazonian Region is distributed in
discrete populations along the drainage systems was confirmed by a study
undertaken by Dias et al. (2002). These authors analysed several morphological
traits of the fruits and seeds of a sample of genotypes from the R. Purús, R. Ji-
Paraná and R. Japurá drainage systems. They also sampled the cultivated
population in the Parintins area, as representative of a part of the diversity along
the R. Amazon. Although the authors found a large inter-genotype variation
within each population, which agrees with the descriptions of these populations
in Chapter 5, the samples may not have encompassed all of the diversity in
each population. While the results showed that the differences between drainage
Epilogue 325

systems were significant for all attributes measured, no indication is given as to

the actual values obtained for each attribute or to which the variability is
dispersed in each system. The greatest phenotypic distance was found in the
comparison of the R. Ji-Paraná and R. Japurá systems, but this result does not
agree with the genetic distance that may be deduced from the results of the
analyses performed by Marita (1998).
The variability expressed in the large sample that was collected in the
Parintins area was undoubtedly extensive, a result that confirms the visual
observations made, but it should be appreciated that the plants of the
specimens that were established were still in the developing stage when the
data were collected. This would have affected the ability to obtain a sample
that reflected the range of variability in the genotypes that represent the
population. This is one of the areas in the Amazonian Region and Amazon
Extension Zone where cultivation has been practised for centuries. The scale of
variability in each zone appears to be large and, like the naturally distributed
populations, large differences occur between zones.
Similar analyses of the variability that occurs within the populations that
derive from Equatorial Oriental Piedmont need to be made on the
morphological and molecular levels. In order to complete the picture of the
diversity in this region the germplasm collected should be amplified through
collections made in the upper R. Marañon valley and along the stretches of its
tributaries that flow within Peru. This would provide a basis for determining the
origins of the Ecuador ‘Nacional’ variety, and perhaps elucidate the true nature
of the variety situation in the littoral zone.
The third finding was that, from the point of view of the diversity that offers
the greatest potential for use in improvement of the species, the Solimões and
lower R. Japurá population is perhaps the most outstanding in this respect.
However, the Solimões has not been sampled for its diversity throughout its
entire length. In addition the lower reaches of the right-bank tributaries of the
Solimões remain to be explored. This especially includes the lower reaches of
the R. Purús, where observations made by travellers in the past have indicated
the existence of extensive occurrences of cacao.
In view of the fact that the diversity in the Amazonian Region is distributed
in discrete, apparently unrelated, populations it becomes inappropriate to
identify the diversity in the region by a general term, such as applying the
name Forastero indiscriminately to all genotypes from the region. It will be
necessary to adopt a system of nomenclature, which would be applied to
identify the populations individually.
As a result of the lack of comprehension of the subject, several
misconceptions exist regarding the genetic composition of the diversity of the
Amazonian Region. For example, Lanaud et al. (1999) wrote: ‘Les Forastero
de basse Amazonie et de la vallée de l’Orenoque sont largement cultivés dans
tout le bassin amazonien. La forme la plus typique en est l’Amelonado’ [‘The
‘Forastero’ of the lower Amazon and the Orinoco valley are widely cultivated
throughout the Amazon Basin. The most typical form is the “Amelonado”’].
As could be seen from the illustrations of fruits from the cultivated
populations in the region, elongate fruits occur frequently and are probably just
326 Chapter 10

as numerous as those within the concept of ‘Amelonado’ of Lanaud et al. Even

among the types to which this name for the fruit shape could be applied there
are considerable differences in the genetic constitutions of the genotypes
among and within populations. Similarly, because the short broad fruit shape is
not the most common within the diversity of the Amazonian Region and there
is no proof that it is the basic shape found in the natural populations, the
application of a subspecies concept called ‘Sphaerocarpum’ is inadmissible and
could be abolished.
On the basis of the few samples from the cacao population that occurs in
the upper R. Tapajós system, especially that of the R. Teles Pires, this variety
may well prove to be one of the most unique in the range of the diversity. Also,
the few samples from the R. Branco system indicate that a significant range of
variability is to be found in this valley and perhaps the adjacent tributaries of
the R. Negro. The importance of this population lies in the fact that it is isolated
from the main areas of dispersal of the species, except for a possible connection
with the upper R. Orinoco population.
Among the areas that should be investigated is that of the island of
Gurupá. This site should be a priority area for future collecting of germplasm
since it may provide evidence of the origin of the cultivated population in the
Amazon Extension Zone.
One of the most notable results from the collecting activities carried out in
recent years has been the evidence of the existence of several varieties with
fruits having red pigmentation on their surfaces. None of these varieties could
have been contaminated with genes from the hybrids with Criollo ancestry.
These findings satisfy one of the criteria suggested by Cheesman (1944), by
which it can be shown that the Criollo varieties introduced into the Circum-
Caribbean Region could have originated in the Amazonian Region. It remains
for investigations to be conducted to determine the genetic constitution of the
red-fruited Amazonian genotypes in order to establish the similarity between
them and the Criollo varieties.
In connection with the appearance of red-fruited genotypes in the
Mesoamerican populations an alternative scenario may be envisaged. This
would allow for the original introduction from South America to have consisted
of green-fruited varieties. During the course of time, a mutation would have
occurred that conferred the ability to synthesize anthocyanin pigmentation in
the fruits and other plant organs. Since the mutation was caused by a
dominant allele it would have become easily established. Subsequently,
selection for this trait, as described by Martínez (1912), resulted in red-fruited
genotypes becoming a dominant element in the Mesoamerican populations.
This scenario prompts various questions concerning the manner in which these
varieties were distributed as cultivation spread in the Region.
The occurrence of red-fruited genotypes in the Sub-Andean and
Catatumbo/Maracaibo areas of Venezuela would also be ascribable to chance
mutations of the same kind. Alternatively, these variants may have been
introduced from Mesoamerica. In either case, a similar process involving
selection for red fruits would have resulted in the formation of groups of
homozygous individuals in the areas to which cultivation was extended.
Epilogue 327

The diversity originating in the Equatorial Oriental Piedmont has a genetic

structure that also contains elements with phenotypic characteristics that
resemble those of the Criollo genotypes. However, the molecular analysis
indicates that the genetic distance between the two populations may be very
wide. In the due course of time this subject may be properly investigated with
regard to the mode of inheritance of the characters concerned and the
relationship between the two groups.
The germplasm collected in Peru in 1937 and 1938 has been given a
certain amount of space in this book. However, this should not be construed as
intentionally implying that this germplasm is more important than the other
elements of the diversity in the Amazonian Region. This germplasm contains
the oldest specimens from the Region known outside it and has gained a
degree of importance owing to its use in breeding programmes, albeit only a
small proportion of the collections have actually been used. The insufficient
information regarding the collections and the manner in which the individuals
have been identified prompt an interest in the determination of the parentage,
family structure and inter- and intra-family relationships. For these reasons
information about the collections has been interpreted in the context of the
knowledge acquired about the individual clones resulting from the collections.
An attempt has been made to explain how germplasm collections could be
managed to generate the information needed to elucidate situations of this
One of the messages that we have attempted to put forward in this survey
of diversity is that the differences among the populations and varieties are
based on the variability expressed in all organs of the plants and their habits.
Because of this situation it is old-fashioned to use only the fruit characters to
differentiate between varieties. All of the previous classifications of cacao
populations made on this basis should be discarded, as well as the terminology
related to fruit shapes and Cuatrecasas’ classification. These should be replaced
by a more logical system of classification.
Once we can clear our heads of the old-fashioned systems of classification
and apply a realistic system, it will become easier to understand the range and
nature of the species’ diversity.
In this survey we have also set out to demonstrate the importance of
mutations in creating the differences between populations and the variability
that exists within them.
At this time it is not convenient to speculate on the location of a centre of
origin of the diversity in the species. It is now obvious that the greatest diversity
occurs in the southwest and west of the Amazon Basin. The area of the
Solimões and R. Japurá has been highlighted as the region where the most
significant genetic diversity may be found. These regions are outstanding, not
only on the basis of the extensive variability contained in them, but also in
terms of the sizes of their cacao populations. The details of the dispersal of
variability in the Amazonian Region given in this book may be applied in the
formulation of hypotheses about the creation of the diversity and its nature. In
this respect an attempt has been made to suggest the possible areas in which
the diversity may have been created.
328 Chapter 10

It is not intended to discuss the anthropological aspects of the subject but it

is evident that some, perhaps on a significant scale, human activity in the pre-
Columbian era as well as in more recent times, has been responsible for much
of the distribution of the diversity. Since none of the history of these
developments has been recorded it is impossible to provide exact indications as
to what activities occurred in specific locations and the periods in which certain
populations were established. If it is accepted that the varieties in the Criollo
group originated in the Amazonian Region the transfer of the material from
South America to Mesoamerica must have been undertaken by peoples in
South America who had a use for the plant and, therefore, may have
domesticated it.
Some indications have been given in this book regarding the areas where
exploration would be beneficial, or at least add to our knowledge of the
diversity. It may already be too late to sample some of the other areas in which
the species is distributed and some of the collections made have already been
lost. The conservation of the ample diversity requires that more effort be made
than has been the case in the past and investigations carried out on the
inheritance of the characters of the individual genotypes and populations as
well as the determination of their genetic constitutions.

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Variety Names

Abbreviations and acronyms used to identify the genotypes and families

mentioned in the text and illustrations, with their equivalents and the origins of
the varieties and/or names.
BE Belém (Brazil)
CA Careiro (Island) (Brazil)
CAB Cacau da Amazônia Brasileira (Brazil)
CAM Cacau da Amazônia (Brazil)
CJ Cachoeira do Jarí (Brazil)
C. SUL Cruzeiro do Sul (Brazil)
EBC Expedición Botánica Caquetá
EEN Estación Experimental de Napo (Ecuador)
EET Estación Experimental Tropical (Ecuador)
ICS Imperial College Selection (Trinidad)
IMC Isla Morona Cocha (Peru)
M Museum (Trinidad)
MA Manaus (Brazil)
NA Nanay (Peru)
P Peru (Peru) (Pound, Trinidad)
PA Parinari (Peru)
RB Rio Branco (Brazil)
SCA Scavina (Peru)
SIAL Seleção do Instituto Agronómico do Leste (Brazil)
SIC Seleção do Instituto de Cacau (Brazil)
SPEC Specimen – Colombia 1952–1953 (Trinidad)
TAP Tapiche (Peru)
U Ucayali (Peru)
UCA Ucayali (Peru)
UF United Fruit (Company) (Costa Rica)


Abunã, R. (Fig. 18) 137 Araracuara (Fig. 21) 125

Acará, R. (Pará State, Brazil) 216 Arriba, Ecuador 22–23
Acre, R. (Figs 18, 23)
Acre, State, Brazil 113
Bahia, State, Brazil (Fig. 38) 220, 222–230, 304
Aguarico, R. (Fig. 21) 102, 120
Balao, Ecuador (Fig. 21) 203
Alenquer (Fig. 23) 149–152, 304
Barinas, State, Venezuela (Fig. 33) 177–178
Alligator, name 123, 186, 232
Belém (Fig. 23) 216
see also Lagarta/Lagarto
Belgian Congo (Fig. 47) 273
Almeida, variety 24
see also Congo, Democratic Republic
Alta Verapaz, Department, Guatemala 195–196
Belize (British Honduras) (Fig. 34) 190–191
Amanaven, variety 156
Bení, R. (Fig. 18) 134, 135
Amapá, State, Brazil (Fig. 23) 167
Berbice, R. (Guyana) 159, 247
Amazon Extension Zone (Figs 1, 23) 213–219,
BE 2, variety 42, 215–216, 284
Bobonaza, R. (R. Pastaza valley) 87
definition 5
Bolivia (Fig. 18) 134135
Amazon, R. (Figs 1, 5, 18, 23) 68, 73, 93–99,
Branco, R. (Mato Grosso) 137
Branco, R. (Pará) 150
Amazonian Region (Fig. 1)
Branco, R. (Roraima) (Fig. 23) 133–134, 326
characteristics 69–71
Brasileia 117
definition 5
Brazilian Genetic Resources Programme 12, 56, 57,
diversity 71–167
68, 110, 123, 128, 148
Ambon (Amboina) (Fig. 45) 260, 262, 265
Bucaramanga (Fig. 21) 242
Amelonado 19, 219, 241, 264, 267, 325
Anglo-Colombian Cacao Collecting Expedition 114,
122, 127, 130, 156, 177, 178, 244 Cabacinho, variety name 219
Angola (Fig. 47) 273 Cacao amarillo, variety 180
Angoleta 18 Cacao antigo, variety 245–246
Anthocyanin inhibitor gene 133, 143, 150, 151, Cacao Chuncho, variety 74
258, 285–286 Cacao Comun, variety 74
Antioquia, Department, Colombia (Fig. 21) Cacao del Indio 257
242–243 Cacao del Pais, variety 187, 238–239
Apaporis, R. (Fig. 21) 127–128 Cacao legítimo, variety 180
Apolo/Apolobamba (Fig. 18) 135 Cacao mestizo, variety 178
Aragua, State, Venezuela 179 Cacao Peñon, variety 178

338 Index

Cacao Real 244, 245 ‘Criollo’, variety

Caguán, R. (Fig. 21) 124–125 characteristics 169–171
Calabacillo 17, 203, 210, 240, 241, 249, 251, 254 defined 17
Cameroon (Fig. 47) 272–273 relationships 306, 323
Cametá (Fig. 23) 215, 216–217 Criollo Andino 175
Camopi, R. (Fig. 23) 164–167, 305 Criollo de la montaña 93, 85, 98
Cangaime, R. (R. Morona system) 85 Criollo de monte 119
Caquetá, R. (Figs 5, 18, 21) 108, 119, 124–130, Criollo del Pais 244
324325 Crioulo, variety 219
see also Japurá, R. Cruzeiro do Sul (Fig. 5) 112
Caracas, trade name/variety 5, 175, 179, 230, 232, Cuba (Fig. 40) 255
254, 269, 274, 294 Cuembi, R. (R. Putumayo valley) 122
Caravaya see Province of Caravaya Cultivated populations 7, 9–11, 144, 197–278
Careiro, I. (Fig. 18) 145–146, 304 characteristics 57–61, 197–202
Carúpano (Fig. 33) 179, 241 formation 46, 174–175
Carúpano, variety 22, 253, 206 Cundeamor, name 18, 267
Casiquiare Canal (R. Negro) 130, 155, 157 Cupari, R. (R. Tapajós valley) 142
Catatumbo, R. (Figs 21, 33) 176–177 Curaray, R. (Figs 5, 21) 100–101
Catongo, variety 24, 284 Curuçá, R. (Figs 5, 21) see Javarí, R.
Cauca, R. (Fig. 21) 242, 243
Ceylán, variety 23, 257 Demerara, R. (Guyana) 7, 246
Ceylon see Sri Lanka Descriptor list 26
Chandless, R. (Fig. 18) 115 Doce, R. (Fig. 38) 228
Chaparé, R. (Bolivia) 136 Dominica (Fig. 40) 251–252
Chetumal, Mexico (Fig. 34) 4, 190 Dominican Republic (Fig. 40) 175, 252–254
Chiapas, State, Mexico (Fig. 34) 182 Dwarf genotypes 319–320
Chinchipé, R. (Fig. 5) 81, 84 Dwarfs, Scavina 77, 289
Chovoni (Fig. 33)
Chuao (Fig. 33) 181 Ecuador (Figs 5, 21) 8, 84–86, 87, 99–103,
Chuncho, variety 74 121–123, 202–213, 302
Circum-Caribbean Region (Fig. 1) 167–196, Ecuadorian littoral zone (Fig. 21) 202–213
233–259 El Salvador (Fig. 34) 185
definition 5 Encontrados, R. (Fig. 33 – Lake Maracaibo) 176
Clementina, Hacienda 212 Envira, R. see Tarauacá, R.
Clone selection 202 Equatorial Oriental Piedmont (Fig. 5) 83, 84, 100,
Coca, R. (Fig. 5) 100 103, 282, 325
Cojón de Toro 21, 22, 206, 208, 272 definition 71–72
Colombia (Fig. 18) 8, 99, 119,178, 241–246 Esmeraldas ‘Criollo’ 246
Comum, variety 23, 222–223 Esmeraldas, Province, Ecuador (Figs 5, 21) 9, 209,
Comun, variety 74 245–246
Conambo, R. (R. Tigre valley) 87 Espírito Santo, State, Brazil (Fig. 38) 228–229, 304
Congo, Democratic Republic (formerly Belgian Essequibo, R. (Fig. 23) 7, 159, 161
Congo) (Fig. 47) 273 Estación Experimental Tropical, Pichilingue
Conservation 11–13 212–213
procedures 53, 61–63 Euleupousing, R. (R. Oiapoque valley) 166
see also Genetic Resources Conservation Expedición Botánica Caquetá 126
Contamana (Fig. 5) 75, 77, 79
Coppename, R. (Fig. 23) 162 Fernando Pó (Malabo), Equatorial Guinea (Fig. 47)
Costa Rica (Fig. 34) 189, 255–257 268, 270, 275
Cotyledon colour 42, 82, 83, 87, 100, 121, 122, Fiji (Fig. 45) 267
128, 132, 150, 160, 163, 177, 215, 244, Florencia (R. Caguán) 124
283, 284 Flowers
Courentyne, R. (Fig. 23) 159, 162 characteristics 32–36, 41, 101, 110, 112, 114,
Creoulo, variety name 268 116, 121, 123, 126, 127, 129, 133,
Crinipellis perniciosa (Stahel) Singer 75, 207 124, 137, 140, 148, 155, 157, 165,
Criollo, defined 16, 17 170, 215, 244, 284–285
Index 339

petal ligule 32, 24–25, 117, 118, 129, 137, Içá, R. (Putumayo, R.)
140, 165, 194 Icatú (Maranhão State, Brazil) 218
stamens 35, 80, 97, 101, 116, 157, 285 Ilhéus (Fig. 38) 222, 225
staminodes 32, 34, 42, 215, 285 Inbreeding 62, 92, 313, 314, 316
Flush leaf colour 30, 42, 83, 100, 110, 113, 117, Incompatibility 40, 86, 91–97, 170, 228, 290–292,
121, 123, 127, 129, 150, 215, 281–285 303, 314
Forastero, defined 16, 17 India (Fig. 45) 10, 265
Forastero, variety 18, 254, 262, 264, 266 Indigenous South American peoples 6–7, 46, 47,
French Guiana (Fig. 23) 163–167 59, 69, 74, 75, 81, 106, 114, 115, 125,
Fruits 126, 140, 144, 154, 158, 328
colour 38, 42, 87, 108, 110, 111, 122, 125, Indonesia (Fig. 45) 262–263
126, 127, 128, 137, 151, 153, 161, Inirida, R. (Fig. 21) 156
170, 175, 180, 193, 204, 217, 218, 228 International Cocoa Germplasm Database 24, 66
inheritance 280–281 Iquiri, R. (R. Madeira system) 138
husk properties 37, 108, 114, 143, 156, 160, Iquitos (Figs 5, 21) 96–97, 98
171, 175, 203, 216, 244, 288 Irirí, R. (Fig. 23) 154
pulp colour 40 Island, varieties (IMC) 96–97, 98
shape 36–37, 82, 86, 89–90, 96, 108, 110, Itacoatiara (Figs 18, 23) 146148
111, 121, 120, 122, 124, 125, 126, Itaquai, R. (Fig. 5) see Javarí, R.
127, 128, 129, 130, 137, 141, 142, Izabal, Lake (Guatemala) 190, 196
148, 150, 151, 154, 156, 158, 160,
162, 209, 210, 211, 215, 217, 218, Jaca, variety 31, 227–228, 296
223, 225, 228 Jacaré, variety (=Alligator) 23, 219
inheritance 286–288 Jaén (Fig. 5) 81, 83
surface characteristics 37, 80, 86, 67, 89–90, Jamaica (Fig. 40) 8, 23, 254–255
91, 98, 101, 108, 110, 116, 121, 122, Jamarí, R. (Fig. 18) 138–140, 302
123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 137, Jandiatuba, R. (Figs 5, 21) 111
141, 148, 153, 160, 161, 193, 270 Japurá, R. (Caquetá, R.) (Figs 5, 18, 21, 23)
Jarí, R. (Fig. 23) 154–155
Gabon (Fig. 47) 273 Java (Fig. 45) 262–263
Genetic resources management 26, 61–67 Java ‘Criollo’ 262, 263
conservation 11 Java Porcelaine 20, 263
organization 2 Javarí, R. (Figs 5, 21) 110–111, 304
Ghana (Gold Coast) (Fig. 47) 274–275 Jequitinhonha, R. (Fig. 38) 222, 225
Golden Caracas, variety 19, 246–247 Jesuits (Society of Jesus) 7, 81, 135–136, 140, 167,
Grenada (Fig. 40) 249–250 214, 217
Guadeloupe (Fig. 40) 248–249 Jí-Paraná, R. (Figs 18, 23) 138–142, 324–325
Guainía (Figs 21, 23) 130 Juruá, R. (Figs 5, 18, 23) 111–113, 301–302
Guaporé, R. (Iténez, R.) (Fig. 18) 136–137 Jutaí, R. (Figs 5, 21) 111
Guatemala (Fig. 34) 184–185, 190, 258–259, 306
Guaviare, R. (Figs 21, 23) 155–156 Kanaku Mountains (Guyana) 161
Guayabita, Hacienda 180–181, 240–241 Kérindioutou (R. Oiapoque valley) 165, 166
Guayaquil, variety 22, 23, 83, 202, 258, 269
Guayas Basin (Fig. 5) 23, 203 Lacandon, Region (Fig. 34) 194–195, 306
Guayas, Province, Ecuador 203 Lagarta/o 23, 89, 95, 184, 185, 186, 193
Gurupá, I (Fig. 23) 144, 167, 219, 326 Lagos colony 276
Guyana (Figs 23, 33) 158–162, 246–247 La Palma, variety 189
La Pedrera (Fig. 21) 127–128
Honduras (Fig. 34) 196 Laranja, variety 20, 270
Horqueta, Jorquette 15 Leaf shape 30–31, 80, 105, 109, 120, 128, 129,
Huallaga, R. (Fig. 5) 81–83 137, 139, 141, 142, 151, 155, 160, 166,
Huíla, Department, Colombia (Fig. 21) 242–245 223, 288
Hybridization 62, 314 Leaf texture 31, 141, 142, 211, 231, 283
Hypocotyl pigment 281 Leiocarpum, variety 19–20
Lethal mutations 149
Iaco, R. (Figs 5, 18) 116 Liberia (Fig. 47) 277
340 Index

London Cocoa Trade Amazon Project (LCTAP) 99, Niger Protectorate (Fig. 47) 275
102, 120, 121 Nigeria (Fig. 47) 275–277
‘Lower Amazon’ (Fig. 23) 152–153 Northwest District, Guyana 247
Luteus – PA 289 Nueva Granada 5, 8, 168

Madeira, R. (Figs 18, 23) 134–138 Ocumare de la Costa (Fig. 33) 179–181, 240–241
Madre de Dios, R. (Figs 5, 18) 135, 136 Ocumare, variety 181, 237, 274–275
Magdalena, R. (Fig. 21) 242, 243–245 Oiapoque, R. (Fig. 23) 7, 163–167, 305
Malaysia (Fig. 45) 10, 265 Orinoco, R. (Figs 23, 33) 7, 155, 156, 157–158, 305
Mamoré, R. (Fig. 18) 136, 137 Orteguaza, R (R. Caquetá valley) 124
Manabí, Province, Ecuador (Fig. 21) 203, 209 Ovule number 36, 41, 97, 109, 114, 128, 148, 165,
Manaus (Fig. 23) 171, 218, 226, 293–294
Maracaibo, Lake (Fig. 33) 8, 172, 174
Maracaibo, variety 176 Pachitea, R. (Fig. 5) 75, 77, 79
Maracujá, variety 23, 227–228 Padamo, R. (R. Orinoco system) 7, 156
Maranhão, State, Brazil (Figs 23, 38) 217–218 Pajarito, variety 24, 243, 245
Maranhão, variety 223–225, 226–227 Panama (Fig. 34) 257
Marañon, R. (Figs 5, 21) 81–93, 103, 302 Panguientza, R. (Ecuador, Oriente) 85
Martinique (Fig. 40) 348 Papua New Guinea (Fig. 45) 266
Martinique Créole, variety 23, 241, 249, 251, 252, Papurí, R. (Fig. 21) 132
254, 255, 257, 259, 307 Pará, State, Brazil (Figs 23, 38) 223, 226, 227
Marudi Mountains (Guyana) 161–162 Pará, variety 23, 224–225
Mataruki, R. (R. Essequibo, Guyana) 161 Pardo, R. (Fig. 38) 220, 222
Matina, variety 256 Parinari (Fig. 5) 88–92, 302–303
Maturity period 46, 76, 320 Parintins (Fig. 23) 148–149, 324–325
Mesoamerica (Fig. 1, 34) 168, 181–196, 255–259, Parthenocarpy 297
306 Parú, R. (Fig. 23) 154
Mexico (Fig. 34) 83, 182, 191–195, 257–258, Pastaza, R. (Figs 5, 21) 84, 87
259, 306 Patia, R. (Nariño, Colombia) 245
Mira, R. (Figs 5, 21) 245 Patuca, R. (Honduras) 196
‘MO’ families, characteristics 86 Pauini, R. (Fig. 18) 115–117
Moa, R. (Fig. 5) 112, 302 Peduncles 38
Mocorongo, variety 142–143, 287 Pentagonum, defined 19, 22
Mojú, R. (Pará State, Brazil) 214, 216 Pentagonum fruit shape 18, 109, 127, 171, 184,
Montserrat, variety 24, 252 189, 193, 238–239, 274, 276, 275, 288
Morona, R. (Figs 5, 21) 85–86 Perené, R. (Fig. 5) 75
Morphology 2728 Peru 73–84, 86, 88–99, 104–105, 110, 114, 136
Moyobamba 82 Petal ligule see Flowers
Moyobamba, R. (R. Huallaga valley) 82 Petén, Department, Guatemala (Fig. 34) 194–195
Multiple trunk stands, composition 48–52 Philippines (Fig. 45) 10, 259–260
Mutation 31, 92, 227–228, 230, 270, 289–290, Pimenta, mutation 230
295, 296 Polochic, R. (Fig. 34)
Polyembryony 163, 294
Nacional, variety, Ecuador 203–204, 261, 303, 324 Population
Namangoza, R. (R. Zamora – Santiago system) 85 characteristics 50–52
Names classification 45, 46
plant parts 15–16 definition 4445
varieties 16–20 Porcelain(e), varieties 20, 231, 247, 263, 264
Nanay, R. (Figs 5, 21) 94–96, 98 Porcelana, variety, defined 16, 176
Nanay, varieties 94–96 Porcelana, variety, distribution 177
Napo, R. (Figs 5, 21) 87, 94, 99–106, 302 Province of Caravaya (Fig. 5) 71–72, 74, 112, 113,
Napo, variety 104 136
Nariño, Department, Colombia (Fig. 21) 9, 245 Pucallpa (Fig. 5) 75, 77
Negro, R. (Figs 18, 23) 130, 132134 Puerto Asis (R. Putumayo system) 120
Nicaragua (Fig. 34) 185–189, 258 Puerto Leguizamo (R. Putumayo system) 120
Nicaragua, Lake (Fig. 34) 185, 189 Puerto Nuevo (R. Putumayo system) 120, 122
Index 341

Puerto Rico (Fig. 40) 176, 255 Staminodes see Flowers

Puerto Rodriguez (R. Putumayo system) 121 Sucumbios, R. (San Miguel, R.) (Figs 5, 21)
Purús, R. (Figs 5, 21, 23) 112, 114–117, 285, 302, 120–122
317, 324–325 Surinam (Fig. 23) 162–163, 230–232
Putumayo, R. (Figs 5, 18, 21, 23) 102, 117,
119123 Tabasco, State, Mexico (Fig. 34) 191–195
Takutú (or Tacutú), R. (Fig. 23) 155, 158
Quitaro, R. (Guyana) 160 Tambo, R. (R. Ucayali system) 74
Quixito, R. see Javarí, R. Tapajós, R. (Figs 18, 23) 140–143, 326
Tapiche, R. (Fig. 5) 75, 79, 80, 112
Reproduction Tarauacá, R. (Figs 5, 18) 113–114, 302, 317–318
sexual 53–57, 292–293, 309, 310, 312 Teapa, R. (Tabasco, Mexico) 194
vegetative, artificial 53–56, 201, 309, Tefé (Fig. 18) 108, 109
210–311, 312 Teles Pires, R. (Figs 18, 23) 141, 326
vegetative, natural 48–50 Tenguel (Fig. 21) 210–211
Requena (R. Ucayali system) 79–80 Tigre, R. (Figs 5, 21) 87, 88
Rio Branco, Town, Brazil (Fig. 18) 115 Tocantins, R. (Figs 23, 38) 5, 213, 215
Rio de Janeiro, State, Brazil (Fig. 38) Toledo, R. (Belize) 190
Royal Niger Company 275 Tolima, Department, Colombia 242–245
Rupununi, R. (R. Essequibo, Guyana) 159, 161 Tomé-Açu (Pará State, Brazil) 216
Tree architecture and habit 27, 28–30, 48–49, 101,
St Lucia (Fig. 40) 249–250 113, 117, 121, 123, 126, 128, 132, 177,
Samoa (Fig. 45) 265–266 189, 211, 215, 221, 224, 318–320
Sampling procedures 52–54 Trinidad (Bolivia) (Fig. 18) 135–136
see also Conservation Trinidad and Tobago (Figs 33, 40) 8, 11, 188–189,
Sanchéz, trade name 254 212, 223–224, 234, 236–239
San Faustino (Fig. 21) 242 Trinidad–Ecuador Cooperative Programme (TECP)
San Felipe (Fig. 33) 179 99, 102, 120, 121
San Miguel, R. see Sucumbios R. Trinitario, variety, defined 22, 240
San Vicente (Fig. 21) 242
Sangre de Toro, variety 21, 238 Uatamã, R. (Fig. 23) 148
Santa Ana (Bolivia) (R. Beni system) 135 Ucayali, R. (Fig. 5) 73–81, 301–302
Santarém (Fig. 23) 144 Uganda 278
Santa Rosa, Hacienda 179–180 Upano, R. (Fig. 5) 84, 85
Santiago, R. (Figs 5, 21) 84–85 Urubamba, R. (Fig. 5) 74, 301
São Matéus, R. (Fig. 38) 228 Usumacinta, R. (Fig. 34) 191, 192
São Tomé Creoulo, variety 11, 268, 270, 273, 275
São Tomé e Príncipe (Fig. 47) 10, 268–270 Variety, definition 45
Sarare, R. (Colombia, Venezuela – Fig. 33) 174 Vaupés, R. (Figs 5, 21, 23) 132
Scavina (SCA), variety 75–77, 112, 301, 316–317 Venezolano, variety 22, 206–208
Seed shape 40 Venezuela (Fig. 33) 172, 174–178, 240–241
Seed size 39–40, 85, 101, 127, 130, 160, 171, Victoria Botanic Garden (Fig. 47) 272
294–295 Victoria Kakao 272
Selection 12, 59 Vilcanota, R. (R. Ucayali (Urubamba) system) 74
Sibún, R. (Belize) 190
Sierra Leone (Fig. 47) 277 West African Amelonado 11, 275, 276, 305–306
Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Fig. 33) 178–179 Western Samoa (Fig. 45) 266
Single plagiotropic branch habit 170 Witte cacao 262–263
Soconusco (Fig. 34) 182, 200
Solimões (Figs 5, 18, 21, 23) 106–110, 304, Xingú, R. (Figs 23, 38) 153–154
Sonsonate (El Salvador) 185 Yurimaguas (R. Huallaga system) 81
SPA, variety 104–106, 129, 284
Sphaerocarpum 20, 270 Zambo, variety 206
Sri Lanka (Ceylon) (Fig. 45) 10, 230, 264–265 Zamora, R. (R. Santiago system) 84–85
Stamens see Flowers Zanzibar 278

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